Reasonable Doubt Season 2 Episode 3

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Reasonable Doubt S2 Episode 3 - Part II On the Run


00:00Previously on Reasonable Doubt.
00:02Mrs. Tucker effectively planned to kill her husband.
00:05The only way that I can win her case is if I dedicate myself fully, which is why I can't be her lawyer.
00:10Corey Cash sounds like a fake name.
00:12He is one trial away from becoming a household name.
00:15My client will not be posting bail. She will stay in jail.
00:18What do you want?
00:19I want to be home with my kids, but Corey's right.
00:22I ain't got that money.
00:23You don't get $10,000 each.
00:25Thank you, Adrian.
00:26I knew he was living file. It's the least I can do.
00:28We are at least $100,000 short.
00:30I can get the rest of the money.
00:32We can't put our house up for her bail.
00:34Chanel needs to remain in jail looking like the victim for the world to see.
00:38Everything after this is going to be on you, Jax. Not me, you.
00:42She's not here.
00:43It appears she hid $30 million of JT's money.
00:46They're saying she's gone, she's rich, or fucked.
00:54She's not here.
00:55Are you sure?
00:56Yes, I checked everywhere.
00:57Isn't there an app to find your phone even if it's turned off?
01:00Daniel already tried that. She must have disabled it because...
01:05She doesn't want to be found.
01:08My goodness, Jax.
01:11Okay, one second. Relax.
01:15Did you find her yet?
01:16We're here now, but she's not here.
01:18She obviously ran.
01:19Or maybe she harmed herself?
01:20Has Chanel used any of her credit cards recently?
01:22No, nothing so far.
01:24This doesn't make any sense.
01:26Which is why I think something is wrong.
01:28Whether she's hurt or on the run, none of this would have happened if we had stuck to my original plan
01:32and kept her in jail until the trial starts.
01:34And this is exactly why I didn't want her in jail.
01:37Clearly she's scared out of her mind.
01:39And if you had handled this more delicately, she wouldn't have run.
01:42Oh, okay, so you admit that she ran.
01:44Okay, look. None of this matters right now, okay?
01:46The prelim hearing is tomorrow at 1.30.
01:48If we don't find her, we are going to be fucked beyond comprehension.
01:52So can we put aside who was right or wrong and just try to work together?
01:58Okay, fine. Let's ask the judge if he can issue and hold a warrant for a couple of days.
02:02Maybe we should wait.
02:03She's not a fugitive if we can convince her to come back before the hearing.
02:07Okay, but at this point, she could be anywhere, so we need a game plan.
02:15Oh, Chanel, what did you do?
02:22I don't know.
02:52Take flight into the night under calloused stars
02:55In a world on wheels, it's all us
03:01It's the world we build, it's all us
03:04From the hills to Hollywood, it's all us
03:10No doubt we are, we got holding down black and brown
03:13In a city of dreams, it's all us
03:23We need to focus on finding Chanel.
03:25So can you remember what was the last thing she said to you when you saw her?
03:30I don't remember her saying anything weird.
03:32All she said when she dropped off Jordan's bag was that she needed some time to breathe and think.
03:37She seemed so overwhelmed, which made complete sense. I didn't think anything of it.
03:42Well, what about the bag that she dropped off for Jordan?
03:44Did we check in there? I mean, maybe there's something we're missing.
04:01This must be the key to her safe deposit box. I know where this is.
04:05You have access to it?
04:07Okay, so we need to go to the bank first thing in the morning when it opens.
04:11And who knows, she might show up sooner.
04:37What? What does it say?
04:40Chanel officially entrusted me to be Jordan's legal guardian.
04:46I saw she was here recently.
04:48Question is, was it before or after she killed JT?
04:51Why does that matter?
04:52After means she planned to run. Before means that she planned to kill him.
04:57Which supports Lucy's theory.
05:01I'm gonna text Daniel, see if he can hack into the system, grab the security camera footage.
05:13Oh my God.
05:26Did you know about these?
05:29I... I took them.
05:33She made me promise not to tell anyone.
05:37Did you find her?
05:38Not yet. It's so much worse than I could have ever imagined.
05:42How could I have not known that...
05:44Hey, listen, I'm sorry.
05:47But how could you have known something that Chanel didn't tell you?
