General Hospital 10-4-24

  • 2 days ago
00:00No, I can't put my finger on it, but something is different around here.
00:23Good different or bad different?
00:25Definitely good.
00:29It's quiet.
00:31Well, the kids are all at school, and Tracy is out on a ride.
00:36Olivia's at the MetroCorp.
00:38Somehow, all of the planets have finally aligned, and we have this entire place to ourselves.
00:43Well, I have the afternoon off work.
00:46Things can't get any more aligned than that.
00:53Would you ignore that, please?
00:55I can't.
00:58It's bad at school.
01:01They're sending her home.
01:03Are you suggesting that someone at General Hospital altered Heather's test results?
01:08Come on, Rick. It wouldn't be the first time.
01:10Well, who would do that?
01:13Somebody who wants Heather kept behind bars.
01:18Lab tech?
01:24Maybe somebody who had a little bit more authority?
01:29Somebody who could go in and out of any room in the hospital without being stopped?
01:38And it's also got to be somebody who is so invested in keeping Heather in prison
01:42that they'd be willing to risk anything to keep her behind bars.
01:52Hey, Sonny. Sorry to disturb you.
01:57I know it's been a long time.
02:04And then the doctors need to do a secondary screening of Lucky's liver function
02:08to make sure everything's okay, and then they can move forward with the transplant.
02:13But Lulu's going to be okay.
02:15It's looking that way.
02:25Oh, Lucas.
02:27Hey, sis.
02:29You're looking good.
02:30Oh, and you're home.
02:45Yes, of course.
02:59Absolutely. We're on our way.
03:02Oh, Violet's fine. Physically fine.
03:05Okay, so she's not sick or hurt?
03:08Then why'd they call?
03:10She hit a boy in her class.
03:13No, Violet wouldn't do that.
03:14Her teacher saw her do it.
03:16What, so she got in a fight or something?
03:19I don't know. Violet wouldn't tell the teacher what happened.
03:22Since when does Violet not talk about anything?
03:26Something's up. I'm going to go get her.
03:28No, we'll both go.
03:29It might take the both of us to get the truth out of her.
03:33So is there someone at the hospital and the hospital staff that was maybe attacked by Heather?
03:37Because that person would definitely want to make sure that she stayed where she was.
03:41You know, Heather and her hook put me in the hospital.
03:44So I won't exactly be shedding any tears if she stays right where she is.
03:48Ava, I'm sorry.
03:49It's okay. I'm just saying that GH is a very big place.
03:53And there are probably a lot of people who aren't too excited about the prospect of running into Heather at the supermarket.
03:59Okay, that's a fair point.
04:01But if I'm going to prove that GH's tests are untrustworthy, connecting them to somebody might be helpful.
04:07Okay, well, you go ahead and try to prove your grand conspiracy.
04:11In the meantime, your client Heather will be rotten in Pennville.
04:15Not if I connect the dots real fast.
04:18Rick, if you accuse a hospital employee of tampering with a lab test,
04:23every lawyer GH has is going to come a running.
04:26And nothing about your case will move fast.
04:30So you think I should ditch the whole tampering theory?
04:37If you want things to move quickly, I think you should give GH an easy out.
04:42Just tell him up front that you think it's probably just an honest lab mistake.
04:49You do that, and the hospital is sure to agree that it was a faulty test.
04:55When did you become such an expert in legal strategy?
04:58I'm just giving you an alternative.
05:01You want to do it your way, do it your way. I don't care.
05:04I have no dog in this fight.
05:07That's what I think you do.
05:12You're protecting.
05:16Okay, come in, come in.
05:18Let me get in there.
05:20I have missed you so much.
05:22I can't wait to hear all about your life.
05:24I want pictures, videos, all of it.
05:27Especially the embarrassing stuff.
05:30That's most of it.
05:31You know what? I'm just going to reschedule.
05:33Oh, no, no, no.
05:34Don't do that.
05:35Go hang with your friend.
05:36We've got plenty of time to catch up.
05:37Well, it's going to take a lot of time to get you fully caught up.
05:42I'll block out three hours.
05:43All right.
05:45See you.
05:47I will text you.
05:50Oh, my gosh.
