One Eye Two Eyes And Three Eyes Story _ Stories for Teenagers _ @EnglishFairyTales

  • 2 weeks ago
One Eye Two Eyes And Three Eyes Story in English | English Story | Fairy Tales in English


00:00Once upon a time in a far off land, there lived a woman with her three daughters.
00:06Two of the daughters, one eye and three eyes, were her favorites.
00:11She loved them both dearly and gave them whatever they asked for.
00:17The other daughter, however, had just two eyes,
00:21and since she looked very much like her father,
00:25The other daughter, however, had just two eyes,
00:28and since she looked very much like the normal people,
00:31her sisters and mother had a great disdain for her.
00:35She was given their old and worn clothes to wear,
00:39and was made to eat only their leftovers.
00:42They did everything they could to make her very unhappy.
00:48But even through all the trouble they gave her,
00:51she was still kind and generous to all she met and saw.
00:56Hello, little birds. Are you hungry?
01:00I am sorry this isn't much, but you may eat it.
01:04One day, as her sisters and mother finished their lunch,
01:08Two Eyes then took her place at the table to eat.
01:12You know, One Eye, since Two Eyes is different from us,
01:16must she sit at our table?
01:21You are right, Two Eyes. You do not belong with us.
01:25Go away and do not come near.
01:30Poor Two Eyes was so hurt by their words that she ran out crying.
01:36While she cried, suddenly, with a flash of light,
01:39an old fairy magically appeared and stood in front of her.
01:44She wore a cloak that glistened in the sun
01:47and carried a staff made of sparkling precious gems.
01:51Two Eyes was extremely amazed.
01:55Why are you weeping, dear little Two Eyes?
01:59Oh, good fairy, my mother and sisters hate me for having two eyes.
02:05They give me only leftovers to eat and treat me ever so badly.
02:10Wipe away your tears, my dear, and I will tell you something good.
02:16Do you see the stick that you carry?
02:19Every time you are hungry, chant this spell.
02:23Magic stick, hop to my beat, cover the table with something to eat.
02:31The stick then started to glow brightly.
02:34It flew out of Two Eyes' hands and transformed itself into a lovely little table
02:40spread with the most delicious food Two Eyes had ever seen.
02:46How wonderful! It smells so amazing.
02:51Now you won't be hungry. Eat and drink as much as you wish.
02:57And when you are done, just say, magic stick, hear me pray,
03:02and take the table quite away, and then it will vanish again.
03:07Saying this, with a wave of her magic staff, the old fairy disappeared.
03:13Two Eyes was most amazed at all she saw, but she had been starving for far too long.
03:20And so ate up each and everything from the table.
03:24The food was quite delicious. I am so very happy, but now I must hide this all away.
03:32Magic stick, hear me pray, and take the table quite away.
03:39And amazingly, the table and everything on it had changed itself back into the stick.
03:46In the evening when she returned, there lying on the table was a plate of leftovers kept for her.
03:53But she did not touch it, and happily walked past it.
03:57From then on Two Eyes would go out every day, eat and drink to her heart's content,
04:03and come home happily.
04:06But one day, One Eye and Three Eyes noticed that their sister wasn't eating what they left her.
04:13There is something wrong about Two Eyes. She doesn't eat what we give her anymore.
04:19She may have discovered other ways of getting food. We must find out the truth.
04:26So the next day, as Two Eyes set out happily to the field,
04:32her two sisters quietly followed behind her.
04:36She looked to see that no one was following her, but her sisters made sure she never found out.
04:44When Two Eyes reached there, she chanted out loudly,
04:48Magic stick, up to my feet, cover the table with something to eat.
04:55And immediately the table magically appeared with all the delicious food.
05:01The two sisters were secretly watching, and their eyes widened at everything they saw.
05:09So this is how she eats every day. No wonder she is never hungry anymore.
05:15Quick, let us go home and tell everything to mother.
05:21They ran home as fast as they could, and when their mother heard all that Two Eyes had done,
05:27she was furious. How dare she eat better food than us?
05:32Let her come home, and then we will take her magic stick away.
05:38So they waited for Two Eyes to return.
05:41And when she did, her mother grabbed the stick out of Two Eyes' hand and broke it into pieces.
05:49No! Oh, why would you do that?
05:54This will teach you a lesson when you decide to cheat your sisters and me again.
05:59Now you will go hungry for good.
06:03Poor little Two Eyes was heartbroken.
06:06She picked up the broken pieces of the stick and ran out.
06:10She went in the garden and wept bitterly.
06:15Just then, the old fairy appeared before her again.
06:19My sweet Two Eyes, what is wrong? Why are you crying, dear child?
06:26Oh, kind fairy, the magic stick which you gave me and would spread the table so beautifully,
06:33my mother has broken into pieces.
06:38Now I must suffer from hunger again.
06:41Hmm, Two Eyes, I will give you a good piece of advice.
06:46Take the pieces of the stick and bury it in the garden where the moon shines the brightest.
