The Legend of Tarzan S01 Ep19 - Tarzan and the Silver Ape

  • 2 weeks ago
The Professor and Tarzan must decide whether Mangani is a mystical jungle spirit or merely an ape.


00:00Oh, steady Tarzan. Steady. Almost there.
00:10But wouldn't it be easier to do this during the day?
00:13Oh, no. Nonsense. The long-tongued fruit bat is strictly nocturnal.
00:17Therefore, the only way to study their nesting site is at night, when they're not home.
00:41Oh, dear.
00:48This is dreadful. Just dreadful.
00:51It wasn't your fault, Professor.
00:53Oh, but it is, Tarzan. I...
00:56What's this?
01:00It's alive?
01:03No wounds.
01:04But how is that possible? No animal could have survived that fall. It was over 200 feet.
01:16What the deuce?
01:24Who or what is a Mangani?
01:26Hello. Mangani, the great spirit ape.
01:29He wanders the jungle curing the sick and the wounded.
01:32Jeez, everybody knows that.
01:34Cures the sick and the wounded?
01:36Oh, yeah. Mangani cured my Uncle Jamba's nasal congestion.
01:42Hey, to an elephant, nasal congestion is nothing to sneeze at.
01:47What a fascinating legend. Is it true, Tarzan?
01:51Yes. Mangani is the healing spirit of the jungle.
01:54Sorry, Tarzan, my boy. I'm afraid that Mangani is just an ape.
01:59The rest is nothing more than a good old-fashioned fairy tale.
02:03Fairy tale?
02:04Of course. Science has clearly shown that there are no such things as spirits and magic and whatnot.
02:10What Daddy means is that science can explain the unexplained.
02:14Precisely. Nevertheless, this Mangani is truly unique, and I should love to study him.
02:20Well, you won't find Mangani.
02:22Seeing him was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
02:26But surely we can track him?
02:28No. Mangani leaves no tracks.
02:31Well, then, a little deduction should do the trick.
02:34Using scientific reasoning, we can find anything,
02:38be it Mangani or a needle in a haystack.
02:42Just as I thought.
02:43Something has left minute luminescent spores on this grass.
02:47Here, see for yourself.
02:54But we're looking for Mangani.
02:55Ah, but Mangani was luminescent.
02:59Therefore, it follows that the spores in Mangani are from the same area.
03:04Knowing that the average male mountain gorilla can travel a maximum of four miles,
03:08Knowing that the average male mountain gorilla can travel a maximum of 40 miles a day,
03:12we can narrow our search to this area.
03:15And the only phosphorescent plants in this radius are right here.
03:20See, I told you that scientific method would lead us to Mangani's retreat.
03:25Now, all we have to do is...
03:27Shh, Mangani.
03:33See, I was right.
03:35Mangani must be a whole new subspecies.
03:44This is marvelous, Daddy.
03:46You've discovered a whole new breed of gorilla.
03:48Yes, I'll be the envy of primatologists everywhere.
03:52Now, careful, Daddy, you've been down this road before.
03:56Oh, tot-tot, Jane.
03:57Here, Tarzan, proof that Mangani is not some magical spirit,
04:02but good old-fashioned flesh and blood.
04:05This photograph shows what Mangani looks like,
04:08but not what he is.
04:15A nice hood, you say?
04:17That's very kind of you.
04:19My lady, my hood, my queen.
04:33Good heavens!
04:37Well, the tent should be easy to mend,
04:39but all my scientific notes, they're missing.
04:42I wonder, could this be the work of your friend Mangani?
04:46I smell men.
04:48Oh, dear, it's not me, is it?
04:51One does try to...
04:52Oh, you mean the theft is the work of men.
04:57Well, there is only one way to find out.
04:59Well, there is only one way to find out.
05:01We must track this thief, be he man or Mangani.
05:06Archie Porter's notes.
05:09Hopefully, these will help relegate that whole dinosaur fiasco
05:13to the realm of ancient history.
05:15Real live dinosaurs.
05:18Did you remember to make it appear as if an animal were the perpetrator?
05:21Purple. What was purple?
05:24Sure did, Governor.
05:25Covered our tracks real good, we did.
