Meteor: First Impact (2022) (ENG) HD

  • l’altro ieri
Meteor: First Impact - A scientist races the clock in an attempt to save Earth from a series of deadly meteor attacks.
00:02:53I know what you're gonna say. Why'd you move the satellite transponders?
00:02:58Do I need to ask the question again
00:03:02It's not that big a deal are you joking
00:03:05Because even if you are it isn't funny what you did is a federal crime
00:03:09So give me a little help here bill. Can you explain to me? What the hell you were doing?
00:03:12Those antennas were pointed in the wrong direction
00:03:15Okay, here's a month's worth of research on the Artemis belt. All right
00:03:19Now we know those meteors are headed towards Earth, but up until now we've been blind as to when and where
00:03:25All right, it's all right here just look shit bill
00:03:28Leaving everything else aside, which we can't are you out of your mind, you know, the US government monitors those goddamn satellites
00:03:35The NSSDs already called me three times this morning
00:03:38They're sending someone out right now and you want me to come at them with New Mexico is gonna be destroyed by a meteor
00:03:45That is the truth
00:03:47It's called an impact winner
00:03:49If you would just look even if that's true, don't you think they would be first in line to know about it?
00:03:54Not you not if you're looking in the wrong direction
00:03:58Okay, I'm sorry look
00:04:01Maybe this is a good thing. Is that another joke?
00:04:04Are you a stand-up comic now, but you suck at being funny. It's an opportunity at an audience
00:04:10Okay, so what's the national level needs to listen to this?
00:04:13We're talking drastic decreases in global temperature mass extinctions upon countless species including ours
00:04:22He's here
00:04:24Shit he's here. I
00:04:27Haven't had to wear a fucking tie since 9-eleven
00:04:31Hey, I just need five minutes, please. That's not gonna happen
00:04:34You're gonna wait inside when our conversation ends. You better hope you're not taken out of here in handcuffs
00:05:15So leave your badge with Brenda take a long vacation I
00:05:21Don't understand you don't understand I
00:05:25Saved your ass from going to jail
00:05:27think of this as a
00:05:29early retirement enjoy the mountains
00:05:33What about my research? What about Artemis if we're faced with an impact? Oh your fucking voice impact winner
00:05:41We're talking total global freeze the dust and the debris from the impact. We're gonna block out the Sun's radiation
00:05:45It's gonna make an impossible heat up the atmosphere. You're still here
00:05:47Listen bill
00:05:50You ever heard the expression quit while you're ahead
00:05:54Do me a favor and just do what I ask
00:05:57ungrateful prick
00:06:43Has anyone seen Haley Haley your niece I
00:06:46Haven't seen her since the bouquet toss. I don't want her to miss the finale
00:06:50I know where she is last time. I saw her she's in the bathroom arguing with somebody on her cell phone
00:06:57She said something about a meteor a meteor. Yeah, seriously. She says I'm about him
00:07:03Listen, do you not worry today is your day? I will go find Haley. Thank you
00:07:10That's weird, huh
00:07:21I'm Judd. You're being a little paranoid. What's that noise? I
00:07:27Told you I'm in Vegas right Nicole's wedding Vegas Haley. Listen to me 15 hours a meteor is gonna hit and you're not safe in, Nevada
00:07:36Dad you know, I don't have time to argue with you. I'm leaving the office meet me at the cabin as soon as you can
00:07:47Yeah, sure, all right, I'll be there
00:10:31What what is it what happened you forgot I
00:10:38Didn't forget I just figured with work and the images we have to analyze
00:10:43Now maybe could celebrate the anniversary this weekend
00:10:53What do you change right now our anniversary is next month I
00:11:01Know that
00:11:05Haley she didn't get into Stanford. Oh
00:11:15Stanford was a reach anyway, so she really wanted this
00:11:21She wanted to go to the same school you graduated from you know that
00:11:28Didn't even call to ask if the letter came in what I
00:11:33Lost track of time
00:11:38You and LV Seton Hall is still a good choice great backup, right?
