Naked and Afraid | Nude Survival | Preparing for a Brutal Two Day Extraction

  • 2 days ago
Naked and Afraid | Nude Survival | Preparing for a Brutal Two Day Extraction


00:00This is not for amateurs.
00:09With extraction coming up, we should take a look at the map.
00:12It'd be great to make it there in one shot.
00:14We do have a river crossing ahead of us.
00:17There could also be walking through more thick, dense jungle.
00:21The problem is, it could rain at any moment.
00:24We definitely have to consider stopping along the way as night approaches.
00:28Our insertion was a very difficult two-day trek to get where we are now.
00:33So, we're also thinking it might be a two-day extraction.
00:39Yeah, this is a two-day hike.
00:43This is that phase of the challenge where food becomes, I think, the biggest priority.
00:48I've never tried this water hole.
00:53The mud here is very, very deep.
01:02That's a piranha!
01:04That's 100% a really big piranha.
01:07That's a piranha.
01:09Red piranhas are a good source of protein.
01:11But their strong jaws, combined with finely serrated teeth, enable them to tear through flesh with ease.
01:23I'm actually most worried about the piranha biting my hand.
01:41Oh, right there.
01:43Hey, little guy.
01:49My old friend.
01:56I got him.
01:58I got him.
01:59Oh, yes.
02:01Oh, man.
02:04That's a big-looking piranha.
02:07You've got to control the mouth because that thing will take a chunk of your finger off.
02:13Get your fingers in the gills to protect yourself.
02:18Look at this guy.
02:21Got my machete mark on the back.
02:25That's a lot of meat.
02:27We're going to eat as much as we possibly can to get ready for our two-day extraction.
02:32We have roasted papaya, mashed potatoes, which is made of yucca roots.
02:38And then for dessert, ripe papaya fruit.
02:43You go first.
02:49Oh, that's so good.
02:51That's flavorful.
02:53Awesome meal. Delicious.
02:55It tastes like a meal you would have at home.
02:59Time for some fish.
03:04This one isn't the prettiest, but hopefully some good white meat.
03:09Oh, look at that.
03:12Oh, man. That's good.
03:14It felt like eating a chicken breast almost.
03:17I am happy for Fernando because I know he was ecstatic to have this fish.
03:22His body is used to eating this diet, so I think it's great for him for extraction.
03:28What a great find.
03:29And you are so skilled at the foraging thing.
03:32It's so impressive.
03:35And this one's for you.
03:37Food is better when you share it.
03:39Yeah, it is, actually.
03:43That's good.
03:53This was the travois.
03:55Now repurposed to carry our coal on our extraction hike.
04:00I've never transported coals like this.
04:03My biggest concern, besides the coals going out, is it burning through my carrier and then the whole thing falling apart.
04:09It's beautiful.
04:11It was really nice to see Fernando use the travois.
04:15This is all going to make our life easier when we have to make our last fire.
04:22We're here.
04:24Our extraction point is here.
04:25Which is going to be out that way.
04:27Walk through our water source.
04:30And keep on going.
04:32All right.
04:33Let's get to it.
04:37If the coals fall here, that'd be really bad.
04:40Definitely incentive for us to kind of get moving and get to our next camp because these coals, they're shelf-life in this little bundle.
04:46It's pretty steep up here.
04:49Let me know if I can grab anything.
04:51I'm happy to have Fernando by my side.
04:53He definitely makes up for all of the strength and manpower that I don't have.
05:00How's your weight?
05:01It's good.
05:02The only thing I didn't really factor in is how hot I would be carrying hot coals, which seems really obvious now.
05:09Well, if you need to switch at all, we can switch.
05:17Watch out for this leaf.
05:18There's a lot of fire ants on it.
05:20All right, got it.
05:26We've been going for a while now.
05:28Sun's going down.
05:29I'm not sure if we're going to have these coals for much longer.
05:33If we see a good spot.
05:34We can start looking.
05:35To camp.
05:36That probably wouldn't be a bad idea.
05:44Holy cow.
05:52I have never seen anything like this in my life.
05:57This is the tree on the map, huh?
05:58That big landmark.
05:59It has to be.
06:00I think we should camp here.
06:01This is like a symbol.
06:03We can totally utilize the different root systems here to stay out of the rain if it rains.
06:09Yeah, this is going to be home for tonight.
06:12It's getting dark now.
