Reasonable Doubt Season 2 Episode 8

  • 2 days ago
Reasonable Doubt S2 Episode 8 - Change the Game


00:00Previously on Reasonable Doubt.
00:02And the name is Tucker.
00:03How bad was it?
00:04Did you know about these?
00:05I took them.
00:06He just kept hurting her, Chris.
00:08And he wasn't gonna stop.
00:10Fuck you, JT.
00:11Did you get a chance to talk to any of JT's ex-girlfriends?
00:14Quite a few of them don't want the attention given to what she knows being dragged.
00:17The last thing this department needs is another embarrassing loss.
00:21It's good to see you, Lucy.
00:22How did you find me?
00:24Lucy Wargo?
00:26Are you two looking to reconcile or uncouple?
00:32I should stop.
00:33I know how much you love Jax.
00:35Fuck that.
00:36You're my big brother.
00:37She ain't shit to me without you, understood?
00:39Just leave.
00:40Where else am I gonna go, Jax?
00:41You think I give a fuck?
00:43That's not what unconditional love is about.
00:45Sounds like something that you didn't receive as a child.
00:47Paul made sexual advances towards me.
00:50I am a father.
00:51And I'm not gonna pretend I can't be.
00:53Do you know who the father of your unborn child is?
00:57The baby is mine.
00:59If you don't want to be with me anymore, that's fine.
01:02But you can't stop me from loving you.
01:21I want you.
01:24All of you.
01:25I love you.
01:30And I need you, Lewis.
01:33I never want to lose you.
01:57I love you.
01:58I love you.
01:59I love you.
02:00I love you.
02:01I love you.
02:02I love you.
02:03I love you.
02:04I love you.
02:05I love you.
02:06I love you.
02:07I love you.
02:08I love you.
02:09I love you.
02:10I love you.
02:11I love you.
02:12I love you.
02:13I love you.
02:14I love you.
02:15I love you.
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02:17I love you.
02:18I love you.
02:19I love you.
02:20I love you.
02:21I love you.
02:22I love you.
02:23I love you.
02:24I love you.
02:25I love you.
02:26I love you.
02:27I love you.
02:28I love you.
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02:31I love you.
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02:39I love you.
02:40I love you.
02:41I love you.
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02:43I love you.
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02:45I love you.
02:46I love you.
02:47I love you.
02:48I love you.
02:49I love you.
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02:55I love you.
02:56I love you.
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02:58I love you.
02:59I love you.
03:00I love you.
03:01I love you.
03:02I love you.
03:03I love you.
03:04I love you.
03:05I love you.
03:06I love you.
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03:33I love you.
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03:35I love you.
03:36I love you.
03:37I love you.
03:38I love you.
03:39I love you.
03:40I love you.
03:41I love you.
03:42I love you.
03:43I love you.
03:44I love you.
03:45I love you.
03:46I love you.
03:47I love you.
03:48I love you.
03:49I love you.
03:50I love you.
03:51I love you.
03:52I love you.
03:54How'd she sleep?
03:55Like a baby.
03:57Oh, my goodness!
03:59You guys are so gross.
04:05Terence is in town for a few days,
04:07so he'll probably swing by tomorrow night.
04:08Oh, that should be fun.
04:12Naima, what are you wearing?
04:13That shirt.
04:15Lift your arms up.
04:21Change them.
04:22Dad, are you being for real right now?
04:23I'm just going to school, then Kumon.
04:25It's not that big of a deal.
04:25You have Kumon today?
04:27Um, duh, it's Tuesday.
04:30They really don't like you.
04:32I mean, it's true.
04:33No, that's not true, baby, OK?
04:36We both have been busy.
04:38And I can't take you to Kumon because I have court.
04:40Oh, and I have the presentation for the game today.
04:43That's exciting.
04:44I know, I'm a little nervous.
04:47Naima, just text Kanika.
04:49She'll come and get you.
04:51It's cool if I chill by myself for a minute?
04:55Yeah, that works.
04:56I'm going to school.
04:57Uh-uh, uh-uh.
04:59No, change your shirt.
05:00Nice try.
05:02She really tried it.
05:05So y'all good now?
05:07No more fake working late?
05:09Sleeping on the couch just back to being gross?
05:15All right.
05:18You know, I'm starting to wonder, I mean,
05:24do they even need us anymore?
05:26Sadly, yes.
05:28But not more than I need you.
05:30Not more than I need you.
05:35Fuck them kids.
05:38You have a beautiful day.
05:39You too.
05:42All right, let's go.
05:45It's giving balls, bitch.
05:48It's giving balls, bitch.
05:51It's giving bad, bitch.
05:53Never, ever play me like I'm average.
05:57It's giving rich, bitch.
06:00It's giving rich, bitch.
06:02Hey, listen, about last night, the conference room.
06:06Oh, right, that.
06:07I compromised our professional relationship, and I apologize.
06:11It won't happen again.
06:12It's not a problem.
06:13We're good.
06:13And I look, I know it's going to be tough,
06:15but we just do our best to keep it professional.
