• 2 days ago
Playmates Simpsons Treehouse of Horror Springfield Cemetery ToysrUs Exclusive


00:00It's that time again to spend some time at Springfield Cemetery.
00:03Here's your spooky spot on the Playmates Toys.
00:06This is the Simpsons Treehouse of Horror Toys R Us exclusive.
00:30Welcome to Springfield, USA, home of the Simpsons.
00:46Whether freezing your brain with an ice cold chutney squishy at the Quickie Marts, choking
00:50down imitation fruit beverages at Springfield Elementary, or drowning your sorrows at Moe's,
00:55you can't help but drink in the radioactive charm that is Springfield alone.
00:59Yes, a visit to Springfield brings a glow to the heart that never ever goes away.
01:04Now I got to thinking that maybe for this year's spooky spots I would go back and
01:07re-look at the Treehouse of Horror sets that we got from Playmates Toys.
01:11All four of them were exclusives to Toys R Us.
01:13These aren't my original sets either.
01:15I had all four of them and then at one point I just think I didn't need them anymore.
01:18I ended up selling them and I instantly had seller's remorse.
01:21So over the years I've kind of gone back and I've re-picked these sets up again.
01:24They weren't at least at the time that I ended up buying them again.
01:27They weren't going for too stupid of money but the prices of them have since skyrocketed.
01:32Now of course this is going to be the first set and this set consists of Homer Kong.
01:35This is Bart the Fly.
01:37Mr Burns of course is Dracula and Ned Flanders as the devil.
01:41It's always the one you least suspect.
01:43We're going to go ahead and grab of course the tape measure and then I'll bring in the play
01:46set so I'll show you guys how this all interacts with it and maybe why not I'll bring in some
01:49other characters for comparisons.
01:51We're going to start with first the tallest one.
01:52I'm not going to maybe measure all of them just because again like
01:55Ned Flanders and Mr Burns are somewhat similar in size.
01:58So like Homer Kong is going to be a figure that stands at about five and a half inches
02:03in height or about I would say 13 and a half centimeters tall.
02:06Then for Bart the Fly who's the smallest of this release he's a figure that's only actually
02:10about three inches in height or maybe about seven and a half centimeters tall and because
02:15I couldn't do this the first time we looked at these sets I'm going to bring in now the
02:18Jack Spacifics Simpsons figure so you can see the differences.
02:21Now you would say maybe that Homer Kong is considerably bigger than Homer but
02:24being of course he is part ape and all maybe the sizing isn't that bad at all and then
02:29of course when you bring in Bart and compare him with Bart the Fly a little bit bigger
02:32on the arms a little bit bigger in the legs but they're about the same size.
02:36Now the one I'm sure you guys would really want to see involves me having to bring in
02:39a figure that was an absolute disaster.
02:41You guys already know where this is going.
02:42I'm going to bring in the super seven Ned Flanders as the devil.
02:46I've got him on a display stand without that there's no way the figure would be able to
02:50stand on his own.
02:51I mean he's a good looking figure don't get me wrong but he's just a disaster and he'd
02:54never really stays together.
02:55His legs always fall off those ball joints.
02:57I'm almost even tempted just to add a little bit of extra thickness to those ball joints
03:01just so the legs stay on a little bit better.
03:03Oh wonderful we're being joined by the paranormal candle.
03:06While the candle is there something else I also did bring in was the diorama background.
03:10The background is the thing that's going to give all the interactive voice clips to each
03:13one of these characters.
03:15If you aren't familiar though with the ones that we're getting from Playmates in the past
03:18these are really interesting sets.
03:20I'm going to actually move each of the characters out of the way.
03:22Actually yeah we'll just move them all out of the way first.
03:25I want to show you some assembly that was required for these sets.
03:28This isn't the first rodeo as they say.
03:31I've actually opened up this set several times over the years and I've just kind of put everything
03:35together put them out on display for Halloween and then usually I just strip them all down
03:39and put them back in their boxes.
03:41The one thing I will say though is when you are putting this set together batteries are
03:47Batteries though will be removed the moment this thing goes back in the box because I've
03:50already had one set of these leak the batteries.
03:53It wasn't this set it was actually the set of Homer and Kang and Kodos.
03:56I opened this up actually when I first bought it on eBay.
03:59I took off the plate here and I realized that the batteries had leaked inside.
04:03I already thought right away I've ruined the set but what I ended up doing was I sort of
04:08nothing really to do with this set.
04:10I ended up scraping off some of the acidic residue that was left behind from the batteries.
04:13I kind of just cleaned everything out and knock on plastic that diorama set seems to
04:18now work.
