Coronation St 30 September 2024

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Coronation St 30 September 2024


00:00["Pomp and Circumstance"]
00:30["Pomp and Circumstance"]
01:00["Pomp and Circumstance"]
01:18It's only cornflakes.
01:20If you're looking for buried treasure, you'd be very disappointed.
01:23She's not very hungry.
01:25Are you tired?
01:27Yeah, I'm whacked.
01:28That's after an early night.
01:30Well, there's early nights and early nights.
01:33Oh, no.
01:35Sorry, that is the last thing on my mind, the way I feel.
01:38Well, it's a good job you're knocking off early tonight, then.
01:40I mean, you still are, aren't you?
01:41Yes, I definitely am.
01:43Right, I'm gonna get a shower, see if that might revive me.
01:46I won't do any harm, love.
01:50I hope she's feeling better for tonight.
01:52This birthday of hers, it's cursed.
01:54I'm gonna let dinner for two be just the pick-up that she needs.
01:57Be a nice surprise for her.
01:59Better than the other one she's had lately.
02:01I mean, if nothing else, it'll show her that I'm, you know,
02:04back in the room or whatever.
02:05Hey, you were never out of the room.
02:07Finding out about Dorham would've knocked anyone for six.
02:12Yeah, I miss him.
02:14But I need to concentrate on the family that I've got,
02:16not the family that I've lost.
02:18You've lost nothing, hun.
02:19Just give Alina a bit of time
02:22and she'll come to realise that Dorham's far better off
02:25with a doting father in his life than not.
02:27You'll see.
02:33What's that all saying?
02:35You can't make an omelette without brick and an entrant.
02:39You're in early.
02:40Yeah, too early, obviously.
02:42How did you get in here?
02:45I used the spare key.
02:47Stole the spare key, you mean?
02:50I'm sorry.
02:52I was just hoping to be gone before you got back in.
02:54Yeah, obviously.
02:57Look, this is a restaurant.
02:59It's not a flop house.
03:01Well, I couldn't go home.
03:02Ah, right.
03:03So it was your brothers that gave you that black eye?
03:07Look, Stu, I'm so sorry.
03:09I promise you this is never going to happen again, I swear.
03:11Mason, why didn't you tell us what was going on?
03:14Because it's not your problem, is it?
03:16Look, I'll start washing up.
03:18Well, yeah, not the pan.
03:20You can make me an omelette.
03:22Didn't have any breakfast, didn't that, look?
03:24You know, not decent.
03:29You all right?
03:30No, better than you by the looks of things.
03:33It's all self-inflicted.
03:35Do you want me to make you a black coffee?
03:37No, no, thanks, I'm not stopping.
03:39I just hopped by to see how the plans for the rave were coming along.
03:44Yeah, yeah, we're getting there.
03:46Early days, but it should be fun.
03:49What's it, the say of fitting tribute?
03:52Well, then, talking of tributes,
03:54I'm off to finalise the floral arrangements with Mary later, around 12.30.
03:59Just wondered if you fancied to come along?
04:02Well, that's very kind.
04:04I thought that little this might be a little easier for us to agree on
04:09than spiritual matters.
04:11Well, I can't make any promises,
04:13cos I'm very particular when it comes to flowers, but...
04:16Yeah, I'll be there.
04:19See you later. See you, Dad.
04:28Come on.
04:29You're doing really well.
04:31Yeah, only cos I know how Paul would hate to see us rowing.
04:34My boy lived his life in colour
04:36and he's laying him to rest in black and white.
04:39So there's more reasons to make the rave as colourful as we can, right?
04:42There's something you can control.
04:44Yeah. Yeah.
04:46And if there is a heaven,
04:48they'll be swapping the hearts for whistles that day
04:51and our Paul will be front and centre.
04:57Maybe there's something I could still do
05:00to make you and everyone else happy.
05:05I'm so sorry.
05:10And you picked that up this morning?
05:13As soon as I turned my phone on.
05:16There's more than I was able to do.
05:18My work won't bust and I need to get this one up and running.
05:22Well, so long as I don't disturb you, dear sweetie.
05:27What do you think the message means?
05:30Oh, it's typical him, isn't it?
05:32Trying to manipulate people.
05:34It could have been a more permanent farewell.
05:37What, suicide?
05:41No, there's no way.
05:43He's playing us.
05:46I've got a lead on Dearing.
05:50We triangulated his phone signal
05:52to the location where he turned it on last night.