05:50She tried to tell me, but I didn't.
05:55Jax, do you have your phone number?
05:57No, I don't.
05:58I don't have it.
05:59I don't have it.
06:00I don't have it.
06:01I don't have it.
06:02I don't have it.
06:03I don't have it.
06:04Jax, do you have your anxiety meds?
06:08I don't have it.
06:09Okay, okay. That's fine.
06:11Can we just do a quick box breath together then?
06:30Thank you, Louis.
06:31Thank you, Louis.
06:32I don't know what I would do without you.
06:35Of course.
07:01Right now the money is a dead end.
07:0330 mil transferred two weeks before JT's death.
07:05But Chanel hasn't touched it.
07:06Two weeks before?
07:08Then why would she need to raise money for bail?
07:10Well, is there a world where maybe she asked for that
07:12in order to not draw attention to the fact that she was sitting on so much cash?
07:15I mean, maybe she thought it would raise red flags.
07:18No, she would never do that.
07:19Chanel is not that kind of person.
07:21And Sally is her family, not to mention her closest friend.
07:23I mean, this is the same woman she entrusted her own daughter to.
07:26Okay, but you did say that she didn't ask Sally to put up that money, right?
07:29No, but she knew that we were raising money for her bail.
07:32What if Chanel doesn't even know about the money at all?
07:34No, no, no. Regardless, it doesn't look good.
07:35She transfers the money, she kills her husband,
07:37and now she could be halfway to Switzerland.
07:39No, but it's like Jack said, she's not a criminal mastermind.
07:42I mean, at most she would make a run for it across the border.
07:45This girl ain't got the skills to fake out TSA.
07:47Uh, no, but I just got into the bank's security system and look what just popped up.
07:53Chanel was at the bank yesterday.
07:56But she wasn't alone.
08:01Who is she with?
08:02Oh my God.
08:06Oh my God.
08:22Damn, JT and Adrian were besties.
08:24I thought I had as many pictures with my actual family.
08:27They were clearly tight.
08:28They were clearly tight.
08:29And yet he helped us sell off JT's things to fund Chanel's bail.
08:32Yeah, the math ain't mathin'.
08:34Speaking of funding Chanel's bail, the plot thickens.
08:37Upon my first pass of JT's accounts,
08:39I noticed that the website that they were using had been open and running for over two months before JT's death.
08:45So they were raising money to run away together even then?
08:48We do not know that.
08:49No, we don't, but it seems like there's a lot you don't know about your friend.
08:52Well, he was injured last season when he was a free agent, so he's not playing right now.
08:57Meaning he has plenty of free time to seduce and scheme.
09:00Maybe he's strapped for cash.
09:02And maybe they plan to run off into the sunset with JT's money,
09:06but then JT got in the way and got himself killed.
09:08Sounds like you agree with Lucy.
09:10I'm just trying to understand what she was thinking so I can figure out the best strategy.
09:13The best strategy is to find Chanel.
09:15Whatever's going on, we need to find out and quickly.
09:18We need to know how to defend and attack this.
09:20So what if the reason why Chanel hasn't touched the 30 million is because Adrian's running the show?
09:24Adrian's running the show.
09:35Do you think this will work for the new documents?
09:39Yeah, I think that should be fine.
09:48I was constantly changing up my look for JT.
09:52Like if I was a different bitch every day, maybe he wouldn't go out and fuck somebody else.
09:58That never worked.
10:09It's okay.
10:12I feel like you're better without it.
10:14It's okay.
10:19She knows it already.
10:44It's okay.
11:14It's okay.
11:45Did Daniel find anything?
11:47She's alive.
11:49At least we think she is for now.
11:52Sally, listen to me.
11:53I know that you promised Chanel not to tell me certain things,
11:56but I need to know everything that you know.
12:01I didn't want to tell you this over the phone,
12:03but the bank cameras revealed that she is with Adrian.
12:07We think they ran away together.
12:11Adrian as in JT's mentee, Adrian Hunter?
12:15I thought she only looked at him as like a little brother.
12:17Regardless of whether they're having an affair or not,
12:19that is what the public's perception is going to be.
12:22And that's going to look like motive for killing JT.
12:24Wait, so if they really did run, what happens to my house?
