• 2 weeks ago
God’s love is deeper than we can imagine! From the very beginning, He chose you and secured your salvation. But what does this mean for your life today? Join us as we explore the powerful truths of His Redemption, Provision, and Compassion. This revelation will unlock your true identity in Christ and transform your relationship with Him. Are you ready to discover how deeply you’re loved?...
JOHN 15:16 AMPC You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and I have appointed you [I have planted you], that you might go and bear fruit and keep on bearing, and that your fruit may be lasting [that it may remain, abide], so that whatever you ask the Father in My Name [as presenting all that I Am], He may give it to you. Shalom & Amen! #lionsroar3eight #faith #hope #love #peace #kingdomculture #choseninlove
00:00God's love is deeper than we can imagine.
00:20From the very beginning, He chose you and secured your salvation.
00:25But what does this mean for our life today?
00:29Join us as we explore the powerful truths of His redemption, provision and compassion.
00:36This revelation will unlock your true identity in Christ and transform your relationship
00:41with Him.
00:43Are you ready to discover how deeply you're loved?
00:48Chosen in love, embracing God's redemption, provision and compassion.
00:53Want to know more?
00:55Hang around.
00:58Welcome, welcome to Lions Roar 3A Ministries.
01:04Amos 3a tells us, the lion has roared, who will not fear or hear the Lord God has spoken
01:12who can but prophesy.
01:14My name is Fernando Jorge Magalhães and we are an apostolic ministry with a prophetic
01:20teaching edge.
01:21It is our passion, our mission to reignite, equip and release Christ-like disciples both
01:28locally and globally.
01:30We do that through our itinerant ministry, but as well as providing you with resources
01:34just like this one to help you, to aid you in your God-given calling.
01:40Today we got an exciting encouragement word, but before we get onto it, let me bring up
01:46our main verse for today.
01:49Our main verse for today comes from the book of Jeremiah chapter 27, verse 5.
01:56This time I will be reading from the Passion Translation.
02:01You didn't choose me, but I've chosen and commissioned you to go into the world to bear
02:06fruit and your fruit will last because whatever you ask of my father, for my sake, he will
02:15give it to you.
02:17Amen and amen.
02:20Glory to God.
02:23We got this beauty here today, Prophet Sabrina, which happens to be my wife.
02:30And I always say that every week because I'm always excited to have my wife on the show,
02:36on today's, it's not a show, on today's program.
02:39So today she's got a great word, an encouraging word.
02:43So without further ado, let me just double check for you to make sure, yes, just before
02:55you get on, let me just explain a little bit of what we're going to be covering today.
03:00For those who are arriving a little late, today you will be encouraged by a simple but
03:08powerful word for such a time as this.
03:12Chosen in love, embracing God's redemption, provision and compassion is a word that will
03:16encourage, comfort and boost your faith in a time when we most need it.
03:23This word will explore the profound love of God and how he has chosen us from the very
03:29beginning as emphasized in John 15, 16 and 1 Peter 2 verses 9 to 10, just to name a few.
03:37We will uncover three aspects of God's love, redemption, provision and compassion, highlighting
03:45how his sacrifice through Christ, his ongoing care for our physical and spiritual needs
03:51and his deep mercy for our frailty revealed the depth of his love.
03:57By embracing our true identity in Christ, we align ourselves to genuinely worship and
04:03honor God.
04:05Ultimately, this word will remind us that through God's love, our salvation is secure
04:10and we can trust in his faithfulness in all circumstances.
04:15Let's pray and begin.
04:18Okay, go ahead.
04:20Lord, Father, God, in the name of Jesus, we want to thank you for the time we are about
04:24to spend together, Lord God, a time that will encourage all of us, Lord God, a time that
04:29make known of your heart, Lord God, a time that bring hope breakthrough, Lord God.
04:33Lord, we thank you.
04:34Those who hear that, Lord God, it's going in.
04:36This word is going into fertile soil, Lord God, and we thank you that we will see the
04:40fruit of it in Jesus name, amen, amen.
04:46Wonderful. You said it quite well.
04:49Today, let's explore the incredible love of God and how he's always present in every
04:55situation we face.
04:57Right. See, God loves us deeply and chose us from the very beginning.
05:04Right. It wasn't us who chose him.
05:07He chose us.
