Let It Snow Hallmark Winter Romance Christmas Movie

  • 2 days ago
00:00:00Good morning.
00:00:13Oh, Mom. Why do you always do that?
00:00:16Because it works.
00:00:18Come on, sweetie.
00:00:21Soccer uniform's packed. Throw your cleats in for carpool.
00:00:26Early bird gets the worm.
00:00:28What about the early worm?
00:00:31He gets eaten.
00:00:33Time to go. But they're in the dragon's lair. Thorsten and Krag.
00:00:37Arthur, come on. Bowl, plate, shoes. I forgot that faculty thing this morning.
00:00:41I could just walk to school.
00:00:43We've talked about that.
00:00:45Come on.
00:00:46The evil wizard will be me if you don't...
00:00:48March, March, March. I know.
00:00:51You should read this book. I think you'd like it.
00:00:54A comic?
00:00:57It's a graphic novel.
00:00:59The teens in this book get to do a lot of things.
00:01:03Maybe even walk to school on their own.
00:01:07Let's go.
00:01:12I know 13 is the age they start to pull away.
00:01:15I just... I want to make sure he's doing it for developmentally appropriate reasons.
00:01:20Not because he doesn't like me.
00:01:22Who wouldn't like you?
00:01:23Maybe I'm uncool.
00:01:25Mom, of course you're uncool.
00:01:27Maybe you could loosen the reins a little.
00:01:29What's the worst that could happen?
00:01:31I teach probability. I know exactly what could happen.
00:01:34Let's turn your brain on. Have a girls' night.
00:01:37Joe is away at his college reunion on the 28th.
00:01:40The 28th? It's the big school dance.
00:01:42I signed up to chaperone.
00:01:43So unsign up.
00:01:45Okay, how about tonight?
00:01:46Maybe at the gym, we'll grab a drink. There's some new cute guys at my gym.
00:01:49You're married.
00:01:50You're not.
00:01:52How many years since you've been on more than one date?
00:01:55You remember how horrible those dates were.
00:01:57Which doesn't mean that you have to swear off completely. Take a chance.
00:02:00Anyway, tonight is...
00:02:01See you to Friday?
00:02:04Am I that predictable?
00:02:05You're the one with the lesson plans all the way to 2047.
00:02:08No. 2045.
00:02:12That's the year I retire. Makes sense.
00:02:14What did you guys decide to do for spring break?
00:02:16I want to do something to reconnect us. You know?
00:02:20Or just get him to look up and out.
00:02:28Gotta go.
00:02:35I rolled a five.
00:02:36There was a one in six chance of that happening because there are six numbers total.
00:02:40But now, what do you think the chances are that any of you might roll another five?
00:02:46One in five?
00:02:47Close, but not quite.
00:02:50One in six?
00:02:51That's right.
00:02:52Every time you roll the dice, the odds are the same.
00:02:54You get a fresh chance to get what you want.
00:02:57Now, over spring break, I want you all to create your own real-world math problem around the idea of probability.
00:03:03Be creative. Your problem could be about matching socks or the upcoming school dance.
00:03:07Like the chances of meeting your soulmate at the dance?
00:03:10I'm not sure how you'd measure that, but if there's a formula, I'm all ears.
00:03:22Have a wonderful rest of your day.
00:03:24Pi day, that is.
00:03:26March 14th, 3.1415926535897932384664.
00:03:40Hey, Tabitha.
00:03:42Going to the invitational dance?
00:03:47Hey, Tabitha.
00:03:48You going to the dance?
00:03:50Arthur, your cleats?
00:03:52How are we going to play without these?
00:03:55Oh, Tabitha.
00:03:57Do you know Arthur?
00:03:58He's my son.
00:04:01Nice meeting you.
00:04:02She's so nice and smart.
00:04:04You should ask her to the dance.
00:04:09See you after soccer.
00:04:13Family bonding.
00:04:17Too far.
00:04:18Too expensive.
00:04:21Too dangerous.
00:04:24Too weird.
00:04:25Hi, Mom.
00:04:28How was it?
00:04:29Did you score any goals?
00:04:30I'm a defender.
00:04:33You want some water?
00:04:36Defenders score goals, right?
00:04:38You know, no one can score from the bench, though.
00:04:44Well, how was the rest of school?
00:04:47Before or after my mother humiliated me in front of Tabitha.
00:04:51Oh, Arthur.
00:04:54I'm sorry.
00:04:56But I have an idea to make it up to you.
00:04:58I was thinking that for break we could do something fun.
00:05:00You know, like go hiking or a road trip or something.
00:05:03You want to brainstorm?
00:05:05Can I just play my guitar?
00:05:08Yeah, I'll get dinner started and maybe we could do it after.
00:05:11For you to Friday?
00:05:12You know it.
00:05:37Family camping.
00:06:04Don't touch that.
00:06:06Excuse me?
00:06:09Why would I wait for you?
00:06:11I'll show you how to use it later.
00:06:13I think I know how to use it.
00:06:14After school?
00:06:16Oh, no, that's right.
00:06:17You're off next week, aren't you?
00:06:20Okay, pal.
00:06:21I don't know how you know I'm a teacher.
00:06:22I love you.
00:06:26Good morning.
00:06:28Oh, you weren't talking to me just then.
00:06:33No, professor.
00:06:36Wait, so you heard everything I said and you just let me ramble on and make a fool of myself?
00:06:41I held up a finger.
00:06:48Oh, the door sticks sometimes.
00:06:52Oh, you work here, don't you?
00:06:55You know, that's no way to treat a customer, right?
00:06:57In fact, I would like to speak with your boss.
00:07:00What would you like to say to him?
00:07:04You are the boss.
00:07:06I will not be giving you a good Yelp review.
00:07:09And I'm taking my business elsewhere.
00:07:12Uh, professor.
00:07:18Broken anyway.
00:07:33I'm home.
00:07:35What was that?
00:07:37What's that?
00:07:38A music card.
00:07:39It's yours as soon as you're packed.
00:07:41We leave bright and early tomorrow morning.
00:07:43So exciting.
00:07:45What's all of this?
00:07:46It's for the camping trip.
00:07:47What camping trip?
00:07:48Camping trip, dad?
00:07:51Trust me, you're gonna love it.
00:07:52You've met me, right?
00:07:53Think of it this way.
00:07:54It's a great chance for you to get far away from school and recharge your batteries.
00:07:57Bear Creek's not even that far away.
00:07:59If you would have said Maui, then I might actually go.
00:08:01It's just four days.
00:08:02It's four days?
00:08:03It's four days.
00:08:04In the mountains.
00:08:05Four whole days at Camp Bear Creek.
00:08:07You are aware that it's my spring break, right?
00:08:10You booked already, didn't you?
00:08:12It's not really camping.
00:08:13Camping, which by the way I think you would totally love,
00:08:15is camping in a nice tent and there will be other kids.
00:08:18Also roped in by their deranged parents?
00:08:20If you mean your fun dad who thinks of the craziest ideas that turn out to be the best times you've ever had, then yes.
00:08:27Hiking, canoes, campfires, probably be a marshmallow or two.
00:08:31I told you last night at dinner you weren't listening, were you?
00:08:35And it's my week.
00:08:36Your mom's at her conference.
