General Hospital 10-3-24

  • 4 days ago
00:00Come on, let's get out of here, come on, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go,
00:28come on.
00:31No contact with the prisoner.
00:33ADA Lansing Davis, I have privileges and I'm exercising them.
00:41Hopefully it's good news.
00:45Yeah, oh I understand.
00:47Um, just, just please tell him I'll be at the gallery all day.
00:52Hey, hi Trini.
00:54Was that call about the Clark Institute piece?
00:57No, I wish.
01:00Believe me, I'd much rather be focused on keeping us in the black than keeping myself out of prison.
01:06You came.
01:08You think I wouldn't?
01:10Well, my lawyers don't exactly have the best track record with dependability.
01:14In case you haven't noticed, I'm not Scott Baldwin.
01:18And I appreciate that you haven't given up on me, because I haven't given up on me either.
01:28You'll be hearing from me if it doesn't.
01:33I guess you told him.
01:35What are you doing here? Don't you have a big fancy company to run?
01:40I do, but I was distracted when I learned that you were back to keeping secrets.
01:48Oh, so what's the occasion?
01:51Uh, just a thank you from Rocco and me for taking such good care of his mom.
01:56That's very nice of you, but I hope you know we would do it with or without the pastries.
02:01Yeah, I do know that, but it can't hurt, right?
02:05No, no, definitely, definitely not around here.
02:09Lulu's just hanging on. Has a lot to do with everybody here.
02:14You and Rocco are a huge part of that.
02:17We provide the medical care, but you guys give Lulu something to live for.
02:22Well, you're doing your part, Lulu.
02:25Staying strong, hanging in.
02:32I'm just grateful Anna and I could help.
02:35No, uh, coffee. It's not your growth.
02:39What's your name?
02:43We'll see.
02:48I think you mean cigarettes.
02:51I think you mean cigarettes.
02:54Yeah, no, I'm thinking it's the caffeine because you quit cigarettes a long time ago, but you never gave up coffee and you haven't changed a bit.
03:48You must be exhausted.
03:50Did you sleep on the plane?
03:52A little. Sleep's been in short supply lately.
03:56I can imagine.
03:58Yeah, I'm actually hungrier than I am tired.
04:02Well, you came to the right place.
04:04Yeah, I love the new name.
04:07Yeah, me too.
04:09I just hope the menu hasn't changed, though.
04:12Oh, no, Carly would never.
04:14Would never.
04:16Excuse me, can you get us a BLT with onion rings and extra pickles?
04:25You haven't turned vegetarian on me, have you?
04:28No, still a carnivore.
04:30Oh, good.
04:32How was your flight?
04:34A few bumps on the way out, but nothing flying on a WSB dime couldn't fix.
04:44You know what, let's get your food to go and I can let you into your mom's so you can crash.
04:48Oh, no, it's fine. I'm too keyed up to sleep anyway.
04:52Okay, well, just let me know if you change your mind.
04:56Yeah, I'm just glad I ran into you. I thought I was going to see what she ate earlier.
05:01I'm on my way in now.
05:03It's a little on the late side, isn't it?
05:06Making your own schedule is one of the perks of being head nurse.
05:11Wow, congratulations.
05:16Nobody better for the job.
05:19Well, I can think of one or two.
05:22And Bobby would be proud.
05:25Um, well, no, she's not going to be proud if I miss my staff meeting, so...
05:33Um, Elizabeth, um, I was kind of hoping that we could talk.
05:39Yeah, okay.
05:42I guess my nurse just can wait a few minutes.
05:47That's, um, we have a lot of catching up to do.
05:52How long were you going to hold out on me, Pop?
05:55What are you talking about?
05:58I just got a phone call. Some guy congratulating me on my father's big national concert tour.
06:06Pop, you're touring with the Wynton Marcellus Quartet.
06:10I mean, 12 cities, all the big, all the big shows.
06:15I mean, this is big time.
06:18Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, son, it's a, it's something.
06:22Who told you?
06:24Some booker called me.
06:26Said she was wondering why I didn't do more to promote you.
06:29Well, I'm sorry that you got put on the spot like that, son.
06:33No, Pop, I'm sorry if I ruined your surprise, but I was so excited I just had to come over and talk to you as soon as I heard.
06:41It's no surprise you ruined it.
06:43Not taking the gig.