05:09God's desire to create us is rooted in his love for us compared to what we've heard
05:14before. You know, like God is angry all the time and all that.
05:18Now, God's desire, I'll say it again, God's desire to create us is rooted in his love
05:24for us. The love of God inspires us to embrace our true identity.
05:31Why do we say inspire?
05:33Because he is true identity.
05:35Yes. Not true identity.
05:38Why do I say inspire us?
05:40Because we have free will.
05:42Right. Accepting him isn't about doing him a favor.
05:47It's about aligning ourselves in the right way to genuinely worship and honor him.
05:54John chapter 15, verse 16 from the A.M.P.C.
05:57says, You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you and I have appointed you.
06:04I have planted you that you might go and bear fruit and keep on bearing and that your
06:10fruit may be lasting, that it may remain abide so that whatever you ask the Father in
06:18my name as presenting all that I am, we're talking about Jesus, he may give it to you.
06:26See, God's choice of us reflects his deep understanding of each one of us.
06:33You know, you've probably heard like God, God knows each one of us, individual created
06:38us all, you know, woven all us all, you know, as individual.
06:42So his choice of us reflects his deep understanding of each one of us.
06:48It shows how much he loves us.
06:51With him, our salvation is truly secure.
06:54How so? Let's read 1 Peter chapter 2, verse 9 to 10.
06:58Want to read it?
07:001 Peter 2, 9 to 10 in the Amplified Classic.
07:03But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation, God's own purchased
07:10special people that you may set forth the wonderful deeds and display the virtues and
07:15perfections of him who called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.
07:21Once you were not a people at all, but now you are God's people.
07:25Once you were unpitted, but now you are pitted.
07:31And have received mercy.
07:35Do you understand the blessing that God has bestowed upon us, the blessing of priesthood,
07:44the blessing of identity?
07:45You're not like, we're not like, I come from Mauritius, right, an African background as
07:51well. So I usually say that it's like a chicken.
07:55You're not running around like a chicken without a head, right?
07:58You understand who you are through Christ.
08:01Now, this verse beautifully reflects the incredible love God has for each one of us,
08:07right? His love goes beyond mere word.
08:10It shines through his action.
08:12How so?
08:13Well, the gift of salvation is a timeless blessing in itself, demonstrating his unwavering
08:20provision and care in our lives.
08:23Now, we can see these actions beautifully outlined in the following three, three key
08:29aspects of his love.
08:31Now, I'm not saying that that's all the aspect of it, but we're going to talk about these
08:35three, three key aspects of God's love.
08:38First one is redemption.
08:40Second one is provision.
08:41And third one is?
08:47You sounded like you said three, three key aspects of God's love instead of three key
08:56All right, so the three, three key aspects of God's love, redemption, provision and
09:04compassion. Amen.
09:05Well, let's get on to it.
09:06Number one, redemption.
09:09Come on, Sabrina, no tongue tied, right?
09:11God demonstrate his love and goodness through Christ's sacrifice.
09:16You want to read the verse for us?
09:18Romans 8, 32 tells us in the Amplified Classic, he who did not withhold or spare even his
09:24own son, but gave him up for our soul, will he not also with him freely and graciously
09:30give us all other things?
09:33Oh, what is it talking about?
09:35That's right. It's talking about redemption, isn't it?
09:38Number two, provision.
09:41What does that mean?
09:42Well, God satisfies our spiritual and physical needs, right?
09:49Compared to what you know, most of the time you hear people talk about, oh, my
09:54spiritual need, my spiritual need.
09:55No, God satisfies both of it.
09:57Let's give a verse for it.
09:59You want to read it?
09:59Psalm 107, 8 to 9.
10:02Psalm 107 verses 8 to 9 in the Amplified Classic again.
10:07Oh, that man would praise and confess to the Lord for his goodness and loving kindness
10:12and his wonderful works to the children of men, for he satisfies the longing soul and
10:19fills the hungry soul with good.
10:22Amen, isn't it?
10:25That's right.
10:26Now there you hear, for he satisfies the longing soul and fills the hungry soul with
10:31good. But it's just the soul.
10:34No, wherever Jesus went, if you look at his ministry on earth, he provided for all
10:42things, for all of them.
10:45Number three, compassion.
10:47God shows mercy and pity to those who fear him, knowing our frailty and limitations.
