Garden Rescue episode 25 2024

  • 2 days ago
Garden Rescue episode 25 2024
00:00For nearly a decade, the Garden Rescue team have made dreams come true for hundreds of
00:08garden owners across the UK.
00:12Open your eyes.
00:13Oh, man, wow.
00:14Oh, my.
00:15That is incredible.
00:16Oh, wow.
00:17Oh, my God.
00:18That's fantastic.
00:19No matter the challenge.
00:20It's just coming down a little bit.
00:21Oh, my God.
00:22Oh, my God.
00:23Oh, my God.
00:24Oh, my God.
00:25Oh, my God.
00:26Oh, my God.
00:27Oh, my God.
00:28Oh, my God.
00:29Oh, my God.
00:30Oh, my God.
00:31Oh, my God.
00:32Oh, my God.
00:33Oh, my God.
00:34Oh, my God.
00:35It's coming down a little harder, the rain.
00:36As if this weather keeps on as it is, we're not going to have anything to sit.
00:37And no matter the garden...
00:38I tell you what, Flo.
00:39It's a little bit smaller than I thought.
00:40We've got the job done.
00:41That's brilliant.
00:42But the one question I always get asked is, what happens to the gardens after we leave?
00:50Well now...
00:51Oh, my goodness me.
00:54It's my turn to be amazed.
00:58Can you recognize I'm going back to my favorite garden rescues
01:10Including some of our very first you're a little bit bigger than when I last saw you both to find out what happened
01:19After we packed up our spades
01:21You kept the swing
01:24Pine trees definitely taken off
01:27You've turned it into an amazing space. I don't think we could have really dreamt this at all
01:38This time the Stockport garden that went from plain to posh
01:43Ladies, I'd like to present the lady of the manor
01:51Get a warm welcome
01:54In a Welsh wonder I designed four years ago Wow
02:02And get blown away by a stunner in Shoreham
02:05One of our favorite challenges on garden rescue is building gardens that remind people of their favorite holidays
02:12Why don't you take a walk on your own Balinese boardwalk into the heart of the garden?
02:19It's just as if we're in the Far East I really can't believe it
02:24It's like we're actually in Crete with this garden. It's just like we're in the middle of the middle of nowhere
02:30Really can't believe it. It's like we're actually in Crete with this garden perfect in every way
02:38But recreating that holiday magic in the average garden is not easy as
02:45Harry David and Eric found out when they met Jeremy and Pat in Shoreham by sea
02:53Our garden as it is now is a very plain
02:57patio at one end and
03:00a very very plain flat
03:03Oblong of grass the couple were hoping for a garden that reminded them of the Mediterranean
03:11We really enjoy the holidays in Italy and Spain
03:15The light the sunshine the color, you know, it's it's so enjoyable
03:20Even with a budget of five thousand pounds
03:22It wasn't going to be an easy task to change their barren plot into a rustic
03:28Mediterranean garden
03:30Eric's design was reminiscent of a painter's garden
03:35Wow with a central pergola surrounded by color
03:40You'll be totally surrounded by plants at a raised level. So there'll be a much more submersive feeling within the garden
03:46Hello. Well, Harry and David's design had a hint of Provence with the garden divided into three parts
03:54And then we've used hedging
03:56To break up the garden into different areas
04:02And Jeremy and Pat. Well, it was a very difficult decision
04:08We're sold
04:10Straight into it. I like it. That's very exciting looking forward to doing it
04:17The boys may have been all smiles
04:19But bringing their Mediterranean vision to life would require some serious attention to detail. Oh good
04:29The first challenge was the giant water feature where the ponds gonna be which is the main feature of this area
04:36Which had to be built entirely from scratch?
