Ayakashi Japanese Classic Horror Episode 1 - A Haunting Tale of Japanese Ghost Stories!

  • 2 days ago
In this video, we dive deep into "Ayakashi: Japanese Classic Horror Episode 1," exploring the eerie and haunting stories that have shaped Japanese folklore for generations. "Ayakashi: Japanese Classic Horror" is a must-watch for anyone fascinated by the darker side of Japanese culture, and this first episode sets the stage with a chilling tale that will send shivers down your spine. From ghostly apparitions to ancient curses, Ayakashi immerses you in the world of traditional Japanese ghost stories like never before. Episode 1 introduces us to the rich, eerie atmosphere that defines this horror anthology, with a blend of suspense, fear, and deeply rooted Japanese traditions. The haunting visuals and intricate storytelling make this episode a masterpiece of Japanese horror. Whether you're a fan of horror or just curious about Japanese folklore, Ayakashi Episode 1 offers a perfect blend of historical authenticity and supernatural terror. Join us as we break down the episode's key moments and unravel the deeper meanings behind the story. This is the beginning of a thrilling journey into the heart of Japanese horror. Don't forget to subscribe to the channel for more insights into Ayakashi and other classic horror series, and check out our other videos on Japanese culture, folklore, and horror. "Ayakashi: Japanese Classic Horror Episode 1" will leave you both terrified and mesmerized, with a story that lingers long after the episode ends. Stay tuned for more episodes and deep dives into the world of Ayakashi and other spine-chilling series.


00:00Huh. Guess they weren't as rich as I expected.
00:05But generous enough to let us rob them at their wedding.
00:13Hey, over there.
00:14Shirasagi Castle.
00:16Shirasagi Castle? Who does it belong to?
00:19Doesn't belong to anyone. It's abandoned.
00:22A useless castle with no surrounding mountains or decent land.
00:26What kind of a fool would build a castle in a place like that?
00:29Come on, we'll use the castle tonight to rest up for tomorrow.
00:33I wouldn't do that.
00:35What do you want, old hag? You startled me.
00:38Do not approach that castle. It is possessed by the Forgotten Gods.
00:42Forgotten Gods? Ha! Evil spirits? Interesting.
00:46I'll just introduce them to my blade.
00:48A katana won't stop them. They don't die.
00:52The beings are neither alive nor dead.
00:54They have been here since the beginning of time and will remain here until the end.
00:59Their existence is eternal.
01:06No such thing!
01:25Shirasagi Castle
01:33Shuras run down.
01:56Careful, the floorboards are rotten.
01:59Maybe staying here isn't such a good idea.
02:02It'll be alright. Trust me.
02:16Oh, well then, you sure don't waste any time.
02:21Get back here, or I'll draw my sword!
02:25Go ahead and do it then, if you think you can.
02:28Come on, I'm losing my feet.
02:36One, two, three, four people.
02:51The stench! What the hell are you?
02:57Stop! No, please!
03:02Hey, what's happening?
03:05Boss, Kihei has vanished. And there seems to be more women than...
03:08Who cares? I'm busy here.
03:15Help me! Somebody!
03:20Please let me through.
03:22Hey, what are you kids doing in here?
03:24Unless you have some business here, we will not let you through.
03:28What kind of place is this?
03:30This is Tomihime's castle.
03:33Tomihime? Where did you all come from?
03:42She's beautiful, don't you think?
03:46She's beautiful, don't mind if I do.
03:49Stay away!
03:52No, don't! Let's go!
03:55Won't you dance with me?
04:08Oyuki! Ogin!
04:12Oyuki! Ogin!
04:34My hand slipped.
04:36You're clumsy.
04:42My hand slipped.
04:55My lord, is this not the perfect weather for falconry?
05:01Today will be your first time assisting the lord, my good friend.
05:04Make sure to do your best.
05:07Are you the falconer Sushonosuke?
05:11Is my falcon in good condition?