04:19We're going to be looking at that in an upcoming review but it does take three AA batteries.
04:22I've already taken the liberty of adding brand new batteries.
04:25On the bottom of this you've got off, on, and demo.
04:28Demo cycles only through some of the phrases.
04:30Off obviously is off and then on is the full audio clip buffet.
04:35It gives you everything that you ever really need.
04:38Some assembly though is required is you get the main bottom so you don't have to really
04:41do anything there short of maybe just adding a few things.
04:44You have to take the cardboard backing here and that slides into these little tracks that
04:49run all the way around the back area.
04:51This will slide in and then you've got the background area here.
04:54Snowball you can see is probably off to the far corner blowing some fire.
04:58There's also Kang Kodos I don't know if you can see is actually behind the gate
05:02and there's a neighboring zombie off to the side.
05:04Pretty pretty cool and of course there's the teeth there of Grandpa.
05:08The hanging character of course from one of the citizens of Springfield.
05:11We see the opener.
05:12That's a really cool background just on its own but then you add all these things into
05:16the foreground.
05:17You have to add the tombstone that says eat my dust.
05:20These two trees have to also be pegged in.
05:22They go on here and they go in here and then you have to also add as well the Springfield
05:26Cemetery gate and these all plug in.
05:29There's actually peg holes on the backs and like I said everything basically snaps into
05:33The other thing that has to be also added as well as while the gremlin as you can see
05:37is already still perched atop of the tree.
05:40He's permanently attached to the tree so you can't remove him.
05:43The thing that you have to remove or the thing you have to add is actually the little
05:47there he is right there.
05:48The crusty clown doll.
05:50Now he actually just attaches.
05:51I'm just going to remove this.
05:53There's two holes right here.
05:54Obviously as you can already suspect there's two pegs and just plugs into there.
05:58Funny though enough is that this guy came loose.
06:00I don't know if he was just possessed.
06:02Maybe the candle had something to do with this but he ended up actually leaving the
06:06packaging and I found him a little bit later and maybe one of the reasons why I didn't
06:10end up looking at the set last year was because I couldn't find the crusty clown doll.
06:15No possibility at all here.
06:16You can't move the head.
06:17You can't move the arms.
06:18The thing that's neat though about it is that once you plug it in place and just plugs in
06:22just like that the crusty clown doll actually does have his hand wrapped around the side
06:27of the tombstone.
06:28So that's pretty cool.
06:29So you got your tombstone here that has to be installed.
06:31Eat my dust.
06:32These two tombstones are already permanently attached so you don't have to worry about
06:36You got itchy and scratchy.
06:38Other things of course you got the cobblestone walkway that leads to the gate.
06:42These are your connecting pegs.
06:43They're going to plug into any of the characters that get that come included with the set or
06:47you can also use the other ones from the interactive world of Springfield.
06:50And then lastly there's a speaker compartment right at the back here.
06:53This is going to be the thing that's going to project the sound.
06:56When you take your characters and for all intents and purposes you plug them onto those
07:00pegs they'll then cycle through the audio specific to that character.
07:04Again some of the play sets only work with certain characters and when you were initially
07:08buying the set they'll actually tell you I think usually on the back what characters
07:12interact with those dioramas.
07:15Looking at though the individual characters.
07:17First we have ourselves Bart the Fly.
07:20I would have really ideally loved just if it was a regular Bart.
07:23We've actually got two Barts from the world of Springfield Treehouse of Horror.
07:26We got this one and we also got one from the collector set.
07:30As for his articulation these are very limited by the way.
07:32You're only really going to be able to rotate the head back and forth.
07:34Rotate the arms.
07:36No very little very little I should say for the waist swivel.
07:39And then on the bottom of these these are all the connecting chips that will plug into
07:42these connecting ports.
07:44Even though you really get four characters sorry what?
07:47Nah I thought the candle said something.
07:48Even though you only get four characters only three of them fit onto these pegs.
07:52So you kind of have to either leave one of them off or as you'll see in a second like
07:56they take up a lot of quarters quickly.
07:58So what it essentially is is there's a chip right in the middle and then there's prong
08:01openings on either side that are going to clip onto.
08:04These will be the things that kind of latch onto the bottom of the character to prevent
08:07the figure from falling so that you get the most secure attachment.
08:10So there's Bart the Fly.
08:12Of course you get ourselves Homer Kong.
08:14Homer Kong's nicely painted here as well.
08:15I think most of this probably has been cast in this dark gray plastic and then maybe have
08:19gone and painted the hands painted the front of his chest.
08:22Nice face though on the front for Homer Kong.
