Agatha Christie's Poirot 4-2, Four and Twenty Blackbirds, 名探偵ポワロ 第4話 24羽の黒つぐみ  日本語字幕

  • 2 days ago
Agatha Christie's Poirot playlist

Soccer (Football) playlist:

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Music 2 playlist:

Umi no Triton playlist:

Betty Boop playlist:

Archie's Funhouse playlist:

Action Man (2000 TV series) playlist:

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Men In Black: The Series playlist:

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Super Mario World Playlist:

Kirby Right Back at Ya Playlist:

101 Dalmatians (Disney dog animation) playlist:


00:00usual. they can never make up their mind whether to commit suicide or give a party. so nothing out
00:11of the way about him? no no worse than any of them. he had some odd arrangement with his agent I
00:18believe. Peter Makenson. but you'd have to ask him about that. an agent? so he was successful then?
00:24don't be misled by all this. Henry wasn't a poor man. just mean. did he have a family?
00:31no there was a nephew that he mentioned from time to time. a musical man. there was a brother too.
00:37somewhere or other. Antony. yes Antony. but there'd been a falling out between them. he
00:45certainly never spoke of the man like a brother. yeah. remarkable likeness. they could have been
00:52twins. yes two pins in a pot. this small idea of yours what is it? oh simply a notion. I saw
01:08monsieur Gascoigne on the evening of his death. I was told that his behavior had recently been
01:13how do you say uncharacteristic. but more than that the mantle of life should fit like a well
01:23tailored suit of clothes. strong. you see mademoiselle I cannot accept see mademoiselle
01:32I cannot accept that the fall of monsieur Gascoigne was accidental.
01:43hardly the kind of woman to push an old man to his death Poirot. ah the old man
01:48her mon ami. always the old man her. I just find it pretty hard to believe that's all.
01:53well she did not seem to be unduly upset by monsieur Gascoigne's untimely demise.
01:58oh why should she? what about that brother Antony? yes we need to find a brother but
02:06also the artist's agent Peter MacKinson. thank you driver.
02:22criminal investigation lies eyes our new forensic division the most advanced in the world.
02:29cast onto the scrapheap of life like so much. the scrapheap of life like so much. scrap.
02:40not even all those little gray cells of yours. Gascoigne H. little gray cells of yours.
02:47Gascoigne H. will all be extinct Poirot. dinosaurs.
02:52Henry Gascoigne 68 years of age artist by profession. what's your interest in this Poirot?
03:00oh he was an acquaintance of a friend of mine and I merely wish to put his mind at rest.
03:05hmm died from broken neck caused by a fall down the stairs. apparently he was a recluse.
03:11bit of an eccentric. none of the neighbors can remember seeing any visitors that evening or
03:16following morning. that evening? the estimated time of death was at or around 9 30 p.m. on
03:23Saturday June the 16th. remarkable. your forensic division is very precise. well no there was a
03:31letter in the old boy's dressing gown pocket. it was posted that morning in West 1 and arrived by
03:36the 9 30 delivery that evening. he must have gone down to collective and fallen on his way back
03:41upstairs. I see. Gascoigne's close. perhaps you remember who might have sent it. no I don't.
03:50perhaps you remember who might have sent it. no I don't. it was harmless enough. of course.
03:56who was the pathologist did you say? I didn't. you take it from me Poirot. this case is closed.
04:07yes well let us hope chief inspector that the forensic sciences of which you are so proud
04:15will not replace every aspect of the detective's work. let us hope that camaraderie will still
04:22play a significant role. he's in his cutter. I'd better telephone him to make sure he knows what
04:30to expect. the species extinct. of ammonium. of ammonium. he might say still got his own teeth.
04:47his own teeth. Gascoigne. and the cause of death was a broken leg? yes. second and third vertebrae
05:00here and here. you will also notice extensive bruising to the ribcage and to the arms and
05:07legs consistent with a steep tumbling fall. down the stairs yes. is it possible that monsieur
05:15Gascoigne might have suffered a seizure of the heart or perhaps that of the brain? no he simply
05:21slipped and fell. I see. I believe you were able to determine the time of death with some accuracy.
05:28hmm. yes Gascoigne had been seen in... yes Gascoigne had been seen in a restaurant. Gascoigne had been
05:43seen in a restaurant at about 730 that evening. yes I was there myself. and this letter arrived
05:51with the 930 evening post? yes an examination of the contents of Gascoigne's stomach revealed that
05:57he had eaten a light supper two to three hours before his death. so it all fits together nicely
06:05no? Bahro. Bahro. of course. of course.
06:21are you sitting down Hastings? yes yes I am. very good. fine fine.
06:34haste rabbit haste rabbit cooked in the style cooked in the style of Liège. I bet it's better
06:52than rabbit cooked in the style of Hastings. yes that is quite funny Hastings. however when you
07:00are grown up you will find that food is not really the subject suitable for the human.
07:06smells delicious. the aroma is the most important ingredient in any dish. to use a knife is an
07:21insult to the cook. it implies the meaty stuff. to use a knife is an insult to the cook. it implies
07:26the meaty stuff. gaspidi is still causing me that considerable discomfort. considerable discomfort.
07:42please do not be stinting with your praise. do not be stinting with your praise. it's wonderful.
07:48than any rabbit I've ever tasted. that is the juniper berries. that is the juniper berries.
08:19you are invited to a preview of contemporary European paintings recently acquired by the
08:25Farringdon Gallery. this may be both informative and pleasurable Hastings. and it's tomorrow.
08:33which is which? a work inspired by the a work inspired by the dream.
09:03yes a man with a most individual imagination. I can help you gentlemen. my name is my name is
09:11Makinson. Peter Makinson? the gentle of Henry Cascoyne? yes. what a tragic loss. I understand.
09:21usual. have you ever heard of an artist who wouldn't sell his paintings? have you ever
09:27heard of an artist who wouldn't sell his paintings? wouldn't sell? you mean not at all? well that must
09:33have made your work impossible. oh I could sell the smaller pieces. sketches of watercolors. but
09:39the oils were never to fall into the hands of the philistines. he's late for all collectors
09:44and dealers. so no one actually owns a Cascoyne painting? we make gifts of some. gestures of
09:51friendship. I have a small collection and Darcy Lane his model has several works. but he was a man of
10:01few friends. and now of course after his death his paintings can be sold. I imagine that would be so.
10:08and you monsieur you are free to sell your own collection yes? look what is all this about? you're
10:16not a collector are you? no monsieur. I am a private detective and I am investigating the
10:26circumstances surrounding the death of Henry Cascoyne. perhaps we'd better talk about this
10:38in my office. gentlemen. thank you. Cascoyne is it not? but not his usual model. no that was
11:02painted years before he met Darcy Lane. she's Charlotte Cascoyne. a rare beauty. his wife? no
11:11Charlotte was married to Anthony Cascoyne his brother. yes Henry arrived here one day with
11:22this painting and asked me to take it into safe... Henry arrived here one day with this painting and
11:27asked me to take it into safekeeping. for what reason? I don't think brother Anthony was keen on
11:33the idea of his wife's naked body being displayed in public. you know the way I see it everyone
11:45stands to benefit from the old boy's death. indeed mon ami. his work was in demand but
11:51unobtainable. his death will create much attention. probably push the prices through
11:57the roof. yes whoever is fortunate enough to own an original Cascoyne can expect to feather the
