OJK Usut Dugaan Transaksi Semu Saham BREN dan CUAN

  • yesterday
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) menyatakan, akan menindak tegas dua emiten Prajogo Pangestu yakni PT Barito Renewables Energy Tbk (BREN), dan PT Petrindo Jaya Kreasi Tbk (CUAN) jika benar ditemukan pelanggaran aktivitas di perdagangan pasar modal. OJK memastikan, pemeriksaan dilakukan secara menyeluruh dan mendalam, termasuk memeriksa indikasi adanya perdagangan semu atau manipulasi pasar lainnya.


00:00We are still in AIDX Session Closing, let's go to the topic of choice
00:04where the financial services authority stated that
00:06it will reject the two emitters of the Praja Gopang Hestu, namely PT Barito,
00:10Renewable Based Energy TBK and PT Petrindo Caya Kreasi TBK
00:14if it is true that there is a violation of trading activities in the capital market.
00:18The OJK ensures that the inspection is carried out thoroughly and in-depth,
00:22including checking the indication of all trading or manipulation of other markets.
00:31The financial services authority stated that it will reject the two emitters of the Praja Gopang Hestu,
00:38namely PT Barito, Renewable Based Energy TBK and PT Petrindo Caya Kreasi TBK
00:46if it is true that there is a violation of trading activities in the capital market.
00:50The Executive Head of the Capital Market Monitoring,
00:52Derivative Finance, and OJK Carbon Exchange, Inar Nocedi stated
00:57that the inspection of the two emitters is still in progress.
01:01Inar No stated that the authority carried out a thorough and in-depth inspection,
01:06including checking the indication of all trading or manipulation of other markets.
01:12For your information, on the occasion of the Indonesian EFFICT business fair on October 9, 2023,
01:18the price of the brand shares was offered as high as 780 rupiah per share.
01:22If you look at the highest price ever achieved by the brand at level 12,200,
01:26the price increase of the brand shares reached 1,464%.
01:31There is also the price of the brand shares recently unlocked by FTSE Russell,
01:34releasing the shares in its index calculation.
01:39Meanwhile, PT Petrindo Caya Kreasi or Cuan issued an initial public offering in the Indonesian EFFICT stock market
01:44with a price of 220 rupiah per share in March 2023.
01:49Cuan's stock was known to rocket 6,775%
01:53when it reached its highest price at level 13,750 per share.
01:58Further in the inspection action in the branch transaction monitoring activity,
02:03Inar insisted that OJK always conducts analysis on the price movement of the stock according to the procedure,
02:09in order to detect any irregularities in the transaction of the stock.
02:14Various water sources in the exchange.