05:51I know we talked about you coming back for a while now.
05:53But until you text me and told me the plane had landed, I just didn't believe it.
05:57It was time.
05:58It was time.
05:59Oh, let's sit down and talk.
06:00Let's sit down and talk.
06:02So, was it hard leaving Boston?
06:05I didn't have many ties there.
06:07I mean, Boston's great, but I was working, like, all the time.
06:12It's not a life.
06:13Oh, turns out it wasn't.
06:14It made me a better doctor, but I didn't want to live like that.
06:18I miss my family.
06:19Oh, we miss you, too.
06:20We're so happy you're here.
06:22And like I said, you can stay as long as you like.
06:24Just be warned, Donna is really into crafts, and you're going to find beads and glue everywhere.
06:30Keep an eye out.
06:32But thank you.
06:33Oh, thank you.
06:34I'm so glad you're home.
06:36I know it's hard for you to be in Port Charles.
06:40I'm sorry that I didn't stick around after Mom's funeral.
06:43It's okay.
06:44I get it.
06:45I knew you would.
06:47I just want you to be okay.
06:49We'll get in there.
06:52I know you're excited about the job and everything.
06:56It's just after everything you've been through.
06:58Are you sure you're up for it?
07:02I can't tell you how happy I am that you're home safe.
07:06I'll never be able to repay Jason or Anna or Carly for everything they did to get me back here.
07:13Well, even though you got all that help, I heard it was hell to get back.
07:18I'm sure your dad would be very proud you did this for your sister.
07:23Dad might be relieved, but I'm not so sure he'd be proud.
07:28Why would you say that?
07:30Because we both know I should have been here all along.
07:53Thanks, but I still need to work on that bridge.
07:57No, that sounded perfect to me.
07:59I'm glad, but I need it to sound perfect to both of us.
08:03That's fair.
08:05Well, what are you even doing out here?
08:08It's a change of pace.
08:10It's a nice vibe.
08:12The fresh air, the sound of the birds, the wind.
08:17Kids laughing, people talking, you know.
08:21So you like to play surrounded by life.
08:27When I play outside, I feel like I'm part of this big orchestra that's always playing, but one we forget to listen to.
08:36And here I thought it was just about the acoustics.
08:39Well, I'm glad that I ran into you.
08:42I felt terrible that the performance at the gallery got cancelled.
08:45It wasn't your fault.
08:47No, but I've been working overtime to get Harry and Akai's shows back on the book, and I finally did.
08:52And I would love to rebook you.
08:58Thank you for the offer, but I have to pass.
09:04I know how much you care about Ava, but she pushed Uncle Sonny's pregnant daughter out of a window and killed her baby.
09:12I never work for that woman now.
09:18I'm not protecting anyone.
09:20If you want to continue with your heart.
09:22No, no, no, no.
09:23You know what? You're right.
09:24You're right.
09:26I don't need to find out whoever did this.
09:31Because two seconds ago you were Columbo.
09:34Now you're going to walk away.
09:35No, I'm just re-evaluating the new information.
09:41What new information, Sam?
09:42The fact that you don't want me to know who did this.
09:45I already told you.
09:46No, no, no. I'm not going to pressure you into telling me who it is.
09:52Well, that would be a waste of time.
09:54Because there isn't anyone.
09:58You know, I think I've gotten to know you pretty well here, Ava.
10:01And I know that you wouldn't stick your neck out for anybody.
10:07So this person must mean a lot to you.
10:10Guess I'm just going to have to figure out Heather's case with what I've got.
10:16See you later.
10:17See you later.
10:23Are you questioning my skills as a surgeon?
10:25Not at all. I just know it's not easy for you being back in Port Charles.
10:30When I saw the opening for a trauma surgeon at GH, I didn't even think about it. I just applied.
10:34Okay. And now that you're back?
10:36Give me a minute.
10:37Okay. Well, if there's anything I can do to make it easier for you, please let me know.
10:41Just you being here makes it easier and better.
10:46And you and the beads and the glue.
10:51Yeah, me too. Minus the beads.
10:55I think this job was the universe telling me that I can't run away forever.
11:00I don't want to be that kind of man.
11:03The man who runs from difficult situations?
