Four Brothers Story in English _ Stories for Teenagers _ @EnglishFairyTales

  • 2 days ago
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Four Brothers Story in English | Stories for Teenagers | ‪@EnglishFairyTales‬

Parental Guidance:
Some material of this video may not be suitable for children below 13 years of age.
Four Brothers Story in English | Bedtime Stories | Story | English Story | Fairy Tales in English | Stories for Teenagers | Fairy Tales | English Fairy Tales


00:00Once upon a time, in a tiny village, there lived a fisherman with his four sons.
00:14His sons were called Rob, Cole, Alex, and Harry.
00:20The fisherman was very poor.
00:22Selling fish was his only source of income,
00:26and he managed to earn just enough to feed his family.
00:33He had nothing more to give his sons.
00:36One day, he called his sons and told them,
00:40My children, listen. I have nothing to give you.
00:45Now you are old enough, so you must go out into the world,
00:49find a vocation, and try your luck.
00:53But father, we know no trade or art.
00:57What will we do away from home?
01:00That is exactly what you need to find out.
01:03You must leave to figure out what kind of work you are capable of doing.
01:08But father, we have never ventured out on our own.
01:13My child, nothing will go wrong.
01:16I do not want you to lead the life of a fisherman.
01:20You can barely make a living with this work.
01:23Go and earn a lucrative trade.
01:26All right, father. If this is what you want, we shall certainly go.
01:34Yes, father. We shall go.
01:37The four brothers bid goodbye to their father and left.
01:41After some distance, they saw four roads all going in different directions.
01:47Rob said to his brothers,
01:49I think that each of us must choose one of these roads
01:53and meet here once again after four years.
01:57As you say, big brother.
01:59As you say, big brother.
02:03The four brothers go on four different roads.
02:06Rob meets a man on the way.
02:10Mate, this is a dead end. Where are you going?
02:15I want to learn a trade.
02:17Any kind of trade which will enable me to learn a living.
02:22So come with me. I shall make you the world's stealthiest thief.
02:28No, no. I want to earn with honesty, not through thievery.
02:33I want to live freely and not get relegated to a jail.
02:38Look, mate, who is asking you to go to prison?
02:42Just learn the skill of thievery, but use it for doing good.
02:52Rob agrees with him.
02:54He thinks that there is nothing wrong with learning a trade.
02:57So he goes with the man.
02:59He makes him so adept at the skill of thievery
03:02that no matter what Rob wanted,
03:04he could easily steal it without anyone ever knowing.
03:09While walking, Cole reaches a spot where a river is flowing
03:13and there is just one house in the area and nothing else for miles around.
03:18He sees one man standing near the river.
03:22He is holding a machine made of glass.
03:25Cole could not understand what it is.
03:28He goes to him.
03:30Hey, mate, what are you doing?
03:34With this machine, you can easily see things far in the distance.
03:38It is called a pair of binoculars.
03:42This seems to be very interesting.
03:45Will you teach me how to use this?
03:47If you want to learn, I shall certainly teach you.
03:51Cole starts living with that man.
03:54The man teaches him the skill of using the binoculars.
03:58Within a few months, Cole becomes an expert at it.
04:02You have learned well, so if you want to leave, you are free to go.
04:07Yes, a whole year has passed.
04:11Now I must leave.
04:14All right, take this pair of binoculars with you.
04:18With it, you will be able to see everything whether on earth or in the sky.
04:24In the meanwhile, the third brother, Alex, meets a hunter.
04:28He stays with the hunter in his house and learns from him the skill of hunting.
04:38Alex, it has been many days that you have been practicing here in the field.
04:42Today, me must practice in the jungle.
04:45Let us see if you can take aim at moving objects.
04:49All right.
04:51Both of them reach the forest where the hunter shows Alex how to take aim at a running deer.
04:58The arrow hits the deer and kills it.
05:01Alex, come on now, you take aim.
05:06Alex takes an arrow and aims it at a flying bird, but the arrow misses.
05:13Alex, you still need practice.
05:16From now on, every day we shall come to the jungle to practice.
05:20As you say.
05:22Every day the hunter would bring Alex to the forest for practice.
05:28Eventually, Alex could hit targets and not miss a single aim.
05:34He had become an absolute expert in the art of hunting.
05:39Bravo, Alex!
05:41Now your aim is perfect and you have learned every aspect of this skill.
05:46Thank you, brother.
05:48You have helped me so much.
05:50It is only because of you that I have been able to learn this.
05:54Now I wish to go back home so that I may help my father.
05:59Sure, you may leave and take this bow and arrow with you.
06:04They will be useful.
06:08The youngest brother Harry reaches a village where he meets a tailor.
06:15Brother, who are you and what are you doing here?
06:19My name is Harry and I have come to learn any kind of trade.
06:24All right. Tell me if you wish to become a tailor.
06:28I can teach you.
