Love in the Desert (2024) Ep.11 Engsub

  • 14 hours ago


00:30I don't know what I'm talking about, but I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do
01:00it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I
01:30don't know what I mean
01:43You're a song go Lama
01:47Gingri for the other man make a move you
01:51What about the Chinese army?
01:56It's all gonna be like a cloud
02:00Liu Fei is so brave that he's been quiet for a few days
02:10Liu Fei Changji could be in their opinion
02:14最危险的地方,就是最安全的地方。The most dangerous place is the safest place.
02:21主上,不如把藏书阁,祁年阁的亲兵调离,在祭庙布置兵力。Your Majesty, why don't we evacuate the troops of the Library Pavilion and Qi Nian Pavilion, and deploy troops at the temple?
02:28祭庙旁地形空旷,贼子一旦出现,便可一网打尽。The temple is empty. Once the bandits show up, we can kill them all.
02:37下去办吧。Go ahead.
02:45另一个棋子,也该动起来了。The other pieces of chess, it's time to move.
03:01这么普通怎么赢呀?他手段那么毒,若再让他逃得城主的欢心,那往后我的位置就不保了。How can I win such an ordinary game? He has so many tricks. If I let him get away with it, I will lose my position.
03:11夫人,那咱们怎么办呀?Madam, what should we do?
03:20你快去写封书信,让父亲帮忙,把争取部的厨子都给我派过来。Go and write a letter to my father, and ask him to send all the cooks of the Ministry of War.
03:26是,夫人,奴婢一定办妥。Yes, Madam, I will do it.
03:41是我得罪他了吗?Did I offend him?
03:46得罪谁了?城主吗?那可不重要啊。Who did you offend? The City Master? That's not important.
03:51你知道什么呀?别乱说。What do you know? Don't talk nonsense.
03:55叶佩,连环,你们在鄂纳契的时候有没有学过烹饪?Ye Pei, Lian Huan, did you learn to cook when you were in Eunachi?
04:02家常烩菜我倒是会一些,不过鄂纳契的饭材过于简单,恐怕入不了城主的法眼。I know how to cook home-cooked food, but the food in Eunachi is too simple. I'm afraid I won't be able to get along with the City Master.
04:13云佩物产丰富,吃的花样也多。Lian Huan,你去后厨看一下城主的喜好。Ye Pei has a lot of food and has a lot of ways to eat. Lian Huan, go to the kitchen and see what the City Master likes.
04:24不急,你既然能对草药片熟悉于心,想必他日参图杀秋萍也不在话下。Don't worry. Since you're familiar with herbal medicine, I don't think you'll kill the秋萍 in the future.
04:37待你完成这个事情以后,我便送你一份大礼,可好?I'll give you a big gift when you're done with this.
04:49城主忙于政务,此事不便打扰。夫人,请回去吧。The City Master is busy with government affairs, so it's not convenient to disturb him. Madam, please go back.
04:53我此番是为了要事而来。还请朱大人向城主通报一声。I'm here for an important matter. Please inform the City Master.
04:58不是老奴不通报啊。夫人,您这为难老奴了呀。这挨骂的事,老奴实在是……你知道我们……It's not that I didn't inform you. Madam, you're making it difficult for me. I'm really... You know we...
05:09夫人请。Madam, please.
05:33你是说用解码树根打造均线那件事吧?那可是立了大功啊。有何构思?Did you mean the thing of using the root of the解码树 to make a military line? That was a great achievement. Do you have anything to say about it?
05:45我为了赢得鄙视,口若悬河,失了偏颇。解码树甲虽能使我云派所向披靡,但是大肆种植并行不通。In order to win the competition, I was weak-spoken and misled. Although the root of the解码树甲 can make my cloud formation stand out, the way it's planted is different.
06:08其一,云配所产的解码树根系并不发达,产量微弱。我云芳阁中的解码树根皮也只够做一幅护腕。其二,云配的气候难料,气候不同于墨北。The first reason is that the root of the解码树 produced by Yun Pei is not well-developed, and the yield is weak. The root of the解码树 in my Yun Fang Pavilion is only enough to make a protective cover. The second reason is that Yun Pei's climate is unpredictable, and the climate is different from Mobei.
