Emmerdale 2 October 2024

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Emmerdale 2 October 2024


00:00Mystic. He knows you've been bailed. He says he wants us to still send the cake for offering
00:22to take her in. Cost a fortune to send Park into Ireland. Besides, we've got bigger fish
00:28to fry. You look exhausted, love. I hate the thought of you going to the police on your
00:34own. I was fine, honestly. You could have at least woke us up when you got back. There's
00:40no point in none of us getting any sleep. You definitely didn't tell the Rossers about
00:45Wilson. No. I told them I cleaned it all up, so don't worry. But they're still going to
00:49talk to Charity, even though I told them I forced her to give the alibi. Hopefully she
00:54won't get into too much bother. Have they spoken to Tom yet? I've not heard anything.
00:59They said they'd be in touch. Cheers. You're in early, bud. Well, I am paid to catch the
01:11worm. You caught my attackers yet? Not yet. But I believe you've been discharged. Yeah.
01:20Yeah, well, I'm just waiting for a taxi. Unless you want to give me a lift home. I can give
01:25you a lift to the station. Why? Because your wife has made accusations of domestic abuse.
01:32Well, she's lying. We can talk about that at the station. When I said I was mugged yesterday,
01:44I lied. It was her. She attacked me, but I have never hurt her. Never. Thomas King,
01:52you are under arrest for coercive and controlling behaviour and assault. You don't have to say
01:57anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention, when questioned, something
02:01you later rely on in court. Do you understand? I'm assuming Dr John doesn't know about this.
02:10Well, no, obviously not. I don't want to keep it that way. Oh, you're lovely. I could
02:16do one of them myself. Yeah, fat chance of that. So what time are you meeting your contact?
02:22Scratchy. Knocked me back to half one now. Won't the lover boy notice that this is gone?
02:28No. He's working all day. So, er, any plans for the afternoon off? Not one I forgot about
02:36No. I like to pour a glass of Merlot, have a small charcuterie board, and then just lose
02:43myself in a murder mystery. Or I might just crack open a beer and have a sarnie. Yeah,
02:50that sounds lovely too. Where's Elliot? He got on the bus. He said he'd be quicker than
02:55waiting for you. Come on then, stop dawdling. Me? It was you. Er, if you could be Batchat
03:02again, then it's half an hour off your gaming later. Well, no wine for you tonight for me
03:06making me late for school. Life lesson here, Karl. Never ever take wine off an adult. Especially
03:10one she's got very cheeky children. Yeah, well, do you fancy a coffee and a sausage
03:14putty for the drive home? I'm not peeing for my own sausages. I'll make you one when we
03:17get home. Yeah, but we've got the fence to bang. No, I'll do the fence. You take the
03:22cord to Mackenzie. He said he was going to serve us it this morning. No, I'll help you
03:25paint first. Mac won't mind. OK, I've already told Mackenzie this, so I'll tell you as well.
03:29I'm going back to working by myself. I've agreed to check in regularly, so no arguments.
03:34I'll sort the sheep and the fence, and you sort the cord and the cattle. And the sausage
03:38putties. And the sausage putties.
03:44Hi. Hi. Just on a bun run for them lot. Fancy a cake bringing back? Um, good thanks. I'm
03:52a sucker for Brenda's Black Forest, so have a slice of that. I'll pay, seeing as I'm using
03:57Paddy's star employee. I'll get them. You deserve a treat after last night. Ah, yes,
04:02I wanted to speak to you about that. I blame the wine. You can't blame the wine for the
04:08other two times. No, no, I suppose not. I really enjoy being with you. And casual's
04:17fine, but I'd quite like to be exclusive again. I've missed you. More than just the good stuff.
04:26Yeah, me too. Yeah, let's give it a go. Mr. King, in your statement yesterday, you said
04:38that you were mugged by persons unknown. But earlier at the hospital, you said... When
04:46I said I was mugged yesterday, I lied. It was her. She attacked me. So which is the
04:53truth? I was attacked by my wife, Belle King, with an axe, at her family home, at the flat
05:04at the back. For your information, Mrs. King has admitted to the attack and handed in the
05:11weapon. Right. So what's gonna happen to her? That's to be decided. You were very believable
05:26yesterday when you lied. So why lie? I was defending my wife. Believe it or not, I still
05:40care for her. Her illness, it makes her act irrationally. It makes her do and say things
05:49that she doesn't really mean. How did her irrational behaviour manifest when the two
05:54of you were together? Her mood is always up and down. I never know which Belle I'm coming
06:00home to. She's angry all the time. She calls me names. Says that I'm useless and ugly.
06:10Evil. Did it ever get physical between you? She'd smash things down in front of me. She'd
06:23throw things at me, the remote control, other things. She pushed me around. Once in the
06:30street, in front of her family. And yeah, she hit me. But she was always sorry after.
