WWE Bad Blood 10/5/24 – October 5th, 2024 full show online Part 3

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WWE Bad Blood 10/5/24 – October 5th, 2024 full show online Part 3


00:00to the entire roster, Bayley trying to fight back.
00:07But Nia now into a bear hug,
00:09trying to suck the breath and the life out of Bayley.
00:12And Nia taking a few steps backward,
00:14making sure she is in the dead center of the ring.
00:17Bayley is gonna have to fight her way out of this bear hug.
00:19And Bayley now slips underneath, looking for a sunset flip.
00:22Now, shoulders down for Nia, able to kick out at two.
00:25And now Nia quickly- Wow, I like this.
00:29Yeah, Nia, very seldom see her go for a submission.
00:32Listen, you have to evolve as a superstar in WWE,
00:35particularly as a champion.
00:37Nia adding new wrinkles to her repertoire
00:39is gonna serve her very well.
00:41Almost Lion Tamer like here for Nia Jax on Bayley.
00:45Bayley trying to drag herself to the bottom rope
00:47and force a break.
00:49And again, not anyone can just slap on a submission
00:51to great effect.
00:52It takes time to master submissions, it's an art form.
00:55And again- Nia clearly putting in the work.
00:58And again, Corey, the advantage is Nia Jax,
01:02because Bayley has to pin or submit the champ.
01:04Count outs, disqualifications don't help Bayley at all.
01:11This has been a mess-like thrashing by Nia Jax
01:14early on in this match against Bayley.
01:16I should have put money on how long
01:17it would take you to mention it.
01:19As Jax looks to crank Bayley's head
01:21clean off her shoulders
01:22in this modified Camel Clutch submission.
01:24And now, Bayley trying to fight back to her feet here.
01:27Nia Jax in control.
01:29Well, we talked about this earlier.
01:30Very resilient Bayley, multi-time champion.
01:35Bayley up off to the apron, slides underneath Nia Jax.
01:38Now looking to use her quickness here against Nia.
01:41Sends Nia through the second rope to the floor.
01:43And I imagine that's what Bayley wanted to do
01:44off of the opening bell.
01:45Utilize her quickness, be evasive.
01:47But Bayley hasn't had a chance.
01:49Leg drop to the back of the neck.
01:52And now the champion in retreat.
01:54Here comes Bayley.
01:56And Nia wisely moved out of harm's way.
01:58I think Bayley was going for the suicide dive.
02:00And Nia able to move it in the corner.
02:02Bayley, though, with a baseball slide.
02:05Driving Nia Jax to the floor.
02:07And now pounding away is Bayley.
02:09That comes with experience.
02:10Bayley realizing the situation changed mid-maneuver.
02:13She called an audible and still delivered
02:15a drop kick to the champion.
02:17Now Nia sent into the ring.
02:19Bayley follows it up.
02:21And Bayley, cover.
02:22Now on the champ, hook to the leg.
02:24Nia forced to kick out.
02:26Bayley, who is the, was the, or still holds the record,
02:29is the longest reigning SmackDown Women's Champion
02:32of all time, 380 days.
02:35So she knows how to swim with the sharks when she needs to.
02:41Oh, and hanging Nia up on the second rope.
02:45And the champion now in trouble.
02:47Here comes the challenger.
02:48Bayley with a suicide dive, taking Nia down.
02:51I actually think Bayley might've gotten
02:52the worst of that exchange.
02:53Running into a brick wall.
03:01Now Bayley trying to muscle Nia Jax back inside of the ring.
03:04To your point earlier, Bayley realizing
03:06champion's advantage in effect.
03:08Pinfall or submission only
03:10if Bayley wants to become champion.
03:17This is the pace that benefits Nia Jax.
03:19Slow, methodical, deliberate.
03:22Up into it.
03:23Oh man, just, dear.
03:24Dumping Bayley onto the top turnbuckle.
03:30Oh, and followed it up with a splash.
03:34Bayley has taken a ton of punishment to this point.
03:38Yeah, this is the pace that Nia likes.
03:40And now she's got Bayley in position,
03:42perhaps for the Annihilator.
03:44Her finishing move has taken out so,
03:46and Bayley though knows it's coming.
03:48Quickly back to her feet,
03:49and now Bayley pounded away at Nia.
03:51Desperately trying to chop at the knees,
03:53the hamstrings of the champion,
03:55trying to soften up Nia Jax.
04:01Oh, what the heck?
04:02We've seen this before, Cole.
