The Traitors Canada Season 2 Episode 1

  • 2 days ago
The Traitors Canada S2 Episode 1 - A Sacrificial Arrival


00:00I don't know what to do with myself.
00:30It's about to begin.
00:42The end is near.
00:47Once again, I scoured the country for the most manipulative and least trustworthy players I could find.
01:07From the most ordinary and anonymous of citizens to the brashest of faces you may already know, I have assembled a group worthy of the world's favourite murder mystery game.
01:22They will all arrive faithful, but that won't last long.
01:27Here at my manor in L'Abreu Provence, we will arm our guests with missions where they could collect a prize pot of up to $100,000.
01:39If they survive my game, they win the money.
01:43If they don't...
01:44They will go home betrayed and penniless.
01:54I will select the traitors from their ranks, but it will be up to the remaining faithful to weed them out in order to win the prize pot for themselves.
02:04But every night, the traitors will assemble in darkness and murder their fellow players.
02:11During the day, it will be even worse.
02:15They will lie, they will connive, they will sow chaos wherever they can to throw the faithful off their scent.
02:23I'm not a sheep, I'm not following what people are telling me.
02:26They will pit friends against each other.
02:28I don't know where to go with you.
02:30You are such a liar!
02:32Vote me out tomorrow.
02:34They will use weaknesses and exploit fears.
02:36It's a bit of a bullshit question.
02:38Believe what you want to believe.
02:40If I was a traitor, I would be laughing at this chaos.
02:44Because if even one traitor is left at the end, it is they who will take home the prize pot.
02:50Shut up!
02:52They will play this game like nothing you've ever seen before.
02:56These traitors are nasty.
02:58This is going to be a very long game.
03:00And you, my dear voyeur, will sit back and enjoy every malicious minute.
03:11So buckle up, because the Traitor's Canada is back.
03:21Traitor's Canada
03:39My name is Kevin, I'm a firefighter, I live in Burlington, Ontario.
03:43I met my wife on TV.
03:45No way!
03:47A game like Traitors is something I've always wanted to do.
03:48I found out early on that when you lie, you get in trouble.
03:51So I wanted to go to a place where when you lie, you get rewarded.
03:54I'm Robin, I'm a model. What about you?
03:57I just retired from pro football, actually.
03:59Oh, really? You look like an athlete.
04:02I've played with the Toronto Argonauts.
04:04I've became a Great Cup champion.
04:06I'm extremely competitive.
04:08My name's Chris, I was the first Canadian male who's been on heat in France.
04:12That's amazing!
04:14That's why they recognize you!
04:15My name is Cedric Newman, and you might have seen me on Amazing Race Canada Season 8.
04:20And now I'm here.
04:22Here we are!
04:25Oh my God.
04:27Just saw a ghost in the top window. Just saying.
04:31Who wouldn't want to come to the Manor and try their hand at potentially being a traitor?
04:40Are we ready for this?
04:42There's no turning back now!
04:44Watch out, because I'm a silent killer.
04:48Look at the size of this place!
04:59Being a professional wrestler, I had to play the good guy or the bad guy.
05:04So if I have to be a traitor, I know I can just dig in deep and be that bad guy I used to be.
05:09Big entrance.
05:11If anyone knows my game from Big Brother, it's a little bit hard to forget because I go in guns blazing every time.
05:18So I've hopefully adjusted a little bit better here.
05:22I'm going to be a little bit nicer to their face at least.
05:26I've been a faithful my whole life, and this time on this show, I would rather be a traitor.
05:33That was awesome!
05:35Good start to the night.
05:36Good start to the night.
05:38Oh my God!
05:40Thank you for joining.
05:55Okay, we're here.
05:59Is it too soon to worry if these are poisoned?
06:02Here we are at the Manor.
06:05You're like one of the most iconic drag queens, and I fell in love with your season because of you.
06:12I recognize you obviously. You've had your history in reality TV.
06:15Oh really? You said you did one as well?
06:18Yeah, Farming for Love.
06:20I get down and dirty on the farm, and I'm going to get down and dirty here in the Manor.
06:23Do you guys mind if I come mingle?
06:25You're a YouTuber. What do you do?
