Wapos Bay 02 - Journey Through Fear

  • la semaine dernière
00:30Avec le soutien de Denix
01:01C'était une bonne idée de venir ici pour notre repas à l'école, T-Bear.
01:06Eh bien, c'est le 21 juin, jour aborigé,
01:11et les activités du festival ne commencent pas jusqu'à plus tard.
01:15Tu vas monter, T-Bear?
01:17Qu'est-ce qui te prend, T-Bear? T'es effrayé?
01:20Vas-y, T-Bear.
01:22Je le ferai. Je peux.
01:32C'est dégueulasse!
01:34Reste calme, T-Bear.
01:38J'ai une idée.
01:49Tu veux vraiment monter la Torre des Feux?
01:52Oh, viens! Ça serait cool!
01:55Talon, Will! Hein, Talon?
01:58Est-ce qu'il n'y a pas un garde ou quelque chose?
02:00Oui, mon oncle Benny.
02:02Mais il ne reviendra pas jusqu'à demain matin.
02:05Tu veux aller d'abord, T-Bear?
02:22Raven, c'est le moment!
02:25Nous devons mettre le bateau dans l'eau pour le voyage de pêche demain.
02:30Je ne me sens pas très bien.
02:33Qu'est-ce qui se passe?
02:36Je ne sais pas. Je pense que mon ventre fait mal.
02:41Kokum, notre petit raven ne se sent pas bien.
02:46Qu'est-ce qui se passe?
02:48Je ne me sens pas assez bien pour aller au bateau aujourd'hui.
02:51Mon ventre fait mal.
02:52Eh, mon ventre fait mal.
02:55Eh bien, une marche pour voir Kokum et Mary au festival sera juste une chose.
03:00Nous pouvons te donner de l'huile pour ton ventre qui fait mal.
03:03Mais je ne me sens pas bien.
03:06Il n'y a rien de mal avec tes jambes, n'est-ce pas?
03:09Viens, allons-y. Tu vas te sentir mieux.
03:22Peut-être que tu peux fermer tes yeux et voir si ça aide.
03:25Je ne peux pas fermer mes yeux et toujours voir où je vais.
03:28Alors essaie de squatter. Ne te lèves pas.
03:50Allons-y, T-Bear. Tu dois voir ça.
03:53Tu peux voir toute la ville d'ici.
03:59C'est le ring où se trouve le festival.
04:01Je peux le mettre en place.
04:03Et je peux voir ma maison.
04:09Nous sommes assez haut.
04:13Assez cool.
04:15Hey, n'ai-je pas vu un tank à la plage du festival?
04:20Oui. Je me demande si le principe Steele va se fumer de nouveau cette année.
04:25Oui, allons-y!
04:31Allons-y, T-Bear. Nous allons voir le principe Steele.
04:36Qu'est-ce qui lui prend autant de temps?
04:39Je ne sais pas. Tu vas de l'avant. Nous nous rencontrerons là-bas.
04:51Qu'est-ce qui te prend autant de temps?
04:54Rien. Je vais juste rester un moment.
04:59Je veux voir ce qu'il y a ici à la nuit.
05:05Si tu es effrayé, je peux...
05:07Non, je ne veux pas.
05:09Je veux juste peut-être aller à la campagne.
05:13Tu sais, OK?
05:17Tout le monde se demandera où tu es.
05:20Pas si tu m'aides.
05:29Bonjour, Coco-Marie.
05:31Bonjour, Raven. Bonjour, mesdames.
05:35Où allez-vous?
05:37Bien, Coco-Marie, nous devons mettre le bateau dans l'eau aujourd'hui pour notre voyage de pêche demain.
05:45Mais Raven ne veut pas y aller.
05:48Oh, mon Dieu! Mais ça a l'air tellement amusant!
05:52Tu sais, je me souviens de l'époque où nous allions pêcher.
05:56C'était une époque où les houla-hoops étaient à fond.
06:01Et je pouvais passer d'un moment à l'autre, tu sais.
06:10Oh, oui!
06:12Tu es avec nous?
06:14Oui, désolé.
06:16Pourquoi ne veux-tu pas y aller, Raven?
06:19J'ai mal au ventre et je suis venu voir si tu avais de l'eau.
06:22Ah, ici tu es, ma fille, mais c'est très bitter, tu sais.
06:27Peut-être que tu devrais prendre de l'eau pour goûter.
06:30N'est-ce pas près de l'eau?
06:32Tu parles nerveusement, ma fille. Tu n'aimes pas l'eau?
06:36Bien sûr! Bien sûr que oui! Qui n'aime pas l'eau?
06:41Eh bien, quand j'avais ton âge, je n'aimais pas du tout.
06:45Vraiment? Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé?
06:46Eh bien, c'était quand Charlton Heston ne pouvait pas faire d'erreur, tu sais.
06:52Et j'étais en colère contre mes frères.
