Monkey Movies part 2

  • 2 days ago
Monkey Movies part 2
00:00How old is he? Like a day old? Two days old?
00:08He's a smart one, isn't he?
00:12What are you going to name him?
00:14I don't know.
00:27Right away, Caesar displayed signs of heightened intelligence.
00:31So I kept him and brought my work home.
00:44By 18 months, Caesar was signing up to 24 words.
00:56By age 2, Caesar was completing puzzles and models designed for children 8 years and up.
01:02At age 3, Caesar continues to show cognitive skills that far exceed that of a human counterpart.
01:19He completed the Lucas Tower in 15 moves. A perfect score.
01:24I maintain my hypothesis that A, the green in his eyes indicates that the ALZ-112 was passed genetically from mother to son.
01:33And B, that in the absence of damaged cells that need replacing, the drug in his system has radically boosted healthy brain functioning.
01:46And he plays chess pretty well.
01:50Please just throw me out!