05:55Yeah, well, we don't want to go around,
05:57but he could be long gone.
05:58Sounds like a pretty remote spot.
06:00Can't see him sticking around.
06:02Yeah, even so, we should take a drive out there,
06:05see what we can find,
06:06especially in light of what I've just heard.
06:08Oh, yeah?
06:09Yeah, he left Dee Dee a voice message.
06:11Sounded an awful lot like he was saying goodbye.
06:19Yeah, she knows about the stoma.
06:24It'll take her a long time to adjust.
06:27Be hard for anyone waking up to that news.
06:29Never mind the girl her age.
06:31No, no, it's heartbreaking.
06:34She is stronger.
06:35I'll tell you what, she's stronger than me.
06:37Burst out sobbing down the phone earlier to the bank.
06:41Two down for the loan.
06:43Computer didn't so much say no as burst out laughing,
06:46so I'm just waiting to hear back on a few loan copies now.
06:50Just be careful with all that.
06:51You don't want to get it over your head, OK?
06:53Look, is there anything I can do?
06:55Erm, actually, yes, there is.
06:59I tried to call David.
07:01He's not picking up,
07:02but I've had a couple of voicemail messages,
07:04but my network won't let me access them while I'm out here.
07:07I was wondering, would you mind having a little listen to them for me,
07:10you know, in case it's loan people.
07:12I can give you the number to call on my pen.
07:15Right, fire away.
07:20And the pen?
07:22My birthday.
07:23And there was me thinking you don't care.
07:27OK, I will do.
07:28I've got a meeting now, but I'll do it straight afterwards, OK?
07:32Take care of yourself.
07:34And send my love to Bethany.
07:38You OK?
07:40Yeah, yeah, I'm just... I'm shattered.
07:42Oh, no, that's a shame. Aren't you afternoon off?
07:45Oh, no, no, no, don't be sorry, no, I'm grateful.
07:47I'm just going to go home, I'm going to get my head down.
07:49Right, I will see you tomorrow.
07:52Ooh, actually...
07:53Ooh, sit down, sit down, sit down.
07:55No, no, I'm all right, I'm just...
07:57I'm a bit light-headed.
07:59Babe, just chill out.
08:00That's more than light-headedness, that.
08:02We should call the doctors.
08:03No, what?
08:04Get an appointment for three weeks' time?
08:06They are seeing you now.
08:09Oh, jeez.
08:10Thank you, Roy.
08:11Have you reached any conclusions?
08:13We're getting there.
08:15I mean, I'm a traditionalist, really.
08:17I don't think you can improve on the simple power of the white lily.
08:21You know, I think they symbolise restored innocence
08:25and purity of the soul.
08:28Yeah, well, people don't need symbols
08:30to tell them what to think or feel, Bill.
08:32Oh, no, I know, I just...
08:34I don't want people thinking that the floral tributes are inappropriate.
08:39Orange flowers, they've got their place.
08:41I'm just...
08:42I'm not sure that that's a funeral.
08:44Is there not room for a compromise here?
08:47Lilies to decorate the church
08:49and then spray brightly coloured flowers for the casket?
08:53Oh, yeah, that might work.
08:56Yeah, maybe spelling out Apollo.
08:58I hope the A doesn't drop off and people start thinking of chicken.
09:03I'm glad I caught you two together, actually.
09:06I wanted to talk about Paul's ashes.
09:08Whether you had any plans?
09:11No, not yet.
09:12We've not gone that far.
09:14When you make a decision, let us know.
09:16Obviously, we need to know where to deliver them.
09:20He's not an innocent parcel.
09:23Sorry. No, no, it's all right.
09:25I'll pick them up and then we'll go from there.
09:33Nice spot for a picnic.
09:36You don't strike me as the picnic type.
09:39Can't be a picnic.
09:41Tartan blanket, sausage rolls, cherry tomatoes,
09:45hambuttis, flask of tea,
09:47all in a nice little wicker hamper.
09:50I think you've been reading too much Eeny Blind Eeny.
09:54Over there.
10:03It's quite a drop.
10:05Isn't it just?
10:09That's definitely his car.
10:15It looks empty.
10:22Well, I say empty.
10:24I'll do the question.
10:25But it's got nowhere else to go.
10:27Then call Social Services.
10:28Oh yeah, like they'll sort something for tonight.
10:32Don't spoil my day.