12:29Well, if she misses her prelim,
12:31then her failure to appear would mean that the bail bond company would keep
12:35not only all the money that we raised,
12:37but they would now require the full bail amount, which was $2 million.
12:40And if you put up your house as collateral,
12:42then they will use that to collect the full amount.
12:48Oh, God.
12:49Hey, hey, hey.
12:50I'm sorry, Sally, okay?
12:52But look at me.
12:53We are going to figure this out.
12:54I promise.
12:55If I lose my house, I could lose my husband, too.
13:00Oh, my.
13:02Oh, I think I got something.
13:03Hey, check this out.
13:04All right, so this ATM is located off the 15th Freeway,
13:07which means Crystal was right about Mexico.
13:10It's a little blurry,
13:11but I think I know someone who can clear it up enough to get a read on the
13:15That's definitely Adrian, right?
13:16Yeah, yeah, that's him.
13:17We need to go to Judge Roth.
13:18No, time is not up yet.
13:20I think we should wait until the last possible second.
13:22I mean, we can still figure this out.
13:23Time's been up.
13:24We need to go to Judge Roth.
13:25No, time is not up yet.
13:26I think we should wait until the last possible second.
13:28I mean, we can still figure this out.
13:30Time's been up, Jax.
13:31You know, this is going to be unacceptable.
13:33We have to get in front of this.
13:35Should I go?
13:36No, stay.
13:37You may be willing to risk the case for this, but I'm not.
13:40You're being ridiculous.
13:41We know that she's with him.
13:42We know what their plan is.
13:43Now, if we could just get to them first, then we'll be able to figure it out.
13:46This is not even a conversation.
13:47What are you talking about?
13:48Are you a friend trying to help somebody that's on the run,
13:51or are you her lawyer?
13:52I can't tell.
13:53Yeah, I'm going to go.
13:57Look at these.
13:58Look at these.
14:00Look at this!
14:01This is a woman who has been beaten and broken down.
14:04This is a woman who is scared.
14:06We have to help her.
14:11She was smart to take these photos.
14:16Everyone needs to see just how dangerous JT was to Chanel.
14:23Okay, look, I know this is going to be hard to hear right now,
14:26but we can use these strategically.
14:29And whether the cops catch her or not, I can and I will defend her,
14:33but I need your cooperation, Jax.
14:36And that starts with you allowing me to do my job and alert the authorities.
14:48So she fled?
14:50We were hoping that you might issue and hold a warrant for one week.
14:52One week?
14:53She could be sitting pretty in Mexico by then.
14:55The judge needs to issue the bench warrant immediately.
14:57What about 24 hours?
14:58We have an obligation to protect the public's safety,
15:01and right now there's a murderer on the list.
15:03She's not a murderer.
15:04That's incorrect.
15:05She admitted to killing her husband.
15:06In self-defense from her abusive spouse,
15:08which, since we're using semantics here, is not murder.
15:11She's not a danger to anyone except herself.
15:13That is until she kills a stranger that gets in her way on the 405.
15:16Relax, okay?
15:17The jury's not in here.
15:18I know you don't believe that.
15:21Judge Roth?
15:22Judge Roth?
15:26Here, take this.
15:28Communicate with these from now on.
15:33You know, you're lucky.
15:34I'm so sentimental.
15:36I got my first car.
15:37All my new whips got that GPS and tracking,
15:39but that beat-up old Ranger is perfect for sliding under the radar.
15:42Once we get this new photo,
15:44my man's Dallas will come through with the new passport.
15:47When can I call Jordan and Natasha?
15:49Not until you get to the other side of the border.
15:51Then even then, Chanel, it'll probably be a few weeks at least.
15:57What's wrong?
15:58I don't think this is a good idea, Adrian.
16:00I am supposed to be in Mexico by now.
16:01We are already a day behind.
16:03Yes, I know that, and I'm sorry.
16:05Okay? It was a hold-up on Dallas, and we're getting these documents.
16:08But look, you will still make great time.
16:11How do you know that?
16:13Look, I know I agreed to this before.
16:18Maybe I could have won the trial.
16:21That's not what you were saying yesterday.
16:23Yeah, well, this is today.
16:24And today I'm realizing I am going to be on the run,
16:27living in Mexico,
16:29in hiding, all by myself,
16:30without my friends, without my family,
16:32and without...
