Beyond Bizarre -- UFOs - Joaquin's Head - Wolf Boys of Mexico - Modern Mummies

  • 2 weeks ago
Documentary television hosted by Jay Robinson focused on exploring great mysteries around the world, from ghost sightings, alien encounters and everything else in between.


00:00Today's newspapers are full of UFO sightings, mysterious crop circles, and reports of alien
00:12Do humanoid-appearing creatures from other worlds really exist?
00:16Well, here's one man who claims they do.
00:22The ancient Romans called them fiery shields.
00:25The ancient Greeks called them chariots of fire.
00:28The ancient Chinese called them fire boats, B-O-A-T-S.
00:33And down through human history, it's recorded by people whose sole responsibility it was
00:40to record unusual aerial phenomena.
00:43This dates back thousands upon thousands of years, and it's continuing to this day.
00:49Meet Dr. Frank E. Strangers, author and lecturer on the subject of UFO phenomena.
00:57He is also the president of the National Investigations Committee on UFOs, and according
01:02to Frank, their membership newsletter adheres to high journalistic standards of reporting.
01:09Over 45 years of research and investigation into unidentified flying objects and alien
01:14encounters has led Frank to the publication of several books on the subjects.
01:20In Stranger at the Pentagon, Dr. Strangers relates the story of his initial meeting with
01:25Commander Valiant Thor, a Venusian spaceship captain.
01:29His relationship with Thor continues to this day.
01:32Commander Valiant Thor is an individual whose photograph was given to me by an Air Force
01:37photographer called August Roberts, and he gave me this picture claiming that he took
01:42these pictures at a place in Highbridge, New Jersey, at the lawn UFO lecture at the home
01:49of Howard Menger.
01:50I said, who is this man?
01:51He said, well, this man claims to come from another planet.
01:54I said, Augie, what have you been smoking?
01:56Not too long after that, I was invited to Washington to speak at a church convention,
02:01and after the meeting, this woman comes to the platform, and she identified this picture
02:06as someone she thought I should meet.
02:10And she said, how would you like to meet him?
02:11I said, I most certainly would.
02:13And she said, meet me downstairs in front of your hotel tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock,
02:17and I'll take you to where he is.
02:19Needless to say, I got very little sleep that night.
02:22But the following morning, bright and early at 8 o'clock, I was downstairs.
02:26She picked me up, brought me to the Pentagon.
02:28I got through two security guards going in and through two security guards coming out
02:34with no ID whatsoever.
02:37This man, Commander Valiant Thor, to my understanding, is everything that he said he is.
02:42In essence, in a nutshell, he claims to come from the inside of the planet Venus.
02:47He's a phenomenal individual.
02:49He has an IQ that dumbfounded the experts at the Pentagon.
02:54Basically, he looks like a normal human being, as you can see his picture.
02:59He did depart from this planet on the morning of March 16, 1960, after being at the Pentagon
03:04for three years.
03:06He left the Earth for one year, and then he appeared in the backseat of my car when I
03:10was driving to my attorney's office in Beverly Hills one year to the day, March 16, 1961.
03:16And this voice booms out of the back of my car,
03:18Hello, Frank, how are you?
03:20Well, I nearly ran a red light, but after I parked the car, he got in like a normal
03:25individual in the front seat of the car, and he's been here ever since.
03:30According to Dr. Strangers, Valiant Thor's spacecraft is currently based somewhere in
03:35the desert terrain near Nevada's huge Lake Mead Reservoir, when, as occasion warrants
03:42Frank meets with Valiant Thor aboard the craft, named Victory One.
03:50My meetings with Val continue to this day, from 1961 to this present day, and the reason
03:57for the secrecy is that he believes, he stated, that he is acting within a time frame, and
04:04when the time comes for him to reveal himself to masses, then he will, and not before that
04:11Dr. Frankie Strangers, authority or charlatan?
04:16If not Valiant Thor, then who is this man in the mysterious photos?
04:21Is a giant spacecraft based somewhere near Lake Mead?
04:25If so, why has it remained unseen by thousands of yearly visitors?
04:31Until we know these answers, Dr. Frankie Strangers' encounters with Valiant Thor will remain in
04:39a twilight world that is truly beyond bizarre.
04:46Dr. Strangers, a man who seems to be able to keep a cool head when confronted with the
04:55California bandit Joaquin Murrieta wasn't so fortunate.
04:59He lost his head in an encounter with California Rangers in 1853.
05:06Walter Johnson of Santa Rosa, California, is a collector of western memorabilia, and
05:12his prize relic is strange, to say the least.
05:17Oh really, almost all my life I've been interested in the old west, mainly California history
05:24and civil war in that era, and I've collected guns for several years, and Indian artifacts
05:30and western artifacts, but I believe my prize is my buddy here, old Joaquin Murrieta.
05:42California Rangers, under the command of Captain Love, ambushed Joaquin and his gang at Cantina
05:47Creek on July 7th, 1853.
05:51As proof of their actions, they cut off Joaquin's head.
05:55For several years, it was displayed in California saloons before being exhibited at the Stockton
06:02Walter Johnson is the present owner of this truly unique relic of western history.
