• 3 weeks ago
00:00Who is baking the cake for the tea party?
00:07I am baking the cake.
00:09What are you doing?
00:11I am making a potato cutlet.
00:14When will you finish baking the cake?
00:16In ten minutes.
00:19Where is the cream?
00:21It is in the fridge.
00:23Which color should I add to the cream?
00:26Why should I add pink?
00:29You must add pink because it is my favorite color.
00:34How will you add it?
00:36I will use a dropper.
00:39This looks delicious.
00:42You just saw Nimmy and Rohan asking questions to each other.
00:49They used words like who, what, when, where, which, why and how.
00:56Let us read the questions again.
00:59Who is going to make it?
01:01What shall I bring first?
01:04When should I put the sugar?
01:06Where is the cream?
01:08Which is the vanilla scents?
01:10Why should I add pink?
01:13How will you add it?
01:15A question word helps in asking questions.
01:19A question begins with a capital letter and ends with a question mark.
01:25Imagine a question like this.
01:27Is your name?
01:29Do you live?
01:31Cooks in your house?
01:33Is this correct?
01:35You need question words to make them sound better and complete.
01:40The correct way to ask question is, What is your name?
01:44Where do you live?
01:46Who cooks in your house?
01:49Let us talk about the question word who.
01:53Look at the examples.
01:55Who is she?
01:57She is my teacher.
01:59Who is he?
02:00He is a doctor.
02:02The question word who is used for people.
02:08Let us learn about the question word what.
02:12Look at the examples.
02:14What is this?
02:15This is a pen.
02:17What is that?
02:18That is a bird.
02:21The question word what is used for thing or information.
02:28Let us learn about the question word when.
02:31Look at the examples.
02:36The question word when is used for time.
02:41Let us learn about the question word where.
02:44Look at the examples.
02:47Where is the bus?
02:48The bus is near the tree.
02:51Where is my dress?
02:52The dress is on the bed.
02:54The question word where is used for place.
03:00Let us learn about the question word why.
03:03Look at the examples.
03:05Why are you crying?
03:07I am crying because I fell down and hurt my leg.
03:12Why should I eat vegetables?
03:14You should eat vegetables because they will make you strong and healthy.
03:20The question word why is used to show reason.
03:25Let us learn about the question word how.
03:28Look at the given examples.
03:31How are you?
03:32I am fine thank you.
03:35How will you go home?
03:36I will go by bus.
03:40Have you ever used the word whose?
03:43See how it has been used.
03:47Whose is this book?
03:49This is Shasta's book.
03:52Whose house is that?
03:54That is Dan's house.
03:57The word whose is used to show possession.
04:02Do you know that you can ask questions using the words do, does, did and can?
04:08The answer to these questions is in yes or no.
04:13Look at these sentences.
04:16Can you swim well?
04:18Yes I can.
04:20Do they eat vegetables?
04:22Yes they do.
04:24Did you take an umbrella?
04:26No I didn't.
04:28Does your son write well?
04:30Yes he does.
04:34What is the boy doing?
04:37Who is coming to our house?
04:40Where have you kept her toys?
04:44When is your birthday?
04:47Which is my chair?
04:50How are we going to write without a pen?
04:54Whose dress are you wearing?