06:46In terms of where I stand legally, the death of Agent Cates affects absolutely nothing.
06:52And I'm still going to be facing a trial over Christina's accident.
06:56Oh, well, I was wondering about that.
06:57And when I do, I'm going to need to step back from the gallery, and I'd like you to run it for me in my absence.
07:05I'm honored that you think I'm up for that.
07:08What? Of course.
07:10But I don't know if I could swing it and school at the same time.
07:15Trina, you're going back to PCU?
07:18It's time I put Spencer, Esme, and Heather behind me and get back to my life.
07:23After our last meeting, I was feeling a little resigned to a life in prison.
07:31Yeah, I'm sorry. Testing doesn't currently corroborate our theory.
07:36I am guessing you too took for granted that your cobalt levels would fall dramatically lower after your hip replacement was removed.
07:44Well, yeah. I mean, when I heard that it wasn't, I started envisioning a life without my grandson.
07:53But then I got a new cellmate. Your ex, no less.
08:01And what, Alexis swooped in with her ever-burgeoning optimism?
08:06Hey, you joke. But Alexis is accused of killing someone to protect her daughter.
08:11Just like me. Only difference being, Alexis was of sound mind, and I wasn't.
08:19Now look, if she thinks that she's got a chance of beating her charges and getting her life back together, why shouldn't I?
08:27Heather, you can't compare the two.
08:30Why not?
08:32Because you've been convicted of multiple murders, and as it stands, science says that it's not the result of an altered brain chemistry.
08:37Yeah, and that is a rush. I was not born a serial killer, Rick. Something made me one.
08:48Now, Lucky Spencer should be here soon for follow-up testing on his liver function.
08:52Top of the list.
08:54Good. I want his blood drawn the minute that he gets here.
08:57You got it. Anything else?
08:59Just let me know as soon as the results come in.
09:01Of course. Thank you.
09:08Oh my, I'm so sorry.
09:10Dr. Robinson.
09:17Okay, no more hugs. We're all followers from here on in.
09:27Speak for yourself.
09:29Do not exploit your position on my behalf.
09:32Okay, I'm sorry. I'm not trying to make trouble for you.
09:34I'm not worried about you making trouble for me. I'm worried about you making trouble for you.
09:38I don't want you to lose your license like your mom.
09:41You take your ethical responsibilities seriously.
09:44Okay, fine. But you need to do the same.
09:47What do you mean?
09:49It's on you now to do everything in your power to defend yourself.
09:52That's the plan.
09:54Well, not if you allow yourself to get sent to prison so that Sonny won't be.
10:05The food back at the camp wasn't exactly gourmet.
10:10And which camp was this?
10:13They're all basically the same.
10:16Well, I have to believe there's a difference if you were there by choice or being held prisoner.
10:23You really want to hear what I went through?
10:27If you treat this like some big mystery, so will everyone else.
10:31And you know that's not going to fly for some people. One person in particular.
10:37My mother.
10:40So you better get used to telling your story.
10:44Okay, this not-so-decent guy, Jen Sidwell, kidnapped my friend Isaiah.
10:54Oh, Isaiah. I met him. Dr. Gannon is quite the charmer.
11:00Did he talk about me? Did he flirt with you?
11:04Okay, back to the Sidwell guy.
11:07Right, yeah. Well, anyway, I went to bust Isaiah out and got snagged in the process.
11:15Why? I mean, I understand Isaiah's use as a physician, but why did they want you?
11:25You know what I mean.
11:26Well, it turns out Sidwell's a big gambler and we played cards. A lot of cards.
11:35Big stakes?
11:37Oh, just lives. Inconsequential things like that.
11:44Anyway, eventually Anna and Jason showed up and here I am. No big deal.
11:51I suggest you make it a big deal.
11:54It'll make your son feel better knowing that you're away for good reasons.
11:59And then it wasn't just easier to be there than here.
12:03Hey, man. Look, not to make a big thing out of it, but Rocco and I really appreciate what you did for Lula.
12:33Obviously you've spoken to Martin, who clearly doesn't understand the concept of privilege, so I might have to find myself another attorney.
12:42Martin is looking out for your best interests.
12:45His job is to give me the best defense.
12:48Well, how do you expect him to do that when you've tied his hands behind his back?
12:51Look, your best defense now is to go to trial armed with evidence that somebody else killed John Cates.
