Beyond Bizarre - Spontaneous Combustion | Fragonard Museum | Haunted Railway Track in San Antonio | UFO Footage | UNARIUS Interdimensional Science | Alien Implants |

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Beyond Bizarre - Spontaneous Combustion | Fragonard Museum | Haunted Railway Track in San Antonio | UFO Footage | UNARIUS Interdimensional Science | Alien Implants |

Documentary television hosted by Jay Robinson focused on exploring great mysteries around the world, from ghost sightings, alien encounters and everything else in between.


00:00The following program contains scenes some viewers may find disturbing. Discretion is advised.
00:08Come with us now as we investigate the mysterious fires of spontaneous human combustion.
00:16View the very bizarre collections in the Fragonard Museum.
00:21Listen and learn from the strange story behind a famous urban myth.
00:28Delve into the subject of the latest UFO research and see for yourselves the strange objects known as alien implants.
00:45Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Jay Robinson.
00:51In this episode we are arming ourselves for an expedition to bag big game.
00:57We will attempt to track down the most elusive subjects ever captured on camera.
01:04Our quarry is the unusual and its domain is the realm of the unknown.
01:11Join me as we hunt for stories that are truly beyond bizarre.
01:51Fire can be a friend or an enemy.
02:17To meet our demise in flames is one of the most feared ways of dying.
02:25However, within the last few hundred years, and for possibly longer, people have burned to death in a most mysterious fashion.
02:39A bizarre kind of burning that starts from within.
02:48Larry Arnold has studied and documented over 400 cases of spontaneous human combustion.
02:56Spontaneous human combustion is the phenomenon and the ability of a human body to actually burst into flame and burn more completely than normally a crematorium would achieve.
03:07The historical exploration of spontaneous human combustion actually goes back several centuries.
03:12Dickens wrote about such a scene in his novel Bleak House.
03:15Now Dickens was taken severely to task for invoking something so impossible as spontaneous human combustion.
03:22But the irony is that Dickens, a novelist, got his science right.
03:27From its discovery until today, man has had a love-hate relationship with fire.
03:34The evil and the wicked were burned at the stake.
03:39Under control fire is beneficial, but out of control, horrific.
03:46Generally all fires, controlled or uncontrolled, burn with an external source of ignition.
03:54This is the case with spontaneous human combustion.
03:58Reportedly people have burst into flames and their bodies burned to ash with no source of external flaming evidence.
04:08One notable instance of spontaneous human combustion is the case of Dr. John Bentley in 1966.
04:18On the morning of December 5th, a utilities meter man discovered the scene of the doctor's demise.
04:27All that was left of the doctor was his nearly untouched foot still in his bedroom slipper.
04:36We are told by scientists who have experimented on the effects of fire upon a cadaver
04:42that in a retort the skeleton will burn to powder
04:47only when the temperature is in excess of 3000 degrees Fahrenheit for 12 hours.
04:56How could anyone survive a bout with spontaneous human combustion?
05:02Jack Angel is one man who survived his alleged spontaneous combustion incident.
05:09In November of 1974, he fell asleep and awoke the next morning to find his right forearm was burned to a crisp.
05:20The doctor who treated Mr. Angel reported that the burns were internal in origin and seemed to burn from the inside out.
05:31While Jack Angel lost his arm and had very strange burns upon his chest,
05:37other supposed survivors have no visible marks whatsoever.
05:45Science used to believe that all cases of spontaneous human combustion were fatal.
05:49How else could you survive becoming a human fireball when your body was burned to dust?
05:54What we have found in our research is an incredible subset of victims,
05:59people who have survived partial self-immolation or going up in smoke
06:04and who have lived to tell their incredible tales.
06:07Peter Jones is a quiet man.
06:10He has talked extensively with Larry Arnold about his surviving acclaimed spontaneous combustion incident.