10:54What are we, the verse?
10:55Psalm 103, 13 to 14.
10:58So Psalm 103, 13 to 14.
11:01As a father loves and pities his children, so the Lord loves and pities those who fear
11:07him with reverence, worship and awe.
11:09For he knows our frame.
11:11He earnestly remembers and imprints on his heart that we are dust.
11:19Now, this is a wonderful news, isn't it?
11:21That we can experience all these right here, not just when you go to heaven.
11:27See, God has always been by our side.
11:29His presence with us now, and he will continue to be there for us every step of the way
11:35through eternity.
11:38We're going to take a moment to look at Hebrews chapter 13, verse 8 and Revelation
11:42chapter 1, verse 8 together.
11:44These two verses will beautifully reinforce what I just shared.
11:52You want to read it?
11:53Hebrews 13, verse 8, again, Amplified Classic.
11:57Jesus Christ, the Messiah, is always the same yesterday, today, yes, and forever to the
12:04ages. Now, Revelation 1, verse 8.
12:08I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, says the Lord God, he who is
12:15and who was and who is to come, the Almighty, the ruler of all.
12:22What does that mean?
12:24Well, both verses beautifully highlight God's eternal presence throughout time, past,
12:31present and future.
12:34Similarly, God is always with us in our lives, watching over us at all time.
12:39Nothing in creation, and that is a verse I just didn't put the scripture there, nothing in
12:44creation escapes his sight, reminding us that we are never alone.
12:49Now, we're going to explore both in the Bible, the example of how God was, God is and
12:54will be from both the Old and the New Testament.
12:59The reason why we're going to explore it as well is because today we want all of us to
13:07see that God is always there for us, is always here for us and will always be there for us
13:13in our life.
13:14That's why I say not just in heaven, here on earth.
13:17Now, let's look at the first one, the Old Testament, the story of Moses and the
13:22Israelites in Exodus.
13:24The first one is God was.
13:27Can you read the verse for me?
13:29Exodus 3, verse 6.
13:31Also, he said, I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the
13:37God of Jacob.
13:38And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look at God.
13:43So this verse, right, basically we're talking about, you know, that encounter where Moses
13:47had with God, right?
13:49And this verse beautifully illustrates how God, how the Lord reassured Moses of his
13:55faithfulness by mentioning Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
13:58God lovingly reminds Moses of his nature as a covenant keeping God, emphasizing his
14:05enduring promises and commitments through generation.
14:10Because that was a time where God was basically talking to Moses to go and release
14:19the Israelites from Egypt.
14:21Now, for him, when he started, he reminded Moses, right, he was there.
14:28He was with them and that he is with them.
14:31We're going to check that out, right?
14:33It's like saying, don't forget, I was there with them as well.
14:38Right now, in the same story, we're going to see where God is.
14:43Exodus 14, 21 to 22, then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea and the Lord caused
14:51the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night and made the sea dry land and the
14:58waters were divided.
14:59And the Israelites went into the midst of the sea on dry ground, the waters being a
15:05wall to them on their right hand and on their left.
15:08Wow. Amazing, right?
15:10So during their escape from Egypt, God actively, actively intervenes by parting the
15:15Red Sea. We all know the story now showing his immediate power and presence.
15:20So we know he was he talked to Moses, I was now in the presence of the Israelites is
15:25going. We're following the story, right?
15:27He is because he's actively intervening by parting the Red Sea.
15:32And we're going to see in the same story, God will be.
15:41You want to read it?
15:43All right. Exodus 33, 14.
15:46Exodus 33, 14.
15:48And the Lord said, my presence shall go with you and I will give you rest.
15:54So in the wilderness, God promises to lead his people to the promised land, assuring
15:59them of his future guidance and provision where God will be.
16:05Now, this beautifully illustrates God's eternal nature and his continuous relationship
16:10with people across time.
16:12And as he's done for the Israelites, he's still doing the same today for all of us,
16:18from the time we were conceived to where we are right now in the present moment to
16:23where we will be.
16:24Right now, let's look at it from a different point of perspective.
16:28Sorry. To the New Testament.
16:31The first story is that of Lazarus.
16:34I'm sure you're all aware of the story of Lazarus.
16:37We're going to read John 11, 17 and then John 11, 25.
16:42John 11, 17.