06:14Every once in a while, a story hits the headlines which mystifies some people and angers others.
06:20As the case of two Mexican brothers dubbed the Wolf Boys first appeared in the press,
06:26many people around the world have dismissed it as apocryphal or quite simply a crude hoax.
06:32Circus performers Danny and Larry Ramos Gomez have been cruelly compared to werewolves because
06:38of a rare genetic disorder which has left them totally covered with thick, curly black
06:44hair from head to toe.
06:46Some people refuse to believe they even exist.
06:49Fourteen-year-old Larry and little brother Danny, age nine, were born into poverty in
06:54a small Mexican village.
06:56A number of their relatives have also been affected by the rare syndrome.
07:00The brave brothers were paraded like freaks in a humiliating peep show and taunted as
07:05Los Ninos Lobos, the Wolf Boys.
07:08But a chance to escape and see the world was offered to them by Roberto Campa, director
07:14of the Mexican National Circus, which he recently brought to England.
07:45The brothers' medical condition has baffled experts here in Britain.
07:54Doctors who have examined them in Japan, Argentina and America have also drawn a blank.
08:01We don't know exactly what causes the disorder because the condition itself is excessively
08:05rare but we do have some information from drugs that produce a similar effect.
08:10Basically what's happening is the growth part of the hair cycle has been switched on
08:14continuously and all the follicles of the body are affected, but particularly the face
08:19and the scalp.
08:20Do you like England?
08:24Do you want to be in the circus all your life?
08:27A mi el circo es una vida.
08:29Si se muere el circo yo me muero.
08:32He said to me the circus is life.
08:34If the circus die, I die too.
08:38The treatment for this disorder would have to be linked to finding out why their hair
08:43follicles have been continuously stimulated.
08:46Shaving would just produce a temporary improvement in the same way that you just shave your beard.
08:50The same goes for electrolysis.
08:52It would produce a temporary improvement, but because of the constant stimulation the
08:55hair would grow back.
08:57The boys have now returned home, but it was a sad day when the circus left town.
09:02Man came to say adios to the endearing Mexican visitors.
09:07Coming up, the modern miracle of people frozen in time.
09:13Next, journey from the ancient pharaohs to modern day mummies.
09:20From time immemorial, man is worried about his mortality and the inevitability of death.
09:29In ancient Egypt, the pharaohs built great pyramids and temples to perpetuate their lifetime
09:36needs and conquests.
09:38In the far reaches of the Pacific, Polynesians interred the remains of royalty in secret
09:44caves to keep enemies from stealing the mana or powers within their bones.
09:52After the collapse of the Roman Empire in the Dark Ages, Europe's reformation brought
09:58about new religious concepts concerning life after death and the salvation of souls.
10:05Funeral practices began to take their present form with burials in cemeteries.
10:15As Europe's small villages grew into towns and from towns to great cities,
10:21space for the dead became prime real estate.
10:26This led to the creation of carnal houses where the disinterred remains of former citizens
10:32were collected in a space-saving move.
10:36Incredibly enough, in some places, the practice continues to this day.
10:41With no more tombstones to mark their passing, village painters inscribe the deceased's names
10:48and dates of death on the exhumed skulls.
10:52They are then gathered in the carnal house, the final resting place,
10:57until a future generation decides they must be moved again.
11:07For those who died and were interred in the township of Guanajuato, Mexico,
11:12Mother Nature had a rude surprise.
11:16When families could no longer afford to pay the rent on a loved one's gravesite,
11:21they were exhumed, revealing that, due to minerals in the dry soil, they had been mummified.
11:33The disinterred were placed in a church hallway, men, women and children,
11:38their faces frozen in a final vision.
11:51For many people, the spectre of their eventual demise is unthinkable,
11:57so they seek immortality of body as well as soul.
12:01To satisfy this demand, cryonic clinics have been established.
12:06A body must be prepared within 24 hours of being exhumed,
12:11and the body must be buried in the ground.
12:16Cryonic clinics have been established.
12:19A body must be prepared within 24 hours after death for cryonic suspension.
12:24First, the blood is drained.
12:27Then a balanced salt solution is flushed through the circulatory system.
12:32Next, the body is connected to a perfusion apparatus,
12:36and a glycerol solution is placed into the deceased.
12:41This reduces freezing damage that might occur and prevents cell deterioration.
12:46By freezing the dead, it is hoped that sometime in the future,
12:50the deceased can be brought back to life.
12:53Trans Time of Berkeley, California, are cryonic specialists.
12:58The procedure is quite costly, so the money for it must be provided in a will.
13:04After being placed in a sleeping bag and wrapped in a plastic casing,
13:09the body is put in a capsule filled with liquid nitrogen
13:13and held at a bone-chilling 320 degrees below zero.
13:20If cryonics prove successful,
13:23the future will be inhabited by humans from the past.
13:34The Egyptians developed the art of mummification,
13:38preserving the body of the dead so that its spirit lives on.
13:44It is believed that the Egyptians mummified over 730 million people,
13:49and although the practice died out long ago,
13:52it has recently been resurrected, healthy and alive,
13:56at Lynn University in the state of Florida.
