Prophet Muhammads Zinda Sahabi Story 1400 Years Old Islamic Story. Islamic and informative channel

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Islamic and informative video
00:00The last companion of the Beloved Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, who is still alive today.
00:05In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
00:08Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
00:10I am Jameel Ahmed Jami.
00:12Certainly, all praise is for Allah.
00:15We praise Him alone.
00:18We seek help from Him alone.
00:20I bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah.
00:24Dear viewers, we will talk about the last companion of the Beloved Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, who is still alive today.
00:32If you travel to the common border point of Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Jordan,
00:37you will find deserts in this area of several hundred kilometers,
00:42where there is not even a trunk of grass.
00:45But the amazing scene there is in the form of a green tree.
00:50There is no tree or plant around that tree for hundreds of kilometers.
00:55And it has been standing alone for about 1500 years.
00:58The Arab administration named it the tree of the Prophet,
01:02while the locals call it the last living companion,
01:05because it has seen the Beloved Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
01:09There is such a tree in the northern desert of Jordan, which has been green for the past 1400 years.
01:14It is reported that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
01:21had rested underneath this tree and when the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
01:26pointed to it, it came running towards the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
01:33This tree spread its branches and hinged on the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
01:39Undoubtedly, this tree is a sign of Allah Almighty.
01:41And despite passing 1500 years in this desert, this tree is standing safe and sound.
01:46In today's video, we will tell you this complete incident,
01:49that why did the Beloved Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, pass through there,
01:54and what kind of incidents were witnessed there.
01:56Along with this, we will also tell you in detail about this tree.
02:00I request you to watch the video without skipping till the end.
02:04And if you are new to our channel, then first of all subscribe to our channel.
02:09Viewers, as you all know that the parents of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
02:13passed away in his childhood.
02:15So, the responsibility of his upbringing was taken by his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib.
02:19And after his death, this responsibility was taken by his uncle, Abu Talib.
02:24According to the tradition, the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
02:27came under the care of Hazrat Abu Talib at the age of 8 years.
02:31According to history, Hazrat Abdul Muttalib had 10 sons,
02:34in which Hazrat Abdullah was at the last position.
02:37He passed away before the birth of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
02:42When the Hashemite family was concerned about the safety of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
02:47Hazrat Abdul Muttalib made all his sons sit in front of him
02:50and cast a spiritual gaze on their hearts.
02:53And he called Hazrat Abu Talib to him and said,
02:56O my son, I have seen the love of my grandson, the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, in your heart.
03:02That is why his safety is your responsibility.
03:05That day, Hazrat Abu Talib took the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
03:08under his care and started the upbringing of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
03:13He never separated his nephew from him.
03:17His wife, Fatima bint Asad, also loved the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, a lot.
03:23The proof of this is that when he passed away,
03:25the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
03:27lay in his blessed grave before burying him
03:30and his light-covered blanket was wrapped around his coffin and he was buried.
03:35Hazrat Abu Talib used to do business.
03:37When the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was twelve years old,
03:42he travelled from his business house to the land of Syria.
03:45Since Abu Talib loved the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, a lot,
03:50he took the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, with him on this journey.
03:53The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
03:55travelled three times before the announcement of prophethood.
03:59Twice he went to the land of Syria and once he went to Yemen.
04:03This is the first journey of the land of Syria.
04:05During this journey, according to historians,
04:08the Prophet's first journey to Syria took place in 584 A.D.
04:13When this caravan reached Basra, located in the north of Baitul Muqaddas,
04:20near a dense tree, Abu Talib got off the caravan.
04:24The rest of the caravan left the caravans at ease.
04:28At that time, this area was under the control of the Roman Empire.
04:31There was a priest who lived near the house.
04:33The priest's name was Bahira.
04:35He was a great scholar of the Arabian Peninsula.
04:37People used to come to him for education.
04:41It is said that Hazrat Sulaiman Farsi, may Allah be pleased with him,
04:44had also obtained knowledge from him.