04:04Can she pull it off again?
04:06She did this at SummerSlam.
04:10Nia up top, oh, and Bayley.
04:12No, no, no, no.
04:13Wait a minute, I think Nia reversed into it.
04:14You're right, Nia.
04:15Almost a Hurricanrana.
04:16Nia threw her own right back.
04:17And now a belly to belly cover on Bayley.
04:20Hook of the leg and a kick out.
04:22I would love to see a replay of that.
04:24I believe you're right, Cole.
04:26I think Bayley took just a little too long
04:28before driving Nia down.
04:30Nia was able to shift her weight
04:32and propel Bayley forward.
04:35Let's take a look at this.
04:36And here it is again.
04:37You see, Nia's-
04:37She tried a Hurricanrana,
04:39and whatever it was, it was effective.
04:41If you noticed, Nia had her feet hooked
04:43on the inside of Bayley's stomach,
04:45using those as anchor points
04:47before shifting her weight and propelling the challenger.
04:49Brilliantly done by Nia Jax.
04:51And then delivered the belly to belly.
04:54It's not about style points all the time.
04:56It's about how effective a move is.
04:58Well, I mean, it's just about dominating your opponent,
05:00which is Nia's doing right now.
05:06Bayley just ripped down to the mat.
05:08You have to wonder,
05:09is the champion getting frustrated at this point?
05:11Well, maybe, because Bayley just moved out of the way.
05:14Nia cannot afford to-
05:18Nia trying to make it back to her feet.
05:20Here comes Bayley again.
05:22Up over the top.
05:22Sunset flip bomb!
05:24Didn't get all of it,
05:25but Nia fell right on top of Bayley.
05:27Bayley could be hurt.
05:29I think you're right.
05:30That was instinctive.
05:31Bayley realizing that,
05:32hey, Nia's in position for a move I use very well.
05:35And what's concerning is Bayley grabbed her,
05:37well, she grabbed her leg.
05:38And remember, the history of knee injuries for Bayley
05:41cost her at least a year of her career.
05:42And you gotta be concerned with that,
05:43but Bayley now showing no ill effects
05:45of what happened in the corner.
05:47The adrenaline has clearly kicked in,
05:49now pulsing through the challenger's veins.
05:52Again, Bayley knows what it means
05:54to thrive in high-pressure situations.
05:57The challenger from the top rope!
05:58Bayley up top with the big elbow!
06:01Cover on Jax to take the title!
06:04And Jax kicks out and literally kicks out,
06:07tossing Bayley out of the ring.
06:08Kicked out with extreme authority.
06:11That is the type of power possessed
06:13by the WWE Women's Champion.
06:15As we take another look at the challenger, Bayley,
06:18with her homage to the Macho Man,
06:20the flying elbow right on the money.
06:23But Jax just too strong at this point.
06:26One of the things that I find interesting in this match
06:28is Nia and Bayley going outside their comfort zone.
06:32Oh, and Nia shoulder first into the steps.
06:36And again, I know you drew attention to it moments ago,
06:40but Bayley, again, is clutching at,
06:42I believe, her right ankle, her shin area.
06:44I'm not entirely sure what it is that's bothering her,
06:46but it could be a factor as this match progresses.
06:48She hit hard off that Sunset Cliff Powerbomb,
06:50and then Nia landed on top of her.
06:52And now Bayley, elbow to the spine, driving Nia.
06:56Now, here's the situation.
06:57Nia's down.
06:59Bayley's gotta move Nia into the ring
07:01in order to win the title.
07:04Jessica Carr's down at six right now.
07:08Well, she's continuing the count.
07:10Bayley broke it for herself.
07:13And now Bayley realizes she's gotta go back outside the ring
07:16so the count can reset.
07:17And this is where Bayley's thinking of the big picture.
07:22She would have gotten the winner's purse for tonight,
07:24but she wouldn't have become WWE Women's Champion,
07:26which is the ultimate goal
07:27for all the women on the roster here.
07:28Sledgehammer-like blow to the gut by Nia Jax.
07:35Oh, dear.
07:36Oh, no.
07:36And now Nia with Bayley up top.
07:38Nia, oh, just.
07:41Powerbombing Bayley onto the steel steps.
07:44Not once.
07:45Oh, no.
07:46Oh, gosh.
07:47Slinging her into the barricade.
07:49Blatant disregard for the well-being of the role model.
07:53Becoming the M.O. of Nia Jax.
08:03And Bayley looks like this one's just about over, Cole.