06:20So today, we're going to hear testimony
06:21from Dr. Michaels, who's brilliant and charming.
06:23And she's going to show how JT would
06:25have tried to kill Chanel.
06:27Then we have Porter, the handwriting expert.
06:29She's going to prove that Chanel didn't
06:31sign those money transfers.
06:32Then we have Agent Ali, who's going
06:34to show that Chanel did not steal JT's $30 million.
06:37That's good, but the state relied
06:38on the balance of experts and eyewitnesses
06:40to try to prove that Chanel planned the murder.
06:42We need witnesses other than Chanel
06:44to connect to the jurors.
06:46We need to show that she was trying to leave him
06:48and that his abuse escalated to a fight to the death.
06:52And that's why we have Sally.
06:53Sally's going to show the steps that Chanel took to leave.
06:56Daniel, did you get an opportunity
06:57to land one of JT's exes?
07:00I talked to five of them.
07:01None of them will come forward.
07:03But I have one left.
07:05Ebony Phillips' last known address is Fresh Start Rehab.
07:09I'll find her.
07:10What about the clerk, Rebecca Gray,
07:12from the restraining orders office?
07:14You know, unlike Ebony, the ex, and Sally,
07:16she'll show us unbiased.
07:17And she would prove that Chanel was trying to leave him.
07:19Good point.
07:20I ran a quick background check.
07:21She's worked for LA County for 12 years,
07:23likely tried to help Chanel.
07:24Perfect. I'll reach out to her.
07:25But TZT just posted an interview today with Rebecca Gray.
07:29Oh, hell.
07:31OK, I know. She's out.
07:32She's out.
07:33Jurors don't like fame wars.
07:34OK, that's true.
07:35That's true.
07:36But we should still watch the interview
07:37to see how bad it is, then decide if we
07:39want to put her on the stand.
07:40She might still be a strong witness.
07:41OK, but at the end of the day, our most
07:43important witness is Chanel.
07:44And as long as she's strong, we're solid.
07:47Hey, hey, hey.
07:49Good luck in court today, Tucker.
07:52Thank you, Baker.
07:54I'll tell you all about it when I'm back.
07:55You good?
07:57Any morning, you can pull the sheet from your own face.
07:59It's a good one.
08:01I know that's right.
08:03Later, Baker.
08:05The defense calls.
08:07Dr. Brandy Michaels, director for the Institute
08:09for the Prevention of Intimate Partner Violence.
08:12Dr. Michaels, can you explain how a victim can end
08:15up in an abusive relationship?
08:17I will use he for abuser and she for victim.
08:20But abuse affects relationships of all kinds.
08:23An abuser and a victim will begin a romance.
08:25He will act like the perfect partner, make grand gestures,
08:28or share his trauma to make her feel for him.
08:31In time, he'll begin to exert his control over her,
08:34trapping her in a pattern of abuse.
08:36And how is a victim trapped?
08:38He'll act out to build tension, make
08:40her think there's something wrong, that it's all her fault.
08:43And because he's been the perfect partner
08:45and she knows the trauma that he's been through in the past,
08:48she'll believe him.
08:49The tension grows until there's an incident of abuse.
08:52He may try to make it up to her or swear
08:55it'll never happen again.
08:56But there will always be more abuse.
08:58What kind of abuse?
09:00Emotional, verbal, isolation, reproductive coercion,
09:04financial control.
09:06Physical abuse is often the last step he'll take.
09:09And why is that?
09:10Well, if he's violent on the first date, she'll leave.
09:13But she's less likely to do that with her husband of 10 years
09:16or if he controls all the money.
09:18Now, are there times when a victim is more
09:21at risk of harm than others?
09:22Yes, when she tries to leave him.
09:24And are there times when an abuser is more
09:28likely to kill his victims?
09:30Yes, if he strangles her.
09:33He's over 700 times more likely to kill her.
09:36And the tricky part is that even if she's
09:38been through other types of abuse,
09:40she will most likely only get help from the legal system
09:43if he gets physical.
09:44Why would a victim not be able to get
09:46help from the authorities?
09:48She may be afraid or ashamed, or she may have concerns
09:52about the legal system.
09:53What type of concerns?
09:55Well, if she's Black, sexism, and racism.
09:5845% of us experience violence or stalking,
10:01but we are less likely to be seen as victims.
10:04And she may fear involving the police
10:06because of police violence.
10:08But as a Black woman, if she kills her abuser,
10:11she is 80% more likely to be convicted.
10:18How often are Black men the victims
10:20of intimate partner violence?
10:2240% experience intimate partner violence or stalking.
10:26Let's say you have a wife who slaps her husband in public
10:29and later kills him.
10:31Would you also say that he was a victim?
10:35Do most financial abuse victims have
10:36accounts with $30 million?
10:39Financial abuse is used to control the victim,
10:42so she can't leave.
10:43So in your opinion, a wife with that kind of wealth
10:47has the option to leave her husband rather than kill him.
10:53Dr. Michaels, can you explain what financial abuse looks
10:58like in a wealthy home?