06:21At the time I was getting ready to go to work in the morning and I had gotten up and my wife was still in bed
06:27and I was sitting on the edge of the bed just getting dressed and I leaned over to put my clothes on.
06:35And smoke seemed to erupt from his legs.
06:41He was just sitting in a cloud of billowing smoke.
06:46He was surrounded by smoke.
06:48And she was patting on me and kind of, you know, like, out and hit me on the back and the legs.
06:56I thought his room was on fire, the bed was on fire.
07:02And then I jumped up and I looked under the blanket.
07:05I thought, you know, the blanket was on fire, the bed.
07:08And I was looking under the bed and the mattresses and everything.
07:11We couldn't see anything and the smoke just dissipated.
07:15If I wasn't there, I wouldn't believe it either.
07:20I would not be there.
07:22If I had not been there, if anybody told me this story, I would not be there.
07:29He survived his supposed close call with the fires from within.
07:34However, he was soon to have a second encounter.
07:38That afternoon, coming home from work, I was driving my car and pulled up to a stop
07:44and had my hands up on the steering wheel and all of a sudden my arms just burst out of smoke again.
07:51Arms of smoke just pouring from both arms and filled the inside of the car with smoke.
07:56I was rubbing my arms, you know, trying to, I don't know if I was trying to stop it or what,
08:01but, you know, trying to figure out what it was.
08:07And quickly it started to stop, you know, maybe 20 seconds or something like that,
08:13and then I just drove home.
08:17In a typical structure fire, heat rises.
08:21In classic spontaneous human combustion, however, just the opposite is more likely to occur.
08:28This incident comes from a Miss Kay Fletcher.
08:32Unable to be interviewed on camera, it allowed us an exclusive first-time telephone interview.
08:39And I felt an energy kind of moving, traveling up the left side of my back toward the shoulder.
08:52I said, Mike, I think I'm on fire.
08:56He started kind of furiously and quickly and trying to put whatever it was out.
09:04Kay and Mike struggled to find the source of the smoke.
09:08It quickly dissipated, leaving only a puzzling red welt, which vanished less than two hours later.
09:18The stove and other appliances were off.
09:21There were no external sources of ignition to answer this mystery.
09:27When my husband and I were finally brave enough to talk about this,
09:31he said that when he was in high school, he worked at a funeral home,
09:35and he said they had a crematorium where they would dispose of bodies.
09:39He said that that odor was unmistakable, and it was exactly like what he smelled in our kitchen that day.
09:47If you are wondering whether you may suddenly combust, Larry Arnold offers some pointed advisories.
09:56We believe that people who are classic type A personalities,
10:00who are prone to get hot under the collar,
10:03whose temperament expresses fiery rage and red hot anger,
10:09those people are the type more likely, it seems statistically based on research,
10:15to become victims of spontaneous human combustion.
10:18So keep your cool. It can pay off.
10:22In France, shortly before the revolution in 1789,
10:28it was fashionable for sophisticated hosts to take pleasure in shocking their guests
10:36with a peek at their cabinets of curiosity.
10:41These cabinets often contained gruesome examples of some monstrous biological rarity.
10:51One man was renowned for his artistry in displaying these bizarrities.
10:59His name was Honoré Fragonard.
11:03We are all familiar with the normal types of museums found around the world.
11:08But there are occasionally some lesser known, but very bizarre museums
11:13that seem to exist somewhat beyond the mainstream.
11:18The Fragonard Museum is one amazing example.
11:23Honoré Fragonard was an 18th century French anatomist.
11:28He directed one of France's first veterinary colleges outside Paris.
11:34His methods of dissection and preservation were very advanced for his day.
11:46Indeed, Fragonard was a gifted scholar of the human form in intimate detail.
11:51And although many contemporaries respected him,
11:55others believed he was mad.
12:03Fragonard seemed to take a perverse joy in his anatomical and biological rarities and mutations.
12:13One could plainly witness the evidence of a very curious mind.