00:11:46Kel this Artemis thing
00:11:51Changed my life
00:11:54Our lives
00:11:56Our lives
00:11:59If I'm right on this I have Ken's desk by the holidays she doesn't care about Ken's desk bill
00:12:05Good and you know what as a matter of fact neither do I?
00:12:09God you've been just
00:12:12You have spent half of your daughter's senior year
00:12:15Just making empty promises to the both of us. How long do you expect us to sit by and just accept it?
00:12:22What you said believe in me
00:12:30I don't know
00:12:37What I do know is that she'll blame you for the split
00:12:42You know
00:12:44And then sure isn't both of us for whatever happens after that
00:12:47I'll make time for this we're not gonna get a divorce
00:12:54What's that
00:12:57Call your daughter okay, she she needs to know you still give a shit
00:14:01Dad wait
00:14:04Yeah, I called the office to let you know I was running late
00:14:07Ken Hall said your phone was off
00:14:09You called Ken. Yeah, there's too much shit going on for your phone to be off
00:14:14Here's footage of white sands this morning, which is part of the Chihuahuan desert and is mostly uninhabited
00:14:21You can see the catastrophic devastation of a meteor hit
00:14:25again, this is
00:14:27Nothing to be concerned about but authorities will keep us informed on if anything else happens this morning
00:14:33Just incredible footage of a meteor strike. We've been playing it over and over all morning. I
00:14:39Didn't know who else to call
00:14:41Where was this?
00:14:43An hour north of white sands
00:14:48What's wrong
00:14:50White sands. Yeah, the Chihuahuan desert. Why it's exactly where I said the first impact would hit
00:14:58Nothing's out there. No one was injured. I know that Haley, but this is just the beginning
00:15:03There'll be more meteors and more impacts
00:15:05And they're gonna be closer to more densely populated areas
00:15:08Well, shouldn't you get back to the office? Maybe tell someone about this
00:15:14What did you do I
00:15:16Got fired
00:15:18Fired I did my best to warn everybody what was gonna happen, but they let me go
00:15:25Three weeks before tuition is due
00:15:28Got more pressing issues at hand Haley like what like me not going to college next semester problems
00:15:33Like what like me not going to college next semester problems
00:15:38Like no one going to college ever
00:15:41Okay, well, what are you gonna do I
00:15:46Need to warn people a lot of people all at once
00:15:49That final wave hits the mountain range. We're in deep shit
00:15:52You can't just put that kind of thing up on YouTube and expect millions of people to take you seriously
00:15:59That's a good idea. That's exactly what we're gonna do
00:16:02Dad, no, it was an asteroid
00:16:05Okay, fine. It was a small meteor that landed in the middle of an empty desert
00:16:11Don't you think you're making a mountain out of a molehill? You're not listening to me. I
00:16:15Need to tell people to evacuate the city if I'm right Albuquerque is next followed by the mountains
00:16:21Okay, well do what you need to do but you're gonna have to find somewhere else to go all ballistic doomsday this weekend
00:16:27Well, why what's wrong with here?
00:16:29You don't remember
00:16:31Lucas came up here with me this weekend before he leaves for Aspen Lucas
00:16:36You had to make a stop
00:16:37He's in the car. And before you say I never told you about this. I can show you the text messages, but Lucas
00:16:45That's my name. Don't wear it out
00:16:47Lucas what a pleasant surprise
00:16:51Why don't you put the bags in the guest room for us you got it, babe? Oh and mr. Z
00:16:56Haley told me all about your job man. Awesome. I would hate to lose something like that
00:17:02I like I said, I can show you the text messages
00:17:08All right, I have to go but I'll be back
00:17:11Do me a favor. Promise me. You'll stay put stay inside
00:17:15Lucas can go out if he wants to though. Why him?