04:46In Madarij-e-Nabuwa, Volume 2, the author has written that
04:49Bahira, the priest's reason for staying in this house was
04:53that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
04:57would pass through this area.
04:58Therefore, he used to see all the caravans coming from Hijaz,
05:01but he could not see the person for whom he was waiting.
05:07When the people of the caravan left, he reached near the people of Mecca
05:10and held the hand of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
05:14and said, this is the ruler of the two worlds, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
05:18When Bahira was asked, how did you know this, he said,
05:22when everyone was coming down from the valley, I saw
05:25that all the stones and trees were prostrating to the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
05:30Only the Prophets have this quality.
05:33Bahira then went to the church so that he could arrange food.
05:37When he arrived with the food, the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
05:40had gone to graze the goats.
05:43He asked about the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
05:44Therefore, he was called.
05:46When the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, returned,
05:49a cloud had covered the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
05:52When he reached near the church, everyone was sitting in the shade of a tree.
05:55The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
05:58was sitting back, where there was sunlight.
06:02Immediately, the tree bowed down and shaded the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
06:06Al-Badaya wa-Nihaya.
06:08And according to the biography of Ibn Hasham,
06:10the branches of the tree bowed down on the head of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
06:15Seeing this, the priest shouted,
06:17look, the shade of the tree is moving towards them.
06:20Imam Bihaqi has described this with a lot of difference.
06:23Then, Bahira Rahib asked the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, some questions.
06:28Does the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, sleep well?
06:32The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said,
06:34my eyes sleep, but my heart wakes up.
06:37Then, he asked about his condition and other matters.
06:40The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, informed him.
06:43All the answers were according to Bahira's information.
06:46Then, he looked at the back of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
06:50Then, in the middle of the branches, there was an apple resembling the Meher-e-Nabuwat.
06:54After confirming all the information, Bahira came to Abu Talib and asked,
06:58what is your relationship with this child?
07:00He replied, he is my son.
07:02Bahira said, he cannot be your son.
07:04According to my knowledge, the father of the child should not be alive.
07:08Abu Talib said, you are absolutely right, he is my nephew.
07:11Now, Bahira was overwhelmed with emotions and said,
07:14do not take this child to Rome.
07:16When the Romans see the signs, they will kill you.
07:20Just now, there was a conversation that a bubble was seen flying from a distance.
07:24When he looked closely, he saw seven men coming from the side of Rome.
07:28Bahira welcomed them and asked the reason for their arrival.
07:31They replied, we have come this month because the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
07:35has set out on a journey this month.
07:37Our men have spread out in all directions.
07:39We have received the news that they are coming from this direction.
07:42That is why we have come here.
07:43Bahira said to them, tell me, the matter that Allah Almighty wants to complete,
07:49can you stop it?
07:50They refused.
07:52He explained to them that they should take the oath of allegiance at the hands of the Prophet.
07:55Upon this, they went back.
07:57Abu Talib brought the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, back.
08:01Or he sent him back.
08:03While Bahira was walking, with great faith,
08:05he gave him some food, dry bread and olive oil for the journey.
08:09The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
08:11is a personality who, through his thoughts and actions,
08:14brought about such an unending revolution
08:16that it cannot be compared to anything else in the world.
08:19The personality of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
08:22which was acknowledged by non-Muslims,
08:25there are examples beyond this that are mind-boggling.
08:29Even animals and trees recognised the status of prophethood.
08:32A similar tree is present on the land of Jordan,
08:35in whose shade, the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
08:39rested for a few moments and his time awoke.
08:42Even after 1400 years,
08:45it is the only tree that is green.
08:48You can see this Sahabi tree on the internet.
08:51According to the current geographical limits,
08:53this tree is near the valley of Sarhan in Safwa, in eastern Jordan.
08:57This blessed tree is mentioned in the books of Seerah and Ahadith.
09:02After Jam-e-Tirmidhi, in Kitab-ul-Manaqib,
09:05its details have been mentioned.