08:10I don't know if I agree with this decision by the champion.
08:14Well, she is the queen.
08:16She is the WWE Champion, and she's dominating right now.
08:19But she is in there with the first ever
08:22Women's Grand Slam Champion in WWE.
08:26That's not just some footnote that can be overlooked.
08:28That is true WWE history that Bayley has earned.
08:32Well, Nia toying with her prey here.
08:34Oh, and a nice takedown by Bayley.
08:38Oh, wait a minute, Nia.
08:39Samoan drop.
08:40And Nia kick out by Bayley.
08:42That was odd.
08:45But Nia Jax delivered the offense,
08:47and this is about the WWE Women's Championship.
08:50Let's take another look at this.
08:51First the powerbomb on the steel ring stairs.
08:55Caused into the barricade.
08:58And then here, Nia Jax wanted a pop-up Samoan drop.
09:01It looks like Bayley tried to adjust, maybe counter or block.
09:04But Jax is too strong.
09:05Yeah, I thought that's what Bayley did.
09:06I thought she countered there.
09:08And now Bayley back to her feet.
09:09And Nia Jax now lands on her feet, lifts Bayley up.
09:13Power game being played by the champion.
09:15And a back elbow just drops Bayley.
09:18Rather impressive agility being displayed by Nia Jax.
09:21And Bayley now has got Nia up into a Samoan drop.
09:26Are you kidding me?
09:28Desperation, Samoan drop by Bayley.
09:32Or did Bayley just empty her tank?
09:34Cover here for the title.
09:37And Nia Jax kicks out and drops Bayley right on the back of the head of
09:40the official Jessica Carr.
09:42Just incidental contact.
09:43I think Jessica's gonna be just fine.
09:45But Nia Jax like a, I don't think she's gonna be fine now.
09:50Nia Jax falling on the official.
09:59And again, that was incidental.
10:00That was not malicious from the champion.
10:02But the bottom line is the official's out in the ring.
10:05And now Bayley, pop up stunner from Bayley.
10:10And Bayley now throws plant to Nia, cover.
10:14She can have the title, wiping the officials down.
10:16Jess, wake up.
10:17Bayley had the championship won, but the official, uh-oh.
10:23It's gonna happen, it's gonna happen.
10:29Missed Money in the Bank, heading to the ring.
10:32Bayley the feature there.
10:35Tiffany's dropping the briefcase to Bayley.
10:37And now what does Tiffany do?
10:39Does she cash in for a triple threat?
10:42Well, there's no official to give the briefcase to.
10:53Now Jessica Carr now realizing the contract's in the ring as she comes to.
10:58And uh-oh, Tiffany caught red-handed.
11:01Was Tiffany gonna betray Nia?
11:06It doesn't matter if she was or she wasn't, Nia thinks she was.
11:11And Tiffany just said, I wasn't gonna cash in, I promise.
11:16And Bayley now driving Nia to Tiffany, roll up for the championship.
11:21Bayley's got her, kick out by Nia at two, so close.
11:26I don't know if there was a little hitch in Jessica Carr's shoulder, but
11:31that count might have been it,
11:33had Jess not been smashed by the champion a few moments ago.
11:37Bayley sidesteps Nia, again down to the mat.
11:40Bayley now with an opportunity.
11:42And now Bayley, the challenger,
11:45making the long climb to the top rope yet again.
11:49And Stratton now, briefcase to Bayley, just shoved it back in.
11:53Tiffany, distraction however cost Bayley.
11:58A right hand by Nia.
12:00And Nia from the second rope, Bayley high above the ring.
12:07Samoa drop to Bayley.
12:09And once again, because of the distraction by Tiffany Stratton,
12:15Nia Jax can call herself champion.
12:19Nia Jax can call herself champion.
12:22Here is your winner and
12:27still the WWE Women's Champion, Nia Jax.
12:39The bottom line here is that we can speculate all we want.
12:42The only person who knows for sure what the goal was, is Tiffany Stratton.
12:46Was she gonna cash in?
12:48Was she not?
12:49We may never know.
12:50The fact is, Nia thought she was.
12:52It caused a momentary distraction.
12:54Bayley almost capitalized.
12:56But the queen is so freaking powerful.
13:00Nia was able to overcome.
13:02And again, whether Tiff was gonna cash in or not,
13:04it doesn't matter because Nia keeps the title.
13:06This is what happened here now.
13:07Jessica Carr taken out as Nia Jax collapses on her.
