• 5 days ago
Niels and Merkus return to the jungle and capture Tublat. Tarzan doesn't know whether to save his old enemy, or leave him to his fate.


00:00Tantor, be a good fellow and add a few roots to that flask, would you?
00:29Is it working? Is it working?
00:32Patience, Tantor. All scientific discovery involves a great deal of watching and waiting.
00:38Why, I once spent an entire winter camped outside a colony of swallows on the English countryside just to observe their social habits.
00:47Wow, you must have gathered a lot of valuable data.
00:50Well, not exactly. As it turns out, the little vermin actually migrate south for the winter, but you do see my point.
00:56Give me the latest pH report, would you, Tantor?
01:00They appear to be holding steady.
01:02Then I dare say we are on the verge of a breakthrough of monumental proportions.
01:09One way to find out, my boy.
01:20To the very first cup of fine British tea brewed right in the jungle.
01:25Here, here.
01:35Sweet English breakfast in the morning, that's horrible.
01:40Monsieur Dumont, I realize you only deal in cash transactions.
01:47And I hate to ask you to alter your business practices.
01:51Perish the thought.
01:52But I do so yearn for a good cup of tea.
01:56And I have the very best, Earl Grey, arrived just this morning.
02:01Yes, I couldn't help notice.
02:05Anyway, as this is a trading post, I am willing to trade this valuable spring-powered centrifuge in exchange for a modest tin of tea.
02:15Oh, so sorry, Professor. I have no need for your silly device.
02:20Oh, please, have mercy. I can't drink one more cup of boiled ferns only.
02:28Daddy, a little decorum, please?
02:31Monsieur Dumont, surely you can spare one tin of Earl Grey. Consider it a good deed.
02:37Ah, Jane, there are no rewards in good deeds.
02:41Sometimes a good deed is its own reward.
02:48Oh, thank you, kind sir. Thank you.
02:52Oh, how I've missed you, Earl Grey. We have so much to catch up on.
02:58Oh, pardon me, I'm so sorry.
03:01Oh, no. Pardon me, Professor.
03:06Niels and Marcus.
03:07Well, if it isn't Mr. Tarzan. Long time no see, gentle man.
03:14Not long enough.
03:22Put the gun away, Marcus. Every time you take it out, you get us into more trouble.
03:27What are you doing here?
03:29Now, now, there's no need to suspect our motives. We're simply here on business.
03:34Your business wouldn't involve diamonds, would it?
03:37Madam, you know us all too well. Yes, I'm afraid that we left some diamonds behind on our last visit.
03:43It was such a hasty departure.
03:45Yes, in handcuffs.
03:47Tarzan, I'm going to ask that you just please let us find our gems and go.
03:51And if I say no?
03:52Then things may get rough for your little monkey family.
03:57Stay away from the gorillas.
03:59Please, Tarzan. Our presence here will not harm you or your gorillas in any way whatsoever.
04:08You have my word.
04:10There. Shall we shake on it?
04:13We're going.
04:18You should have let me get rid of him the last time.
04:21As I recall, you tried. More than once.
04:25I must say, I'm none too happy to see Niels and Marcus back in the jungle.
04:29As long as they stay away from the gorillas, they can do what they want.
04:32Those two are trouble. I can feel it.
04:35No worries. Nothing a fresh pot of genuine British tea won't cure.
04:41Oh, sweet Earl Grey. How I've longed for you. Let us never be apart again.
04:49Daddy, should we leave you and the tea alone?
04:52Oh, nonsense. I'm just a man who can appreciate a good cup of tea is all.
04:59Tarzan will never guess who's back.
05:01Niels and Marcus.
05:03Oh, you know. Did I miss the fight? Was it gory? Did they weep like little girls?
05:08There was no fight, Turk. Just stay clear of them. They'll be gone soon.
05:12Not soon enough for me. I want them out of Africa.
05:15Turk, I don't want any trouble.
05:18Oh, you're no fun. What good are fists if you don't use them?
05:25Ah, here we are. The lava flow from that volcanic eruption.