16:34Without you.
16:40I love you, Adrian.
16:53I've never met a woman like you.
16:56You're beautiful, you're smart, caring, you're funny.
17:00I am so, so sorry that I didn't meet you before that monster did.
17:06I love you too.
17:09And I am...
17:12I am in love with you.
17:24I'm coming with you.
17:27Adrian, you can't. You can't.
17:29Why can't I? You're in this situation because of me.
17:33No, you cannot give up your life for me.
17:35You are my life.
17:37I am never leaving you alone again.
17:39Just me and you.
17:42I love you.
18:00At this time, we do not know the whereabouts of Chanel Tucker,
18:03as she did not appear for her scheduled preliminary hearing at 1.30 this afternoon.
18:08It appears she has fled.
18:09She may be armed and she may be dangerous.
18:26Everything okay?
18:30I keep getting these strange hang-ups from a random number. It's...
18:34I feel like weirdos always come out of the woodwork
18:36when you're on a high-profile case like this.
18:39Want me to get you a new number and SIM card?
18:41Uh, sure.
18:43Actually, that would be great.
18:54Nevada Department of Corrections.
18:56I'm calling to get the status of Peter Thompson,
18:59inmate JW-048.
19:02Please hold.
19:04Still incarcerated.
19:15Actually, I don't need you to get me that new SIM card.
19:18I'm okay.
19:27No, we need to go after Wargo directly.
19:29They overcharged.
19:30I agree, but not necessarily with that strategy.
19:33Lucy isn't the victim here. Chanel is the victim.
19:36We need to center the victim.
19:38All right, that's fair.
19:39Well, let's set you up with an interview.
19:41I know some producers at CBN.
19:43That could work, or...
19:45I could talk directly to the people on IG Live.
19:47It's more effective.
19:48I can get as close to my audience as possible.
19:50And it's never too late to influence the public opinion
19:53before jury selection.
19:56Well, that's not the worst idea.
19:58On your own page, or you have another page in mind?
20:00Sure do, Brandi Michaels.
20:01She's a domestic violence advocate
20:02that I've worked with before.
20:03I can have a conversation on her page.
20:08That's it?
20:10What? I'm agreeing with you.
20:16Ah, CC.
20:19Uh, I, uh...
20:21I'm sorry.
20:23I'm sorry.
20:25Uh, I got a partial plate on Adrian's car
20:27from the ATM security camera.
20:29Uh, I can just go talk to Cynthia to fill in the rest.
20:32And it's going to be very awkward
20:35because we haven't spoken since she ghosted me.
20:38Oh, well, while you're there,
20:39find out what else the police have.
20:41We need to find Chanel before they do.
20:44I'm on it.
20:51LAPD, we have a warrant to search the premises.
20:53Here's your copy.
20:54Let's go.
20:56Uh, look for Chanel Tucker.
20:58Excuse me.
20:59Sir, sir, sir, sir!
21:02We are looking for Chanel just the same as you are.
21:04What incentive do we have in hiding her here?
21:07Do you relate as a safe place to start?
21:09Oh, come on, man.
21:10Look, I put this house up as part of her bail.
21:12Do you really think I would help her run
21:14and risk losing the bond?
21:20Looks like you and the missus have a few things to discuss.
21:22But first, I'm going to need to ask you some questions.
21:25Can I see your IDs?
21:32Hey, Dad, can you take me to Rashida's house later?
21:34Uh, I can't make any promises.
21:36It just depends on when I finish up at work.
21:38Well, when's that going to be?
21:40I don't know, Naima.
21:41I have a Zoom in five minutes.
21:43What, what, what?
21:44They're already there.
21:45They started without me.
21:46All right, look, then it looks like you'll have to catch up
21:48with everyone at school tomorrow.
21:51You don't understand anything about me.
21:53No one does.
21:55Dad, I got a headache.
21:57I think I got a fever or something.
22:05Uh, do you know where Mom keeps the Tylenol?
22:08You don't know?
22:09But I thought I did.
22:10She must have moved it.
22:12All right, look, Spence, I'm sorry.
22:13Give me a few minutes, and I'll find it for you
22:15after this meeting.
22:16But for now, grab a ginger ale and a cold washcloth.