10:59She may drive a fancy car that's not hers,
11:02nor is the house that she lives in.
11:04And if she leaves, she'll have no assets or credit.
11:07And if he sees her leaving, he may do anything to stop her,
11:11even try to kill her.
11:24Bye, Spencer.
11:27Oh, who's that?
11:29It's Aisha.
11:32Wait, as in, Aisha, Aisha, so glad to meet you.
11:35I see you on the school ground.
11:36Thought you was a teacher.
11:37The little skirt you wear is so fly.
11:39I said the rest.
11:41You don't know that?
11:42No, I don't know that, Ma.
11:45You know what?
11:46I'm doing something wrong.
11:47You are?
11:48Dance moves.
11:49Maybe another time.
11:50No, come on.
11:51Let's get in the car right now.
11:52Sorry, John.
11:53I'll see you soon.
12:00And so, yes, I decided to give Louis a chance
12:05in the same way he gave me.
12:07And I just want to be with her and to make her life easier.
12:11Yeah, I probably shouldn't be saying this,
12:13but I'm really happy you guys decided not to uncouple.
12:16Look at you.
12:18Check Dr. Webb out.
12:19I see you, Dr. Webb.
12:22All right, all right.
12:23So what's next?
12:28I mean, we obviously still have things
12:30that we need to figure out, right?
12:32I mean, we both have a lot going, though.
12:34I have the trial.
12:35And I have my launch.
12:36And my brother Terrence is coming in town,
12:38so that should be interesting.
12:40Why you say that?
12:44What did you tell him?
12:49I mean, I had to talk to someone.
12:52You definitely already told your friends.
12:53I mean, Sally damn near called me a piece of shit.
12:55And what about the baby?
12:56How are you going to tell the kids?
13:00Well, listen, like I said, I'm happy you
13:02guys decided to stay together.
13:03But we work now on the staying part of staying together.
13:08And the only way to get that done
13:11is by having some hard conversations
13:12and getting through them by working together,
13:15not going against each other.
13:17And that is what's going to make this union successful.
13:25Yeah, but there's so many things that we have to figure out.
13:29Where do we start?
13:31I have an idea.
13:38Can we come in?
13:53I, we have decided to be in the baby's life.
13:56And if I'm going to co-parent, Jax is going to be involved too.
13:59Which is why we're here, to figure out how to make it work.
14:04Well, I guess he'll be a lucky boy.
14:12Look at that.
14:14I've always wanted a boy.
14:16Boys can be a lot.
14:18You know, Spencer, he ran me ragged.
14:20And I wasn't even a single mom.
14:22Well, neither am I.
14:25You have two baby daddies now.
14:29Uh, Jax.
14:30I didn't mean it in a shady way, but you're right.
14:33You'll have all the help you need.
14:36I sure will.
14:42Today is teacher development day.
14:43That's not fair.
14:44I want to switch schools.
14:46You can't play video games all day.
14:47Well, a few people want to play a practice
14:50and for the showcase at a friend's house.
14:51You mean your boo Aisha's house?
14:53She's not my, we're friends, I.
14:56OK, wait, is that the girl you were talking to yesterday?
14:58She's cute.
14:59He thinks so too.
15:01I heard him on the phone.
15:02Oh, Aisha, I love her so much.
15:04You wish somebody liked you.
15:06Hey, uh-uh.
15:06Stop it now, both of you.
15:10Can I go?
15:13Are Aisha's parents going to be there?
15:14Because if not, it's a big no.
15:15Aisha said her dad is working from home.
15:22All right, I'll drop you off at Aisha's house.
15:25Yes, we'll go take a shower.
15:30Really, y'all need to stop.
15:34I obviously didn't use my name or Peter's
15:36when I talked to Judge Wu.
15:39But when she said that my witness only
15:42had a 50-50 chance of getting a restraining order for her ex.
15:4650-50 is not so bad.
15:48Although, you would have an easier time getting an order
15:50if his conviction was for domestic violence,
15:53not a DUI and gun possession.
15:55Why don't you just tell John the truth about his dad?
16:00I have shown him photos and videos
16:03and pretended like his dad was this misunderstood good guy
16:09who will run to him as soon as he became free.
16:11And now, my monster is John's superhero because of me.
16:15None of this is your fault. At the custody hearing,
16:19you have two advantages.
16:21You've taken care of John alone for years,
16:24and the court will look favorably on you
16:25as long as you can show stability, like your DA job.
16:31Let's hope I can keep it.
16:33I should go.
16:34But in the meantime, try not to stress too much.
16:38Hey, Lucy.
16:40Another great day, huh?
16:41Hey, Davis.
16:44Another great day.
16:46The defense calls Francesca Porter.
16:47I'm a forensic document examiner
16:49and certified handwriting analyst.
16:51Agent Abdul Ali of the FBI.
16:53I just closed an investigation into Jamerion Tucker's charity.
16:56Now, I'm showing you the People's Exhibit 35.
16:59Do you know what that is?