10:34Don't tell Paul's dad I've not looked,
10:36that he can't look.
10:51It's empty.
10:53Look, yes, there's a good lad in there.
10:55I know it.
10:56But no one will give him the benefit of the doubt.
10:59I'm sorry about that.
11:01I really am.
11:03But leaving aside what Gary and Maria and Sean have to say,
11:09I nearly lost my granddaughter to a knife attack.
11:13I cannot bring that boy into my house.
11:17And I'm disappointed that you would even ask me to.
11:24And when I played it, it was from Joel, saying goodbye.
11:28What kind of goodbye?
11:30Well, that's a $64,000 question, isn't it?
11:34And I think we might have our answer.
11:37Have you found something?
11:39His car was still at the spot where
11:40he made his last call to you.
11:43We also found a note on the dashboard.
11:47Is this going where I think it's going?
11:49It was a suicide note.
11:51I'm really sorry to tell you this, Deedee,
11:53but we think he might have taken his own life.
11:56But you didn't find the body?
11:59Not yet, no.
12:00But the note was pretty unequivocal.
12:02Well, I'm sorry it's ended like this.
12:05Well, that's very generous of you, Roy.
12:07No, no, it's not generosity.
12:10Some might get a visceral satisfaction
12:12from an offender meeting their end by whatever means I don't.
12:17I wanted Joel to face up to what he'd done
12:21and to wake up to where it had led him.
12:26Every morning of his natural life, he should escape that.
12:32I don't think so.
12:33I'm not buying any of this.
12:34The note was pretty clear.
12:35I bet it was.
12:37Because he's playing you like he plays everyone.
12:40Hold on.
12:41He was pretty deranged yesterday.
12:42I mean, it seemed out of his mind.
12:45All part of his performance.
12:48I mean, come on.
12:49There is no way that egomaniac would take his own life.
12:52He thinks he's superior to all of us
12:54and he would always find a way to back himself.
12:57Look, there's no reason not to take that note at face value.
13:00He was desperate and he did something stupid
13:02on the spur of the moment.
13:03These things aren't rational.
13:04OK, but Joel is.
13:06I mean, he's rational to a fault.
13:09So until I see him nestled in a body bag, I won't believe it.
13:13And even then, I might check for a pulse.
13:15Well, that's a matter for you.
13:17We're looking for his body and we expect to find it.
13:23Thanks for letting us know, Detective.
13:35Hey, Lisa, hold up.
13:39Um, feel free to tell me to butt out, but are you OK?
13:43You're the only one who ever asked me that.
13:46Sorry to hear that.
13:47No, it's fine.
13:47It's called being a copper.
13:49All right, so are you OK, officer?
13:53It's difficult. You know, Betts' involvement
13:55changed everything, made it all very personal.
13:58So much more than just another collar.
14:02Well, I mean, you must be glad he's dead, right?
14:04Because I know it sounds strange, but I am.
14:06So really, Weatherfield's a one-off.
14:09Yeah, I just wish I'd realized that sooner
14:11instead of persecuting him.
14:13You know, Joel Dearing ran rings around me time and time again.
14:17I so wish I was there at the end looking him straight
14:19in the eye before he...
14:22Do you know what?
14:23You really don't want to hear all this.
14:25Don't jump to conclusions.
14:27Ain't that what they taught you at police college?
14:30Clearly, I wasn't paying much attention that day, was I?
14:32Thanks, though.
14:46If I had free reign, it'd be wildflowers and a wicker coffin.
14:50I don't think that Billy was ever going to be OK with that.
14:54Yeah, well, he would have if he'd have really known Paul.
14:57He wouldn't want to go out listening to some dreary hymns.
14:59No, he'd want real music.
15:02Outside in a woodland, maybe.
15:05Close to nature, with the sun on him.
15:09He did love the sun.
15:10Yeah, but, honey, we've got the rave, you know, the par-tay,
15:13and that's what we need to focus on.
15:16Yeah, and what have I got when that's over?
15:19Yeah, but they fade.
15:21Whether you want them to or not.
15:24They'll slip out of focus, become a notion.
15:25I mean, yeah, yeah, he's still going to be in here.
15:29But I want something real.
15:33So has Billy said that he wants to keep the ashes?
15:36He sounded quite possessive in the calf,
15:38but I just let it slide.
15:41He knows he's going to have to split them.
15:44I mean, not even he's that unreasonable.
15:46Bernie, what is it that you want?