11:07I know that I will never be Wiley's father.
11:10But I'd sure like a shot at uncle. I think I could really nail that.
11:14I think you'll be a great uncle.
11:17Have you talked to Michael?
11:19I emailed him and Willow before I accepted the position. They're both completely on board.
11:24You know, I know it's going to be difficult to see Wiley.
11:28But if anyone can navigate that situation, it's you.
11:32I just want what's best for Wiley.
11:33Speaking of navigating a difficult situation, have you been in touch with Brad?
11:39Oh, no. And I'm not going to be.
11:42But while we're on the subject of past relationships with the ethically challenged,
11:47what is this I hear about you and Sonny?
11:51We all make the best decisions at any particular moment.
11:55Yeah, it's just I can't help wondering how my dad might feel about me.
12:00I mean, how my dad might feel about me letting Willow waste away in that bed.
12:07If Aiden messed up, would you judge him?
12:10Of course not. I love Aiden.
12:12There's your answer.
12:14Come on, Sonny. That's just being a parent.
12:16Not all parents.
12:18Even with me.
12:20I made the same mistake with Michael and I still regret it to this day.
12:25I can tell you something about your father.
12:30He wouldn't judge you because he loved you.
12:33Thanks for saying that.
12:35I'm saying it because it's the truth.
12:37Don't beat yourself up. You're here. That's all that matters.
12:42I've got a lot of work to do. And not just the stuff through Lulu.
12:47Then do it.
12:49Have you seen Aiden?
12:51No, not yet.
12:52Not yet.
12:56I've been to some of the most dangerous places in the world.
13:01Here I am in Port Charles.
13:04Afraid to see my own son.
13:12You really won't play at the gallery?
13:15I'm sorry, Trina.
13:17My Uncle Sonny's been good to me. Maybe if Ava gets cleared, I'd consider it.
13:22It's fine. Just forget about it. If that's how you feel, I'll just ask someone else.
13:28But don't worry. I'll never ask you to play at the gallery again.
13:38Can I have an excuse to my room?
13:41Wait a minute. I want to talk about today.
13:44Look, I know you didn't want to tell your teacher what happened, but you can tell us anything.
13:49I love you like crazy, sweetie.
13:51I don't want you to get mad.
13:54You must have been pretty mad to hit that kid.
13:58What was his name?
14:02What's his story with Garth?
14:04He's a mean bully and he lies and I hate him.
14:07What did he lie about?
14:09My dad.
14:11What did he say?
14:13That my dad's a drunk.
14:15You're in town for all of two hours. How do you know what's going on with Sonny and me?
14:22I should have known.
14:24Yeah, you really should have. So?
14:26So, it's complicated. Can we just leave it at that?
14:30For now. You're going to tell me eventually.
14:35Joss also told me about Ava and Christina.
14:38Do you think Ava did what they're accusing her of?
14:39Well, I don't think Ava's innocent of anything.
14:42But to be honest, no one knows what happened in that hotel room except for Christina and Ava.
14:48And it's a whole mess right now. I mean, Molly and Christina are...
14:53You sorry you're back yet?
14:55It's a lot.
14:57I think it's good that I came back when I did.
14:59And if I sounded judgmental about your relationship with Sonny, I'm sorry.
15:03After the mess I made with Brad, I have no right to judge anyone.
15:07I understand.
15:09I know you're not going to let me off the hook that easily.
15:12Definitely not.
15:14Now, while you come up with your Sonny story,
15:18I am going to go to GH, fill out some forms, and get my new ID.
15:22I will text you on my way back.
15:24All right. I can't wait.
15:28I'm happy you're home.
15:30Our family really needs you right now.
15:33Somebody's got to keep an eye on you.
15:35I don't even know if Aiden wants to see me.
15:38Why wouldn't he want to?
15:40Because I dropped the ball, Sonny.
15:42We used to email and video chat every couple weeks.
15:46And, you know, I haven't made contact in a long time.
15:50Aiden still cares what you think.
15:52Yeah, I don't know about that.
15:54Did you care about what Luke thought about you?
15:58Yeah, more than anyone.
16:00Then that's what's got to be at the front of your mind.
16:01Not what you want to change, but what Aiden needs from you.