17:01Documents creating a trust for Mrs. Tucker
17:03and the people of the United States.
17:06Documents creating a trust for Mrs. Tucker
17:08and transferring $30 million.
17:10Does her signature show that she had the legal power
17:13to use and transfer the money however she liked?
17:17Including the $30 million transfer that happened
17:19prior to the victim's death?
17:21Now, in your opinion, is the signature on People's
17:23Exhibit 35 authentic?
17:26I reviewed dozens of documents signed by the defendant.
17:29Her signature on the right is consistent
17:30across time periods.
17:31But here, on the left, the signatures
17:34lack the fundamental characteristics
17:36that define her other writing.
17:37Can a person's authentic signature sometimes change?
17:40For example, if the defendant's wrist was injured?
17:43Lack of foundation.
17:47Please look to Defense Exhibit 12.
17:49You recognize that document?
17:51It's a check written from Mr. Tucker's charitable foundation
17:54and drawn from an account shared by him and Evan Gerard.
17:57And this check was payment for reducing his yardage
17:59in the game the prior day.
18:00It's a front to fix for ball games.
18:02Do you think the signature on this check
18:03belongs to the defendant?
18:05I do not believe so.
18:06We have reams of documents proving Mr. Tucker
18:08and others fixed games, laundered gambling money
18:11through the charity, and used it.
18:12But Mrs. Tucker never drew from the charity
18:14or its secret accounts.
18:15Have you ever had a case where a husband
18:18had his wife sign some documents to move some money
18:20that she would never use?
18:21I've had dozens of cases like that.
18:23Why might a husband do something like that?
18:25Skip out on taxes or to set her up.
18:27Since if she signs, he avoids doing time
18:29while the wife spends the rest of her life in prison.
18:31What a terrible thing to do.
18:45Hey, Mom.
18:46It's not a good time.
18:47Then I'll be quick.
18:48Kevin and I would like for you and Lewis and the kids
18:50to come over for lunch on Saturday.
18:52I have the trial. I can't.
18:54It's getting serious.
18:55Between me and Kevin, I mean, I really want you to meet him.
18:59Since when do you care what I think?
19:01Since now.
19:02I care, Jacqueline.
19:08OK, we'll be there.
19:10See you later.
19:31Oh, shit.
19:33Hey, that was fire.
19:34Thanks, man.
19:35You know, I still got to work on it, though.
19:38Oh, my god, really?
19:40Oh, yeah?
19:41Hey, Aisha, I got to step out for a bit.
19:43Work emergency.
19:44But you guys be good, OK?
19:45Yeah, we're good, Dad.
19:52Let's go!
19:52Let's go.
20:00So Noah's home?
20:04Why, you think?
20:07I don't do that type of stuff.
20:10I vape, though.
20:12I left mine at home.
20:13I mean, I don't do this kind of stuff either,
20:15but I'm glad you don't.
20:19Makes me like you more.
20:22I'll go get my vape.
20:34Shit, OK.
20:38What is that?
20:43Hey, Jax.
20:46Uh, where's your dad?
20:49Well, he had to work late, so Uncle Terrence
20:51picked me up from school, since he's the only one
20:54who cares about me.
20:55Really, Naima?
20:57Why don't you go finish your homework in your room
20:59while I talk to Uncle Terrence?
21:02OK, bye, Uncle Terrence.
21:07Love you, baby.
21:07Love you, too.
21:19I know Lewis told you what's been going on,
21:22and I know you're probably on his side.
21:23No, my brother nearly blew up his life for a side chick.
21:26I'm not on his side.
21:28But I'm not on your side either.
21:31I know you have your own opinions, Terrence,
21:32but at the end of the day, he is my husband.
21:35And he's my brother.
21:37And as much as I love you, Jax, you scare me.
21:39Because when the going gets tough.
21:40I'm still here, Terrence.
21:43For now.
21:45But this shit with this baby, it's
21:46got to be a lot, and not just this year.
21:48Are you OK with him putting away less for retirement
21:50to pay a college tuition for another kid?
21:53And blended family holidays, that's just a tiny piece of it.
21:55So let me ask you this, Jax.
21:57Are you really going to be all in?
22:00Because if not, you need to tell him now.
22:02You already hurt him once, and I'll be damned
22:05if I let you do it again.
22:07And by the way, you keep calling it a side baby.
22:11It's a break baby.
22:12A baby that was made during the break that you both enjoyed.
22:16Let me tell you something, OK?
22:17What's up, Uncle Terrence?
22:18Hey, what's going on, man?
22:19What's going on, kid?
22:20Hey, baby.
22:21You're looking good.
22:23What's up, Mom?
22:23What's going on, babe?
22:27Yo, what's up?
22:28What's up, T?
22:31All right.
22:33So what'd I miss?
22:42As you can see, Mr. Smithers, this facility
22:44would be a wonderful place for your sister's treatment.
22:46I appreciate the tour, but are you
22:48sure this is the whole place?
22:50Patience, yes.
22:50The only rooms I didn't show you are our staff offices,
22:54but your sister won't need to worry about those.