13:11And then we thought it was finally gonna be Tiffany time.
13:14It seemed that way.
13:15Tiffany making a beeline for the ring.
13:18Notice she clocks Bayley with the briefcase.
13:21Jessica Carr, who was unconscious, I think assumed Tiffany wanted to cash in.
13:27But there you see Nia realizing, my goodness, the betrayal.
13:33But Nia would rally, deliver a thunderous Samoan drop from the second rope.
13:39And then, the end.
13:42The Annihilator.
13:43One, two, three.
13:46Nia Jax is the champion.
13:50But she seems incredibly angry at Miss Money and the Bank.
14:02NXT on the CW this Tuesday, October 8th in St. Louis is coming to the factory.
14:08Tickets on sale now at Ticketmaster.com.
14:11But tonight, we're in Atlanta.
14:13And earlier today, Xavier Woods was here outside State Farm Arena
14:16to try out the new Dragon Ball Sparking Zero game.
14:27Dragon Ball Sparking Zero.
14:29They brought the nice ride that came through to Bad Blood State Farm Arena,
14:32Atlanta, Georgia, where I'm from.
14:34And they were nice enough to bring a couple things down here
14:37and get a little activation going so you boy and some fans can play this game.
14:40So let's go check it out.
14:44Dragon Ball Sparking Zero takes the legendary gameplay of the Budokai Tenkaichi series
14:48and raises it to whole new levels.
14:50This is the ultimate immersive Dragon Ball experience.
14:53Early access will be just three days away from today for fans who purchase
14:57the deluxe or ultimate editions, meaning you all have 72 hours to play the game
15:03before its full release on October 11th.
15:07Hey, either way you look at it, Dragon Ball Sparking Zero is right around the corner.
15:11It's perfect timing.
15:17Well, once brothers in brutality, now forever fated to hate what each other has become.
15:23The usurper of the Judgment Day, Finn Balor,
15:26enters the ring against dominating Damian Priest.
15:30Right after this break, for now, let's look at how the shocking betrayal
15:33led by Finn Balor to turn this vicious faction against the Terror Twins.
15:38Great shot. Great shot.
15:56Priest with a stomp of heaven to Gunther.
15:59What the hell? What are you doing, Finn?
16:04Summerslam will be forever known as the implosion of the Judgment Day as we know it.
16:15Damian, I just want you to know, you brought this all upon yourself.
16:20You see, I didn't betray you. You betrayed the Judgment Day.
16:24You know how it was supposed to be.
16:26We all have each other's backs. No leaders.
16:31But that all changed when you became champion.
16:35You went back on your word.
16:38A year ago, I almost became champion.
16:43Rollins and Balor to the World Heavyweight Championship.
16:48Rollins stays alive.
16:51Well, I waited. And I waited. And I waited a full year. And I manned up.
16:58I'm going to wait until you feel comfortable.
17:00I'm going to wait until you've almost forgotten about me.
17:04And then when your back is turned, I'll be there to stab you in it.
17:09Again. And again. And again.
17:14Again. And again. And again.
17:19Watch out. Because Backstabber Balor's about.
17:29Life can take you to some unexpected places.
17:33Life brought me to the Judgment Day.
17:38A crew that became a family.
17:41A family that gave me a brother to keep.
17:48Finn Balor.
17:49But you always wanted it to be about you.
17:55And then what happened? I became world champion.
17:59The same guy who betrayed me.
18:01The same guy who I thought was my brother.
18:04Finn Balor, you are not my brother.
18:07Yo soy tu parca.
18:12Te voy a arrancar el corazón.
18:15That you're going to rip out my heart?
18:17Amigo, you of all people should know, no tengo corazón.
18:21I don't have a heart.
18:23I'm going to prove to the world, it was you that needed me.
18:28And that the Judgment Day never needed Damien Priest.
18:34Priest has done a hell of a job of fighting off three members of the Judgment Day on his own.
18:49Just blasting through the torso of Damien Priest.
18:53Softening him up for what will be their battle in Atlanta.
18:58Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, WWE Hall of Famer, X-Pac.
19:09WWE Hall of Famer, Tully Blanchard.
19:17Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, WWE Hall of Famer, X-Pac.
19:27Tully Blanchard.
19:32And WWE Hall of Famer, Arn Anderson.
19:42Two of the four horsemen, the brain busters in the house.
19:57The following contest is scheduled for one fall.
20:26Introducing first, representing the Judgment Day.
20:31He is one half of the World Tag Team Champions, Finn Balor.
