Crazy Girls Insane Plan to Win Over the Hottest Guy in School You Wont Believe What Happens

  • 2 days ago


00:00The drama begins with Xin on her first day at school.
00:03She's searching for her classroom, and we soon learn that this is her final year of high school.
00:08By mistake, she bumps into a student named Jish.
00:11As she falls, Jish catches her, but his phone drops to the ground.
00:15When Xin tries to thank him, he leaves before she can say anything.
00:19During the student welcoming ceremony, the school administration introduces Jish to the students,
00:24announcing that he has achieved the highest IQ score of 200%,
00:28making him an exemplary student.
00:30Jish introduces himself to everyone, and the entire student body applauds him.
00:35We see that many girls, including Xin, are attracted to him,
00:38but she knows that seeing him often will be difficult
00:41because students with high grades have their own special building.
00:45We also learn that Jish, though being the smartest student in the school,
00:49is also interested in creativity,
00:51and is the best at solving extremely difficult math problems in front of all the students.
00:57Later, Xin and the other girls receive a message that Jish is at a cafe,
01:01and will soon pass by their building.
01:03All the girls rush to see him and follow him until he enters his building.
01:07In one of Jish's seminars, he talks about childhood cancer,
01:11and we see Xin and the other girls attending.
01:13At the same time, a photo of Jish with a girl named Xiaohou, who is in his class, appears,
01:18leading the girls to believe they have a relationship.
01:21Xin becomes upset upon seeing this, and spends the rest of the day staring at his picture.
01:26Her friends tell her to snap out of her daydream.
01:28At this point, a classmate named Ajin approaches Xin,
01:32giving her flowers and confessing that he likes her and wants to be in a relationship,
01:36but Xin declines, saying she loves Jish and plans to confess her feelings to him soon.
01:42Her friends decide to help her by creating a distraction in the classroom
01:45so that Xin can go meet Jish during the break.
01:48She goes to the building where the high IQ students are,
01:51and when she sees Jish, she gives him a gift and confesses her love,
01:55hoping he will accept her feelings.
01:57However, Jish rejects her, saying it's impossible because he doesn't like girls
02:01who are not intelligent and act foolishly, and then he walks away.
02:05Xin feels embarrassed and thanks God that no one saw her.
02:09However, the security camera operator has seen everything and spreads the video among all the students.
02:14Soon, the students surround Xin, taking pictures of her.
02:18When she returns home, she finds that the video has been shared on social media,
02:22with everyone mocking her.
02:24At the same time, she sees her father leaving the house, telling her to run, but she doesn't understand why.
02:30She then notices that many rats are coming out of the house, and the house suddenly collapses.
02:36The press arrives at the scene and interviews Xin and her father, asking them what happened.
02:41The media reports that they are a homeless family, and news about them spreads quickly.
02:45Xin's classmates, including Ajin and his friends, start a fundraising campaign to help her.
02:51Xin tries to hide, but is caught and brought to the place where the money is being collected.
02:55However, she refuses the help.
02:57Jish arrives at the scene and starts mocking her, saying that her father was wrong for buying a cheap house.
03:03Xin becomes angry and defends her father, saying he worked hard to buy a house so she could attend the best schools.
03:09She asserts that grades are not a measure of a person's character, and challenges Jish in front of everyone,
03:14declaring that in the upcoming exam, she will be one of the top students, and her name will be listed alongside his.
03:21When Xin returns to her father, she gathers her belongings from the rubble, and her father tells a friend named Ali about what happened.
03:28Ali then offers them a place to stay in his home until their situation improves.
03:32Then Ali's assistant arrives to pick them up in the car.
03:35When they arrive at Ali's house, he warmly welcomes them, and even his wife greets Xin kindly.
03:41She introduces Xin to her little son, Yusho.
03:44Amy, Ali's wife, takes Xin to show her the room she will be staying in,
03:48and during their conversation, Xin learns that Amy's older son also attends the same school as her.
03:54Amy proudly mentions that her son is famous throughout the school,
03:57and adds that she always wished to have a daughter like Xin so they could be friends.
04:01She even jokes that Xin might one day become her son's bride.
04:05Xin then confesses to Amy that she likes a boy from her school, even though he rejected her love.
