She Can't Accept That Her Butt Is Fake

  • 14 hours ago
She Can't Accept That Her Butt Is Fake


00:00All right guys in this video, I'm gonna be checking out a clip from the no jumper podcast
00:03He's got on this girl named Chinese Kitty who does like reality television and makes music and that kind of stuff
00:08And she's actually really successful at it
00:10I mean, she's got like three and a half million Instagram followers
00:12And she's also really successful at having a gigantic ass and that's something I'm interested in hearing about
00:17so let's not waste any time here and jump right into the video and see what she has to say about it and it was
00:22like you had like a week where you just had like multiple videos of you just sort of like walking around and
00:28We were just like, holy fuck her ass looks
00:32Crazy, how did it like I was just like I?
00:36Don't know. I was just a little taken aback like wow. She she went hard
00:40What is he saying?
00:41He could done such a better job with that question right there or whatever
00:44He's trying to say like he would have been better off just being straight up with her and been like listen
00:48What's the deal with the ass like that thing's enormous. It's got to be fake, right? I
00:53Don't know. I was just a little taken aback like wow
00:56She went hard
00:58What went hard on what?
01:01What however it got like that. It's funny when he first starts talking about her ass
01:05She seems like completely fine with it
01:07But then when she starts to realize that he thinks it's fake then she could tell she's kind of getting pissed off about it
01:19What my ass is what how you know if it's not I wasn't born this way
01:24I just don't think anyone's born that way. How you don't you don't know that though. Nobody knows that though, okay?
01:30So obviously by that reaction, you know her butts fake. I mean just looking at her to you tell her butts fake
01:34It's not that hard to figure out and I'm sure most of the stuff on her is fake
01:38And I'm not trying to say that there's anything wrong with that like it's not my kind of thing
01:41I think she went a little overboard, but if that's what she wants to do go ahead and do it
01:45I'm sure there's a ton of guys out there that are really into her look
01:47But also if you had some work done
01:48I feel like you shouldn't have a problem admitting that you had it done like I actually have a little respect for Trisha Paytas
01:53Because she doesn't really seem to have a problem talking about what's fake on her and she even admits that she's trying to look fake
01:58And I'd say it's pretty accurate for this girl, too
02:00Like this is not what a normal person looks like like she had this done
02:03So she could have her body features look like something a normal person would never actually have and it makes sense because if you take
02:09A guy with like the best abs in the world and he's had nothing done to him
02:12People are still gonna look at him and be like, yeah, that looks fake
02:15Like those look too good to be real like that's the kind of thing that these girls are going for and with their ass
02:20It usually seems like they're just thinking the bigger the better and in my opinion
02:23It definitely gets to a point where it's a little too big
02:25But that's just my opinion like there are plenty of guys out there that are into this like I'm sure there's a ton of guys
02:30That are like I just want the biggest ass possible
02:32They're not gonna care if it looks fake as long as it looks fake in a good way
02:35Which like obviously this girl thinks her ass looks good and she wants her ass to look big and I'm sure she went to a
02:40Great plastic surgeon and had like really good work done
02:42So I'm sure her ass looks good for like the size that it is and if she's happy with it and she likes the way
02:46That it looks and everything then what's the problem admitting that it's fake and I know obviously on her part
02:50It would sound better if it was real and she didn't have to admit that it's fake
02:53But when someone sees her like no one's thinking that's real like everyone who sees her is gonna be like alright
02:58That's gotta be fake and it's just a lot better to admit right off the bat that it's fake instead of going on about like
03:03How do you know if it's real or fake you don't know what I'm up to this could totally be real
03:06Because the more you do that the more it looks like you're not actually cool with what you had done
03:09And I also do want to point out that I saw in the comments that Adam 22 had some like hair transplant done
03:14And he's like really uncomfortable talking about that and like he never would admit it up until recently
03:19So I do want to say it's a little hypocritical for Adam to be calling out this girl's fake ass when if she called out
03:23His fake hair. I'm sure he would be uncomfortable with it
03:25And he probably think it's an inappropriate question to ask and I'm sure he would have the same kind of reaction this girl does or
03:30Maybe even worse. How you don't you don't know that though. Nobody knows that though, okay?