16:07What he needs from me?
16:09I don't even know what that is.
16:11Well, you're not going to get it by sitting here talking to me.
16:13You just got to show up, no matter how tough it is.
16:16You got to show up.
16:20All right. I'm going to go see him.
16:23He's probably in school, right?
16:26Something else I should have known.
16:28Something else I should have known.
16:32You're going to figure it out sooner or later.
16:34And then when you do, they're going to change the start times of the school.
16:39And they're going to change the vacation schedule.
16:41And then it's just going to start all over.
16:44Well, that's good to know.
16:46All right. Well, I guess I'll swing by G.H. and check up on Lulu when my buddy is there.
16:51But, um...
16:53Listen, um...
16:59I'm glad you're back.
17:01Me too.
17:03It feels good.
17:05Know what that means?
17:07That means you're supposed to be here.
17:15Yeah, I saw your ad online.
17:18I was wondering if you were still available.
17:19We're still available.
17:21Just give me a call back and we can talk details.
17:30Oh, hey, G.L.
17:32I didn't know you'd be here.
17:34Yep, I was just rehearsing.
17:36Well, I'm about to head inside and hang out with Trina.
17:38Do you want to come?
17:40It's probably not a good idea.
17:42Trina's not going to want me to be there.
17:46What do you mean? What happened?
17:47I can't see eye to eye on something and neither of us is going to change their mind.
17:51That doesn't sound like Trina.
17:53I mean, she's always down to hear other people's points of view.
17:58Not about Ava Jerome.
18:00Trina wanted me to play at the gallery and I said I couldn't.
18:03Not after what Ava did to Christina.
18:06All right, that's it. Come with me.
18:13Hi, Trina. It's Mom.
18:15I was just calling to let you know I was thinking of you.
18:19I hope school is going well.
18:23You don't have to call me back or anything.
18:25I just want to tell you that I love you.
18:28Come in.
18:30Hi. Thank you.
18:33What can I do for you?
18:35Well, as you're probably aware, Rick Lansing is representing me in my current legal difficulties.
18:45He's also representing Heather Weber.
18:48I didn't know that.
18:50Well, what you may not know is that Rick had several blood panels run to test Heather's cobalt levels, four to be exact.
18:57Three are normal. One is not.
19:00Care to guess which one?
19:03Not really. I, uh...
19:05Not really. I, uh...
19:07The one test that showed Heather Weber still had elevated levels of cobalt in her blood was conducted right here, right here at the GH lab.
19:16Well, our lab is excellent.
19:19I'm sure if there's a problem, we could do another test. It's no issue at all.
19:25I'm surprised to hear you say that.
19:28And why is that?
19:29Because Rick has come to the conclusion that someone here at GH tampered with those test results.
19:36Someone with an interest in keeping Heather in prison.
19:41Someone with accents.
19:46Like me?
19:51What do you think Garth meant when he said that about your dad?
19:55I know a drunk is someone who drinks too much.
19:57Yes, but it's not a nice word.
20:01Now that your dad has a disease.
20:03And we don't call people unkind names because they're sick.
20:06That's right.
20:08I was telling my friend Jamie that my dad couldn't take me to the Pumpkin Patch this year because, well, he was in a special hospital.
20:15That's true.
20:17And I was saying that Daddy was going on lots of hikes and talking to people, but then Garth said that he was not in a hospital, but he was in a hospital.
20:27He was in rehab because he was...
20:29Go ahead.
20:31So I hit him as hard as I could, but then he poured grape juice all over my shirt.
20:38Dad bought you that shirt, didn't he?
20:40Yeah, and now it's ruined because of stupid, mean Garth.
20:47Look, I am so sorry that any of that happened to you.
20:52And thank you for telling us the truth.
20:55I'm sorry I hit Garth.
20:57It just made me so mad.
20:59I'm sorry about my shirt.
21:02Don't worry about it, sweetie.
21:04Why don't we go upstairs, you could change, and I'll throw your shirt in the washing machine. I'm sure I could get the stain out.
21:25Not bad.
21:27Now, pretend the Yankees won the series, jump up and down.
21:31About time.
21:33What did you do, walk from Sidwells?
21:36Looking pretty smooth there.