22:21Hey, guys.
22:22Is everyone on?
22:23Hey, Louis.
22:24Yeah, we should get started.
22:25OK, cool.
22:26This shouldn't take long.
22:27As you know, Autodrive 2 launches in June.
22:29Hey, Dad, my head hurts.
22:30For real.
22:31I'm sorry.
22:32I'm sorry.
22:34All right, one second.
22:36OK, Spence.
22:42Excuse me, pal.
22:43Where you headed?
22:44You need to check in.
22:45Oh, I'm just here to see Cynthia,
22:46but I know where she sits.
22:47Cynthia quit to take a government agency job.
22:49She moved on about a week ago.
22:51Where'd she go?
22:55I believe that's typically the kind of thing
22:56you keep on the down low.
22:58That's why she didn't tell me.
22:59Is there something I can help you with in the meantime?
23:03What would Cash do?
23:04Excuse me?
23:06Excuse me?
23:07Excuse me?
23:08I am so sorry.
23:09Let me just take it back.
23:11I didn't introduce myself.
23:12I'm Daniel.
23:13I'm Dan.
23:18That is a beautiful name.
23:19Just like your eyes.
23:20That is a, uh...
23:21That's a French name, right?
23:27Yeah, I don't...
23:28You know, Rene,
23:29I was wondering
23:30if you would be able to run this plate
23:33for me in the system.
23:35You know, I know it's not kosher,
23:36but you look like a rebel.
23:39And Cynthia and I had an arrangement going on.
23:47I don't know what kind of arrangement
23:49you and Cynthia had,
23:50but since you speak French,
23:52I'll say, uh...
23:53Voulez-vous Moulin Rouge?
23:56Don't give a fuck.
24:11Could you at least validate my parking for me?
24:31You're my best friend.
24:35The prosecution wants to punish
24:37Chanel Tucker for surviving,
24:39which forces her to relive her trauma
24:41by defending her actions.
24:44This is a woman who's...
24:46Now, I'm not excusing it,
24:48nor am I condoning it,
24:49but you can certainly see why she ran.
24:52And I want to talk to you guys
24:53about a former client of mine
24:55named Isabella Torres.
24:56Their cases are troublingly similar.
24:58Because Isabella is sitting in a prison
25:01at this very moment
25:02simply by doing what it took to survive.
25:06Too many women have been persecuted
25:08for defending themselves against their abusers.
25:12The system is broken.
25:14If there was a precedent for women like Chanel
25:17finding the justice that they deserve
25:19in a legal system that worked for them
25:21and not against them,
25:23she wouldn't be on the run right now.
25:26Think about that.
25:34We do not know the whereabouts of Chanel Tucker,
25:37as she did not appear
25:38for her scheduled preliminary hearing
25:40at 1.30 this afternoon.
25:45Hey, I know you.
25:47Yeah, you play for San Diego, right?
25:50Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's me.
25:52Man, y'all almost hit the title last year.
25:54It's all good, though.
25:55Maybe this year.
25:56Yo, can I get a quick picture with you?
25:59Uh, not today, bro. I'm sorry.
26:01Really, dude?
26:03Too big time to snap a quick pic with the fan, huh?
26:06Fucking creole.
26:09I'm entitled and rich.
26:14Fuck out of here, bro.
26:15You ain't no MVP.
26:17Fucking hanging smoke to your ass anyway, bitch.
26:19That's right.
26:28We gotta switch cars.
26:29What's wrong?
26:33Yo, I need another favor.
26:40How about the kids?
26:43Did any of these instances of J.T.'s violence
26:45take place in front of either of your daughters?
26:52I mean, he would raise his voice at me,
26:54but no, no physical violence.
27:14Oh, hey, Jax, I was...
27:21You okay?
27:27We've known each other since high school.
27:30I thought I knew everything about her, but clearly...
27:32No way you could've known.
27:34Abused women are really good at hiding what they're going through,
27:36especially to the people they're closest to.
27:40I promise you, Jax,
27:42there's nothing you could've done.
28:06Thank you, Cory.
28:08I needed that.
28:13You're welcome.
28:29Hey, Desiree.
28:30Hey, Louis.
28:32How you doing?
28:33Good, good.
28:34Listen, I'm sorry Jax isn't here.