12:18An artist fascinated by the bizarrities of nature.
12:24To Fragonard's studio came the oddest examples of pathological animal mutations.
12:31This two-headed cow-calf was of great interest,
12:35for it had lived this way for a good time after its birth.
12:40Fragonard's collection provide mute testimony to this curious mind.
12:48This era of curiosity.
12:54It seemed that every body part was too precious to waste.
13:00This fetus with fused lower limbs was called La Sirène, or the mermaid.
13:10Horses, of course, were very important in the 18th century.
13:14A very large portion of the collection is dedicated to these creatures.
13:22This preserved foal was a victim of hydroencephalism, or water on the brain.
13:30This huge globe of calcified minerals is actually a horse's gallstone,
13:36at over 12 inches in diameter.
13:40Dr. Christophe de Gers is the present-day curator of the Fragonard Museum.
13:50During the 18th century, anatomy went through a revolution,
13:54a time when great minds approached science.
13:59A massive tapeworm, removed from its fatally affected victim,
14:04is quite a monster to share one's body with.
14:10The parasites fascinate people.
14:13Even today, when researchers disagree about a parasite,
14:17they must come here to find the answer.
14:21Fragonard excelled at one thing in particular,
14:24the sculpting of actual human flesh and bone.
14:29And it was these frightening works of art
14:32that earned him his most bizarre reputation.
14:36Some of these works are almost entirely defleshed,
14:40showing the inner workings of bone, tendon, and sinew.
14:44These strange items he dubbed écorché, or skinless.
14:51He was a formidable artist.
14:53In Man with Mandible, see the twisted ears,
14:57the diverging eyes, the chiseled lips, the menacing look.
15:01It presents an enlarged red heart.
15:04It stands out, an artistic interpretation of anatomy.
15:10Fragonard would elaborately
15:12and almost theatrically pose his creations.
15:16This type of work shows how dramatically
15:19Fragonard tried to combine both art and science.
15:23But, at last, for science,
15:26Fragonard never wrote about his techniques.
15:29And what we know about his mysteriously effective methods
15:33is only guesswork.
15:35Perhaps the single most bizarre piece
15:39in this quite bizarre collection
15:42is the work known as the Horseman of the Apocalypse.
15:47This straight-backed rider
15:49poses as if holding the reins at a whip
15:52and appears to be frozen in mid-stride,
15:55this unsettling appearance,
15:58almost too shocking to be viewed as art.
16:04The écorché are theatrical pieces, showcasing death.
16:08But Fragonard's work is more than theatrical.
16:12They exist to shock the public,
16:15as was the purpose of the Cabinets of Curiosity,
16:19in a spirit of challenge of society's principles
16:23prior to the French Revolution.
16:26There is a legend that perhaps the rider of the horse
16:31was indeed a beloved of Fragonard's,
16:35exhumed after death and given immortality
16:39as an écorché.
16:42These are real bodies,
16:44worked, sculpted, dissected, and mummified.
16:48Flesh, bones, veins, arteries,
16:51injected with wax or plaster.
16:54This is a museum's museum.
16:57Nothing has changed in a hundred years.
17:00But Fragonard suffered great challenges and indignities
17:04for following his father,
17:06his contemporaries as well as the head of the school
17:10had grown afraid of Fragonard.
17:13After nearly 40 years,
17:15he was dismissed from the Veterinary College.
17:19Fragonard went on to create his curiosities
17:23for a select few of the European elite.
17:27Fragonard died in 1799,
17:31on the eve of a new century,
17:34without descendants to watch over his collection.
17:38Fortunately, we are here today
17:41for all to come and see and experience
17:45artistic, scientific,
17:48and certainly beyond bizarre.
17:54As children, most of us have sat around the campfire
17:59or darkened bedroom with our friends,
18:03telling ghost stories,
18:06and these tall tales would gain substance
18:10with each successive account.