16:44So when Jesus arrived, he found that he, Lazarus, had already been in the tomb for
16:51So when Lazarus fell ill and died, Jesus arrived after how many days?
16:59Four days.
17:00Martha expressed her belief that if Jesus has been there, her brother would not have
17:05died. Now read the next verse.
17:10Yes. John 11, 25.
17:13Jesus said to her, I am myself, the resurrection and the life.
17:18Whoever believes in, adheres to, trusts in and relies on me, although he may die, yet
17:24he shall live.
17:26Now, there's going to be a mouthful right now, but listen to that carefully.
17:30I might repeat it because it is so important.
17:33This will bring that comfort, right, of knowing how God is so awesome and he's chosen
17:39us so he loves us.
17:40You know, it's like what you hear, you know, you love me.
17:43You have to take responsibility of me.
17:45Right. But God is not without responsibility where he says, I love you.
17:50And he just dropped you like a sack of potato.
17:52Right. Yeah, I know.
17:53I like using the word sack.
17:55Anyway, let's keep going.
17:57Now, this statement revealed that he is a source of life.
18:01Right. God is.
18:03He is a source of life, reinforces the promise of eternal life.
18:08God was.
18:10And assures believers of future resurrection, God will be.
18:16See, when Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead, it powerfully demonstrates his authority
18:22over death and his eternal nature, affirming that God is always present and active in
18:29the lives of those who follow him, which is us.
18:32Right. And if you're a believer and if you're not yet, never too late, wait
18:37afterwards. Right.
18:39Another example from the New Testament is that of the Great Commission, which really
18:45we all should be aware of, which encourages us in our daily walk as children of God.
18:52Let's read from Matthew chapter 28, verse 16 to 20.
18:56Matthew 28, 16 to 20.
18:58Now, the 11.
19:02George. Now, the 11 disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had
19:08directed and made an appointment with them.
19:12And when they saw him, they fell down and worshipped him.
19:16But some doubted.
19:17Jesus approached them, breaking the silence, said to them, all authority, all power of
19:22ruling heaven and on earth has been given to me.
19:27Go then and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the into the name, into
19:33the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to preserve
19:40everything that I have commanded you.
19:43And behold, I am with you all the days, perpetually, uniformly and on every occasion
19:50to the very close and consummation of the age.
19:56Wow. So after his resurrection, Jesus instructed his disciple to share the gospel with
20:02all nations, right, assuring them.
20:04And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age.
20:09Now, this statement illustrates the realization of his plan through Jesus.
20:14Jesus, he was emphasizes God's continual presence and guidance, which is what our daily
20:21life is. He is and provide reassurance of his unwavering support for believers in their
20:28mission, because you're not, you haven't finished all your mission yet, right?
20:32You're still on your mission, walking from glory to glory.
20:36That is, he will be.
20:38I'll say that again. He was emphasizing his continual presence and guidance.
20:44He is and provides assurance of his unwavering support for believers in their mission or
20:50in their walk in life until eternity.
20:54He will be.
20:55So what do we take away from that?
20:57Today, you might wonder, OK, you know, usually they do.
21:00There's a practical point from this.
21:02Actually, there is, may not be the way we usually do practical point, but it's essential
21:08for us in this particular study to reflect on the goodness of God in our lives,
21:15considering where he has been, how God is present right now, and the wonderful
21:22promises he has for our future.
21:24Embracing this perspective can bring us hope and encouragement.
21:29All right. And just before you finish with prayer, so I would encourage you after this
21:34word to do one thing.
21:37If you're going through a tough time right now and you're finding it hard to see where
21:41God is right now in your life.
21:44Pick up a simple thing, pick up a piece of paper.
21:47I'm not saying your phone.
21:48I'm not saying the laptop.
21:50Forget about that, because you need to see it with your own eyes.
21:53You need to see it right in front of you and you need to see what you're going to write.
21:57And then you put where God was.
22:00So just put was, past, is present and will be future.
22:07Now, what you do is on the was, try to think of a moment, try to think of incidents in
22:13your life that really marked you, moments that was either traumatic or the opposite,
22:18moments where it was some of the most memorable, happy places.
22:23And then write those down in the was, because God was there, whether you like it or
22:28not, whether you can see it or not, that's a better word.
22:31He was there. And then ask God, close your eyes and ask God, where were you there?
