A Royal Christmas Hallmark Royal Family Christmas Romance

  • 2 days ago
00:00:00We are back with someone who can seemingly do it all.
00:00:04She is a lifestyle guru, do-it-yourself wonder, and romance expert.
00:00:09She can show you how to pull off the perfect celebration, and then make sure you're not
00:00:13alone while doing it.
00:00:15Joanna Moret.
00:00:16Good morning, and happy holidays!
00:00:18Merry Christmas, Sarah.
00:00:19I'm so thrilled to be here.
00:00:20Good, good.
00:00:21Thank you for being here, and I have to say congratulations on your best-selling book,
00:00:25The Love Audit.
00:00:27It's a great feeling to know the readers are responding.
00:00:30And dating!
00:00:31And dating, yes!
00:00:33This has some amazing practical thoughts on finding and keeping love.
00:00:37Because love is practical.
00:00:39I truly believe that love is work.
00:00:42Don't wait for love to find you.
00:00:44Get out there and go find it.
00:00:47Bold ideas!
00:00:48Well, speaking of ideas, I have something I want to share with you guys.
00:00:52This is something you can do with that special someone to show that you love the holidays.
00:00:57That's beautiful.
00:00:58And they're so easy and fun to make.
00:01:00Speaking of couples, we know that your boyfriend's identity is a mystery, but we want to know
00:01:05what's in store for your Christmas, and what is his name?
00:01:11There'll be snow and fun.
00:01:16And lots of holiday spirit.
00:01:19And there you have it.
00:01:21Finding love and staying festive with the one and only Joanna Moret.
00:01:26All right.
00:01:27So good to see you as always.
00:01:28You too.
00:01:29Thanks so much.
00:01:31That was okay?
00:01:33Just perfect.
00:01:34Miss Moret?
00:01:36Hi, I'm Cameron, Ted's assistant.
00:01:37Nice to meet you.
00:01:38Let me help you.
00:01:40We haven't met.
00:01:41Oh, he's great.
00:01:42Busy, though.
00:01:43Hey, I'm concerned about the author special.
00:01:46It's too...
00:01:48I'd like to chat with him about a New Year's segment.
00:01:50You're all set.
00:01:51Hang out, and you can chat with Ted when he's done.
00:01:57What if we both left it...
00:01:58You know, I...
00:01:59One second.
00:02:00I gotta...
00:02:02No, I haven't had a chance to...
00:02:06Sweetheart, I can't just leave.
00:02:09You're right.
00:02:15Yeah, okay.
00:02:16I'll work on items 17, 12, 1, 2, and 3.
00:02:20I really have to go, okay?
00:02:22We'll talk about how far behind in points I am when I get home.
00:02:27I can't hear you.
00:02:29You're breaking up.
00:02:35With me.
00:02:39Everything good?
00:02:53Hi, Betsy!
00:02:55You're late.
00:02:57My office said you were fantastic, as usual.
00:02:59I had them DVR it so I could not watch it and tell you what I think later.
00:03:03Well, I thought you were power-lunching somewhere on my behalf.
00:03:06Well, actually, we should talk.
00:03:09Honey, I remember when you were just starting out with crafty little at-home get-togethers.
00:03:14Joanna Marais, my dear, you are no longer just a name.
00:03:18You are a brand.
00:03:22Okay, you're being really nice and it's scaring me.
00:03:24Your fans love you.
00:03:26Okay, we get letters all the time about how much more fulfilling their lives are because of your blogs and your books.
00:03:32Your best-selling books, I might add.
00:03:34I'm confused. Do you want me to write another Christmas book?
00:03:37I want to make you a star.
00:03:39Oh, well, let me just check my schedule.
00:03:41McAllen Entertainment.
00:03:43The TV producer?
00:03:44The TV producer.
00:03:47I met with Dal McAllen, their head of development and production,
00:03:50and he may have mentioned that they think you might be ready for your own show.
00:04:00Okay, I'm sensing a save-the-hug-for-later vibe.
00:04:02Okay, it's not a done deal.
00:04:04They love what you do, but it's a three-step process.
00:04:08And it starts with your seminar.
00:04:10I'm sorry, my what?
00:04:11They're sponsoring the Christmas in the Air Festival, and it just so happens that they need another speaker.
00:04:18You'll give a quick talk on finding love and using your strategies.
00:04:22Okay, seminar, check.
00:04:24Step two?
00:04:26McAllen's Holiday Gala.
00:04:28Wait, wait, wait. The Gala.
00:04:31The one that's written up in magazines where people clamor for an invite?
00:04:35You haven't heard of it?
00:04:37Because you'll be planning it.
00:04:40Wait, that's in less than a week.
00:04:42Oh, and you'll also be a guest, so no more clamoring.
00:04:45But that's on Christmas Eve.
00:04:47Details, details.
00:04:49It's non-negotiable, okay? They're considering this to be your audition.
00:04:52Joanna Maree using her skills, creativity, and make-it-work-it-ness to pull off their event of the year
00:04:58and to show them what you're made of,
00:05:00so they can help you show that to millions of television eyeballs all across America every single day.
00:05:09But there's still step number three.
00:05:11How could it possibly get crazier?
00:05:13Funny you should say that.
00:05:16They want you to attend with your...
00:05:28Wow, okay, I can give a speech and I can plan a party, but how can I...
00:05:38What will people think?
00:05:40If they discover that the man who checked every one of your boxes in your foolproof guide to love dumped you.
00:05:48Goldie, Brian and I broke up months ago and...
00:05:52Honey, we talked about this.
00:05:54It just wasn't the right time to risk that revelation when you were just launching your book.
00:05:59But let's face facts.
00:06:01I mean, there are worse reasons to have to find a boyfriend for Christmas.
00:06:04Yeah, just planning the party of the year, giving a seminar and finding love.
00:06:10I'm not sure Joanna Moret can do that.
00:06:13Well, I am.
00:06:20To sweet or not to sweet?
00:06:22By all means, enjoy.
00:06:24I'm Ted, Dom Rose.
00:06:27You are Joanna Moret, author, romance expert, Christmas guru.
00:06:31You're familiar with my work.
00:06:33Not really, but I produced a segment.
00:06:36I'm kidding.
00:06:38Oh, I know your work.
00:06:40Thank you for being on the show today.
00:06:41Oh, my pleasure.
00:06:43Well, actually...
00:06:44I wanted...
00:06:46You go.
00:06:47You go ahead.
00:06:48Well, I just wanted to say I really enjoyed...
00:06:50I'm sorry.
00:06:53Someone wanted me to remind you of what a fan she is and say thank you for all your great advice.
00:06:58Aw, well that's very kind.
00:07:00Who is it?
00:07:01My ex-girlfriend.
00:07:03Can I amend my thanks with a sorry?
00:07:06I'll play it safe and say I've certainly had less eventful days.
00:07:09Besides, if I got into hot water saying things to her, saying them to the author of the love audit won't win me any points.
00:07:15I've created what some might view as a love lifesaver, while others see me as more of, um...
00:07:21The crazy aunt at Thanksgiving who'd rather tell you why you're single than just enjoy your dinner.
00:07:26That's actually not the worst one I've heard.
00:07:28But, you know, I wanted people to know that I think true love is more than just a feeling.
00:07:33More than a philosophy.
00:07:35More than points and checklists.
00:07:38Correct me if I'm wrong here, and I'm making a very educated, though not by intentionally eavesdropping guess,
00:07:44that your ex is unhappy with your inability to follow a certain author-slash-romance-expert-slash-Christmas-guru's system of finding and keeping true love?
00:07:54There were signs, but never the dreaded B word.
00:08:00Kind of puts a kink in Christmas.
00:08:02Well, what exciting things will you plan for yourself?
00:08:06Is a silent movie marathon too on the nose?
00:08:08Ugh, I'm so sorry.
00:08:10Do you like hot chocolate?
00:08:12What is it about the point system?