18:13An urban myth is a local or even regional legend
18:17or story that over time and retelling
18:21has become nearly accepted as fact.
18:25But there is a fine line between myth and reality,
18:31as you'll soon see.
18:36San Antonio, Texas,
18:38is the site of one of America's most perplexing
18:42and mysterious urban myths,
18:44contains the elements of a ghost story
18:47combined with continuing supernatural occurrences.
18:52Our story begins here,
18:54where the Villa Main Road
18:56and the Southern Pacific Railroad tracks intersect.
18:59Dosha Williams is the author of several books
19:02on Texas history and supernatural happenings.
19:06The story in various versions has been told for a long time
19:10that a busload of young school children
19:13were leaving San Antonio late one afternoon
19:16on a very gloomy October afternoon.
19:22The bus driver's route took him down Villa Main Road
19:26to where it intersects with the Southern Pacific Railroad tracks.
19:31Attempting to cross,
19:33the driver stalled the bus on the tracks.
19:59Oh, my God!
20:09The basic story has variations.
20:12Some claim it was a church bus instead of a school bus.
20:18The story has been set in the 20s, 30s,
20:22the 40s and the 50s.
20:28The age of the children in the bus remains in dispute also.
20:37The story goes that ever since the freight train school bus accident,
20:41the spirits of the children who were killed
20:44have clung to this particular spot.
20:47And if a car parks some distance away
20:50and the gears are put into neutral,
20:53and even though it's a slight uphill road,
20:56the car will suddenly start moving
20:58as if unseen little hands are pushing it along
21:01to be sure it will go over the tracks safely
21:04and not stall on the tracks
21:06as the school bus did that very tragic October afternoon.
21:09And people often dust the back of their vehicles
21:12with talcum powder or cornstarch or flour,
21:15and what happens, little handprints are imprinted
21:18on that flour or on that talcum powder,
21:21and people actually see these tiny little handprints.
21:26A teacher and her group of students happened by
21:29while our crew was filming the scene.
21:32What do you think is happening then when we're going over the...
21:35There's a hill. It's not a hill. Where is the hill?
21:38Gravitational force, scientific explanation.
21:41But it's elevated right there. How do we get across that?
21:44I just find it hard to believe that they're going to stay here
21:47on this plain for the longest time
21:50and that there's no record of it whatsoever.
21:53But they have a mission. They're here on this plain.
21:56You're talking about the plains of existence?
21:59They have a mission here. They have a mission.
22:02But let me tell you something.
22:05My sister that's into all this psychic and the mind game
22:08and all that stuff, she really believes in that.
22:11One day when she was coming over the tracks
22:14to also come over the tracks like we just did today,
22:17she was crossing the tracks going that way,
22:20and a limousine was coming this way.
22:23And she saw a little girl pushing the limousine.
22:26She can describe the little girl in detail.
22:29Now, if something that you're imagining,
22:32and she describes it the same way every single time,
22:35how can that be?
22:38The limousine never stopped to pick up this little girl.
22:41Where did the little girl go?
22:44This story is very popular within the city of San Antonio.
22:47I would venture to say of the city this size,
22:50over a million people, that 75% of the people
22:53that have been here for any length of time
22:56would have some knowledge about what has occurred
22:59down there at the spot in the railroad tracks.
23:02We sat there, we put the car in neutral,
23:05and the car did go over the tracks,
23:08and we believe that it was the spirits of the kids.
23:11I've seen the kids' fingerprints, their hands all over my car
23:14when I put dust on it, and I do believe it's them
23:17that they're pushing the car, and they're doing it
23:20because they don't want that to happen again.
23:23At this time, we haven't seen anything in our police records
23:26to substantiate that this incident ever did occur,
23:29and I guess the logical conclusion that anybody would have
23:32to this particular accident was it never did happen.
23:35Our information here at the library goes back to 1865.