06:53That, be sure of, will bring you good luck.
06:57The old fairy once again waved her magic wand and in a flash disappeared from the night.
07:05Two Eyes trusted the fairy's words and did as she was told.
07:11The next morning, there in the garden stood a most wondrous tree.
07:16Its every leaf glistened of silver and it had fruits of gold that glowed in the sunlight.
07:22The mother and her two daughters stared at it with amazement.
07:26Never in their lives had they seen such a lovely sight.
07:32The tree is so beautiful, but where has it come from, mother?
07:37I do not know. It is indeed a very strange thing.
07:42Let us go out and pick the fruits.
07:45Only Two Eyes knew that it had sprung from the broken magic stick.
07:50One Eye, Three Eyes and their mother ran out and jumped high to pick the golden fruits.
07:56But every time they reached out, the tree would bend its branches away from them.
08:01Oh, why can we not even get a single leaf of this tree?
08:06I shall rest for I am very tired.
08:09Two Eyes had been watching them and she now looked at the tree.
08:15Let me try too, perhaps. I'll be able to pick a fruit.
08:20Ha! Try all you want. If we couldn't do it, how will you succeed?
08:27But as Two Eyes reached up to pick at the silver branches, the tree did not bend away from her.
08:33If anything, it glittered all the more and bent forward so that Two Eyes may pick as many fruits as she pleased.
08:40She tried giving them to her mother, hoping they would be happy,
08:44but by seeing that only she was able to pluck the fruit from the tree, they only turned jealous.
08:50It happened one evening that when they were all standing together by the tree,
08:55that a young knight came riding along.
08:58The mother turned hurriedly towards Two Eyes.
09:01Quick, Two Eyes, go and hide in the bushes. We do not want you to disgrace us.
09:08Poor Two Eyes hurriedly went and hid herself in the bushes.
09:12The knight was a very handsome young man.
09:15He rode up and saw the marvelous tree of gold and silver.
09:20He wondered who it belonged to and then saw the two sisters.
09:25Whom does this beautiful tree belong to?
09:28Whoever will give me a twig of it shall have whatever she asks for.
09:34The tree belongs to us. We would certainly break off a twig for you.
09:40They jumped and tried very hard to break a branch,
09:44but in vain the tree bent its twigs and fruit away from their hands and wouldn't let them touch it.
09:51It is very strange that the tree should belong to you,
09:55and yet you have not been able to break anything from it.
09:58I had better leave instead of wasting my time.
10:02And so he left. The two sisters and their mother were very annoyed.
10:08Do not worry, my dear children. Perhaps he will come back tomorrow.
10:13Let us try harder then.
10:15When they left, Two-Eyes came out from behind the bushes and sat by the tree.
10:21She was thinking deeply about the knight.
10:25How handsome he is! If only I could have picked a branch off the tree and given it to him.
10:31I could have told him how much I love him.
10:35No sooner did she say this than she heard the old fairy's voice coming from the tree.
10:42Little Two-Eyes, you have been so kind even in your sadness,
10:48and a kind heart deserves to be rewarded.
10:52I have heard your wish, and if that is really what you want, I will grant it for you.
10:59Oh yes! I would wish for nothing more than to be with my beloved knight.
11:04I wish this with all my heart.
11:07Very well, then do as I tell you.
11:11Pluck one leaf from the tree and put it on your dress.
11:16And as she did this, her torn dress turned into the most beautiful dress imaginable.
11:22It had silver leaves and ruby roses all over it.
11:27Now sit in this silver leaf, and it will fly you through the night sky to your beloved.
11:34And as the voice stopped speaking, one silver leaf fluttered slowly down to Two-Eyes.
11:41It grew in size and sparkled magnificently in the moonlight.
11:47Two-Eyes sat in the leaf, and it sailed her away through the night sky,
11:52past the moon and stars and on to the knight's balcony.
11:58As she got off the leaf, it now changed into a silver branch with a golden fruit hanging from it.
12:05Oh dear handsome knight, please hear me call for you.
12:10I have brought you the branch of the silver tree that you wished for.
12:14Who is it that calls me out so late?
12:18But as he came out and saw Two-Eyes standing there on the balcony, he gasped.
12:23For her beauty was unlike any other, and he couldn't take his eyes off her.
12:29Two-Eyes was most delighted to see him.
12:33My lord, you promised to give anything to the person who brought you this silver branch.
12:39Indeed, and what is it that you desire?
12:43Two-Eyes tells him all about her mother and her two sisters, and how they have ill-treated her.
12:51I have suffered from hunger and thirst and sadness, and have come to ask if you would take me as your bride.
13:02I would be happy to marry you, my dear.
13:05But before that, I must punish your mother and your sisters for treating you like that.
13:12Oh, forgive them, my knight, and let's forget about them, for they are my bitter past.
13:18Let us cherish today and build a beautiful tomorrow.
13:23So the very next day, the knight and Two-Eyes were married to each other in a grand ceremony.
13:30And there they lived happily ever after.
