1st October 2024

  • 2 days ago


00:00If this is about your wife...
00:30I only told her the truth.
00:33I didn't ask Stella to visit you.
00:37She took it upon herself because she is a good woman who believes in her husband.
00:49I got home and she was packing her things because of what you said to her.
00:54Whatever poison you fed her.
00:56This has got to stop, Yolandi.
01:09If no one else has any questions...
01:12I have questions, lots of them.
01:14Those were Debbie's wishes. We have to honour them.
01:18How do we even know Debbie changed them? It doesn't sound like her.
01:22Debbie loved me. She'd want me to have everything.
01:24Like I'd want her to have it.
01:27The will was witnessed and signed, Mr Colwell. It's all in order, I promise.
01:32You have my card if you need anything further.
01:45This doesn't make sense, any of it.
01:48We had a happy marriage.
01:50We had a happy marriage. I was there with...
01:56Even when certain people couldn't be bothered anymore.
01:59Oh, there he is. There's the real Rhys. I knew he'd make an appearance sooner or later.
02:04We've heard what we need to. It's time to go.
02:07But if you really don't know why Debbie cut you out, then you must be the only one.
02:14Tell me if you know so much.
02:15Well, she was bored. Bored with you and your weird little ways.
02:22I know you're just trying to hurt me.
02:24No, no, no. It's all written down in black and white.
02:27The only thing that she wanted you to have was something she never wanted in the first place.
02:31Just proves what I always thought.
02:34You took so much from her over the years. Laughter, joy.
02:39Looks like she wanted to make damn sure you couldn't take anything else.
02:45I know you hate me.
02:48But I don't hate you. I mean, you gave me Debbie. How could I?
02:52Just tell us where Debbie's things are and then we can get out of here.
02:56Well, there's a lock off. I took it as storage.
03:00Well, get her stuff out of there and send it where she wanted it to go.
03:04Or our solicitor will be in touch.
03:22How's that go?
03:24I'm sorry. I think I just need to be alone for a little while.
03:33How could you do this to me?
03:36And with such spite.
03:39You have destroyed my reputation.
03:42My future in the ministry hangs in the balance and now...
03:46my marriage.
03:49I told you I only told her the truth.
03:52When did you become so vindictive?
03:58You really hate me, don't you?
04:00I have lived my whole life trying to keep hate out of my heart.
04:16Then repent, Yolande.
04:19Withdraw your statement. Be pure of heart again like you wish to be.
04:25If you do the right thing, maybe the others will follow suit.
04:29Perhaps I can claw something back.
04:32Some semblance of my purpose.
04:35My duty to God.
04:38Because who is really suffering?
04:44The community.
04:47All those vulnerable people who need the strong arm of God.
04:51All those vulnerable people who need the strong arm of God to guide them.
04:59And now, thanks to the fear you've engendered...
05:05I have caused no one to be afraid.
05:09Where will those people go if not to me?
05:13How will they reach God if not through me?
05:21I am innocent.
05:26I'm a man of faith.
05:29And you must put a stop to all this, Yolande.
05:34Do it now.
05:36This very day, before anyone else gets hurt.
05:52Uncle Tom, please.
05:54Absolutely not.
06:00We're not finished here yet.
06:05Come on, look, I think I'll just go home to Yolande.
06:09Hold on, you can't go. I just bought the second least expensive one.
06:12You mean the second cheapest?
06:16Patrick, we're all worried about Yolande, yeah?
06:19But you can't be fussing around her. That woman is made of solid rock.
06:24Now look, the trial's not here yet.
06:27There's still a long road ahead, so just give us some space, yeah?
06:31Come on. One more drink ain't gonna hurt.
06:36All right.
06:38I think we should talk through what you're going to say before you call the police.
06:47If you're going to withdraw your statement, it has to be definitive.
06:52To put it to bed, once and for all, you have to be very clear.
07:00Nothing inappropriate happened between us.
07:05You were mistaken, and I am innocent.
07:10I'm innocent.
07:22You are delusional.
07:26We decided.
07:28We decided nothing.
07:32You are talking and trying to manipulate me again.
07:38That is all you know how to do.
07:41That is all you have ever done to me, to your wife, to who knows how many other women.
07:49How dare you call yourself a man of God?
07:53God is nothing but a cover for you.
07:57You use God's name in vain to wheedle your way into people's lives and hurt them.
08:02Yes, pastor.