04:40We're putting the fittings in for the pond. This is a mixture of ballast and cement
04:47And then once this has gone hard the blocks get laid on top cover it in render and it look really nice and really natural
04:59Just as fiddly was a new patio for the middle of the garden
05:04Which was made from hundreds of cobbles all of which had to be laid by hand
05:11It's not look Mediterranean, yeah
05:15These flint cobbles
05:17Already transformed this space. They've got a gorgeous warmth
05:21Lovely texture. I think their size and their regular shape really helps to portray that slight chaos that you find
05:29In the paving or in the stone walls throughout the Mediterranean each room was divided by a low hedge
05:38Yeah, look at that you can see this hedging going in and start to make a dramatic difference
05:44That had to be carefully clipped
05:47Before the key plants in the design the trees and shrubs could make an appearance
05:54Tall laurels added height to the middle of the garden
05:59But a different challenge lay at the back a
06:04Bear garage wall faced onto the plot
06:08The boys answer cover it with a fan-trained pear tree nice Wow
06:16Feels that space perfectly it does isn't it with three different sections to finish. It was a major
06:23Undertaking but two days after the team first broke ground it was done
06:34What had been a boring lawn flanked by a tiny path
06:39Was now a Mediterranean garden
06:49Three two one open your eyes
06:57That's different. Yeah. Yeah, that's fantastic
07:01That is that and I can say I can already smell the fragrance. It's lovely fragrances in there. It's really beautiful
07:11No worries definitely a touch of Sicily there I think I play
07:23It's now been five years since the team left Shoreham
07:28I'm going to give Pat and Jeremy a call and see how the gardens going
07:37Hello Pat nice to see you and you I'm very excited about seeing the garden because I had nothing to do with this one
07:45Are you still in love with it? Oh, yeah, it's a fabulous garden. It's grown so well
07:50Yeah, the garden we built five years ago
07:55Has matured beautifully
08:02The planting has filled out
08:06Softening the landscaping and the shrubs and trees have grown into stunning focal points
08:19You're gonna show me around the garden because I'm very excited to see what you've done and how everything's developed
08:25Okey-dokey, let's do that. Okay. Are you ready for this? I am
08:36Lots of wildlife in there I bet when we left the pond was more of a reflective pool
08:47The couple have added plants for a more natural look
08:51And look at the size of our of our rushes now
08:55They're one of the first things you see when you come in into the garden
08:59dramatic front piece and then you you notice the the bushes and
09:04Hedging behind in the evenings as the sunlight goes down that the light really changes through the bull rushes as well
09:10That's part of the texture in the garden. It's beautiful. So it's almost like they're backlit
09:15Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and
09:18Here's the largest of the rooms. Oh, right. Okay, and this is a really lovely
09:24Space and it's got it's got a nice size with a beautiful
09:29Sanctuary like greenness around it
09:40Look at the shrubs they look fabulous
09:44They're absolutely
09:46Magnificent in the evenings Charlie we come out and the sun's gone down
09:51The bats are flying around Wow and sometimes, you know, we even see has seen hedgehogs
09:57Have you hedgehogs Wow? Yeah, it's really beautiful
10:02And here we go to the third smaller space
10:06okay, and
10:08here's the
10:11Pear tree. Oh, yeah, that's looking lovely. Do you get lots of fruit?