09:07This blessed tree is still present in the same place.
09:10The government of Jordan has also searched for this Shahra,
09:12which goes from Hijaz to Syria.
09:14Its sign is that this is the only tree that has grown in this place.
09:19The most important point is that the love of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
09:23is such a passion that can keep this tree alive.
09:27Viewers, this incident has been described in another narration in the following words.
09:31It is an old story that there was a church house near this valley,
09:35where a great scholar named Bahira of Injil lived in Khankha.
09:39He was seen with great respect and dignity in that area.
09:42Bahira was an introverted person.
09:44He did not go out of his Khankha.
09:47And he had no connection with the people of the city.
09:49His research was that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
09:53would pass through here.
09:55Therefore, he used to look at every caravan coming and going from here through the window.
09:59But he could not see that person.
10:01He was looking for that person.
10:03One day, a caravan came from Arabia and stopped there.
10:06Bahira saw an amazing scene from the window of his Khankha.
10:10He saw that a twelve-year-old boy was sitting under the tree in front of him.
10:13When he got up and went into the sun, a piece of cloud covered him.
10:17According to his years of research and knowledge,
10:20he was waiting for that day and that person.
10:23He quickly came out of his Khankha and entered the caravan.
10:27All the people of the caravan were busy with their work.
10:30Bahira addressed those people.
10:32You all come to Khankha.
10:34You are all invited by me.
10:36And food has been arranged.
10:38All the people of the caravan started looking at each other.
10:41As if their eyes were asking each other.
10:43We have come here many times.
10:45We stayed and left.
10:46But Bahira never asked.
10:48Why is he so kind today?
10:50Anyway, what to do?
10:51All the people accepted his invitation.
10:53And in Bahira's guidance, they went to his Khankha.
10:57Bahira greeted everyone and said,
11:00I want all of you to eat with me today.
11:03And none of you should go.
11:06Friends, hearing Bahira's words, the people of the caravan said,
11:09we have all come.
11:10Yes, a little boy was also with us.
11:13The one we left under the tree.
11:15Bahira said, no, no, he is a boy, so what?
11:18Call him too.
11:19He will also eat with us here.
11:21This increased everyone's surprise.
11:23That this is an ordinary invitation.
11:25And he also insisted that no one should stay.
11:27So he asked, Bahira, what is the matter?
11:30You have invited us today.
11:32You never used to do this before.
11:33Bahira said, you are guests.
11:36You have come to stay in our neighborhood.
11:37You have a right on us.
11:39We should take care of it.
11:41I wanted you to take care of the people.
11:44What else could it be?
11:46People said, by God, there is definitely something.
11:48So Bahira sent a person to the den of Hazrat Abu Talib.
11:51Who went there and brought the Prophet with him.
11:56Bahira and all the guests were sitting.
11:57He was waiting for the Prophet.
12:00Bahira's eyes fell on the Prophet.
12:03So she froze and kept staring at him.
12:07Everyone ate, spread here and there.
12:09Someone was walking, someone was looking around the den of Bahira.
12:14Abu Naeem has narrated from Hazrat Ali.
12:17That when the Prophet entered the den,
12:21he shone with the light of prophethood.
12:23Seeing this, Bahira said, he is the Prophet of Allah.
12:26Allah will send him to Arabia.
12:29Bahira looked at the Prophet carefully.
12:32And he kept recognizing the signs of prophethood in his books.
12:36When the caravan left the food,
12:39he came to the Prophet and sat down.
12:43And asked a few questions.
12:44He said, son, I swear to you.
12:47Tell me whatever I ask.
12:49The Prophet said, I swear to you.
12:53Bahira said, I swear to God.
12:55Tell me whatever I ask.
12:57The Prophet said, ask whatever you ask.
13:01Now Bahira started to ask different questions about the Prophet.
13:06He asked about his temperament, his manners.
13:10And the Prophet kept answering all his questions.