06:28I think I'd be way better at discovering if someone was lying rather than being a liar myself,
06:33because studying in a joint honours in computer science and mathematics,
06:37I've developed some analytical skills that I think could help me.
06:40Sorry, what's your name?
06:42My name's Kira.
06:44I can honestly say that I am very good at lying because I lived in a very Christian household.
06:52When you want to do things that you're not allowed to do, well, you gotta lie.
06:55You guys are super nice. It'd be so hard if we were all three of our trainers.
06:59You kill her, you kill her, you kill her, you kill her.
07:03Colin, what's your name?
07:05Pretty much similar, yeah.
07:07That's my stage name.
07:09Content creation. Full-time.
07:11If they know that I'm professionally a gamer, I feel like everyone will want to aim for me first
07:17because they're like, okay, he understands how to play with things.
07:20I mean, I'm a gamer. It's a game. I'm here to toy with people.
07:23Just wrote my second book, Strange, Spooky and Supernatural.
07:28I have to talk to you.
07:30Yeah, please. I'm what most would consider a paranormal enthusiast.
07:34It's gonna be a ring-a-ding-dong-dandy of a game. I promise you that.
07:42What's going on over there? What's going on over there?
07:45Guys, who are these people?
07:48Look behind you.
07:50Come on.
07:52Hi. Welcome to our party.
07:55Wow, okay. We are surrounded.
07:58That's not crazy at all.
08:01It just got real.
08:03Wow. Oh my goodness.
08:20Welcome to the Traders' Canada.
08:24You're here to play a game of deceit and treachery.
08:29And you're here to win a lot of money.
08:33With a potential total of $100,000.
08:38And you're here to win a lot of money.
08:42With a potential total of $100,000.
08:46With a potential total of $100,000.
08:50But this evening I'm feeling impatient.
08:54And I would like to get things started right away.
08:58I am willing to add $10,000 to the prize pot.
09:05Some of you volunteer yourselves to be put on death row.
09:16Death row.
09:18For those of you who don't know.
09:21Is the list of players the Traders will choose from for their first murder.
09:29Death row. Night one.
09:32And we're already kicking it off with a bloodbath.
09:35Let's find the five bravest among you.
09:39It makes absolutely no sense to volunteer for this in my mind.
09:43The five made of the sturdiest metal.
09:47I'm not putting myself out there on a chopping block for no reason for 10 grand.
10:06I am willing to add $10,000 to the prize pot.
10:12Some of you volunteer yourselves to be put on death row.
10:25For the group if you're no longer in the game.
10:30I wanted to establish to everybody that I'm a leader.
10:35This is what I do.
10:37I put the whole team on my back.
10:41What are you guys doing?
10:44Why are they just offering themselves up on a silver platter?
10:47I just felt like I had to be brave.
10:51I could feel my body moving forward before my mind caught up.
10:54Money talks and I wanted to show everybody that was there.
10:58That the lion doesn't fear anybody.
11:01Coming to the game, number one goal is to win money.
11:04And now we got 10 grand and all we had to do was step forward.
11:06I feel a little anxious, a little unsure of my decision, but the game has officially begun.
11:13Guests, one of these five brave players has just determined their own bleak fate.
11:23And thanks to them all, $10,000 has been added to the prize pot.
11:30So be grateful to them, but maybe don't get too attached.
11:35Save your tears for the inevitable dismay and hurt you will all feel when death or your fellow players come for you.
11:53I might have just sealed my own fate.
11:58I'm scared.
12:00I don't know that I made the right decision.
12:05Oh my God.
12:08Come with me.
12:10Okay, now I'm scared.
12:12Walking into the manor is such a surreal feeling.
12:15It's so beautiful.
12:17I feel at home in the manor and this place is a little creepy.
12:20It's nice to play this game.
12:22This game.
12:24As a trader, I would always pick like someone that you would never think.
12:29Like I would pick the kindergarten teacher person.
12:31I am a kindergarten teacher and that is where my heart is.
12:34That is my happy place.
12:36I teach five-year-olds.
12:38Yes, I know liars when I see them.
12:40How are you feeling being on death row?
12:42Just curious.
12:44Another day in paradise.
12:46Another day on death row.
12:48What the hell?