00:08:37What is the good in owning your own camping store if you can't try out the new gear?
00:08:41Is that a pink camouflaged water bottle?
00:08:44I know, makes it a tent, right?
00:08:46Look, this place looks great.
00:08:47They've got cabins, not tents, hot water, tons of activities.
00:08:51They've even got a glow-in-the-dark frisbee golf thing.
00:08:53Mom, this isn't like you.
00:08:55This is so you.
00:08:57Everything last minute is all about you.
00:08:59Did you even bother to ask if I had plans?
00:09:01Did you?
00:09:03Holly was thinking of throwing a party.
00:09:07Who's Holly?
00:09:12Mom, do you even know how to camp?
00:09:16No, but what better time to learn than now?
00:09:21We'll figure it out together.
00:09:23And you can start by being my navigator on the trip.
00:09:27You know you have a GPS on your phone, right?
00:09:30No, I know, but we don't know what kind of reception we'll get up in the mountains.
00:09:33Can I just finish my game?
00:09:35You can play your game at any time.
00:09:37Look up.
00:09:38It's beautiful here.
00:09:39So you're just gonna sit in the car for the next four days?
00:09:42Not if I can get Mom to pick me up.
00:09:46Maybe I'll just rule out cell phone usage entirely while we're gone.
00:09:49Then you wouldn't be a fun dad, would you?
00:09:53You know, I actually printed up a list of activities, so I don't miss any of the good ones.
00:09:58Let's see. Archery, arts and crafts.
00:10:02Oh, what about the rock wall?
00:10:06Did you notice that they have a talent show?
00:10:08Is that why you had me bring my guitar?
00:10:11Mom, you know I don't like to play in front of other people.
00:10:54You gotta be kidding me.
00:10:56Well, this day just keeps getting better and better.
00:10:59Oh, I'm sorry, were you talking to me?
00:11:09That is my cappuccino maker.
00:11:11Propane powered.
00:11:12I got it from Miller's Sporting Goods.
00:11:14I believe that's your competition.
00:11:16Yeah, I don't sell that frou-frou camping gear anyway.
00:11:19Then thank you for driving me to where I could find it.
00:11:24Uh, you don't happen to know where check-in is?
00:11:34Ah, right.
00:11:43Arthur, wake up!
00:11:46We're here!
00:11:48Okay, we've got you in Chipmunk, which is right here.
00:11:53Thank you, Addie.
00:11:54No problem.
00:11:59You're looking a tad confused.
00:12:01That's not you.
00:12:02This is a confusing map.
00:12:03Good, then I'm not crazy.
00:12:08I wasn't expecting so much snow.
00:12:11Oh, it's a gift.
00:12:13First time camping?
00:12:17Oh, you're one of those super in-touch people who reads everyone.
00:12:22Well, the price tags are still in your sleeping bag.
00:12:25Come on.
00:12:27This was just a last-minute trip to spend some time with my son.
00:12:31We're not really connecting lately, and he wants his independence,
00:12:33so I'm trying not to obsess over the fact that he's still back at the archery range.
00:12:37Why am I telling you all of this?
00:12:38To convince yourself it was a good idea.
00:12:40I'm not very practiced at new things.
00:12:43Well, you're here, aren't you?
00:12:45Last minute.
00:12:46It looks like you're well-planned and well-organized,
00:12:48so now that you're here, just breathe.
00:12:52Oh, you're in Chipmunk.
00:12:54Just follow the little chipmunks.
00:13:10Chipmunk overflow.
00:13:41I can work with this.
00:13:52Fine. Have it your way.
00:14:11What's with the jeep?
00:14:13Too good to carry your stuff like the rest of us?
00:14:16Special privilege.
00:14:21I just found out that Holly's party is to go for tomorrow night.
00:14:27Good one, Steve.
00:14:29Way to go.
00:14:32It's orientation time, campers.
00:14:34At 8 p.m., head on over to the fire pit.
00:14:36S'mores for the kids, wine for the grown-ups.
00:14:38Can't wait.
00:14:39Can't wait.
00:14:50Okay, everybody, gather round.
00:14:54Hey, um, you never told me. How was archery?
00:14:57No big deal.
00:14:58An arrow almost hit me in the leg.
00:15:01Got you.
00:15:05Good evening, campers.
00:15:07Welcome to Camp Bear Creek.
00:15:08I'm Addie, the activities director, for those of you who haven't met me.
00:15:11Now, we have so many fun activities we want to share with you.
00:15:14We know they're going to bring us all closer together.
00:15:16But first, I would like to introduce one of our long-time instructors, Ms. Beverly Gowers.
00:15:24Beverly will be teaching arts and crafts and also leading games and activities.
00:15:28And when I'm not leading you on an artistic journey, you can join me at the stables.
00:15:33Now, there are a few simple rules.
00:15:35This area is called Bear Creek for a reason.
00:15:38There are bears.
00:15:39They're actually more afraid of us than we are of them.
00:15:42Has anyone asked the bears?
00:15:43But if we don't give them a reason to come in the camp, they won't.
00:15:47So just make sure you keep any food in the bear boxes.
00:15:49And Julie thought I was crazy for bringing Tupperware.
00:15:52And one more thing that's very important.
00:15:54There is a big woods out there, so it's easy to get lost.
00:15:57So just stay on the trails and stay within sight of camp.
00:16:01Great advice.
00:16:02Oh, I almost forgot.
00:16:03One of our campers, Steve Reynolds, has generously donated a brand new canoe for camp.
00:16:07Thank you, Steve.
00:16:10Don't forget, at 8 p.m. there's s'mores for the kids and wine for the adults.
00:16:14Or both!
00:16:16Let's go this way.
00:16:34Sneaky way to get special parking privileges.
00:16:37Yeah, you donate a canoe, you get perks.
00:16:45Look, why don't we start over?
00:16:47We obviously got off on the wrong foot.
00:16:49Which was your fault, by the way.
00:16:51It was.
00:16:53I'm sorry.
00:16:56I'm Steve.
00:16:59I guess I owe you an apology, too.
00:17:03For that bad Yelp review.
00:17:05I'm so sorry, I will take it down as soon as I get home.
00:17:09I'm not too worried about it.
00:17:11You should be.
00:17:13I mean, there are plenty of people who won't step foot inside a restaurant or a store if it doesn't get at least four stars.
00:17:19Those people really need to relax.
00:17:23You mean, like me?
00:17:26You mean, like me?
00:17:29Are you saying I'm uptight?
00:17:31No, not at all.
00:17:32You seem like you have a lot on your mind.
00:17:35You know, coming here was practically spur of the moment.
00:17:38That makes me the opposite of uptight.
00:17:40I'm adventurous.
00:17:42So, you better look out, nature boy.
00:17:45Come on.
00:17:48What are you doing?
00:17:49Oh, uh, I'm making a fire from two sticks.
00:17:53I read how to do it online.
00:17:59Come on, come on.
00:18:01How long have you been doing it?
00:18:03Uh, I don't know.
00:18:05I've been doing it since I was a little girl.
00:18:07I've been doing it since I was a little girl.
00:18:09I've been doing it since I was a little girl.
00:18:11How long have you been doing it?
00:18:12Uh, I don't know.
00:18:14I can't feel my arms.
00:18:19Still at it, huh?