00:17:20Because I think he's a loser and I don't care what happens to him
00:17:49Was on important phone call hang it up kid
00:17:52Mr. Zito I told you that you cannot be in here now. Don't you believe me? What do you think's gonna happen next?
00:17:57You want people to die kid? I'll call you back. What the hell are you doing here? I'm gonna call the police
00:18:01Do you want me to call the place? Thank you, Brenda. It'll be fine
00:18:08You know, I can have you thrown in jail just for calling up here you have to leave like now
00:18:13Twelve hours from now kid two more strikes one in Albuquerque the one after that in the snow caps
00:18:18I don't even tell you what kind of damage that's gonna do. What do you want me to do a bill?
00:18:24Evacuate the city evacuate the city. Are you nuts? I don't have the authority to do that. You worked here for six years
00:18:30Don't tell me you already forgotten how we paid the rent
00:18:33Your name is gonna be all over the headlines as a guy who had this information and turn a blind eye to it
00:18:38Information this shit is far from confirmed. My day is accurate. We just listen to what I'm telling you kid
00:18:44Your son your son he's a sophomore up in Carrington, right
00:18:48What's your point and be real fucking careful what you say next?
00:18:53evacuate the city
00:18:56Can evacuate the city
00:18:58I used to my fucking time
00:19:58Didn't come back last night I did
00:20:06It was late didn't want to wake him. Well, did you get anyone's attention?
00:20:13Not really
00:20:15Well, maybe you're wrong about this one fingers crossed
00:20:21You're really worried about this, aren't you attract Artemis for six years
00:20:29Where's Lucas
00:20:46There is
00:21:12Sir you need to see this
00:21:20Individuals within a 90 mile radius of the city of Albuquerque to stay indoors and be with their families
00:21:26Stay tuned for more breaking news as it comes. We'll be here detailing the meteor attack on Albuquerque. Should I call someone?
00:21:35Give me C though
00:21:50Yeah, I'm watching it right now
00:21:53Yeah, I can be there in two hours. I'm on my way
00:21:56What's going on? Lab has been destroyed
00:21:59Artemis is getting closer. I gotta go into town
00:22:02Right now it just looks safe to head into the city. I don't have time to argue with you about this. Okay
00:22:07the next round of impacts
00:22:10I'm gonna be much worse
00:22:11You can't just leave me here alone. Well, you have Lucas. God damn it. Where'd you say he was?
00:22:25Lucas Lucas
00:22:34Shit what's wrong?
00:22:38Phone isn't working something's up
00:22:41Go back to the house. Check it out. See if he's there
00:22:46How are you dipshit?
00:23:23Anything how in front lines are out at the house
00:23:29No sign of Lucas nothing dad are we gonna do
00:23:38How important is this kid to you dad I love him
00:23:42I'm gonna get my rifle
00:25:42Lucas Lucas
00:25:51He's only been gone a couple hours again gotten too far on foot
00:25:54Especially if he has no idea where he's going
00:25:57I'm thinking
00:25:58We don't patrol here or here either ones a hike. So when you get moving run out of time
00:26:04Running at a time before what?
00:26:08More strikes won't be safe out in the open
00:26:11My predictions are correct. The animals in this area gonna get very confused and very angry. So Lucas isn't safe either way
00:26:17I've got about
00:26:19Eight hours till the real fun starts so we stick together and find them as quickly as possible. Yes, no wondering off
00:26:25As time goes by we won't have any idea what's happening out there. So stay close understood
00:26:30Say it loud, so I know you hear me
00:26:33Yes, I understand we stick together at all times
00:31:00Is it is it Lucas
00:31:05It's a wolf it's close by we need to find your boy come on
00:32:03What is it
00:32:06It's been an hour since we left
00:32:09That son's gonna go down soon
00:32:13What kiddo I know you're infatuated with this kid, but
00:32:17At some point that's not happening
00:32:21It won't be safe for us. Once that Sun goes down. You understand what I'm saying?