28:35Was she expecting you?
28:37Don't worry.
28:38If it gets too late, Naima can stay over.
28:44Hey, sweetie.
28:46I thought I told you no.
28:48No, you said you couldn't take me,
28:50so our problem's solved.
28:51Reseda said her mom could give me a ride.
28:54Look, I am sorry you had to come all this way,
28:57but Naima isn't going anywhere tonight or for a while
29:00because she's now on punishment.
29:02Wait, Dad, are you for real?
29:03I was gonna ask you the same question.
29:05Go to your room.
29:07Ooh, these kids.
29:11I wish I could tell you it gets better,
29:13but trust it doesn't.
29:16Good luck.
29:27The IG Live was a great place to start,
29:29but we need more to regain control of this narrative.
29:32Should we release the photos?
29:34I wish we could, but we can't release the evidence
29:36to the public before the trial starts.
29:38Right, we can't.
29:39Sad I can't.
29:41Interesting, that could work.
29:44The statewide manhunt for Chanel Tucker may be ending soon,
29:47as she was spotted in this photo
29:49taken by a convenience store clerk.
29:51If you have any information on Chanel Tucker's whereabouts,
29:54contact your local authorities.
29:56Daniel, did you see the photo?
29:58Uh, yes.
29:59I hit a dead end with the police,
30:00but my connection to the DMV came through with the license plate.
30:03I'm on the way to Crosby now, so I'm not too far behind.
30:06Well, that's if they haven't seen the news
30:07and switched cars already.
30:09You know, I'm not mentally or physically prepared
30:12to confront a fugitive and a pro football player by myself,
30:15so maybe call us back up.
30:16I understand.
30:17If you get eyes on them, do not approach.
30:19We'll be right behind you.
30:22All right, thanks for the update.
30:24What was that about?
30:26Nothing, it was just another client.
30:28Any news on Chanel?
30:30We're going to Carlsbad.
30:33Yo, what you got for my man Adrian?
30:37Nah, nah.
30:39Only old and basic.
30:41Nothing new.
30:42All right.
30:43All right, bet see you soon.
30:53License and registration, please.
30:55No problem.
30:56This your vehicle?
30:58Yes, it is.
31:03Yeah, this is it.
31:07Whatever it is you got there,
31:08looked like you was about to drive off with it.
31:10Marijuana might be legal, but driving high, it's not.
31:15Nah, officer.
31:17I wasn't going nowhere.
31:19I was actually about to get out the car.
31:22Can you go ahead and step out of the car for me,
31:23Mr. Dallas Johnson?
31:29Is there a problem, officer?
31:31Turns out it is.
31:33We have a warrant for your arrest.
31:36Nah, I can explain that.
31:38Nah, it's too late for that.
31:39We got to take you in for failure to appear in court
31:41regarding your charges of aggravated assault.
31:45Uh, right.
31:48Unless there's something else you'd like to explain.
31:53We've got code six, Charles.
31:55Four Rangers, heading your head to 52.
31:57Southbound on the five, Oceanside Boulevard.
32:00One-oh-two-nine, Foxtrot, Sierra Tango.
32:03Order one, no bail.
32:07Hey, Siri, call Jax.
32:10Jax, we have a problem.
32:15Call Corey Cash.
32:18Hey, I'm right behind you. Any updates?
32:20Yeah, I just talked to Daniel.
32:21The cops have Chanel's location.
32:24That's what I said.
32:25You have to cops get there first.
32:26I know. I know.
32:27I'm gonna call Lucy. I'll merge you in.
32:33We think we know where Chanel is,
32:34and we'd like to bring her in.
32:36The time for you to intervene was before your client ran.
32:39Lucy, I know what you're thinking.
32:40First-degree murder, defendant on the run.
32:42Right now, you have everything going for you,
32:44and it certainly would be quite the victory.
32:46And it could go that way.
32:48But it could also go another way.
32:50The closer you get to the border,
32:51the more accusations of violent police negligence.
32:54And if you've got to trigger a happy cop,
32:55she's no longer a murderer. She's a martyr.
32:57It'll be another disastrous boss by the LAPD.
33:00And now you've got Black Lives Matter ringing your line.
33:03Is that what you want?
