Trisha Paytas addresses EVERYTHING and Ethan Klein calls her a LIAR

  • 2 days ago
Trisha Paytas addresses EVERYTHING and Ethan Klein calls her a LIAR


00:00Alright, so here we go again with the Ethan Klein and Trisha Paytas saga the drama never ends between these two
00:05So today we got this video that Trisha put out called addressing everything and if you haven't watched her video yet
00:10There's really no need to if you've been following the situation at all. I'm sure you could imagine exactly how it's gonna go
00:16It's just so predictable. She takes no accountability. She plays the victim. She blames Ethan. She says Ethan won't stop talking about her
00:23It's exactly what you'd expect this video to be like and then right on cue Ethan puts out a tweet about the video
00:28He says if Trisha wants me to stop talking about her
00:30Then she needs to stop lying about me. Her teacher is being doxed for one reason only
00:34She mentioned him by the name school and year and told people to look him up
00:38She needs to take responsibility and stop blaming me for her shit
00:41And then he put out another tweet right after that saying Trisha has accused me of sending a hate mob after her
00:46That's literally all she's tried to do since the day frenemies ended
00:49I have not even mentioned their allegations once on the podcast. She is lying and saying it's our fault
00:53We have nothing to do with this hate mob
00:55And I just feel like why does Ethan have to respond to her video?
00:58Like why does he have to put out these tweets like a few days ago?
01:00He said he's not doing the H3 podcast because they want to focus on their mental health, but he's still responding to Trisha Paytas
01:06Come on, dude, and I know H3 fans are gonna be like what you expect him not to respond
01:10She just gets to lie about him and he can't respond to her and what I have to say to that is H3 is
01:15Only continuing the drama talking about her online like there's no need for these tweets
01:19Like whose opinion is he trying to change here like Trisha's fans or his fans like they already have their opinions and they're not gonna
01:25Be changed anytime soon
01:26like you tell me do you think any H3 fans watch Trisha Paytas's video earlier and had their minds changed and they're like
01:31You know what? Maybe Ethan is the bad guy here. Maybe Trisha's the victim
01:34What does Ethan have to say about this and then they went to Ethan's Twitter to see if he had a rebuttal and they looked
01:38At his tweets and they saw that Ethan said that Trisha Paytas was lying. Oh, thank God Ethan cleared that up for us
01:44We could never have figured that out on our own that Trisha Paytas was lying
01:47Like do people actually think with that Trisha Paytas video that she actually made Ethan look bad or like hurt his
01:52Credibility in any way like how many times do we have to hear that Trisha Paytas is a liar like apparently it's never enough because
01:59H3 fans love talking about it and love listening to people talk about it
02:02and obviously if she lied about something really serious like the teacher situation that needs to be addressed because a lot of people believe that to
02:08Be true and this brings me to another problem
02:10I have with H3 because when she was on the frenemies podcast H3 and all of his fans
02:14Acted like she was changed and she's such a good person now and she's not a liar anymore
02:18And they would let her attack whoever she wanted and wouldn't really question anything and just go with whatever she was saying
02:23Which obviously was a bad idea because we already figured out that they screwed up with this teacher situation
02:28Like they destroyed this guy's reputation and didn't even realize it for like months after like it took some YouTube channels like 20,000 subscribers
02:35To figure it out. It's just too perfect. Like what you think she went on the podcast. She completely changed
02:39She was telling the truth all the time. She was never lying. And then once the podcast ends, she's just right back to it
02:44We're like, oh no now she's a liar now. We can't trust anything
02:47She says she's trying to destroy Ethan. She's manipulating everyone which I'd agree with that second part
02:51But the thing is she's been doing it the whole time
02:53It was a terrible idea bringing her on that podcast
02:55Obviously like it's a complete mess now and I know some H3 fans are gonna be like well
02:59Ethan was trying to change her. She was doing really good on the podcast. Ethan had her under control which I mean, come on
03:04Why are you serious?