12:57The best defense is to find the gun that I disposed of so it's clear that I didn't have my hands on the murder weapon.
13:03Well, neither Sam nor the PCPD has been able to turn it up, so you're going to have to proceed as if it's not going to.
13:09I disagree.
13:11Look, I get it. If Martin points the finger at Sonny, Christina is likely to speak up or fly off the handle or both, throwing herself in the crosshairs.
13:21Did she tell you that?
13:23No, she didn't have to. It was obvious from the second you said you weren't going to let Martin defend you.
13:28But this is your future, Mom.
13:30I know that.
13:31And you're putting it on the line to protect Christina for what?
13:36Is that a real question?
13:39Real and valid.
13:41You know, deep down, that if Christina has not already ruined her life, she will soon.
13:49And then all your efforts will have been for nothing.
13:52Enough time has passed since Spencer's death.
13:56And I just have to get back to normal, or at least as close to it as I can.
14:01You have to? Or are you ready to?
14:07Maybe both. I don't know how I'll ever be ready-ready, but I've given it a lot of thought, and I talked to my mom and Aunt Stella, and they agree.
14:19They agree with what exactly?
14:21I can't only get accustomed to what feels easy. I have to push past my comfort zone.
14:29And the comfort zone is what, the gallery?
14:34I just don't want to disappoint you.
14:37You could never disappoint me, Trina.
14:41I just want you to promise me that if your needs change, you'll honor them.
14:49I would hate for you to be pressured into anything.
14:52I promise.
14:54Because you are invaluable to me, you know.
14:57As my employee, yeah, I could not run this place without you.
15:01But much more importantly, as my friend.
15:06Something was wrong with me, Rick.
15:10And that something was put right when they took out my hair replacement.
15:14I feel different. People say that I act different.
15:18There has been a change.
15:21I understand that you're anxious to get out of here and to seek compensation.
15:24No, it has never been about that.
15:27I mean, would money be nice? Yeah, sure. But only because of my grandson.
15:31This has always been about Ace.
15:34One day, my grandson is going to be old enough to understand why I went to prison.
15:41And when he does, I want him to know it wasn't because I was a killer at heart.
15:47That cannot be all I amount to in Ace's eyes.
15:51I understand.
15:53But that's why I refuse to go down without a fight.
15:56If there's any angle to be taken, we've got to take it.
16:00But I can't do that without your help.
16:06What are you doing here?
16:08I work here, remember? Terry helped me get the job.
16:12Yeah, but you're not scheduled to work this shift.
16:14You're right. I was supposed to work later.
16:17Sweet that you know my schedule.
16:19Yeah, you know, you didn't answer my question, though.
16:21Somebody called in sick. My boss asked me to come in.
16:25And you were just happy to oblige?
16:29Just trying to be a team player and a model employee.
16:33Yeah, we'll see how long that lasts.
16:36You can hate on me all you want, Dr. Robinson, and honestly, I don't blame you.
16:41But I am not going to screw this up.
16:45I owe that much to Britain.
16:48Oh, okay. So that's how you got Terry's recommendation.
16:52You played the dead best friend card.
16:59My assistant told me that you were hoping for some good news.
17:02Do your clients often hope for bad?
17:05It's a shame.
17:07No, I hit on something in Discovery concerning your statement that you made to the police at the time of Christine's fall.
17:13I may be able to get it thrown out.
17:14Well, I'd certainly like the sound of that.
17:17I thought you might.
17:19Now, if I can just have that sliver of hope for the rest of my clients.
17:23Heather Weber's not awash in good news, you don't say?
17:27I would think that having been the town pariah, that you might be a little bit more empathetic.
17:33No, not even one little bit.
17:36You know, Heather's done some horrible things, and she's the first one to admit it.
17:41Now she just wants to be treated like a human being.
17:44I know the feeling. I imagine you would too.
17:49Christina will inevitably mess up again.
17:52Don't say that. It's true.
17:54And when she does, who's going to protect her if you're rotting away in Pattonville?
17:58Well, you and Sam would look after her, wouldn't you?
18:00I won't.
18:04I can't have a relationship with Christina until she learns to take responsibility for her actions.
18:08It's one thing to tear her own life apart. It's entirely another to throw you under the bus in the process.
18:12She's not throwing me anywhere. It is my choice to protect her, and I would do the same thing for you.
18:18You wouldn't have to. I would never put you in this position.