08:04I am a victim of your manipulation and your abuse.
08:09But I, I know God and I know that you are an abomination in the sight of God.
08:17You think that God don't see you?
08:19What you have to understand is that all this trial will do is make things worse.
08:25Nothing can be worse than this.
08:27Better you had killed me.
08:30Better you had killed me.
08:35When I think about my body, my faith, my faith.
08:43When my loving Patrick puts his hand on me, all changed.
08:55Corrupted all because of you.
09:14Admit what you did to me and those other women.
09:22Admit how you violated me.
09:25How you made me question my instincts, my, my sense of reality, my sanity.
09:35Admit how you chose your moments.
09:42How you knew how I would react better than I did because you have done it all so many times before.
09:49Just own up to it, you dirty piece of.
09:52That's a dirty piece of.
09:57Admit it all.
09:59Admit it to me here, even if you never say it again.
10:02Admit what you are.
10:15You must be insane.
10:17Not another step.
10:23What are you waiting for?
10:30Get out.
10:33Get out of my home.
10:36And never put your foot back in there.
10:49Are you okay, Nancy?
10:52I'm good.
10:53Well done.
10:54Yeah, I'm good.
10:55I'm good.
10:57I'm good.
11:00Going somewhere?
11:03Wouldn't it be better to wait till tomorrow? I mean, it's easy to get lost when it's dark.
11:08Or I could come with you, do my cheesy tour guide bit.
11:12On the left are world famous batonkis.
11:16Actually, there was one thing.
11:18See you later.
11:19We could do it.
11:23Yeah, later.
11:28Eat something.
11:34I'm glad you're still here. I've got about a million things I want to ask you.
11:38Not you again. Look, he doesn't need any more stress.
11:42You don't like Rhys much, do you?
11:44No, I've got good reason, believe me.
11:47He got shirty with me once.
11:49I mean, everyone around here thinks he's a shy little mouse, but he ain't.
11:54Can I get you another cup of tea?
11:57Look, if you want to bend our era about how your poor sister's innocent, then...
12:01No, I don't want to talk about Sonia.
12:08Can you tell me about Rhys and Debbie?
12:10Bee, it's me.
12:12I'm just checking up on you.
12:14I'm going back to work in a bit. Come and find me, yeah?
12:16Listen, leave it with me and I'll tell you when I'm ready, alright?
12:18What are you two whispering about?
12:20Nothing, just a...
12:23If you've got yourself in some sort of trouble again...
12:26Thanks, but it weren't me this time.
12:32OK, right, erm...
12:34Olga has given me the bullet from the bookies.
12:38Now, hold on, I only closed this shop for a quick half hour.
12:42This is you all over, isn't it? The first decent job you've had in ages
12:45and you can't help but skive.
12:47This is nothing to do with you, Tommy!
12:49You think you're so smart?
12:50You wouldn't have anything if it wasn't for Phil dropping them cabs in your lap.
12:53Whoa, whoa, what are we talking about?
12:55Tommy, go to your room, I need to speak to your mum. Go, go!
13:06What are you talking about?
13:08Oh, just lots of things, you know, respect, family...
13:12Obviously thought I was getting through to him, but obviously not.
13:16But come on, stuff happens.
13:18Be OK, we're going to work it out, all right?
13:20That is your answer to everything, isn't it, Alfie?
13:22It'll all work out in the end.
13:24Well, I'm not like you, I live in the real world.
13:30He's always going on about how much he loved Debbie, how close they were.
13:34He's right, they were, at first.
13:37You know what life with Rhys is like, all board games and spreadsheets.
13:42Oh, she was so young when they got together.
13:45But by the time she had her stroke, well, I don't think she could take it any more.
13:50And he had no idea?
13:52Well, not judging from his reaction when the will was read out.
13:55Well, if you ask me, she was going to divorce him.
13:59Well, of course she knew that she couldn't stop him getting half the house.
14:02And the life insurance.
14:04I saw her letter.
14:06Debbie did have life insurance.
14:11Oh, no, she never cared about money.
14:14No, it was things that meant something that made her who she was.
14:19That's what mattered.
14:22Debbie might not have cared about money, but Rhys does.
14:27I mean, with her gone, I mean, he knew he'd be getting a big payout.
14:33He has got money problems.
14:35You don't know how he paid for Sonia's IVF.
14:38Look, it's been a long day. You need to be on the road.
14:41I'll see you at the car.