00:08:14Well, I believe it's a way for both sides to figure out what they want and how to get it, but by giving of themselves.
00:08:21So, you do things for your partner, you get points to use with each other for what you want or need.
00:08:26You don't do things, well, then you don't.
00:08:30So, it's a way for both sides to figure out what they want and how much it's worth.
00:08:34I suppose, but point systems and checklists and perfectly romantic romantic gestures...
00:08:39Ugh, don't forget the forehead kiss.
00:08:41Exactly! Every time I think I have it figured out, there's something else.
00:08:44I try to keep up, but isn't it all too much to do, too much not to do, too much pressure?
00:08:50Ooh, that's a lot to unpack over cocoa.
00:08:53That's why I got us whipped cream.
00:08:56Look, she was playing by your rules, and sometimes no matter how hard I tried, and I did try, I just felt like I was on the bench.
00:09:05So, are you asking me how to get back in the game with her?
00:09:10No. Yes, I don't know.
00:09:15Actually, and I bring this up because Sarah mentioned it on the segment, this unseen mysterious man you have in your life,
00:09:22you know, this pillar of perfection who stands in direct contrast to flawed men, like me, I guess,
00:09:29like your readers are apparently dealing with, all based on rules that according to Valerie,
00:09:34now my ex-girlfriend, and according to you, who created them, could be the beginning of the end of a relationship.
00:09:40Right. Well, my question, was there a question?
00:09:45You sound just like Valerie.
00:09:48Or, she sounds just like you.
00:09:53I work hard, I have great friends, I love my family, I get along with dogs and cats,
00:09:58and kids seem to think that I'm some sort of jungle gym.
00:10:01Whatever happened to just, you know, you like somebody, you think that they like you, and you just go right up to them and you ask.
00:10:08Will you be my boyfriend?
00:10:13Wait, what?
00:10:14Yeah, it's, um, it's not what you think, and it is a long, sordid story, but, um, I have a proposal for you.
00:10:22You're not just saying that because I said I was going to watch Christmas movies alone.
00:10:25Hear me out. Uh, McAllen Entertainment has expressed interest in creating a show for me.
00:10:31And, uh, as an audition, I have to give a seminar and plan their annual Christmas gala.
00:10:36But, they don't want to just get to know my work, they want to get to know me.
00:10:42Which includes, oft-mentioned, never-seen boyfriend.
00:10:47And you want me to play said oft-mentioned, never-seen boyfriend.
00:10:50It's complicated, but, yeah.
00:10:53You realize how wild this sounds.
00:10:55I will make you a deal, okay?
00:10:57You agree to play the ever-loving, perfect, forehead-kissing boyfriend,
00:11:02and I will do everything I can to help you understand the love audit so that you can fix things with Valerie.
00:11:10It's only about a week, okay?
00:11:12I just, I do the seminar, I impress McAllen, I sign on the dotted line,
00:11:15and then when you and Valerie are back in the throes of, you know, love, we'll break up.
00:11:21And I will have a press release drawn up that,
00:11:25that the pressures of our careers put too much strain on the romance,
00:11:30and we have decided to part ways, but of course we'll remain the best of friends.
00:11:34And we ask for privacy during this very difficult time, please.
00:11:40Is that a yes?
00:11:47What are you doing?
00:11:48Giving you your first lesson.
00:12:00It's a napkin.
00:12:01It's a love gesture, right?
00:12:03You see a napkin, but the recipient sees that you care, and you are aware.
00:12:08And I think there's someone that you should be giving that to.
00:12:11Also, before I forget, lesson one, part two.
00:12:24Give me your hand.
00:12:27Look, I'm, I'm really sorry. There's, there's no good way to say this, but...
00:12:31I, I know.
00:12:34If we're gonna do this, it's gotta be believable.
00:12:37And I think we should start as soon as possible.
00:12:41Isn't that right, my little cabbage?
00:12:44I, I have been reading the rules.
00:12:46Number, uh, what, six trillion and something?
00:12:49Give or take a trillion.
00:12:51A pet name shows your partner that you know them, understand them, and want them.
00:12:56Great. Well, we will, uh, start at the seminar.
00:13:12I'm crazy. This whole thing is crazy, right?
00:13:14Do you want my mom opinion or my professional opinion?
00:13:17Both scare me. Start professional.
00:13:19You got this. You get to do what you love and share it with the world.
00:13:23And as my mother...
00:13:24Oh, sweetie, you're a mess.
00:13:26I know.
00:13:28But your father and I love you.
00:13:29I love you, too.
00:13:31He is cute, though, right?
00:13:32Good night, Mom. Love you.
00:13:40Okay. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.
00:13:45I can't believe I'm doing this.
00:13:49I can't believe I'm doing this.
00:14:16Hi. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
00:14:19Do you ever wear a suit?
00:14:21Do you ever wear jeans?
00:14:23So, this is where they relocated the North Pole.
00:14:26It's a fantastic event.
00:14:28All right. Let's get inspired.
00:14:30I'm tired.
00:14:45Wow. It's pretty festive, my little celery stick.
00:14:50Better, right?
00:14:51You'll keep trying, won't you?
00:14:53Well, if the stocking hung by the chimney with care fits.
00:14:58Onto everything a list.
00:15:00The McAllen event is important.
00:15:02It's family, friends, and colleagues.
00:15:05But I want to find a way to combine those aspects
00:15:08so it doesn't feel either too business or pleasure,
00:15:10but this magical integration of both.
00:15:13Maybe this will help.
00:15:16We need to work on your definition of help.
00:15:19Well, you know, I think your concept is amazing.
00:15:22It might even be bigger than Figgy Pudding.
00:15:25Do you always have to be so silly?
00:15:28Do you always have to be so serious?
00:15:33Joanna Moret?
00:15:34I saw you over there and I thought I'd come say hello.
00:15:38Can you sign my book?
00:15:40I mean, your book.
00:15:42I mean...
00:15:43I'd be happy to.
00:15:45My name is Barbara,
00:15:47and your advice has completely changed my life.
00:15:50I mean, I've practiced everything.
00:15:52I made my boyfriend do the love checklist.
00:15:54We figured out the point system.
00:15:56He was a bit behind,
00:15:58but he totally mastered the love gestures.
00:16:02How wonderful.
00:16:04Please, tell me more.
00:16:06You were right.
00:16:07I'm allowed to have my own deal breakers,
00:16:09even if they are superficial to people.
00:16:11They're important to me.
00:16:13As you said, I should be important to me.
00:16:17Well, I'm just so happy to hear things have changed for the better.
00:16:21I mean, I would have never seen myself with him
00:16:23until he completely transformed into a totally different person, but...
00:16:26Oh, well, here you go, Barbara.
00:16:29It was so nice to meet you.
00:16:34Okay, let's go see where I'm speaking.
00:16:40Well, that's one way to go.
00:16:42For the record, I would never wear Garland.
00:16:45No, the title.
00:16:46Christmas Romance New Year's Wedding?
00:16:49Sounds rough.
00:16:50Hey, don't knock it.
00:16:52Pay attention.
00:16:54You and Valerie could be planning a honeymoon.
00:16:56You think?
00:16:58Oh, Ted.
00:16:59Dear, sweet, sweet Ted.
00:17:02Watch and learn, muffin.
00:17:05Note to self.
00:17:06Baked goods are on the table.
00:17:08Ladies and gentlemen,
00:17:10please give a warm welcome to the best-selling author of The Love Audit,
00:17:14Joanna Moret.
00:17:19Thank you so much for being here with me today.
00:17:22Let's talk about love and how to find it,
00:17:25but more importantly, how to keep it.
00:17:28By being here today, you have succeeded in taking the important first step.
00:17:33It's what you do next that's the difference between
00:17:35Christmas turkey with the future in-laws
00:17:38or TV dinners at home alone.
00:17:41So, that's why I have created the Love Triangle.
00:17:46Evaluate, concentrate, designate.
00:17:50First, evaluate your potential mates as objectively as you can.