12:50There is not a chance in hell that I would volunteer to be on death row.
12:54I'm amazed anyone did.
12:59Everyone was just going to remain still.
13:23Do people usually trust you?
13:25People definitely trust me.
13:26But I like to get what I want, so I'm going to go after it.
13:30I think I'm a trustworthy person, but that doesn't mean I can't take advantage of people.
13:34So you like to trick people into trusting you.
13:37As a trader, you've got to be cutthroat.
13:42I might have been a former cop.
13:44So you know when people are lying to you.
13:46That's what I was trained to do.
13:49Do you think you're too nice to be a trader, Kevin?
13:52I think the trader who's the nicest is the most dangerous trader of them all.
14:23Welcome guests.
14:26I hate to be obtuse.
14:29But in case there are any amongst you who still don't know what you've gotten yourselves into.
14:35This is the room where I select which of you will become the traders.
14:53And as of tomorrow, this is the room where the faithful will do their most important hunting.
15:04Look around at your fellow players.
15:11Take in the last of their innocence.
15:16Because it all ends right now.
15:19Put on your blindfolds.
15:26If I touch your shoulder, you have been chosen to be a trader.
15:37My adrenaline is pumping and I'm sweating.
15:42Her presence is enormous in that space.
15:49So Chris, you think you're good at reading people?
15:53I could read people like a book, Corinne.
15:58Do you believe in that character you would need to put on as a trader?
16:02I did reality shows in the past and didn't do well.
16:08So this is my redemption.
16:10I'm ready for anything.
16:19I think you're already lying, aren't you?
16:23Maybe just one lie.
16:25And what is that?
16:27I already know someone who's also participating in the show.
16:32Nick is my brother.
16:36Do you think the ultimate test would be to murder your own brother?
16:41No, I think that would be easy.
16:44This is what I came here to do.
16:52I'm not worried about taking them on.
16:55They should be more worried about taking me on.
17:02I'd have no trouble murdering my mom in a game.
17:05So the guests are nobodies.
17:07That sounds mean, but it's just a game.
17:09Sounds like you're going to fit right in here.
17:11I'm excited. I feel like this is my place.
17:16Thank God.
17:21I've always loved the number three.
17:24Because with three, it is nearly impossible to achieve harmony.
17:29And treachery feels almost inevitable.
17:32But I guess you don't want to hear your name called by your fellow players.
17:36You know what? I don't think I'm going to.
17:38I can be an angel or I can be a demon.
17:39Either way, I'm here to win.
17:46I wonder if you're going to be smiling at that after your first murder.
17:50I'm going to smile exactly the same way.
17:52I think I'm going to enjoy it like Dexter.
17:54They must vibrate on a different frequency.
17:57Would you have fun killing people?
18:00I would love to go on a murder spree.
18:18Remove your blindfolds.
18:25And look anew at your fellow guests.
18:28Really look.
18:30Because now your ranks are filled with traitors.
18:33And you, remaining faithful, need to remove them.
18:40My eyes were circling the entire room, looking for any cue that I could find.
18:46My strategy is to act like a faithful.
18:48I want to make sure I'm making eye contact with people.
18:51I'm not fidgeting. I'm not drinking my water.
18:54I did try to analyze my sister because I know her the best, clearly.
18:58I actually could not keep his eye contact because I feel like sometimes he knows.
19:04I saw Michael John rubbing his beard.
19:07It seemed a little sinister to me.
19:10The first person I'm suspicious of is Chris.
19:13He's looking around intently at everybody.
19:16Is he trying to put on a facade of nothing wrong with me?
19:20I'm definitely suspicious of Aaron.
19:24Enoch was very suspicious to me because he was just touching his face.
19:29You don't have to do this unless something is on your mind.
19:33I'll see you at the mission.
19:37I just want to say, as someone on the death row, and four other people on the death row with me,
19:50I believe the four of you would probably be really strong faithfuls or traitors.
19:54And I just hope that you guys really think about who the traitors are going to murder
19:59and how it's going to affect the game.
20:01I'm wondering if that was him trying to be just defensive
20:05because he just got tapped on his shoulder.
20:10Remember, we've got to make a lot of money for the pot at the end.
20:13Think about whose intellectual skills might hurt you.