23:38Through the years, I've received numerous phone calls
23:41from historians, the staff, the public, readers,
23:44people who are interested in the bus crash
23:47on Cheyne and Villamayne.
23:50Some stories indicate it happened over 60 years ago.
23:53Some people say it happened 40 years ago,
23:56but there's been no evidence from the records
23:59to show that this ever happened.
24:01If the story is not true,
24:04what is the explanation for the nearby neighborhood street names
24:08purported to be those of the children who died in the wreck?
24:16Our crew contacted local expert Roy Williams,
24:20former deputy commander of the Texas Highway Patrol in San Antonio.
24:25For 37 years in law enforcement,
24:29his credentials are well established.
24:33We asked him to help us confirm or deny
24:36the story of the children pushing cars over the railroad tracks.
24:41On Exelene's car,
24:44Mr Williams checks the elevation of the road approaching the tracks.
24:48Apparently, an uphill climb.
24:51Only after Roy had wiped down the back of his truck
24:55does he apply a liberal coating of talcum powder.
25:00Roy is a born skeptic,
25:03but time and time again, the same thing happens.
25:08And just as in the stories we've heard,
25:12the car starts its uphill journey and over the tracks.
25:44The first thing we did on the back of the vehicle here,
25:48was clean cloth and clean the back of the vehicle off very well
25:51where there wouldn't be any latent prints on the vehicle before we dusted it.
25:55As we came across the tracks and after the vehicle stopped,
25:59when I got out, I have some very clear prints
26:03on the blatant prints on the back that is in the powder,
26:06where we do definitely have prints on the back of the vehicle.
26:12I have no other choice to believe it
26:15because I know it was clean because I cleaned it
26:19and I looked and there was no prints there.
26:21And immediately when I get out and look,
26:23I'm looking now at these prints where a hand is touched here
26:28and also one over here.
26:31What else can you say? I have no explanation for it,
26:34but I can definitely say there is prints
26:37that's made on top of the talcum powder that I've just put on.
26:42Is the San Antonio school bus story just another myth?
26:47Or is there more to it?
26:50Perhaps pushing into the areas of the supernatural
26:54that are currently beyond our comprehension
26:57and even further beyond the limits of the bizarre.
27:04UFOs, unidentified flying objects,
27:09have occupied human thought throughout recorded history,
27:14from Roswell and beyond.
27:18Humans have struggled with the burning question,
27:21are flying saucers real or merely a fantasy?
27:27To answer this question,
27:29we'll consult the researchers and examine their evidence.
27:34We will meet the Unarians,
27:37who are more than prepared for future visits from aliens.
27:43To the casual observer,
27:45the phenomenon of UFOs is confusing at best.
27:49It is difficult to sort out facts from fiction.
27:52There are, however, some researchers who work diligently
27:56trying hard scientific evidence of UFOs
28:02while exposing the scams.
28:05Don Ecker, research director for UFO magazine,
28:09is one of these researchers.
28:11The fringe elements in this field
28:13have always garnered all the media attention
28:16and it makes it that much more difficult
28:18for legitimate researchers to get their position out to the public.
28:23Don Ecker believes that one of the biggest problems
28:25is that the media exploits the more sensational stories,
28:29such as the alleged alien autopsy.
28:33Ecker feels that many of these stories may have been fabricated.
28:40Although the evidence found in many UFO stories
28:43does not hold up under scrutiny,
28:46Ecker has discovered a few cases that cannot be explained,
28:50defined as a hoax, natural phenomenon or optical illusion.
28:56In fact, some of the most compelling evidence
28:59comes from our own government.
29:04In March of 1989, a Maryland ham radio operator
29:09intercepted a very strange transmission from the space shuttle.
29:15It was the voice of the Discovery pilot
29:17transmitting on a secret government channel.
29:22Houston, this is Discovery.
29:24We still have the alien spacecraft under the cover.
29:30This was not the first, nor would it be the last,
29:34of NASA's alien encounters.