33:04Lucy, we want the same thing,
33:05and that's justice playing out in the courtroom where it belongs.
33:09So what's it gonna be?
33:10Your first L.A. victory,
33:12or a case that sends you back to Vegas?
33:18Fine. You and Jax can go first.
33:20But with a police escort.
33:22Two cars.
33:23Okay, but no sirens.
33:24And the cops stay behind us.
33:26Fine. But Chanel rides with my team.
33:29Where the fuck is Dallas?
33:31The store clerk already recognized me.
33:33It's a matter of time before someone else does.
33:38I knew this was a mistake.
33:40Let me try Dallas again.
33:49Is that him?
33:50I think that's him, yeah.
33:52Let me get my phone.
33:53Got your phone?
33:55All right.
33:56Let's go.
33:58Oh, shit!
34:01Adrian, what the fuck?
34:02What did we do?
34:04Hold on. I'll go get it.
34:08Stop! I said no sirens!
34:16If you do this,
34:17Jordan and Natasha will lose both of their parents
34:19in one fell swoop.
34:21It's not too late to give them the childhood they deserve.
34:24We are going to fight like hell for you,
34:26but this is not the way.
34:34If you ever feel yourself drowning beneath the surface...
34:42I'll jump in the deep end with you.
34:45I won't let you drown.
34:47I promise.
34:51I promise.
34:57No, no, no, no!
35:01No, no!
35:07I'm sorry.
35:08I'm sorry.
35:09I'm sorry.
35:10I love you!
35:12I love you!
35:21Let me go.
35:26Let me go.
35:51Let me go.
36:10I can't believe you remember that stupid song.
36:14The music composition.
36:16That was my worst subject.
36:18Yeah, those chords were trash,
36:20but I always told you those lyrics were deep, girl.
36:25I've gotten us through some tough times.
36:30In the 20-something years we've been friends,
36:33I never thought times would get this tough.
36:36Chanel, why'd you run?
36:39Because the world was doubting me
36:41to the point where you were doubting me, too.
36:44I've seen the people you defend.
36:47I've watched you take on cases where no one thought you could win,
36:50but you still did anyway.
36:51And yet when it came to me,
36:53suddenly you weren't so sure.
36:56And if you didn't believe I could win, then why should I?
36:59Jax, you know me better than anyone.
37:02So when you abandoned me and pawned me off to Corey,
37:05I knew there was no hope.
37:08I am sorry
37:11that I couldn't see how badly Jamarion had been hurting you
37:14for all these years.
37:17I just got so used to suppressing it.
37:20That is pushing it all down.
37:23Like if I didn't talk about it, it wasn't real.
37:31From now on, I'm all in.
37:35I'm gonna do whatever it takes to be here for you.
37:53Hey, hey.
37:55Long day, huh?
37:57Yes, it was.
38:01Look, um,
38:03I know that I said that I didn't want to be involved,
38:06but clearly I need to be.
38:08No, you want to be.
38:09Fine, I want to be.
38:11But only because I have to be there for my friend.
38:14So if it's okay with you, I'd like to come on as second chair.
38:20Let me ask you something.
38:23Do you think that I can't win this case?
38:29I don't think that at all.
38:34Well, I need to be first chair in every sense of the word.
38:38I don't want a repeat of this whole bail situation.
38:41I understand, and...
38:44I'll be better.
38:48Welcome to the team.
39:24Where have you been?
39:28Look, I know you're mad, and I get it,
39:31but I didn't expect her to run.
39:33I thought it would be fine.
39:37I just did what I had to do.
39:41There are a whole lot of I's in what you're saying.
39:47Not one we.
39:50As in, we now owe the full bail amount.
39:55So unless we can think of something quick,
40:00we will lose the house that...
40:04we both live in.
40:06I can call the mortgage company about refinancing and there's my retirement.
40:10I'm sure I can ask my parents for help.
40:13We can figure this out.
40:16So now it's we.
40:20Let's just talk about this in the morning.
40:23Come to bed, please.
40:29I'm good.
41:04Well, if you came all this way, it must mean good news.
41:07Well, it's good and bad.
41:09Isabelle, I found out earlier today that your appeal was denied.
41:15I see.
41:17Well, I guess that's all we can do then.
41:19No, no, no, that was plan A.
41:20Plan B is much better.