13:14Meanwhile, the uncle of the Prophet, Hazrat Abu Talib came to pick him up.
13:19Bahira asked, who is this boy of yours?
13:22The Prophet said, he is my son.
13:24Bahira said, how is this possible?
13:26According to my knowledge, he cannot be your son.
13:28The father of this boy is alive, he cannot be.
13:31Hazrat Abu Talib was shocked to see Bahira's information about the Prophet.
13:37He said, yes, he is my nephew.
13:39Bahira said, and his father?
13:41Hazrat Abu Talib said, he was just about to die.
13:45Bahira said, you are right.
13:47Your nephew will be a great man.
13:49And he held the Prophet's hand and said,
13:53he is the ruler of the two worlds.
13:55He is the Messenger of the Lord of the worlds.
13:57Allah has sent him as a mercy for the worlds.
14:01He said to Hazrat Abu Talib, your nephew will be very great.
14:05His face is like that of a prophet.
14:06His eyes are like that of a prophet.
14:09The people of the caravan were shocked to hear this from Bahira.
14:13One of the leaders of the caravan asked,
14:16how did you know about this?
14:19Bahira said, when you were coming,
14:21I saw that all the trees and leaves were prostrating in front of them.
14:26And there was a shadow on them.
14:28And when the caravan sat under the tree,
14:31the Prophet was at the place where the shadow of the tree is gone.
14:36The tree prostrated and shadowed the Prophet's head.
14:41Only the Prophets have these qualities.
14:44I can also identify them with the Seal of Prophethood.
14:48It will be between their shoulders.
14:50Bahira was overwhelmed with emotions.
14:53He shouted loudly and said to the people,
14:56don't take the Prophet with you to Rome.
15:00When the Romans see the Prophet,
15:03they will recognize him with the Seal of Prophethood and miracles.
15:06And they will be at the door of the Prophet's life.
15:10The conversation was going on, and a cloud of dust was seen from a distance.
15:13When he looked closely, seven people were coming from the side of Rome.
15:17Bahira welcomed them and asked the reason for their arrival.
15:20They replied, we have come because the Prophet of the end of times,
15:25is going on a journey this month.
15:27Our men have spread out in every direction.
15:29We have heard that they are coming this way.
15:32So we have turned this way.
15:34Bahira said to them, tell me, the matter that Allah wants to complete,
15:38can a man be a hindrance in it?
15:41They said no.
15:42So he explained that you should take the oath of allegiance at the hand of the Prophet
15:48and become his companion.
15:49So they went back.
15:51Abu Talib took the Prophet and sent him to Mecca,
15:56Palatia or with someone else.
15:58The caravan left that place.
16:00But this tree of the oath of allegiance is still fresh.
16:03The government of Jordan has also found traces of the trade route
16:06that goes from Hijaz to Syria.
16:09Its sign is that this is a tree that has grown alone in hundreds of kilometers.
16:14Glory be to Allah.
16:16Friends, Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar said,
16:19we were on a journey with the Prophet of Allah.
16:23An Arab came to the Prophet of Allah.
16:27The Arab asked,
16:29the Prophet of Allah invited him to Islam.
16:32The Arab asked, is there any witness to your prophethood?
16:37The Prophet of Allah said,
16:40yes, this tree which is on the edge of the field will bear witness to my prophethood.
16:44So the Prophet of Allah called that tree.
16:47It immediately left its place and came to the Garden of Eternity.
16:51And it clearly bore witness to the prophethood of the Prophet of Allah three times.
16:58Then the Prophet of Allah instructed it.
17:01So that tree walked on the ground and went back to its place.
17:04Imam Baghbi has also written in this hadith that
17:09that tree came to the Garden of Eternity and said,
17:13the Arab became a Muslim when he saw this miracle.
17:15And in the zeal of faith he said,
17:17O Prophet of Allah, allow me to prostrate before you.
17:21The Prophet of Allah said,
17:24if I were to order anyone other than Allah to prostrate,
17:27I would order women to prostrate before their husbands.