06:55Ils ont toujours dû aller pêcher.
06:58Et ils semblaient s'amuser tellement, tu sais.
07:03Et je serais...
07:05Je suis désolé, mais Coco-Marie et moi, il faut qu'on s'arrête.
07:09Il faut que je lui montre où elle se trouve.
07:11Les gens doivent être emprisonnés.
07:14Alors, faisons-le.
07:17Merci Coco-Marie! A bientôt.
07:20Bon, le musulman a beaucoup à faire.
07:23Peut-être que je devrais rester et l'aider?
07:26Eh bien, c'est pour ça que ton frère Jacob est là pour l'aider.
07:30Venez Raven! Il est temps de partir.
07:32C'est pour ça que votre oncle Jacob est là pour l'aider.
07:36Comrade, c'est l'heure de partir.
07:39Il est pas là.
07:41Je t'ai pris une pomme et une banane.
07:43De la table aussi.
07:47Your sleeping bag is here.
07:49I found it.
07:50The sleeping bag is in the car.
07:52I found it.
07:54It's here.
07:55It's here.
07:56It's here.
07:57It's here.
07:58It's here.
07:59It's here.
08:01And there's a...
08:02There's a...
08:03There's a...
08:04There's a...
08:05There's a...
08:06There's a...
08:07There's your sleeping bag. I don't know why you don't just come down.
08:13I told you, I just want to see what it's like up here at night. You know, an adventure.
08:21Wow! My game too?
08:25That's all I could grab. Didn't want to get caught. T-Bear?
08:32I don't think this is a good idea.
08:34But I'll come down in the morning.
08:38You might get in a lot of trouble if someone finds out.
08:42Well, okay.
08:44Okay, let's go. We'll come back in the morning.
09:07Woohoo! Let's go!
09:14Just a coyote, T-Bear. You know what a coyote is.
09:21Someone's coming.
09:31Just a wind.
09:51T-Bear, wake up, son.
09:54We need to head over to the rink. I have to go.
09:57We need to head over to the rink. I have to help Mushom set up, and I'm giving the opening festival remarks.
10:12T-Bear, answer me!
10:15Uh, hi, Dad.
10:17Come down here.
10:19Uh, I, uh, I can't, Dad.
10:25What do you mean you can't?
10:28I mean, I would if I could, but I can't.
10:34Well, I'm going to have to come up and get you then.
10:43Oh, you should see these minnows.
10:46Raven, they sparkle just like little rainbows.
10:53Oh, I can't see them.
10:56Oh, you don't see them.
10:59Well, you can't really see them unless you're right down here.
11:03Down there?
11:05Don't worry, Raven. Kokom and I will help you.
11:10I bet there's too many to count.
11:13What do you think, Sarah?
11:15Oh, hundreds, maybe even thousands.
11:18So many little rainbows.
11:21I want to see. I want to see.
11:24Sure, Raven, but you will have to come down here in the boat.
11:29Oh, well...
11:32The boat is tied, Raven.
11:34I tied it yesterday, remember?
11:37And there's a life jacket just your size right here.
11:45I think I'll try to see them from here.
11:49Oh no, honey, we were just too excited to show you the minnows.
11:53Let's try it again.
12:00Uh, hi, Dad.
12:04Hey, I know, you've got to see this view.
12:10See? There's our house.
12:12And Mushroom's house is over there.
12:15And the trees that I like to climb.
12:20This is a nice view, but you still shouldn't have lied about where you were.
12:25Something could have happened to you.
12:28And having Talon lie for you.
12:32I was just a little bit scared to come down.
12:36Well, now you have your dad here, my boy.
12:39It's time to go down.
12:48Hey, son.
12:50Show me that view again.
12:53It's okay, Dad.
12:55I'm scared too.
12:57What? I'm not.
12:59Oh, don't worry, Dad.
13:01It's just the wind.
13:06Uh, hello.
13:09Mr. Morin?
13:11Ahem, yes.
13:14Hello, Mr. Poisson.
13:16The whole town has been looking for you.
13:18Especially Mushroom.
13:20I hope you didn't forget that you're doing the opening speech at the festival today.
13:24No, I didn't forget.
13:26We, uh, just like it up here.
13:30Don't we, son?
13:32I'd better notify the office that you're here.
13:38Yeah, that's right.
13:39Jacob and Jerem were fired.
13:41I really don't know why they're up here.
13:44Okay, Benny.
13:48I know.
13:49When can we expect them?
13:54They're not here.
13:57I mean...
13:59Yes, I did say they were here.
14:02But I mean they don't look like they want to come down.
14:08I'll let the folks at the festival know then.
14:11Um, keep me posted.
14:1310-4 on that.
14:15Over and out.
14:19This just in, folks.
14:21It appears that band counselor Jacob Morin will not be doing his speech today.
14:26Although the details are sketchy,
14:28it seems that Jacob is holding some sort of sit-in protest.