20:43Finn Balor going solo tonight.
20:47Wants to prove to the world that he doesn't need his other Judgment Day brethren
20:52to knock off the former world champion.
20:55The former Judgment Day member, Damien Priest.
21:00Finn Balor takes, in my opinion, a deserving credit for
21:04a lot of Damien Priest's recent success.
21:06When I say that, I mean no disrespect to Priest.
21:09I mean Priest improved by leaps and bounds,
21:12spending time around the wealth of knowledge in this industry that is Finn Balor.
21:17Finn Balor, one of the most precise superstars in the game.
21:26And tonight's match is brought to you by Dragon Ball.
21:29Sparking Zero.
21:31Play it on October 11th for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series XS, and Steam.
21:40Notice how cool, how collected Finn Balor is before the opening bell.
21:48Balor unflappable right now.
22:17And his opponent, from New York City, weighing in at 249 pounds, Damien Priest.
22:34Damien Priest, the former World Heavyweight Champion,
22:37cast in at Money in the Bank to win the title, held it all the way to SummerSlam.
22:42Where on that night when he took on Gunther,
22:44Finn Balor, his buddy from the Judgment Day,
22:47betrayed him, stabbed him in the back, cost him the title.
22:51Well, in this business, as in life, vengeance can be a great motivator.
22:56Damien Priest just needs to control his rage in this one.
22:59Focus all of it on the head of Finn Balor.
23:01The stars are out.
23:02I am so excited.
23:03Some of my favorite stars are here, including that man,
23:06Quavo, the multi-platinum Atlanta rapper, songwriter, and front man of Figos.
23:12Also here tonight, as Damien Priest gets set to take on Finn Balor.
23:16Come on, little baby.
23:17Diamond-certified, Grammy Award-winning rapper from Atlanta, Georgia, is here.
23:24What did you do?
23:25Just invite your playlist, Cole?
23:26I did.
23:27There he is.
23:28Little baby's here.
23:30My God.
23:31And that's not it.
23:32You two finally made it in after staking out
23:35for months outside of Atlanta with Cody Graves.
23:38Well, I'm Cody Graves.
23:39I'm Corey Graves.
23:40You mean Cody Rhodes.
23:41I know who you're talking about, though.
23:42I'm so excited because I got to meet Metro Boomin earlier today,
23:45the three-time Grammy-nominated record producer and songwriter
23:48based right here in Atlanta, Georgia.
23:50Pictures, autographs, even a signed little CD.
23:54A CD?
23:55Yes, old school, baby.
23:56Cole, I have never known you to be so excited at ringside.
23:59You're just throwing your professionalism out the window for the hip-hop game.
24:02Well, let's get back to being pros as we get Balor and Priest one-on-one.
24:07Now, this is going to be excellent.
24:08This is going to be a showdown between two superstars
24:10who are extremely familiar with one another.
24:13And Damian Priest absolutely detests everything about Finn Balor.
24:20Finn Balor told Priest,
24:21the more I helped you, the more you brought me down.
24:26Listen, this is an opportunity for Finn Balor
24:28to use everything he knows about Damian Priest against Damian Priest.
24:33Balor showing a little disrespect off the opening bell.
24:36Oh, my goodness.
24:37Oh, my goodness.
24:40Priest answering disrespect with thunder.
24:43My God.
24:44What a right.
24:47And this right now looks like exactly what Damian Priest had hoped for,
24:52an opportunity to release all of his vitriol on Finn Balor,
24:56a man who betrayed him.
24:59Damian Priest just looking to dominate Finn Balor.
25:04One-half of the Terror Twins.
25:06Oh, face first goes Balor Ripley.
25:09Action coming up next against Liv Morgan.
25:11This could be the beginning of an extremely successful night
25:14for both Terror Twins.
25:18Triple H, who we will see in a matter of moments,
25:20a historic announcement planned tonight.
25:23Tweeted out just a few moments ago that the tone for the night
25:26has been set more than classic, sir.
25:29I cannot wait, but it has been a hell of a night so far.
25:33Priest just launched Balor's spine first into the turnbuckle,
25:36and look how methodical Damian Priest is being right now.
25:39This is smart.
25:40Priest doesn't want to get ahead of himself
25:42because Balor does have the speed advantage.
25:44And look at these precise Kiwata-style kicks from Damian Priest.
25:50And now just wrenching Priest's head and neck across the top rope.
25:55Underhanded tactics, sure, but extremely effective from Balor.
25:59Oh, my goodness.