00:18:20Oh, I'll get there.
00:18:22Yeah, you'll see.
00:18:23This girl can camp.
00:18:25Yeah, no question about it.
00:18:31Oh, you gotta be kidding me.
00:18:35We're not on Survivor.
00:18:37Why didn't you tell me you had matches?
00:18:39You've got a propane-powered cappuccino machine.
00:18:41Figured you had thought of everything.
00:18:43You know, you are just...
00:18:44Mom, hang on just a minute.
00:18:45You're one of those know-it-all campers who...
00:18:49You did it.
00:18:51You started a fire.
00:18:54I did it?
00:18:55I did it?
00:18:58Oh, we have to blow.
00:18:59Oh, right.
00:19:03High five.
00:19:07Pretty great, huh?
00:19:09Best hotel ever.
00:19:11It kind of is.
00:19:13Might have to get one of these fire pits for the house.
00:19:16Backyard camping.
00:19:20So when's the talent show?
00:19:23You could do that song that you were practicing last week.
00:19:25You know, the one with the chords?
00:19:26I can get you sheet music if you want.
00:19:28I meant you.
00:19:30You should sing.
00:19:32No, I mean...
00:19:34I wouldn't even have time to prepare.
00:19:39If you say so.
00:19:41You're really good.
00:19:44Hey, campers.
00:19:4520 minutes until the kids and the adults get their own mixers right by the rec center.
00:19:49S'mores for the kids.
00:19:51I love s'mores.
00:19:53I love you s'mores.
00:19:57Get it?
00:19:58Yeah, I get it.
00:20:15You know, there's a few single fathers here tonight.
00:20:19No, no, no.
00:20:20I'm just here to bond with my son.
00:20:23You know what I teach outside camp?
00:20:31This is Dana.
00:20:34Gary's from Nevada, aren't you, Gary?
00:20:38You've ever been to Nevada, Dana?
00:20:41Uh, no.
00:20:42I, uh...
00:20:44I'm not much of a gambler.
00:20:45Oh, me neither.
00:20:46Well, not anymore.
00:20:50Cool pool.
00:20:52I used to have one just like it.
00:20:58I bet you it takes a lot of chlorine...
00:21:01to clean it.
00:21:09Hey, Lace.
00:21:14How was the kids thing?
00:21:18Did you stay out long?
00:21:24I'm going to bed.
00:21:27But tomorrow, we can do some fun things.
00:21:30Yeah, okay.
00:21:38Good night.
00:21:55Hi, Mom.
00:21:56Oh, hi. Hey, hey. How was it?
00:21:58It was pretty good.
00:21:59We played that glow-in-the-dark frisbee golf thing.
00:22:02It was fun?
00:22:03You're having fun?
00:22:04Yeah, it's great.
00:22:08Can you tell me if it wasn't?
00:22:11Smart mouth.
00:22:12I really want to try the rock wall.
00:22:15Um, you know, if it fits in the schedule.
00:22:18Go brush your teeth.
00:22:19Come on. Bedtime.
00:22:57Right there. Right there.
00:22:59Right there. Right there.
00:23:00Bear. Bear.
00:23:01Bear? Bear?
00:23:07Oh, hi. Sorry. Excuse me. Wake up.
00:23:09There's a bear.
00:23:10A bear?
00:23:12Did you see a bear?
00:23:15Oh, come on.
00:23:16I am so telling Mom about this.
00:23:17I don't think you can blame me for a bear coming into camp.
00:23:19Well, we're camping with the bears.
00:23:20Bears don't just come into camp.
00:23:21It's in our tent.
00:23:24Why is he in our tent?
00:23:26Did you leave food out in your tent?
00:23:28In Tupperware, like the Arts and Crafts lady said.
00:23:30You left your food in Tupperware?
00:23:31Didn't you hear her say that all leftovers of food have to be put in the bear boxes?
00:23:35That's not a brand of container?
00:23:37Nope. It's those black steel storage bins that say bear box on them
00:23:41that keep bear from sniffing around looking for food in people's tents.
00:23:44Oh, those.
00:23:45Well, that got to be clear in the presentation.
00:23:47We've got to get rid of this bear.
00:23:49What are you doing?
00:23:51Getting things that we can bang together.
00:23:53Take that.
00:23:54Make as much noise as we possibly can.
00:23:56That should scare away the bear.
00:23:58I want to help.
00:23:59I'm sorry, you're not going anywhere near a bear.
00:24:01None of you are.
00:24:02You're going to make as much noise as you can right here inside the tent.
00:24:06Okay, close the flaps behind.
00:24:07Wait, but Dad.
00:24:09It's okay.
00:24:10I got this.
00:24:16On the count of three.
00:24:17One, two, three.
00:24:26Come on, bear.
00:24:28Go, bear. Go.
00:24:32Go, go, go.
00:24:43It's gone.
00:24:44Did you see it go?
00:24:45It was just a...
00:24:46Your dad saved us.
00:24:50It was so big.
00:24:52It was really, really big and scary.
00:24:56Wow, that's so cool.
00:24:58You did it.
00:25:00So cool.
00:25:02That's my dad.
00:25:08All right, let's get inside.
00:25:09Come on.
00:25:21I'm not usually a rescue the damsel kind of woman.
00:25:26You seem like you can handle yourself.
00:25:29It's a compliment.
00:25:39Lacy's changed a lot the last year.
00:25:42I mean, with the divorce and starting high school.
00:25:46What's more, she's smart, but she's really pulled back from working hard.
00:25:52She'd rather be texting these girls and, I don't know, talking about boys and clothes.
00:25:58So you thought you'd bring her someplace where there was body cell service and makeup wouldn't matter?
00:26:07She'll come out the other side.
00:26:08A work in progress.
00:26:10I teach teenagers. I get it.
00:26:12What do you teach?
00:26:14Eighth grade math.
00:26:15Oh, now that is perfect.
00:26:19Hey, at least you like the outdoors.
00:26:22I thought, I don't know, I thought coming here might boost Arthur's confidence, connect us.
00:26:32I don't know anything about camping.
00:26:35All I've done so far is bring a bear into camp.
00:26:39That was just day one. Wait to see what happens on day two.
00:26:43Two bears?
00:26:49Um, well I should probably get some sleep.
00:26:54Yeah. I'll stay and watch.
00:26:57Thanks again. Okay.
00:27:01Good night.
00:27:09So can you come pick me up?
00:27:12Well, I want to go hang out with Holly and her friends.
00:27:18You, uh, think about high school much?
00:27:21Most of my friends are going. You won't be there. What could be bad?
00:27:27So, I looked at the schedule you put together for today.
00:27:31Tree identification?
00:27:37Uh, we could do arts and crafts.
00:27:41Uh, you want to try yoga with me?
00:27:45What do you want to do?
00:27:47Besides the rock wall.
00:27:49What's wrong with the rock wall?
00:27:51You mean other than falling and breaking every bone in your body?
00:27:53No. Little kids go rock climbing. Instructors attach you to ropes.
00:27:57It's fine.
00:27:59So not like that time you fell out of the tree.
00:28:01I was four.
00:28:03And your arm didn't set right.
00:28:05It's fine now. See?
00:28:08Is there anything else you'd want to do?
