Is Terry Francona a candidate for the White Sox's managerial job?

  • last week
00:00I heard from Terry Francona yesterday on the Baseball Isn't Boring podcast, and he was
00:04expressing his respect for Jerry Reinsdorf because he used to work in the White Sox organization
00:10as everybody knows and maybe has forgotten.
00:14Do you consider, knowing both men as well as you do, do you consider Terry Francona
00:18a candidate for the Sox managerial job or a role in the Sox organization?
00:23I think the latter.
00:25I think bringing in somebody with Chris Goetz as a consultant, somebody that, you know,
00:33look, Tony La Russa is a consultant for baseball operations, but he's more an on-field guy.
00:42We're talking about a Dayton Moore who did it with Kansas City or somebody of that ilk,
00:51you know, a Kim Ng who has such a great reputation in baseball and got a horrible situation put
00:58in front of her in Florida.
01:00Those are the type of people, you know, that can help a front office, not take away the
01:05power of Chris Goetz, but add to it by their experience.
01:12I would love to see somebody like that come in.
01:15I remember when Kenny Williams was hired to be the general manager, the first move that
01:19Jerry Reinsdorf made was hiring Rovan Heeman, who had such a great reputation and such a
01:26great baseball man, as a consultant with Kenny to get him through some of the rough parts
01:33of learning how to make trades, deal with other general managers, run a ball club.
01:42I would love to see that happen for Chris.
01:45I'd like to see Chris be a part of that because he is the top man in baseball operations.
01:51I'd like to see him have a say-so.
01:54He has a working relationship from the past with a few of these people.
02:01I would say that him being involved would be a good idea, but I don't think you can
02:08have too many great baseball minds helping you when you're starting out something as
02:15challenging as rebuilding the Chicago White Sox.