21:41This is actually me improved.
21:45It's good to see you, man.
21:47It's good to see you, too.
21:49I guess I owe you one, huh?
21:53Oh, yeah, and one day I might actually take you up on it.
21:57Well, I know you're joking, but I'm not.
22:00I mean, we may not be trapped in Sidwells' compound anymore, but that doesn't mean I don't have your back.
22:06I know.
22:08Good, because I do.
22:10And I always will.
22:16Oh, hey.
22:18Yeah, I can make you one of these in 25 seconds.
22:21Wow, that's impressive.
22:23That's okay, I'll feel like I'm cheating on your old machine.
22:27I don't know what you're missing.
22:29One more mystery I'll have to live with.
22:32Have it your way.
22:35So, guess what?
22:40The Lucky was here earlier.
22:43Oh, really? How'd that go?
22:45You know, he's adjusting to being back in Port Charles.
22:49Wow, I'm sure it's a lot for him.
22:51Well, he's a lot like his father, so he's tough. He's gonna be okay.
22:58I don't know if you've heard, but Lucas is back.
23:01Yeah, I've heard. How is he?
23:03He's good. He's good. He's ready to start the next chapter of his life.
23:07And he's also very concerned that we're getting back together.
23:10This is gonna be over soon.
23:13Good, because that's why I'm here.
23:18Everyone is so excited that you're rejoining the staff.
23:21Dr. Jones.
23:23Well, thank you for making my transition back here so smooth.
23:26We're lucky to have you. I'm sure you had your pick of hospitals.
23:30GH was always my first choice. I'm looking forward to a fresh start in my hometown.
23:35I want that for you, too.
23:37But, Lucas, there's something I think you should know.
23:43Okay, well, if your schedule changes, let me know.
23:46Okay, you too. Bye-bye.
23:51Whatever you're trying to do, the answer's no.
23:53Ava is not worth losing a friendship.
23:56And neither is Sunny.
23:58Well, this is between me and Gio.
24:00Look, you both see good sides to Sunny and Ava.
24:05How, I don't know, but it doesn't matter.
24:08Okay, I'm not here to waste my time or my energy trying to convince you that you're wrong.
24:13Well, the world won't end if we don't all share the exact same opinions, Joss.
24:18Yes, you're right.
24:19But you don't have to fight Sunny and Ava's battles for them.
24:23Let them screw up their own lives.
24:26But do not let them change one thing about yours.
24:33Do you really think that I would risk everything?
24:38For what? Why? Get back at Heather?
24:41What I think is that if my daughter were in danger, I would do whatever I had to do to protect her.
24:49Changing a test result?
24:51That's nothing.
24:53I'd pull strings.
24:55I'd pay bribes. I'd even kill.
24:58If it meant keeping my child safe.
25:01Then I would sleep very well at night.
25:05I guess we're different in that way.
25:07No, we're not.
25:11But Trina doesn't need to know how far you'd go to protect her.
25:16Portia, she's getting her life back together.
25:20She's going back to school.
25:22For the first time in a long time, she's thinking about the future.
25:27Yep, that's exactly what I've been praying for.
25:30Well, it's happening.
25:32And Trina doesn't need to change anything.
25:34Well, it's happening.
25:36And Trina doesn't need to see her mother's career crash and burn because of something she did to protect her daughter.
25:43Okay, look, I appreciate you coming to speak with me.
25:46But I don't know what you're talking about.
25:49Come on, Portia.
25:51It took me all of three minutes to realize that it was you that messed with those test results.
25:56And I won't be the only one.
26:00So like it or not, you're gonna need my help.
26:18I heard you were working here.
26:24Look, I understand why you feel the way you do about Ava.
26:28I was at the pool when Christina fell. It was horrifying.
26:31If Jocelyn didn't do everything exactly right that day, Christina might have died.
26:36And that's why you don't want to do anything with Ava. I know.
26:39And if you don't want to perform at the gallery, don't.
26:44I'm just asking as your friend to consider the possibility that the fall was an accident.
26:53I wasn't in the room with Ava and Christina, so I let the judge of the case decide who's guilty.
26:59That's all I'm asking.
27:03As far as the gallery gig, I won't do it for Ava.