06:43She was always really sorry. Were you ever violent towards her, apart from during the
06:51attack? I think once I bruised her when I was forced to restrain her. But I was defending
07:08myself. I never hit her. Never. I don't know why she is saying all that, because it's her.
07:16It's all her. Mr King, is everything you've just told me another lie? No. Why? Did you
07:31strike a deal with your wife yesterday? A deal. Mrs King claims that you asked her not
07:41to report the abuse. And in return, you wouldn't report the attack.
07:44Ah. I'm going to have to eat on the run, I'm afraid. Here you go. Take my coffee. You're
07:55a busy doctor. You need to keep your energy up. You're very kind. Do you think I'm out
08:01of touch with the modern world? In what respect? Well, I was speaking to John earlier about
08:06how I spend my afternoons. You didn't mention a charcuterie board, did you? Yeah, I might
08:11have done. Am I an oddball? Course not. We all have our quirks. Some more than others.
08:19And I wouldn't want you any other way. So if you do fancy lowering your standards and
08:23mixing with us plebs, I've just bagged a 50% lunch voucher for Bunning a Million. It'd
08:28be nice to celebrate getting back together. Sorry, what's Bunning a Million? According
08:32to Instagram, only the dirtiest burgers you can smash your face into. Onion rings the
08:36size of your head and you get to play beer pong while you eat. Shall we say one tomorrow?
08:41Tomorrow? Damn. No, I've, um... got this seminar. Cancel it. I can't miss it, I'm afraid.
08:50We'll do it another time. Yes, definitely. I would love to eat an onion ring the size
08:54of my head. Yeah, she sounds good, man. Yeah, he's thinking about becoming a mechanic, mate.
09:14She was actually really humorous for you. So how's Moira doing? Yeah, I think it's another
09:21world of good being covered in mud again. Well, you go and check on her while I get
09:26cracking with the cows, OK? Are they OK? What's that? The sheet, mate. Come on. She was the
09:36one that begged me not to report the attack. And I was scared of what she'd do if I did.
09:40Why would she ask you to lie and then come to us with allegations of abuse? I've no idea.
09:45Maybe she felt that I was still gonna report her. And were you? I don't know. I was confused.
09:53This is what she does to me. I don't know how to respond to her, how to make her happy.
09:57I'm always scared of her. Mr. King, have you ever heard of a screwhead camera? Yeah. I'm
10:09showing Mr. King evidence A14. And Mrs. King claims that you installed this and several
10:15others in your house. Yeah, I did. But only one downstairs. Was she aware of it? No. So
10:30why did you do it? Did she tell you how she almost burned our house down? No. Because
10:36she did. I installed it to keep her safe. You never heard of a smoke detector? Have you ever
10:43lived with someone that has mental health episodes? You're always scared that they're
10:47gonna hurt themselves. OK, fine. I probably should have told her. But I did it for the
10:56right reasons. Did you keep any of the footage? No. Why? Well, it'd be useful to see some
11:03examples of abuse. I didn't even think of that. It deletes itself after 24 hours. Well,
11:15that's a shame. Because in cases like these, we need to seize your electronics. So if you
11:19could provide us with a list of all your devices, laptops, tablets, anything. Sure. I'll ask
11:28my uncle to bring everything in. No, that's not how it works, I'm afraid. See, we need
11:32the list to cross-reference against what the police will find. And I believe that they're
11:36in your house right now. Arrested? I didn't even know you'd been discharged from the hospital.
12:00I know. None of this stacks up. He gets mugged and then Belle goes to the police with these
12:06abuse claims she's been flinging around. It doesn't make sense. I'll go and tell Brenda
12:13I won't be back. You call the stations, see what's happening. We'll sort it. I reckon
12:21this is either Tom or Nicola's been ordering in the special Colombian icing sugar again.
12:27Those iced fingers are very addictive. Hope everything's OK. What do you think?
12:33Paddy! Vanessa! Emergency at Butler's. Matty's just called. One, two, three. You always win.
12:45She always does scissors. Oh, I need you to thank him. What for? Ella gave Mandy a voucher
12:52for Bonnie and Emilia. I can't believe you're not going to go. The flipping onion rings
12:56like that. Yeah, I've heard. I've heard. I've got other plans, unfortunately. Hated
13:00letting her down. Back together? Yeah. Yeah, we're giving it another shot. Lovely. Well,
13:05why don't you take Ella to the thing? No, I can't. Why not? I just don't think she'd
13:10enjoy a murder mystery event. She might do. Well, the emphasis is more on the murder than
13:15the mystery. Ah! Exactly. She doesn't like getting dressed up. No, it's because she murdered
13:22her best friend. Yeah, yeah, sorry. I forgot about the old... Yeah. It's called a spare
13:33key. What have you done with them? What's the magic word? Someone's waiting for them.