17:30After saying this, the Prophet of Allah did not allow him to prostrate.
17:34Then he said, O Prophet of Allah,
17:36if you allow me, I will kiss the blessed hand of the Prophet of Allah.
17:41The Prophet of Allah allowed him to do so.
17:44So he kissed the blessed hand of the Prophet of Allah with great devotion.
17:51Viewers, this tree is called Shajrah Baqawiyah or Shajrah Hayat.
17:56This tree is also called the Sahabi tree
17:59because it is said that it was granted the honor of visiting
18:03the Prophet of Allah 1469 years ago.
18:08It was discovered through the Urdu documentary film
18:11which was widely accepted all over the world.
18:13Some people also think that a hadith points to this tree.
18:17It is the hadith of Tirmidhi Sharif in which it is narrated from Abu Musa Ashari
18:22that the Prophet of Allah was 12 years old at the time
18:26when he decided to go to Syria with Abu Talib
18:30and he was respected for it.
18:32For the sake of trade, this caravan went to Basra near Baitul Muqaddas
18:38and spent some time in the shade of a dense tree on the way.
18:43This tree is present in a village of Safwa in the Urdu region, Baqawiyah.
18:47Regarding the conversation between the Prophet of Allah and the trees,
18:51Hazrat Jabir says that on the way to a destination,
18:55the Prophet of Allah went to the field to rest
18:59but he did not find any shade.
19:02However, he saw two trees in the field which were quite far from each other.
19:06The Prophet of Allah ordered to walk holding the branch of a tree
19:10and the tree started walking with him.
19:13Just like a camel walks with the one who holds it.
19:16The Prophet of Allah held the branch of another tree
19:20and told it to walk with him and it did.
19:23The two trees came together
19:25and the Prophet of Allah fulfilled his wish in their stead.
19:29After that, the Prophet of Allah ordered
19:33and the two trees started walking and stood in their places.
19:36Imam Tirmidhi writes that Hazrat Jabir bin Samra narrates
19:41that the Prophet of Allah said,
19:44There is a stone in Makkah which used to greet me on the nights of Baisat.
19:50The Prophet of Allah's holy being is full of miracles.
19:56The miracles that were given to the prophets one by one
20:00were gathered in the blessed being of the Prophet of Allah.
20:05The Prophet of Allah's hair was considered a miracle.
20:09The Prophet of Allah said,
20:11People, without a doubt, I have brought to you a clear proof from your Lord.
20:17Many of the miracles of the Prophet are related to animals and beasts.
20:22The pebbles used to bow in the hands of the Prophet of Allah.
20:25The trees used to greet and prostrate to the Prophet of Allah.
20:30The deer used to accept the Prophet of Allah.
20:34The camels used to narrate the stories of the Prophet of Allah.
20:36The books of Ahadith and Seerah mention many fortunate trees
20:41which respected and honoured the Prophet of Allah.
20:46They recognised the status of prophethood.
20:48Many trees came to the Prophet's court,
20:50tearing the ground with the call of the Prophet of Allah.
20:52They were blessed with the status of prophethood.
20:55Imam Abu Hanifa narrated this miracle in his poem,
21:00which is translated as,
21:02When the Prophet of Allah called the trees,
21:05they ran to the Prophet of Allah and said,
21:11We have come to the court of the Prophet of Allah.
21:15Imam Sharifuddin Busairi narrated this story in his poem,
21:22which is translated as,
21:23The trees walked towards the Prophet of Allah,
21:27on their own, without any help.
21:30The most fortunate tree among these trees is Hanana,
21:33which is mentioned in Bukhari Sharif and many other books of Ahadith.
21:40A Companion made a wooden pillar for the Prophet of Allah
21:45and placed it in the mosque of Nabawi.
21:46The Prophet of Allah began to weep while narrating the sermon.
21:51The pillar was made of dry wood.
21:54The Prophet of Allah began to weep while narrating the sermon.