05:27Then my plan is working perfectly.
05:30While we're exploiting Porter's latest discovery,
05:33he'll be off interrogating chimps and baboons.
05:39We're close.
05:40Is it Mangani?
05:46Just a brilliant scientist.
05:54I should have known.
05:58That cat's reading my notes.
06:00All my discoveries, all my wondrous works.
06:05Boring, boring, boring.
06:09Come on, Archie. There must be something worthwhile in here.
06:13What's he saying?
06:14I can't hear a blasted thing?
06:16Let's move closer.
06:18Rido, the old eavesdrop ploy.
06:22Hold on, this looks promising.
06:24A new species of ape.
06:28Oh, so sorry.
06:30I do beg your pardon.
06:33I said I'm sorry. There's no need to be rude about it.
06:37No worries, Rido. Quiet, quiet, quiet, everyone.
06:40Lunar howling, secret watering hole, luminescent.
06:44Gadzooks, this is positively fabulous.
06:47Archie, you did it.
06:48I did it? Oh dear, what did I do now?
06:51Gentlemen, I have just stumbled on something
06:54that shall put me back on top of the scientific world
06:57and bring a king's ransom as well.
07:01Behold, Mangani, the silver ape.
07:05Oh, a monkey.
07:07It's not a monkey, you twit.
07:09It's a magnificent luminous gorilla
07:12who allegedly possesses mystical powers.
07:15Stop right there, Philander, you black-hearted thief.
07:20My, my.
07:21A visitant, Archimedes Q. Porter and his missing link's son-in-law.
07:25Walking up right now, are we?
07:27See here, you scoundrel.
07:30I insist you abandon your dastardly plans immediately.
07:34Whatever they are.
07:35That's for me to know and for you to find out.
07:38In the London Times.
07:39You do get that here, don't you?
07:41Oh, yes, but not home delivery.
07:44We have to jaunt through crocodile-infested swamps and all, you know.
07:47Well, enough idle chit-chat. I'm on a schedule.
08:08Get off. Get him off me.
08:10Come here, you.
08:12See here.
08:13Feet down, you ruffian.
08:18I say, nice hat.
08:19As they say.
08:20If you want something done right, you need to hire better lackeys.
08:29You two stay here and make sure they don't escape.
08:32The other bunglers and I shall capture this...
08:36Is that how you say it?
08:37If you cage Mungani, it will destroy him.
08:40Oh, don't worry.
08:42I won't cage him for long.
08:44After touring for a while, I'm sure some museum will want to stuff him.
08:51You can't break blood on the first trick.
08:56I didn't break a finger, then.
08:58Oh, you're never going to understand this game.
09:06Do you have your pocket watch?
09:08Oh, yes, but we've missed tea time, if that's what you're wondering.
09:11I have something else in mind.
09:14Is that...?
09:17Oh, sorry, my boy.
09:19I can't seem to reach it.
09:21Leave it to me.
09:26Ah, I see.
09:28Your fashioning of crude knife will be free in no time.
09:38So, where's the big monkey?
09:42This ape fancies himself as an animal Albert Schweitzer.
09:46He can't resist helping the wounded.
09:48He'll be here.
09:49Oh, it's been over an hour.
09:51Perhaps the old professor pulled another fast one on you, Governor.
09:54He's not that clever.
09:55Is he?
09:56He better not be.
09:57I'm up to my ears and dead financing this expedition.
09:59Yeah, and if you can't pay them blokes back,
10:01they'll play cricket with your gulliver.
10:03I don't need colorful, cognate commentary
10:06to be reminded of the seriousness of the situation.
10:10I can't hear nothing.
10:12Exactly. It's too quiet.
10:20Yes, good.
10:23He's taking the bait.
10:56Well, Governor, looks like we caught ourselves a monkey.
11:00Ape! He's an ape!
11:02A-P-E! Ape!
11:05How many times do I have to...
11:09Get him to the ship.
11:16A hundred on the nose. I'll go back to zero.
11:20You hear that?
11:27He's gone.
11:30I'll be here, you two.
11:32You know Tarzan can be too handily,
11:34so why don't you save us all some trouble
11:36and just be sports and tie yourselves to the tree, eh?