22:36He will reveal to you where he was in that moment.
22:40So write a couple of them, write two or three in was, in the past.
22:44God will speak to you and he will tell you exactly what it was in those moments.
22:48Then write in the present, Lord, where are you now?
22:50And wait, you may have to wait a little longer in the present because usually your
22:54emotions get in the way, especially because it is the present.
22:58It's what you're going through right now.
23:00And we tend to get really emotional about the present because we're unsure about the
23:06present. In fact, if you really think about it, we get more unsure about the present than
23:10we do about the future. We're more worried about the present than we are about the
23:15future. Think about it and you'll realize that that's actually true.
23:19And then write down two or three things that you're going through right now.
23:23Again, don't just fill it up with the bad stuff.
23:26Fill it up with good stuff.
23:27That's right. And write two or three things.
23:30Close your eyes. Ask the Lord where he is in the present, where he is right now.
23:36And then do the future one.
23:37And the future will be easier, actually, because the future you will have prophetic
23:41words that people have spoken over your life, promises of God that will come to your
23:45life. And ask him the same thing.
23:48Where will you be?
23:49You'll be surprised. He may give you a vision.
23:51He may say a word.
23:55He may say a place, but he will speak to you.
23:59We tend to have this mentality sometimes that he only speaks to the special.
24:03No, he speaks to every single one of us.
24:04Every one of us.
24:05We're all special to him.
24:07He's not a respecter of persons.
24:09So if you do that, you take the time to actually sit down.
24:12That's the point of this word today and appreciate that you are chosen by God, by
24:21his love. He chose you by his love.
24:25He loves you that much.
24:26You will be surprised of how much God will reveal to you about your life and his great
24:32plans that he has for your life.
24:33So I encourage you to do that just before we do our prayer.
24:37I love the way you said, you know, even the good things.
24:40I mean, I mentioned one which is not good, even though it's still a good news because
24:44God showed me where he was.
24:46There is been time.
24:47I'll give you an example of a good thing.
24:49You know, there's time where I'm like, oh, I don't know how this is going to happen, Lord.
24:53And God reminded me of good things that, you know, there's things that I didn't even have
24:57to pray. I just thought about it.
24:59I'm like, oh, you know, I want this right now, Lord.
25:01And someone just knocked on the door.
25:02Someone just said, hey, you know, I felt God said, give that to you.
25:05And this happens so many times with us.
25:08Then when we feel like, oh, Lord, I don't know how that's going to happen.
25:13Is God going to come to pass on this thing?
25:15Is that his will? And then we are reminded where God was in his blessing.
25:20He blessed us before. He will bless us again.
25:22He healed us before.
25:24He will think God in his presence, in his glory, has already set up the miracles we
25:29need for our everyday life.
25:31He has set up the miracle we need for whatever situation we already are going
25:36through, right? All we need to do is like, Lord, this is a situation.
25:41Give it to God. I thank you for the miracle you've already made planned for me.
25:45I'm receiving it. I know where you are.
25:48I know that you are here and I know that you will be there.
25:51Right. Let's pray.
25:54Father, in the name of Jesus, we thank you for helping us to recognize the workings of
25:59your glory in the midst of every situation, even in the most difficult circumstances.
26:03We want to see you.
26:05We know you're turning things around for us, working all things good together for
26:11good. Thank you for helping us to perceive your goodness at all times.
26:15In Jesus mighty name we pray.
26:17Amen. Now, let me finish by this quote by Tony Evans.
26:21I like this quote. It says, God will meet you where you are in order to take you where
26:26he wants you to be.
26:27So he's not saying, you know, to go where you want to go.
26:30He's not saying for you to be.
26:32How do you call it, baby? How did you say to me?
26:35Oh, this is where your destination.
26:39You need to be there already. No, I like what he says.
26:41He said God will meet you where you are in order to take you where he wants you to go.
26:47How wonderful is that, God?
26:49Right. How wonderful is he?
26:51Amen. Amen.
26:53All right.
26:55If you're new here today, if this is the first time you're listening to the word of
27:00God. This is your moment right now, it's not a coincidence, it's a divine appointment
27:06and the word of God is very clear and says in 1 John 5, 4 to 5 amongst others, for
27:11whatever is born of God overcomes the world.
27:13And this is the victory that has overcome the world, our faith.
