5 Bulan Deflasi Berkat Pemerintah Turunkan Volatile Food

  • 17 hours ago
Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) mengumumkan, deflasi pada September 2024 sebesar 0,12% secara bulanan, deflasi ini menjadi yang kelima kalinya secara berturut-turut. Kalangan ekonom menilai, deflasi 5 bulan berturut-turut menjadi sinyal kuat bahwa daya beli tengah mengalami penurunan.

Menko Perekonomian, Airlangga Hartarto mengatakan, deflasi yang terjadi saat ini diiringi dengan penurunan angka inflasi, di mana terdapat ex-expor oleh pemerintah dalam menurunkan volatile food.


00:00The Central Statistics Agency announced a deflation in September 2024 of 0.12% per month.
00:06This deflation is the fifth time in a row.
00:09Economists estimate that the five-month-in-a-row deflation is a strong signal that the purchasing power is declining.
00:19The government is asked to monitor the spike in price declines or deflation that occurs every five months.
00:25In the latest report by the Central Statistics Agency, a deflation of 0.12% also occurred in the September 2024 period.
00:33Minister of Finance Erlang Gahartarto said the current deflation is accompanied by a decrease in inflation,
00:40where there is an extra effort by the government to reduce volatile food.
00:45One of them is to maintain large stocks made by the government by importing.
00:50According to him, this is a result of the hard work of the central and regional governments.
00:54We also continue to promote growth with the engine of growth,
00:59which is mainly related to food security.
01:04Food security is important because food security will determine inflation.
01:10Recently, the media has been often talking about inflation and deflation,
01:15because the main inflation for the government is core inflation.
01:19If the core inflation grows, the economy will grow.
01:23If the economy grows by 5%, the core inflation will grow.
01:26What the government is fighting for is volatile food.
01:29Volatile food is fought through TPIP.
01:35On the other hand, according to Erlangga, the current condition of Indonesia's inflation is in good condition as long as it is still within the target,
01:41which is within the range of 2.5 plus minus 1%.
01:44The government itself continues to try to suppress inflation because the most important thing is the growth of inflation.
01:50Moreover, the price of food is quite large in terms of inflation.