22:00The Prophet of Allah began to weep so much that all the Companions saw him.
22:07When the Prophet of Allah noticed the weakness of the pillar,
22:11he stopped the sermon.
22:12He came to the pillar and embraced it.
22:15He said to the Companions,
22:17This is a sin that I committed in my separation.
22:19I swear by the One in Whose control is my life.
22:22If I had not embraced it,
22:25it would have continued to weep until the Day of Judgment.
22:28The Prophet of Allah asked the pillar of wood,
22:32Do you want me to plant you in the same garden where you were cut down?
22:37You will be made green there.
22:39Until the Day of Judgment, the companions of Allah will eat your fruit.
22:45He replied, O Messenger of Allah!
22:48I could not bear the momentary separation of the Prophet of Allah.
22:53How will I bear the loneliness until the Day of Judgment?
22:55The Prophet of Allah asked,
22:58Do you want me to plant you in the garden where you were cut down?
23:02You will be made green there.
23:05The pillar of wood accepted this gift.
23:10So he was buried in the ground near the Pillar of Al-Aqdas.
23:13After his burial, the Prophet of Allah said,
23:18He has preferred Dar-ul-Baqa to Dar-ul-Fana.
23:21Bukhari Sharif, Kitab-ul-Jama, Sunan-e-Darameen.
23:25As a reminder of this miracle,
23:27there is a pillar in the name of As-Tawana-Hanana in the Masjid-e-Nabawi.
23:33When Hazrat Hassan Basri, may Allah have mercy on him,
23:36narrated this hadith, he would cry.
23:38He said, O people of Allah!
23:40The pillar of wood cries in the migration of the Prophet of Allah.
23:44It yearns to see the Prophet of Allah.
23:47Man has more right to it.
23:51The Prophet of Allah was restless.
23:55The Prophet of Allah was also at the place of Taif.
24:02In Shifa Sharif, during the Battle of Taif,
24:05the Prophet of Allah was a little sick.
24:09There was a pear tree in front of him.
24:12The Prophet of Allah's head would hit the tree.
24:16Suddenly, it split into two pieces and gave way to the Prophet of Allah.
24:20Qazi Ayyaz Maliki, may Allah have mercy on him,
24:23has written in the Pozik, that the pear tree,
24:26is still present in the same place today.
24:31Because of the companionship of the Prophet of Allah,
24:34that place is famous among the people and is worthy of reverence.
24:37The same pear tree is present in Urdun.
24:40It has also received the reverence of the Prophet of Allah.
24:45This tree, which goes from Hijaz to Damascus,
24:48is reminiscent of the old trading city of Khair-ul-Qarun.
24:55Surprisingly, not a single plant grew on this tree in the whole city.
24:59But the companionship of the Prophet of Allah,
25:02is not affected by the change of weather.
25:05The mention of this tree is present in Abu'aab-ul-Manaqib.
25:13In the book of Surahs, Surah Al-Halbiya, Al-Khazaiz-ul-Kubra,
25:17Al-Mawahib-ul-Dunya, and Madarij-ul-Nabu'a.
25:21It is worth noting that if a tree is blessed with eternal life,
25:27because of the love of the Prophet of Allah,
25:29then how can there be death on this heart,
25:33which becomes the residence of the love of the Prophet of Allah.
25:37Viewers, the love of the Prophet of Allah is a part of our faith.
25:43What should be the standard of the love of the Prophet of Allah
25:47in the heart of a believer?
25:49The Prophet of Allah has explained this matter
25:53in the light of his words.
25:56It is narrated from Hazrat Anas that the Prophet of Allah said,
26:01No one among you can be a believer until he is loved by his parents,
26:07children, and all the people around him.
26:11That is, parents, children, husband, wife, brothers, sisters,
26:15relatives, friends, relatives, blood relations, families,
26:18and the love of the world and anything in the world
26:21that the heart desires and is in love with,
26:24towards which a person is inclined and submissive.