10:16Yes, except this year this year. We have a grand total of one pair
10:22I'm going to move in to show it to you in all its glory
10:29Isn't it beautiful
10:31It's got a nice rustic color to it
10:34Sometimes if you let fruit trees fruit very heavily
10:37It takes a lot of energy out of them and they can go into a two-year cycle one year heavy one year light
10:44So thinning them out sometimes is the way to go to get an even fruiting but you still can't stop a bad spring. I
10:52Have to say your garden looks fantastic and I'm so pleased that you're enjoying it
10:59Thank you. And yes, we are enjoying it. Thank you very much
11:03You know, we feel very privileged to have this space and to be able to share it. It's beautiful
11:07They just keeps growing and growing Charlie. It's really wonderful. Yes, and many more years of enjoyment ahead of you. I'm sure indeed
11:14Thanks for showing me. Bye
11:16Thank you. Bye
11:22For Jeremy and Pat it was all about that Mediterranean look Cheers
11:31But my next garden rescue revisit couldn't be more different
11:38I'm on my way to Powys in rural Wales to see a garden. That was one of our most emotional transformations
11:46Four years ago, Ian and Ruth reached out to us to tackle a space outside their gorgeous cottage
11:54Ian's a farmer. Is he? And Ruth has been on and on at him to do her garden forever
12:01Well, we applied for garden rescue because I thought there was absolutely no way we would ever get a garden sorted here
12:07We'd done the the house and things so but a garden was never going to happen
12:11Well, I thought it was quite good. It's just been a field really but anything to keep the wife happy
12:17These pictures look like they've been taken in the middle of a field
12:19Well strange you should say that because that's where the gardens going really? Yes
12:24Ruth was inspired by her parents garden that she'd grown up in and the style she wanted was right up my street
12:32We were looking for a real cottage garden in keeping with the countryside we live in
12:36I'm very excited about this one because the other thing is is they've got loads of bits and bobs that we can use in the garden
12:43Oh wow. It's so gorgeous. It sounds incredible
12:49Thank you very much
12:54The good news was that the garden was in a stunning location
12:58There's something quite charming about the fact it's in the middle of a field
13:02It's a stunning location
13:04There's something quite charming about the fact it's situated in a farm. You don't want to lose that
13:08It's wonderful. Really special spot isn't it? Yeah
13:11The bad news was that we had to win over Ruth, their sons and especially Ian
13:18Hello. Hello. It's daunting. It does yeah. Good. Good. Okay
13:27My design was all about adding rustic charm and quirky features to the space
13:33So we come into the garden through the gate and I was going to use split chestnut railing
13:40Then as you wander round here, this again is another hazel sort of fence but made to look very pretty
13:48It's going to be up above head height so you can grow all your roses up there, sweet peas
13:53Then this is a pergola, very simple, over the top with a bench seat underneath
13:59Whereas the boys had been inspired by the surrounding landscape
14:03So the meadow helps to link the garden with the field really
14:08So you can allow the field to grow up nice and natural and it can all blend as one
14:13Right everyone, it really, really, really has been a really tricky decision
14:22And so you'll do the reveal please. Are you ready?
14:28It was all a bit tense but in the end
14:34It was genuinely tricky wasn't it once we saw the two designs
14:38No it was always going to be Charlie
14:40Oh I've never seen you smile so much
14:47It was then up to us to bring some cottage garden loveliness to Powys
14:55What do you want this to?
14:57Put it on that back edge Sammy
15:01Now this garden, my little Welsh Lamekin, there's a lot to do
15:08Because it's a big garden
15:11A key part of my design was the perimeter fence
15:16I wanted it to look as oldy-worldy as possible
15:20And landscaper Lee was an expert
15:24What we'll do
15:25Is that so you've got a bit of play together
15:27So we'll slide that into there
15:30And that one back
15:32And hold, whoa
15:34Don't walk
15:36Oh it is like a big jigsaw
15:42I think it's going to look lovely I have to say
15:47With a budget of two and a half thousand pounds to build the garden
15:51Ian and Ruth were happy for us to upcycle anything we could find
15:56Now Ian is a typical farmer, never throws anything away
16:02And the telegraph poles were recently, well not recently
16:06They were replaced a while back
16:08But the old ones that came out, he's kept
16:11So we're using that as our main upright for our pergola
16:18Underneath the pergola, I designed three new veg beds
16:24So I repurposed some local slate to use as etching
16:29It'll stop the grass from growing in
16:31But it highlights the design and it looks like rays of sunshine
16:36Coming from the centre of the pergola
16:39And Lee used local trees to construct a third big timber structure
16:44A new trellis
16:46You may be wondering, where are Harry and Dave?
16:50Well they'd been busy making me a chair
16:53A little noosey
16:54Down there isn't it
16:56This would add some charm to the new fire pit
16:59I designed as a chill out zone for Ian and Ruth's sons
17:03Don't break it!
17:07A big focus for the planting was the new trellis
17:11Loads of flowers!