06:24哦,你是说解码树不适合在云配生长,对吗?Oh, you mean that the解码树 is not suitable for growing in Yun Pei, right?
06:31确也不尽然。我将沙丘篇和草药篇连渡后收获颇多,夺取了解码树生长之地和适合生长的土壤。本该继续研究,但苦于缺失气候篇,短时间内恐怕再无进展。I should have continued my research, but I'm afraid that there will be no progress in a short time due to the lack of climate.
06:53是的,眼下而言,我只能从仅有的卷册提供的记载,多次尝试突破气候和土壤之难题。Yes, as of now, I can only provide a record from the only books I have, and try many times to overcome the problem of climate and soil.
07:15不急,等你将草药篇研究透了,我再把气候篇一并赠予你。Don't worry, I'll give you the climate when you've studied the草药篇 thoroughly.
07:23城主有气候篇?Is there a climate record in the city?
07:25当然,我为何要欺骗于你?Of course, why would I lie to you?
07:29果然不出我所料,气候篇在纳战手里。As I expected, the climate record is in the hands of the war.
07:44那钥匙你已经看了一整天了,到底是干什么用的,你也不说。You've been looking at that key all day. What is it for? You didn't tell me.
07:53嗯,奇怪,这花名册上登记了一百多个姑娘,为什么醉香楼里只剩下三十多个呢?Hmm, that's strange, there are more than a hundred girls registered in the name book. Why are there only thirty left in the Drunken Fragrance?
08:08你喜欢这儿?Do you like it here?
08:10谈不上,只是有点好奇,而且我现在有个新的事情要做。I don't like it, I'm just a little curious, and I have something new to do now.
08:18你管不着。It's none of your business.
08:23那你就留这儿吧。Then you can stay here.
08:27休想再把我丢下。Don't think about leaving me again.
08:37死男人,身边没个女人照顾,连头发都不会梳了,红头垢面的,跟个乞丐一样。Damn man, you don't have a woman to take care of you, and you don't even know how to comb your hair. You're as red-faced as a beggar.
08:47以后不许逞强,跟你说话了。Don't try to act tough in the future. I'm talking to you.
08:54担心啦?Are you worried about me?
08:58老子怕你拖累我。I'm afraid you'll drag me down.
09:02老大,探查到了吗?Boss, what did you find out?
09:04这云北城有四个军械库,分别在东西南北四个方向,那现行的就是东方军械库的故事。There are four armory depots in the city of Yunbei, which are located in four directions, east, west, south, and north. The current one is the east armory depot.
09:20多叫些兄弟,今夜动手。Call more brothers to fight tonight.
09:28今夜,你们要抢云北的军械?Tonight, are you going to take Yunbei's armory?
09:32你继续说。You go on.
09:34嘴硬。Tough mouth.
09:35你也想去吗?Do you want to go?
09:41你们男人干的活儿,我才不去呢。况且,我有重要的事情要做。I won't go to the work that you men do. Besides, I have something important to do.
09:51有本事你就把这儿变成黄天狂在云北的落脚点。If you have the ability, you can turn this place into the landing site of the Huangtian Crazy Cloud Sect.
09:57如何?How is it?
09:59门主,今日寂庙突然新增许多亲兵,地形无遮掩,属下无法探查。Master, many new soldiers suddenly appeared in the temple today. The terrain is unprotected, and I can't investigate it.
10:05寂庙乃祭祖之地,突增亲兵,确实有些蹊跷。The temple is a place of worship, and it's weird to add more soldiers.
10:10除去寂庙,还剩下藏书阁与祈年阁,这两地至少亲兵七成。Except for the temple, there are still the Library Pavilion and Qinian Pavilion, and at least seven soldiers are stationed here.
10:17那儿的形式轨道难以捉摸,先放弃探查寂庙。Let's leave the temple for now.
10:36都给我精神点啊,别带跳舞,别带微笑。Stand clearly. Stop dancing and smiling.
10:50老大,事情办妥了?Boss, everything's done?
10:52放心,都办妥了。Don't worry, it's done.