26:28It is a faith to love the Prophet of Allah more than all those things.
26:33That is, until a Muslim has the love of the universe and the world in his heart,
26:39and the love of the Prophet of Allah, then he cannot be a believer.
26:44When Sayyidina Farooq-e-Azam heard this statement from the Prophet of Allah,
26:51he said to the Prophet of Allah,
26:55O Prophet of Allah, you are more beloved to me than my life.
27:01That is, more than anything in the universe,
27:04you are beloved to me,
27:07and the love of the Prophet of Allah is greater than the love of all people.
27:12But my love for my life is greater than the love of the Prophet of Allah,
27:19and my love for my life is still greater and stronger.
27:23Hazrat Umar Farooq expressed his love for the Prophet of Allah.
27:26The way Hazrat Umar Farooq expressed his love for the Prophet of Allah,
27:31we do not have the courage to say such a statement
27:33because we are not at this level of truthfulness and truthfulness.
27:37We hide things.
27:38The companions, the Rightly Guided Caliphs,
27:40and Sayyidina Farooq-e-Azam were at such a high level of faith
27:46that there was no confusion in their feelings.
27:48This was the wonder of their faith.
27:50Whatever they felt,
27:52they expressed it in the presence of the Prophet of Allah.
27:57Through these hadiths, it is being made clear
27:59that a person should not only express his love verbally,
28:02but should also understand the state of love,
28:03its pleasures, its sweetness, its effects, and its feelings.
28:08The Prophet of Allah said after listening to Hazrat Umar Farooq-e-Azam,
28:14No, I swear by the One in Whose control is my life.
28:17Until I am in love with my life, you cannot be a believer.
28:22The Prophet of Allah wanted Hazrat Umar Farooq-e-Azam to believe
28:29that if his love for his life is more precious than his love for him,
28:34then his faith has not reached the level of perfection.
28:37These words of the Prophet of Allah
28:39entered the depths of the heart of Hazrat Umar Farooq-e-Azam.
28:43As soon as he heard these words,
28:45he said to the Prophet of Allah,
28:50O Prophet of Allah,
28:52now the love of the Prophet of Allah
28:56is greater than the love of my life.
28:59Upon hearing this, the Prophet of Allah said,
29:03O Umar, now your faith has reached the level of perfection.
29:07Faith and religion are perfected when all the loves
29:10of the Prophet of Allah are conquered,
29:15and the love of the Prophet of Allah
29:19the Prophet of Allah is victorious over all love.
29:24Ladies and gentlemen, the love of the Prophet of Allah
29:27and the love of the Prophet of Allah
29:31is such that the desire of Hazrat Umar Farooq-e-Azam is one-sided,
29:34and our desire is one-sided.
29:36The order of the Prophet of Allah is one-sided
29:40and our actions are of someone else.
29:42We do the same thing with which they are angry and upset.
29:46We do not care about the thing with which they are happy.
29:51We disobey the order they give us.
29:54And we continue to do the same thing with which they forbid us.
29:58In short, we claim to love,
30:01but we do the opposite of the teachings and pleasure of the deeds of the Beloved.
30:08Referring to this reality, Allah, the Lord of Glory, said,
30:12O Prophet! Say,
30:14If your father, grandfather, your sons and daughters,
30:17your brothers and sisters, your wives,
30:20your other relatives, your wealth,
30:23which you have earned with hard work,
30:25and the trade and business with which you fear loss,
30:28and the houses which you like,
30:30Allah and His Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him,
30:34are dearer to you than Jihad,
30:37then wait until Allah brings His punishment,
30:41and Allah does not guide the disobedient.
30:44To love Allah and His Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him,
30:47to love the religion of Islam,
30:49and to strive for the separation of religion.
30:52To stabilize religion in one's children, society and people,
30:55to separate the Dawah, Fikr and character of religion,
30:58and to strive for its separation on an individual and collective level.