17:13We've got shrub roses with thorns
17:17Thyme can go there
17:19And adding herbs and veg plants to the raised beds
17:22And then we'll put the garlic in the middle
17:31The treats from the farm kept coming
17:34We turned animal troughs into new water features
17:38This is looking gorgeous
17:40And best of all, Ruth's dad's old plough made a great piece of sculpture
17:47Look at that, he can do rusty
17:50All that was left was to add a new front gate
17:53And a bench under the pergola
18:00It was a monster to build, but at last it was done
18:04And I'm sure Ruth is going to love it
18:08What had been a large unused field
18:13Was now a gorgeous cottage garden
18:18A new gate
18:20Led to a giant pergola with a seating area for Ruth to relax
18:27And raised beds for her to potter in
18:32A giant trellis placed under the pergola
18:36The giant trellis, planted with climbers and roses, provided colour and scent
18:42And the boys' new fire pit was perfect for the couple's sons
18:50So Ruth, you've been waiting for a garden for years and years
18:55You wanted lots of colour
18:57And a space that you could potter and enjoy
19:01So we've had great fun doing the garden
19:04It's quite nerve-wracking and you're stood there and it seems to take forever
19:08It was a big space, but hopefully we've made your dream garden for you
19:13Do you want to open your eyes?
19:17Oh flippin' heck!
19:19Oh my goodness me!
19:21Oh my goodness!
19:23It's so good!
19:26I love how you've done the fencing
19:29Oh my goodness
19:30Pinch me, pinch me!
19:35And I never show my emotions!
19:38Don't make me cry as well!
19:40Oh my gosh!
19:42What a reaction
19:44I think I was just quite so overwhelmed
19:46I wasn't quite sure what I was going to be expecting
19:48But oh my goodness, it just totally blew me away
19:51And all the emotions, and then thinking of my parents and their gardening and everything
19:55Yeah, it just all was all meant to be
19:57And it just came together beautifully
19:59Wander on down to the vegetable patch
20:02And there's a slate!
20:04I can see a seat! And the kettle!
20:06And the telegraph pole!
20:08What, you've used this?
20:10Oh gosh!
20:13So your veggies here with lots of herbs
20:16It's so good, it's phenomenal!
20:19It clearly meant a lot to Ruth
20:22And even Ian was impressed
20:24Lots of climbing roses, clematis, you can grow sweet peas on it
20:30That's just great, isn't it?
20:32Oh my goodness, I just can't believe you
20:35This could be your best garden yet
20:38I don't think them rich boys will ever be picked again
20:41And Charlie said when she went from here
20:44You know, make it your own now
20:46And that's what we've hopefully done
20:53Four years after we left, I'm back in Paris waiting for my Lyft
21:02Morning Ian, how are you?
21:04Very good, thank you
21:05This is fun!
21:07Am I allowed on?
21:08Jump on!
21:09Jump on, oh my!
21:11Where's Ruth?
21:12Oh, she's back in the garden
21:14Oh is she? Good girl!
21:18We're really excited to see Charlie today
21:21Because I think she's going to be quite blown away
21:24Really excited to show her, you know, how it's all just matured
21:29And it's just really transformed and come into its own
21:37Well I have to say Ruth, the taxi driver's alright, isn't he?
21:41Only the best for you!
21:43Do you pay him well?
21:44He's cheap and cheerful
21:46Now what do I spy on the gate there?
21:48We just had to mark the occasion, Charlie
21:50And we've got your wall of fame here
21:52So we've got Charlie Dimmock designed this garden
21:55Charlie Dimmock designed this garden, Garden Rescue 2019
21:59Oh, I'm all embarrassed about that!
22:02I'm very excited to see the garden
22:04But I mean, I have to say, Ruth
22:07The thing that I remember about this garden
22:09Apart from having lots of fun, was your reaction
22:12Oh I know, it's an Oscar winner, wasn't it?
22:14It was for Ian!