15:51I know some people think it's not the person, it's just dust,
15:54but they're the dust that the universe's made of.
15:59That life's made of.
16:02So I want to bury Paul's ashes in the root of a tree.
16:06So he can live again.
16:09Feel the sun on him.
16:14That's a lovely notion.
16:17Yeah, I think so.
16:20So having taken your existing levels of debt into account,
16:22we don't feel able to proceed with your loan application.
16:25I'm sorry.
16:27Last new message, received Thursday at 14.37.
16:32Hi, darling.
16:33It's me, Damon.
16:34I just heard about it.
16:41Roy did say he was in the state yesterday,
16:43but I just can't believe he'd do that.
16:47You know, he always had so much self-control.
16:52This was the last thing he could control.
16:55You know, he wasn't going to give us the satisfaction
16:57of catching him and bringing him to trial.
17:00He wanted the final say.
17:03Yeah, I know.
17:04He always did.
17:08By the way, I got your voicemail that you left yesterday.
17:11You said you knew where Joe was.
17:13No, I didn't.
17:14It was just I heard somewhere in the back garden that Max is.
17:19I was convinced it was him, but it wasn't.
17:22I don't know.
17:23I just got scared.
17:28You don't have to be scared anymore.
17:35I'm quite surprised that you had your phone switched off.
17:38You know, with Joby on the loose.
17:40I was probably on another call.
17:43I didn't see the message until this morning.
17:46When you find whatever you find, you'll let us know, yeah?
17:53Yeah, of course.
17:55But trust me, from now on, I think
17:58the only sleepless nights that you might have
18:00will be from little Frankie.
18:04Nobody else.
18:07You look after yourself, all right?
18:10Yeah, you and all.
18:12Don't even think about it.
18:15You know what?
18:16Oh, you're no fun, you.
18:17It's a romantic evening.
18:19There's nothing romantic about that.
18:21Are you scared I'm setting Fiz up for a disappointment?
18:24Assuming she ever comes home.
18:27Shouldn't she be back by now?
18:28I don't know.
18:29I don't know.
18:30I don't know.
18:30I don't know.
18:31I don't know.
18:32I don't know.
18:33I don't know.
18:34I don't know.
18:34I don't know.
18:35I don't know.
18:36I don't know.
18:37I don't know.
18:38I don't know.
18:38I don't know.
18:39I don't know.
18:41Yes, ages ago.
18:42I told you.
18:43This birthday's cursed.
18:44Well, give her a pound.
18:45And say what?
18:46You're late to your own surprise party.
18:48Well, it'll be closer to her next birthday
18:50if she doesn't get home soon.
18:52Just ask her where she is.
18:54You're her husband.
18:54It is her heart.
18:56Yeah, I suppose so.
18:59I said no.
19:00Oh, come on.
19:01It's for my own amusement.
19:03Let's face it.
19:04It's the nearest I've been in a long time.
19:06Oh, that's too much, infant.
19:10Answer phone.
19:12Where is she?
19:14It's only been in the last couple of weeks.
19:18So we're looking at nausea, fatigue, lightheadedness.
19:24And are there any particular triggers you're aware of?
19:27No, not really.
19:28I suppose I've been under a bit of pressure lately at home.
19:32So it could be that.
19:34Stress can be at the bottom of a variety of symptoms,
19:37including the ones you've described.
19:38But, um, do you have a very active sex life?
19:44Well, only as much as any other couple that's been
19:48together as long as we have.
19:50Put it this way.
19:52Most nights, I get to drink me Horlicks in peace.
19:55And when was your last period?
19:59Oh, no.
20:00Dr. Gaddas, you are barking up the wrong tree there.
20:03It was only like, well.
20:08I don't know.
20:33Hey, Dee.
20:34Did you hear about the?
20:37Yeah, Swain told me.
20:38I've come out to get his car.
20:40What, you're there?
20:41Sometimes you just have to see something to believe it.
20:44Look, Lauren, the reason I called
20:46is I just had a quick question.
20:48Right, OK.
20:50Do you remember the other day?
20:52He said the tracker on Joel's phone
20:53had taken him to, like, a woodland area.
20:55He told me the name, but I just wanted to check it.
20:59Yeah, it was Clough Summit, I think.
21:03That's right.
21:04OK, and you said he wasn't on the road,
21:06but actually in the woods itself.
21:09Well, yeah, that's what it looked like on the screen,
21:12but I don't know how accurate it is.