18:21She's suffering from severe postpartum, severe post-traumatic stress.
18:25She is not in her right mind. She cannot make a sane decision.
18:29Okay, so what about the lifetime of terrible decisions that she made before she lost the baby?
18:34That's not the same thing, Molly.
18:36I'm a mother. I'm her mother. I have to protect her. I wish you would understand that.
18:43Only a mother could, right?
18:46What? Molly, that's not what I meant. Molly, I would do the same for you.
19:01I need your signature on some papers. They've been piling up.
19:06Pump, you're gonna have to help me understand something here because I am at a loss.
19:10This is what you've always wanted. To play with the best at some of the biggest stages in the country.
19:19It is. It is.
19:22So this kind of opportunity doesn't happen all the time. What if it never comes around again?
19:27Maybe it won't.
19:32But I'm definitely not gonna get another son.
19:36Wait, whoa, whoa. Pop, you're not taking this job because of me?
19:43You don't owe me an explanation. In fact, you don't owe me anything.
19:49But Aiden's a different story.
19:52He's a good kid, Bucky. And he's growing in to be a really special young man.
19:59But he's not bulletproof. All I ask is that you handle him with care.
20:07How else do you think I'd handle him?
20:11You don't know your son. And I'm not saying that to make you feel guilty.
20:18No, it's true.
20:21But I know that you didn't come back here for Aiden. You came for Lulu.
20:25And it's fine, really. I mean, I get it. I think it's wonderful. It's wonderful for her. I'm glad she has hope.
20:35But I'm not gonna assume that means you're staying.
20:40And I definitely don't want Aiden to assume that either.
20:44Well, I won't make him any promises that I can't keep.
20:51It's the least I owe you.
20:54When are you gonna see him?
20:57Today. But first, I'm due back at the hospital for some more tests.
21:06I don't suppose the head nurse would want to accompany me?
21:11Well, needles still freak you out, don't they?
21:15Very much.
21:24Jason, wait.
21:29Are you okay?
21:31Yeah, yeah. Everybody's in one piece.
21:35I think you should probably talk to Danny.
21:40Yeah, he was my next stop.
21:42And about the whole Lucky thing.
21:45Yeah, I just want to say that I'm sorry that I didn't talk to you before I left.
21:52It's probably a good idea that you didn't because I would have overreacted, trust me.
21:58As Carly, I definitely owe her an apology.
22:02Carly can handle it.
22:05About going to Africa, I should have known that you were gonna go.
22:14Why? Because Carly asked?
22:17No, it's because it's who you are and you never pretend to be anything else.
22:24And I'm grateful for that, so are Dante and Rocco.
22:30So thank you.
22:32You're welcome.
22:34And if anyone ever gives you hell for being yourself, myself included,
22:41ignore them.
22:44What else can you tell me about Aiden?
22:48I think it'll be more rewarding if you find out about your son for yourself.
22:53Fair enough.
22:56It's a beautiful job on that, by the way.
22:59Oh, thanks. Did Carly tell you I painted it?
23:05Then how did you...
23:06Then how did you...
23:08Oh, I didn't know your brush stroke anywhere.
23:20I should head upstairs to see Dante.
23:23Yeah, well, hold on. Before you go, I just wanted to say that you weren't wrong to be upset I didn't come to you before I left.
23:32Owen, you would have gone regardless.
23:34But you deserved to hear it from me, Dante.
23:37Thank you. It means a lot.
23:40It means a lot to me that you understand why I had to go.
23:55You have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and you're passing on that because of me?
24:00Look here, son.
24:02We decided together that I would run the Savoy while you stepped up at Aurora.
24:08I made a commitment to my son.
24:11Okay, Pop. Circumstances change.
24:13I'm not about to go off and play my clarinet.
24:17Something I could do perfectly well right here in Port Charles.
24:21In this very club, in fact.
24:24Not with Wynton Marcellus.
24:29Look, if this is about the Savoy, I can get somebody in here to run it.
24:35If I take this gig, I leave tomorrow for four months.
24:40Okay, I'll call Nika. She'll come in until I get somebody.
24:43Nika's in grad school. Full time.
24:46I'll do it, Pop.
24:48That's impractical, at best, and foolhardy at worst.
24:53This here club, Savoy is your baby.
24:57Aurora, that's your future.
25:00I want to be here to help you pursue your dreams.
