Trump Leader Chosen by God

  • 2 days ago
More recently, Trump triumphed in the electoral college in 2016 thanks to wafer-thin victory margins in the three blue-wall states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin despite gaining about 2.7m fewer votes than Hillary Clinton across the nation.
00:00Silly when you see people talking about you, it means you're going somewhere
00:04You know when you are the head you become a headache to your enemies
00:08When you are the top you become the topic and the target
00:12So that is the reason why they are targeting you but listen to me as your moccas keep talking behind your back
00:20God will bless you before their face
00:24Going somewhere. You know when you are the head you become a headache to your enemies
00:30When you are the top you become the topic and the target
00:34So that is the reason why they are targeting you but listen to me as your moccas keep talking behind your back
00:42God will bless you before their face
00:46Seeing him. I saw him winning the the presidency through great
00:51The Lord show me it would go clear into the the summer great
00:54Persecution would come on him through the judges and through the through the law and all these people trying to sue him and all this stuff
01:01But there would be a stop to it and their things would start to
01:04Break free come toward the fall and then I saw him winning the election
01:10suddenly I
01:12saw a vision and
01:13The Lord began to speak to me about the United States again
01:18and he said three
01:20powerful Prince angels
01:23stationed with President Trump
01:27Just like the angels stood with King Darius to strengthen him
01:33You read that in Daniel chapter 11 verse 1
01:37This angel who stood with King Darius now King Darius is not a Christian
01:43He's not even a Jew. He's a Gentile a
01:47Persian King
01:50God's Prince angel
01:52Was appointed to stand with him to guard him and protect him in the similar manner
02:01three a three powerful Prince angels are
02:06stationed with President Trump and
02:09They will strengthen him and
02:12He will triumph
02:14So what exactly that would triumph means? I don't know
02:20It can mean he will be reelected
02:23It can also mean he will overcome all the big bets that were thrown at him
02:29He will triumph youtuber prophesied Trump assassination attempt months ago
02:34The Lord told me Brandon Dale Biggs a man from Oklahoma
02:38Yahweh Elohim showed Brandon Biggs a vision from God that foresaw the attempted assassination of Donald Trump in a podcast
02:45Recording that was uploaded to YouTube on March 14th
02:48Biggs predicted that Trump will face a bullet and that it would pass by his ear
02:53The vision was two weeks before solar eclipse
02:56Brandon said I saw Trump rising up and then I saw an attempt on his life
03:00Biggs told the tapings host pastor Steve chocolatey
03:03This bullet flew by his ear and it came so close to his head that it busted his eardrum
03:09He said mentioning that he saw the vision a few weeks before the taping
03:13The youtuber went on to say that he witnessed that Trump collapsed to his knees and started worshiping the guy and then he said
03:19Trump is going to face opposition and court battles
03:22This will cause patriots to rise up all in red and come for voting in numbers all throughout and I saw Trump rising up
03:29And then I saw an attempt on his life
03:32That this bullet flew by his ear and it came so close to his head that it busted his drum eardrum
03:40And I saw we've also a more sure word of prophecy
03:44Where run do you do?
03:45Well that you take heed as unto a light that shineth in a dark place
03:49Until the day dawn and the day star arise in your hearts knowing this first that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private
03:58Interpretation for the prophecy came not in all time by the will of man
04:02But holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost
04:05Surely the sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets the solar eclipse of April 8th
04:122024 also known as the great North American eclipse was a total solar eclipse visible across a band
04:20covering parts of North America from Mexico to Canada and crossing the contiguous United States a
04:26Solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between Earth and the Sun
04:31passes between Earth and the Sun
04:33Thereby obscuring the Sun a total solar eclipse occurs when the moon's apparent diameter is larger than the Sun's
04:41blocking all direct sunlight
04:43Totality occurs only in a limited path across Earth's surface
04:47With the partial solar eclipse visible over a larger surrounding region dot solar eclipse of April 8th
04:542024 which was between the 29th of Aadhaar and first of Nissan
04:595784 now, please let's welcome and enjoy the prophetic ministry of
05:06Brandon Biggs and Amanda Grace as we were just recently together talking about the solar eclipse
05:13Hey discover Church. I'm here with two special friends that I know, you know, well Amanda Grace and Brandon Biggs
05:20So we just want to get into the prophetic right now and share God's heart
05:25Whatever God's revealed to each of us about this critical time in
05:30US history, so we know that the solar eclipse is coming and
05:34I just want to hear your heart. What do you think? I mean, it's obviously very very critical very important
05:41And then what do you think the interesting part about this?