00:28:10Is there anything else you'd want to do?
00:28:13Food tastes pretty good in the open air, huh?
00:28:20Did you, uh, take a look at those activities? There are lots of fun things to do on that list.
00:28:25Fun, fun. That's what we're here for.
00:28:27Isn't there anything that you're interested in?
00:28:30Well, is there anything that I can use my phone for?
00:28:34Whoa, wait.
00:28:36Yeah, geocaching.
00:28:38We could go geocaching.
00:28:42It's like a hunt in the woods.
00:28:44Your GPS gives you coordinates and the coordinates lead you to a treasure box.
00:28:47What's a treasure?
00:28:49Well, it depends. Nothing like valuable or anything, but maybe meaningful.
00:28:52The thing is, if you take something, you have to leave something.
00:28:54Okay, what should we leave?
00:28:56I'll figure it out.
00:28:58Do we need to bring anything?
00:29:00No, just my phone and two water bottles. One of them pink.
00:29:02You game?
00:29:04A treasure hunt in the woods? Hmm.
00:29:08I'm game.
00:29:11Ha, great minds.
00:29:14Oh, hi.
00:29:16Can we join you?
00:29:18Yeah, sure.
00:29:22My phone has a better signal.
00:29:24My phone has more charge.
00:29:26Finally, a use for those phones.
00:29:30It is so beautiful here.
00:29:32You guys, come look. There's a bridge.
00:29:34That's off the path. They said that we were supposed to...
00:29:36There's a trail on the other side, and there's a cache in the woods.
00:29:39Let's do it.
00:29:43Well, if Steve thinks it's okay...
00:30:00This way!
00:30:02It's really coming down. Take cover!
00:30:05It's coming down, huh?
00:30:09Oh my gosh, it's pouring.
00:30:11We should be okay here.
00:30:14It's so wet out here.
00:30:16It is.
00:30:18So, what grade are you in?
00:30:20I'm a freshman.
00:30:22Which school?
00:30:26Arthur's going there next year. How do you like it?
00:30:28First time camping, huh?
00:30:30What do you think so far?
00:30:32It's all right.
00:30:34Play any sports?
00:30:36Yeah. I play a little bit of soccer.
00:30:38I'm pretty good at Madden on the Xbox.
00:30:41Why would anybody do math on purpose?
00:30:44Isn't it just for nerds?
00:30:46No. It's for people who want to challenge themselves.
00:30:50Find out what they're made of.
00:30:52But what if you challenge yourself and you still don't get anywhere?
00:30:54That's when you double down.
00:30:56When you work hard and solve something you didn't think you could,
00:30:59that's when you prove to yourself that you are stronger and smarter than you thought.
00:31:02That's what I love about math.
00:31:04If that makes me a nerd, so be it.
00:31:08Rock wall, huh?
00:31:10Yeah. My mom's pretending it won't fit in the schedule.
00:31:13She just doesn't want me to do it, though.
00:31:15Ah. She probably has her reasons.
00:31:17She's worried that I'll fall.
00:31:19Yeah. That just means she cares.
00:31:21Well, she's the one that's afraid of heights.
00:31:23Well, that is altogether different.
00:31:25You know, if you ever want any help or if there's anything I can walk you through,
00:31:29just let me know.
00:31:31It's clearing up. Let's go.
00:31:36You know, algebra E is my favorite.
00:31:38What are you guys chatting about?
00:31:40Girl talk.
00:31:49Guys, we lost the signal on our phones.
00:31:53We wandered off the path and now we don't know where the geocache is.
00:31:57We're lost?
00:31:58We're lost?
00:32:00No. This is an adventure.
00:32:02It can't be.
00:32:04I mean, they're going to come find us, right?
00:32:07Well, we wandered off the path.
00:32:09How are they even going to know?
00:32:13Okay. We won't be back for dinner.
00:32:15Someone will come looking for us. It's fine.
00:32:17No, it's not fine.
00:32:19I mean, do we stay here?
00:32:21Do we try to walk back?
00:32:23I mean, what if we get lost?
00:32:25What if there's a bear?
00:32:26It can't get any worse.
00:32:33Mom, the fitness tracker on my phone.
00:32:36I set it when we crossed the bridge.
00:32:38We took 3,984 steps.
00:32:43That's a lot of steps.
00:32:45Okay. Let's go.
00:32:51Wait, wait, wait. Hold on, guys. Hold on.
00:32:53I think we're really close to the geocache treasure.
00:32:56It says that it's right...
00:32:58Yeah, guys. The geocache. We made it.
00:33:09There's not much in there.
00:33:11What is it?
00:33:18How about that?
00:33:20Oh, we should send a log.
00:33:22Here's that.
00:33:24What are you going to write?
00:33:27All right.
00:33:29Here, put it back.
00:33:31Oh, no. We didn't bring anything to put back in the box.
00:33:34Yeah, we did. I'll put it away.
00:33:57Okay, now can we go?
00:33:59Let's go.
00:34:03One, two, three, four, five, six...
00:34:07That's a lot of steps.
00:34:09...73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 3,984!
00:34:20There's the bridge!
00:34:22We made it!
00:34:24That was fun.
00:34:26That was fun.
00:34:28Dana, stop.
00:34:31Look behind you.
00:34:33Please don't say it's a bear.
00:34:37Just look.
00:34:42And no bears.
00:34:44Or raccoons.
00:34:46It's okay, it's okay. I get it.
00:34:49I get it.
00:34:55Mom, come on! I'm hungry!
00:35:07Push down as the rest of your body rises up.
00:35:10This is a good exercise.
00:35:11Push down as the rest of your body rises up.
00:35:14This is how we build our strength.
00:35:17We push down.
00:35:19So we can soar.
00:35:21Like an eagle.
00:35:26Shoulders back.
00:35:28Ooh, are you tight?
00:35:30It was a bumpy morning.
00:35:33That's more than one morning.
00:35:35All right, let's go to salutation.
00:35:41That's it, buddy. Right there.
00:35:43Your foot's solid. Yeah, now step.
00:35:45There, perfect.
00:35:48All right, you're doing it.
00:35:51How are you feeling?
00:35:56Okay, now push.
00:36:00You're a natural, bud.
00:36:02It's going to get more technical up here.
00:36:05Okay, this is getting trickier.
00:36:07Your right.
00:36:09Reach for that and pull yourself up.
00:36:11Yeah, you should be able to get it.
00:36:15I don't think I can.
00:36:16Oh yeah, sure you can, man.
00:36:17Just get your feet, both of them underneath you.
00:36:19You need a little chalk.
00:36:20Reach your right hand back and grab some chalk.
00:36:21There you go.
00:36:25Bring your left leg up to here.
00:36:26Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:36:27Okay, now ready?
00:36:28Push off of your left leg and you reach for that.
00:36:30You got this. There you go.
00:36:31Look at that.
00:36:33Nice job.
00:36:34Way to go, Arthur!
00:36:38No, no, it's okay.
00:36:39Don't look down, Arthur.
00:36:40You're good.
00:36:42Don't look down.
00:36:44Right there.
00:36:48It's okay, buddy.
00:36:49It's all right. He's fine.
00:36:50The instructor's got him.
00:36:51You're good, bud.
00:36:52It's okay.
00:36:53I think I'm done.