25:04But not at the expense of your own.
25:07I owe you.
25:09Curtis, we're not going to do this, okay?
25:11We're not going to sit up here and continually feel guilty about things we can't change.
25:14I was a terrible father.
25:17And if I stand by and let you pass on this shot, I'll be a terrible son.
25:23Britt's name may have come up.
25:29Of course it did. Of course it did. I knew it. I knew it.
25:33So Dr. Randolph felt bad enough for me to give me another chance. What's the big deal?
25:38You know, I'm not surprised that you don't know the answer to that question.
25:41With all due respect, Dr. Robinson,
25:44the hiring of some lowly lab tech usually doesn't garner this much attention.
25:49Certainly not from someone as high up as you.
25:50So what do you care if I work here or not?
25:57Why are you in my bed?
26:00Hey, how was your visit?
26:03That was one of your daughters visiting you, right?
26:07Yeah, I'm not going to discuss my daughter or any other member of my family.
26:12And my case is a hard no.
26:15So I suppose the weather's off limits, too.
26:20Hey, come on. We might as well just make the best of this.
26:25Why? Because we're going to be in here for a while?
26:28Nah. You're innocent for one.
26:31And I was under the influence of Kobalts who were both getting out of here sooner or later.
26:37But let's just say that for the purposes of this convo, it's later.
26:44I know my way around here, Alexis.
26:46And you are going to need some looking out for.
26:51And what do you get in return?
26:55Lucky for me that you should ask me that because there is something I want from you.
27:04I'm not diminishing Heather's crimes.
27:07I do not know Heather, the serial killer.
27:10I only know Heather, my client.
27:12And as of now, she not only seems confused about why she did what she did, but genuinely repentant.
27:20And that does not sound like a typical murderer to me.
27:26She may not be.
27:29Well, what makes you think that? Aside from your infallible intuition, of course.
27:34The test that I had rerun at two independent labs, the numbers contradict the numbers that I got from GH.
27:43Well, I'm guessing the new numbers affirm your theory?
27:48In a word, yes.
27:52Deanna, hey, this is Bucky Spencer. We've been expecting you.
27:58Are you going to be doing this bug work?
28:00I have an exam room waiting.
28:01One last test before the green light for a liver donation.
28:05I'm ready.
28:07I'll meet up with you in a minute.
28:11It seems to be in a good headspace.
28:27How's the patient?
28:28She's hanging tough, as usual.
28:33What about you?
28:35Hey, no, I'm better. No, Lucky's here.
28:39Yeah, I saw him downstairs.
28:42I owe Jason and Anna big time.
28:45I saw him too.
28:47Yeah, I saw him earlier as well. Did you guys talk?
28:49Yeah, I saw him earlier as well. Did you guys talk?
28:52Well, he apologized for not telling me that he was leaving, and I apologized for the way I kind of reacted.
29:04So, you guys had like a real adult conversation?
29:08Yeah, it does, doesn't it? We did. Yeah.
29:11That's good.
29:13So, does this mean you two are turning a corner?
29:16I want to do right by you, son.
29:19You do?
29:21Pop, if you want to do right by me, then go show the world what an Ashford can do.
29:25Show me, your son.
29:27Show Trina and TJ.
29:29Show Aunt Stella.
29:31You know, there's no greater reward than seeing someone you love achieve their dreams.
29:47If I go, just go.
29:54That's my gift to the family.
29:58Live your life to the fullest, Pop. We'll be right there with you.
30:03What I want is something that you can't give, Bill.
30:08Something I gotta earn.
30:10Why do I have a feeling I'm going to regret asking this question?
30:16What is it?
30:18Someone who will believe in me, the way that Molly clearly does believe in you.
30:25I mean, Rick told me that she's your biggest advocate, right?
30:30I'm very fortunate.
30:32Well, I dream about something like that.
30:34Well, I dream about something like that.
30:37You know, having a smart, tough kid who'll just jump in there and fight for me.
30:42But nobody sticks up for somebody like me because, like, hey, why would they?
30:48I've made some big mistakes, Alexis.
30:53Oh, we all have.
30:56Yeah, well, you didn't give up your kids.
30:59What I would have given for a lead like you to follow early on,
31:02I mean, maybe I would have learned something.
31:05Because you, you did it right.
31:10I'm legitimately curious. Why does my presence here bother you so much?
