BI dan OJK Luncurkan Central Counterparty

  • 13 hours ago
Indonesia kini resmi memiliki Central Counterparty (CCP) yang berfungsi untuk mengurangi risiko sistemik lewat fungsinya sebagai penyelenggara kliring, penjamin transaksi, dan penyelenggara proses manajemen risiko transaksi di pasar keuangan. Gubernur Bank Indonesia, Perry Warjiyo menekankan bahwa CCP khusus derivatif Suku Bunga Nilai Tukar (SBNT) siap diimplementasikan guna mengakselerasi pendalaman Pasar Uang dan Pasar Valuta Asing.


00:00Indonesia officially has a Central Contra Party, or CCP.
00:08The Consortium of Central Contra Party, or CCP,
00:11is an institution that manages the financial market and the foreign exchange market in Indonesia.
00:14It will be a bridge-building institution,
00:16providing liquidity transactions,
00:18both in the financial market and foreign currencies.
00:20In addition, the existence of the CCP is expected to boost the volume of the financial market
00:24and foreign currencies.
00:30The Bank of Indonesia, together with the Financial Services Authority,
00:34and the Indonesian Stock Exchange,
00:36officially launched the Central Contra Party, or CCP.
00:41This launch includes eight banks that are participating.
00:45The formation of the CCP is the 4th Law of 2023
00:51on the development and strengthening of the financial sector
00:54and the security of the Financial Stability Board G20 to its members.
01:01The Indonesian Bank Governor, Periwarjio,
01:04affirmed that the presence of the Central Contra Party
01:07gives the benefit of the form of money market and foreign currency transactions
01:11which is more efficient.
01:13Thus, the volume of transactions and liquidity is greater,
01:17the determination of the flow rate and exchange rate is more effective,
01:20and the main market players will be more active.
01:24It will be formed because the confidence of the international community will enter
01:29and the inflow will also enter.
01:32So, the first message in the message today,
01:35Alhamdulillah, let's wait a little longer,
01:38CCP derivative, SPMT, officially.
01:43We will launch and start to operate.
01:47Second, our CCP, SPMT, is a qualified CCP.
01:59I have said that I am Buddhist.
02:04I will not be formal.
02:07If starting from Friday night, starting today,
02:11CCP, SPMT is not qualified.
02:15And Alhamdulillah, Buddhism with Mr. Doni,
02:17working over the weekend together,
02:19eight banks and PEPE,
02:21preparing everything.
02:24What is the most important of this?
02:28One, the construction permit, capital distribution, everything is done.
02:33In terms of institution, business, everything is done.
02:37The Chairperson of the Commissioners' Council, OJK Mahendra Sirekar,
02:40estimates that the existence of the CCP will be beneficial
02:44for the financial services industry in Indonesia,
02:47especially in mitigating the risk of the opponent's credit
02:51and increasing efficiency in the clearing process
02:54and the completion of derivative transactions.
02:58This is a manifestation of the strengthening of risk mitigation
03:02and the fulfillment of good management standards
03:05and in accordance with international best practices.
03:09In line with what has been done to PEE as the third CCP
03:13from the European Securities and Market Authority, or ESMA,
03:17for business lines,
03:19insurance clearing institutions in the capital market sector.
03:24The formation of the Central Counterparty
03:26is one of the efforts to deepen the financial market
03:29and derivative balance in the country.
03:32Because since the global financial crisis,
03:35Indonesia does not have a CCP
03:37for the exchange rate and exchange value derivative transactions,
03:40or CCB-SBNT, which is a close-out netting.
03:45The Central Counterparty was formed to develop hedging
03:48or protection from the risk of investment losses.
03:52In addition, the Central Counterparty can make transactions
03:56in the financial market more efficient
03:58and make the volume bigger.
04:01Jakarta Herutri Yuniarto, IDX Channel.
04:05For more information, visit