00:17:55Next, you need to concentrate on your romantic goals.
00:17:59Finally, you must designate what is important to you.
00:18:04And that means making hard choices.
00:18:07Is this person really fulfilling me?
00:18:09If I don't like something, can I tell them?
00:18:13You have to ask yourself, what can I live with?
00:18:16And more importantly, without.
00:18:19Because you are so worthy of love.
00:18:22Take a look around.
00:18:27Remember, you don't succumb to loneliness.
00:18:30You conquer it.
00:18:34Thank you so much.
00:18:44Yeah, let's get a picture.
00:18:54Oh, gosh, they were great.
00:18:56Really in tune, don't you think?
00:19:00Okay, let's hear it. I can take it.
00:19:03Uh, hear what?
00:19:04Oh, you came, you saw.
00:19:06I'd really like to hear what you think.
00:19:08Okay, well, it felt a little surface.
00:19:12Cold, maybe.
00:19:14You know, that if things aren't working out,
00:19:16it's just move on without trying to fix them.
00:19:19You say that's the path to love or marriage,
00:19:22but maybe some people might think it's selfish.
00:19:28Is Valerie selfish for going for what she wants?
00:19:32That's different. She's different.
00:19:34Is she?
00:19:36Is it better to not be honest with yourself or your partner
00:19:39for the sake of a relationship that isn't particularly going well?
00:19:42I just believe that people are perfectly imperfect.
00:19:46That flaws can be charming, you know,
00:19:48and make you laugh, make you smile.
00:19:51That you need that spark.
00:19:53Imperfections also add up, cause rifts.
00:19:56One person's charming flaws, another's irritating fail.
00:19:59I just don't understand why you think telling people
00:20:01to go for the best is wrong.
00:20:03Because the best is an illusion.
00:20:05Sometimes it's not the power suit,
00:20:08the pair of old jeans with a rip in the seam
00:20:10and a hole in the knee that make you realize
00:20:12you're comfortable with who you are.
00:20:14And who you're with.
00:20:15Comfortable is complacent.
00:20:20Oh, Mr. McAllen! Hi!
00:20:23Joanna Murray, it is such a pleasure to meet you.
00:20:26Call me George, please.
00:20:27This is Ted Domrose, my boyfriend.
00:20:31Pleasure to meet you, sir.
00:20:32I am thrilled that you, or that the two of you,
00:20:35are going to be joining us for our Christmas Eve gala.
00:20:38Everyone at McAllen's is very much looking forward
00:20:41to what you're going to do to make it special.
00:20:44Extra special.
00:20:46We want the best that Joanna Murray can offer
00:20:48in decor, music, food,
00:20:50and that holiday feeling that only you can bring.
00:20:53And frankly, what you show to us,
00:20:55we want to show to everyone, every day,
00:20:58in their living rooms, across this country.
00:21:00No pressure.
00:21:03Mr. McAllen, George,
00:21:05I am just so thrilled with the opportunity
00:21:08to give your event every bit of my passion and ingenuity.
00:21:11Oh, perfect.
00:21:12We're prepared to have you both up tomorrow afternoon.
00:21:18Sounds fun.
00:21:19Well, I won't let you down.
00:21:20Joanna, it's been an absolute pleasure.
00:21:22I'm so excited about collaborating with you.
00:21:24Very nice to meet you, Ted.
00:21:25You too.
00:21:26I'm looking forward to getting to know both of you more.
00:21:28Yes, us as well.
00:21:31Back at you, sir.
00:21:33Can't wait.
00:21:36Bye now.
00:21:40He's good.
00:21:42What's wrong?
00:21:44Less than a week.
00:21:46To be perfect.
00:21:47To be perfect.
00:21:48Okay, we have about 29 hours
00:21:52to learn enough about each other
00:21:53to convince Mr. McAllen that we've been together forever.
00:21:56And I'm not a total fraud.
00:21:5829 hours.
00:22:01Well, we better get to work.
00:22:04Dinner roll.
00:22:05Oh, wow, you're killing me.
00:22:11All right.
00:22:13Home sweet home.
00:22:17Okay, I stand corrected.
00:22:19The North Pole relocated here.
00:22:21Right here.
00:22:25You can tell a lot about a person from their tree.
00:22:28This is my parents and me.
00:22:31When I came home for Christmas,
00:22:32the first year I left for school.
00:22:34You all look happy.
00:22:35Yeah, we were.
00:22:37Christmas is a huge deal in my family.
00:22:40We have relatives flying in from all over the place,
00:22:42and my parents and I cook,
00:22:44there's kids and music,
00:22:46ton of presents.
00:22:48How about you?
00:22:49I'm an only child.
00:22:52The rest of my family is scattered,
00:22:54and my parents retired to the sunny side of Florida.
00:22:57They take the holiday cruise to the Bahamas,
00:23:00which doesn't exactly scream winter wonderland to me.
00:23:03But yeah, as a kid,
00:23:04I couldn't get enough of spending time with family.
00:23:07The lights, the snow, the big tree.
00:23:15As I got older,
00:23:16most of the time was spent with friends in the city.
00:23:19We called ourselves holiday orphans.
00:23:21And then, you know, someone would get adopted out
00:23:24when they found a new family to spend Christmas with.
00:23:26Kind of like what happened with you and Valerie?
00:23:30Her family is great.
00:23:32Very open, very loud.
00:23:35But it was a whirlwind.
00:23:36You know, catching up with people she wanted to see,
00:23:39running errands.
00:23:40Sometimes I felt like it would have been really nice
00:23:42just to have some quiet time with a cocoa in a fireplace.
00:23:47Did you ever tell her this?
00:23:49No, I...
00:23:51I don't know.
00:23:54Well, that brings us to our next lesson.
00:23:57Christmas cards!
00:23:59They are a great way to tell the people that you love
00:24:02that you love them.
00:24:06Okay, this one is for Uncle Louie.
00:24:09That's my mom's brother.
00:24:10Super nice guy, very funny.
00:24:12Museum curator.
00:24:13Perpetually single.
00:24:15You know, my Aunt Joyce never married.
00:24:17My dad's sister.
00:24:18She teaches history and she volunteers at an antique shop.
00:24:21Maybe Uncle Louie and Aunt Joyce should get together
00:24:23and go bowling.
00:24:25See, interesting people find interest in each other.
00:24:29Not everything in the love audit is so bad.
00:24:32Okay, I think this is the last one.
00:24:37This was all an elaborate ruse to get me to help you
00:24:39with your Christmas cards, wasn't it?
00:24:42You found me out.
00:24:44I will forgive you on one condition.
00:24:48Name it.
00:24:50On Christmas Day...
00:25:00Nothing cider and cooking can't fix.
00:25:03All is forgiven.
00:25:04Wow, is that easy?
00:25:06Your book is a little too long, but...
00:25:09Okay, I'm curious.
00:25:10How did you become Joanna Moret?
00:25:13Well, I always loved crafting and baking, fixing things.
00:25:19So I went to design school and then I started
00:25:21this tiny little business out of my living room
00:25:23where I help people plan parties and family gatherings,
00:25:27Christmases, and I realized people wanted more
00:25:31than just how to string the perfect lights,
00:25:33so I started giving advice and they kept asking.
00:25:36Then I met Goldie and the rest is history.
00:25:40Right time, right place.
00:25:42I am going to open your eyes to what it is Valerie wants,
00:25:45what you want, and how to get it.
00:25:48We'll see.
00:25:49We used to be so in sync, or so I thought, and then kaboom!
00:25:54Don't give up on Valerie just yet.
00:25:57Remember, you have a secret weapon.
00:26:06That covers it, huh?
00:26:07I think so.
00:26:10I had a good time.
00:26:13No, I should be thanking you.
00:26:15It's not every day you learn so much about the boyfriend
00:26:17you supposedly had for years.
00:26:19Yeah, makes sense.
00:26:22The stars are brightly shining.
00:26:28It is the night of our dear Savior's birth.