03:05like if Ethan wanted to help her the last thing he would do is start a podcast with her and talk about drama and talk
03:11About family drama and like really personal issues and let her say basically whatever she wanted like you let her insult
03:16Eli let her insult Ethan let her insult the staff like she was just out of control and Ethan knew that she hated Eli
03:23Because Eli was with Ethan and they had a family together and everything and I mean she had a temper tantrum over it and she
03:28Called Eli the c-word and like broke down and started crying and then walked off and then they continued to have the podcast after that
03:34And people would still talk about how she's like such a great person now and she's changed and everything like how could you say that?
03:39That podcast is good for her
03:40Like that podcast was toxic as hell and Trish had Ethan and all of his fans
03:44Supporting her toxicness and before I go any further
03:46I just want to say this in case anyone thinks I'm taking Trisha's side or something like that
03:50I'm not taking anyone's side here. Like even if you're a diehard h3 fan
03:54I feel like I have the same exact opinion on Trisha Paytas as you do
03:57But the thing is I bet you trusted her five months ago, and I'm not even defending anything Trisha's doing
04:01I think Trisha is definitely in the wrong here
04:03I think she's screwed up big time
04:05Like I always talk about how much of an asshole she is
04:07But the thing is I feel like nobody has the balls to criticize h3 which he does deserve some criticism here
04:13I'm sorry if you're an h3 fan and clicked on this video expecting me to just talk about how h3 doesn't deserve any of this
04:18And how Trisha Paytas is the liar and a manipulator like how many times do you have to hear that like basically every person on?
04:23The internet who's covering this drama has just talked about that and h3 fans are like, oh, I'm so done with Trisha Paytas
04:28I'm so sick of her like let's just stop talking about her
04:31But then I'm gonna go on the internet and watch like 10 videos about how Trisha Paytas is a liar and about how Ethan Klein
04:36Is this innocent guy like h3 and his fans act like they're above all this drama or they're done with it or whatever
04:40But they're not they love talking about her and they love hearing other people talk about her and they love hearing Ethan talk about
04:46Her like they love this drama. Why do you think YouTube drama channels and tea channels are doing so well right now?
04:50Because h3 fans love listening to people talk about Trisha Paytas
04:54They cannot get enough of people saying that Trisha Paytas is a liar and a manipulator and you can never trust her and she takes
04:59No responsibility, but just like four or five months ago
05:01That was the last thing that h3 fans wanted to hear like if you're an h3 fan
05:05Just try to step back and look at this objectively really quick
05:07This guy had on Trisha Paytas on his podcast and she was dating his brother-in-law and they're talking about their family
05:13Problems and their family issues on air and she called his wife the c-word and stormed off
05:17But he would still have her back on and then she would talk about really serious drama and essay and he would just sit there
05:23and agree with everything she was saying and him and his fans would completely trust her and support her and everything that she's doing and
05:28She'd insult his employees and act all entitled if you told this scenario to anybody that knows Trisha Paytas
05:34They would say yeah, that's gonna be a complete shitshow. Like I don't know why this person would do that
05:38Like they're asking for trouble. Well, actually, I do know why they do that because it would get him a ton of views
05:43That's all Ethan cared about like come on
05:45He is not trying to change her or help her in any way like explain to me how that podcast was supposed to help her
05:50Like if you really want to help her you don't make any kind of entertainment out of it
05:54Like you just help her behind the scenes like that is the only way you're gonna help this person is to get her off the
05:59Internet this podcast was terrible for her. Look what's going on now
06:02Like she's even worse than ever and I know some h3 fans are like well
06:05Ethan probably didn't know her history or know how toxic she was or know what kind of person she is
06:09But he would talk about how crazy she was all the time. Like remember right when she got with Moses
06:14He's like, oh my god. This is terrible like him and Hila were like, this is the worst thing ever
06:18Like this is gonna be so toxic
06:19So if you think it's so bad that your brother-in-law started dating her why in the world would you start a podcast with her?