20:16This is going to be fun.
20:26Oh boy.
20:28That was intense.
20:30That was super intense.
20:32I am so relieved that I was not picked as a traitor.
20:33The game has definitely started.
20:35How do we all feel?
20:37I'm actually disappointed.
20:40Because you weren't chosen as a traitor?
20:42I wanted to be a traitor.
20:44When she's going around and I can feel her presence in my mind, I'm like, touch me!
20:47You've got the three bros there, right?
20:49The bros.
20:51And their reality show, trained and all that stuff.
20:53I think one of them, probability wise, would be one of the five.
20:57Yeah, that's what I'm thinking.
20:59Yeah, of course.
21:00I've seen traitors before.
21:02I knew exactly what to do.
21:04You keep eye contact with people.
21:07You don't change your behavior too much.
21:12I'm not going to lie, I don't really trust Dylan.
21:16Because he's a lobbyist.
21:18Why would you talk first to make it look like you weren't?
21:21He spoke, but it wasn't really a time to speak.
21:25I actually do believe that Dylan was acting out of fear.
21:28What are the motivations for speaking?
21:30Is it a nervous tick?
21:32Is it controlling the narrative?
21:35There's different motivation.
21:37There's one person.
21:39What was his name?
21:41Michael John?
21:43He started preening and started playing with his beard.
21:46You are not a traitor?
21:48Because you actually look like you've buried a few bodies in your time.
21:51It appears to me that Cedric is working the room because he himself is a traitor.
21:58And he's playing a good game.
22:00What are the names that we're hearing?
22:02Dylan and Rebecca for me.
22:04Rebecca, she's changed. I'm going to have a talk with her.
22:07Rebecca has not even looked in my direction today after the round table.
22:11So I feel like, I really feel that she's a traitor.
22:14If you had to say a name out of the five of you guys on Death Row, what name would you throw out?
22:20Somebody on Death Row is a traitor. I'd bet my life on it.
22:25As much as I love Cedric, he is hectic.
22:30As a traitor, I don't think he could cut it.
22:33I've been seeing him and for some reason I have a feeling that he is.
22:45So I was told today, I have the look of a murderer that's buried a few bodies in my backyard.
22:50Wow. By who?
22:52Cedric. Okay.
22:54And I was like, thank you very much. Thank you very much.
22:57Dylan is so vocal. If he survives, I think he's a traitor.
23:03Cedric, 150 million percent. His whole body language changed.
23:09Next, I'm sorry to say this, but I think Netta.
23:12Okay, me too.
23:15I'm kind of happy I'm not on anybody's radar. I'm very safe.
23:20You're a traitor.
23:22I'm telling you, I have a read on people and I swear to you, Rebecca is on my radar.
23:29Really? Don't ask me why.
23:38Is that cannons?
23:40Cannons! There's cannons!
23:52Guests, welcome to your first mission.
23:59We're starting with a bang. Literally.
24:04The aim is to load up these cannons and use them to destroy that tower.
24:14Why? Because inside the tower is $10,000 worth of gold.
24:22Everyone's excited. Everyone has a lot of energy. It's the first mission.
24:27We want to get it going and obviously we want to accumulate as much money as possible.
24:31It sounds easy. Don't worry. It isn't.
24:37The cannons need cannonballs.
24:40Okay, yes.
24:42You have 20 minutes to find them.
24:44We have to go into the woods and find these cannonballs that are hidden in places.
24:49Some have a puzzle attached to them.
24:52I'm just like, I don't want to go into the woods. It's gross.
24:57What are you waiting for?
25:01Let's go!
25:04We run down into the forest and immediately start looking for cannonballs.
25:08It's the first mission of the season. Let's go make this pot $20,000.
25:13Am I blind?
25:15But they are real cannonballs. They are not brightly colored.
25:19They are a little bit dirty. They are hard to spot.
25:22Why can't I find anyone?
25:24Oh, there's a question.
25:26It's a riddle.
25:28Number of cannons times 92.
25:31Who's really good at math?
25:33Who's a mathematician here?
25:37The math stuff wasn't really for me.
25:39We're pretty dumb.
25:41I don't have a pen and a paper.
25:42Number of cannons.