11:45That Professor Boy, he's a real smart one.
11:48Saved us a real bruising, he did.
11:50Yeah, course Dr. Philander will take care of that
11:53when he gets back, won't he?
11:55Oh, I didn't think of that.
11:59Mangani is there.
12:01That must be Philander's ship.
12:03But how do we reach it without a dinghy?
12:13Engine room, light the boilers.
12:15I want to be underway post-heast.
12:17Raise anchor!
12:19Thanks, my boy.
12:50Mangani's down there.
12:52Here, ape boy.
13:16Let me help you get down there quicker.
13:19No, Philander, you mustn't!
13:32Philander, you demon!
13:34A fall like that could...
13:36I mean, Tarzan may be...
13:38Could? Maybe?
13:40My dear Professor, I dare say Tarzan already is.
13:50I beg you, Samuel.
13:52Let me tempt Tarzan at once.
13:55Gentlemen, escort our esteemed stowaway to the brig.
14:00Unhand me, you scoundrels!
14:02I won't try to escape.
14:10Open the door!
14:19Oh, dear.
14:21Come on, you! Let's go!
14:23No, wait! He's still alive!
14:25But he needs medical attention now!
14:43Engine room, full steam ahead!
14:45Radio room, inform my creditors we are steaming back to England.
14:49Mass Hall!
14:50Can you make me some of those delicious little crab cake thingies
14:53and bring them to the brig ASAP?
14:55Oh, thanks a lot, Flanner.
14:58There! Er, you might need these.
15:02Philander, you fiend!
15:04You must let me attend to Tarzan's wounds!
15:07Well, if you're going to continue calling me names,
15:10I won't even pretend I'm listening to your pleas.
15:12I'll be back in a moment.
15:14I'll be back in a moment.
15:16I'll be back in a moment.
15:18I'll be back in a moment.
15:20I'll be back in a moment.
15:22I'll be back in a moment.
15:24I'll be back in a moment.
15:26And I'm listening to your pleas.
15:31Besides, I have other plans for you.
15:34Once we're a hundred miles out to sea,
15:36I'm going to send you adrift in the dinghy.
15:39But Tarzan needs my assistance!
15:42By the time you reach the African shore,
15:45I'll be safely back in England.
15:49And at the speed of ancient time,
15:53I'm a walk aboard England's mountains green.
15:57I am...
15:58Look, I don't care what you do to me!
16:00Just let me help Tarzan now, or he'll...
16:03Oh, all right already.
16:05I'll take care of your monkey-in-law.
16:07I say, Krum, I believe we have some dead weight in the cargo hold.
16:11Would you mind dumping Tarzan overboard?
16:15Philander, you can't be serious!
16:18Oh, please.
16:20We both know there's nothing anybody can do now.
16:22Only a miracle could save Tarzan.
16:34What do you mean we're out of crab cakes?
16:37Governor! He's gone! He's escaped!
16:40Hold on. What in the devil's name is wrong?
16:43We went to dump the ape man overboard like you said,
16:45but he was gone! Vanished!
16:47That's impossible!
17:06You won't get a drop on us, fish-tongue baboon boy.
18:06You're alive!
18:08The both of you!
18:09You free Mangani. I'll take care of Philander.
18:54Is he all right?
18:56Oh, my! Where is he?
18:58Where he belongs.
19:13I'm still baffled.
19:15Your injuries were fatal, yet you're alive.
19:18There must be some sort of scientific explanation.
19:21Science has nothing to do with it.
19:23Mangani healed me.
19:25Perhaps science can't explain everything, Daddy.
19:28There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
19:30than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
19:32Ah, good point, my dear.
19:35I guess even an old dog like me can learn a lesson.
19:39I just wish that Philander would learn his.
19:44Uh, gentlemen.
19:46Uh, without further ado,
19:49allow me to present a beast that will make us all filthy rich.
19:54The mighty silver ape of Africa.
19:59Uh, uh, uh, uh.
20:02Ah, uh, yes.
20:04Um, one at a time.
20:06Uh, please.
20:08Um, one at a time.
20:10Uh, please.