06:25That's only gonna amplify the toxicness and then also Ethan would talk about crazy
06:29She was all the time like on the first front of these podcasts
06:32I think they talked about it or he talked about how she's like manic or like bipolar or something
06:36He didn't start a podcast to help her or anything like that
06:38He started a podcast because he knew it'd be entertaining and he probably did enjoy talking with her
06:43Like they were entertaining together like it was a good podcast
06:46But like it was toxic as fuck and there's really no good outcome from it other than getting money and views
06:51Because you know, it's gonna end poorly
06:52Like why do you think Ethan kept saying like oh I'm surprised this lasted so long
06:56Because he knew she's gonna flip out and go after him someday and obviously I know I could just sit here and just go after
07:01Trisha Paytas the whole time because she's clearly the main problem here
07:05But I mean like how many times do you need to hear that Trisha Paytas is a liar and a manipulator and a bad person?
07:10Like go click on any other video on YouTube about her
07:12That's the shit you're gonna hear like haven't people heard it enough already and H3N1's fans are the ones that already knew this and still
07:18Chose to support her if you have Trisha Paytas on your podcast and you and your fans are
07:22Supporting all the stuff that she's saying then you are asking for so much trouble
07:26Like I feel bad a little bit that they have to go through this
07:28But like this is what you're asking for if you choose to promote and monetize Trisha's toxicness
07:33You're gonna get yourself into some trouble
07:35That's pretty much a fact and you start this podcast while Trisha Paytas is dating your brother-in-law
07:40Like how in the world was it a good idea to do this like Ethan and Hila realized Moses was dating Trisha and they're like
07:46Oh my god, this is terrible. Like he's getting involved with her. This is awful
07:49But then they got to a point where they're like, oh, you know, it'd be a good idea if we start a podcast with her
07:54What could possibly go wrong there?
07:55And I like to give Hila the benefit of the doubt and think that she was against the podcast
07:59Hopefully because like Trisha hated her that was pretty obvious and then Trisha was dating her brother
08:04Like why would Hila want to have that drama on the air?
08:07So I do feel bad that Hila's going through this but like Ethan so far
08:10This is what he signed up for but obviously things in the future could change and like something more serious could happen
08:15Which I don't think he deserves like I don't think anyone deserves to get like seriously hurt
08:19Here, but so far I do not consider Ethan to be a serious victim here
08:23Like why does there have to be a victim here? Like both these people are insanely toxic
08:27They started an insanely toxic
08:29podcast and it blew up in their face and obviously Trisha hasn't handled any of the drama well and she only wants to make things worse
08:34For Ethan like it's pretty obvious what she's doing
08:37Like she's just trying to destroy him any way she can but Ethan has done a terrible job at handling this drama as well
08:42Like he is not doing himself any favors
08:45Like he starts a podcast with his mom and dad after the frenemies break up and then they continue to talk about Trisha like how
08:51The hell was that a good move?
08:52And then he'll also say like I'm done talking about Trisha
08:55But then like talk about her like the next day like obviously I know Trisha talks about Ethan a lot more
09:00But Ethan is still talking about her
09:02Like if he wants to get over her just literally don't talk about her at all
09:06Like she's basically nobody at this point. She has like such a small following
09:10I'd say maybe at the most she has like a couple thousand people supporting her and basically the whole internet is on H3 side
09:16And I'm sure a lot of people would say I'm taking H3 side right here because I'm saying that Trisha Paytas is a liar
09:20And she's like a shitty person
09:22But I'm criticizing H3 because I expect him to be the adult in this situation
09:25Like you and your fans just need to stop talking about her and giving her attention
09:29Like they keep talking about how Ethan's dumb with Trisha and like none of the fans should mention her anymore
09:33But then they just keep poking the bear and they get her all riled up again
09:37And I just want to clarify really quick when I say Ethan talking about Trisha
09:40I don't mean the post he made on Twitter about her and that teacher like obviously that needed to be said and she needed to
09:45Be talked about there. I mean like all the other stuff
09:48He said about her like even today the Twitter post that he made like that was not necessary
09:52Like just act like she doesn't even exist at this point like try your best and they posted a clip to the H3 podcast
09:58Highlights YouTube channel and they had her name in it and like they had her picture but it was like blurred out or something
10:03But like come on
10:04What do you expect from that you expect you're gonna post that and she's not gonna talk about you like you're pretty much saying go
10:09Ahead talk about me like everyone knows like if you want to keep talking about her go ahead keep making videos about her
10:15But like you're just bringing on the drama like I'm not gonna feel bad for you if you want to continue this
10:19I just think the way that H3 and his fans have handled this drama is like just pathetic because they're acting like they're too good
10:25For it, but then also they fucking love it and they won't stop talking about it
10:28And then also Ethan's just this innocent guy who's a victim in all this
10:32But he really like pretty much stirred the pot the whole time and then everything blew up and now he says he's over the drama
10:38But he'll still clickbait Trisha's name and videos and he'll still talk about her on Twitter
10:42Like how am I supposed to feel bad for this guy?