00:32:24So what we just leave Lucas here to die because you're too chicken shit to be outside when he gets dark
00:32:28That's not what I meant
00:32:30He could be lost. He could be dead
00:32:37What do you see in this kid anyway
00:32:39He's kind to me
00:32:43All the doctor's appointments all the therapy and Lucas was a cure all along who would have thought
00:32:48Mom liked him. She said he made her think of you when you two first met
00:32:57You met your mother Thanksgiving a week before she left really
00:33:57Help me, please
00:34:11No stopping, okay, you're mad
00:34:18You always clam up when you get mad. What is it?
00:34:22We can't go on walking in silence like this, so whatever you have to say say it
00:34:26Go on took him to see your mother. Here we go
00:34:30That's something you do when you're engaged. You're not engaged. Are you know, but what if I was that isn't your decision and just you know
00:34:37Mom was fine with it
00:34:39She thought he was a perfect gentleman. Don't so whatever problems you have with Lucas get over it dad
00:34:46It's my life, I'm trying to save your life you couldn't save mom's life and I don't need you to save mine
00:34:58Is that what you think happened I
00:35:01Just let her go that I allowed that to happen
00:35:05If you do I feel very sorry for you I
00:35:10Wasn't there as I couldn't bring myself to see it
00:35:16Thought it'd be less real somehow
00:35:19We all know I was wrong
00:35:23And I'm sorry again
00:35:26Trust me. It's gonna haunt me a lot longer than you look. No, you look I'm going back. I
00:35:31Know Lucas is important. You've got millions of people are gonna die if I don't help them
00:35:35I'm not expecting you to understand that but I'm asking you to try
00:35:40Now enough, let's go
00:39:25Haley Lucas
00:40:02He just looks at me with that oily Russian smile
00:40:08Push the wall. Oh
00:40:11Ken Ken is absolutely useless. You know, he might as well come out say he's on his side
00:40:17the fact of the matter is
00:40:21That research isn't his
00:40:23You can't own facts, you know
00:40:27You can't put a monopoly on the solar system and what's happening inside of it
00:40:35Are you listening to me?
00:40:38Haley went to see a movie with Lucas
00:40:42Okay, you hear what I said about this asshole in the office unbelievable
00:40:46Yes, I heard you but you really need to just stop talking and listen to what I have to say. I
00:40:57Asked Haley to leave for the night because um
00:41:05Test came back in from the doctor's office and
00:41:10Well, I went down there this afternoon I left you message I guess Brenda didn't tell you about it
00:41:16No, of course, Brenda didn't tell me about it. What is it?
00:41:20The tumor has metastasized
00:41:26Testicides the cancer has spread to another part of my body
00:41:31I know what it means, babe. Which part?
00:41:35My brain
00:41:46Can they operate
00:41:55The hospital administrator called an hour ago
00:41:58They can try to remove the lump from my thyroid but it isn't covered by our medical insurance
00:42:07No, that's a mistake we have major medical you're fully covered I called the insurance company
00:42:13They don't consider an elective procedure. This isn't a facelift. We're talking about
00:42:18Alright, it's a county hospital. They can't refuse care. I don't want to argue with you. I'm just telling you what they said
00:42:28They won't cover the bill what options do we have
00:42:37How much
00:42:40Kel how much
00:42:51You know, the only other option is we can we can just transfer my files to regional no, absolutely not
00:42:57Your doctor is a top oncologist in the state. We're not gonna lose him to save money
00:43:01Then what do we do? Okay, I
00:43:04Haley starts school in six weeks. You can go to community college. I can't ask her to do that. Why not?