05:18I'm very sorry, sir.
05:20He's a bit timid. He's not familiar with anyone but me yet.
05:24This bird is very special. It has already been promised as a gift to the shogun.
05:37Impressive, my lord.
05:39They say that I am a master of firearms, but my skills don't compare to yours.
05:44Excellent. You did a fine job.
05:48Oh, sir! A large boar!
05:51Hurry up!
05:52The falcon!
05:55Go, Kojiro.
06:00What's the holdup? The boar is gone!
06:04What's the holdup? The boar is gone!
06:06You're just standing there!
06:08But with this rain...
06:10Release the damn bird immediately!
06:24My lord, forgive my boldness, but I strongly urge you to wait for the rain to subside.
06:28Come on! Before it escapes!
06:30No, please!
06:34Kojiro! Come back!
06:37That falcon is a gift to be presented to the shogun! Hurry! Retrieve it!
07:19How could anyone discard such an expensive kimono?
07:34Please, forgive my intrusion.
07:36It didn't even occur to me that anyone would be in a remote place like this.
07:42I'm terribly sorry.
07:46By any chance, did you happen to see a falcon fly past here?
07:53My apologies.
07:55I'm sorry, too.
07:57Did you happen to see a falcon fly past here?
08:02My apologies.
08:11Is something the matter?
08:13You shouldn't be speaking with humans.
08:15I didn't exchange any words with him.
08:17Yes, but why didn't you try to conceal yourself, or better yet, kill him?
08:22Oh, right. I didn't kill him.
08:25I forgot.
08:49What is it? Have you found the falcon?
08:52Yes. It was headed towards that castle.
08:56Toward that castle? Then we've got real trouble.
09:00Yes. Rumor has it that evil spirits live there.
09:03But the falcon...
09:05I'll send some of our men to follow it.
09:17Welcome back, my lady.
09:20We have received a gift. It comes from Kamihime of Inawa Castle.
09:24The flesh of a renowned general from the Izumo region.
09:27I'm sure you will enjoy it.
09:29I'm not hungry. Rice porridge will do.
09:32That's the food of mere humans.
09:34Oh, it's not really as bad as it seems.
09:37Let me remind you, Tomihime, that we are the Forgotten Gods.
09:41We'll become weak unless we eat human flesh.
09:43I'm aware of that.
09:45This is highly unlikely, but if you were ever to fall in love with a human, we would...
09:49What are you referring to?
09:52I didn't say a thing to him.
09:54I cannot bear the thought of you falling for a human.
09:58Just imagining it makes me shudder.
10:00I understand.
10:07It can't be...
10:20Is it really you, Aguri?
10:23Have you returned?
10:25It must be you.
10:28Welcome home.
10:42Hello, Oshizu.
10:44I've heard that the Lord's prized falcon has gone missing.
10:47Yes. I was just about to start searching again.
10:52Please don't go.
10:53I've heard that of all the men who have left so far to search for it,
10:56not a single one of them has returned.
10:58Besides, people say that it wasn't your fault the bird was lost.
11:01Kojiro is the first falcon the Lord entrusted under my care.
11:05I put my heart into raising him.
11:07Or rather, it's more like we grew up together.
11:11I can't simply neglect a friend in need of help.
11:13But which is more important to you, that bird or me?
11:17You're both important.
11:19If I were being held captive in Shirasagi Castle, would you come and rescue me?
11:23Don't be foolish. There's no need to worry.
12:09Bandits have been seen in this area.
12:14Has someone been chasing you?
12:26I saw you in my dream.
12:28No, perhaps our encounter the other day was a dream.
12:32So I guess I should say I had a dream within a dream.
12:35Your beauty made me think you weren't from this world.
12:38Pardon me. That was rude.
12:40You are partly at fault too, though.
12:42You're the one who disrobed in the open.
12:46This area is dangerous.
12:48Please allow me to escort you home.
12:50If you would.
12:52I finally heard your voice.
