UVI E1 2024 Review

  • 2 days ago


00:00Now we review Universal Basic Guys Pet Project. Yeah. Alright ladies and
00:09gentlemen, I have been seeing advertisements for Universal Basic Guys
00:15online forever and I had the opportunity, I don't know what streaming service it's
00:23on, a friend of mine said, hey bro let's have a beer and watch this. So I did. And
00:31the first episode is Pet Project in which one of the Universal Basic Guys,
00:39his wife gets a $200 gift card to a spa and he decides that, oh no, this guy's
00:47trying to sleep with my wife. I need to get her something awesome like a pet.
00:52Chimpanzee! Before I go any further let me remind you that for every thousand
00:59subscribers I get I do purchase one of these bracelets from 4ocean. 4ocean
01:04pulls a pound of trash out of the ocean every time I do that. I am giving you an
01:08opportunity to do something for free to help the environment and all you have to
01:14do is comment, like, and subscribe. Maybe share this with your friends. This is a
01:20good thing. It would be great if the entire world said let's save the
01:26environment for free, commented on this video, I made a million dollars and then
01:31pulled a lot of trash out of the ocean. Can't afford to do that on my own. I need
01:37your help. Anyway, so Universal Basic Guys, let's start out with the fact there, I
01:41think there are four of them. The premise is that they worked at a hot dog factory,
01:47I'm not sure which ones, maybe all of them, maybe one of them, worked at a hot
01:51dog factory that was taken over by robots and now they have a basic income
01:57of $3,000 a month and they're living the American dream. This lends themselves to
02:05the comedy concept of they have a happy idea and then see how that idea plays
02:11out. The Universal Basic Guys, there appears to be four of them, there's
02:16Thumb Head, I think his name is Mark, Thumb Head's useless brother, who
02:23generally is left holding the bag, and Fat Stupid Annoying Guy, who has too much
02:32stuff, and Eye Man, who is the modern equivalent of a panty waste. Anyway, so
02:47Thumb Head, his wife gets this gift card for her birthday and he gets
02:53her this funny picture and they go, no, no, no, no, you're gonna get cucked here,
03:03this guy is gonna sleep with your wife, so, you know, you need to get her
03:09something awesome. So they go down there to some sort of a not-so-safe zoo and
03:18get a chimpanzee that was in a bunch of medical experiments for like three
03:24grand, okay? Thumb Head and his dingus brother, and dingus brother does that, so
03:31dingus brother and Thumb Head come home with Chimpanzee and, you know, the wife's
03:37like, why would you get a chimpanzee? And then Chimpanzee rips Thumb Head's face
03:43off and the rest of the episode is them dealing with Chimpanzee and Thumb Head
03:51not having a face. It's... I didn't laugh once. I didn't laugh once. I mean, you
04:04know, look, for one thing, these guys are way too legacy for modern America. You
04:17know, some guy, I get it, his wife is a nurse, I guess he had a good
04:21manufacturing job, so he owns a house and owning a house, you know, he has the
04:31money to go... the chimp is only $3,000 and a chimpanzee is, I believe, $50,000 to
04:38$60,000 on the normal. So, yeah, but the chimpanzee, of course, is gonna... is
04:50really at the end of its life. It's not in very good shape. Its eyes are popping
04:53out. We saw this in the commercials. And yeah, okay, this is kind of a children's
05:06show but with adult concepts, so it has a heavy-handed moral and, you know, this guy
05:18kind of he blows things out of proportion. He's sort of our Charlie
05:23Brown. He's the lovable loser but he's not so lovable. He's terrible to his
05:28brother. He's the kind of person that hides things from his wife. He's a screw
05:34up who, you know, screws up and we think that's funny. How funny do you think it
05:43is that this guy got his face ripped off? I guess this is adult humor. This is
05:49an R-rated kind of a series. It has violence and animal cruelty and all
05:54those sorts of things but do you laugh at that? Do you really laugh at that? I
05:58don't know, man. I can't say that this was terrible. I mean, I watched the whole
06:04thing and I didn't... I didn't want to say, hey, bro, you know what? Let's watch
06:11something else and I didn't want to say, you know what? You finish
06:15watching this. I'm gonna go to the can. So on the one hand, it's passable and on the
06:21other hand, Universal Basic Guys doesn't seem like it has the energy to be funny.
06:27You know, it's like the two supporting guy characters, the I-do douche
06:35and the, you know, crazy idea douche, they're not funny. You know, like the
06:45whole time I-douche is trying to get his dog to jump on a skateboard and
06:50why, I'm not sure. He's not fleshed out as a character. I'm sure it makes more
06:54sense later but on the other hand, you've got the other douche and he apparently
07:00is the kind of person that does shady deals. I guess that's his character but
07:04we never... we never get enough about that for it to be funny. I mean, yeah, he has a
07:12pet snake that tries to eat him but, I mean, that's not funny. You know, I don't
07:19know. I don't laugh at anything so it's really hard to get me going but this,
07:24well, it didn't get me going. So you will probably find it funnier than I will. I
07:28would say this is a middle-of-the-watch list thing. Let's hope that it's coming
07:34to a vanilla start and it's gonna get more interesting later on. But I don't
07:43know. I don't know. Anyway, that's just my opinion. Love to hear yours. Comments below.
07:48I'm Richard. Greetings, humanity. Once again, Fred the Facehugger here reminding
07:53you to comment, like, and subscribe and of course you should do that because if you
07:58look, I am wearing two bracelets. These bracelets are from 4ocean, a company
08:03that pulls a pound of trash out of the ocean every time somebody buys something
08:07from them. Well, the owner of this channel has pledged to buy one bracelet for every
08:12thousand subscribers and it's a very, very dirty ocean that you dirtied. So you
08:18should help him out and comment, like, and subscribe, therefore having him more
08:24subscribers so that he can buy more bracelets and clean that ocean. Or, um,
08:31yeah, I could fulfill my life cycle and hug your face. Don't you want a hug? Come
08:37over here. I want to give you a hug. I want to give you a hug right now. Yes, yes,
08:42come over here, polluting human. Let me give you a hug.