10:54We moved the armory and put the empty chest back where it was.
11:03No one noticed that we had emptied the armory.
11:11You finally learned to use your brain.
11:14Ma Hu, learn to use your brain.
11:17But boss, we have extra weapons in the house.
11:23Why don't we leave first?
11:24We'll come back when the storm is over.
11:26That's right. Is that woman that important?
11:28Is she worth your time?
11:30I didn't know what danger was when I was a kid.
11:32Her eyes make me uneasy.
11:34We need to be prepared to attack Ma Sui and Yun Pei's armory.
11:39No buts.
11:40Wait for me outside the house.
11:43Boss, if Princess Ge asks where you went, what should we say?
11:48Don't you have a plan?
11:50Why are you asking me? Think about it yourself.
11:52How should I say it?
11:53Aren't you smart?
11:58Tell me how to say it. Hurry up.
12:09The door is heavily guarded.
12:12I can't even fly in with my wings.
12:18That's right. This is the City Master's residence.
12:20We can't even fly in with our wings.
12:24Get lost.
12:26Yan Xiao'er.
12:27I'm sorry.
12:29I'm coming, sir.
12:31Sir, the usual.
12:33The usual.
12:38My shoes are dirty.
12:39Wipe your shoes.
12:41Wait a minute.
12:43We did a good job this time.
12:46If we get back to Zhen Qu's residence soon,
12:48Madam Jia will definitely reward us a lot.
12:53This time, we will definitely make a lot of money.
13:23So fast.
13:25Of course.
13:26I set off as soon as I received the letter.
13:29What about the person who came to pick you up?
13:31The person who came to pick me up?
13:32I didn't meet him.
13:37Then you're the only one my father sent.
13:42Do you think I...
13:45Do you think it's not enough for me to come alone?
13:47Of course not.
13:48This is too hasty.
13:50I thought my father would send at least three people.
13:54It seems to be a bit hasty.
13:57Forget it.
13:58Since you came alone,
14:00you must have some skills.
14:02Show me.
14:13Get out of the way.
14:15Otherwise, I'll cook soup for you.
14:18You have a bad temper.
14:38Not bad.
14:42Not bad.
15:05My father sent me such a good chef.
15:07Xiaolian, take him to the Shangshan room to register.
15:09Madam, let's have a competition.
15:11We're going to win.
15:18I'll say two things before I start eating.
15:22if it's delicious, say it's delicious.
15:23If it's not delicious, say it's not delicious.
15:27whether it's delicious or not,
15:29you have to say your opinion.
15:32Let's eat.
15:39Let's eat.
15:47Try this.
15:51How is it?
15:55Which one is delicious?
15:58All of them are delicious.
15:59Yes, all of them are delicious.
16:01How is it delicious?
16:03There are vegetables and meat.
16:06It's not salty.
16:07It's not bad.
16:09Ye Pei,
16:10let's switch.
16:11This competition is about whether we can win Luzhou or not.
16:14We can't play games.
16:32The meat is fishy.
16:33It doesn't taste good.
16:39The meat is fishy.
16:40It doesn't taste good.
16:41It doesn't taste good.
16:42It doesn't taste good.
16:43It doesn't taste good.
16:44It's not good.
16:45It's not good.
16:46I'm not going to play games.
16:47I'll go to Luzhou.
16:48I'll play games.
17:01This dish is too spicy.
17:02It's too oily and too soft.
17:03There are no fresh vegetables in Enaqi.
17:06The meat is mostly wild.
17:08There are no tricks other than boiling or roasting.
17:13That's right.
17:14Before I came here, I didn't know there were so many delicacies to eat.
17:18I've gained a lot of weight since I came to Yun Pei.
17:21There will be green congee in Enaqi.
17:24It will be like Yun Pei.
17:25You can eat whatever you want.
17:29But the most important thing right now is
17:32how to win this competition.
17:36How about we find a cook in the manor?
17:41The city master often eats the food here.
17:43Even if you learn it, you can't get out of it.
17:49I need a recipe.
17:55Where can I find it?
17:57Of course, it's the library.
17:59I'll go take a look now.