26:05And Finn Balor's going to need to figure out quickly
26:07a way to mitigate the power of Damian Priest.
26:11Well, Balor, if he's going to do that,
26:13he's going to need to figure out a way to mitigate the power of Damian Priest.
26:18Well, Balor, if Balor-
26:20Angered, Priest cost him his first world championship,
26:23and now Balor, though!
26:24Sling blade!
26:25Right in front of the table.
26:27And just like that, Balor, the first-ever universal champion,
26:31has turned things around.
26:34Balor now taking a moment to compose himself,
26:36rolling back inside of the ring.
26:39At this point, a win for Finn Balor tonight would be bragging rights,
26:42and we may never hear the end of it.
26:45The usurper of the Judgment Day standing tall at the end of the night,
26:48and that would eat at Damian Priest.
26:51It would tear Priest apart from the inside out.
27:00And Balor now.
27:02This is what I was talking about when it comes to the precision
27:04possessed by Finn Balor.
27:08A world-traveled superstar, a student of the game,
27:11over and over and over, relentless stomps from Finn Balor.
27:20You used the word cathartic earlier tonight,
27:22I believe, in the Hell in a Cell match, Corey,
27:24and that's gotta be what this would feel like for Balor
27:27to finally beat Priest here tonight.
27:29No doubt.
27:31Priest now overpowering Balor, who is escaping out the back.
27:34And now Sleeper, locked in by Finn, on Priest,
27:37slips the-
27:38Only momentarily.
27:40That elbow went to the eyes.
27:41Yeah, right to the eyes.
27:43Great job of not allowing the official to see it now.
27:46Pounding away with the elbow is Balor.
27:49Those are the tricks of the trade you learn while traveling the globe.
27:53Finn Balor picked up things in Japan, picked up things in Europe.
27:57You obscure the referee's vision with your own body.
28:00You bend the rules.
28:01You know, Corey, this is similar,
28:04the situation between Balor and Priest.
28:06It felt like for months and months,
28:08remember, there were moments when Balor believed
28:11he was gonna close in on a world championship.
28:13And Priest came out looking like he was gonna cash in
28:16in a number of times that may have cost Balor the title.
28:18And Balor never forgot those moments.
28:21Listen, in my opinion, Finn Balor has never been the same superstar
28:24since becoming the first Universal Champion
28:26and having to relinquish it due to injury.
28:28Finn Balor has never mentally been the same human.
28:31And now Balor-
28:32Oh, my God!
28:33Holy cow!
28:34He may have broken his jaw.
28:36A priest might have broken his hand.
28:39God dang!
28:40Priest, I thought I saw teeth flying.
28:43I think you're right.
28:46That was incredible.
28:49A great counter by Finn Balor into the side Russian leg sweep.
28:52Now goes Priest.
28:53He floats into the cover now.
28:54Hook of the leg and a kick out by Priest.
28:56How the hell is balance functioning?
29:00Oh, my goodness!
29:02Sounded like the pyro that goes out to bring entrances.
29:05My goodness!
29:06What a right by Priest.
29:10Balor able to weather the storm and power through.
29:18An incredible night already in Atlanta tonight.
29:20We're sold out.
29:21Nearly 17,000 at the State Farm Arena.
29:26Priest and Balor doing battle.
29:28A nominal stretch now by Finn Balor to Priest.
29:31And I think we've reached the point in the matchup
29:33where Finn Balor can sort of sink into his game plan.
29:35We've noticed the last few attacks have been focused on the ribs,
29:38on the core of Damian Priest.
29:39Now the abdominal stretch with the elbows added.
29:42This is gonna mitigate a lot of the power possessed by Damian Priest.
29:46His whole game is based around power for Priest.
29:48Balor knows that.
29:50Balor's just such a tactician.
29:53He is a tactician and a technical mastermind.
29:55If I'm Finn Balor, I'm actually a little surprised
29:58that Balor hasn't gone to the legs of Priest just yet.
30:00Because that seems like the obvious answer.
30:02But perhaps Balor's thinking chest, not checkers.
30:05Well, Priest trying to fire up now.
30:07Balor back to his feet.
30:08Block now.
30:09And Damian Priest unloading.
30:11Balor using the ropes for momentum.
30:13Doesn't matter.
30:15Sharp knife edge chop from Finn.
30:17Priest, of course!
30:18Another right!
30:19And another one!
30:22It's like a heavyweight boxing match here tonight.
30:26Right on the nose!
30:28Down goes Balor!