27:18I want to ask you, where are you putting your faith?
27:19Are you putting your faith in money?
27:21Are you putting your faith in whatever hobbies, in gurus, in whatever motivational
27:28speakers? Are you putting your faith in your parents or family members or idols?
27:36Where are you putting your faith?
27:38You will not be here if you were satisfied with your life.
27:41If you knew that everything is perfect, you will not be listening to this word today.
27:47There's a reason why you're here, it's a divine appointment, because, you know, deep
27:51down, you know, there's something, something special, something real is missing, and
27:57that is God.
28:00The word of God goes on to say, who is he who overcomes the world?
28:04You want to overcome your issues in your life right now?
28:06You want to overcome the world?
28:07You feel like you're constantly losing out all the time?
28:12Well, but he, the word of God says, but he, he or she, obviously, who believes that Jesus
28:20is the son of God.
28:22Oh, wait up, George, there's this, there's that.
28:24Jesus is the son of God.
28:26But George, what about Jesus is the son of God?
28:29Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.
28:33There is no other. There is only one way, one truth, one God, one truth, one way.
28:42One life, and that is through Jesus Christ.
28:46It's not a coincidence that the whole world that we live in, and yes, there is a reason
28:50for that, we are living in a foreign world, is so hell-bent on attacking Christianity, on
28:56attacking that very name, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, because the name of Jesus brings healing,
29:02deliverance. It crushes everything.
29:05He rules over all, only Jesus Christ.
29:10Amen. It goes on to say in his word, in John 3, 16 to 17, for God so loved the world that
29:17he gave his only begotten son, again, talking about Jesus Christ, that whoever believes
29:22in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
29:27For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world
29:33through him might be saved.
29:36And that might means will.
29:38If you put your faith in him, you will be saved.
29:41So what do I have to do, George?
29:42Well, 1 John 1, 9, amongst others, says, if you confess, if we confess our sins, he is
29:49faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
29:54Oh, there you go, George. I'll do my best.
29:56I'm better than that person. I don't care what person you compare yourself to.
30:00I don't care if you compare yourself to the Pope.
30:02There is none but Jesus Christ who is perfect.
30:05And he is our measurement.
30:07He's the only one that we measure up to, our standard that we should measure up to.
30:13So you have to put your faith in Christ Jesus.
30:17So what do I do?
30:18And you mentioned that word sin.
30:21Well, sin in the most simplistic form means when we try to live our lives without God,
30:25that is a sin because you're not created to live without relationship with God.
30:30You were created in his image.
30:31In fact, look at Romans 10, verses 9 to 10, goes on to say that if you confess with your
30:36mouth, the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead,
30:41you will be saved.
30:42Belief is faith, is trust.
30:45It starts with a choice.
30:47So make that choice today, for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with
30:51the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
30:54And it doesn't stop there.
30:55Once you do that, the word of God goes on to say, as you can see on the screen, Titus 3,
31:00verse 5, Ephesians 2, verse 8, Acts 1, verse 8 says, Then he saved us by grace, through
31:05faith, the gift of God, washing away our sins and giving us the new joy of the indwelling
31:12Holy Spirit. And you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.
31:16And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere.
31:23So what does that mean?
31:24Well, right now, as you're listening to my voice, wherever you are, in your house, in
31:29the toilet, in the car, I don't care, in your office, forget about those around you.
31:35Who cares?
31:38Right now, this is your moment.
31:39You don't know how much time you have in your life.
31:42You may have another 30, 40 years.
31:45You may have a day.
31:46We don't know.
31:49But it will be the most amazing decision you'll ever make in your life.
31:54You can't live without Jesus.
31:56You can't live without God.
31:58He's the only one that satisfies you.
32:00He's the only one that brings pleasure, that brings satisfaction, that brings wholeness
32:07to your life.
32:09He is the meaning of life.
32:11And you need him right now.
32:13So as you're listening to my voice, call out to him as you're listening, just like I'm
32:17talking to you right now. You call out to him in words, so long as it comes from your
32:22heart. The heart of the matter is the matter of the heart.
32:25So if it comes from your heart and you mean it, you cry out to Jesus and you basically
32:28say in your own words, from this day forward, Jesus, I'm making my Lord and Saviour.
32:33I can't live life like this any longer.