00:26:36Long lay the world in sin and death.
00:26:41Well, you better get inside before too much of this stuff falls.
00:26:44I make a pretty mean snowball.
00:26:46Oh, I hope to see the day.
00:26:48Good night, Joanne.
00:26:50Good night.
00:26:51I'll see you tomorrow.
00:26:53Game time.
00:26:54Game time.
00:26:56Okay, go team.
00:26:59Good night.
00:27:00Good night.
00:27:22So, you ready?
00:27:23Yeah, let's go over the game plan.
00:27:25We play couple, I do business, I get show, we break up.
00:27:29When you say it like that, it makes me wonder how anyone can think romance is dead.
00:27:34This is never going to work.
00:27:35I mean, how could I think this could work?
00:27:36No, no, no.
00:27:37This is going to work because you know how to make it work.
00:27:40The things you do are special because you're special.
00:27:43You wouldn't be here if you weren't.
00:27:48You really do have a lot of stuff.
00:27:50I'm looking for a book.
00:27:52Right now?
00:27:54Why do you need a book?
00:27:56It's a finger book fortune.
00:27:57It's a trick my Nana taught me.
00:27:58You let the words speak to you.
00:28:04Hey, this is my fortune.
00:28:05Get your own.
00:28:13A trick my auto shop teacher taught me.
00:28:16You took auto shop?
00:28:19Ooh, very interesting.
00:28:21Very telling.
00:28:23Care to share?
00:28:24It's my message.
00:28:26It's my car manual.
00:28:28Okay, if you must know what the fates have in store for me.
00:28:32This vehicle may hydroplane while driving at high speeds on a slick or wet road.
00:28:41It's now or never.
00:28:45So this is what hit TV gets you.
00:28:47Good to know.
00:28:50You know, I've heard stories that ringing in the doorbell can help.
00:28:53Or if you're really old school, you can knock.
00:28:55I'm thinking.
00:28:57Oh, I see.
00:28:58You're willing, George, to throw open the door and whisk us inside.
00:29:02Joanna, Ted, come on in now.
00:29:03They're calling.
00:29:04Come on in.
00:29:06You're good.
00:29:10This is stunning.
00:29:11And not decorated at all.
00:29:17The tree will go right there.
00:29:20Oh, I just, I'm already getting ideas.
00:29:22I can't wait to get started.
00:29:23I'm so glad.
00:29:24I have the feeling this is the start of something wonderful.
00:29:27I couldn't agree more.
00:29:31Please meet my head of development and production, my son, Del.
00:29:35Joanna Moray.
00:29:37Brilliant creative love expert.
00:29:38The pleasure is certainly mine.
00:29:40It's so nice to meet you.
00:29:45I'm Ted.
00:29:48Joanna's boyfriend.
00:29:51I didn't know who to expect.
00:29:53You've been shrouded in secrecy.
00:29:54Oh, well.
00:29:55So this, the perfect yet elusive boyfriend.
00:29:59We've run the figures and the facts.
00:30:01Joanna Moray is good business.
00:30:03Loyal fans, solid readership.
00:30:06We want to turn that into viewership and not only expand your horizons, but shatter them.
00:30:13Jeez, she's the best.
00:30:16For sure.
00:30:18That sounds truly incredible.
00:30:20Incredible and doable.
00:30:21Your ad revenues increase year to year, and your awareness level among prospective viewers is nothing short of a dream.
00:30:28No pressure.
00:30:30No worries.
00:30:32Sorry, I'm just, I'm so thrilled that you're interested in me.
00:30:36In my work.
00:30:40Well, now that Del's nicely laid the groundwork, what do you say we grab a quick bite?
00:30:43I'll have your things brought in, taken up, and we can enjoy ourselves.
00:30:48That sounds wonderful.
00:30:49That would be darling, darling.
00:30:53Follow me.
00:30:54You know what, Del?
00:30:55Could Ted and I have just a moment?
00:30:58Of course.
00:30:59Dining room's right through there.
00:31:01We'll be right there.
00:31:02Save us a spot.
00:31:07Okay, what?
00:31:09What was that for?
00:31:10What was that for?
00:31:11What are you doing?
00:31:12What am I doing?
00:31:13Stop, stop answering my questions with a question.
00:31:16Okay, you are going to blow our cover and completely derail this.
00:31:18I don't like how Mr. Three-Piece Suit is talking to you.
00:31:21He's so smarmy.
00:31:25Or he's an executive getting to know a potential client.
00:31:29Oh, Joanna.
00:31:30You're a producer, right?
00:31:31You have to put people at ease every day before you put them on TV.
00:31:34And there's a big difference between talking to someone with respect and talking to them like, like...
00:31:41Okay, Ted, I appreciate this, I do, but we need this to work.
00:31:46The way he talks and acts, he's so calculated, so perfect.
00:31:52Is someone jealous?
00:31:57Let me point out that I'm your boyfriend.
00:31:59Uh, not really.
00:32:00He's named after a computer.
00:32:06Okay, okay.
00:32:07Alright, we need to pull it together.
00:32:08Pull it together.
00:32:09Let's get back out there before they think anything is going on.
00:32:12Just let me get started on the gala, and then we will start on you and Valerie's romance number two.
00:32:17Okay, fine.
00:32:18But I don't like the way he's talking to you.
00:32:20What have I gotten us into?
00:32:22What have you gotten us into?
00:32:23Stop answering my questions with a question.
00:32:30Well, Del was quite a handful, especially at Christmas, and don't let him tell you otherwise.
00:32:36I plead the fifth, and I kindly ask my father to as well.
00:32:39Well, in all fairness, he did find an outlet for his energies with the company.
00:32:43Well, you produce some wonderful content. It's really impressive.
00:32:46I thank Del, he worked hard.
00:32:48Although I do believe there are times when he prefers his development reports to people.
00:32:52You always know where you stand with facts and figures.
00:32:55I'm a big fan of to-do lists.
00:32:58Yeah, but it's fun putting the show together, too.
00:33:00You know, wrangling the elements, being part of the little moments that you don't expect.
00:33:08You know, I'm a big fan of to-do lists, too.
00:33:11And that reminds me, let's talk gala.
00:33:15Down to business.
00:33:17I would love to get started as soon as possible.
00:33:19I have to admit, given the grandeur of the event, I was a bit surprised to see the house wasn't decorated at all.
00:33:25Not even a tree?
00:33:27My mother took care of the interior.
00:33:29Mrs. McAllen passed away early in the year, just after the holidays.
00:33:34It wasn't the holidays until you heard her voice echoing.
00:33:38More garland, brighter lights, bigger ornaments.
00:33:42I'm so sorry for your loss.
00:33:44Our sympathies, truly.
00:33:46Thank you, Leo. We appreciate that.
00:33:49And, my dear, she was quite the fan of yours.
00:33:51In fact, your being here is just as much a request of ours as it would be a wish fulfilled for her.
00:33:57Wow, I don't know what to say. Thank you.
00:34:00Well, if you'd like to get started, no time like the present.
00:34:04Follow me.
00:34:09So, here it is.
00:34:12Ted, scan corrected again.
00:34:14The North Pole relocated here.
00:34:17Uh, yeah.
00:34:18Oh my gosh, I can't believe how much stuff is in here.
00:34:22Oh, it's all so beautiful. Is some of this vintage?
00:34:26Yeah, my mother used to believe in adding to her collection without ever taking away.
00:34:31You know, she used to say, the Christmas of the past is its own Christmas present.
00:34:37That's from my first book.
00:34:40I'm so flattered she found anything I said helpful.
00:34:43Well, I'll leave you to it.
00:34:45Great. Thanks, Del.
00:34:47No, why don't you stay? It would be much faster with you as our guide.
00:34:52Of course. Efficiency is key.
00:34:56Yeah, uh, why don't we just take everything we can down?
00:34:59Del, perhaps we can stage things in the main hall?
00:35:02I think that'll be fine.