04:11Before going to bed, Xin tries to burn the pictures of Jish, but she can't bring herself to do it.
04:16Everywhere she looks, she sees his picture, even on her bed linens.
04:20Suddenly, Jish appears in front of her and she is startled.
04:24That's when she realizes that Jish is Ali and Amy's son.
04:28He asks her to throw away all his pictures, but she refuses and says,
04:32''Don't come near anything that belongs to me.''
04:34Jish replies, ''You're right, it's none of my business even though we're living in the same house,'' and leaves her room.
04:40The next morning, as Jish is leaving for school on his bike,
04:44his mother asks him to stop and suggests that he give Xin a ride to school.
04:48When Xin joins him, she is visibly happy, but halfway down the road, Jish stops and tells her,
04:54''Be careful not to tell anyone we live in the same house and always keep at least 5 meters away from me.''
05:00He leaves her there and continues on his way.
05:02While at school, Amy sends Xin a video message showing Jish playing, which makes Xin laugh.
05:08She sends Jish the video and he requests a private meeting with her.
05:12All the other girls notice this, surprised.
05:15Xin says, ''Weren't you the one who told me not to come near you? Now you're the one asking to meet me.''
05:21Jish shows her the video and asks her to delete it from her phone.
05:24Xin sees an opportunity and makes a deal with him.
05:27He must help her with her studies so she can become one of the top students,
05:32or else she'll share the video with the entire school.
05:35Jish agrees to her terms and Xin is delighted.
05:39Jish begins tutoring her in math.
05:41We see that Xin struggles a lot, but after repeating the lesson several times, she starts to understand better.
05:47While at school, she spends the entire day studying, so focused that she barely notices anything around her.
05:54Ajin follows her around, protecting her from anything that might happen.
05:58At one point, Ajin even saves her from a falling flowerpot.
06:01Meanwhile, Jish observes Xin as she studies.
06:04He tutors her through a particularly difficult math problem,
06:08and tells her that it will be on the upcoming exam, and that she must study hard for it.
06:12Xin works diligently, practicing until she can solve the problem correctly.
06:17She notices that Jish has fallen asleep from exhaustion,
06:20so she sits next to him, promising herself to meet his expectations and surpass them.
06:25Eventually, she falls asleep beside him.
06:27Jish's mother comes in and takes a picture of them both sleeping.
06:31On the day of the exam, Xin manages to complete all the questions.
06:35When the results are posted, she eagerly looks for her name among the top students, but doesn't see it.
06:40The girls around her start mocking her for challenging the other students publicly.
06:45At that moment, the administration arrives with Jish, who points out that a name is missing from the list.
06:50After double-checking the results, they announce that Xin's scores place her among the top students.
06:56Jish writes Xin's name on the board in front of all the students, which angers the girls who liked him.
07:02On the other hand, Xin's friends are overjoyed by her success.
07:05Xin proudly says,
07:07Finally, my name is written next to yours, and Jish congratulates her.
07:11She celebrates with her friends, jumping with joy.
07:14The scene then shifts to the 87th annual school sports competition.
07:18Ajin competes against Jish in a race, hoping to win so that Xin will choose him.
07:23However, Ajin loses, and Jish wins the race.
07:27We see Jish's mother standing among the girls who are cheering for her son.
07:31Then, she decides to send the picture of her son and Xin together to all the girls who were there,
07:35revealing to everyone that they are living in the same house.
07:38After that, Jish starts mocking Ajin because he won, and a fight breaks out between them.
07:44Xin steps in and tells Jish that Ajin is a good boy, and doesn't insult people like he does.
07:49She adds that she doesn't like his arrogance.
07:52At that moment, one of Jish's friends plays a video on the screen where Xin says,
07:56I love you.
07:57But Jish had refused her.
07:59Jish laughs, and all the students start mocking Xin.
08:02In response, Xin sends the video of the students playing to everyone,
08:06and they all start laughing at Ajin.
08:08Then, the two groups start fighting.
08:11Jish takes Xin to a secluded place, asking her why she did that.
08:15She replies that he always treats her poorly in front of her friends,
08:19so she hopes to forget her feelings for him one day.
08:21She adds that when she finishes school,
08:23she will meet a very handsome boy and start a relationship with him.