30:33Out of the corner.
30:35And now it's Priest just having his way.
30:39You can never count Balor out.
30:41Superstar so sudden, so capable.
30:45Priest able to turn it around!
30:47Into a broken arrow!
30:48Priest now!
30:50For the win!
30:51Can he put Balor away?
30:52And a kick out!
30:56Take another look at this matchup.
30:57And a kick out!
31:01Take another look at this fantastic reversal from Damian Priest
31:04into the broken arrow.
31:07Balor landing in rough manner on the side of his hip.
31:11But still not enough to finish this one for Priest.
31:14Fans looking to rally Priest.
31:16Balor now.
31:17Off the ropes.
31:19And a sling blade in the middle of the ring!
31:23Finn now lining up Priest.
31:29And again!
31:30The martial arts expert.
31:31The kickboxer.
31:33And again!
31:34And again!
31:35And again!
31:36And again!
31:37And again!
31:38And again!
31:39And again!
31:40And again!
31:41And again!
31:42But now to cover the kickboxer, Damian Priest.
31:44And a close line takes down Balor.
31:46Hooks the leg.
31:49And it's time.
31:50Balor able to kick out.
31:53Has this been as physical as you expected?
31:54Yes, it sure has.
31:56Mostly on the part of Damian Priest as we look again at that epic Lariat
32:00delivered right across the chest and collarbones of Finn Balor.
32:04Priest has brought the physicality I expected.
32:07Again, Finn Balor, I expected to see a different strategy, but
32:11Finn has had his moments in this one.
32:13These men first met back at NXT TakeOver in your house in 2020.
32:18Balor also beat Damian Priest for
32:21the United States Championship a couple of years ago,
32:26boxing the ears of Balor.
32:28Well-educated feet of Priest colliding with the chest of Balor,
32:33and Balor caught him with a kick to the face.
32:38An overhead kick by Finn Balor takes down Priest,
32:41both men down center of the ring.
32:44Another look, Priest missed wildly with a kick,
32:47and Balor answered with the overhead soccer-style kick.
32:52The intensity etched on the face of the veteran, Finn Balor.
32:59Incredible night tonight, this is the state of NXT,
33:04incredible night tonight, this is the State Farm Arena in Atlanta, Georgia.
33:09So many great WWE events here over the years.
33:13Double leg by Finn, bang, stomp right to the chest.
33:16And again, and now Balor has taken over.
33:23And this is a little bit more along the lines of what I expected from Finn,
33:27trying to chop Damian down.
33:28But Priest again puts the brakes on, hoisting Balor way up high.
33:32And a gut wrench by Priest into a razor's edge.
33:36Paying homage to his hero, Razor Ramon, hook of the leg, kick out.
33:42Talk about a man who made a name here in Atlanta.
33:45Priest now taking a moment to survey the situation.
33:53This is the type of education you really only get when you're in a world title
33:57That is invaluable experience, even if you don't hold the championship.
34:01Priest was at the top of the mountain long enough to know what it takes to win,
34:04what it takes to survive in the deep waters.
34:07And what we're seeing right now is the education of Damian Priest playing
34:11a factor.
34:11The veteran Finn Balor also rolling out of the ring and
34:15getting out of harm's way at least momentarily.
34:18Look out.
34:19And there goes Finn Balor right into us in ringside.
34:22Priest sends Balor flying.
34:24And now Damian Priest tearing apart the announce table.
34:27You all right over there, Cole?
34:28No, I'm hanging in there.
34:31Priest just launched Balor, no, no.
34:38Look out now.
34:41See Priest trying to make a decision.
34:43Right out of the apron goes Balor.
34:49That was smart by Priest.
34:51He had the option of our table or the ring apron.
34:54And Damian Priest realized, I could get myself disqualified.
34:56If the official doesn't feel like showing me leniency,
34:59this could cost me the match and a lot of money.
35:01Well, you're undefeated at Mania, Cole.
35:06In this town, Atlanta, Georgia Dome, Damian Priest now.
35:10Look who's here.
35:11You wonder when this was gonna happen.
35:13Carlito on the Judgment Day.
35:16And there's JD McDonough, Balor's tag team partner.
35:20Into the corner goes Priest.
35:21And Balor's gonna steal the damn match because of McDonough and Carlito.
35:27Coup de Grace by Balor.
35:32Cover by Finn on Priest.
35:36Priest got the shoulder up.
35:37You can see almost confusion in the eyes of Finn Balor.