00:35:04All right. Well, we better get nutcrackin'.
00:35:07Get it? Nut. Crack.
00:35:09Nutcrackin'. Get it? Nut. Crack.
00:35:13Okay. After you.
00:35:22Hey, you all right?
00:35:24Yeah, I'm just, I think there's so much history here.
00:35:28Is there all of their memories?
00:35:31You know what? I'm better than fine.
00:35:34I think I just figured out my theme.
00:35:36First Christmas, forever memories.
00:35:37I'll leave you to it.
00:35:50Where is he?
00:35:54I'm not here.
00:35:58I got you this job. You owe me.
00:36:00Joanna Murray asked him out.
00:36:01And he must have said yes because he took a few days off to spend time with her and then went to George McCallum's mansion to help her on a project.
00:36:06Did he now?
00:36:26Oh, that's a bit here.
00:36:28That's a lot of stuff.
00:36:30Yeah, my mother ran the decorating staff like a well-oiled machine.
00:36:33They'll, of course, be at your complete disposal.
00:36:36This event was really as much my mother's as my father's.
00:36:40I won't let you down.
00:36:42I don't doubt it.
00:36:52No pressure.
00:36:53Hey, you can do this because you know how to do this.
00:36:56Making moments and memories.
00:36:59Besides, it's never just business when people are involved.
00:37:02Are you reading my book?
00:37:06Okay, I'm going to leave you and your notebook to work up some Christmas magic.
00:37:12Good night, Joanna.
00:37:14Good night.
00:37:23Good night.
00:37:53Good night.
00:38:48Just when were you going to tell me?
00:38:49Tell you what?
00:38:50The secret to your grandmother's rice pudding.
00:38:53That you've been dating Joanna Moray.
00:38:55No, Val, it's not.
00:38:56Don't you Val me.
00:38:58Okay, Valerie, it's not what you think.
00:39:00What are you even doing here?
00:39:01You broke up with me.
00:39:04I stepped back.
00:39:05Let me quote.
00:39:06It's over.
00:39:07We're through.
00:39:08I'm breaking up with you.
00:39:09I needed space.
00:39:11So you said all that because you needed space.
00:39:12What, all of it?
00:39:14Probably when you crowded our relationship with another woman.
00:39:17Ow, man.
00:39:18Stop that.
00:39:19What are you doing?
00:39:20What are you doing?
00:39:21What are you doing?
00:39:22Where are you going?
00:39:23To give a little advice of my own.
00:39:25I bet she never saw this coming in her love gestures.
00:39:30No, no, no.
00:39:31No, no, no.
00:39:32Val, come here.
00:39:33So, where is she?
00:39:35Let me explain.
00:39:36Believe me, by all means, I can't wait to hear.
00:39:39I was going to tell you earlier, but everything happened so fast.
00:39:42These things usually do.
00:39:44Keep your voice down.
00:39:47Okay, what is going on down here?
00:39:55Well, now that we've established names, can anyone please tell me who this woman is and why is she in my foyer?
00:40:01Of course, Mr. McKellen.
00:40:03This is, you know, um...
00:40:06My assistant.
00:40:08She is?
00:40:10She is.
00:40:12And now this is a funny story.
00:40:14Valerie was trying to reach Joanna to get some things signed for Goldie.
00:40:16That's my agent.
00:40:18Her agent, yes.
00:40:19But the cell reception was not working very well, and she couldn't get a hold of her, so she took it upon herself to drive all the way down here.
00:40:25She's such a go-getter.
00:40:26Such an angel.
00:40:27But, uh, but she got lost, and that's why it's so late, and we're so sorry.
00:40:30Yeah, but here she is, right?
00:40:32Is that right, Valerie?
00:40:33You made it.
00:40:39So, we're so sorry about the late-night intrusion and the slight change of plans.
00:40:44As long as things are all sorted out.
00:40:48In that case, I will bid you goodnight again.
00:40:54Okay, well, it's all settled then.
00:40:56Well, we should get those papers signed.
00:40:57I'm sure Goldie wants them ASAP.
00:40:59She's been waiting.
00:41:00And we'll get you back to the city as soon as humanly possible.
00:41:02On the move again.
00:41:04There's already a bedroom made up next to Joanna's.
00:41:06Stay the night.
00:41:07It'll be safer than driving home in that snow.
00:41:11How kind of you.
00:41:12How kind of you.
00:41:14Okay, Valerie, I will show you to your quarters.
00:41:18Follow me.
00:41:29First of all, Valerie, it's very nice to meet you.
00:41:33I promise you, none of this is what it looks like.
00:41:35That's exactly what he said.
00:41:37Because it's true.
00:41:38Ted, can I handle this?
00:41:40I'm just...
00:41:41Actually, if you could step outside for just a minute, that'd be great.
00:41:52Here's what's really going on.
00:41:59When I met Ted at the studio...
00:42:01Ted's gone.
00:42:02Are you serious?
00:42:03I'm serious.
00:42:04Okay, just let me say my piece.
00:42:10Thank you so much.
00:42:14I can't believe you went out with another woman just for me.
00:42:18It's so...
00:42:22And the fact that you, Joanna Moiré, would bother to take an interest in Ted...
00:42:27I'm right here.
00:42:28And me, to try to help.
00:42:33What can I say?
00:42:35I think this is a good stopping point.
00:42:41Oh, hi.
00:42:42If you could just set those right there.
00:42:46Good morning.
00:42:47Good morning.
00:42:49This is one of my favorite Christmas memories.
00:42:51There's nothing more Christmas than baking cookies.
00:42:54I used to love watching my mother bake with the staff.
00:42:56You know, I'd always steal one, thinking she didn't see.
00:42:59And she would let me, pretending she didn't see.
00:43:02Well, if you steal one of mine, I will see you.
00:43:06I'm kidding.
00:43:07I'm kidding.
00:43:09You know, we do have people to do this.
00:43:11Oh, I know.
00:43:12And your staff has been so helpful.
00:43:14Helping me decorate, inside and out.
00:43:16But, you know, some things you just want to do yourself.
00:43:20Want to try?
00:43:22I don't know.
00:43:23Don't fight it.
00:43:24This is new territory for me.
00:43:26Me and a cookie cutter could be dangerous.
00:43:28I have faith in you.
00:43:29And besides, I made another batch, just in case.
00:43:33So, it helps if you think you're not just making a cookie.
00:43:36You know, you're making a memory.
00:43:39It's okay to have a little fun while you're doing it.
00:43:43All right.
00:43:45Good morning.
00:43:48Aw, poor reindeer.
00:43:49Did he fall off the roof?
00:43:50Yeah, I guess I'm a little better at banking than baking.
00:43:53Well, I think it's great.
00:43:56And by the way, I wanted to tell you,
00:43:58the music is set, the menu is confirmed,
00:44:00they're shipping the placards,
00:44:01and I have one more little surprise for you guys.
00:44:04When did you do all that?
00:44:05Oh, efficiency is key.
00:44:08Good morning.
00:44:10Val, you're here.
00:44:12Shouldn't you be hitting the road?
00:44:15It can wait.
00:44:16But you didn't bring any of your stuff, so...
00:44:18Right, that's...
00:44:19I had a bag packed with some things from my last trip.
00:44:23I'm a whiz at adjusting to new and surprising situations.
00:44:27Besides, Joanna doesn't mind her awesome number one assistant helping out.
00:44:31Isn't that right?
00:44:32How could I say no?
00:44:33All right, well, I'm just going to finish up here.
00:44:35I've got to get these in the oven, prep some pies,
00:44:37and then we'll get on the tree cutting.
00:44:40Tree cutting?
00:44:43Well, call me old-fashioned,
00:44:45but that's usually how you get one from out there in here.
00:44:48With the gorgeous smell of fresh pine.
00:44:50You can buy that, you know.
00:44:52Trees, too.
00:44:53Valerie, sometimes it's nice to do things the old-fashioned way.
00:44:57It is?
00:44:58You know, we have people to take care of the tree as well.