13:59Embalming is a temporary process,
14:03whereas the ancient art of mummification...
14:06Today, these students are being trained to bring a very dead art form back to life once again.
14:12It's something that I've been very interested in for a long time.
14:16I'm extremely excited about it.
14:18The more you become involved, the more fascinated you become.
14:21We're going to remove the stomach, the liver...
14:24John Shu is a licensed funeral director
14:27and head of the funeral services department at Lynn University.
14:31It is his dream to be the first mortician to mummify a human being
14:35since the practice ceased over 1,500 years ago.
14:41And for anywhere between $20,000 and $150,000,
14:45you too can become a mummy,
14:48although a down payment is required.
14:51Sumu was interested in the mummification process.
14:54They developed this concept,
14:56and I became interested in working with them on this
15:00and between us we were able to come up with these concepts
15:03of modern mummification after 1,500 years.
15:06Here we were on the verge of bringing something back,
15:10something that expressed the dignity of man.
15:14The doctor makes it perfectly clear
15:17that mummification doesn't have to eliminate
15:20the traditional funeral rites we have become accustomed to.
15:23One simply dies, as the traditional open casket viewing,
15:28and the other is wheeled away behind closed doors
15:31where eternal life awaits.
15:33After the funeralization took place,
15:35the body was taken to the place of mummification,
15:38whereas the body had a ten-inch incision
15:41made within and underneath the ribcage.
15:44We'll eviscerate the organs,
15:47both the thoracic and the abdominal aorta.
15:50From that point, the organs were removed from the body...
15:53Reaching in, going all the way through...
15:56...placed in a container...
15:58...and slipped the organ into a bucket.
16:01...cleaned, sanitized and prepared
16:04to be placed in the vat with the body.
16:07The vat that the body organs are being placed in
16:10contains secret solutions of salts and chemicals.
16:13The mortician's body suits and masks
16:16are worn for protection against the chemicals
16:19of the body's natural toxins.
16:26The vat is then sealed shut,
16:29though every day it is reopened to pour in more solutions.
16:32Finally, after 7 to 12 days,
16:35the body is removed and placed once again
16:38on the operating table,
16:41where the all-too-familiar gauze
16:44is wrapped meticulously around the body.
16:47Later, a polyurethane solution is used
16:50to seal in the mummiform.
16:54There are many options for the mummiform.
16:57You can create any type of mummiform.
17:00We use the Egyptian motif,
17:03because that's probably the most spectacular.
17:06But we can place a person in priest garments.
17:09It may be of an Oscar motif.
17:12It could be almost anything.
17:15For the right price,
17:18any mummiform you choose is OK with them.
17:21Where will they locate you once you are a mummy?
17:24These mummiforms can be placed
17:27in family mausoleums.
17:30There is right now the construction
17:33in the mountains of Salt Lake City.
17:36There is going to be individual spots
17:39to place these mummiforms.
17:42But these can be relocated all over the world.
17:45These can be located in any area, any cemetery.
17:49The average may be a 10x10 type of mausoleum
17:52in which this mummiform would be placed.
17:55I think this is important to people.
17:58This is what people are looking for.
18:01Something to say, yes, I have lived a life.
18:04What about your pets?
18:07Heaven forbid you go to that special place
18:10and forget your favorite animal.
18:13Don't worry, they've thought of everything.
18:17Now when you are finally sealed
18:20and resting in your tomb,
18:23you don't have to be alone.
18:26Fido could be a mummy too.
18:29Rooster lived here at the pyramid
18:32for a number of years in the house with me.
18:35She belongs to a lady by the name of Kay Henry.
18:38Rooster passed away about 6 months ago.
18:41When she passed away,
18:44Kay Henry was going to be mummified.
18:47The large mausoleum space has some things in there.
18:50Rooster is one of the most important things in her life
18:53because she was so loyal to her.
18:56And of course the founder of Sumum
18:59and his 2 house pets mummified when they passed away 2 years ago.
19:02Oscar the cat and Butch the Doberman Pinscher.
19:05Recently he had them both X-rayed
19:08to determine their condition.
19:12The vets that X-rayed the cat
19:15were amazed at the detail that you could see
19:18through the X-rays into Oscar.
19:21All of the muscle tissue is just perfectly preserved.
19:24The lenses on his eyes are still perfectly preserved.
19:27Oscar is perfectly mummified.
19:30His body is perfectly preserved indefinitely, forever
19:33as long as the planet happens to be around.
19:36Sumum is a company that offers alternatives
19:39Once sealed within the mummiform
19:42and placed in the cliff-faced mausoleums
19:45you, like the pharaohs, will be preserved forever.
19:52In today's fast-paced world of computer printouts
19:55satellite communications
19:58and space age wizardry
20:01it's somehow comforting to know
20:04that there are still people, places and things
20:08that defy the concept of normality.
20:11That there are still individuals
20:14who refuse to fit a mold
20:17and global mysteries that still defy scientific explanations.
20:22Until we meet again
20:25I'm Jay Robinson
20:28bringing you back to the everyday world
20:31far removed from the realm
20:34that is beyond bizarre.