05:44Is that this eclipse first of all is sandwiched right in between two major Jewish holidays
05:49So literally this sandwich between Purim and Passover
05:53which are two holidays that have to do with deliverance for God's people holy days on the Jewish calendar, but you have New York and
06:00Texas now connected not only by this statue
06:03But by the fact that they both have the Nineveh cities in it where the eclipse is going to pass right through
06:08Where it's gonna be viewable. Wow
06:11Amazing. Yeah, I didn't know that what the Lord has showed me about this eclipse is that he said
06:17Basically when I was praying a couple weeks ago, he said to me he said Brandon
06:21I want you to watch Passover for when Passover comes there's going to be an
06:26Acceleration of things even more so from what it was from Rosh Hashanah to Rosh Hashanah
06:31Here is a vision Yahweh is revealing to this prophet
06:35This is a prophetic vision and notice they all point to April 8th. They were discussed this on the March 14th
06:432024 two weeks before solar eclipse
06:46Whenever there is solar eclipse
06:48It is a sign of bad omen before we go into the prophetic vision, which prophet Brandon Biggs saw
06:55Let us look into solar eclipse on the April 8th
06:592024 and how this eclipse occurred on with the Jewish calendar dates odd dar 29 and Nissan first
07:07number three
07:09equatorial regions locations near the equator experience solar eclipses roughly once every
07:1522.8 years
07:16for recent and upcoming eclipses April 8th
07:212024 a total solar eclipse was visible across parts of the United States, Mexico and Canada
07:28That was between odd dar 29 and Nissan first
07:33October 2nd
07:342024 an annular solar eclipse visible in parts of North and South America
07:40That is between a little 29 and Tishri first March 29th
07:462025 a partial solar eclipse will be visible in Europe, North Asia, North
07:51West Africa and parts of North and South America
07:55That is between odd dar 29 and Nissan first
08:00Then Biggs vision Yahweh showed him based on
08:032024 eclipses there was a total solar eclipse visible across parts of the United States on April 8th
08:112024 this event provide a spectacular view for those within the path of totality
08:17prophetic visions dreams
08:19Glimpses flashes or visions you would like to know is always short
08:24Now most of the time when God gave a vision it is short God never detail it
08:30For example if God wants to speak and say something before it happened. He only gave maximum three words
08:37It is up to you to take it up in prayer
08:40Sometimes it comes not in a chronological order to Peter chapter 1 verses 19 to 21
08:46We have also a more sure word of prophecy
08:50Where unto you do well that ye take heed as unto a light that shineth in a dark place
08:56Until the day dawn and the day star arise in your hearts
09:00Knowing this first that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private
09:07For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man
09:11But holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost
09:15Amos chapter 3 verse 7 surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets
09:24So Brendan Biggs saw the vision 14 days prior to solar eclipse
09:29solar eclipse Joel to 31 prophecy and omens the vision was explained on March 14th solar eclipse on April 8th
09:382024 odd are 29 to nissan first
09:435784 the Sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood
09:48Before the great and terrible day of the Lord come this passage appears to refer to both a solar eclipse
09:55Sun turned into darkness and a lunar eclipse moon turned into blood for the Jews
10:01Christians and Islam the solar eclipse is a direct sign from God about judgment heading to the earth for human sins and the end of
10:10Several passages from the Bible state that in the last days there will be signs from God shown in the Sun moon and stars
10:19Genesis 1 14 and God said let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night and
10:27Let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years
10:32God showed him the vision the vision that the coming solar eclipse is a judgment America the solar eclipse was to wake up America
10:41please let's welcome and enjoy the prophetic ministry of
10:46Brandon Biggs and Amanda Grace as we were just recently together talking about the solar eclipse
10:53Hey discover Church. I'm here with two special friends that I know, you know, well Amanda Grace and Brandon Biggs
11:00So we just want to get into the prophetic right now and share God's heart
11:05Whatever God's revealed to each of us about this critical time in
11:10US history, so we know that the solar eclipse is coming and
11:14I just want to hear your heart. What do you think? I mean, it's obviously very very critical very important
11:20Yeah, what do you think the interesting part about this?