08:26Head of course rotates back and forth.
08:28His arms very little very little rotate back and forth.
08:30And this guy also does have a little bit of a swivel in his legs.
08:33His connecting peg point is right here and then again we'll plug in.
08:36You'll see what I mean.
08:37The thing about Homer Kong is that you have to kind of have his legs angled a certain
08:41If you have them back like this he seems to take a fall.
08:44You kind of have to bring them up a little bit like this and he kind of bounces on the
08:48front of his feet.
08:50Then we have ourselves Mr Burns as Dracula.
08:54Fresh young victims from my ever-growing army of the undead.
08:57Sorry you forgot to take your finger off the button.
08:59Very very cool looking figure.
09:00He's probably one of my favorites from the Treehouse of Horror.
09:02And really of these my favorites would be Devil Flanders and of course Mr Burns Dracula.
09:07Of course he's got the little age spots there on the side of his head right right over there
09:11even though they're not painted.
09:13The long the big hair that he has on the back of his head as well.
09:15Long cloak.
09:16He's got those excellent hands there of course nicely painted there on the teeth like the
09:21figures are very simple in their design but they're still effective.
09:24Now Mr Burns does have still a sculpted legs even though really they could have hid so
09:28much of that by just having the cloak over top of it.
09:30Had this only just been a flat piece I don't think I would have been disappointed at all
09:33but there's a little connecting point there.
09:35His articulation is that he has a head swivel back and forth.
09:39The arms do move back and forth as well.
09:41You could have one arm up if you want.
09:43You can have both arms together.
09:44I generally just usually have the arms together like this.
09:47The last one is then Devil Flanders.
09:49Now Flanders is the only one that really comes included with an accessory.
09:52He comes with this pitchfork.
09:53The pitchfork only attaches to this hand here while the other hand will basically just be
09:57resting against the side of his jacket.
09:59He's also got I suppose technically another accessory.
10:02He does have removable glasses.
10:03Careful that these are things that you're not going to be losing because the glasses
10:06really only sit over top of his ears.
10:10I guess they could have pegged them in but then you would ultimately just have holes
10:13on the sides of his head so that probably makes the most sense that they just rest them
10:16on their heads.
10:17Just be careful you don't lose the glasses.
10:19Now again his articulation head rotates back and forth.
10:22Again he's got some articulation there for the arms.
10:25Nothing in the hands.
10:26Nothing in the waist.
10:27Nothing really in the legs.
10:28I like that they've at least given him the fiery hooves that he has in the episode.
10:32Nice looking Flanders though.
10:35So how this all works is that they're going to connect to this section, this section,
10:40or this section.
10:41It doesn't really matter what character goes where as whatever character you put that
10:45into that peg or that connecting point is going to cycle through the audio clips for
10:49that specific character.
10:51If you don't put anything in it at all, all these interactive play sets cycle through
10:55a default sound.
10:56Now the sound will change depending on what play set you get.
10:59The first one happens just to be a crow sound.
11:02So if you don't have anything actually on these and you press...
11:05So you've got a button right here, here, and over here.
11:08If you press that without having a character sitting on top of it, it makes the sound of
11:13a crow.
11:14And it won't matter if it's over here and it won't matter if it's over here.
11:17There is only, by the way, one volume to it.
11:20So if it's too loud or too quiet there's no really any way to adjust it.
11:24So say, for example, we want to take ourselves Bart the Fly.
11:27So what you do is you're going to attach this onto the peg here.
11:30I keep calling it a peg.
11:31It's sort of more like a prong.
11:34The moment you attach it in place, obviously it's going to cycle right away through its
11:38first audio clip.
11:40You'll know when you don't have it attached properly.
11:42You'll still get the sound of the crow.
11:45Now this button is going to pair with this connecting peg here.
11:49So you're going to keep pressing this.
11:54And it's going to cycle through specifically audio clips set aside for Bart the Fly.
12:02It doesn't matter whether you have them there or you have them in the middle.
12:07Some of these obviously are going to be a little harder to line up here.
12:13It won't matter again which of those three you connect this to.
12:17That's Bart the Fly.
12:18We take ourselves Homer Kong.
12:20Homer is usually the one I end up leaving off just because the moment you peg him in
12:23place, he's going to take up the most real estate space.
12:27So again, we're just going to line him up.
12:30Line him up to the peg.
12:42And we'll take Homer off.
12:44Then we'll do the same with Mr. Burns.
12:46Mr. Burns, actually, I had on mine a little bit.
12:48I don't know if you can see it.
12:49There's a broken piece of plastic on the side.
12:51It hasn't affected necessarily his interactive sounds.