08:27Jish gets closer, and tells her that she will never be able to forget him, then walks away.
08:32When Xin returns home, she sits with Amy.
08:35Amy says she is happy that Xin has feelings for her son,
08:38and tells her that Jish changed from the day she came into their home.
08:42She explains that Jish doesn't get along well with his father because his father is always busy with work.
08:48Amy adds that everyone assumes Jish will inherit his father's company,
08:52but she only wants her son to live happily,
08:54and she sees that he can find that happiness with Xin.
08:57This makes Xin very happy,
08:59and she reassures Amy not to worry because she will always stand by Jish.
09:04The next day, Jish has an important exam that will determine his ability to study abroad.
09:09Xin prepares a lucky charm and places it in his bag, wishing him success.
09:13However, when he arrives at the exam, he slips on the stairs and is late.
09:18As he tries to write, his pen breaks.
09:20He feels like something bad is happening to him, and remembers what Xin put in his bag.
09:25He thinks that the charm is causing his misfortune, and rushes to the restroom.
09:29Afterward, he goes to get a drink, and we see that Xin is secretly watching him.
09:34When she sees that he is okay, she decides to go back home,
09:37but unfortunately, she gets into an accident.
09:40Jish sees it from afar and runs to her, finding her unconscious.
09:44He takes her to the hospital.
09:45When she wakes up, she finds herself at home, and fears that Jish missed his exam because of her.
09:51At that time, Jish is sitting with his father and says that he doesn't want to take the exam,
09:55not because of Xin, but because he doesn't want to inherit the company.
09:59His father gets angry, and his mother is also upset.
10:02Jish explains that he can do everything they want, but only they will be happy, not him.
10:07He asks them to let him do what he loves, and not force him into anything.
10:12He apologizes for what happened, and leaves.
10:14Xin overhears everything and goes to apologize to his father for what happened, then leaves to find Jish.
10:20When she finds him, she tries to comfort him, telling him that he's different from others, and deserves to do what he loves.
10:26She advises him to follow his passions, and assures him that she will always be there to support him.
10:32Jish then decides to live away from his family and become responsible for himself.
10:37We see his father angry and refusing to say goodbye as Jish leaves.
10:41Jish goes to Donan University of Technology, and Xin finds out that he's working at an animal care facility.
10:48She goes to see how he's doing, bringing a small worm with her.
10:51She tells him to examine it, and asks if he will be okay if he gets enough sleep and eats well.
10:56He says he's okay, and tells her to leave so he can continue his work.
11:00That night, she sends him food and goes to give it to him.
11:03However, she follows him to find out where he lives.
11:06At that time, she sees a girl from her class, Xia Hou, waiting outside.
11:11They both enter the house together, and Xin stands outside, feeling angry.
11:15She notices that the lights are off and assumes they are asleep, realizing that they are living together.
11:21The next day, she asks Ajin to help her keep an eye on Jish and Xia Hou as they walk around the garden together.
11:27Jish sees this, and asks Xin what she is doing there.
11:31She replies that they are celebrating Love Day.
11:34Xia Hou starts taking many pictures of Xin and Ajin, and Jish appears visibly upset.
11:39To make Xin angry, he takes a picture with Xia Hou.
11:42Later, Ajin makes a deal with a car driver to run away with his lover when she arrives, but unfortunately, Xia Hou shows up.
11:49The driver speeds off with Xia Hou in the car, despite Ajin asking him to come back, but no one listens.
11:56Jish arrives and takes Xin with him, and they both get on a boat.
11:59Jish asks why she came there, and she tells him that she saw him and Xia Hou entering the house together.
12:05She asks what they were doing, and Jish tells her a story about a little boy named Nana who has cancer.
12:11He explains that his father's company and Xia Hou's father's company decided to donate money to the hospital for children with cancer.
12:18That's why he was with Xia Hou, waiting for a call about the important supplies needed by the hospital.
12:24He confides that his dream is to become a great doctor, not to inherit his father's company.
12:29He tells Xin that she is the first person he's ever told about his dream.
12:33Out of joy, Xin stands up but falls into the river, and Jish jumps in after her.
12:38When they get out, they see that the last car has left, so they decide to stay in a hotel for the night.