12:54So it wasn't a dream after all.
12:58Where is your home?
13:00Is it beyond that castle?
13:02You look like you're from a respectable family.
13:05Perhaps you're related to the lumber merchants from our neighboring town?
13:08Yes, perhaps.
13:10If that's the case, then you should be all the more careful.
13:13You're a perfect target for thieves, and also...
13:17Evil spirits have been seen near here.
13:19Evil spirits?
13:21Yes. Right now it's hidden behind the fog.
13:23But the castle known as Shirasagi is said to be haunted.
13:26I'm not familiar with it, but I'm sure it's a frightening place.
13:29You are mistaken.
13:31The beings that live in Shirasagi Castle are not evil.
13:35They are forgotten gods.
13:37Forgotten gods?
13:39What are they, or who are they?
13:41The forgotten gods and humans came to exist at the same time.
13:45Actually, in the past, they were known simply as gods.
13:49At one time, the two shared this world, segregated,
13:53each in its own realm.
13:55But that all changed.
13:57The humans began to blur the boundaries between god and man
14:01by trespassing on sacred land.
14:03In the same manner, the gods manifested themselves in this world.
14:07Pretending to be human,
14:09these beings lost themselves in the physical realm
14:12and soon became forgotten gods.
14:15However, these two entities were never meant to coexist.
14:19Once the spirits of trees and water,
14:22the gods forgot who they were
14:25and found themselves with a hunger only a human could fulfill.
14:29They eat humans?
14:31Yes. If they don't...
14:33They'll die?
14:35Eating people is their only means to escape pain and suffering.
14:38The forgotten gods cannot die.
14:42There are some exceptions.
14:45Like associating with humans, or falling in love with one.
14:49A forgotten god in love with a human becomes corrupted and eventually dies.
14:56Perhaps you would like to try sweets from a western country.
15:00They're called conpeto.
15:02My escaped falcon loved these for some odd reason.
15:05They're very pricey, though.
15:06And only the lord's bird would be permitted such a luxury.
15:09Please, try one.
15:13It's very sweet, isn't it?
15:19You don't care for sweets, I take it?
15:22I see.
15:25The fog is getting thicker. We should be going.
15:31Who goes there?
15:34Forgotten gods?
15:36No. These are true evil spirits.
15:39Hand over the woman!
15:41Leave it once, or I warn you I'll cut you down!
15:45You hear what the fool just said?
15:48Let him do it, then.
15:51Stand back.
16:01Watch out!
16:15Are you badly hurt? You're wounded.
16:19My blade tip struck you.
16:23The wound is so deep, and yet...
16:26What are you?
16:29How on earth?
16:48Your injury is serious.
16:59Mother, please don't leave me!
17:07Come back to my town with me, and I'll take care of that arm for you.
17:11It's fine. I'll return home by myself.
17:15But that cut...
17:19I understand.
17:21Do you think... could I ask you for another?
17:25That sweet thing.
17:36May I have your name?
17:38I don't have a name.
17:41This, too, is a dream within a dream.
17:54It's hers.
17:55Hey, Mr. Samurai!
18:04Is that how you treat someone who just saved your life?
18:08What do you mean, saved me?
18:10We just rescued you from a lot of trouble.
18:13I don't know what you're talking about.
18:15I knew this guy wasn't too bright.
18:17We're talking about that woman you were with.
18:20She's a Forgotten God.
18:22She's a princess of the Forgotten Gods.
18:25Can't be serious.
18:26I'd say she was probably trying to take you to the castle
18:29where she could feast on you.
18:31See? Look.
18:34If you place any value on your life,
18:37take my advice and go back to your home.
18:43It's meaningless to give something like this to a Forgotten God.
18:47They don't have a sense of taste,
18:49and they can't even tell whether something's sweet or salty.
19:12Tomihime, where have you been?
19:14Suzuki, tell me.
19:16How would you describe this thing known as sweet?
19:21To have that moment again.