00:43:11You know me teachers with degrees are working at Walmart by choice because it pays better. She'll understand she won't understand
00:43:17There's no fucking learn to try
00:43:28You know, there's one other thing to consider
00:43:33That we do nothing
00:43:37You know just
00:43:40Make me as comfortable here at home as we can. I think they called it quality of life
00:43:51The doctor thinks that
00:43:53Since my brain is considerably beyond the point of corrective surgery
00:44:02We should we should start thinking of
00:44:10We just start start thinking of ways to say goodbye
00:44:17Yes, you know maybe take a trip
00:44:20Maybe take a trip
00:44:23Make it a happy time
00:44:30You're not gonna die, all right
00:44:34I'll fix it
00:44:38Don't say bye
00:44:41Okay, I
00:44:45Won't take no for an answer
00:45:06Haley wake up Haley
00:45:11What's going on? Can you move your arms hands anything?
00:45:18I'm stuck
00:45:23Can walk or wait back and forth I think we can scoot over that counter. Can you see it?
00:45:29Are you hurt?
00:45:31I'm fine
00:45:34I'm bleeding
00:45:37Me too
00:45:39Who did this I don't know what you just do as I say, okay
00:45:44Okay, ready this one rock on three one
00:45:59You know why I am here
00:46:05Interesting research
00:46:10Tell me what you want
00:46:17Know what I want
00:46:22You really don't remember who I am do you
00:46:26Liar dad quietly
00:46:41Know I had a daughter once
00:46:46She was not much younger than you when she was killed
00:46:52Did you know in my country you would be considered old enough to marry tell me what you want
00:46:59Talk to me
00:47:04Artemis that's what it was. Yes. The nose was showing the initial onslaught. Yes
00:47:11Yes, Artemis wasn't me. I know what Artemis is
00:47:15And not because I just read six years of your research while you were tied to a fucking chair
00:47:26I know you I
00:47:29Knew what Artemis was even before you came to work at the CSR dad. What the hell is he talking about?
00:47:38Your father must be getting old to have lost his memory it's such a young age
00:47:44You know this guy. Do you want to tell the girl or would you like me to?
00:47:50Yeah, I know
00:47:52He's just a former disgruntled employee
00:47:56You stole my life's work you ruined me dad. What's going on? You're scaring me
00:48:02Don't listen to him. He's full of shit. Always has been your father is a thief and a liar
00:48:08He stole my life research on Artemis and pissed it off as his own. He's fine
00:48:14Call me a fucking liar again
00:48:17I'm not a liar. I'm not a liar. I'm not a liar. I'm not a liar
00:48:21I'm not a liar. I'm not a liar. I'm not a liar
00:48:26And I appeal the flesh from her face. All right. All right
00:48:30Let her go we talk. Yeah, we talk. Tell me what you want. I
00:48:38Want what you stole from me I want what's mine
00:48:42Jesus has nothing to do with this
00:48:45Don't you think it's a little late for all that
00:48:49Millions of people are gonna die
00:48:52We will all die knowing that I am the man who discovered Artemis not you
00:48:59How there is a telecommunications station two hours from here
00:49:04We make the call from there
00:49:07No power
00:49:09The station runs off a gasoline generators
00:49:14We live soon before the Sun goes down
00:49:17And you know this how you've been there your lack of faith in me is insulting
00:49:24What if I refuse, huh?
00:49:27What if I say fuck it we're all gonna die. Anyway, why give me the satisfaction because if you refuse I
00:49:36Will kill Lucas no, no
00:50:52Even still alive
00:50:56That depends on what don't waste your time
00:51:00Man's a psychopath. Look who's done
00:51:02It depends on how often you insist on stopping to ask if he's still alive. I have a right to know
00:51:10He's a life enough
00:51:12The more time we waste the less I can guarantee you'll still find him that way
00:51:16Hey, hey
00:51:54Know stopping we need a break. We need water
00:52:24Said we need a break 30 minutes. You heard her half an hour
00:52:32He's your friend what you do at the time he has left is up to you
00:52:36Does it hurt I'm all right. Do you think he's telling the truth?
