Apindo: Deflasi Jangan Ganggu Pertumbuhan Ekonomi

  • 17 hours ago
Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia atau Apindo merasa khawatir, dengan adanya penurunan daya beli masyarakat dibalik deflasi yang dialami selama 5 bulan berturut-turut. Ketua Umum Apindo, Shinta Widjaja Kamdani menyebutkan, deflasi memang menjadi tanda baik dari penurunan harga pangan yang belakangan ini mengerek inflasi, namun kontribusi daya beli masyarakat juga menjadi kunci utama dari pertumbuhan perekonomian nasional.


00:00On the other hand, the chairman of the Association of Indonesian Employers, or APINDO, is worried about the decline in the people's purchasing power
00:06due to the deflation that has been experienced for the past five months in a row.
00:10The chairman of APINDO, Sinta Wijaya Kamdhani, said that deflation is indeed a good sign of the decline in food prices that have recently driven inflation.
00:18However, the contribution of the people's purchasing power is also the main key to the growth of the national economy.
00:24The chairman of APINDO is worried that the decline in the people's purchasing power will affect the economic growth in the future.
00:54As we have seen, there is a deflation, and then our inflation is also very controllable.
00:58But how does it affect the people's purchasing power?
01:01Because we have seen that the domestic market is the main key in our economy.
01:09And this is also reflected in our PMI manufacturing,
01:13that the demand plays an important role and the domestic demand is much greater.