21:16OK, can you go into the location history
21:18and send me a screenshot?
21:20Yeah, all right.
21:21Why do you need to?
21:23I just need to check something, just to put my mind at rest.
21:28But it's nothing for you to worry about, if that means.
21:30OK, I'll send it over now.
21:34Take your time.
21:37It's sent.
21:39Got it.
21:41Thanks, Lauren.
21:43I'll speak to you later.
21:44See you later.
22:42Dear Swayne.
22:44Lisa, it's Dee Dee.
22:46I'm in the woods next to where Joel's car was found
22:48and you need to get yourself down here.
22:51Cos I'm pretty sure you guys missed something.
22:54Right, OK, I'm on my way.
22:59What are you still doing here?
23:00Thought you were going home after the doctors.
23:02Yeah, yeah, I was, I am.
23:04Is everything OK?
23:05Yeah, fine, honestly.
23:07Just forgot my tupperware.
23:09All right, well, you'd better be careful.
23:11Keep an eye on that.
23:12I saw and figured out who nicked my rainbow bright lunchbox.
23:15That was vintage.
23:17See you, Viz.
23:18See you later, Izzy.
23:36You have reached the voicemail of 0770 090 0162.
23:42Please enter PIN.
23:45You have no new messages.
23:49And one saved message.
23:53Hiya, darling.
23:55It's me, Damon.
23:56I just heard about Bethany.
23:58I'm sorry.
23:59I want to help.
24:00There's some money in a lock-up.
24:03It's in the storage unit it's on.
24:05Alanzia Road, unit 89B.
24:08The combination is 4872.
24:11Don't think about it.
24:12Just take it and put it to good use, because I'm telling you,
24:15it won't otherwise.
24:17Look after yourself, yeah?
24:19To listen to safe.
24:28Hiya, has Lisa been in?
24:29She said she was going to meet me here.
24:31No, no.
24:32Is everything all right?
24:33Yeah, I've just...
24:35I've just been to Coleclough Woods,
24:37near where Joel's car was found.
24:39Yeah, I know it well.
24:40There's some Alcathol spotted there.
24:44Hey, well, I didn't see any of them,
24:47but I did find a padlock broken on a farm gate,
24:51and down the track behind it, a car hidden in the woods.
24:55A car?
24:56So what if it was there the whole time and they missed it?
24:59What if it was the car that Joel was planning to drive away in
25:02after he faked his suicide?
25:04Sorry, could you just say all that again?
25:07Oh, yeah.
25:08Have you run the plates? Is it Joel's car?
25:11It's fine, Roy knows.
25:13Of course he does.
25:16The car was registered to somebody else, not Joel.
25:19OK, but have you spoken to this somebody else?
25:21Yeah, we're trying to get hold of them now,
25:23and Socko's checking out the car.
25:25Right, OK, so maybe Joel borrowed the car from them.
25:28Or maybe he stole it, but either way,
25:30that proves that that suicide scene was faked.
25:33But why would it still be there?
25:36But why would it still be there?
25:38I don't know, maybe something happened, or...
25:41I don't know, Joel's clever, innit?
25:43Maybe he put it there as a diversion.
25:45Or maybe it's totally not connected and Joel killed himself.
25:49Dee Dee...
25:54Oh, is this the part where you tell me I'm not a detective?
25:58After everything, I should let the professionals sort it out.
26:02Look, I get it. Believe me, I've been there.
26:04It's tempting to get all excited over some twisty conspiracy theory,
26:08but trust me, nine times out of ten, it's the most obvious answer.
26:12Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
26:18Although, ironically, in this instance, that is disputed.
26:22Well, whoever said it got it right.
26:25You know, I've been doing this a while,
26:27and the vast majority of the times, if it looks like a cigar...
26:30Lauren's disappearance aside, yeah?
26:32Well, obviously, yes.
26:34But you did miss the hidden car at your crime scene.
26:38Well, hang on, we don't know if it was parked there afterwards.
26:41Yeah, well, yeah, yes, it could have been.
26:44But is that the most obvious answer?
26:47Or is the most obvious answer that the scenes of crimes officers
26:52didn't find the car because they weren't looking for it?
26:57Look, the tracker on Joel's phone
27:00shows that he's been at that location before.
27:03OK, the exact location.
27:05So if he wasn't there hiding the car, I mean, what was he doing?
27:08Out watching.
27:11Are you ever listening to me, Lisa?