27:08But I'll do it for you.
27:12And how do you know that I haven't already found your replacement?
27:20Wanna go beat Garth up with me? I'm kidding. Mostly.
27:25How's Violet doing?
27:26She's been better. She'll be down soon. She's just changing her clothes. Have you seen my phone?
27:31Yeah. You left it down here when you went upstairs.
27:37What are you doing?
27:39I'm just looking for Garth's parents' information on the school directory.
27:45I'd like to have a little chat with them.
27:47It's probably not the best idea right now.
27:50You know what? You are right. We should drive over there and have a conversation in person.
27:52That way we could get eyes on Garth. You know, see what his story is.
27:56That might make things worse.
27:58Although there's nothing stopping me from putting a boot on their car.
28:02I like where your head is at on this.
28:04But you know who wouldn't?
28:11You're right. I hate it.
28:14But you're right. We need to focus on Violet.
28:18There's always gonna be Garths in this world.
28:21We need to teach her how to deal with them.
28:23Short of having her uncle tase them.
28:26Okay, we could do that. The teaching part, not the tasing.
28:29We just need to put our feelings aside and listen to Violet.
28:35I think she misses Finn more than we realized.
28:38This is her way of crying out for help.
28:42So what do you think of Port Charles?
28:45All I've seen so far is the airport, the side of the street, and the inside of the hospital.
28:51It's all the hot tourist spots, huh?
28:54I've also gotten to know some people around here.
28:56Really? Anyone interesting?
28:59Yeah. One or two.
29:02Sounds like Port Charles is growing on you already.
29:06You know, they never said much about your life here.
29:10Which is cool.
29:11But now might be the time to tell me if there's anything I might need to know.
29:20Like what?
29:22Like anything that could keep me from putting my entire foot in my mouth would be welcome.
29:28You've met my ex, Elizabeth.
29:31Yeah. She's pretty awesome.
29:33And I'm looking forward to meeting your son.
29:37Have you seen him yet?
29:38No, not yet. But I will. I will soon.
29:42Does he know what you've been doing?
29:45I mean, I never gave him too many details. You know, I didn't want to scare him.
29:52He should know that you've been helping people. I mean, I'm happy to tell him that and more if you want.
29:59I may take you up on that at some point.
30:01I may take you up on that at some point.
30:04Because there are going to be a lot of questions and I certainly don't have all the answers.
30:10Are you worried how he might react?
30:12That and I'm just so focused on my sister and waiting to hear if I'm a match.
30:19Are you concerned about the surgery?
30:21Which one? Lulu's or mine?
30:25Lucas, you're back.
30:28I am. But not for you.
30:31We're both going to be working here so I thought I would make some things clear in case we run into each other.
30:38If we speak to one another, it will only be about work.
30:41No catching up, no hashing things out, nothing in the past is the past and that's not going to change.
30:46I am moving forward with my life and that doesn't include you.
30:51Are we clear?
30:55Good. Because I want nothing to do with you.
31:02You want to help me?
31:08What's in it for you?
31:14She doesn't deserve to watch her mother lose everything.
31:19She'll think it's her fault.
31:22And she's been through enough without adding that to it.
31:25I was just trying to protect Trina.
31:27I know. Keep doing it.
31:29Do what I tell you to do and no one will know it was you.
31:33No, no, no. It's already too late.
31:35I think because Brad Cooper is back working in GH and he's working in the lab and he's already suspicious of me.
31:41Lilo. Don't try to cover your tracks.
31:45Don't try to hide what you've done.
31:47The bigger deal you make it, the bigger deal it'll become.
31:50But Rick Lansing. What am I going to do about Rick Lansing?
31:54I can handle Rick Lansing. I can certainly keep him away from you.
31:57It's not going to work. It's not going to work.
32:00Rick Lansing will get Heather Weber out of prison.
32:03We have to stop him.
32:06Okay, Sam told me that Alexis is protecting Christina by not defending herself.
32:14Alexis isn't doing herself any favors in this case.
32:18I get that, but that doesn't mean she should be punished for a crime she didn't commit.
32:22That's why I hired Martin Gray to represent her.
32:25And he's already working on her defense.
32:29Oh, wow. You're going to let this go to trial?