00:36:55No, no, no, no, no.
00:36:56We're almost there, bud.
00:36:57You're so close.
00:36:59Get your feet underneath you.
00:37:00There you go.
00:37:01And push.
00:37:03Oh yeah, you're there.
00:37:08Good job.
00:37:10Nice job.
00:37:15Oh, that was hard.
00:37:17How do we get down?
00:37:18Lean back.
00:37:21That's it, buddy.
00:37:22That's it, that's good.
00:37:23Look up a bit.
00:37:24There you go. Here we go.
00:37:25Lean back.
00:37:26You got this.
00:37:28Have a little fun with it, bud.
00:37:32Mom, I'm sorry.
00:37:33I should have told you.
00:37:35You were amazing.
00:37:37Yeah, no, uh...
00:37:38I would like to see you try it again sometime.
00:37:44Thanks, Mom.
00:37:46I will.
00:37:49I'll see you back at the tent.
00:37:50I'm going to go practice my guitar.
00:37:56That was incredible.
00:37:57That was so much.
00:37:58You dragged my child away from our tent without my permission?
00:38:01Weren't I thinking what could have happened up there?
00:38:04I didn't drag.
00:38:05And nothing happened.
00:38:06Or were you just thinking about yourself?
00:38:07How cool you'd be to him?
00:38:11That's not what happened.
00:38:19Don't stop.
00:38:21I'm not very good.
00:38:23You sounded pretty good to me.
00:38:27So, your mom said you're going to Jefferson next year.
00:38:30I go there.
00:38:31But I'm warning you, I don't talk to freshmen.
00:38:33Aren't you a freshman?
00:38:35Next year, when I'm a sophomore, I won't be speaking to freshmen.
00:38:38But we can hang out now.
00:38:40Until this torture ends.
00:38:42Keep playing.
00:39:01Wow, wonderful.
00:39:02Good job.
00:39:03Now, okay.
00:39:04Who's next?
00:39:08Don't be shy.
00:39:09Dad, you should do your magic trick.
00:39:10No, no, no.
00:39:11I can't.
00:39:12My dad can do magic tricks.
00:39:13No, she's lying.
00:39:15Steve, get up here.
00:39:16Mom is coming to the talent show.
00:39:18Okay, I don't have any money.
00:39:25I need some money.
00:39:27Does anybody have a dollar?
00:39:29No, this camera is going to probably have cash.
00:39:31All right.
00:39:33Steve's funny.
00:39:36He's not that funny.
00:39:38It's a twenty dollar bill.
00:39:40Good shape.
00:39:44Well, he's nice.
00:39:45Like earlier when I asked him to go rock climbing.
00:39:49You asked him?
00:39:52Stand by.
00:39:53I'm just going to fix this.
00:39:55Oh boy.
00:40:02This used to kill in college.
00:40:05I seem to have lost my edge.
00:40:13I'll get that back to you.
00:40:15Look out, David Blaine.
00:40:16Great job, Steve.
00:40:20Anyone else?
00:40:21That was fun.
00:40:24Don't be shy.
00:40:27Come on, guys.
00:40:29I can sing.
00:40:30Dana, yeah.
00:40:31Come on, let's see it.
00:40:33Dana, everybody.
00:40:35All right, get on up here.
00:40:44This is for all you pie lovers out there.
00:40:48No, no.
00:40:49Not the dessert.
00:40:50No, no.
00:40:51Not the dessert.
00:40:54Pi is equal to 3.1415926535897932384626.
00:41:04Then 43383279502884197169399375105820974.
00:41:199, 4, 4, 5, 9, 2, and then 3, 0, 7, 8, 1, 6, 4.
00:41:25Hey, where's the end?
00:41:35Is anyone else's mind blown?
00:41:36Because my mind is blown.
00:41:40Is there anyone else?
00:41:41Is that everyone?
00:41:43Going once.
00:41:45Going twice.
00:41:46If I can do it, so can you.
00:41:48There's got to be someone else.
00:41:50Well, everyone, there's hot chocolate in the rec room.
00:41:52I want to thank all of you for sharing your talents tonight.
00:41:55Arthur, yes, get up here.
00:42:05Go, Arthur.
00:42:08This is a song I've been learning the past few weeks, so I hope you enjoy.
00:42:13You got this, sweetie.
00:42:18Let me restart.
00:42:49Go, Arthur.
00:42:57Wow, who knew you were so talented?
00:42:59You, too.
00:43:01That's just lacy.
00:43:02She's trying to get at me.
00:43:04Can you do a rendition of Pythagoras' Theorem today?
00:43:09Don't tempt me.
00:43:11You are nerdier than I thought.
00:43:13Oh, I'm beyond nerdy.
00:43:16And not just about math.
00:43:17I love Star Wars, I know everything about Wookiees and Jedis.
00:43:22Wow, I'm into Star Trek.
00:43:25I love Star Trek.
00:43:30Listen, I owe you an apology.
00:43:34For what?
00:43:36Arthur told me that he's the one who came to you about the rock wall.
00:43:41I should have asked you first.
00:43:43Thank you, but I'm officially sorry.
00:43:45And I'm officially enjoying getting to know you.
00:43:50Me, too.
00:44:07Well, good night.
00:44:11Yeah, good night.
00:44:16Good night.
00:44:27You're such a good boy.
00:44:31Is that good?
00:44:32It's a beautiful horse.
00:44:33Oh, hey.
00:44:34I was hoping you'd stop by.
00:44:36Grab a brush.
00:44:41This is Teddy. He's a Norwegian fjord.
00:44:45Horses just give me peace.
00:44:48Here, right up there. He loves that. Right there. All down his stripe.
00:45:00I think Steve tried to kiss me.
00:45:03Did you want him to kiss you?
00:45:05No, of course not.
00:45:13Well, good.
00:45:14No, we're total opposites.
00:45:17You are the yin to his yang.
00:45:21I don't believe in opposites attract.
00:45:24I mean, you have to have at least some common interest.
00:45:27Anyway, I'm not even looking to date. I mean, it's not on my timetable right now.
00:45:31I didn't know that love paid attention to timetables.
00:45:34That's funny.
00:45:35Love? I didn't say anything about love. I was just talking about a kiss.
00:45:39It didn't even happen.
00:45:40Well, then it's a good thing it didn't happen, because I'd hate to see how worked up you got if it did.
00:45:51What's the worst that could happen?
00:45:56The last time I opened myself up, it didn't go very well.
00:46:04Well, what if?
00:46:06You're a different person now than you were then.
00:46:08What if you are stronger than you know?
00:46:29Come on. Come on.
00:46:44Oh, cappuccino.
00:46:51It's pretty good.
00:46:53You want to try some?
00:46:58Why not?
00:47:03It's alright.
00:47:06Okay, I'll admit that that's a completely unnecessary camping tool if you'll admit that that is better than alright.
00:47:13Okay. It's really good.
00:47:22Dad, what are we doing today?
00:47:25What do you want to do?
00:47:27What do I want to do?
00:47:29Let's go.
00:47:35Alright, fun dad. Let's go.
00:47:38Yeah, are you sure you want to do this?
00:47:41You're not scared, are you?
00:47:43No, I'm just not that big on horses.
00:47:47So, yes.
00:47:49Not a fearful bone in my body.