00:45:01Oh, I know.
00:45:03I'm one of them.
00:45:24What are you doing in my closet?
00:45:25You mean our closet.
00:45:27My room's just right over there.
00:45:29Roomie, isn't this the coolest thing ever?
00:45:36I'm just going to go get a handle on the tree.
00:45:38Oh, I'm coming with you.
00:45:40We all are, I think.
00:45:44I can't believe you've never really explored your property.
00:45:48I can't get enough of it.
00:45:49How about that one?
00:45:50Uh, too small.
00:45:53I've probably seen more of your house than you have.
00:45:55And in record time.
00:45:56Since as far back as I can remember, I've held busy.
00:45:58You know, most kids play tag, and I played TV producer.
00:46:02My dad to thank for that.
00:46:04But it all worked out in the end.
00:46:07This one, right here.
00:46:09Uh, ooh.
00:46:10Too wide?
00:46:13I want you to know, I've really been enjoying my time here.
00:46:16Things are moving more quickly than I ever could have hoped.
00:46:19I don't know, maybe it's a Christmas miracle.
00:46:21I don't know, I've seen you with your lists and notebooks.
00:46:24And schedules.
00:46:26Making sure there's a place for everything and everything in this place.
00:46:29I like that in a partner.
00:46:32In someone I'm working with.
00:46:34What is it?
00:46:35Complimenting your partner is in itself a big compliment.
00:46:40Chapter four.
00:46:41Kissing up, huh?
00:46:42You got it.
00:46:44They're having a good time.
00:46:46He's probably talking to her about spreadsheets.
00:46:48At least he's talking to her.
00:46:50Talking was never our problem.
00:46:51It was me saying the wrong thing.
00:46:53Joanna says that...
00:46:58Look, sometimes I wonder if maybe that wasn't our problem.
00:47:01Joanna says.
00:47:03Maybe I needed to know what you were thinking.
00:47:06You know, what you wanted.
00:47:07Just because I was following advice from someone else
00:47:09doesn't mean it wasn't what I was feeling.
00:47:11Whether Joanna says or Valerie thinks, it's still me.
00:47:25Del, it's important to know that you're not...
00:47:28We're not just getting a tree.
00:47:31I mean, that's...
00:47:33No, branches and needles.
00:47:36So what are we getting?
00:47:40I don't know.
00:47:42So what are we getting?
00:47:45It's a symbol.
00:47:47A greeting.
00:47:49A Christmas tree should...
00:47:51You know, remind people of their childhood.
00:47:54Of cherished memories.
00:47:56It should reflect the spirit of Christmas.
00:47:58Of love and family and friends.
00:48:01Those still with us and...
00:48:04Those who have gone.
00:48:11There it is.
00:48:19There it is.
00:48:36This will certainly make a statement.
00:48:39It's not even decorated yet.
00:48:42That's the best part.
00:48:43It'll only get more beautiful.
00:48:46Well, things are already looking beautiful.
00:49:00You made that, didn't you?
00:49:03How could you tell?
00:49:05I know that look.
00:49:09Come here, bring those.
00:49:11You know, I think that ornament should go...
00:49:14Right here, front and center.
00:49:17Yeah, I think so.
00:49:22You know, Joanna, you have such an interesting way of looking at things.
00:49:25You know, that's why I wanted you.
00:49:29The show.
00:49:32You've opened my eyes to so many more possibilities.
00:49:39It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.
00:49:42George, hello.
00:49:44I just thought I'd pop in and see how things are going.
00:49:46I think tomorrow you'll really see a transformation.
00:49:49I want you to know I'm especially looking forward to the tree.
00:49:52It was one of my wife's greatest achievements,
00:49:54and considering she followed your lead for many years,
00:49:57I'm sure it's in great hands.
00:49:59I think so.
00:50:01I wouldn't make you any promises I couldn't keep.
00:50:04Great. Well, goodnight.
00:50:09Well, I'd better get back to my work, and I'll leave you to yours.
00:50:40Come in.
00:50:41Come in, please.
00:50:43Welcome to your first session.
00:50:45It's a little unorthodox, but please have a seat.
00:50:52Good morning.
00:50:57Well, today I want to work on some core concepts.
00:51:01Respect, love, understanding, and love.
00:51:05Respect, love, understanding, and passion.
00:51:09It's important to talk to your partner about these concepts,
00:51:12but since your communication hasn't been great up to this point,
00:51:16instead of saying them to each other, you'll be saying them to me.
00:51:21As if I was your partner.
00:51:23I find that sometimes the things you can't say to someone's face are usually the most honest.
00:51:28So, Valerie, you're up first.
00:51:31And Ted, if you could just look away.
00:51:40Now, tell me how you're feeling, and remember, respect, love, understanding, and passion.
00:51:45Alright, fine.
00:51:47Ted, sometimes I wish you would respect the fact that all I'm asking you to do
00:51:55is try a little bit harder to take things more seriously.
00:51:58And passion?
00:52:01I guess love the love gestures more.
00:52:04That napkin was a nice touch.
00:52:06You could do that more often.
00:52:08And that's it.
00:52:15Your turn, honey.
00:52:17Okay, Ted, you're up.
00:52:20Tell me how it is you're feeling.
00:52:23I just, I want you to look at me and see who I am.
00:52:30I'm not perfect.
00:52:34If I've learned anything, it's that life is not one big solid picture.
00:52:38It's a series of moments, you know, incredible little slices of silly and serious that
00:52:45affect you in ways that sometimes you don't even understand.
00:52:49And that's okay.
00:52:51I just want you to love those moments with me.
00:52:57No matter how big or small.
00:53:00I want to make you happy.
00:53:02Especially when you're not.
00:53:04And I want you to know that my shoulders are strong enough to carry your laughter and your tears.
00:53:11That when you come to a crossroads, I'm going to be there
00:53:14to help guide you.
00:53:15And that everything I do will shine a light on how, even in the harshest of winters,
00:53:21you are my infinite summer.
00:53:26I may not always succeed, but I will always try.
00:53:31Even if I am
00:53:36perfectly imperfect.
00:53:39I'm not perfect.
00:53:41Perfectly imperfect.
00:53:49Great work, both of you.
00:53:52Sweetie, you'll get there.
00:53:54You just have to really work the system.
00:53:59We're doing the tree today, right?
00:54:05Did you want to...
00:54:06You know, I should head down.
00:54:08You know, I should head downstairs.
00:54:10There's a lot going on today.
00:54:11It's a little overwhelming.
00:54:30If you could just take those into the kitchen, please.
00:54:32Thank you. Right around the corner.
00:54:33This one?
00:54:34Oh, great. Thank you.
00:54:56That looks great.
00:55:03How about one over there?
00:55:06That's perfect.
00:55:31Come in.
00:55:49I'm kind of at a loss for words.
00:55:51For the first time, I feel like I don't have control over every aspect of my life,
00:55:55and it's really freaking me out.
00:55:56Is that such a bad thing?
00:55:58Not knowing exactly how everything's going to turn out?
00:56:02Ted, the things you said today to Valerie...
00:56:07to me...
00:56:10they really excited me, but they also really scare me,
00:56:14because I don't know what the future looks like.
00:56:16I think we need to break up and end this charade.
00:56:20This whole thing's becoming a disaster.
00:56:22The illusion was supposed to be fun and easy.
00:56:25Manageable, at least.
00:56:29You can't control feelings.
00:56:30That's the illusion.
00:56:32I'm not an expert, and I figured that out.
00:56:34You wrote a book about it, and you still haven't.
00:56:36You had this grand plan, but as you say,
00:56:39you don't make plans to break them, you make them to be them.
00:56:43I'm not sure I know what that means, but I do know
00:56:46I can't pretend to be the perfect boyfriend for you
00:56:49if I'm trying to be the perfect boyfriend for Valerie.
00:56:53Ted, is this really what you want?
00:56:57Don't you see? You're on the cusp of your dotted line.