05:30If memory serves, this is the tree we took refuge in when you dropped the bag of diamonds.
05:37What if the ape man hadn't rescued us so carelessly?
05:41Now, then. The lava flowed in this direction, carrying the diamonds somewhere about here.
05:49So, this is where we dig?
05:51This is where we dig.
06:01Oh, you don't suppose someone got here before us and stole our diamonds, do you?
06:17Oh, yes. And then carefully glued all of this hardened lava back in place.
06:22Well, I've dug enough. I say we blast this lava to smithereens.
06:27Yes, your typical brutish response. But for once, I agree. We have to be very precise.
06:34Is precise enough?
06:38One stick will suffice. You set the charge and I'll get the plunger.
06:53All set. Let's take the plunge.
07:09Quit blocking the light, Marcus. I can't see.
07:14Good heavens!
07:17Shoot it!
07:28My, that was a big blast for one stick of dynamite.
07:34Oh, well, it might have been an extra stick or two.
07:40Is it dead? Oh, I could put it out of its misery.
07:45Oh, wait. Forget the diamonds, my friend. I believe we've just stumbled across something much more valuable.
07:54Oh, Mr. Nielsen. I like the way you think.
08:11Someone's captured an ape!
08:13Kama here. Tuli here. Flint and Mungo here. Where's Turk?
08:19Turk? Has anybody seen Turk?
08:23Oh, no. My best friend is in lockdown.
08:27I want her. And them.
08:36That's the biggest ape I've ever laid my eyes on.
08:39Oh, yes. And it will need a big-sounding name. What do you think of Gargantua?
08:47How about King Crusher? Or maybe Crunch-O-The-Ape?
08:53He's a gorilla, not a pro wrestler.
08:56No, he's more of a...
09:06Two-Blood? What kind of stupid name is Two-Blood?
09:10It's his name.
09:11Now look, Tarzan. We promised we wouldn't hurt any of your apes, but this one attacked us.
09:17He's not one of my apes.
09:19He's not?
09:20He's my enemy.
09:22Well, I'm on my way. He doesn't seem to like you at all.
09:27He doesn't.
09:28And you won't mind if we kick him?
09:33No, I won't.
09:35Excellent. Because Two-Blood here is our ticket to success. We'll take him on the open road.
09:42George and a penny ahead to see the mighty Two-Blood.
09:46Of course, if he proves unruly, we may have to have him stuffed.
09:58No more Two-Blood!
10:00Yeah, bullies in a cage.
10:06I'm so relieved.
10:08I've had so many nightmares about that Two-Blood.
10:11Yes, it's certainly a happy ending.
10:13Yes, it is.
10:18Oh, hi, Tarzan.
10:20Perk! Where have you been?
10:23Around. Do I ask you 20 questions?
10:26Hey, um, what's all the hooting and hollering about?
10:29Some humans captured Two-Blood. They're gonna take him away.
10:33Far away.
10:35You are kidding me!
10:38Woo-hoo! That is some great news, huh, buddy?
10:42Yeah, great.
10:44Oh, so that's why you didn't pound Niels and Marcus into a paste.
10:48Oh, good thinking, T.
10:54T? T? Now, where has he walked to in such a hurry?
11:20Man, look at this, then.
11:23Not so tough now, are you, Mr. Big Bad Two-Blood?
11:28I'd say your days of pushing people around are over.
11:31Of course.
11:32If people are gonna pay to see you, you're gonna have to be scarier than this, mate.
11:38Now, let's see you give one of them big ape roars like you did before.
11:44Come on. I wanna hear you roar. Roar like a good giant ape.
11:49Oh, I know how to make you roar.
12:06That's more like it.
12:22Ah, here you are.
12:25I've been looking all over for you. What are you doing up here?
12:29I can see the whole jungle from here.
12:31Ah, yes. A little perspective on life.
12:34So, what's troubling you, Tarzan?
12:38You should be happy. Your most dangerous enemy is no longer a threat.
12:44Yes, but...
12:46The jungle is Two-Blood's home, too.
12:48If it were any other ape, any other animal, this would be wrong.