32:31No, I'm not going to let this go because I believe that Alexis' case is going to fall apart.
32:37What if it doesn't?
32:39It will.
32:41Sonny, I'm on your side.
32:43I always have been. I always will be.
32:46Why do you think I came to you for an alibi?
32:48And why do you think I gave you one?
32:50I don't want anyone to go down for Kate's murder.
32:53Look, the world is a better place without him in it.
32:56And he can't destroy another life.
32:58He won't.
33:02Then you need to tell me what we're going to do to protect Alexis.
33:10Better, sweetie?
33:14Garth should never have said what he did.
33:16But your dad wouldn't want you to hit someone either.
33:18No. I have to take this.
33:24If Garth wouldn't have said those mean things about my dad first, then I wouldn't have punched him.
33:29I know, but I need you to believe in your dad right now.
33:33Can you do that?
33:35I guess so.
33:38The principal would like to speak to Violet's guardian as soon as possible.
33:42I'm sorry you hit Garth, but this is not going to work.
33:45As soon as possible.
33:47I'm sorry you hit Garth, but do you think I'm going to get in trouble?
33:55Uh, well, sweetie.
33:58Even when you have a good reason for doing something, when you break the rules, there are consequences.
34:07Hang on.
34:09Are you saying you already got someone to play at the gallery?
34:13Where did you find them?
34:15On the internet?
34:17Okay, well, there's no way that they're better than him.
34:22Well, I will say that the musician I found is a little sketchy.
34:26So, I'd be very happy if you reconsidered my offer to take the job.
34:34But I would be very happy to accept the offer.
34:37For you.
34:40And my work here is done.
34:43You know, if the environmental science degree doesn't work out, you could always be a talent agent.
34:48Oh, that's very true. You could.
34:51Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do to stop Rick from trying to get Heather released from prison.
34:57There has to be.
34:59He's got three tests that prove the GH test was faulty.
35:04Heather Weber was affected by the cobalt in her system.
35:09I can't just sit here and can't just sit here and do nothing.
35:13You cannot be seen anywhere around Heather's case.
35:21It's Rick.
35:26Hey, I've got great news.
35:28I filed a motion for a summary judgment on Heather's case.
35:31I ask that her conviction be overturned immediately.
35:35There's a good chance that will be.
35:38Oh, wow, wow.
35:40Okay, well, congratulations.
35:43And don't worry. Your mystery friend will remain a mystery.
35:47Well, thank you. Thank you for that. I mean it.
35:50Um, can I call you later?
35:53No need. I just wanted you to know about the motion.
35:55You must hate me.
36:10All of this would be easier if I did.
36:13I do feel sorry for you.
36:16I know all the reasons you did what you did.
36:19But I still never should have done it.
36:22You got drawn into a nightmare.
36:23You got drawn into a nightmare.
36:25But you pulled me in, too.
36:27And it's a nightmare that I never want to think about or experience ever again.
36:34So, goodbye, Brad.
36:37Goodbye, Brad.
36:48If Lulu's body accepts your liver, it'll take her back to her baseline.
36:54You'll have given her the best possible chance to wake up from her coma.
36:58Don't kid a kidder, Doc. Odds of that are pretty slim.
37:02Slim's better than none.
37:04Yeah, I guess.
37:05You're going to need about a week in the hospital.
37:08And another six to eight weeks after that to recover from the surgery.
37:12Now, that being said, there are risks.
37:16There's no such thing as a routine transplant surgery.
37:21And you wouldn't consider...
37:23I'll give advice and offer support, but I am never going back into surgery.
37:30Sorry, I know. I shouldn't have asked.
37:32You've already done way more than your part.
37:35What, you mean the whole me risking my life to get you help thing?
37:40Yeah, without you, I'm still in the desert.
37:44Now, whatever happens next...
37:48It's on me.
37:50Don't worry about it, Carta.
37:55You do have a plan, don't you? To help Alexis?
38:02We can protect Alexis and everybody involved.
38:06All we have to do is find the gun she threw away.
38:12What if you don't find it?
38:16Then I'll prove that Alexis did not kill Jagger Caines.
38:25I'll turn myself in.
38:28I'll turn myself in.