29:37One of the stories that we were fortunate enough to break
29:40involved a shuttle mission that took place in September of 1991.
29:45The mission was STS-48 and it involved the space shuttle Discovery.
29:51While the shuttle was flying
29:53at approximately 200 miles above the surface of the Earth,
29:57a series of events happened
29:59that were unlike anything ever seen from outer space before.
30:03The shuttle's camera captured an object traveling up the screen,
30:08suddenly making a sharp right turn,
30:11just before a second object flies through its original flight path.
30:16But what kind of craft could maneuver so quickly?
30:22My speculation is that it was some type of a Star Wars device
30:27that I believe may have been fired at this object.
30:31For what reason, I have no idea.
30:33But you'll see, just as the object makes the right angle turn,
30:37something flashes up on the screen
30:40to the point where this UFO would have been.
30:43Now, there is nothing that we know of right now,
30:47currently with our technological level,
30:50that would allow an object like that under human control
30:54to be operating in space.
30:56So if it's not something of ours,
30:59unless it's a deep black government project,
31:02then we have to ask ourselves, what is this UFO?
31:06I would suggest that there is something there
31:09with an extremely high degree of strangeness.
31:11When UFO Magazine broke the STS-48 story,
31:15a NASA official publicly claimed on CNN
31:19that the anomaly was most likely shuttle bay debris
31:24or waste water dumped into space.
31:27Official statements have often added to the confusion.
31:31In certain corridors of power in Washington, D.C.,
31:34there were genuine fears that these incursions
31:38might lead to something else.
31:41As crazy sounding as it may be, perhaps even an invasion.
31:49We've been able to explain them as hoaxes,
31:53as erroneously identified friendly aircraft,
31:56as meteorological or electronic phenomena,
32:00or as light aberrations.
32:03There are tens of thousands of UFO reports each year worldwide.
32:09So with all this smoke, is there any fire?
32:13Stanton T. Friedman, a nuclear physicist,
32:17has looked at all kinds of photographs and video images
32:21of alleged UFO sightings.
32:24With today's modern technology,
32:26it's not too difficult to fake any kind of photographs.
32:29You know what computers can do.
32:31You see it on television all the time.
32:33But that isn't so true for pictures of flying saucers
32:36taken 20, 30, 40 years ago, even 10 years ago.
32:40Friedman believes that these older images must be true.
32:44This first image is from a movie camera.
32:47It shows a white disc-shaped object
32:50moving across the screen from right to left.
32:53This entire sequence takes roughly 1 20th of a second.
32:58As the footage was recorded in 1952,
33:02the visual evidence is difficult to dispute.
33:06In these photographs, there are two different views of an object
33:10which defy explanation.
33:12The first is of a disc-shaped object
33:15suspended above an Oregon farmhouse.
33:18The second is of the same object from a different angle.
33:23These images were examined by a research laboratory,
33:27and the photos could not be disproved.
33:32This next picture was taken by a French military pilot
33:37of a very similarly shaped craft.
33:40However, it was taken 4 years later and 6,000 miles away.
33:46The next set was taken by an official Brazilian Navy photographer.
33:52This enlargement shows an outline of an object
33:56above the Brazilian mountains.
33:59There are at least 50 different companies on this planet
34:02that could build things that look like that.
34:05But I know of none that back in the 50s
34:07could build things that look like that and fly like that.
34:10High speed, sharp turn, no noise,
34:13no visible external engines, no wings, no tail.
34:16If it wasn't built here on Earth, it was built someplace else.
34:21With all of this supposed evidence,
34:25it is not hard to fathom the reactions some people may have
34:29and the beliefs they may form.
34:32Groups such as the Unarians are ready, willing, and able
34:36to assist their space brothers in establishing Earth
34:40as the 33rd member of the Interplanetary Confederation.
34:45The significance of this site that we call the landing site
34:49is that it is the locale for the landing of 32 spaceships.