22:16You went, actually I'm not normally very emotional
22:19So I probably won't react on camera
22:21I know
22:22Right Ruth, what's the next bit to look at?
22:24Oh, we're going to have a surprise!
22:28The first thing you notice is that the gate we put in years ago
22:36Now looks like an entrance to a secret garden
22:41Very excited!
22:42Oh, there's the gate that Lee spent so much time on
22:45Because I know you wanted a beautiful entrance, but rustic
22:49Exactly, yes it's beautiful, isn't it?
22:51Yeah, it's gorgeous
22:54And that's just the beginning
22:56Wow, look at that!
23:03When we left, the plot was just the bare bones of a cottage garden
23:17In four years, the plants have grown
23:19Covering the timber structures in autumnal colours and textures
23:35When we came to this garden, it was just an open field really
23:38It was just a flat lawn area, yes exactly
23:41So it's gone up and out
23:44The next thing you notice is the bespoke trellis
23:47Oh, that's right, I remember this screen
23:50I mean, you can't have a cottage garden without rambling roses
23:54And clematis honeysuckle
23:57When we left, it was sparsely planted with perennials and climbers
24:04Now those same plants have rambled up it
24:07Giving it a romantic, cosy feel
24:14I wanted that screen there, one, to sort of create the curve
24:18Because this was just like a big open field, wasn't it?
24:21It was just a flat grass area, yeah
24:23But also frame the view that way, because it's a beautiful view
24:28You don't see the washing line
24:30And you don't see the oil tank by having that there
24:33A lot of these cottage plants are great because they'll self-seed
24:36I mean, the verbena will just naturally...
24:38It has, it's seeded down there, look already
24:41Yeah, just here, look at that, that's fantastic
24:44And there's lots of roses which are gorgeous and will look fantastic
24:49Is that some new ones over there?
24:51Yes, there's one called Beryl Joyce, which is after my mum, of course
24:54And there's one called Bloom of Ruth
24:56Wow, it's looking great
24:58I have to say, I mean, the timber won't last forever
25:01So it looks like the hazel might need a little bit of...
25:04Yeah, renewing at some point, but we'll get Ian on to that
25:07Yeah, he's going to really regret picking me up from the top of the road now
25:11He said, next time, Charlie, you can walk
25:22Perhaps the biggest change is the pergola
25:25Four years ago, the plants and climbers were just getting started
25:30Now they have cloaked the frame in a gorgeous display of greens, reds and oranges
25:48Whoa, this has got pretty, hasn't it?
25:51Hasn't it? Just look at it
25:53Look at the clematis all rambling over
25:57And the creeper as well, it's really come into its own
26:00Virginia creeper
26:02Look at the colour, and that was the telegraph pole
26:05The telegraph pole, it's really sound, isn't it?
26:08Now the Virginia creeper is camouflaging it as well
26:11And do you sit out here, because we put a little bench seat in
26:14Oh, I know, it's a beautiful shaded area there, so I just sit there and contemplate the day
26:18When you're not too busy with the four boys and Ian
26:21Exactly, yes
26:26I'm pleased to see the three veg beds we put in under the pergola
26:30Are bursting with all kinds of goodies
26:34We've got the rhubarb there and the mint and the herbs
26:37And also the runner beans are really coming into crop now
26:40Yeah, so do you use a lot of the fruit and veg?
26:43Yes, yes, yes, we keep walking up to the garden and snatching a few strawberries
26:47And enjoying them straight off the vine
26:49Now a little birdie told me that Ian spends his time chasing round one particular chicken
26:55Who comes sneaking up to eat the strawberries
26:58Oh, I know, you could be seen running up here scattering the hen away very often
27:06Look at the strawberries, oh my goodness
27:09They've done so well this year, they really have
27:12So they're still doing well, because strawberry plants
27:15Normally after about four years, production drops off because they get viruses
27:20So they're still very healthy, are they?
27:22Yes, they have this year, but peaked I think this year
27:25So what you can do is these runners, do you see these runners?