22:55Yes, right.
22:56Well, of course.
23:08I found her.
23:09She's not a patient.
23:10Surprised face emoji.
23:16It's so cute.
23:17It's going to be all right.
23:18I'm doing well.
23:20Oh, baby, that hurt.
23:22Oh, baby, that hurt.
23:23I'm sorry.
23:24Wait, hold on.
23:25Here you go.
23:26Here you go.
23:27So, Lewis, I hear you design video games.
23:31So what's that like?
23:33You know, I can't complain.
23:34Working a lot on the launch of Auto Drive 2,
23:37but I mean, I have an amazing wife and great kids.
23:39Oh, that's a real blessing.
23:42And I wish Spencer could be here,
23:44but he's at rehearsal for his showcase.
23:45But we'll have to bring him by so you can meet him.
23:48Looking forward to that.
23:52I want to play no more.
23:57Maybe, I suppose.
24:00I'm going to get some more chips.
24:04Thank you, Kevin.
24:12I know you miss Grandpa Paul and how good he was to you, baby,
24:15but you can't treat Kevin like that.
24:17Yeah, well, he's trying to be like Grandpa, and he's not.
24:20And that's someone he'll never be.
24:22And you're right.
24:23You're absolutely right, and that's OK.
24:26I mean, families change with time.
24:28Getting a new family member is having another person
24:31to love you and to love.
24:33Don't be afraid to accept love, OK?
24:37OK, take this love right here, my little princess.
24:40Oh, you got a draw for it?
24:41Hold on.
24:41No, I don't.
24:42I'm keeping this.
24:43Thank you for that.
24:44You're welcome.
24:52You are Spencer's mom.
24:54I saw you on TV.
24:56You're even prettier in person.
24:57Oh, thank you.
24:59Well, I brought some cupcakes, you know, different flavors.
25:04Are they gluten free?
25:05I'm sorry?
25:06Actually, it's OK.
25:08I'm sure you were busy.
25:18Great minds.
25:21The only reason I was able to do this
25:22is because of our late start today,
25:23even though I should be prepping to destroy your witness.
25:28But a few hours will help you.
25:30You know your tricks already.
25:39Looks like I'll be quitting smoking again tomorrow.
25:42You have cigarettes?
25:46They're not gluten free?
25:49You know, it's funny how they call it pastries with parents,
25:52but there's like four dads and 800 moms.
25:54That's how it is, yeah.
25:57Mom has to fight daily at her job and for her kid,
26:00and it's nothing.
26:01And then, you know, dad shows up to play parent,
26:04and everyone in the world acts like he's a great guy.
26:09What about all the women that are out there doing it
26:11Because, you know, my award shelf is quite empty.
26:16I was raised by a sickle parent.
26:17My father was a disaster, made things complicated, you know?
26:22Well, you turned out OK, I guess.
26:27I'm sure you're doing a great job.
26:29As a parent.
26:30I mean, as a lawyer.
26:33I withdraw all my previous statements about you,
26:37Hey, sorry I'm late.
26:39It's the worst thing.
26:39You ready to head to the appointment?
26:40Diane's already here to go over the birth plan.
26:44This is Diane, my nurse, midwife.
26:47And Diane, he's the father.
26:50And he's the husband.
26:52And they're going to have a baby.
26:53Oh, my God.
26:54This is going to be a nightmare.
26:56I can't believe what I'm seeing.
26:57I can't believe it.
26:57I can't believe it.
26:58I can't believe it.
26:59He's the father.
27:00He's the husband.
27:01He's the father.
27:02He's the husband.
27:03He's the husband.
27:04He's the husband.
27:05He's the husband.
27:06He's the husband.
27:07I'm so pleased you'll be here with mom for the home birth.
27:12No disrespect, but shouldn't you be at a hospital, Toni?
27:16It's safer.
27:17Safer for who?
27:18Compared to white women, black women are three times more likely to die from causes related to pregnancy.
27:24Which is exactly why you should be with doctors at a hospital, Toni.
27:27The last time I had a baby in a hospital, I got a blood clot.
27:30They missed it.
27:31It took me weeks to recover. Weeks I should have spent with my baby.
27:34Louis, her OB will be on call at Cedars in case she needs a hospital.
27:39But the plan is to have the baby here.
27:42And after the birth, you should be with a doula to take care of mom night and day.
27:46Night and day?
27:48Yeah, I don't know. I'm going to have to check with Jax.
27:51This isn't her baby, it's mine.
27:53And look, if you want to be a part of this, I need you in it.
27:56If not, then you don't need to be a part of the birth or any time after it.
28:00Got it?
28:04You ready to testify?
28:05And tell the world who that fucker JT really was?
28:07I'm more than ready.
28:08Uh-huh. Just remember to breathe. You got this.
28:20Mrs. Braswell, what's your relationship to Mrs. Tucker?
28:23We're cousins. But we grew up like sisters.
28:26Her parents died when we were young, so I think of her as...
28:30She is my sister.
28:32Mrs. Braswell, I'm showing you defense exhibits 13 to 17.