25:44The chest had a puzzle on it.
25:46And that puzzle was we had to try to figure out the code from a math equation.
25:50Okay, 4 to the power of 5 times 3. 4 times 3 is 12.5.
25:54No, no, no. 4 to the power of 5.
25:56What? Huh? I know. Oh, sorry.
25:584 to the power of 5 is 20.
26:00No, 4. 4 times 4 times 4 times 4 times 4.
26:03Yes, yes. 4 times 3.
26:05We knew there was a bunch of balls in there.
26:07So I knew I was not going to stop until we got this chest open.
26:09It's so muddy.
26:10Oh, I found one.
26:12They're so heavy. They were 40 pounds.
26:14If you think it's too heavy, call on someone to run it.
26:17You want to run?
26:19Got it. It's gross. You okay?
26:21I got it. Thanks.
26:23There's $10,000 on the line. We can do this.
26:25And if you can't carry the cannonballs, give it to me.
26:28Run it in. Run it in.
26:30Go, go, go. Go, go, go, go, go.
26:33First one.
26:35We're doing good.
26:37Is it heavy?
26:38Holy shit.
26:40Well, hurry up.
26:4510 minutes left.
26:4710 minutes!
26:49I got one here.
26:51I saw Kevin untangling a giant ball of probably 50 knots
26:56on top of a box which presumably had cannonballs in it.
27:00I got one here.
27:04The person that did surprise me was Melinda.
27:05Melinda was running around, but at the end of the day,
27:09Melinda was absolutely impressive to me.
27:12We're working in teams. I'm a runner.
27:15I found a riddle.
27:17Is anyone good at puzzles?
27:20We got to make a pyramid.
27:22Okay. Put the three laying down for one second.
27:24Oh, there we go. Okay.
27:26We have two fours. We have two fours, though.
27:28The puzzle was a pyramid,
27:30and it was literally trying to make a pyramid in a triangle.
27:33Maybe it's three, three, three?
27:35No, no, no.
27:37Anyone good with puzzles?
27:3964 to the power of another four is 256.
27:43Now we got 256 times four.
27:45256 times four. Holy shit.
27:47I got it right on my finger.
27:49256 times four.
27:51Pull this one. Pull this one.
27:53Almost there.
27:57We got it! We got it!
27:59Good job. Oh, my God! There's five!
28:01There's five!
28:03There's five!
28:07Five minutes left.
28:09Five minutes, y'all! Five minutes!
28:12I was determined to get this chest open,
28:14because I feel that if we didn't get it open,
28:16people would have been like,
28:18well, why did they waste so much time
28:20when there was more balls out there?
28:22Shit, it's not.
28:27Wow, so 5016 minus 50 is 5665.
28:30If we're this close, we're off by a few numbers,
28:31this lock will open up if we just get it.
28:37Please, let this be a handful. Come on, come on.
28:45Wow, so 5016 minus 50 is 5665.
28:50Please, please, press the button.
28:52So I wait 3631.
28:58Got it!
28:59Help, help, help, help, help!
29:01Help is on the way, dear!
29:03Okay, a minute, go, go, go, go, go, go!
29:05Okay, I got this, let's go!
29:07Everybody, go!
29:09I need a runner, I got last one.
29:11Ten seconds!
29:13Go, go, go, ten seconds!
29:15You got this, guys!
29:17You got this, guys!
29:19Five, four, three, two, one.
29:26Nice try, team.
29:27Nice try, team.
29:29The first mission was, like, amazing.
29:32Like, who doesn't want to destroy things with cannonballs?
29:35I was so excited.
29:37Congratulations, guests.
29:39You have managed to find 28 cannonballs.
29:46Now, let's see if it's enough to bring down the tower and collect the gold.
29:51Load the cannons.
29:53Go, let's go!
29:55We need to take this thing down, blow this thing up.
29:59We got to get this 10K.
30:03Let's go, MJ, let's go!
30:09Let's go, MJ!
30:16Let's go!
30:18Let's go!
30:19Let's go!
30:30I was surprised at how powerful, loud and terrifying it was.
30:39So much fun. Like, we got to blow shit up.
30:46We got 28 balls in total.
30:47I think we're going to take this thing down.