32:35Come and be my Lord and Saviour.
32:37I choose to believe from this day forward that God raised you from the dead in my place
32:42and now I belong to you.
32:44Use my life for your glory.
32:47Amen. Amen means so be it.
32:50It's as simple as that.
32:52And God will take you in.
32:53He will protect you, guide you.
32:55But he doesn't stop there, as you heard before.
32:58He wants to give you the baptism of Holy Spirit and fire.
33:01That's what we call the joy of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
33:05You need to invite the very Spirit of God, Holy Spirit, to come and live inside of you,
33:11not just to come upon you.
33:13He comes and he will live inside of you.
33:14You will become the church, the temple, the synagogue, the whatever you want to call it.
33:18He's indwelling place where he will dwell with you, in you, and he will guide you.
33:23He'll protect you.
33:24He'll correct you.
33:25He'll comfort you.
33:27He'll be there with you every step of the way till the rest of your life.
33:33Are you ready?
33:34We're going to do that together.
33:34We're going to invite him together.
33:37Let's do that.
33:38Lord, we thank you right now.
33:41We thank you that we are saved in Christ Jesus.
33:44We belong to you, Lord.
33:46And now we ask you with hungry hearts, Holy Spirit, fill us afresh from head to toe, inside and out.
33:55We belong to you.
33:57Let your power, let your fire fall upon us.
34:02Set us alight that the world will come and watch us burn for you.
34:08Revival fire that cannot be quenched.
34:12For your word says that you are a consuming fire.
34:15So, Lord, come with power, come with fire, come and use us for your glory.
34:22In the mighty name of Jesus.
34:26And amen.
34:26Glory to God.
34:31Heaven rejoices over you right now.
34:33The word of God actually tells us that.
34:36I encourage you, get yourself a Bible so you can learn about the character of God, so you can learn who God is, but also so you can learn.
34:45Who you are in God's eyes, you will see yourself through God's eyes, through his word.
34:52And get connected with a Bible teaching Holy Spirit filled church.
34:55You need to connect yourself with believers.
34:57It's important that you have a relationship with believers.
35:00They're not perfect.
35:01None of us are perfect.
35:02Jesus is perfect.
35:04No one else.
35:05But we need each other.
35:06It's supposed to be a safe place for you to learn, to grow, to serve, to be served, to edify.
35:13Edify means encourage, to be encouraged.
35:16We need the body of Christ.
35:18We need the church.
35:19So get yourself connected.
35:21If you are in a place where you can't go in person, do it online.
35:24There's churches online that you can get connected with, or house churches as well.
35:31They're springing up all over the world.
35:34But please get connected with the body of Christ.
35:37It's so important for your walk and for your growth.
35:41All right.
35:41This brings us to our second part of the program, which we call The Collective.
35:45Where we spend time with those that are watching, those that are listening, and we pray, prophesy, whatever Holy Spirit leads us to do.
35:51I encourage you, if you're new here, stay, stick around.
35:53Let us know where you're from.
35:55Let us know what you did today.
35:57If you gave your life for the first time with the Lord, to the Lord, we'll love to send you a word as well of encouragement, a prayer, and to get you connected, if need be, with the body of Christ, with a church.
36:12Did I miss on anything else?
36:13If you haven't already, as you can see right up there, is all the social media platforms that we are connected with.
36:19There's plenty, hundreds and hundreds of resources, free resources you can access.
36:24I encourage you to use them in your Bible study groups, cell groups, churches, wherever you want to use.
36:29It will help you in your God-given calling.
36:34This brings us to The Collective.
36:40The Collective.
36:41The Collective.
36:42The Collective.
36:43The Collective.
37:10The Collective.
37:40The Collective.
37:41The Collective.
37:42The Collective.
37:43The Collective.
37:44The Collective.
37:45The Collective.
37:46The Collective.
37:47The Collective.
37:48The Collective.
37:49The Collective.
37:50The Collective.
37:51The Collective.
37:52The Collective.
37:53The Collective.
37:54The Collective.
37:55The Collective.
37:56The Collective.
37:57The Collective.
37:58The Collective.
37:59The Collective.
38:00The Collective.
38:01The Collective.
38:02The Collective.
38:03The Collective.
38:04The Collective.
38:05The Collective.
38:06The Collective.
38:07The Collective.
38:08The Collective.
