Commodity of the Day (03/10/2024)

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Harga batu bara kembali melemah, setelah produksi untuk pembangkit tenaga listrik di Eropa mengalami penurunan. Harga emas menguat tipis ditengah penantian data ekonomi Amerika lanjutan, Sementara harga minyak mentah menguat diatas 1%, mencermati konflik Israel dan Iran yang memasuki babak baru.


00:00Information on the commodity price of coal is weakening again after the production to power the electric power in Europe experienced a decline.
00:07The gold price is weakening in the midst of waiting for the economic data of the United States.
00:11Meanwhile, the price of crude oil is strengthening above 1%, respecting the conflict between Israel and Iran, which has entered a new phase.
00:23The world's coal price is weakening again after the production of coal to power the electric power in Europe is decreasing.
00:30Official data from the Independent Power Transmission Operator, or IPTU.
00:34And the Green Tank analysis in September noted that the number of hours of combustion without the use of coal, coal or lignite, most achieved a record of 463 hours or 64.3%.
00:46Based on the refinitive data in the local time trade, the world's coal price of Acuan Newcastle fell 1%, to the level of USD 140.25 per ton.
00:57In three days of trading, the price of coal has risen by 3.3%.
01:03The gold price is weakening after the release of 1% in Rabu, when the market is waiting for further economic signals from the United States and the development of the conflict in the Middle East.
01:13The strengthening of the US dollar as another safe asset, also suppresses the rapid rise of gold.
01:19Based on the refinitive data from Thursday morning, the world's gold price in the sports market was USD 2,660.64 per troy ounce, or up 0.11%.
01:30Over the past year, the gold price has risen by 28%. Still close to the highest record of USD 2,685.42 per troy ounce.
01:40The world's coal price rose by 1% in the middle of the market players in the Israel-Iran conflict, this is still a new wave.
01:47Based on the refinitive data in the local time trade, the world's coal price in the sports market was USD 2,680.42 per troy ounce, or up 0.11%.
02:00The US dollar, or WPI, increased by 1% to USD 70.79 per barrel.
02:07However, in the midst of the hot conflict, the increase is not suspected in the oil supply, while the United States limits the increase in oil prices.
02:14Reporting from ITX News.
02:16Updates on the price movement that was reported by our team this afternoon in West Indonesia.
02:29You can see the graph on your TV screen.
02:32The crude oil price is still rising, where WTI increased by 1.64% to USD 71.25 per barrel.
02:41Nickel increased by 0.29% to USD 18,272 per metric ton.
02:51Gold also increased by 0.17% to USD 2,674 per troy ounce.
02:57While the CPO weakened by 0.71%, but still able to survive above the level of Rp 4,177 per ton.