35:44That was a surefire victory as it gets.
35:47The assist from McDonough on the outside.
35:50Balor delivers the coup de grace.
35:53And somehow, someway, driven by rage, driven by fury.
35:57Damian Priest will not relent.
35:59Now, Balor giving directions to McDonough.
36:02Remember, they are the current tag team champions on Monday Night Raw,
36:05the world tag team champs.
36:07Now, Carlito again with the distraction.
36:09Balor, steel chair from McDonough.
36:11Priest with a kick to the chair off the face.
36:14Carlito goes down.
36:17McDonough goes flying.
36:18Finn Balor going for a ride.
36:24Balor turns it around.
36:27And a kick out by Damian Priest.
36:30Up goes Balor.
36:32Balor, my goodness.
36:33Priest in trouble.
36:35Great counter by Finn.
36:37Balor scrambling to the top turnbuckle yet again.
36:41And up top, right to the back of Priest.
36:46Balor going up again.
36:49Finn wants insurance.
36:51Again to Priest.
36:53Priest could barely stand.
36:55I actually don't know if Balor got maximum effect on this thought because
36:59Priest's legs gave out, his legs buckled.
37:02Balor up to the top rope again.
37:03Priest caught him.
37:05Priest caught him.
37:06Salt of heaven.
37:08Can Priest capitalize?
37:10Rolls into the cover.
37:11Damian Priest with the win.
37:14Here is your winner, Damian Priest.
37:31What a battle by former Judgment Day brothers turn bitter rivals.
37:41Damian Priest, despite the help of Carlito and
37:45JD McDonough, able to take out Finn Balor.
37:52Priest and Rhea Ripley were excommunicated by the Judgment Day.
37:58And Priest tonight with a little bit of payback.
38:01There you see Carlito drawing our official's attention,
38:04which allowed JD McDonough to strike.
38:07Finn Balor looked to capitalize the shotgun dropkick
38:10followed immediately by the coup de grace.
38:14That's Balor's bread and butter.
38:16It's brought him so much success throughout Finn's career, but not tonight.
38:22Damian Priest had other plans.
38:24A desperate Finn Balor would try to use a steel chair,
38:28receive a boot in the mug from Priest.
38:32There goes JD McDonough.
38:36And Finn Balor would soon find himself on the express route one way south of heaven.
38:47Damian Priest celebrates the victory.
38:54It won't bring the World Heavyweight Championship back.
38:58But it had to feel good for Damian Priest.
39:02COMMENTATOR 1 and 2
39:15Visit the Bad Blood superstar located at the center,
39:18just a short distance from State Farm Arena here in Atlanta.
39:22Shop the largest selection of Bad Blood merchandise open now through tomorrow.
39:28Well, you know who's here tonight?
39:30None other than our chief content officer, WWE Hall of Famer, Triple H.
39:35And there he is, he's enjoying a bite to eat.
39:38Back at our gorilla position.
39:40I think that's gum, Cole.
39:41As he's watching the show.
39:43He'll be here in a matter of moments with an historic announcement.
39:45I didn't know he chews gum.
39:47But how about what's going down this coming Monday on Raw in The Loop?
39:51Jey Uso will make the defense of his coveted Intercontinental Championship
39:57against New Day member Xavier Woods.
40:00And also, Monday, live from St. Louis on Raw,
40:04a good old-fashioned Donnybrook match.
40:08Sheamus and Pete Dunne go one-on-one.
40:12Be careful what you ask for, because you just might get it.
40:17Sami Zayn, the perennial ultimate underdog,
40:20steps up to the plate to battle the ring general, Gunther,
40:24for the World Heavyweight Championship.
40:27Meanwhile, here in Atlanta, we'd like to extend a special thank you to Future and
40:32Metro Uman for GTA.
40:34The official theme song of WWE Bad Blood GTA is available now on Apple Music and
40:43Meanwhile, Bad Blood is presented by Morgan & Morgan,
40:46America's largest injury law firm.
40:48Go to morganwwe.com for a chance to win two tickets to the Royal Rumble and $2,000.
40:54And by Wendy's new saucy nugs.
40:57Take the nugs you love and sauce them up.
40:59And sip on flavors like honey barbecue or garlic parm.
41:02Try them all today.
41:03For a whole new way to nugs, it's gotta be Wendy's.
41:06I will burn the tube, flip, flip, flip.
41:11Time to play the game.
41:15Time to play the game.
41:21It's all about the game.
41:26It's all about the game.
41:31It's all about the game.