00:52:44You'll understand kid I was trying to make a name for myself when your mother got ill
00:52:56We didn't have any money for medical
00:53:00hospital bills
00:53:02I was scared and I fucked up
00:53:14Just have to live with that and I have lived with it so I could watch you grow up. I
00:53:23Always thought I could save dad
00:53:25You were always trying to save the world. I
00:53:28Always thought I could save the world
00:53:31I always thought I could try save your mother
00:53:39What about Lucas
00:53:45Pretty far out. We don't find him soon. It doesn't look good. I
00:53:56Understand why he did what you did I
00:54:00Love Lucas, and if there's any chance that he's still alive and breathing out here
00:54:07I'm gonna do whatever it takes to save him
00:54:23Keep moving no my brakes your friends life depends on it go go
00:54:39No more fucking brakes keep moving
00:54:50Go move go
00:55:19I need to take a leak
00:55:28Why would we do that? I thought we were gonna make the call first. Yeah, what if we make the call?
00:55:32He doesn't tell us where he is. There's two of us one in I
00:55:35don't know if
00:55:37we try and we don't get the gun and
00:55:40He kills one of us
00:55:42then we don't get to Lucas and
00:55:45This is all for nothing. Yeah, but the call will be pointless if there's no one on the other end to answer it you understand
00:55:52Stop what is it now? I
00:55:57Hear you whispering
00:55:59Planning something is that a question fucking fuck with me. We were just talking about Lucas
00:56:06What about it?
00:56:07We need some assurance. He's alive
00:56:09We make the call I give you the coordinates
00:56:12How far away is he from the comm building no more questions move no bullshit
00:56:17I need you to be straight with us here. She wants drink. I
00:56:22Only need you for this you wouldn't do that
00:56:41Get the guy
00:57:28Where's the boy
00:58:42What's wrong
00:58:47Frank called trust papers will be here in the morning. Yeah, like we discussed
00:58:58No need to sign you up to it
00:59:05Still works
00:59:09There's a conference in Santa Fe
00:59:11I told kidding to go on without me
00:59:15You should go
00:59:18I'll make it through the weekend. I know that
00:59:23But it's done I'm staying no
00:59:28You don't have to be okay with this
00:59:35I'll never be okay with this
00:59:47Can I ask you a question this thing with the Russian at work, what about it
01:00:01You already know this but if your actions in this life don't live up to who you are
01:00:08Then you really haven't done anything
01:00:21You know
01:00:23That thinking you're doing the right thing and actually doing it
01:00:29Are two different things
01:00:33You need rest
01:00:35You can't marry again, you know, I'll haunt your dreams if you do
01:02:15You're right
01:02:18Did you mean what you said back there
01:02:22You said that we were all gonna die
01:02:26Haley don't do that. Don't waltz around me like I'm 10 years old just answer the question
01:02:35No one survives impact winner
01:02:37No one
01:02:39Then what's the point?
01:02:41Because it's dead
01:02:43We don't know that
01:02:45Let's go to the comm building
01:02:47Radio out. See if there's any help out there. Anybody can help us look for him. But what if it's like you said?
01:02:51What if no one's there to answer?
01:02:53Try my best to stay on top of the situation. All right
01:02:57Almost there, sweetheart. Let's keep moving. I
01:03:05Only blamed you because I needed to believe that someone killed her and not some stupid disease
01:03:16It was wrong for me to hold you responsible for that, I'm so sorry I
01:03:23Know you loved her as much as I did
01:03:29Let's keep moving
01:04:36Come on go go go
01:05:53What is this place
01:05:56It's an old weather center
01:05:58It's nothing here
01:06:01There's got to be a radio find something I
01:06:10Found it
01:06:15Somebody please come in
01:06:22Is there anybody there
01:06:25Is there anybody reading me over
01:06:30You're right
01:06:32There's nothing here
01:06:34No, I don't understand
01:06:37Wait, I don't understand
01:06:41It's a goddamn fallout shelter
01:06:44Why did he lead us here?