27:28You've got lots of little baby, baby plants
27:32Now as long as your main plants are healthy
27:35You can take these, pot them up, grow them on and plant them somewhere else in the garden
27:43And then when these drop off, dig them up, burn them
27:49And you can replace something else in there vegetable-wise
27:53The other thing I loved about this garden when I designed it
27:58Was that Ruth loved her knick-knacks
28:01And I can see that hasn't changed
28:04I remember the rabbit
28:06Oh yes, he's got prime position
28:08Pride of place the rabbit was
28:10And you've got lots more knick-knacks everywhere
28:12Oh yes
28:13You're a girl after my own heart
28:15I can see just down there, there's a duck sort of peeking out
28:19I know
28:20And lots of pots just laying around
28:22Very, very sort of rustic and rural
28:26I'm very eager to buy presents for now, it's always for the garden
28:35It's wonderful to see my design looking better than ever
28:40And I'm keen to know what they've added to the garden since we left
28:45Other than the knick-knacks, there seems to be some quite big focal points that I can see in that direction
28:51One, two, three
28:53Well, after being in your company
28:56You sort of inspired me to do a couple of things around the garden
29:00Yeah, go on then
29:02So you've got, is that a water feature over there?
29:05It's a water tank
29:06A water tank
29:07Water tank
29:08Water tank, which I got and we filled it up with water
29:10And we thought it would be safe for any children coming round it
29:13Or the ducks getting into it
29:15So I filled it up with water, stuck a few plants in it
29:18And a few fish are in there as well
29:20Oh, lovely
29:22Got some old oak trees and an old stump
29:25And an old big slab and made it into quite a trendy sitting area
29:29It looks really cool, do you know what it reminds me of?
29:32With the big teapot there, Mad Hatter's tea party table
29:37I love that Ruth and Ian have been inspired to keep tinkering with their garden
29:42And my skills are required to finish another of their new projects
29:52Hello everybody
29:54That was a surprise
29:56Well, we'd love you to open a bar which my son Samuel has built
30:00Wow, so shall I do the honours?
30:04You may
30:06Three, two, one
30:13Look at that!
30:17I have to say I really admire all the work that Ian and Ruth have put into the garden
30:23It looks amazing and just sitting back here and taking it all in
30:28It's fantastic
30:36Ruth and Ian's country cottage garden is a world away from my last revisit
30:46When Lorraine and Philip introduced us to their garden in Stockport
30:51They didn't mince their words
30:54The garden, oh my god, the garden
30:56It is a wreck
30:57Where to start
30:58Where to stop
31:00They've had it since 1987 and I have to say it looks like they've had it since 1987
31:07They'd just had a very posh house makeover that they were rather pleased with
31:13In the rear of the house in the dining area we've tried to create a contemporary look
31:20Smoke glass
31:21Smoke glass effect
31:23And wanted a grand garden to match
31:26I think what we're trying to do here is to achieve the same ambience and theme of a stately garden
31:34But obviously in the compact size
31:36In their own words they want to posh this garden up a little bit
31:40Which is great because at the moment it's looking very worn
31:42It is, yeah
31:43I do like cemetery, cemetery?