28:37Do you recognize these images?
28:39Yes. I took these photos of Chanel after JT beat her.
28:43Why did you take these photos?
28:45As a reminder, just in case she decided not to leave.
28:47And as evidence, just in case anything happened.
28:50If you knew he was abusing her, why didn't you call the police?
28:53I did, once.
28:55I was at their house one night.
28:57JT came home drunk, and he was angry because he lost some money gambling.
29:02Chanel got him a glass of water, and when she went to hand it to him,
29:05some of the water spilled on his shirt.
29:07He jumped up and stood over her.
29:09He started screaming, and he took the glass,
29:11and he threw it at the wall behind her.
29:13That's when I called the police.
29:15What happened next?
29:16When the police got there, I tried to explain to them what happened.
29:19But they only had eyes for JT.
29:21He gave them VIP tickets to a game, took selfies with them,
29:25and no police report was ever filed.
29:27Did you do anything to help her leave, Mr. Tucker?
29:30Yes. We created a safety plan.
29:33Could you please explain to the jurors what that means?
29:36A safety plan is a list of things that she needed to do in order to leave him.
29:39I found a sample online, and Chanel and I, we filled it out a couple of months ago.
29:44I'm now showing you Defense Exhibit 35.
29:48Do you recognize this document?
29:50Yeah, this is the plan we made.
29:52Did you witness Mrs. Tucker do any of the items listed on this document?
29:56I let her store some of her personal items in my house.
29:59She was moving out slowly, so when she could go, it would be quick.
30:02I helped her update her resume for job applications,
30:05and I also helped her sell some of her things online.
30:08And this number right here, I also helped her find a therapist for her and for Jordan.
30:13She wanted to leave, but her kids, they mean everything to her.
30:17No further questions.
30:22Mrs. Braswell, please, take a look at Defense Exhibit 35.
30:26There are 15 items on the list. How many did you and the defendant complete together?
30:31In all those months, you only finished four items?
30:34Yeah, we moved slow so she would stay alive.
30:36Okay, so on what day was she supposed to leave Mr. Tucker?
30:39We didn't have an exact date.
30:40Well, if you were helping your sister, why didn't you have a date in mind?
30:43She was giving up her marriage, her home, her entire life. That's not easy, quick, or cheap.
30:47Interesting that you should mention money.
30:49Were all of the items that you two sold owned by the defendant?
30:53Yes, of course.
30:54I'm now showing you People's Exhibit 47. Do you know what that is?
30:57Yes, it's a receipt for a jersey.
30:59Please, read the text at the bottom.
31:01Verify jersey as worn by JT.
31:03Did it belong to the victim?
31:05Did you and the defendant sell it?
31:06Yes, he had a million of them laying around. Everything else we sold was hers.
31:09So, when you weren't stealing from him, did you ever see the victim inflict injuries on the defendant?
31:16No? Even the night that you allegedly called the police after a shouting match, he didn't hit her.
31:21So, how do you know that the victim is responsible for the injuries in this photo?
31:25Chanel would not lie to me about something so personal.
31:27Oh, so you knew that she was having an affair with Adrian Hunter?
31:31So, sometimes the defendant steals and keeps big secrets from you.
31:35A person with a heart that big does not lie or hurt anyone.
31:38Except for the father of her child, who she caved his skull in.
31:42I'm glad it was him and not her. That son of a bitch deserves to fucking die.
31:53No further questions.
32:04Yo, what happened? Where's Baker?
32:06At the morgue. Today she found out her court case was pushed another nine months, so...
32:10I guess you didn't feel like leaving.
32:24Sally's testimony really set our defense back.
32:26We need to find someone else who can show how Chanel was trying to leave.
32:31What about Rebecca Gray?
32:32No, no. She's tainted by the interview.
32:34Did Daniel ever find Ebony?
32:35The intake nurse who gave him the tour said she's working again tomorrow night,
32:38so he'll stay at the rehab den and see if she'll talk.
32:40But I think we should still try to get Rebecca.
32:42No, no, no. I'd rather focus on just pushing Chanel harder during the prep.
32:48As much as she can handle.
32:56Hey, Tucker. You good?
32:59Pocahontas, I think you're hiding something.
33:01I love you.
33:02You got this.
33:03I love you.
33:04Did you kill Jane?
33:06Shut the fuck up!
33:08Get it together.
33:09Can you say something, Tucker?
33:10No, I didn't say anything.
33:13I'm good.
33:15Well, hurry. We ain't got all day.
33:17Yeah, all right.
33:20Naima, your mom's here.
33:22Thank you for taking care of her, Mom.
33:23Oh, not a problem. Just glad one of my grandchildren still want to hang with me.
33:28Well, you know Spencer's getting older, you know, so we just want to give him some more independence.
33:32Let him stay home alone occasionally.
33:35I trust him.
33:36Better you than me.
33:39And thank you for being nice to Naima about Paul.
33:43I like Kevin.
33:45He seems normal.
33:47He is.
33:49I'm happy things are good with you and Louis.