00:57:02You're going to get your show.
00:57:04You're going to do amazing things.
00:57:06Ted, I feel...
00:57:07I've seen how Del looks at you.
00:57:10I told you about it the moment he saw you,
00:57:12and seeing you two together,
00:57:14you with your philosophies and lists,
00:57:16him with his spreadsheets and savvy and suits.
00:57:21It's a match made in, if not heaven, on paper,
00:57:25and it's more real than anything you told me
00:57:28I was pretending to be for you.
00:57:30But it's fine, you know, you're free now to pursue Del.
00:57:33Valerie and I will continue to work on whatever it is we're working on.
00:57:37George will be thrilled as he ever was.
00:57:42Joanna, you deserve the perfect boyfriend.
00:57:47Someone who thinks like you.
00:57:48Someone who wants success like you.
00:57:50You can have that.
00:57:53It's real, and it's waiting for you right outside.
00:57:55It's a win-win.
00:57:58Well, it sounds like you have it all figured out.
00:58:03I learn from the best.
00:58:34It is going to go in.
00:58:37That's for you.
00:58:39Is it going?
00:58:41Yep, that's it.
00:58:45Hey, what do you say we get out of here for a little while?
00:58:49So, it's certainly been an interesting few days.
00:58:52In what way?
00:58:54Well, you came to organize our Christmas event,
00:58:56something we weren't sure could even be done,
00:58:59and somehow we ended up baking cookies
00:59:02and talking about our past and getting to know one another.
00:59:07I've been busy, haven't I?
00:59:09I'd say the topper, though, is probably your unorthodox assistant
00:59:12showing up late one night, unannounced.
00:59:16That was the topper.
00:59:18There's something about her, though, I can't put my finger on it.
00:59:24In any case, it definitely hasn't been business as usual.
00:59:28Look, Del, there's something that I should mention that you should know.
00:59:35Ted and I aren't actually...
00:59:39We're not...
00:59:42Things aren't going well.
00:59:46Is that so?
00:59:47Yeah, yeah, I really don't want to get into the details of it,
00:59:51but I want you and your father to know that no matter what happens between him and I,
00:59:55it will in no way affect my ability to produce the work
00:59:57with every ounce of creativity and professionalism that you are expecting of me.
01:00:02I don't doubt it.
01:00:03Joanna, you are your work, and your work is you.
01:00:07In a really short time, I've gotten to know you through it.
01:00:12Sorry, what is it?
01:00:14Evaluate, designate, and concentrate?
01:00:18If I'm honest, I don't see Ted as being the kind of guy that can follow those rules.
01:00:23I mean, how many points is he really scoring doing the things you need?
01:00:26You know, is he able to put into practice any of your tactics?
01:00:29Gosh, you make it sound like I wrote a military handbook.
01:00:32Yeah, whatever works, right?
01:00:35You know, get people to step in line.
01:00:49That's, uh, that's a lot of books.
01:00:52We have a long road ahead of us, Ted.
01:00:55If we ever want to get back to that perfect place we were in,
01:00:58you're going to have to work at it.
01:01:01But I'm here to help.
01:01:03Oh, the business of love.
01:01:06It's perfect.
01:01:08I'm never going to be good enough for you, am I?
01:01:10It's more than reading.
01:01:12I'm not ruling out seminars or therapy.
01:01:15Have you ever tried hypnosis?
01:01:17You're not listening.
01:01:19You're right.
01:01:23I am?
01:01:25You can't even put your socks on in the dark.
01:01:28How are you going to hypnotize yourself?
01:01:34Honey, I've seen it. One blue, one brown.
01:01:37Not a good look.
01:01:38I mean, no to listening to people who don't even know me
01:01:41telling me how and when to feel.
01:01:43All so that we can get back to
01:01:46something that was not only never perfect, it probably never existed.
01:01:50What are you saying, Ted?
01:01:52Val, I think you know.
01:01:54Don't Val me.
01:01:55Okay, Valerie.
01:01:57If we're going to do this, if we're meant to be,
01:01:59then we have to find our way back there by ourselves.
01:02:02Without the business of love.
01:02:06And without the love audit.
01:02:20Come on and join me.
01:02:28I want you to know, and I would never say this lightly,
01:02:32the house has never looked better in such a short time.
01:02:36When Mrs. McKellen would be proud, and so should you.
01:02:40That, that means the world to me.
01:02:43I just, I want this event to be perfect.
01:02:46No matter what.
01:02:48No matter what?
01:02:50That signals to me something might be the matter.
01:02:54Ted's a good man.
01:02:56I like his energy. I like what he's doing in his career.
01:02:59He's a man on the way up, and I think I may even be able to help lift him.
01:03:02Oh my gosh, that, that would mean more to him than you know.
01:03:06Okay, well then I'll make sure that I tell him myself.
01:03:09Now that aside, I don't think I'm too far off by saying you two have hit a rough patch.
01:03:17Actually, you and Ted remind me a lot of Mrs. McKellen and I.
01:03:22And I, I don't want to get myself in hot water here,
01:03:26saying this to an expert such as yourself,
01:03:29but having spent more time around the son than I like to admit,
01:03:33sometimes love doesn't have hard and fast rules.
01:03:38All we needed was each other.
01:03:40A hand to hold and a heart to love to tell us what we already knew and what we felt.
01:03:45And I believe you feel for Ted, and what Ted feels for you.
01:03:50Because love, my dear, will always be a gamble.
01:03:54What if you take that chance and you lose?
01:03:57How can I not look at this relationship through the lens of my own advice?
01:04:02Things that I'm telling everyone else they should be doing,
01:04:06shouldn't I be doing them too?
01:04:09And with Ted, he's, he's always joking around, and, and I'm serious.
01:04:16He's always dressed for the mall, and I'm, you know, dressed in a power suit.
01:04:21He's always thinking about what's happening right then in the moment,
01:04:25and I'm, I'm always thinking about the future.
01:04:30How in the world is that ever going to work?
01:04:34I know who I am and what I want, or I thought I did.
01:04:43How can I start something new at this point that everyone else is going to think is a lie?
01:04:47How can I start something new at this point that everyone else is going to think is a lie?
01:04:50Happiness is never a lie, not to yourself or others.
01:04:56Now you asked a question, what happens if you take a chance on love and you lose?
01:05:00I think that's the wrong question for you.
01:05:02I think the one you should ask instead is, what happens if I never take a chance on love at all?
01:05:18Oh, Valerie, hi.
01:05:21Are you looking for Ted?
01:05:22Yeah, I, um, just needed to tell him something.
01:05:26I was going to get a snack.
01:05:29It's been kind of a strange day.
01:05:31Yeah, that's an understatement.
01:05:35Look, Valerie, I, I hope you know I never meant to do anything to hurt you or Ted.
01:05:41I know.
01:05:42As you say, good intentions are not safe from complex execution.
01:05:48I think he's leaving, and I think I'm okay with that.
01:05:54I don't know.
01:05:56I think, I think I've been doing too much thinking to tell you the truth.
01:06:01You spend so much time with someone looking for them to be what you want instead of enjoying who they are.
01:06:07Believe me, I know.
01:06:08Do you also believe in, I guess, like at first sight with someone you don't really know?
01:06:16Is that crazy? Is it wrong?
01:06:20I think it's wrong not to go for what will make you happy.
01:06:26Like, love, interest, whatever.
01:06:29Not to go for what will make you happy.
01:06:32Like, love, interest, whatever.
01:06:35My advice is to forget all of my other advice.
01:06:40Forget the scorecards, the suits.
01:06:43Go for the spark.
01:06:48I kind of like suits.
01:06:53I'm not angry.
01:06:55I want you to know that.
01:06:58I'm really glad you're here.
01:07:08Ted, can we-
01:07:53Joanna, good morning.
01:07:54I was just thinking about you.
01:07:56Can I get you some coffee?
01:07:57Oh, no, I'm fine. Thank you.
01:07:59Del, I need to talk to you about something.