11:23Is that this eclipse first of all is sandwiched right in between two major Jewish holidays and judgment
11:31Not only for the wicked but high government officials
11:35Amazing. Yeah, I didn't know that what the Lord has showed me about this eclipse is that he said
11:41Basically when I was praying a couple weeks ago, he said to me he said Brandon
11:44I want you to watch Passover for when Passover comes. There's going to be an
11:50Acceleration of things even more so from what it was from Rosh Hashanah to Rosh Hashanah
11:55He said but this will be a time of great
11:58Acceleration and he said you'll see acceleration in the in the financial realm. He said you're gonna see
12:03Acceleration in the politics and you're gonna see acceleration in war and he told me he said these things are going to it's it's like
12:10It's it's he said Oh for he said for my son's return is imminent a new wave of patriotism
12:17coming out and that's whenever I saw Trump and I saw that I saw a red wave coming out of
12:24Michigan and then I saw Oklahoma and there was embers of people and they were all on
12:29These these they had torches all throughout, Oklahoma
12:32And they were raising up these torches that looked like fire and they were bringing forth a new
12:37Patriotism upon the nation and it was coming
12:40It was being birthed and it just kept spreading
12:42Like fire all throughout America all throughout and I saw Trump rising up and then I saw an attempt on his life
12:49That this bullet flew by his ear and it came so close to his head that it busted his drum
12:56eardrum and I saw he was he fell to his knees during this time frame and
13:02Then I saw people
13:04Proceeding when he and I see him. I saw him winning the the presidency through great
13:10the Lord show me it would go clear into the the summer great persecution would come on him through the judges and through the
13:17Through the law and all these people trying to sue him and all this stuff
13:20But there would be a stop to it and their things would start to
13:24Break free come toward the fall and then I saw him winning the election
13:29Through the Patriots coming out and voting and then and then and then there will be a great economy crash
13:34I saw they had a great economy plan a crash
13:38Worse than the the Great Depression and the Lord warned me about this
13:43It would be a great dark time
13:45but I saw paddles coming upon America's soil like a shocking of the soil and I saw
13:51Donald Trump praying in the office of the of the Oval Office and he was weeping before the Lord with his hands on his
13:58Head like this, but he was weeping and there was ministers and people
14:02I don't know if they are senators or Congress people or whatever there
14:06I just saw them pacing and back and forth inside of the the
14:10The White House and sorry the the what is the White House?
14:14But it's the Oval Office and they were
14:16Interceding all inside there and I could feel the presence of Lord so strong on this and then I could see that
14:21darkness, that was the heaviness upon America with that with the the
14:27the financial crisis of what I saw coming it started to lift above the trees and I saw the blue and the and the things
14:35Coming back out in the green times and the good times coming back again
14:38but the Lord said it would be forth as a time of a season of a
14:43Shaking and it would be a shakening to awaken and and in this there. This would
14:49Basically that he was not done with America there would be a great revival come and there's it's it's not all doom and gloom
14:56That's what he said. The sky is not falling if there's a time of it's like Donald Trump cannot have one day of peace, right?
15:04They are trying to do everything they can against him
15:09So they try to bankrupt him they try to imprison him
15:13They tried to off him and it didn't work
15:16So, you know now they are indicting him again for January 6th the whole situation
15:22They are trying to bring back the case in Florida
15:27You know
15:28That's why I support Trump so much because the media and the system is so against him
15:33That it just makes me feel like he is doing something, right?