31:49The symmetry, not the cemetery
31:53We got a bit of a challenge there
31:55But it's definitely not stately at the moment
31:59As well as a posh formal garden they had an extra request
32:04One concept we've really liked is this idea of a secret garden
32:08Somewhere that's hidden but when you go into it obviously unfolds a different world
32:12Oh yeah I like that, that'll fit in with that stately home kind of feeling won't it
32:17With a four grand budget to work with the boys and I
32:22Hi guys
32:23Set about dazzling the couple with our designs
32:27Here we go
32:29The boys offered a new patio by the house
32:33With a boulevard leading to a new seating area
32:36Featuring an elegant urn
32:39It's on a plinth, it's raised up and it'd become a lovely feature
32:42My design worked in reverse
32:45So a formal stately garden fit for a king and queen
32:50A new path would lead to a patio in the middle of the garden
32:54With a regal fountain
32:57Really good space
32:59Yeah, very nice
33:00It was a close call but in the end
33:03I think we're going to go for
33:07The Rich Brothers
33:09I was saying it
33:11So the boys won
33:13All we had to do now was bring some stately splendour to Stockport
33:20First task for the landscapers was putting in the elegant new patio
33:25That would connect the glamorous interior with the garden
33:29A few more taps I think that'll be good
33:32This led via a new path to the seating area
33:36Built from brick for a more historic look
33:40When you think of stately homes you think of traditional building materials
33:45And I feel the brick is exactly that
33:49The real piece of man-of-war magic was the giant urn
33:54Which the boys had designed to go on a plinth
33:59Lovely and weathered isn't it
34:01That's the bottom side, the top side is even nicer, it's a bit greyer
34:04The base was heavy
34:06One, two, three
34:07And the urn itself was even chunkier
34:13Keep walking him round
34:15Oh, there
34:16Right, so it's finally in
34:18So I'm just going to unscrew these, take it away, my job's done
34:23While the boys got on with putting in a mini herb garden
34:27How nice to grow rocket, you can grow your spinach in this one herb bed
34:34Perfect isn't it I'd say
34:36Great stuff
34:38I was left in charge
34:43Of sorting out the secret garden
34:46I've got a handle
34:48First you need a door
34:51Then you need to create the illusion that there's a garden behind it
34:56A little bit of camouflage
34:58So when the door's ajar you don't see the actual fence
35:03I thought then Chas I could see through the fence to the trees behind
35:07Who would have thought then
35:08Chas the artist
35:10Cheeky monkey
35:13Adding a climbing wisteria on one side
35:15And a ceanothus on the other
35:17Was the finishing touch
35:20It makes a fabulous shape
35:22It's upright and then it arches over
35:24So it looks good all year round
35:27Meanwhile, David was adding low hedging
35:30To tick the formal garden box
35:33Now we're probably planting about 30 centimetres apart
35:36But to make it a little bit more of a dense hedge
35:39We're planting it in almost like a zigzag fashion
35:41And he and Harry added flowering shrubs
35:44To create the perfect backdrop
35:49Yeah, it will be beautiful when it arches over
35:51This is going to be like a glade this bit
35:53Yeah, give us a couple of years
35:56And with that, the couple's new, very posh garden
36:00Was ready to be seen
36:06What was a blank and uninspiring plot
36:10Was now a garden perfect for a lady and lord of the manor
36:16With brick-edged paths
36:18A classical stone focal point
36:21And a secret entrance to another world
36:25Guys, step out on there
36:27Are you excited?
36:28Yeah, I am
36:29Really excited
36:30Open your eyes
36:32Oh my god
36:35This is fantastic
36:37Absolutely fantastic
36:39It's definitely changed
36:40Oh, I just can't believe it
36:42God, it looks bigger
36:43Yeah, that's good
36:48The urn blade
36:49Oh wow, that is gorgeous
36:51That is brilliant
36:52And on the plinth as well, with the old-style bricks
36:56Yeah, it's nice to have it on show, isn't it?
36:58Yeah, absolutely raised up, it's great
37:00We're not quite sure on the story that's being told on the urn
37:04But maybe you guys can figure it out
37:05There's two people fighting
37:06Oh yeah, that's us
37:08That actually could become our coat of arms
37:11So we know you guys also wanted that secret garden feeling
37:14So we thought the idea of having that door that wandered out to somewhere else was really important
37:19It's fantastic
37:20It's a great idea, great idea
37:22It's beautiful
37:24Oh, I love the patio, I love it
37:26Do you guys feel quite grand now?