14:46Losing Debbie is...
14:48Oh, it's taken a toll on him.
14:53Now the will's sorted,
14:55you just need a bit of peace and quiet to try and remember her how she was.
15:01Look, things between them were never as perfect as he made out.
15:06If I could turn the clock back,
15:09then I'd go round there and I'd kick the door in, if I had to,
15:15and I'd pack Debbie's bag and then...
15:18I'd take my little girl by the hand...
15:22and never look back.
15:26I'd let her down, and I...
15:29I'll never forgive myself for that.
15:40Read Funtings.
15:42I'd never heard of them, but they're everywhere.
15:45Yeah, we had to stop one for an Oriental. It was so expensive.
15:48It's a great book.
15:50I'd never heard of them, but they're everywhere.
15:53Yeah, we had to stop one for an Oriental. It was so expensive.
15:56Let me guess, more bird-watching?
15:58I mean, I knew you needed binoculars, but not something like this.
16:06Glad to see you two are having fun.
16:10Bobby's doing fantastic. Thanks for asking.
16:13He's settled. He's got himself a job.
16:17Nothing to stop him now, is there? Now he's got rid of what was holding him back.
16:23Um, I'll catch you later, yeah?
16:26I think I need a cuppa after all that twitching.
16:29Yeah, I want to let Kat hear our recordings.
16:34How dare you talk to her like that?
16:37Look, Bobby might have got himself a job, but it's obvious from talking to him on the phone.
16:41He's not over her yet, and Jane's not helping.
16:44There's obviously something Bobby doesn't want me to know.
16:46Yeah, and that is not Anna's fault.
16:48She's the one that drove him out of Walford, and now she's hanging around his best mate like some bad smell.
16:53I might have known you wouldn't think badly of it.
16:56You carry on talking like that and you'll be wearing that drink.
17:02Right. Nevertheless, I need to get back home to you, Landy.
17:07Now, I'm not saying this because I've had three of Tracy's special cocktails.
17:13I keep telling you, babe, a white wine spritzer is not a cocktail.
17:16Anything in the hands of the Kimfluencer is a cocktail, OK?
17:22Listen, your Landy, she is stronger than all of us, yeah?
17:27And if anyone can get through this, she can.
17:30Trust me, yeah?
17:32OK, let's go, let's go, OK?
17:36I'm in.
17:37This one, aren't he, Kat? Listen, listen.
17:40He's a greeb. He was so far away, I didn't think I'd catch him.
17:43But thanks to this bad boy...
17:45Seriously, I can record birdsong up to 100 feet away straight to my phone.
17:49That's fascinating, Fred.
17:51There you are. I've been calling you all afternoon.
17:53It's mad, ain't it?
17:54I could record a conversation happening on the other side of the house and it'd come through crystal clear.
17:58I need to speak to Kat. Just do one, yeah, Fred?
18:00I'm a bit rude. You all right?
18:01No, this is an emergency and you ain't heard rude, trust me.
18:07Right, calm down, yeah?
18:09Because you're not the only one that's got something to say.
18:11Debbie has changed her will.
18:13All she left Rhys was this freaky little doll's ass.
18:15Right, we need to change your GP's appointment, yeah?
18:17And you're not going to flake out on me this time.
18:19Did you hear what I just said?
18:20Yes, yes, I did, about Rhys. That's all you talk about these days.
18:23Debbie and Rhys were not love's young dream, not by a long shot, see?
18:26Something else that he's lied about.
18:28Don't you change channels?
18:30Listen, you need to stop this, Bea. You need to focus on yourself, right?
18:33Accusing Rhys of all sorts.
18:35Sonia needs me, Kat. Right.
18:37Well, you're not going to be there forever if you carry on going down this road.
18:40You need help, OK?
18:42Debbie had life insurance. It's a motive.
18:45Rhys was up to his eyes in debt and he knew that if Debbie snuffed it,
18:48it'd be quids in.
18:49You really remind me of someone right now.
18:51Jean, Stacey, when they go manic.
18:54I am not manic! I am angry.
18:56I am determined to get my little sister out of prison.
18:58I know I'm right about this, Kat. I know I am.
19:01You need to see a doctor, all right? No excuses.
19:04Sonia is stuck by me through thick and thin.
19:06When everyone turned their back on me, when my mum didn't want to know me,
19:09and I have never had a chance to pay her back up until now.
