Gabbie Hanna Has ENDED Her Career

  • yesterday
Gabbie Hanna Has ENDED Her Career


00:00Alright guys, so in this video I'll be talking about Gabbie Hanna once again, because a few
00:04days ago, she decided it was time to make her comeback to YouTube and she uploaded a
00:08new video.
00:09And if you're aware of all the drama she's been going through recently, you know that
00:12she tried to make a video series exposing other people, and it all just kind of backfired
00:16on her and she got exposed.
00:17And pretty much nobody's on her side for this one, like even her most loyal fans are turning
00:21on her, like the general consensus here is that she is in the wrong.
00:25And her career is pretty much on a downward spiral, and all she really gets now is hate.
00:29So you'd think to salvage her career a little bit, the next video that she uploaded to YouTube
00:33would be really thought out and be like a nice sincere apology, where she apologizes
00:37to all the people she's treated poorly over the years, and also her fans for letting them
00:40down, like people just really want her to take responsibility for her actions.
00:44But of course that's not what she does at all, and instead she thought this was the
00:47appropriate time to put out a new music video, or whatever the heck this is.
00:51And then she addresses all the controversy in the description, and of course she does
00:55not apologize for anything, she pretty much plays the victim and just says she has mental
00:59health problems.
01:00It's just incredible how much she can make every situation all about her.
01:04Like I knew we were going to be hearing about the mental health problems, because a lot
01:06of people use that as an excuse for why they acted like an asshole, but I also thought
01:10we'd be getting some kind of an apology.
01:12But nope, I guess she feels like she did nothing wrong and people are attacking her for no
01:15reason, and she thought this was the right time to upload a new music video and promote
01:19her fucking music.
01:20And my guess is, that she originally started all this drama and the whole series and everything,
01:25probably just to promote her music.
01:26But ironically it might just end her music, and her whole career.
01:29Like the way she's been handling things, it's going to be very difficult for her to turn
01:33things around, because she is just so stubborn and unwilling to accept the fact that she
01:37did anything wrong.
01:38Like if she had realized that while she was away from YouTube, and came back with a sincere
01:43apology video that like at least her fans accepted, and then just waited a little bit
01:47and then put out a music video once everything has blown over, I think people probably would
01:51have been alright with that, and more willing to listen to it because they had realized
01:54that she's actually a decent human being.
01:56But putting out a music video in the middle of this whole mess, without apologizing or
02:00like really addressing anything, is just a terrible idea.
02:03Because now the people that enjoy her music, probably can't even listen to it because they
02:07just don't want to support her at all right now.
02:09And it doesn't look good that her first video back on YouTube, which everyone's waiting
02:12for and everyone's looking for an apology or something like that, she just uses to plug
02:16her music.
02:17And she obviously disabled the likes and dislikes, and the comments as well, so she knew this
02:22wasn't going to get a positive reaction.
02:24And I even heard people say that they enjoyed her singing in the video, and they liked the
02:28song and everything, but obviously that just gets completely overshadowed by all the YouTube
02:32drama, and the fact that people expected an apology video.
02:35So I don't know why she would think right now is a good time to put out some of her
02:38music, because there's no way anybody could appreciate it, everyone's just thinking about
02:42the drama still.
02:43It's almost like she's bringing on the hate and like wants her own career to fail, because
02:47then she could still like somehow say that she's a victim of something.
02:50Because in every situation she's gotten herself into in the past, she's always wanted to play
02:54the victim, and she's kind of gotten away with it for the most part, like obviously
02:57people complain about it and stuff, but she still has her loyal fans who usually back
03:01her up.
03:02But now she finally got herself into a situation where it's clear she's not the victim and
03:06she's actually the abuser, and she cannot come to grips with that, so she's just pulling
03:10out all the stops, trying to act like the victim still.
03:12And now she's at the point where I think she just wants people either hating on her, or
03:16just feeling bad for her.
03:17And I think she wants to make it look like all these drama channels and like the internet
03:20in general like destroyed her career, like so she's still the victim of something.
03:25Like at the end of the whole thing she wrote on YouTube, she said from here on out I'm
03:28offline entirely, and I think she's trying to make it sound like hey, you guys won, you
03:33got what you wanted, I'm giving it all up.
03:35Because then at least she could still make it seem like she's victimized.
03:38But I do hope she stays off the internet for a while, because I think it would be better
03:41for her mental health, and like for other people's mental health too.
03:44Like if I had to give her any advice, I'd say stay off the internet for like at least
03:476 months, like go to therapy or something, and just work on your music for that time.
03:52And then eventually when you come back, you'll probably have a clearer head, like maybe you
03:55can apologize for some of the things you've done, just to put everything behind you and
03:58prove that you're actually a changed person.
04:00And then I'd say just exclusively do music for a while, and only put out music as your
04:05Because it sounds like she really enjoys doing it, and she takes it really seriously, and
04:08she seems really dedicated to it.
04:10So just do that, and stay away from the drama, like it never ends well with that shit.
04:14Like she pretty much ended her whole career over the past month, over something that is
04:17completely unnecessary and could have been totally avoided, but she could not help herself.
04:22And I think she needs like some kind of manager, somebody there, like a second opinion, because
04:27clearly she does not make the best choices when it comes to social media.
04:31Like everything that's gone wrong for her just feels like self-sabotage, and maybe if
04:34someone else was there to give her a different perspective, she could stay away from some
04:38of this unnecessary drama.
04:40So that's about it for this video, make sure you leave me a comment, let me know what you
04:43think the future holds for Gabbie Hanna, and make sure you hit the like button, make
04:46sure you hit subscribe, and I'll catch you at the next video.