31:01I really wanted us to win this challenge as a group because it's the first challenge,
31:07the entire group is still here, and it was a really great bonding exercise, I think, for everybody.
31:18Let's go!
31:29That was a hell of a retreat in the forest, I'll tell you that.
31:32That was an awesome mission.
31:34That was a great mission.
31:36I really liked it. It didn't turn anyone against each other. It's a good way to start the game.
31:39Enoch, Enoch, he's very comfortable.
31:42And so I know he's not really worried for some reason.
31:44Because I would be a little more worried if I was in that group.
31:47He's very comfortable.
31:51My car on the way here said Cedric.
31:53Oh, wow.
31:55We all have observed him enough before that table to know he's a big personality.
31:59When those blindfolds came off…
32:01Oh my God, sorry, we're going to be maybe the first person to get a traitor on the first mission.
32:04That would be so epic.
32:06You think so, huh? I actually wanted to be a traitor.
32:08I don't think I could have done it, and that's the thing.
32:11You definitely couldn't. I can tell you're a bad liar.
32:15Oh, that's good.
32:21Home, sweet home.
32:23Thank you, thank you, thank you.
32:25Good job, guys.
32:27So the first mission was, like, amazing.
32:29I mean, $10,000. We ended up getting it. I was so happy.
32:33I got to give myself a pat on the back for not fainting or passing out. Good job.
32:38How did you feel?
32:40Good. I was happy at what we achieved.
32:42You know, we did it as a unit.
32:44You know, it was like a bonding moment.
32:46It was incredibly chaotic.
32:49However, I feel as though during today's mission,
32:52I was able to show that I have the physical capabilities to help our team gather as much gold as possible.
33:01Lori, she's a sweetheart.
33:04But in my mind, I'm like, is she really a kindergarten teacher?
33:07And I don't want to think like that.
33:09And I hate to say that, but you never know.
33:11You can't trust anybody.
33:12You know what? I have nothing against her, but she would be a perfect candidate.
33:15What's the problem here?
33:17He looks totally badass. Everything.
33:19How'd you do? I heard there was a whole, like, comedy routine going on on the way there.
33:23Yeah, Cedric doesn't stop talking.
33:25I mean, I'm hearing a lot more people bringing his name up.
33:31And I might have to go, too, because I heard that he threw my name in there.
33:33It's just hard to hear it from somebody that you connected and bonded with, like Cedric.
33:39So I do definitely feel betrayed.
33:40It's either he has no loyalty, or he is a traitor.
33:54Lori, how do you feel being on death row? Are you nervous?
33:57I'm very nervous.
33:59I've built real relationships, and it will suck so bad to go home first.
34:06And it will suck even more that I feel I did it to myself.
34:10So I really hope I stay.
34:12But I'm kind of pre-processing the fact that I don't think the odds look good for me.
34:22I'm on death row. I might not see the morning.
34:25No one is ever safe in this manner. At all.
34:29If you think you're too comfortable, you're next.
34:31Cheers to a great day and $10,000!
35:02And here we are again, back at the beginning.
35:06The lines have been drawn, some chosen for a path of uncertainty.
35:12A path of fear, but a path of truth.
35:16They walk in the light, and they are the faithful.
35:21Others, wielding a horrible strength, will begin to walk down a path of thorns.
35:28A path of lies. A path of darkness.
35:33You've already met two of them.
35:36But bad things don't come in twos. They come in threes.
35:42Who will join our newly minted traitors on their rampage?
35:59Before you enter the traitor's conclave, before you take your cloak,
36:04before you discover the identities of your fellow traitors,
36:08I have some questions.
36:10And for the first and last time, I need you to be honest.
36:15Will you lie, deceive, and connive your way through this game?
36:24Will you, without hesitation, murder a fellow guest every single night?
36:32Will you keep secret the identities of your fellow traitors?
36:37Yes, of course.
36:39Congratulations, you are now a traitor.
36:42Take your cloak.
36:53I'm the first one to get there, and I'm really nervous to see the other ones.
36:58There is a small list of people that I really do not want to see there.
37:11As I'm walking to the conclave, my heart is pounding.
37:15I'm nervous.
37:17As I'm walking to the conclave, my heart is beating out of my chest.