13:42Not the time you're meeting them. Just tell me where they are. Say the magic word. You
13:57saw the village was crawling with coppers today? Yeah. So you're willing to put you
14:01and me at risk to sell some dodgy knock-off watches for a few quid? Well, it's not for
14:05a few quid. Look, you do you, yeah? Play cops and robbers as much as you like. But I said
14:12no to using the van. You ignored me. Don't do it again. Fine. I'm sorry. How sorry? I'll
14:24show you later. Your mate can wait. Show me now. Oh, my God! What is it? We don't know,
14:34Mum. Most of them are dead. That one's in a bad way. Oh, not hard to know. Moira, do
14:39all the sheep feed from that trough? Well, yeah, but Mattie filled it before. No, Mum,
14:45you did. I was with Matt fixing the quad. Right. OK. Well, they've all got an oily black substance
14:53around the mouth. It smells like paint. I think they've ingested some. I was painting
14:59the fences this morning, but nowhere near the sheep. I wouldn't take that into the field
15:02with livestock. Are you 100% sure about that? It's all over the hay. The container's still
15:09in there. No, no, I'm sure I brought it back. Well, clearly you didn't. I'll go check on
15:17the last couple. Is that everything? I couldn't see anything. They've been in there for ages.
15:32I'd go to all this trouble if they weren't taking it seriously. Thanks for cooperating.
15:40Did you get through to the station? Somebody's phoning me back. They will. Please try not
15:47to worry. Are you intent on completely ruining his life? He gets mugged and you do this?
15:59Maybe this isn't helping anyone. Why now, Belle? Oh, good God. What? It was me feeling
16:10bad about accusing you. He wasn't mugged, was he? You did it. It was self-defence. Your
16:18precious nephew is an abuser. And how convenient that she tells the police that now, after
16:25she's nearly chopped him in half. It won't work, Belle. The truth will come out. I hope
16:31it does. And then you will be sorry. No. Yeah. Yeah, OK. Thank you. It's all sorted.
16:58Vanessa said that they're going to come round in an hour and pick up the bodies. More money
17:03down the drain. All right, I've said I'm sorry. Yeah, you might want to apologise to your
17:08son. He killed most of his sheep. Oh, well, thanks for that. I'll buy him some more tomorrow.
17:17Firstly, you absolutely will not. And secondly, you're not seriously thinking about going
17:22back to work after today? Well, if I can't work, what else am I supposed to do? This
17:28tumour is taking away everything. My job, my independence. I don't even know who I am
17:34anymore. I know. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I don't... I don't mean to have a goal. I'm just...
17:44I'm worried about you. No, you're right. Reliability. And next time, I might hurt you or Matty or
17:55the kids. So I'll stop work. For definite. It's the only way.
18:12Hey, hey, hey, hey. Come here. Come here.
18:26The boys are back. What shall we tell them?
18:28Nothing. Not till we know what's going on.
18:30Hi, how was your day?
18:33Yeah, it was OK.
18:36Mum, please, can I go on the PlayStation, if I'm ever wrong? There's an event on and
18:41I did my homework on the books.
18:43Go on, then, till tea's ready.
18:44There's no ball tea sauce and who keeps putting empty jars back in the cupboards?
18:49Right, you go and have a bath. I'll go get some. No arguments. Use my chamomile bubble
18:56Thanks, love.
18:58You watch telly. Don't move an inch. I won't be long.
19:09How you doing?
19:15Oh, you know, living my best life.
19:28Did the police say what they took from the house?
19:36I asked, but they won't say until it's all been logged.
19:41What? They didn't mention anything about a tableau?
19:45In a zombie case.
19:48It was a spare case from Elliot, my cousin.
19:52Is there anything you want to tell me?
19:56Can I speak to you as a mate, not my solicitor?
20:08There is still some footage on the tablet.
20:12You said it deleted itself. So you have got Belle abusing you?
20:17No. I deleted all that.
20:19So what have you kept?
20:21Just random things, probably. Her brewing up a hundred times.
20:25Whatever set the cameras off, I've no idea.
20:28You mean camera, yeah?
20:34OK, so there might be more than one.
20:42What does right mean?
20:45The police are looking for any evidence of controlling behaviour.
20:49It sounds like this footage might add weight to her claim.
20:53You should not have lied to the police.
20:56I know.
20:58OK. I'll ask them again.
21:02A tablet in a zombie case, yeah?
21:07Oh, my God, they're going to think I'm some kind of creep.
21:10Try not to panic.
21:12How can I not? They'll definitely have found it. It's game over.
21:16If you've been affected by issues raised in tonight's programme, please leave a comment.