03:36So you were born that way you have baby pictures
03:43No, I mean
03:45Listen I just I want to talk about the tune-ups. I know you do right
03:50Is that weird you only talk about it?
03:52It's whatever to me because there's people gonna see me every single day and just put that in a head already
03:56So it's like I think it's probably right. Yeah, I like how she's like, yeah, you know, it's whatever people already look at my ass
04:03And they think that it's fake and I don't really give a fuck but there's no way I'm actually gonna admit that it's fake
04:07What are you nuts? I mean, okay. Look boom. Boom. Okay, so boom. So boom
04:12I always had I always had a body and I don't give a fuck anybody that's watching this and know me from when I was
04:18Like 16 17, they're gonna be like she always had eyes and it's in the dirt. Boom. Boom
04:22She already had an ass even though it wasn't good enough for her apparently and she had to have some work done like when she
04:27Rather just have a nice real ass than like a massive like oversized fake one like this cute natural
04:32But hips to send a third but I had fake boobs, right? This is I was like right before I got pregnant
04:37I was like 1920
04:38So I ended up having my son right and my body was
04:44Jacked up like and I think honestly, honestly, I think if I took time maybe like six seven months a year later
04:52Then I'll probably would have got somewhat some way back to so now she's trying to say that her body got all screwed up from
04:58a pregnancy
04:59Which is definitely true like I can understand that like once you have a kid
05:02I'm sure that does a lot to your body and you probably think it doesn't look as good as it did beforehand
05:06But I don't think most people run out to get their ass done right after a pregnancy like that doesn't seem like something that's like
05:11That big of a concern because it would be a lot better to say like no
05:14It's completely real like people would be more impressed
05:16You'd be probably more proud of it, which I feel like is another problem that she has because she thinks it looked really good before
05:21The pregnancy but then she went had something done to it
05:24So now it's like technically enhanced or like it's not completely real
05:27So she just hates to admit that because she felt like it's so good beforehand
05:31So I feel like it is a possibility that she regrets doing it
05:34Which if she does I feel like she should just admit it be a lot better for everyone because people go around like thinking that
05:39Having plastic surgery is so cool and like no one really has a problem with it
05:43Like I think if you do have a problem with it, then you should admit it
05:45You should say like yeah, I kind of regret doing this and maybe some girls won't do it
05:48And I also think it's interesting that she had no problem right there just admitting that she had a boob job
05:52But like when someone asks about her ass she goes on this giant tangent to try to avoid the question
05:57So that's why I think she has more of a problem like with the fact that her ass is fake
06:00Do you think if you don't want to admit that your ass is fake that you also wouldn't want to admit anything else is
06:04Really fake, you know a year go by two years go by I'm getting thicker
06:08you know I'm saying so now my ass is looking bigger than it did two years ago and I think really people really think I'm
06:14Still doing something like to make my ass bigger. I'm not I'm just getting thicker. But I mean, yeah, I had a BBL
06:21What are you gonna fucking shoot me? I mean y'all want to shoot me. I don't understand
06:25You know, she's acting like everyone's mad at her because she had it done
06:28Like she honestly just seems like she's mad at herself for having it done
06:31He just asked a simple yes or no question and she's the one who like try to do whatever she can to dodge it and
06:36Then finally at the end she admits it but like she's all reluctant and like angry about it
06:40It's just like it's like an obvious interesting thing. Everybody wants to know about it. Everybody's kind of fascinated by is clearly technology
06:47That's taking over the world. The BBL is a new iPhone. What a statement that is getting a butt lift is the new iPhone
06:52Is he being serious about that?
06:54Like I know girls are getting it done more and more but to compare it to buying an iPhone that sounds fucking insane
06:59I think this dude's just been in LA too long
07:01like I feel like LA and Miami are the only two places where you can live and be like
07:05Yeah, that statement sounded accurate like anywhere else. You're gonna be like what the fuck are you talking about? That sounds ridiculous
07:10Alright, that's about it for this video
07:12Make sure you let me know in the comments if you enjoyed this video or like what you think the whole situation
07:16Then hit that like button hit the subscribe button if you haven't and then I'll catch you at the next video