12:52Yes, I suppose that's true.
12:55So what makes Two-Blood different?
12:57Well, there is the little matter of him threatening your life countless times.
13:01That doesn't mean he deserves to be ripped from his home. Or killed.
13:05You're going to rescue Two-Blood?
13:09I can't imagine the apes will care for this.
13:12No, but sometimes a good deed is its own reward.
13:17And sometimes you learn a lesson too well.
13:27You're going to do what?
13:29Rescue Two-Blood.
13:31It's the right thing to do.
13:32You're his mother. Ground him. Send him to his room. Do something.
13:35Just don't let him do this.
13:37You know there's no changing his mind once it's made up.
13:40I'm going, Turk.
13:41And you'll get yourself killed.
13:43Then where will you be, Mr. Smarty Loincloth? Huh?
13:46Then what?
13:50Sometimes being a best friend ain't all it's cracked up to be.
13:53Tarzan! Yo, wait up! You're going to need me along to save your keister.
14:02Okay. Isn't this where we're supposed to find our resortment of bad guys?
14:07They're gone.
14:19Where did they go?
14:20Nils and Mirkus? They boarded a boat headed upriver.
14:25To catch a train. The Marrakesh Express, which will take them north across the continent.
14:30Are you sure?
14:32But of course. I sold them their first class tickets myself.
14:38First class?
14:41This isn't first class.
14:43I'll bet we don't even get complimentary drinks.
14:46Well, it isn't at all, Nils. Thanks to Tuba, dear, we'll soon be able to buy our own train if we so choose.
14:57Okay, this is going way too far for three guys we just plain don't like.
15:01Turk, I'm not changing my mind on this.
15:04Can't blame me for trying.
15:07See here, my good fellow. We've got a plane to catch in Tyrone.
15:11So let's get this train moving.
15:13Sorry, we have to stop for water.
15:16Perhaps you don't understand. We're very important businessmen.
15:20Perhaps you don't understand. Without water, the train won't move at all.
15:25So I suggest you learn to live with it. We'll be on our way soon.
15:30A hairless runt?
15:31Oh yeah, good. Insult the guy saving your life.
15:34What are you doing?
15:36Freeing you.
15:37What? Why?
15:40Doesn't make any sense to me, either.
15:42Well, well, well. What do we have here? Stowaways.
15:47After we reach Tyrone, we'll be able to buy our own train if we so choose.
15:52Doesn't make any sense to me, either.
15:54Well, well, well. What do we have here? Stowaways.
15:59After we reach Tyrone, we'll be able to buy our own train if we so choose.
16:02Dead body.
16:13Put that away. You've caused enough trouble with that.
16:16But we have to recapture the base before he gets away.
16:20Your escape doesn't seem to be his primary concern.
16:27This way! Run!
16:40Okay, really this time, I'm through saving people who want us dead.
16:46I have to save Niels and Marcus.
16:50From Tublot? Why? Let him rip them apart.
16:54That's no better than letting them kill Tublot.
17:02Forget the diamonds, he says.
17:05The diamonds don't try to kill you.
17:16Over there! Hurry!
17:20We'll never make it!
17:32Oh, sure. Don't wait up for me.
17:46I can't get my foot in! Help!
17:49Thank you, this does help.
17:57Get out of this room!
18:16You should never have saved me, runt!
18:21Just because I saved you, doesn't mean I like you.
19:26Now what? We got no ape, we got no diamonds,
19:30and this one's gonna hold us responsible for all the damages!
19:34You've cost us everything, Tarzan.
19:36Not everything. You're still alive.
19:39Oh, small consolation, thank you.
19:41We were going to be alive and rich!
19:46In grapes.
19:47I didn't expect them to like what I did, Turk.
19:49Well, it seems like somebody should appreciate it.
19:52I mean, nobody back home is gonna like this.
19:54That's true.
19:55And I doubt Tublot's gonna catch any slack next time you and him tangle.
19:59Probably not.
20:00So, uh, help me out here.
20:02What exactly is the upside to all this?
20:06I did the right thing, Turk, and that's reward enough.
20:11THE END