06:13Set up camp.
06:14Then we can hit it hard tomorrow morning.
06:16Did you want to do like a lean-to or something?
06:18Yeah, lean against the tree.
06:20Have this wall as insulation.
06:22Have our exit here.
06:25All right.
06:26Work to do.
06:27I'm going to go one last outing for firewood.
06:42Oh, damn.
06:47Oh, a furry, gnarly caterpillar.
06:52Just stung the crap out of me.
06:55The Otomeris caterpillar has sharp spines lining its sides and back.
07:00These spiky armaments release venom, causing a painful, long-lasting sting.
07:07That hurt a lot.
07:11Oh, man.
07:12That was pain.
07:15This is like throbbing.
07:17It is easily up there with a bullet ant.
07:20It hurts like hell.
07:22I should be okay.
07:28This fire, it looks really good.
07:30Yeah, it does.
07:32Transporting the coals was a success.
07:35If you want to kind of give that thing some life, it'll be good for the night, I think.
07:44It's surreal that it's day 21.
07:48All we have left to do is get to the red X.
07:53For the final leg of extraction, Danny and Fernando will trek another grueling three miles through the soggy jungle
07:59to the piranha-infested river that also conceals caiman and anaconda.
08:04Once they cross, it will be another two-mile hike to their extraction point on an abandoned road.
08:11All right.
08:12I think we're ready.
08:13Thank you, tree.
08:14Tree, you're the best.
08:16Let's go for it.
08:20We're back to lower ground.
08:22Everything is wet and muddy.
08:27This is not easy, that's for sure.
08:33I'm just looking forward to getting out.
08:37Getting out.
08:39It's definitely a buggier area than the previous locations.
08:45This is a good sign that we're approaching a river.
08:51Oh, yes.
08:58We made it to the river.
09:00Oh, my goodness.
09:01I thought we'd never get out of that jungle.
09:04Oh, my gosh.
09:06This is it.
09:08We know we have to get across this somehow.
09:11What do you think?
09:12I say we just swim.
09:15But let's just keep our eyes up in the trees and along the bank if there's any anacondas over here.
09:21Averaging 15 feet in length, anacondas strike quickly and lock in their bite.
09:27They kill either by suffocating or crushing their prey.
09:32There's definitely things living in this waterway.
09:35Let's do it.
09:50Are you good?
09:54Oh, my gosh.
10:03Oh, my gosh.
10:12Oh, great job.
10:20Do you hear a vehicle?
10:21I do hear a vehicle.
10:22We must be close to the road.
10:24Oh, I see it clearing up ahead.
10:28This could be the road.
10:38What do you think?
10:45What is that?
10:48That's a vehicle.
10:50Oh, my God.
10:52Dani, that's it.
10:53We're done.
10:56Oh, my God.
10:58Dani, we did it.
11:00We did it.
11:02Oh, my goodness.
11:03Back to our families.
11:05That was really hard.
11:06It's just so nice to be out of the canopy.
11:11I know.
11:15Here we go.
11:16We're on our way out.
11:18Hold on.
11:19We're on our way out.
11:20All the hardship, all the suffering is for this moment right now.
11:24I'm excited about finishing this challenge in a way that I'm proud of.
11:27The most important thing for me is finishing as a team.
11:31That's essentially half of the challenge itself.
11:35Having a partner and learning to compromise is something that I learned from Fernando.
11:40I couldn't have imagined a better partner for this location.
11:43Working with Dani, it just took a little bit of trial and error because her survival perspective is so different.
11:49I feel like Dani and I both have strengths.
11:51We both have limitations.
11:52I think we brought our best versions of ourselves to this challenge.
12:13I'm excited.
12:14I'm excited.
12:15I'm excited.
12:16I'm excited.
12:17I'm excited.
12:18I'm excited.
12:19I'm excited.
12:20I'm excited.
12:21I'm excited.
12:22I'm excited.
12:23I'm excited.
12:24I'm excited.
12:25I'm excited.
12:26I'm excited.
12:27I'm excited.
12:28I'm excited.
12:29I'm excited.
12:30I'm excited.
12:31I'm excited.
12:32I'm excited.
12:33I'm excited.
12:34I'm excited.
12:35I'm excited.
12:36I'm excited.
12:37I'm excited.
12:38I'm excited.
12:39I'm excited.
12:40I'm excited.
12:41I'm excited.