14:32Hey, Don!
14:33Since the Aboriginal People's Television Network is in town covering Aboriginal days,
14:38shouldn't we get them to investigate the story further?
14:42That's the first best thing you've said all day today.
14:46Jacob Morin and his son Thomas are holding some sort of protest
14:52in the Long Bay Fire Tower.
15:05Good afternoon, gentlemen.
15:06Good afternoon, Lola.
15:07Good afternoon, Lola.
15:08Mr. Morin, how long have you been holding this sit-in protest?
15:1515 minutes.
15:1715 minutes.
15:26Few hours.
15:27Few hours.
15:28I mean, actually, we've been here since...
15:33yesterday afternoon, Lola.
15:35And what are you protesting exactly?
15:39Oh, yes.
15:42Well, my son Thomas here...
15:45Call me T-Bear.
15:47Well, he began the protest last night because of...
15:50well, the issues.
15:53What the issues are?
15:55Yeah, well, yes, they're very serious issues.
16:00My son and I agree on these serious issues.
16:04Serious fire tower issues.
16:09You're protesting the number of fire towers in the north?
16:12Yeah, yeah, that's it, exactly, Lola.
16:15There are too many...
16:17Oh, I mean, not enough fire towers in the north.
16:21So what about you, Mr. Poisson?
16:24Where do you stand on this issue?
16:26Who? Me?
16:29Oh, uh, I agree.
16:31We need more towers.
16:34And, uh, and we need more watchmen in the towers.
16:39Right, Jacob?
16:41Uh, fires don't only happen between business hours, you know.
16:45Thank you, Mr. Poisson.
16:47Mr. Morin, any closing comments?
16:49Oh, uh, our trap lines.
16:54Could you elaborate?
16:56Our trap lines need protecting.
16:59We need to preserve and protect the ways of our people.
17:10Hey, how did we get out so far?
17:13We're fishing, Raven.
17:15And this is where we'll catch the Maltrish, my girl.
17:17But it's so far and I want to go back.
17:20Aren't you having fun fishing?
17:22No, well, yeah, but I want to go back.
17:27No, no, no, no, no, no.
17:29Let's listen to some music for a while.
17:31That'll calm you down.
17:33Yes, some nice music will be just the thing.
17:36So there you have it, folks.
17:38Jacob Morin and his son T-Bear are staging a very strong protest
17:44against the lack of firepower in the North.
17:47Will our leaders feel the same way as Jacob Morin
17:50when it comes to protecting our trap lines?
17:52We have the APTN news crew covering this late-breaking news,
17:56so stay tuned.
18:04Here's some blankets and some food.
18:08Looks like we have a lot of support out there, my boy.
18:11From elders and the community, from everyone.
18:17Where did that come from?
18:31Look how dark it's getting over there.
18:33That's not a very good sign.
18:35I think we'd better go in.
18:43Wow! That was kind of cool, wasn't it, Dad?
18:48It sure was, my boy.
18:50We did well.
18:52Where should I put the TV?
18:54Send it up there.
18:58Hey, cool, thunder.
19:02Hey, let's watch some TV, my boy.
19:06Earlier today, we tuned into Aboriginal Day at Wapos Bay
19:10and came across a very serious protest
19:13being led by band councillor Jacob Morin and his son T-Bear.
19:18We have some video coverage of that protest now.
20:06It'll be OK, son. Really.
20:14Come here. Come down onto my shoulders, my boy.
20:17I'll carry you.
20:19Are you sure?
20:21Of course.
20:31I just need a second, son.
20:38It's OK, son.
20:40One step at a time, T-Bear.
20:44Just one step at a time.
20:52Um... Dad, we're at the bottom.
20:58Ha, ha, ha!
21:28There's something everyone should know.
21:31We weren't really protesting.
21:34We were both just too scared to come down.
21:38Well, maybe something good will come from it.
21:42I hope so. Everyone was so good to us.
21:46I'm proud of you, Dad.
21:50Good evening and welcome to APTN National News.
21:54Our top story tonight...
21:56More fire towers have been approved for the North.
21:59We have Chief Big Sky live from Wapos Bay.
22:03Do you feel the protest staged by your band counselor
22:06had some effect on our leader's decision today?
22:09I have been fighting on this issue for a long time.
22:12I'm sure my band counselor, Jacob Morton,
22:15was aware of how important this issue was to me.
22:18I've always been willing to go that extra mile
22:22for our community of Wapos Bay.
22:25Congratulations, Chief Big Sky,
22:27on the great success you made of Aboriginal Day.
22:31We're all very proud of you.
22:34Although your dad ended up taking care of the festivities
22:38all by himself, he worked so hard,
22:42he never made it on TV.
22:45Look at him now.
22:47What? What did I miss?
22:55Sous-titrage MFP.
23:25Sous-titrage MFP.
23:55Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