10:44Like he's the one who needs to stop talking about her like she is never gonna end it
10:48Everyone knows and also there's like no reason to respond to her anymore
10:51Like unless it's something really serious that you have to respond to like the teacher thing
10:54But like anything else like there's no reason for it. Like everyone's on your side
10:58Trisha doesn't have much support anymore
11:00Like you might see a lot of posts defending her but that's just because her fans love being on the internet and love defending her
11:05but like I guarantee she doesn't have much of a following right now and I feel like the people that are saying they feel
11:10Bad for h3 right now and stuff like that are like hardcore h3 fans
11:14And I think deep down they do know that they screwed up by supporting her and like Ethan screwed up by having her on
11:19The podcast but like they do not want to admit that obviously
11:22So they just want to act like they're victims now and they want the rest of the internet to forget that they just supported
11:27Her for like half a year and they want the internet to think that Ethan is just a victim of circumstance
11:31And he had no control over this anyone who can have an original thought and isn't just trying to suck up to the h3 fan
11:37Base to get views from them can put the pieces together here and be like wait a minute
11:41You supported Trisha Paytas for six months and he did a podcast with her where you pretty much just talked about drama the whole time
11:47Like either internet drama or like really personal drama like between your families and you put up with her calling your wife the c-word
11:53And telling your employees fuck you and you and your fans to talk about she's a good person now and give her all this
11:58Confidence and you let her talk about how she's a victim of SA and you would even like fact-check anything
12:02I think any sane person that doesn't look at h3 like he's some kind of God that could never be criticized would say well like
12:09What did you expect the outcome to be here?
12:11Like obviously this is gonna end poorly
12:13Obviously she's gonna go after you when this is all over and it's not gonna be easy
12:16But that's part of the whole deal with working with her and Ethan even knew this like you'd always talk about how surprised he was
12:22That they made it to the next episode and I'm pretty sure he said a few times that once this ends
12:26You're probably gonna turn on me and like you're gonna go do a podcast with Keemstar
12:29Like I'm pretty sure he predicted that I feel like any normal person could have predicted this stuff
12:33Like I would have bet every single dollar
12:35I had that this podcast was gonna end and it would just be a complete mess for everyone and I wouldn't even worry about it
12:40For a second like come on
12:42What are we all gonna act like children now and act like we had no idea what was gonna happen here
12:46Like everyone knew it everyone involved knew it like it's part of the deal pretty much
12:50This is what Ethan signed up for and even after the frenemies podcast broke up
12:54He did himself no favors at all. He just made things even worse
12:57I'd say like having a family's podcast like dragging your parents into this like yeah, that's smart
13:02There's just no way I could feel bad for this guy. Like he's been on the internet for like six years
13:06I think now like he's a very calculated guy. He knows what he's doing. He knows how things work
13:11I'm not gonna play dumb and act like he doesn't know what he's doing here. Alright, so that's about all I for this video
13:16Thanks for watching
13:17Make sure you leave me a comment, especially if you're an h3 fan because I want to hear what I got wrong
13:22You know, I'm pretty confident in my position here
13:24So I want to hear the best argument you have to try to prove me wrong
13:27And then I also want you to hit that like button and subscribe button and then I'll see you at the next video