18:01If you think it's good, you can eat it all.
18:03Don't waste it.
18:10Hurry and eat.
18:12I've been looking at this meat for a long time. It must be good.
18:15You should eat more, too.
18:31Yun Pei, 310 years.
18:33Madam Su was exiled due to a big mistake.
18:35She didn't know that she was pregnant.
18:37The blood of Liu Pei flowed to the people.
18:39She was exiled because of it.
18:41It's a god-given blessing.
18:43Yun Pei, 320 years.
18:45After the war, she returned to Huayu Manor.
18:47She was a noble.
18:49She gave birth to Zhao Gang.
18:51She was appointed as the young master.
18:53She was a noble.
18:55She was appointed as the young master.
18:57She was a noble.
18:59She was appointed as the young master.
19:06That year, the library was on fire for three days and three nights.
19:09She still managed to stay in this room.
19:11What a woman!
19:59What a woman!
20:29What a woman!
20:59What a woman!
21:01What a woman!
21:29What a woman!
21:59What a woman!
22:01What a woman!
22:27I thought you had left the manor.
22:31I thought you had left the manor.
22:33I thought you had left the manor.
22:35Why are you here?
22:37Why are you here?
22:39Why are you here?
22:43Hide yourself.
22:45Hide yourself.
22:47Hide yourself.
22:57What did you say?
22:59I think...
23:29I think...
23:51Why are you still here?
23:55Are you busy recently?
23:59Are you busy recently?
24:25Are you busy recently?
24:27Where did you go?
24:29Where did I go?
24:31You are going to cook in the banquet.
24:33You are going to cook in the banquet.
24:35I suddenly want to eat the mutton from my hometown.
24:37I suddenly want to eat the mutton from my hometown.
24:39You go and cook for me now.
24:41You go and cook for me now.
24:43Where is the mutton?
24:45There are many ingredients in the kitchen.
24:47I'll get it when you finish cooking.
24:49Also, fry three more side dishes and a bowl of soup.
24:51The soup should be light.
24:53The soup should be light.
24:55I'm talking to you.
24:57Did you hear me?
24:59Did you hear me?
25:01You are angry, but you still eat mutton.
25:03It's none of your business.
25:09You are good at eating.
25:21Who is it?
25:25Who is it?
25:37Aren't you busy?
25:39Why did you come to Yunfang Pavilion?
25:43You left something in the library.
25:53I was one step ahead of you.
25:55Why are you the one who arrived first?
25:57I have the ability to fly.
25:59You forgot it.
26:13What are you looking for?
26:19There is a secret passage, right?
26:23These days,
26:25did something happen?
26:29Or is it because of me?
26:31Because of you?
26:33Did I offend you?
26:41Forget it.
26:43I shouldn't have asked.
26:45Thank you for today.
26:47You can go.
26:49You shouldn't have come here.
26:51Don't come here again.
26:55Huang Meishuang.
26:57I'm here to get even with you.
26:59Ruowen, how did you get in?
27:01Ruowen, hide in there.
27:03I'll wait for him.
27:05Do you want everyone to know
27:07that I hid a man in Yunfang Pavilion?
27:09Ruowen is in danger.
27:11What if he takes you away?
27:13I don't care.
27:21Get out of the way.
27:25How dare you
27:27come to my house?
27:29Huang Meishuang.
27:31Pack up and leave with me.
27:33I don't want to hurt you.
27:35If you two are willing,
27:37you can come with me to the bathroom.
27:39Don't you look in the mirror?
27:43I'll go with you.
27:45You came at the right time.
27:47When are you going to leave?
27:49Huang Bei said
27:51what did you sell in the gourd?
27:57You don't dare to take me away?
27:59Who said I don't dare?
28:05Since I met you last time,
28:07I can't forget your eyes.
28:09What mystery
28:11are you hiding in your eyes?
28:13The answer is on you.
28:15You have to go with me.
28:19Huang Meishuang.
28:23Huang Tiankong is heartless.
28:25If I go with you,
28:27where can I go?
28:29Huang Beishuang, you reminded me.
28:31We have to settle the score
28:33for my death.
28:35Don't act rashly.