01:06:50It's funny why did he lead us here
01:06:53You win you win
01:06:56As he laid there dying he whispered you win
01:07:01You win what does that even mean he knew this was the only place you could survive what's happening out there
01:07:08He was gonna write it out down here
01:07:19Stay right behind me
01:07:34Stay close
01:08:00Think's going on out there
01:08:13Hey, oh no, no, it's me
01:08:28Tripped but the Russian guy. He touched me up. Huh? Hey, mr. Z bitching gun
01:08:37The Russian
01:08:39Croatian Russian, I don't know that part of the world just bleeds together
01:08:42How'd you get in here Lennox brought me here after he patched me up. He said he was going down the hill to look for you
01:08:49Strange guy if you ask me
01:08:50Really cool accent though
01:08:52Any idea if we can use any of this stuff
01:08:54I got only a little bit of it working off a little battery power
01:08:57We have the radio is a little spotty, but the PC can run Morse code if we need it to Morse code in DOS
01:09:02Yeah, you know Morse code. Yeah
01:09:05Eagle scouts Lucas you're just full of surprises
01:09:08My guess is don't answer back, huh? Nothing yet, but I found a freezer full of food. We can wait it out food water
01:09:15For at least six months. Yeah
01:09:17There's three of us
01:09:19I'll tell you what Lucas
01:09:21Let's get something to eat first and then we'll start on these messages
01:09:24Wait, wait, wait to who?
01:09:27Anybody who'll listen?
01:09:31Whoa, how'd you end up logging into the mainframe? Oh easy. I just figured out the cipher cipher how
01:09:46Okay, a
01:09:47Model alphabetic sub cipher maps individual letters to plaintext, right?
01:09:51So everything's on a one-to-one basis as in every instance of plaintext. There's a matching cipher letter for it get stuff
01:09:58Okay, so see this plaintext here in here. All I had to do to in cipher the firewall was just to create a shift map
01:10:06Entered as a password
01:10:08I'm in Jesus Lucas English. Sorry. Okay, I took every instance of plaintext matched it to a cipher letter from a table
01:10:15I created like I said candy from a baby
01:10:18How'd you know how to do that? Oh the internet. Oh
01:10:21You read about on the internet. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's really interesting makes sense first cipher was for what Julius Caesar
01:10:26It was just simple shift mapping, but it was still complex where it's time
01:10:30Okay. So what's the password?
01:10:33It's a weird one
01:10:43Like the skateboard we went to the Warped Tour that one time
01:10:46Lucas I may have seriously underestimated you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry to about the whole end-of-the-world thing
01:10:56And your job
01:11:00But none of that matters now because well
01:11:13Artemis sent earth into an impact winner
01:11:16Just as Linux predicted
01:11:19In just seven hours after the tops of the mountains were struck the surface temperature fell 30 degrees never returning above freezing again
01:11:28We were never supposed to prevent Artemis from destroying our planet we were only meant to survive
01:13:49Testing testing
01:14:02No small blips on the radar nothing to brag about
01:14:08Transmissions same as yesterday
01:14:12You see anything out there
01:14:14I took about halfway down the base and Sun starting to peek through a couple more weeks. I could get lucky
01:14:23Foods running low. There's enough for three four
01:14:32Thought you were checking the tower antennas I
01:14:35Was but Lucas insisted he do it
01:14:40It's a lot of stress climbing up that far
01:14:46What the hell is going on
01:14:49Either one of you can answer me
01:14:53I'm pregnant
01:14:55Sorry, no, uh, she's pregnant. Not me. I'm the one that did the impregnating and fun. Oh, I got that. Thanks Lucas
01:15:03Well, what do you think?
01:15:05You're gonna be a grandpa. I
01:15:07Don't know why that sounds so strange
01:15:10Man, we thought you'd be mad
01:15:12But are there dad?
01:15:14Too soon. Yeah. Yeah, it's to my fault Lucas, please
01:15:18My only concern is
01:15:20Medical supplies. What if you go into labor? I am NOT trained