37:29I think I'm going to have to buy you a title
37:32There you go
37:35I really do feel like I'm Lady of the Manor now
37:47It's now three years since we left the garden
37:50Lorraine and Philip may not have a noble title
37:54But their garden is positively regal
37:59What a beautiful garden
38:00It's absolutely gorgeous, I absolutely love it
38:04It still looks great
38:06Looks better
38:07The stately home inspired space we put in
38:13Has grown into a fabulous formal garden
38:18The yew hedge that David planted
38:23Now wraps around the base of the urn
38:27The hedging here worked extremely well
38:29And it sort of filled in quite nicely
38:31And there's no gaps in between
38:34The urn itself, which came from a reclamation yard
38:41Now stands out beautifully against the planting
38:45The urn feature has been great because it is the focal point of the garden
38:49For summer I put a hanging basket in there and it actually looks quite nice
38:54It does look really, really nice
38:56So of course with the urn, the big thing that we noticed on the original show
39:01Was there seemed to be people fighting
39:04To which you said it was very much like you and I
39:06Yeah, and we're still fighting
39:08Well, we're not really
39:11Behind the urn was the new patio
39:14And the choice of brick has paid off handsomely
39:19Now if you look at this brickwork here
39:23You'd think it's been here for a hundred years
39:25So they really did get the design right
39:28And it's given that feeling month by month, year by year
39:33That the garden has been here for quite a long time
39:35And it's not just a new addition
39:38It works really, really well
39:42I come out and I have my coffee out here and I just sit
39:46This is true
39:47I just sit and look at all the flowers in the garden
39:51And I will actually walk round each section to see what's growing
39:55I love it
39:58In their original brief, Lorraine and Philip asked for a secret garden
40:08Three years on, my clever illusion is working better than ever
40:15So here we've got the famous secret garden door
40:19As you can see, it has grown and matured
40:21Oh, it's so matured now
40:22Everything around it
40:23That you really do feel that it's a gateway into another part of the garden
40:28So as we've said
40:29A secret garden
40:30A secret garden
40:32Now we've got a little dog Beanie
40:34When she hears dogs barking on the common
40:36She's straight out and she's trying to get out
40:39What is obviously a false door
40:41And I think they actually call this, the painting behind, a trompe l'oeil
40:46Ooh, get you
40:48You can come to my party
40:51And of course, the great thing with the garden is the symmetry
40:55Not cemetery, of course
40:56Oh, God
40:57I'll never forget it
40:58You got ribbed for that
40:59I did, I did
41:03Sadly, one part of the garden hasn't quite come to life
41:07The herb garden was pretty bare when we left
41:11And it still is
41:13So how's the herb garden been going on?
41:15Oh, well that's a different story
41:17Yeah, so go on
41:18Because we were going to plant herbs in here
41:20But what happened?
41:21We've got plenty of mint
41:22And we've got one carrot
41:25And maybe a tiny little one next to it
41:28So they might be
41:29We might have a carrot each
41:30So the carrot growers of UK
41:32Don't have to worry about being put out of business
41:34By your horticultural exploits
41:36Carrot soup tonight
41:38What, in a thimble?
41:47Now the garden is looking better than ever
41:50In true stately home tradition
41:52The couple occasionally like to open it to the public
41:58Ladies, I'd like to present the lady of the manor
42:05Hello everybody
42:06Thank you very much for coming
42:08It's been years since Garden Rescue revamped the garden
42:12And we're celebrating
42:16And you can have a wander around free
42:18I'll be charging next week
42:21I really think Garden Rescue has provided us with a real asset
42:25Oh, absolutely
42:26Not just to the house, but to our lifestyle
42:29We love showing the garden off
42:31It's something I am proud of
42:33Because it's so nice
42:36If they're bringing back
42:38Keeping Up Appearance
42:40Oh yeah, Mrs Bouquet
42:42They'll cast you
42:47One thing I've learnt on Garden Rescue
42:50Is that a garden can be many things to many people
42:57Give them some love
42:59And they can transport us to another place
43:02Is he always like that?
43:03Oh, he's always like that
43:05Remind us of our happiest memories
43:07Yeah, thank you very much
43:09Or simply make us feel good about ourselves
43:13What more could we want?
43:14It doesn't get any better than this
43:43Thank you for watching