34:56This is the Unarius Academy of Science's future campus
35:00to be called Star Center No. 1.
35:03A non-profit entity funded by donations,
35:06the Unarius Academy of Science
35:09teaches students the Unarian philosophy of life.
35:13The Unarians distribute their beliefs in written publications
35:17printed at their facility,
35:19and in videos produced in their own television production studio.
35:27The library at the academy is filled with books and videos
35:31all reinforcing the belief that the space brothers
35:36will land and unite humanity.
35:40Although the Unarians are colorful and imaginative
35:44and some may say a bit bizarre,
35:48with all the alleged evidence of alien visitors,
35:52who knows?
35:54They may be right.
36:00Stories of UFO sightings amaze us all.
36:05Ah, but what about personal encounters
36:09between extraterrestrials and ourselves?
36:13Let's take a look now
36:16at what may be actual evidence that aliens are real
36:22and that they may implant objects in our bodies
36:29without our knowledge.
36:32Since man has sought answers to the unexplainable,
36:44seeking help from the heavens,
36:46he wondered,
36:48what lay beyond?
36:50And am I alone?
36:53Recently, mysterious objects have been discovered
36:57and removed from human bodies.
37:00How they entered their victims is unknown,
37:04but some believe that they are alien implantations,
37:08which is possible proof that aliens are already among us.
37:13Peace out there, I'll find you.
37:15They may be from another planet, another star, whatever.
37:18Probably very close.
37:20In fact, maybe even from here.
37:23Why are they here? Why are they doing what they're doing?
37:25I mean, this is so bizarre to me.
37:27The world focused its attention on UFOs and meteorites
37:32in an often disputed crash
37:35that occurred at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.
37:39This was reflected in the films of the era,
37:42dominated by frightening images of aliens
37:46seeking to control and take over.
37:50What did these aliens bring with them?
37:54And what could they give us?
37:57Or put into us?
38:01I understand that the alien implantation,
38:05first gained credence,
38:07is now fueling the search for extraterrestrial life.
38:11I was introduced to the subject of alien implantation
38:15sort of accidentally.
38:17I met an investigator by the name of Daryl Sims
38:22who had been investigating this phenomenon
38:25for a number of years.
38:27I am a consummate skeptic because of my scientific background.
38:31His initial reluctance was surpassed
38:34by the unexplainable findings brought to his attention.
38:38Daryl Sims was contacted by a woman
38:41whose case would later bind the doctor to Sims and his cause.
38:46Pat Connolly presented some information to me
38:49and in the course of the discussion,
38:52I said, well, what would convince me
38:55that you've had this experience that you allege?
38:58She responded, I have some x-rays.
39:01These x-rays contained two unidentified objects
39:05in the toe of the right foot.
39:08Stranger still, it caused the woman no pain.
39:12If not for an unrelated hospital visit,
39:15she would have been completely unaware of their existence.
39:19He showed me some x-rays of feet
39:22with some interesting objects in it.
39:26I looked at them and was not impressed.
39:30And then she had a mere medical report
39:33in which states that these objects
39:35were some kind of surgical clips
39:37that were installed due to previous surgery.
39:39The only problem is there was no history of previous surgery.
39:42And I said, well, can you prove that?
39:45And he said, well, I just happen to have all the medical records here.
39:48If you would like to take the time to go through them,
39:51I'd be happy to give them to you.
39:53And I said, well, I'll tell you what.
39:55You get the patient to California
39:57and I will do the surgery for you, charge.
40:00Prior to the surgery, Dr. Lear received a call from SIMS,
40:04who based on experience with previous cases,
40:07predicted the outcome of the surgery.
40:12Number one is you're not going to find
40:14any kind of inflammatory response, either acute or chronic.
40:17I said, second thing is you're going to find nerve cells
40:20and you're going to find a lot of them.
40:22For Dr. Lear, the surgery was a routine removal of a foreign body.