01:08:02Wonderful. I also have some news.
01:08:04What's this?
01:08:06The contract for your very own show. I thought you'd want to see it.
01:08:10Look, my father is way more into surprises than I am, so try to look just so when he announces it.
01:08:16My hunch is it'll be at the gala in front of everyone.
01:08:19So, in terms of scheduling, we're going to want to get started on concept and development as soon as possible in the new year.
01:08:24I think we'll also want to schedule some meetings with marketing.
01:08:28What is it? Did I miss something? I thought you'd be thrilled.
01:08:32Del, no, it's-
01:08:34This is incredible.
01:08:36It's more than I ever could have imagined.
01:08:39But, before we go any further, there's something that you should know.
01:08:44Excuse me?
01:08:46Okay, here we go.
01:08:48Del, I don't think I've ever even been in love.
01:08:51The guy that I wrote about in my book, that was more the version of what I hoped for or what I wanted, but not at all the version I actually ended up with.
01:09:03And on that note, that man was also not Ted.
01:09:08Ted and I were never actually in a relationship.
01:09:13I just met him about a week ago.
01:09:16And I brought him here because I wanted to prove to everyone, myself included, that I was, in fact, an expert at everything.
01:09:25I lied to a lot of people.
01:09:28And I'm not proud of it.
01:09:30And I can't continue to do it.
01:09:33So, if that's the woman you're looking for, I'm sorry, but daytime television will have to survive with one less show.
01:09:42Joanna, that is amazing.
01:09:46You're incredible.
01:09:48You're not upset?
01:09:50Are you kidding?
01:09:52You just executed the most brilliant marketing strategy.
01:10:00I can picture the billboards.
01:10:03When love comes clean.
01:10:05You can tell this story in the pilot episode, Love, Loss, Redemption.
01:10:08Your fans will eat it up.
01:10:10Look, Joanna, you came here to do a job, and you've done it beautifully.
01:10:16So whether or not Ted is really your boyfriend is irrelevant now.
01:10:21Because we're in the business of Joanna Moret, dating or otherwise.
01:10:25And frankly, otherwise is fine with me.
01:10:27I don't...
01:10:29Have dinner with me.
01:10:31To discuss the show, or as a date?
01:10:35It makes sense.
01:10:36It adds up. You, me, us. It's a partnership.
01:10:40Del, I'm so sorry.
01:10:42I can see how you may have thought I was going in a different direction with this.
01:10:46But I'm not looking for a business transaction.
01:10:53I'm looking for love.
01:10:55You know, romance.
01:10:58The spark.
01:11:00I'm learning that that gut feeling is more important than being a man.
01:11:04That gut feeling is more important than being a match made on paper.
01:11:08I can't say I'm not a little bit disappointed.
01:11:13A little embarrassed.
01:11:16But I can say that I still make deals, and yours is still very much on the table.
01:11:22Don't pass this up because of my misunderstandings.
01:11:26It took a good businesswoman, and person, to let this go.
01:11:34Don't let this be the one that got away.
01:11:42But what about your father? Will he feel the same way?
01:11:45I'll talk to him.
01:11:47I'm sure he'd be thrilled if you said yes.
01:11:52Well, thank you.
01:11:59All right. Back to my spreadsheets.
01:12:02Well, I look forward to our working relationship.
01:12:07And I'll see you tonight. At the gala.
01:12:26That was great!
01:12:30That, uh, that's my dress.
01:12:34It is?
01:12:36Joanna, I had no idea. It was just hanging up, and I didn't bring anything fancy to wear.
01:12:41Because I didn't know there was going to be a party, and when I found out there was a party,
01:12:44I grabbed the first thing I saw, which was this dress, your dress, and I can totally put it back right now.
01:12:50I think that dress would look beautiful on you.
01:12:53You do?
01:12:57I'd go as far as to say I think that dress was meant to be worn by you.
01:13:01What will you wear?
01:13:04Don't say a word.
01:13:06Just come with me.
01:13:08I'll handle this.
01:13:14Oh, don't make me cry.
01:13:23Thank you very much for coming.
01:13:25It's good to see you.
01:13:26Please enjoy yourself. Merry Christmas.
01:13:28This is incredible.
01:13:30By the way, have you seen Joanna around?
01:13:32No, I haven't. I believe she had one last thing to do.
01:13:49You look absolutely stunning, Val.
01:13:51I mean, Valerie, sorry.
01:13:54You can call me Val.
01:13:58But this dress is actually-
01:13:59What she couldn't wait to wear all week for such an important event.
01:14:12Del, I want to apologize.
01:14:15One never needs to say sorry for delivering on every promise and then some while finding a way to do it all so beautifully.
01:14:23Isn't that right, Del?
01:14:24Without question.
01:14:26Well, thank you both for that.
01:14:28For understanding.
01:14:31For everything.
01:14:33Would you accompany me to the main hall?
01:14:36I think it's time for my entrance.
01:14:38I would love to.
01:14:48Shall we?
01:14:52Let's go.
01:15:14Thank you for doing this.
01:15:16You did what I thought might have been impossible.
01:15:18But our house and our hearts are more alive than I had ever dreamed.
01:15:23Well, remember when I said I have one last surprise in store?
01:15:27Would you mind following me? I have something I'd like to show you.
01:15:38You have kept your wife's memory alive in this house and in this event, and that is a very special gift.
01:15:45You were brave enough to share that with me, so I wanted to return the favor by allowing you to share it with everyone else.
01:15:54I haven't seen that photo in over 30 years.
01:15:58And those are your guests on their first Christmases.
01:16:02This Christmas will always be special because of you.
01:16:07Excuse me.
01:16:10Excuse me, please. Mr. McAllen would like to say a few words.
01:16:14Um, I want to thank all of you.
01:16:18Friends, family, and colleagues for taking the time to spend another glorious Christmas Eve with us tonight.
01:16:27My beautiful wife Caroline is no longer here.
01:16:33She would have loved this.
01:16:35She would have loved this.
01:16:39She believed in someone who helped my son and I realize that she will always live in our hearts.
01:16:47So I would like you to join me in thanking the woman who is at the helm of this incredible event,
01:16:55and who soon will be at the helm of her very own television show where she will share her gifts.
01:17:01Ladies and gentlemen, the star of Living and Loving, Joanna Maree.
01:17:14I can't believe it.
01:17:18Please enjoy the party.
01:17:20So, Living and Loving, huh?
01:17:24I was thinking on my toes.
01:17:27I like it.
01:17:28And I believe we will do our best to show everyone with a television how to do both.
01:17:34You'll figure it out.
01:17:36Five days a week.
01:17:38Although you might need a little bit of help.
01:17:43I wish Ted were here to see this.
01:17:45Hear the news.
01:17:47He is.
01:17:52Christmas miracles.
01:17:54Nice tux.
01:17:57And you, I mean, you look...
01:18:00Oh, well, they're not jeans, but, you know, baby steps.
01:18:05I thought I'd never get to see you again.
01:18:09I was afraid that you wouldn't want to.
01:18:12Joanna, this is...
01:18:14You're amazing.
01:18:22You're amazing.
01:18:24You look amazing.
01:18:28I did want to ask you, when we first got here, what did your finger book fortune say?
01:18:35You can tell me now.
01:18:37Follow your heart.
01:18:39Well, that's good advice.
01:18:44And I have one very important question for you.
01:18:51Do you have a boyfriend?
01:18:54For real this time?
01:18:56Absolutely for real.
01:18:58No lists, no points, just us.
01:19:03Then yes.
01:19:05Absolutely yes.
01:19:08Merry Christmas, Joanna.
01:19:10Merry Christmas, Ted.
01:19:21Merry Christmas.
01:19:23Merry Christmas.
01:19:25Merry Christmas.
01:19:27Merry Christmas.
01:19:29Merry Christmas.
01:19:31Merry Christmas.
01:19:33Merry Christmas.
01:19:51Merry Christmas.