41:22I mean, why do you think I stuck around here and didn't go back to Chicago?
41:26I am on Chanel Tucker's case.
41:32Isabelle, the popularity of this case is going to garner enough notoriety
41:37and attention that we can try for clemency.
41:39I mean, that's if we win, of course, and we will win.
41:42No one cares about a woman who kills her husband in self-defense.
41:45When the husband is famous, they absolutely do. Absolutely.
41:49Isabelle, that's what I'm trying to tell you.
41:52I took Chanel Tucker's case to help you.
41:55I've told you so many times, I don't need you to help me.
41:58And I told you that I would.
41:59I know, but Corey, I'm telling you that it's fine.
42:02You don't have to do this.
42:03No, but I need to do it.
42:08Isabelle, you wouldn't even be in here if it wasn't for me.
42:18Corey, the reason I'm in here is not your fault.
42:22He did this.
42:24Not you.
42:27I made the choice I needed to to survive.
42:29And I'm at peace with it.
42:31And I can honestly say that even though I'm stuck in here,
42:34my life is better off.
42:36So if I can forgive that man for what he did to me,
42:40then you have to forgive yourself.
42:41No, that's not enough.
42:44That's not enough.
42:46And it won't be until you get clemency.
42:49And I'm not gonna stop until you get it.
42:53And I'm not gonna stop until you get it.
43:18I need this day to be over.
43:21My God, I was so scared, Louis.
43:24You should have seen those photos.
43:27There's no way you would have known.
43:29None of us knew.
43:32It's not your fault.
43:34I thought it was healthier for me to avoid the pain of all of this, but...
43:41I think it's better to confront it.
43:44To be present through it.
43:45You're right.
43:50Louis, I need to take on...
43:52You're gonna take on our case.
43:58I know you need me.
44:00And I know this family needs me.
44:02But Chanel needs me, too.
44:05So I want us to talk so we can figure out a way to make this work,
44:08because I really need both to work.
44:11What I need for this to work is...
44:16We need to just keep it 100 with each other.
44:18Even about our mistakes.
44:20Because if we're gonna do this, we're going to do this.
44:23It's not just you taking on Chanel's case.
44:26It's us.
44:31Thank you, baby.
44:32For real.
44:40How are the kids?
44:41Oh, man.
44:44Where do I start?
44:46Well, looks like your fever finally broke.
44:49You feeling all right?
44:51Yeah, I'm cool.
44:56Oh, wow.
44:57What made you pull this out?
44:59I remember I used to read this to you all the time.
45:02Yeah, you told me it's okay to have bad days sometimes.
45:08You know, Ma, you seem really sad lately, too.
45:12Man, we're both just having bad days.
45:44Welcome back!
45:46Glad they found the proof of registration for your gun.
45:48Now, based on what we talked about,
45:51were you able to deliver?
45:53Not exactly.
45:54Need more time.
45:55Well, until then, I'm happy to give you a ride.
45:58Hop in.
45:59Nah, I'm good. I'll catch a cab.
46:05Doesn't sound safe.
46:08Probably right.
46:09You sure we have a lot to catch up on?
46:11I bet we do.
46:23Let's start with how I'm gonna get my money.
46:37Yeah, I gotta get it
46:38Cause I never had it back when I was broke
46:40Money, money
46:41Yeah, I gotta get it
46:42Cause I never had it back when I was broke
46:44They faded their money
46:45But I only stay hungry
46:46Diamonds be hittin' so hard
46:48He done caught a concussion
46:50How the fuck is he your favorite rapper?
46:52He be cappin' every day
46:53Pourin' no Texas
46:54How the fuck is he your favorite rapper?
46:55Cappin' every day
46:56With his partner money
46:58Textin' me your location
46:59I'ma motivate you like Kelly Rose
47:01Then put you in the water, water
47:03Then I have you flowin'
47:04Just like the ocean
47:06Yeah, yeah
47:07I be servin' bad
47:08Just like the groceries
47:10Yeah, yeah
47:11I keep a lot of cash
47:12So don't approach me
47:28Money, money
47:29Yeah, I gotta get it
47:30Cause I never had it back when I was broke
47:32Money, money
47:33Yeah, I gotta get it
47:34Cause I never had it back when I was broke