00:47:59Okay. There we go.
00:48:02So just grab these, yeah?
00:48:04I'm ready.
00:48:06Okay, here you go.
00:48:08Go forward.
00:48:10Alright, giddy up.
00:48:32Let's go.
00:48:44Thank you for doing this with me.
00:48:48Oh, I think...
00:48:49It's okay. I got it.
00:48:54Thanks for coming out here with me.
00:48:55Of course.
00:49:02So what's on your mind?
00:49:06I guess I just don't see how math relates to real life.
00:49:09There's this girl Jenny, she says it's going to matter later on, but I just don't get it.
00:49:14You know, doing math is like going to the gym for your brain.
00:49:20By the way, cute shoes.
00:49:23How much did you spend on them?
00:49:24Is this going to be a math problem?
00:49:26How much?
00:49:27They were $150.
00:49:28Wow. That's like $60 more than twice what I spent on my shoes.
00:49:33Fine, I get it. You spent $45 because I know addition and multiplication.
00:49:39No, you solved for x. That's algebra.
00:49:41If x is the price of my shoes, then 2x plus...
00:49:44Plus 60 equals 150.
00:49:46Yes! Lacey, you understand math better than you realize.
00:49:50Maybe I just don't have a great teacher.
00:49:54But can I guess something else?
00:49:59Maybe you thought smart girls wouldn't be popular,
00:50:02so when you got to high school you stopped studying as much as you used to,
00:50:06then six months goes by and you get behind.
00:50:09Math is cumulative, so now even if you wanted to catch up, it feels like you can't.
00:50:15There's this girl Holly, she says that studying is for losers,
00:50:19but she's kind of like...
00:50:21She's friends with everyone who matters.
00:50:25So because of that you decided that it's okay to be less than who you are?
00:50:29No, I just thought that...
00:50:31What if being smart makes you more powerful and more in control of your life?
00:50:35What if you are stronger than you think?
00:50:43And you can be smart and popular.
00:50:46And if this Holly person doesn't think so, what if she's the one losing out?
00:50:55Your friend Jenny sounds pretty cool.
00:51:03Lacey told me what you did for her.
00:51:10She just needed someone to sort of sit down with her and talk it through.
00:51:13She's so bright.
00:51:16Yeah, she is.
00:51:18I'm not great at the sitting still part.
00:51:22Sometimes I worry the reason Arthur has struggled with confidence is because of me.
00:51:30And I worry I'm the reason Lacey doesn't try harder in school.
00:51:38I think the kids are playing capture the flag during lunch today.
00:51:42Arthur was saying something about that.
00:51:46You wouldn't want to share a campfire and eat our lunches together, would you?
00:51:51We have hot dogs.
00:51:53Hot dogs?
00:51:55It sounds like a plan.
00:51:57I mean, not plan, plan, but more like a spontaneous meal.
00:52:01That's exactly what I was thinking.
00:52:09You want to meet in 15 minutes?
00:52:10Yeah, sounds good.
00:52:12I'm going to go over there.
00:52:22Cargo pants.
00:52:30I think it's jeans.
00:52:40Your tent is Steve Reynolds?
00:52:42Yeah, yeah.
00:52:44Hi, I'm Robin, Steve's wife.
00:52:49Can't believe I still get that wrong.
00:52:51I'm Dana, Steve's next tent neighbor.
00:53:01What are you doing here? I thought you had your conference in Aspen.
00:53:04I did, but Lacey kept texting me to come pick her up.
00:53:07I told you on the phone, I have everything under control.
00:53:10No, you did, and coming up here was a great idea.
00:53:13By the way, this place looks amazing.
00:53:16I can't believe you never took me up here.
00:53:18I mean, I could actually camp at a place like this, right?
00:53:22Look, I'm sorry if I overstepped my boundaries.
00:53:25But she sounded miserable, and this was the first break I could take from the conference.
00:53:32You're here.
00:53:34You don't remember texting me about how horrible this place was to come and pick you up?
00:53:38Oh, right, yeah.
00:53:41Well, this place really isn't so bad.
00:53:45Sorry, Mom.
00:53:47It's fine. Stick it out with your dad, I'll head into town and find a hotel.
00:53:51But now that you're here, you should stay with us.
00:53:53She can stay with us, right Dad? I mean, we have enough room.
00:53:56Lacey, it's your dad's time anyway.
00:53:59And I don't have any camping gear.
00:54:01You came all the way up here.
00:54:05You know what? You can bunk with me and Lacey.
00:54:08Steve can stay with my son.
00:54:11I don't know.
00:54:13No, no, it's settled. Lacey, why don't you help your mom with her stuff?
00:54:27Steve, I get it. It's fine.
00:54:29Alright, I'll go get started on the hot dogs.
00:54:32For five.
00:54:34For five.
00:54:39I really appreciate you doing this, Dana.
00:54:42Oh, yeah, I know. It's fine.
00:54:44Lovely to have you.
00:54:46Look how nice you made it in here. It's so homey.
00:54:50You have a great touch.
00:54:52Yeah, we just...
00:54:54Well, I'll stay here, I guess, while you go do your thing and...
00:54:58No, Mom. You should come with us. It'll be fun.
00:55:01Well, if you're game.
00:55:07Yeah, no, that's me. I'm totally game.
00:55:12Let's do it.
00:55:26Wow, nice shot.
00:55:28Beginner's luck.
00:55:30Archers, get your arrows.
00:55:36And we were stuck at the top of the Ferris wheel.
00:55:39And Steve was shaking.
00:55:41Okay, I was not shaking.
00:55:43You're afraid of heights?
00:55:45Dad, is that why you don't like horses?
00:55:47No, I like horses fine. I like heights fine.
00:55:50I just don't like high horses.
00:56:07It's okay, Mom. You're doing great.
00:56:09Hey, go ahead.
00:56:11Okay, I'll be at the zip line.
00:56:13I don't think that actually happened.
00:56:15It did happen.
00:56:27Dana, slow down.
00:56:29Oh, no, no, I'm fine. No, no, please, go back.
00:56:31I don't need to.
00:56:35You know, you try to be spontaneous. You try not to plan.
00:56:41What are we not talking about?
00:56:46So much for our non-date.
00:56:49Yeah. Yeah, the ex-wife showing up didn't really help.
00:56:54Listen, listen, it's not, we're not, there's nothing between us.
00:57:02There hasn't been for a long time.
00:57:05Is she good at everything she tries?
00:57:08It's infuriating, right?
00:57:14Why'd you guys break up?
00:57:15Why'd you guys break up?
00:57:18Well, when you're with the right person, you compliment each other.
00:57:24They have some things that you need, and you have things that they need.
00:57:29It's a match.
00:57:31Exactly. And I don't think we were ever the right fit.
00:57:36What about you?
00:57:39Arthur's father?
00:57:40Arthur's father?
00:57:42Um, he and I were high school sweethearts.
00:57:47Even before Arthur was born, I think we both knew it wasn't going to last.
00:57:52We stuck it out for a year or two.
00:57:54But, uh, turns out he wasn't really cut out to be a dad.
00:58:01It's more of a Christmas card and birthday present kind.
00:58:06You deserve better.
00:58:11I think that's, that's why I don't put myself out there.