06:33Sure, why not? I would love to learn.
06:37Harry starts staying in the tailor's house.
06:40With all his heart, the tailor teaches Harry the art of stitching clothes.
06:45He explains to Harry the finest intricacies of the work.
06:49Like how does one thread a needle?
06:52How does one hold a piece of cloth before stitching?
06:55He teaches him everything.
06:59As time goes by, Harry learns tailoring very well indeed.
07:05The tailor is very happy with Harry for his hard work and sincerity.
07:10While Harry leaves, the tailor gives him a needle and thread and tells him...
07:15I am very happy with your work.
07:18Take this needle and thread.
07:20Keep it as soft as a soft-boiled egg and as tough as steel.
07:25Then you can stitch anything and no one will ever be able to spot the joint in whatever you stitch.
07:33The four brothers reach the same spot where they had promised to meet after four years.
07:39From there, they go back home together.
07:43On reaching home, they meet their father and tell him what each one of them has learnt.
07:50One day, all of them were sitting with their father under a tree outside their house when their father said...
07:57Today I will teach you the art of sewing.
08:00And their father said...
08:02Today I want to see how skilled you are at the trades you have learnt.
08:07There is a nest on top of the tree. Tell me how many eggs are in it?
08:16Alright, Rob. Now you get me the eggs from under the bird who is sitting atop them to hatch them.
08:23But the bird must not come to know.
08:27Rob climbed the tree and without the bird getting to see him, he stole the eggs.
08:33He was such an expert that the bird did not even realize the eggs had disappeared from underneath it.
08:39Wow! Awesome!
08:43The fisherman kept the four eggs on the four corners of a table and said to his son Alex...
08:50Cut all four eggs into two with just one arrow but the chicks inside the eggs should not be hurt.
08:58Alex removed his arrow and with just one arrow he cut the eggs into two.
09:04The fisherman was very happy to see this and then he said to his son Harry...
09:10Now stitch these eggs together and show me so that the bird can give birth to its offspring.
09:18Harry removed his needle and stitched up the eggs and then Rob put the eggs back in the nest.
09:25The bird did not even come to know.
09:28Very good my children. All of you have learnt with all sincerity in these four years.
09:35I don't have any gift to give you but I am certain that life will reward you for your hard work.
09:43After a few days the news spread in the entire kingdom that one dragon had kidnapped the princess.
09:51The king declared that whosoever found the princess would get her hand in marriage.
09:58My sons, you have got an opportunity to show your talents. Go save the princess from the dragon.
10:07All four brothers prepared themselves and left to save the princess.
10:12Cole saw from his pair of binoculars and said...
10:17I can see where the princess is. The dragon has hidden her on an island in the middle of the sea and he is sitting there keeping watch.
10:28Then they went to the king and asked for a boat so that they may reach the island.
10:35The king gave them a ship and the four of them reached the island.
10:40Cole saw through his pair of binoculars and said...
10:44The dragon is sleeping nearby and his head is on the princess's lap.
10:50In that case I cannot take aim lest the arrow hurts the princess.
10:56Wait! I shall steal the princess and bring her. You keep the boat ready.
11:02Rob stole the princess from the dragon.
11:05But when they were returning to the ship, the dragon awoke and flying above them, he followed them.
11:13He was just about to attack when Alex killed him with his arrows.
11:18But when the dragon fell in the water, with the impact of the fall, the water became violent and the boat broke to pieces.
11:26They were all floating with the help of the various pieces.
11:30So Harry removed his needle and taking big lengths of thread, he started stitching the boards of wood together.
11:37And soon so many boards were stitched together that all of them could sit on them.
11:43And then they brought the princess home safely.
11:47When they went to the king, the king said to them...
11:51All four of you decide amongst yourselves as to who shall marry the princess.
11:58When they heard this, all four brothers started fighting among themselves.
12:04Had I not found the princess, what could you three have done? Hence, I shall marry the princess.
12:11Had I not rescued the princess from the dragon, what would the three of you have done? I shall marry the princess.
12:20Had I not killed the dragon, would the three of you have ever been able to reach the princess home?
12:27So, how can you marry her? I should be the one to marry her.
12:33Had I not stitched the boat, all of you would have drowned. That is why I shall marry the princess.
12:41Seeing the four brothers fight, the king decided that none of them will marry the princess, for no one will be happy like this.
12:48The king gave half his kingdom to the four brothers as reward.
12:54The brothers got everything they wanted.
12:57And in this way, the fisherman finally got rid of his poverty and they all lived happily ever after.
13:05The End