33:52Not because he's a good man, but because you are a good woman.
33:57I'm proud of you, Jacqueline.
33:59Thank you, Mom.
34:01I love you.
34:02I love you, too.
34:05Okay, you have a good night. I'll call you tomorrow.
34:07Okay, good night.
34:25I take it you and Tara's had a good time tonight?
34:28Oh, niggas gone nig, you already know.
34:33Okay, should I get some Pedialyte?
34:37The burger from Tommy's now or in the morning?
34:39Mm-mm, I don't want it.
34:41I can get you something else to eat.
34:42No, talk about this baby.
34:47This one night, I fucked up one night and now I'm having a baby with a woman I barely know.
34:54Baby, I got her support even though she threatened to cut me out the baby slot.
34:58Wait, she threatened you?
35:00Yeah, her way out of that vroom, vroom highway.
35:05And we got to do this to the kids out of college.
35:08Like, I'm going to be 65.
35:10Like, men in my family, men in my family barely see 70.
35:14Okay, wait, baby, here, drink this.
35:15It's too much to think about when you're drunk.
35:23I wish this baby would go away.
35:28And I, I hate saying that about my son, not our son, my fucking son.
35:36Oh, fuck.
35:39I'm so sorry, Jax.
35:42I'm sorry.
35:43It's okay.
35:44It's okay.
35:46Will you forgive me?
35:51Like, I, I need you to forgive me, Jax.
35:53Please, do you forgive me?
35:57Will you, please forgive me?
36:21Hey, Chanel.
36:29You know, I thought for sure your ass would be on the other side of this glass.
36:34Uh, yeah.
36:35Yeah, I know.
36:38I cut a deal with the Feds.
36:40Still got to do community service, have to pay a fine,
36:43and I have to report to a people's attorney.
36:45Still got to do community service, have to pay a fine,
36:48and I have to report to a PO for the next five years.
36:52And that's better than...
36:56I'm sorry.
36:58And I appreciate what you said up on the witness stand, but...
37:05that don't mean I forgive you.
37:08You lied to me.
37:09I know, I...
37:10And after Jamarion, you know damn well how hard it was for me to trust anybody.
37:14Chanel, I'm sorry, okay? The shit I did was fucked up.
37:18I didn't lie about how I felt about you.
37:21I love you, Chanel.
37:24Listen, I've...
37:28My career's over.
37:30I got cut from the team, they say I'm too much of a distraction.
37:33I can't get my money, my assets are frozen, I've lost everything.
37:37But I don't care about any of that.
37:40Because the one thing I did not want to lose is you.
37:42I know it's a little too late for that.
37:45I don't believe that.
37:48When you get out of here, when you beat this case, because you will beat this case,
37:54I want to be with you.
37:57And not just for a day, not just for a weekend, I want to be with you.
38:07Chanel, will you marry me?
38:17Okay, yeah, I know it's a lot to take in.
38:22I know it's a lot, but promise me you'll think about it.
38:45Thank you, too.
38:49You helped me through my mistakes with Damon.
38:52You loved me when I couldn't imagine you would.
38:56I was humbled.
38:58Never been loved like that.
39:02When I was at my worst.
39:04This shit is hard.
39:06It was...
39:08But I am right here.
39:09I am walking this road with you.
39:12But it's not easy.
39:15And sometimes I wonder if I'm making the right decision.
39:21But I know I'd rather do this shit with you than without you.
39:25And I'm showing you that every day with my actions.
39:29But you constantly asking me to forgive you makes you feel better.
39:34Not me.
39:36You're right, Jax.
39:41I appreciate you so much.
39:44And I respect that.
39:54Now, Ms. Wargo will bring up that TZT interview.
39:57Oh, you know, if I had known you were going to do that,
40:00I wouldn't have done it.
40:01Ms. Wargo will bring up that TZT interview.
40:03Oh, you know, if I had known that interview might hurt your case,
40:07I would have never done the darn thing.
40:09All I want to do is help Mrs. Tucker.
40:11And you will.
40:13Just answer the questions as they're asked, and we'll be right here.
40:15Let's get on that.
40:20I hope you're right about this.
40:22And what do you do, Mrs. Gray?
40:24I'm a clerk at an L.A. county self-help center.
40:27I help people apply for restraining orders.
40:29Been doing it for 12 years now.
40:31Now, will you walk us through a typical work day?
40:34Well, when someone comes in, I answer their questions
40:37and explain how to get a restraining order.
40:39Have you ever met Mrs. Tucker?
40:41Yes, I remember her coming in.
40:43A lot of women come in in hats and sunglasses,
40:46but I remember she had the biggest diamond ring I've ever seen.
40:50And then I remembered I saw her on TV.
40:53My wife and I, we watched those ESPY award shows.
40:57What else do you remember?
40:59She asked if restraining orders were a public record.
41:02I said yes.
41:04Now, Mrs. Gray, do you recall if Mrs. Tucker ever got the restraining order?
41:08No, she left without filing.
41:15How many people do you see a day?
41:17A few dozen.