40:27With over 30 years' experience,
40:29he expected this surgery to be a normal one.
40:33He examined the area and found no visible autometry.
40:39For the first half hour, the doctor probed diligently,
40:43looking for elusive objects,
40:46and was surprised by an unexpected reaction.
40:50Suddenly, I touched something and the patient violently objected.
40:55Her foot jerked off the table, she came out of the anesthetic.
40:59With enough anesthetic to numb her entire leg,
41:03her reaction betrayed the existence of nerve endings,
41:07in this case, proprioceptors,
41:10found only on the surface of fingers and toes.
41:16Why would the tissue surrounding this object be loaded with the nerve cells?
41:20Down deep within the guts of a toe, down near the bone,
41:23they would have absolutely no function.
41:25From one side of the toe, we removed an object that was T-shaped
41:30and wrapped with a very dark, grey, dense, shiny membrane.
41:36On one end, the object was rounded like a bullet,
41:40perhaps to penetrate the skin.
41:42The opposite end was shaped like a barb or a fishhook,
41:47allowing it to stabilize in soft tissue without moving.
41:52But this was only the beginning
41:55of the peculiar events in store for Dr. Lear.
42:00Agreeing to perform similar surgeries,
42:03the surgical team uncovered an identical object
42:06from the hand of a male patient.
42:09The following year, they would perform more surgeries,
42:13each one yielding an implant of unexplainable origin.
42:20Each of these objects was connected to a bundle of misplaced nerves.
42:25Surrounding tissues showed no signs of reacting to these foreign bodies.
42:31So to find no evidence of any inflammatory reaction whatsoever is very peculiar.
42:37What technique was used to insert these objects into the flesh
42:42without causing a reaction and leaving its host completely unaware?
42:57Analysis by world-class laboratories, however,
43:01did little to determine the origin of the objects.
43:05Only one of the elemental building blocks could be identified as an extraterrestrial metal,
43:12previously found in meteorites.
43:16The significance of these objects to the medical world remains to be seen.
43:21Properly replicated, this technology might prevent
43:25the rejection response in organ transplantation.
43:31The implications for the prolonging of human life could be immeasurable.
43:37But there are more immediate concerns.
43:40Where do these objects come from?
43:43Are they benign flukes?
43:46Or do they serve another purpose?
43:49There are some popular theories.
43:51One is that they may be a tracking device for tracking the individual remotely.
43:56Another theory which I really subscribe to more
44:00is that they may be devices for monitoring certain body functions
44:05as we do with our astronauts.
44:07Or they also may be for monitoring certain biochemical or genetic functions
44:13or perhaps even monitoring pollutant levels of the body.
44:17But Darrell Sims has his own ideas about aliens and these implantations.
44:23In my view, they lie and they lie consistently.
44:26They do not tell these people the truth.
44:28They don't tell them where they come from.
44:30They don't tell them a lot of things.
44:31They hide things in people's bodies for 41 years
44:33and won't even leave a scar and tell you that it's there.
44:38Some of the things that are going on in the intelligence community
44:41is being held from the American people and has been.
44:44At first, probably for good reason, but not anymore.
44:48I don't know whether they're here to help us or save us or fix the planet or whatever.
44:52I suspect things are different than that.
44:57Whether these visitors are here to help us or hinder us is unknown,
45:03though their existence is almost undeniable.
45:08Well, this entire incident has gone on to virtually change my life.
45:14How could I ever be so egotistical as to think that we're the only living creature
45:19in the vastness of even the visible universe?
45:29Myths and legends, bizarre phenomena, UFOs and aliens.
45:36These are things that have inspired us to track down those people,
45:42places and events that are truly different.
45:47I'm Jay Robinson, and I hope you've experienced the thrill of the chase.
45:54Join us next time as we continue to pursue and capture
46:00ever more strange and unusual stories in this world we call Beyond Bizarre.