15:37And then I saw people
15:40Interceding when he and I see him. I saw him winning
15:44the presidency through great
15:46The Lord show me it would go clear into the the summer great
15:49Persecution would come on him through the judges and through the through the law and all these people trying to sue him and all this
15:56Stuff but there would be a stop to it and their things would start to
16:00Break free come toward the fall and then I saw him winning the election
16:05So on the 28th of September
16:09That was the day of Yom Kippur the morning of Yom Kippur
16:14so as usual
16:17At 9 in the morning I knelt down to pray and as I knelt down
16:23my spiritual eyes were opened and I saw I look into heaven or I saw a
16:30Group of angels and saints of God they were going somewhere
16:35So I was wondering where is everyone going to and they all like seem in a hurry
16:43To go and as I was looking
16:47One among the many angels turn and looked at me and he said
16:53Come and join us
16:55So I asked them where are you going?
16:58He said come quickly
17:01Come quickly
17:02Which means don't ask question. Just come just come
17:07So the next moment I was translated and I joined the angels and they said come let's go quickly
17:14and we came to the
17:17throne room not the throne room, but
17:20another place
17:22Where all the people in heaven gather before the Lord Jesus Christ
17:28So it was like a large
17:32Square like a meeting area and there was a huge group
17:38mostly saints in heaven
17:40angels of God and there was some
17:45People from the earth who were invited there
17:49So when I reached there
17:53So let's suppose to just give an idea
17:56Let's suppose the size of the gathering hall is about the size of this church
18:03So I
18:04Came and stood right at the back. You know, they all are saints and I'm just a commoner
18:09the destiny of the United States in
18:13relationship to
18:15choosing the right president
18:17Have never heard from the Lord in the previous years
18:21like that
18:22So he said go and warn them of
18:27the judgment that will come upon them if
18:31They choose the wrong president
18:37Now referring to mr. Trump
18:39Should continue for another term
18:42For God's purposes to be done for this nation
18:48Which means
18:50God is extending his grace
18:55Towards the United States of America
18:59For one more time
19:01one more time
19:03Mr. Trump should continue for another term for God's purposes to be done for this nation
19:10Which means they are not finished yet
19:15God wants to give you another four years of grace
19:19Four years to
19:25Something restart. It's a restart. So this first four years
19:31Was just following the ground
19:34following the ground
19:36So the next four years will be for the seeds to germinate
19:42For the shoots to come and for flowers to come and for fruits to come and the tree to blossom and grow and
19:51You will be once more
19:55Be a respected nation a
19:59Nation that's looked up presently
20:02And I'm sad to say this. I'm sorry to say this
20:06No nation in the world respects America
20:10High reputation that America once had is at all-time low
20:16It's not because of mr. Trump not because of him
20:20It's a system that has accumulated
20:23Like dust, you know dust gathers dust accumulated to what where we are today
20:33The purposes of God for this nation
20:38Is not over yet
20:41on the
20:42So the first part of the word I received on Yom Kippur
20:46then on the 5th of October as
20:49I was studying the book of Daniel in chapter 11
20:54suddenly I
20:56saw a vision and
20:57The Lord began to speak to me about the United States again
21:01and he said three
21:04powerful Prince Angels
21:06Are stationed with President Trump
21:11Just like the angels stood with King Darius to strengthen him
21:17You read that in Daniel chapter 11 verse 1
21:21This angel who stood with King Darius now King Darius is not a Christian
21:27He's not even a Jew. He's a Gentile a
21:31Persian King
21:34God's Prince Angel
21:36Was appointed to stand with him to guard him and protect him in the similar manner
21:44three a three powerful Prince Angels a
21:50station with President Trump and
21:53They will strengthen him and
21:56He will triumph
21:58So what exactly that would triumph means? I don't know
22:04It can mean he will be reelected
22:07It can also mean he will overcome all the big bets that were thrown at him
22:13He will triumph. Did you hear that? Wow, this was March 14th great and I repeat great persecution will come upon him
22:20Great persecution by his opponents and finally at the fall, you know
22:25What will happen break through break will and is coming his way
22:28Silly when you see people talking about you, it means you are going somewhere
22:32You know when you are the head you become a headache to your enemies
22:37When you are the top you become the topic and the target
22:41So that is the reason why they are targeting you but listen to me as your moccas keep talking behind your back
22:49God will bless you before their face
22:53Going somewhere, you know, when you are the head you become a headache to your enemies
22:58When you are the top you become the topic and the target
23:03So that is the reason why they are targeting you but listen to me as your moccas keep talking behind your back
23:11God will bless you before their face