27:13You'll have to excuse me.
27:15Why, what is it? Is it to do with Joel?
27:17Lisa? Lisa!
27:19Oh! I hate it when she does that.
27:24Right, that was my mate from the shelter in Clayton.
27:27He reckons they're full, but he's going to check anyway.
27:31I mean, surely your own social worker will find you something for tonight?
27:35Yeah, but it just means that she'd have to hassle me brothers first,
27:39you know, ask why I can't stay there.
27:41All right, yeah, I know, and you don't want to wind them up.
27:44Yeah, yeah. Honestly, don't stress, she'll be fine.
27:47Must be Matty.
27:49Hiya, mate.
27:53Nothing doing, eh? Yeah, yeah, no problem.
27:58Well, obviously, if you hear of anything, get the letters done.
28:02OK, mate, thanks. Cheers.
28:08So, definite forcible entry, then?
28:11Certainly looks like it.
28:13Any news on the owner of that car yet?
28:17Any news on the owner of that car yet?
28:19Nope. Still waiting for the report from the scene.
28:23Still, if they missed a medium-sized hatchback from the first one,
28:27it doesn't bode well for the sockhole lot, does it?
28:30Doesn't look like much has been taken.
28:33Is it me, or is it weirdly tidy in here?
28:36That's me, that's a red flag.
28:38What? Are you tidy?
28:40Well, it's abomination against nature not to have any clutter in your house.
28:44I trust a minimalist, that's what I say.
28:46Do you know what's bothering me?
28:48Don't want to know.
28:50Well, the suicide note.
28:53Written on what was it?
28:55A single sheet of notepaper torn from a 20x13 notebook.
29:01Well, if we're going off the theory that Joel decided to jump off the bridge with Spur of the Moment...
29:05One of the theories, yeah.
29:07Then why wasn't the notebook found in the car?
29:10If it was scribbled on the back of a parking ticket or a receipt, that makes sense.
29:15But no-one goes around with one uncrumpled piece of notepaper in the car with them.
29:20Well, maybe he had the pad on him.
29:22Nah, it's pretty much A5 size, need big pockets.
29:25So he brought the note from home.
29:28So it was planned. It wasn't the Spur of the Moment.
29:31Ten to one, he's got a 20x13 notebook in here somewhere.
29:44Think I've found it.
30:01That's it.
30:03So it wasn't a Spur of the Moment decision.
30:06He wrote the suicide note and brought it with him.
30:10Whatever happened, it was planned in advance.
30:16So you're happy to make everyone hate you cos I made you some half-decent eggs?
30:20Well, it wasn't just the eggs, was it?
30:22Aw, cheers, man.
30:29Just one night.
30:32All right, moneybags?
30:35You what?
30:37I just saw your donation on that crowdfunding page for our Bethany. 500 quid.
30:42I thought I did that anonymously.
30:44Oh, yeah, that'll chestnut.
30:46It's like leaving a price tag on an expensive Christmas present, isn't it?
30:50So what is it? Guilty conscience or you trying to get back with me sister?
30:53She phoned me and told me Bethany was in trouble. I'm just trying to help.
30:56You've done me a favour, actually.
30:58She's been packing my head, trying to get me to drum up support.
31:01I appreciate that. Cheers.
31:03Glad to be of help.
31:05Hey, she mentioned you hadn't listened to those voicemails, like she asked.
31:09Oh, yeah, she did.
31:11It's fine. She gave me the pen. I listened. Nothing urgent.
31:15You're always my favourite ex, you know that, Adam?
31:18Way better than Windass.
31:20Yeah, yeah.
31:25Hey, what are you doing here?
31:27Got something to do with the doctors. You OK?
31:30Yeah, I'm... I'm fine.
31:33I mean, look, you can tell me to keep my neb out, but, er...
31:38If you want to...
31:42I'm pregnant.
32:00Are you sure? Mm-hm.
32:03Did two. Both positive.
32:06Ah. So, skipping over the next obvious question.
32:10It's ties.
32:12I kind of took that for granted. I meant, were you expecting it?
32:15Oh, right, yeah. Erm, no. No, we weren't.
32:19Oh, B's just found out about Alina's baby.
32:23And now this.
32:25Oh, that makes things complicated.
32:27The last thing on our minds is another kid.
32:30Oh, I don't even get how this could have happened.
32:35I think... Oh, you've just got to talk with time.
32:38I know, I know. I just...