12:44Later, they change into the clothes they brought with them, and Jish goes out to get some food.
12:49Xin starts feeling scared, so she grabs an umbrella and goes out to find him.
12:54However, she feels like someone is following her, and in her fear, she drops the umbrella and starts running.
13:00She then sees Jish, who asks her why she came out.
13:04She tells him that she felt scared, so he gives her his jacket.
13:08They return to the hotel, and as Jish falls asleep, Xin says,
13:11The woman who becomes your wife in the future will be very lucky.
13:15She then asks that woman to love him more than she loves herself.
13:19When Xin falls asleep, we see that Jish has overheard her and he says to himself,
13:23I will never find someone who loves me as much as you do.
13:27The next morning, when they wake up, Jish's mother calls and tells him that his father is in the hospital and is seriously ill.
13:34Jish and Xin go to the hospital, and Xin's father informs them that Jish's father has been suffering from a heart condition for a long time,
13:43which has worsened due to his work.
13:45The doctor informs them that he needs heart surgery and says that he will let them know when the surgery will take place.
13:50Jish's assistant informs him that the company is facing financial difficulties,
13:55and that the company's founders want to hold a meeting, for which Jish's father is responsible for all decisions.
14:01Jish decides to go to the company and tells his mother to take care of his father,
14:06asking her to keep him informed of any updates.
14:09He then leaves with his assistant.
14:11Xin follows him and sees Jish standing with Xiaohu,
14:14who brought some doctors specializing in heart conditions to examine his father and prepare for the surgery.
14:20Jish then goes to the company and tries to resolve the financial problems with the founders,
14:25meanwhile his father undergoes surgery and his condition remains uncertain.
14:29During this time, Jish recalls memories of his father, appearing visibly distressed.
14:34He begins reviewing the company's assets, transactions, and shares to find a solution to its financial issues.
14:40Exhausted, he falls asleep, and Xin comes in to cover him with a blanket.
14:45The next morning, when he wakes up, he realizes that he is late.
14:49He grabs his bag and leaves while drinking the coffee that Xin made for him.
14:53That evening, Xin waits outside the company holding an umbrella.
14:57When he comes out and sees her, he approaches her, and she says,
15:00I was worried about you. I brought this umbrella so you can protect yourself from the rain.
15:05He asks her not to help him with anything, and tells her that he has no time for her,
15:09as he is busy with work and his father.
15:11He also asks her to stay away from him.
15:14Later that night, we see Xin sitting alone somewhere,
15:17and her father comes to her and tells her that she should get a place of her own and leave the house,
15:21considering the feelings of the people who own it.
15:24He advises her to control her emotions, as he knows her to do.
15:28Xin agrees with him and takes his advice to heart.
15:31A few days later, Ali is feeling better, and his entire family is by his side, taking care of him.
15:37His father asks Jish what the relationship between him and Shaho is.
15:41Jish explains that if he marries Shaho, it will bring a significant investment to the company,
15:47which will help resolve its financial problems.
15:49His father tells him that if he wants to marry, he should marry the woman he loves.
15:54Just then, Xin arrives and says that she came to check on her uncle Ali's condition.
15:59Jish then informs her that he will be proposing to Shaho and putting his studies on hold.
16:04Xin congratulates him, though she feels heartache, and says,
16:07I thought my dream would come true, but it's been abandoned.
16:10I won't be chasing after it anymore, before running away in tears.
16:15She then starts packing her things and leaves the house, informing Amy and Ali of her decision.
16:20Afterward, we see her working as a nurse at a hospital, where she checks Facebook and sees Jish and Shaho.
16:27She learns that Jish is going to give a lecture at their former school.
16:30She hesitates to go, but eventually, she decides to attend, hiding among the students to listen to his lecture.
16:37When she arrives at the venue, she sees Jish and hears him say,
16:42The rumors you've heard were only about you. I wanted to find out if you still love me.
16:47When you showed up, I knew you still do.
16:49He confesses that he still loves her and has missed her terribly.
16:53He tells her that he has lived these past days only with memories of her
16:56because she is the only person who has ever touched his heart.
17:00Jish then asks her to marry him, and Xin, in disbelief that her dream is finally coming true, agrees,
17:07realizing that she will spend the rest of her life with the man she loves, Jish.