41:19Let's say two dozen.
41:21How long did you interact with the defendant?
41:23Maybe 10 minutes.
41:25So, you see two dozen people a day, five days a week, 50 weeks a year.
41:27That's 6,000 a year.
41:30Over 12 years, that's 72,000 people.
41:33And yet, you remember one woman that you saw for 10 minutes.
41:37I can never forget her.
41:39Is that what you told TZT when you sold your story?
41:45Mrs. Gray, how do you remember Mrs. Tucker?
41:47Because she left without filing.
41:49I may not have known her name,
41:51but I remember her face because she left.
41:54Those are the ones I worry about more.
41:57Not the ones who stay and work past their tears
42:01when they're describing the horrific acts that brought them here,
42:04but it's the ones who are afraid of someone,
42:07but they're afraid to admit it.
42:09Those are the ones that keep me up at night.
42:11Those are the ones I remember.
42:13That's why I remember Mrs. Tucker.
42:16She was scared.
42:18She had tears.
42:20But then she left.
42:24With nothing.
42:27With nothing.
42:35Let me just say it again. I was right.
42:38See, you just can't get enough.
42:40I really can't. I really can't. Just one more time, please.
42:42Okay, you were right about Rebecca Gray.
42:46And I'm the best lawyer you have ever worked with.
42:49And don't push it.
42:51So you have any big plans for tonight?
42:54No, no. Just headed back to the office. You?
42:57Picking up the kids. Dinner with the family.
43:00Before prepping for tomorrow.
43:04Listen, I know I said I was going to keep it professional, right?
43:07And I hope I'm not about to cross the line, but
43:10Louis is a very lucky man.
43:13I'll pass along the message.
43:15Oh, please don't.
43:17Good night.
43:20Good night.
43:39It's really good to see you.
43:41I'm sorry it's taken a while.
43:43I can't imagine what it feels like to spend your days in here.
43:46Yeah, I can't explain it myself, so...
43:52I just want to apologize to you.
43:54Because for whatever reason you didn't feel comfortable telling me about the abuse,
43:58which is my fault.
44:00I know.
44:02Autumn, it's really not.
44:07Jamari unfucked me up, girl.
44:10He made me feel small.
44:12Even around you guys.
44:13He reminded me I was just a housewife.
44:15You know, he convinced me that y'all thought y'all were better than me.
44:20Girl, that's fucked up.
44:22And not true at all.
44:24I know that now.
44:26And the only reason I'm a therapist is because I'm a headcase myself.
44:28We all know Sally's a mess.
44:30And didn't Jax get kidnapped by her side piece?
44:40Honey, you are worth it.
44:42Honey, you are worthy of love just the way you are.
44:46No matter what's going on with you or any of us.
44:50If you get anything out of all of this, I hope you remember that.
45:01You're welcome, baby.
45:03I love you, girl.
45:07We're gonna get you out of here.
45:12I heard you threatened to take Louis' baby away.
45:15Well, it's not just his baby.
45:19This baby has two parents.
45:21You and Louis.
45:23Which means he has rights.
45:25So we're involved whether you like it or not.
45:27Now, the easy way to do this is where we compromise and we all work together.
45:30The hard way is where you hire an expensive lawyer and we all end up in court.
45:34Do you really want to face me in court again?
45:36Are you threatening me?
45:38No, I'm reminding you who I am.
45:39And if you think I fight hard for my friends, bitch, wait until you see what I do for my family.
45:43Who do you think you're talking to?
45:46Hey, baby.
45:48How's it going?
45:49How's it going?
45:51Good to see you, Toni.
46:01Joint custody?
46:06How can they?
46:07How can they?
46:09Oh, my God.
46:11What am I going to do?
46:13I'm so sorry, Lucy.
46:16Excuse me.
46:18Are you Ebony Phillips?
46:22I've been trying to get in touch with you.
46:23I just have a couple of questions.
46:24I don't talk to reporters.
46:25No, sorry.
46:26I'm not a reporter.
46:27Kick rocks before I have to pull my taser out of my purse.
46:28I'm sorry.
46:29Let me just run it back.
46:30My name is Daniel Kim and I work for Chanel Tucker's Defense.
46:32Look, we know that JT took Natasha from you when you went into rehab.
46:36We need you to testify about everything between you and JT.
46:40Tell your side of the story.
47:06I do.
47:20After Sally Braswell's dramatic outburst on the stand,
47:23Corey Cash, lead counsel on the Tucker trial, astonished us this week,
47:28overshadowing ADA Wargo's case in the process.
47:31Whether or not the jury is aligned with these sentiments is another question.
47:35One we will have to live in.
47:37Hey, I need to make a phone call.
48:06Yeah, you know, I was thinking.
48:11It's just about everything that's happened.
48:16I don't know, maybe this has all gone too far.
48:19Maybe we should...
48:22Maybe we should tell the truth.
48:25Okay, okay.
48:28Let's talk in person.
48:29Until then,
48:31don't say another word.
49:05I'm sorry.
49:35I'm sorry.