32:43What if he wants to keep it?
32:45He's been heartbroken, you know, losing Dorian.
32:50You definitely don't want it, then.
32:52I... I don't know.
33:03Ta-da! Oh! Hey.
33:06We thought we'd try again on the old birthday front.
33:08I'm not surprised the candles haven't burned down.
33:10He's been waiting that long. Oh, sorry, yeah.
33:12I just... I got held up at work.
33:14Hey, don't you worry. There is no rush.
33:17Full disclosure, it's just a fresh gold meal deal,
33:20so it can be ready any time.
33:22So I could maybe run you a bath first, or...
33:26Yeah, get him. I'm going to take the kids to the pictures
33:29so you two can have the house to yourselves.
33:31Oh, no, you don't have to do that.
33:33No, no, enjoy yourself. You deserve it.
33:35Right, we'll call you on the way back.
33:37Thanks, Mum. Thanks, Cassie.
33:40So, what do you want first, a glass or a bath?
33:43Or maybe a bath and a glass of fizz?
33:46It's OK. I'm pregnant.
33:53Right, come on.
33:55A league of their own.
33:57Turns out Madonna can play baseball.
34:02You know, you don't have to sit with me
34:04just cos it's the funeral tomorrow.
34:06I'm not. I want to watch the baseball movie.
34:09You're not as good a liar as you think you are, you know.
34:17How are you feeling about it?
34:19The funeral, not baseball.
34:22Dreading it, obviously,
34:24but I've been around them enough to know that they can help.
34:31Everything all right with you and Bernie?
34:37Yeah, I think we've decided to split the ashes 50-50
34:40to save, you know, creative differences.
34:49You know that thing where you want to say something mad
34:52and you worry the other person will disregard it
34:55before you've even finished the sentence or...
34:58..or even consider it?
35:04..I want to send Paul's ashes into space.
35:08Well, I've found a company that does it
35:11and you put his ashes in something called a scatter vessel,
35:17which is attached to a hydrogen balloon.
35:20So, yeah, he floats up into space, right,
35:23and then when he gets above, like, what is it, 100,000 feet,
35:28they tip him out, but in a gentle cascade.
35:35So he wafts down, but as a space cloud,
35:39or mixed with raindrops or a snowflake,
35:42so then every time it rains, we'll be like...
35:46..that's our Apollo.
35:52It's a dreadful idea, isn't it?
35:54No, honey, I just thought he was going to be like a tree.
35:57Well, you know, not a tree, but his ashes were, like, in the...
36:00Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, that'd be really great too,
36:02but it's all just a bit earthbound.
36:05And I know Paul wasn't keen on his real name.
36:08I mean, none of my lot use their astrological names,
36:11but they're all my star children, see?
36:14And Paul, well, he's my star child.
36:18He's...he's Apollo.
36:23So do it.
36:25Really? Yeah, totally.
36:27I mean, if that is what you want, then do it.
36:30Right, they even film it.
36:32And they recover the balloon after, so there's no litter or help.
36:36Honey, just do it.
36:38But it's quite a lot more expensive than the tree.
36:41Yeah, but, you know, we can make this work.
36:44You know, I can make this work.
36:46Yeah? Yeah, darling, I love it!
36:48You know, and he would love it.
36:50You know, he's brilliant, he's mad, mad brilliant.
36:53Just like the both of you.
36:57Sorry about the mess.
36:59Please don't apologise.
37:01I'm sorry for calling unannounced.
37:04But I was concerned that in our little chat earlier,
37:08that we were treating Joel's disappearance
37:12as, well, an abstract case or a mystery to be solved,
37:18whereas, of course, no matter what you feel about him,
37:22you will be experiencing a form of grief.
37:28So you bought me a quiche?
37:30Yeah, a stilton and broccoli.
37:32Food preparation can be laborious at times of stress, so...
37:37Well, thank you.
37:39It looks really yummy.
37:41But, um, honestly, Roy, I'm fine.
37:44I'm fine. I just...
37:46I just... I know there's something the police are not seeing with this.
37:50It's cos I know Joel.
37:52I know how his brain works, and this is what he does.
37:55You know, he lies.
37:57He lies and he playacts.
38:00And he pretends he's a nice guy,
38:02but he's the victim, and the whole time he's just...
38:05You know, he's ruining lives, and I just...
38:09Sorry, Roy. Obviously you know that better than anyone.
38:12Please do not apologise.