00:58:16You know, I want to protect Arthur.
00:58:21Maybe not just Arthur.
00:58:27I, I should go find him.
00:58:50Mom, are you okay?
00:58:52Yeah, I'm fine.
00:58:59You know, maybe it's time for us to pack up and go home.
00:59:03Right now? But what about the big campfire and all the goodbyes?
00:59:07What about all that?
00:59:08I thought you didn't really want to be here.
00:59:12Well, I didn't, but I'm having fun now.
00:59:15Really? I made you camp in the snow and do arts and crafts.
00:59:20Yeah, but we did lots of other cool things.
00:59:23And besides, there's still some things I'd like to do before we go.
00:59:27Okay, then.
00:59:30We'll stay.
00:59:39Mind if I join you?
00:59:42Oh, um, sure.
00:59:45You seemed upset before.
00:59:48Oh, I'm fine.
00:59:52What do you think about Steve?
00:59:54Steve? Why?
00:59:57I think he likes you, and I think you like him too.
01:00:01And I think you would be good together.
01:00:03You don't know me.
01:00:05I'm usually right about these things.
01:00:08About setting up your ex-husband with other women?
01:00:11About good people who would be good together.
01:00:16Why are you telling me this?
01:00:20I talked with Lacey.
01:00:22I'm heading back down the hill to find a hotel for myself.
01:00:26I wanted to thank you for your hospitality and your hospitality.
01:00:29I wanted to tell you that he's a great guy.
01:00:32And I hope you give him a chance.
01:00:45Come with me.
01:00:47Where are we going?
01:00:51Is this a good idea?
01:00:53There's a grip to your left.
01:00:55Grab it, and pull up.
01:00:57Use your legs.
01:00:59How do you know this?
01:01:01Steve taught me.
01:01:03Now push.
01:01:05That's it?
01:01:09Good job.
01:01:11I, uh...
01:01:13I don't know.
01:01:15I don't know.
01:01:17I don't know.
01:01:18I, uh...
01:01:20You know, we're getting pretty high.
01:01:23Yeah, we are.
01:01:25You know, I'll just stop here. Why don't you go ahead?
01:01:30If I can do it, you can do it.
01:01:39Push down so you can soar.
01:01:45That's it. Keep going.
01:01:46Keep going.
01:01:48Remember, use your legs.
01:02:00Nice. Now push.
01:02:02Push. You're almost there.
01:02:12Good job, Mom!
01:02:17Hot chocolate!
01:02:25You were amazing.
01:02:27You too. I never would have done that on my own.
01:02:35Arthur, serious question.
01:02:39Have I held you back?
01:02:41Have my fears kept you from doing fun things?
01:02:46I don't know. Maybe.
01:02:48I don't want you to be afraid of things.
01:02:52I don't want you to be afraid of things either.
01:03:00So good.
01:03:10Hey, what are you doing?
01:03:12Oh, um...
01:03:14I was just...
01:03:16I was downloading math games.
01:03:18Practice math.
01:03:20Well, that's cool.
01:03:22What year are you?
01:03:24Ninth at Jefferson in Denver.
01:03:26Tenth at Jefferson too.
01:03:28Really? I've never seen you there.
01:03:30I think I've seen you. It's Lacey, right?
01:03:33Well, I guess I'll see you at the bonfire?
01:03:36Yeah, I'll see you there.
01:03:54Um, no. Jenny, actually.
01:03:57I was seeing what she was doing at the end of spring break when we got back home.
01:04:02I saw you left our old key in the geocache box.
01:04:08I think when your mom and I split...
01:04:11I was so worried about you being sad that I just pushed for everything to be fun.
01:04:17All the time.
01:04:19But I think in doing that I might have...
01:04:22Missed out...
01:04:24On what you really need.
01:04:30I'm here for you, Lace.
01:04:32For any reason.
01:04:34At any time.
01:04:36If you reach out...
01:04:37I'll listen. I promise.
01:04:42So Maui, huh?
01:04:45You think Maui's a better choice?
01:04:48Think it'd be a better spot for spring break?
01:04:51Isn't that, like, crazy expensive?
01:04:53Not if you camp in the woods there. It's pretty good.
01:04:59I'm kidding. I stay in a hotel on the beach.
01:05:03But you know what? I actually really loved coming here with you.
01:05:10You wanna go make s'mores? At the bonfire?
01:05:13Would you mind if I went ahead alone?
01:05:17No. Not at all.
01:05:40I spend a lot of time looking up at these stars when I go camping.
01:05:45What's your favorite constellation?
01:05:49It's the one that circles the North Star.
01:05:52What are you looking at?
01:05:55Oh, wow.
01:05:59You know what?
01:06:01Oh, wow.
01:06:06Listen, I wanted to tell you something about Robin.
01:06:10Oh, that's okay. Really, it's...
01:06:13She's getting remarried.
01:06:16Yeah, she was gonna wait to tell me back in Denver, but she decided to do it today.
01:06:23How does that make you feel?
01:06:35I feel really good around you.
01:06:41Me too.
01:07:00I made you something.
01:07:02You did?
01:07:08Arts and crafts.
01:07:12I love it.
01:07:14No one's ever made me a bracelet before.
01:07:38What now?
01:07:41What do you mean?
01:07:44Well, this is our last night here, so...
01:07:48What happens when we go back home?
01:07:54Didn't really think that far ahead.
01:07:58Is something wrong?
01:08:07I like you.
01:08:11But... what?
01:08:17You don't want to be in another relationship?
01:08:20I just wanted to kiss you again and see what happens next and let that be enough.
01:08:28Can we do that?
01:08:33Good night, Steve.
01:08:42Hey. Are you okay?
01:08:43Oh, yeah. Never better. We got things to do before the bonfire.
01:08:48Oh, well, can I just finish my-
01:08:49No, you need to pack. We're leaving in the morning.
01:08:58All right, everybody. Come around the fire close. One last time, please.
01:09:04Farewells are so hard.
01:09:05I'll miss you.
01:09:08Another one in the can.
01:09:11Let's hold hands.
01:09:13We hope you've had a wonderful time.
01:09:16Full of adventure and new friends.
01:09:18Take back with you the spirit of what you've learned here.
01:09:21I've seen some great acts of bravery, love, kindness.
01:09:26Remember these new discoveries you've made.
01:09:29The new activities that you've tried.
01:09:32And the new people that you've met.
01:09:35Know that nothing will diminish the time that we've had here.
01:09:39No matter what happens next.
01:09:42And we wish you all happy adventures, lasting friendships, and amazing experiences.
01:09:48Until we meet again.
01:09:49Until we meet again.
01:09:51One, two, three.
01:09:56All right, hug it out. Come here.
01:10:00I'll miss you.
01:10:23What's this?
01:10:24I made it in arts and crafts.
01:10:26I thought you might like it.
01:10:27You know, because you left your other necklace in the geocache.
01:10:33You better not be crushing on me.
01:10:35There's a girl I like at school, Tabitha.
01:10:38But I just wanted to give you something to thank you for being nice to me.
01:10:42And also so you'll remember me.
01:10:44I'll be seeing you at school in the fall to work.
01:10:46Yeah, but you won't be talking to me.
01:10:50Give me your phone.
01:10:52Um, okay.
01:10:54What are you doing?