19:12Debbie's mum is in bits thinking about what if.
19:14Sonia's in prison, she's going to have a baby she might not ever see grow up.
19:17I just can't let that happen, Kat.
19:19That's not for you to sort.
19:21And even if it was, you ain't up to it.
19:23I ain't going to look back wondering if I could have done something.
19:26Can you listen to yourself?
19:32I am going to make that button-up little freak tell the truth.
19:35I'm going to show everyone what he's like, and I'm going to do it tonight.
19:44He was here. The pastor, he was here.
19:48You know I should have never left, huh?
19:50Yolande! Yolande!
19:53What's all the shouting about?
19:55The things you said Pastor Clayton was here.
20:03He showed up.
20:05He, um, tried to convince me to drop the whole thing.
20:12I could not be persuaded.
20:14She was so brave. You guys should have seen her.
20:16Proper told him to get out and everything.
20:18You OK?
20:22It's been a long day.
20:25Oh, yeah.
20:27Sit down. It's family time.
20:33Oh, don't hear me. Come, come.
20:35Come on, you're a good woman.
20:45A few drinks.
20:47Bag of chips on the way home.
20:49The woman I love at shaping up the bit of perfect evening.
20:52How about we snuggle up on the sofa, yeah?
20:56Watch a nice film.
20:58I can't. I've got a date with the VAT spreadsheet.
21:02You haven't seen my laptop, have you?
21:04Er, I think you left it in Beelzeal's.
21:06Why are you being like this?
21:08Like what?
21:10I think I've known you long enough to know when I'm getting the silent treatment.
21:13And why would I be doing that, I wonder?
21:15Maybe because you talked to my daughter like dirt
21:17or shamed her over having an abortion?
21:19I just think if she'd given Bobby a chance,
21:22he would have stood by her, they could have kept the baby
21:24and things could have worked out.
21:26She didn't want that, Ian.
21:28Not every woman wants her life defined by the man
21:30that happens to knock her up when she's 22, you know.
21:34Well, there are worse things that could happen.
21:36Right, I'm going to go and find my laptop. Don't wait up.
22:05Do you enjoy the sights and sounds of Walford?
22:07I mean, it's not Vegas, but you can always find a decent shish kebab
22:10if you know how to look.
22:12I think I'll just head upstairs, if that's OK?
22:14Of course. But if you want a drink and a natter, you're more than welcome.
22:19I mean, it's hardly surprising
22:21going out somewhere unfamiliar hasn't left him doing cartwheels.
22:24I did offer to go with him, but he didn't want me to go.
22:27And the girls keep saying you've got to respect people's boundaries these days.
22:30Yeah, well, hasn't worked out too well, has it?
22:40Thank you, mate. Oh, Freddie. Been looking everywhere for you.
22:43Bianca, one minute you're telling me to do one,
22:45and the next you're my best mate.
22:47Unless I've roller-coasted with you.
22:49I just want to ask you about that microphone of yours.
22:56Kat, I don't want you to worry about what happened, all right?
22:59Cos I will, I will get another job.
23:01Oh, you know as well as I do it ain't that easy at the minute.
23:04Anyway, it's not just you.
23:06We're trying to talk Bianca down, but she won't listen to me.
23:09And as for Tommy, I can't do right for doing wrong with him these days.
23:13Hey, are you still doing that?
23:15Just getting a drink.
23:25Mum, love you.
23:29Goodnight, Tommy.
23:31Goodnight, Tommy.
23:43Didn't see that coming.
23:45Hey, hey, maybe I got through to him this time.
23:48Who knows? Maybe he got through to Bianca and all, eh?
24:27Must be the mate that's trying to see me.
24:29Shut up.
24:43I know you're worried about me.
24:47If that man said anything at all or did anything...
24:51He met his match in me today.
24:56Not that I was weak before, but...
25:00..today I found a strength in me I never knew I had.
25:05Baby, I never doubted you.
25:11I'll get it.
25:12That boy ain't a swisher like.
25:14Hey, hey, hey. Hey, how are you?
25:17Time to go up to your wife, man.
25:19Go on.
25:23On to you.
25:25It's the police. They want to talk to you.
25:27What's going on?
25:31Um, someone told you that Clayton was here?
25:34Well, he shouldn't have been.
25:37I was going to call someone in the morning.
25:39We wanted to inform you before it becomes public knowledge.
25:46Gideon Clayton took his own life earlier this evening.