38:16I just wish to express my support,
38:19and if there is anything I can do...
38:24To be honest, right now, I probably just need a large glass of Rioja.
38:28Well, perhaps we continue this conversation in the Rovers.
38:33I could buy you a Rioja.
38:35Oh, Roy, what's the matter?
38:37No, I... I insist.
38:45Do you even go to the pub?
38:47Yeah, I sometimes go to the pub, yes.
39:06You OK?
39:08Yeah. Yeah, I'm tired.
39:10I can't sleep.
39:12How's Bethany?
39:13It's just the same.
39:15I'm sorry.
39:17I was just ringing to say thank you so much for your donation.
39:21It was very, very generous of you.
39:23Well, we need everything we can get,
39:26cos the bills are just going up and up and up.
39:32Listen, everything's going to be OK.
39:34A lot of people back here want to help. We're going to get home.
39:38Sorry, I didn't ring to just cry at you.
39:41It's fine.
39:42Did you get a chance to listen to the voicemail?
39:46Yeah. Yeah, it's a no on that loan, I'm afraid.
39:50Look, try not to worry. Everything's going to be fine.
39:53Like I said, a lot of people back here want to help.
39:58Thanks, Adam.
40:00We'll speak soon.
40:05So, hear me out.
40:07I'm going to the pub.
40:10So, hear me out.
40:15Could it work?
40:18All of that. All over again.
40:21Sleepless nights.
40:22Yeah, and money, Ty.
40:24I know. But we've done it before. We could do it again.
40:28What if it's a girl?
40:30You already live in a house of five women.
40:32Could you really cope being outnumbered six to one?
40:35Wow. Never even thought about that.
40:39Couldn't work, could it?
40:42Coming in, big self-decent!
40:44You are so gross!
40:46Sorry, I did text.
40:48Candles? Posh.
40:50Something smells nice. Any left?
40:53I kept them away as long as I could.
40:55It's fine.
40:56Go on, there's some more on the side.
41:06And I thought I'd land quick.
41:09Yeah, sorry. It's been quite a day.
41:12Yeah, certainly has.
41:14And, you know, sharing a pub with my colleague.
41:18And the man I've finally arrested having a drink with a solicitor
41:22who's angry at me for not working hard enough.
41:25Turns out it's not all that relaxing.
41:27Do you want to go somewhere else?
41:29No, it's all right.
41:31Maybe just pour me another one of those.
41:35Oh, what about this car?
41:37I still can't believe that Dee Dee got Roy to come to the pub.
41:40I mean, he never does when I ask.
41:43Oh, there you go, one down.
41:46Yeah, it's a lot easier when I can keep a distance from the job.
41:53How's Betsy?
41:56Betsy is...
41:58an immature teenager grieving her mum
42:01and taking it out on me.
42:04Of course she is. Yeah.
42:06But I bet you didn't need grief, did you, to be a nightmare to your mum?
42:09Well, at least my mum was there every morning when I went to school.
42:12Oh, no, no, no, we're not doing working mum skill.
42:16Not on my watch, not tonight.
42:18Besides, your mum might have been there,
42:22but I bet you're a million things that your mum wasn't, you know?
42:28And you've shown Betsy she can be a million things that you can do.
42:32And you've done, being a single mum of a gobby teenager.
42:37I'm going to tell her you called her gobby.
42:39I'll tell her to her face.
42:42Oh, you're not leaving already, are you?
42:44Is she around, Roy?
42:46Well, I'd be very happy to furnish you with drinks.
42:51She's winding you up, Roy.
42:53I think I'm getting better,
42:55but I still tend to misinterpret your particular form of sarcasm, Gala.
43:00It's a way of telling.
43:03Feel like this case, eh, dear Swin?
43:05Catches you out, no obvious answer.
43:13Do you want a zip packet, Chris? Do you want any?
43:21Yes, love?
43:22Yes, love?
43:23Er, I'll have two packets of salt and vinegar
43:25and another bottle of Malbec, please, Sean.
43:27Coming up.
43:31We've tracked down Mr Jackson.
43:33Apparently he sold the car to a man matching Joel Deary's description.
43:37Joel Deary's DNA confirmed in the car and on a laptop under the seat.
43:42So Joel did park the car there?
43:45So what?
43:47That means he didn't kill himself.
43:49It was a set-up.
43:52Means it's like she said.
43:54There's no obvious answer.
43:57There is no flipping cigar.