01:10:55Giving you my number.
01:10:57So when you get to high school next year, I'll let you say hi to me once or twice.
01:11:02If you promise not to be a total geek.
01:11:08Come on, Arthur. Time to load up.
01:11:11Hey, say hi to Tabitha.
01:11:15Girls like guys who have guts.
01:11:23Thanks for the help with math.
01:11:25I really appreciate it.
01:11:29I mean it.
01:11:31If I can help.
01:11:39So, you like Tabitha, huh?
01:11:43All ready? Let's go.
01:11:50Hey, listen. I was thinking about-
01:11:53It was so nice meeting you.
01:11:55Yeah, you too.
01:11:57Listen, I'm sorry.
01:11:58There's nothing to be sorry for.
01:12:00We had fun.
01:12:01But now, back to reality.
01:12:04Safe drive back.
01:12:12Yeah, you too.
01:12:20Thanks for taking me up here.
01:12:23Maybe we could do this again next year?
01:12:30I would love that.
01:12:32And maybe we could invite Steven Lacey to join us too.
01:12:48Then, of course, we have to reduce the fraction.
01:12:54Thank you so much. I'll see you tomorrow.
01:12:58Excuse me, Ms. Henderson.
01:13:00Hi, did you want us to present our real-world math problems?
01:13:02Oh, you did it.
01:13:05Chances of meeting my soulmate at the dance.
01:13:08You wrote out a formula for that?
01:13:11There's number of students coming to the dance, those coming already coupled up,
01:13:15versus those coming single and random kids coming from different schools.
01:13:20That's ambitious.
01:13:22But you might have missed a few variables.
01:13:25Like kids getting sick or something?
01:13:27Well, to start, you're assuming that everyone even has a soulmate,
01:13:31and that they live within driving distance of the school.
01:13:35The problem is,
01:13:37how do you know if you've met your soulmate?
01:13:40Or what if you thought he was the one and he wasn't so sure?
01:13:46There's probably not a formula for that.
01:13:49Well, each time you roll the dice, the odds are the same, right?
01:13:52So, every time, you just have a fresh chance to get what you want.
01:13:56And, you know, maybe you just gotta keep going to dances to make the formula work.
01:14:02Thanks, Julian.
01:14:23You're not answering your text? You haven't stopped by my office?
01:14:25I've been busy.
01:14:27Really? Rumor has it you haven't finished grading your papers yet.
01:14:31You're the one who said it's not a big deal if I don't turn them in on time.
01:14:34For everyone else. For you? That's serious.
01:14:39I don't know what's going on.
01:14:41Did something happen at camp you didn't tell me about?
01:14:44Same thing that happens every time I put myself out there.
01:14:48Doesn't work out.
01:14:49So, what are you saying? That things didn't go the way you planned?
01:14:53I didn't plan, okay?
01:14:56You really liked him.
01:15:00I really liked him.
01:15:05Hey, you're early.
01:15:07Yeah, I didn't feel like going to the mall.
01:15:10How was your math quiz?
01:15:12Uh, not bad. There's only two questions I didn't know.
01:15:15I could help you if you like. I might remember something from high school.
01:15:18Thanks, but me and Jenny are gonna get together before class tomorrow.
01:15:22Jenny? She's the one that's cool with math, yeah?
01:15:25Yeah, she's pretty cool all around.
01:15:28I'm gonna go do homework in the office.
01:15:32You should call her.
01:15:37Dana. Yeah, it's not gonna happen.
01:15:40You're so clueless.
01:15:42It's not in the cards. I already blew my chance.
01:15:47Well, then you better deal yourself a new hand.
01:15:49You scored a goal today. You're a different player out there, sweetie.
01:15:56So, Lacey texted me. I thought maybe we could invite them over.
01:16:00That's probably not a great idea.
01:16:03Why not?
01:16:05I don't know.
01:16:07I don't know.
01:16:09I don't know.
01:16:11I don't know.
01:16:13I don't know.
01:16:15I don't know.
01:16:16That's not a great idea.
01:16:18Why not?
01:16:20You like Steve.
01:16:22Maybe you guys could go on a date.
01:16:25What makes you think that I would want to date Steve?
01:16:30Because it was obvious you two liked each other.
01:16:35I think our time has passed.
01:17:10Hey, they so need to get together.
01:17:12She won't call him.
01:17:14I know. He's too stubborn to call her too.
01:17:16We need to get them together in person.
01:17:21The dance. The dance would be a perfect place for them to meet.
01:17:25But it's tonight.
01:17:27We just have to work fast.
01:17:29Get your dad there.
01:17:38Oh, don't you look nice.
01:17:40What's the occasion?
01:17:42The dance? Can I catch a ride?
01:17:45Sure. I'm not going to go.
01:17:48Why? You're a chaperone.
01:17:50Well, I was.
01:17:52But I thought you might like to go to something and not have your mom there.
01:17:58I like having you there.
01:18:00You do?
01:18:02Yeah. Having a mom that's a teacher is super cool.
01:18:06Okay. If you want. I mean, I'm sure they could use the help.
01:18:10Great. Just get changed fast. We've got to go.
01:18:16I'm cool again.
01:18:19Great. I'll see you there.
01:18:21Great. My turn.
01:18:23Hey, Dad, can you give me a ride to-
01:18:25Ride to the dance?
01:18:28You're right. I need to talk to Dana.
01:18:31Okay, let's go home because you need to change.
01:18:33That's true. Let's go.
01:18:41He's really cute.
01:18:44Excuse me.
01:18:46Six inches apart, you two.
01:18:49Hands on hips, please.
01:18:54Sometimes I wish I was still in middle school when love was simple.
01:18:59You obviously don't remember middle school.
01:19:11Hey, Tabitha. I'm Arthur.
01:19:13Arthur. I remember.
01:19:15Um, do you want to dance?
01:19:44Oh, Julie. Look.
01:19:47Our boy's all grown up.
01:19:51I even let him walk to school a couple times on his own since you've been back.
01:19:59Oh, uh, no, you two. You're not supposed to be up there.
01:20:07Did you kill him?
01:20:09Would you care to dance?
01:20:12What are you doing here?
01:20:14I came here to see you.
01:20:17Steve, I like you. I really do.
01:20:20Just before you tell me that I missed my chance with you, just let me say what I came here to say.
01:20:24I got this suit pressed just for this.
01:20:29You planned something?
01:20:33What I didn't plan on is having these feelings.
01:20:37Ever since we left camp, you're the only thing that I can think about.
01:20:42I even ordered some of those propane-powered cappuccino machines.
01:20:45I'm a trendsetter.
01:20:47They're selling really well.
01:20:51Dana, listen. I know that I come across like I don't care.
01:20:57But it's just because I'm stupid scared.
01:20:59But it's just because I'm stupid scared.
01:21:03And I didn't want to screw up another relationship with someone I cared about.
01:21:09But the time apart has only made things more clear.
01:21:13You're the one I want to screw things up with.
01:21:17Wait. I want to try and screw things up with you.
01:21:21I know it's not coming out right.
01:21:24I want to roll the dice.
01:21:26And take a chance.
01:21:27I know that sounds crazy.
01:21:37Me too.
01:21:57I'm sorry.
01:22:27I'm sorry.