31:33Because I'm the co-chief of staff here.
31:36And I'm responsible.
31:38Okay, I'm responsible for the patients that we treat, and I'm responsible for our employees.
31:43And you, sir, have demonstrated that you can't be responsible for anyone.
31:48Much less the work that's done in our lab.
31:51I'm not trying to cause any trouble.
31:54Okay, I just want to put in my time.
31:57I'm not trying to cause any trouble.
32:00Okay, I just want to put in my eight hours and go home.
32:04Okay, well, looks like you got seven hours to go.
32:08So after that, you know, who knows?
32:11You are on probation, right?
32:14And that's why I'm going to be the perfect employee.
32:18Now, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do.
32:30Are you okay?
32:33A high cobalt reading would mean the bad hip replacement had no impact on Heather whatsoever.
32:39That she was of sound mind when she went on her hook and spree.
32:43Yes, and a low reading would support my argument that the violence stemmed from the bad hip.
32:50And the results from GH were high, Ben.
32:52And the results from GH were high, Ben.
32:55And the independent results from these other labs, they're low.
32:59Yes, and the only outlier is the one that came from GH.
33:02Well, why aren't you breaking out the champagne?
33:05Because if I'm going to bring it to trial, then I have to account for the results from GH.
33:09And what is that? A faulty test?
33:12Oh, someone mistakenly attached numbers from a test prior to the bad hip removal?
33:19Maybe. Maybe it wasn't a mistake at all.
33:23Are you suggesting that someone at General Hospital altered Heather's test results?
33:28Come on, Rick. It wouldn't be the first time.
33:31Who would do that?
33:33Somebody who wants Heather kept behind bars.
33:37I'm so sorry, sweetheart.
33:43Are you okay?
33:47Oh, honey, I'm fine.
33:49There's just a lot going on.
33:52Around here.
33:54But what about you?
33:56You were going to talk to Ava about pulling back on your hours, right?
34:00Yeah, well, the issue is now is that I have this remedial art history class that I was supposed to take at the Sorbonne.
34:06And it's just, it's messing with my schedule.
34:09Remedial art?
34:11At least you know you'll get an A.
34:13I better.
34:16Is that Brad Cooper?
34:18Is he back at the hospital?
34:19For now.
34:23He's on stellar call as a bat egg.
34:27Brad casts a long shadow.
34:30Like Esme and Heather.
34:35But Esme and Heather, they're out of our life circuit.
34:40You win.
34:42I'll make the call and accept the offer.
34:48On two conditions.
34:52One, you and the family, y'all come hear me play.
34:58We expect the best seats in the house.
35:02And two, the second the juggling between here and Aurora gets to be too much, you call me and I come running.
35:17I will, but you won't have to.
35:22Now can I offer my dad congratulations?
35:27I'm so proud of you, Pop.
35:28I'm so proud of you, Pop.
35:32Win Marcellus!
35:33Win 10 Marcellus!
35:36Win 10 Marcellus!
35:41Thank you, son.
35:43That's my dad.
35:44That's my dad.
35:46My son.
35:48What did Rick say about your case?
35:51Well, that the COBOL testing doesn't currently support it.
35:59You use that term?
36:04Does that matter?
36:07Sounds like he might be hedging his bets.
36:10Have more tests run and maybe the results will paint another picture.
36:17You think that?
36:19Technology isn't foolproof.
36:23You know what that is, right?
36:29I'm trying to shift my perspective.
36:32Oh, really?
36:34How's that working for you?
36:35Well, it's actually a work in progress.
36:40But I realize that Jason, he did a good thing.
36:45He took a risk for Lulu and for her family, for you and Rocco.
36:53And I'm okay with that.
36:58All I want is for her to make it.
37:01All I want is for her to make it.
37:07Me too.
37:09But it's important for me that you know the person I need and the person I'd be lost without is you.
37:27I'm glad I was able to help.
37:30Now I just need Lulu to pull through.
37:38I'll see you later.
37:42How'd it go?
37:45I didn't faint.
37:47I got a juice box, so.
37:49I guess you didn't need me after all.
37:52Let's not go overboard.
37:53I should start work.
37:55See you later?
37:57Are you going to see Aiden first?
38:07Elizabeth, um, thank you for everything.
38:15I have a good feeling about all of this.
38:18So do I.
38:48I believe that I hate them.