31:01As long as all these things do not prevail over all worldly love,
31:05then it means that the time of Allah's punishment and punishment is near.
31:09I am sorry that we are at this stage today.
31:15May Allah enable us to think about our actions and conditions,
31:18and to take practical steps for the separation and restoration of religion,
31:23so that we can not only be safe from Allah's punishment and punishment,
31:28but also become worthy of His love.
31:32Ya Sayyidul Mursaleen, peace and blessings be upon him.
32:02May Allah keep you in His protection. Ameen.
32:32With the blessing of writing this Ameen,
32:35Allah will fulfill all your and my needs.
32:39Let us begin the prayer.
32:43In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
32:47Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa ala ala Muhammadin
32:54kama sallayta ala Ibrahima wa ala ala Ibrahima
33:01innaka hamidun majeed
33:04Allahumma barik ala Muhammadin wa ala ala Muhammadin
33:11kama barikta ala Ibrahima wa ala ala Ibrahima
33:17innaka hamidun majeed
33:20All praise and glorification is for the Lord of Glory,
33:24whose mercy is never hopeless,
33:27whose blessings are never empty,
33:30whose forgiveness is never hopeless,
33:33and whose mercy never ceases to be recognized.
33:37O Allah the Almighty, O Allah, You are pure.
33:41We are grateful to You,
33:43with the statement that there is no God but You.
33:47You are the greatest of all,
33:49You have no partner,
33:51and there is no companion.
33:54You are the Lord of all the creatures on earth and in heaven,
33:59and You are the One who cares for all.
34:02O Allah the Almighty,
34:04Without a doubt, You love us.
34:07This is why You blessed us with the wealth of faith
34:11and made us the Ummah of Your Beloved,
34:14peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
34:18O Allah, for the sake of Your Beloved,
34:21peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
34:24make our lives peaceful and easy.
34:27O Allah, forgive us all our sins.
34:31Make us all worshipers and worshippers.
34:34Reveal to us the secrets of Your love.
34:37Save us from the slavery of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
34:43Fulfill the desolation of our hearts with Your mercy.
34:48And keep us on the path that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, told us.
34:57O Allah, grant us the ability to repent with a pure heart.
35:02O Merciful Lord, we have drowned in the swamp of sins.
35:07We have fallen into the mischief of the wicked.
35:10We are wandering in the darkness of despair.
35:13We have become angry with the mercy of God.
35:16O Allah, we are not familiar with the tears of remorse.
35:20We are seekers of true repentance.
35:23O Allah, grant us true repentance with Your mercy.
35:28O Lord, grant us health to our parents,
35:32to our family members,
35:34to our forefathers,
35:36and to our future generations.
35:40Grant us immeasurable sustenance.
35:43Save us all from the envy of the envious.
35:46Lord of both worlds,
35:48when we get tired, give us rest.
35:51When we are in trouble, give us ease.
35:54When we are weak, give us strength.
35:57When we are in pain, give us relief.
36:02When we are hopeless, give us faith.
36:06When we are hungry, give us food.
36:10When we are restless, give us peace.
36:17When we are filled with darkness of despair,
36:21give us light of hope.
36:24When everything becomes impossible for us,
36:27make it possible with Your special grace.
36:31O Lord of the heavens and the earth,
36:33You are Forgiving, You are Merciful.
36:35Accept our repentance.
36:38Wash away our small and great sins.
36:41Grant guidance to our hearts.
36:43Grant our tongue righteousness and tenderness.
36:46Save us all from sins
36:48and grant us the ability to do good deeds.
36:51O Allah, just as You shower rain
36:54and quench the thirst of the dry land,
36:57in the same way,
36:58shower Your mercy on our hearts.
37:01No doubt, You are Most Merciful and Most Compassionate.
37:06O Lord,
37:09shower Your mercy on us all
37:12in the same way,
37:13shower Your mercy on us all
37:15in the same way,
37:16shower Your mercy on us all
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37:19shower Your mercy on us all
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38:34in the same way,