28:41Who is acting rashly?
28:45You killed
28:47my family.
28:49You even killed my mother.
28:51I killed you
28:53because I wanted to
28:55settle the score.
28:57I killed many people.
28:59Don't laugh at me.
29:01You are not an upright person.
29:03That's why your subordinates are so vicious.
29:05Don't talk nonsense with me.
29:07Look here.
29:13This is Huayu Mansion.
29:15This is where you want to go.
29:17You can go.
29:21She has left.
29:23Who are you pointing a knife at?
29:29So you decided to go with her?
29:31Haven't you been eavesdropping?
29:35Didn't you hear it clearly?
29:37Ruowen is not simple.
29:39You can't deal with her easily.
29:41It's none of your business.
29:43Don't act rashly.
29:45Huayu Mansion is in danger.
29:47Now Ruowen is involved.
29:49You have to be careful in the future.
29:53You are gloomy
29:55and cold.
29:57Sometimes in the sky
29:59and sometimes on the ground.
30:01That's right.
30:03You are a man
30:05with a thousand faces.
30:07What are you going to do
30:11You are my best friend.
30:13I don't want you to be hurt
30:15in any way.
30:17That's all.
30:19You are the one I should worry about now.
30:21Don't come again.
30:41Ye Pei.
30:43Lin Huan.
30:47Nan Xiu.
30:49There is a secret passage in this bedroom.
30:51Find it and seal it.
30:53Secret passage?
31:07There is a secret passage?
31:09Where is it?
31:31Nan Xiu.
31:33I found this in the corner.
31:39It looks
31:43Maybe it was left
31:45by the previous owner.
31:47What is this?
31:53Keep it well.
32:01Why can't I do anything well?
32:03I don't know.
32:09I don't know.
32:39I don't know.
32:47It's been 15 years
32:49since we parted in Tian Du.
33:05I have never been to Tian Du.
33:09I have never seen you either.
33:17Huo Bo.
33:19Go. Go with me.
33:29Forget everything that happened today.
33:31Don't mention it to anyone.
33:33Never mention
33:35everything that happened to this house.
33:37Even your own name.
33:39Do you understand?
33:41Only in this way
33:43can you survive.
33:53Huo Bo.
33:55Can't you stay?
33:57If I stay by your side,
33:59I will bring you danger.
34:01Child. Remember.
34:03You must survive.
34:05Will we meet again?
34:09One day when you are ready,
34:11you can come to me.
34:15I believe
34:17you can find me.
34:25Qing Yu.
34:27It's really you.
34:31These days,
34:33you have suffered.
34:41Why did you come so late?
34:45I thought
34:47I would never see you again.
34:51But now you have grown up safely.
34:55I have no regrets.
35:03Huo Bo.
35:05We don't have much time.
35:07Let's get out of here.
35:09I will take you out.
35:33Qing Yu.
36:03Qing Yu.
36:33Qing Yu.
36:35Qing Yu.
36:37Qing Yu.
36:39Qing Yu.
36:41Qing Yu.
36:43Qing Yu.
36:45Qing Yu.
36:47Qing Yu.
36:49Qing Yu.
36:51Qing Yu.
36:53Qing Yu.
36:57Qing Yu.
36:59Qing Yu.
37:01Qing Yu.
37:03Qing Yu.
37:05Qing Yu.
37:07Qing Yu.
37:09Qing Yu.
37:11Qing Yu.
37:13Qing Yu.
37:15Qing Yu.
37:17Qing Yu.
37:19Qing Yu.
37:21Qing Yu.
37:23Qing Yu.
37:25Qing Yu.
37:27Qing Yu.
37:29Qing Yu.
37:31Qing Yu.
37:33Qing Yu.
37:35Qing Yu.
37:37Qing Yu.
37:39Qing Yu.
37:41Qing Yu.
37:43Qing Yu.
37:45Qing Yu.
37:47Qing Yu.
37:49Qing Yu.
37:51Qing Yu.
37:55Qing Yu.
37:57Qing Yu.
38:01Qing Yu.
38:03Qing Yu.
38:05Qing Yu.
38:07Qing Yu.