37:23I'm just excited to see who my fellow traitors are going to be.
37:34That's good.
37:36I am so excited to see that Neda is going to be my fellow traitor.
37:41I loved her on her season of Big Brother.
37:43I loved her on her season of Big Brother.
37:46And I think we can do some really traitorous stuff.
37:49I thought, like, Rebecca, maybe?
37:51But, like, I didn't think you... Damn, you're good.
37:54I've been told so often today, there's no way that you're a traitor.
37:58And I'm like...
38:00The first person I really don't want to see is Kira.
38:03You're right.
38:05This is perfect.
38:07She's a very, very smart girl, and she would backstab me in a second.
38:10So, I'm going to jump up and down with joy,
38:13really make her think that I am so happy to see her in there,
38:17and she's exactly what I wanted to see,
38:19and I'm so ready to work to the end of the game with her.
38:22Oh, my God, I'm so happy. Okay, that's such a relief, actually.
38:25I'm, like, nervous for the third person, but I'm so happy to see you.
38:28I've been stressing all day.
38:30If this person who I had clocked was going to join me...
38:33Who'd you think?
38:35Oh, damn.
38:37We're so screwed if it's Cedric.
38:38He's been so chaotic all day.
38:41It's a lie.
38:43Who do you want it to be?
38:45I would love Lauren to join us.
38:47I think I'm good with Lauren or, what's her name, Mary Jo.
38:58You are now a traitor.
39:09Let's turn to ashes now.
39:15I am for you.
39:24Hello, hello.
39:28What a pleasant surprise.
39:30I'm actually kind of happy to see him in there,
39:32but, again, he's another one that I don't think would be loyal to me in any way,
39:34and he is pretty hard to read, too, which is scary.
39:36This is good. I like this.
39:38This is good. I'm so excited.
39:40Me, too.
39:42There's Netta and Kira. Oh, my God.
39:44Talk about the ideal partners to get the job done.
39:47This is great. I like this group.
39:49When Michael John took off his hood,
39:52I kind of just sighed to myself
39:55because I knew that we were in a little bit of trouble.
39:59During the round table,
40:01he was so obvious to me personally,
40:04and I was a little bit vocal about it today.
40:07That means that I've created a little bit of trouble for him, too.
40:11Realistically, we don't need to keep him around.
40:15So we've got Enoch, Chris, Kevin, Lauren, and Dylan.
40:25What are we thinking?
40:27Who are two that we can say maybe we're not going to get rid of?
40:30The fact of the matter, we need someone strong in the missions
40:32because we don't know what's coming up.
40:34Looking at Enoch, I mean, he's a former football player.
40:37Enough said, right? We need him.
40:40I personally think Lauren off the table, for me at least.
40:45I think that she has enough traitor tendencies
40:50that people can keep their eye out on her.
40:53Okay. Suspect.
40:55I wanted to keep Lauren and Enoch safe,
40:59the two people that I actually trust.
41:02Anybody else was up for grabs.
41:04There's reasons on everybody to keep them.
41:06It's a tough choice.
41:08Someone's got to go.
41:19I'm all in.
41:21Yeah? Okay.
41:23All in.
41:28One down, 18 to go.
41:30Was it the right decision?
41:32Time's going to tell.
41:36I guess we just made our first murder.
41:38I feel like murdering them to their face would be more fun, you know?
41:42I want to be there when they're dying.
41:53Their jaws are all going to drop.
41:55They're all going to start sweating.
41:57They're all going to start looking over their shoulders.
41:58And they're going to realize that traitors,
42:00we're not messing around.
42:04I feel so amazing to be a traitor.
42:08I am going to kill it.
42:29So down to 21, I see.
42:32Lucky me.
42:34That thing we are going to take on a walk through a trail.
42:38How are we even going to do this?
42:40Three, two, one, go!
42:42Okay, let's go, guys.
42:44Rebecca, I did not like that you were throwing her name out to me.
42:47You're either the worst or the best.
42:49I'm going to kill it.
42:51I'm going to kill it.
42:53I'm going to kill it.
42:55I'm going to kill it.
42:57You're either the worst faithful there is or you're a traitor.
43:01I'm just terrified who is going to be murdered tonight.