12:56Again, you just want to line everything up here.
12:59And actually, Mr. Burns, you kind of have to worry about because if you put him in the
13:02wrong place, he'll cover over the button.
13:04A lot of times I'll usually put him right in the middle.
13:11And pressing the buttons.
13:12And it's not to say either you have to have only one character at a time.
13:23If you want to put back in Bart the Fly, line everything up.
13:37And sometimes too, when you plug one in, it will then activate the sound chip for the
13:41next character with it.
13:43The last one then we'll take is Devil Flanders, which is part of my hairy arm, by the way.
13:48And then we'll just plug him in.
13:58Now this one, maybe I don't have it all the way on there.
14:12So as you can see, they do cycle through about four or five audio clips.
14:20The only unfortunate thing about that, though, is with only four characters and only three
14:24available spots, there's no place usually that I put Homer Kong.
14:27Homer Kong, if anything, I usually just put to the side because first he just takes up
14:30too much space with the size of his feet.
14:33Obviously, the moment you put one on, if you put him over here, he's going to overlap the
14:37connecting prongs that go with this character.
14:39So a lot of times, like I said, I usually put Homer Kong to the side and then I just
14:43display it with Bart Fly, Dracula Burns, and of course, Devil Flanders.
14:48It's a nice set.
14:49It's always a set that for me has nostalgic feels to it.
14:52If you get those feels from having a collectible out, these are usually the sets that give
14:57me those feels.
14:58Granted, though, they only go out usually at Halloween.
15:01And then after Halloween, when I'm starting to pack everything back up, they go back in
15:05the box and they wait their turn until eventually I bring them back out the following year.
15:09The only thing I would say, oh, also too, as well, I want to mention that in the back,
15:13there's also Marge flying on her broomstick.
15:16But yeah, one thing I would say, though, is with these.
15:19First, when you get these, if you happen to buy them over on eBay, I would say don't keep
15:22them in boxes.
15:23Open them up or at least get access to the battery compartment because you may be, unfortunately,
15:27one of those victims of having leaked batteries inside.
15:31If you're able to clean them, though, they seem to still work and the prongs and the
15:34connections still connect.
15:36I will say, though, I would definitely recommend checking the batteries just to ensure.
15:39And if you do put these out like I put these out every year, just remove the batteries
15:43before you put them back in the box, just to ensure that they're going to work just
15:46as good the following year when you get them open and out again.
15:50Dropping some facts on this set.
15:51If you guys are interested to get a mint in box right now, over on eBay, listings for
15:55this specific one here go for around $80 to $100.
15:58On average, though, most of the Treehouse Interactive sets go for around that price,
16:03with the only highest one of the four being the Kang, the Kodos, and the Homer.
16:07That usually goes, honestly, closer to around $200.
16:10It may have had, at one point, something to do with the fact that Kang and Kodos weren't
16:13characters that really were used a lot or released a lot by companies.
16:18Since then, since Super 7 has done larger versions of Kang and Kodos, maybe the set
16:23of that one might go down in price.
16:25The thing about it, though, is if you are collecting with the idea that these are always
16:28going to be kept inside of their boxes, you're probably never going to be bothered by the
16:31idea that back then companies, and not just Playmates, companies abroad used pretty cheap
16:37batteries when it came to things that were battery powered.
16:39So if you're going to keep them in a box, that's one thing.
16:42If you have an idea at all to ever open this and have it on display like I do every year,
16:46it's always probably best to check those batteries the moment you get it to see if
16:50any more damage can be done to it.
16:52If it's able, and you're able to, if you're able to clean those, then you might be able
16:56to salvage the set.
16:57But I would say the moment it goes back in a box, make sure you take those blasted batteries
17:02Have you guys ever collected the Playmates World of Springfield interactive sets, more
17:06specifically the Treehouse of Horror?
17:08Let me know also down below in the comments section if you also have fond memories, not
17:12just of this set, but of Treehouse of Horror.
17:14It's been a few years at least since I've actually sat down for a marathon of Treehouse
17:18of Horrors.
17:19Maybe again, that might be something I can change this year.
17:22If you guys did enjoy this video, do it a solid, throw it a like.
17:24You guys want to stick around for more so, I hope so, hit the subscribe, turn on that
17:30bell, and of course, come back.
17:31Even though we're wrapping up the review right now of set one of the Treehouse of Horror,
17:35we are going to be looking at the remaining three sets in upcoming videos.
17:39So making sure you're coming back with ghoulish eyes peeled, as there's always, of course,
17:43new content coming your way.
17:45As always, thanks for watching.
17:46See you guys next time.
