مسلسل السلة المتسخة 2 الحلقة 36 مترجمة القسم 1 HD

  • yesterday
مسلسل السلة المتسخة 2 الحلقة 36 مترجمة القسم 1 HD


04:36Ahem, here you go.
04:40Don't mind me. It was so hot.
04:42I threw myself in to cool down.
04:48I think she's your granddaughter.
04:50No, she's my sister.
04:52Aha, yes.
04:54I came to talk to her mother.
04:56What was her name?
05:00Of course, she's not here.
05:02I'll tell you what I have to say.
05:04You can tell her.
05:06A new lawyer has been appointed.
05:08She's going to get a job.
05:10Yes, that's right.
05:12But it's not going to do anything
05:14but to ease our pain.
05:16As a mother, I understand your feelings.
05:18I understand your disappointment,
05:22To ease our pain,
05:24to ease our pain,
05:26these are not good things.
05:28My friend and I
05:30are going through very difficult times.
05:32And our patience has a limit.
05:36tell her
05:38not to make things more difficult, okay?
05:42she's threatening someone.
05:46I'll go. You can tell her.
05:48I'm going.
05:52By the way,
05:54I'm wondering something.
05:56How do you pay this lawyer's money?
06:00He doesn't care about you at all.
06:02We know Ilgül is innocent.
06:04We'll get him out of there.
06:10Drink some water.
06:24Ceylin, Ceylin, she's gone.
06:40I'm already nervous.
06:42And you're wandering around like this.
06:44I'm worried about my head.
06:46But there's no sound from Meyra.
06:48What did she do?
06:50She's calling.
06:52Come on.
06:56Meyra, what did you do?
06:58I gave it to her and left the house.
07:00What happened?
07:02I don't know.
07:04Girls, if you see here,
07:06those houses, those people,
07:08they're very small people.
07:10They're not our equal.
07:14let me tell you something.
07:16If we support each other,
07:18if we protect each other,
07:20we don't have to be afraid of anyone.
07:22We'll go again,
07:24we'll give our statement,
07:26and we'll continue on our way.
07:28Don't worry.
07:34Take this, son.
07:38your blood pressure is high again.
07:40Let's see.
07:42I don't want it.
07:44I'm fine.
07:46How can you stand these?
07:48The woman came,
07:50she made me angry for five minutes.
07:52You've been patient for five minutes.
07:54We can't stand them for two seconds.
07:56You said it well.
07:58Well done, champion.
08:00I still don't understand.
08:02Why did this woman come here?
08:06She said she had a few things left the first day,
08:08so I brought them.
08:10She wanted to see who she was fighting with.
08:12She's actually at the bottom of her nose every day,
08:14but it doesn't matter.
08:16She could have sent those things by courier.
08:18I think they're stuck.
08:20Let me tell you.
08:22We're on the right track.
08:24We never give up.
08:26Keep going.
08:28Keep going.
08:32This is good.
08:34Meyra showed her true colors.
08:36I'm more motivated now.
08:38No one could have brought this woman
08:40to this neighborhood except us.
08:42Look, Meyra Karabey.
08:44She came up to our feet.
08:46Even if she doesn't know us now,
08:48let her come.
08:50I'm not going to pull my foot anymore.
08:52I stopped her.
08:54I mean, from the government.
08:56We're like a bomb as doctors and soldiers.
09:00When you say soldiers...
09:05What happened?
09:10What are you looking at?
09:12Do you think like me?
09:14Is she Ikhwan's doctor?
09:20We're going to look after him.
09:22I'm just kidding.
09:24Come on, let's go.
09:49I've been waiting for you.
09:51What happened? I told you everything.
09:53No, I want to talk about something else.
09:58I decided to give the necessary signature for Songül to move in.
10:03Is that so?
10:05You went to talk to İlkyul's house without thinking,
10:11and then you told us on the phone that we should support each other.
10:19I thought about it, and you're right.
10:23We've been through a lot together.
10:26That's why you're my priority.
10:30Whatever you say.
10:33I'm going to sign that.
10:35You made the right decision.
10:37I knew you'd make this decision when I thought about it.
10:40This would suit you, too, my friend.
10:42Then see you later.
10:45See you, honey.
10:48See you.
10:57Mr. İbrahim, good evening.
11:00I've collected the signatures.
11:02I'll bring them all to you.
11:04Please start the necessary procedures for Songül's move-out.
11:10Thank you, Mersi.
11:19They called you to testify on Friday.
11:22Of course, they don't ask if you're a businessman or if you have a job.
11:27They just told you to come and testify.
11:29Yes, exactly.
11:31I don't understand why we go and testify.
11:33We went and told them.
11:35When you tell the same thing 40 times, the man won't come to life.
11:38It's nonsense.
11:40İlkyul's family hired a new lawyer.
11:42This is his job.
11:44Let me do it.
11:46Come on.
11:50Why are you so nervous?
11:52Or did you kill the woman behind you?
11:55Very funny.
12:00Okay, honey, I'll take care of it.
12:02I'm going to the company.
12:04What are you going to do today?
12:06The girls from the site have collected the signatures.
12:08I'll tell them to the landlord.
12:10We're moving Songül out of the site.
12:12Medine, be careful.
12:14I'm sorry.
12:16I'm sorry.
12:19What did this woman do?
12:21Why don't you want it?
12:23Let's just say it didn't fit.
12:27Anyway, I'm leaving now.
12:29Goodbye, my dear family.
12:31And Mert.
12:38Come on, honey.
12:40Medine, where are you going?
12:41Where are you going?
12:44The tray is small.
12:46I was going to get a big tray.
12:48Never mind, you can do it later.
12:50I have things to do.
12:52It won't take long.
12:54I'll get it right away.
12:56Come on.
12:58Come on.
13:07It's not me at all.
13:10The point is, if we wanted you to be like you,
13:12we'd just give you an accessory.
13:14It would be over.
13:16Well, thank God.
13:18We don't want to be like you.
13:20We're trying to get Baturay Berkecan out of you.
13:22Look at me, İhkan.
13:24There's no breaking the pot.
13:26No matter what Esma says, it's her.
13:28No, no.
13:30I didn't like this game.
13:32Let me go.
13:34No, no.
13:36Leave me alone.
13:38Leave this poor literature.
13:40Are we going back to the beginning again, sister?
13:42Look, son, I said my son came to everyone.
13:44You're going to be seen around.
13:46As a son.
13:48Then, okay, go to your parents.
13:52Okay, okay.
13:58How hard it is to act like someone else.
14:03I'm sorry.
14:05I told you the other day.
14:06It's okay now.
14:08Come on, it's over.
14:10I couldn't do that either.
14:12I couldn't hold myself.
14:14I'm sorry, too.
14:18Wait, I'll give you money.
14:20Maybe you'll need it.
14:22Take it, take it.
14:24Let it stay with you, okay?
14:26Look at the money.
14:28Wow, wow.
14:30No, no.
14:32We'll use it for a purpose.
14:34We understand, Hayriye.
14:37I'll take care of it.
14:46Here you go.
14:48Hello, I looked at Ms. Songül.
14:50You can wait for your instrument.
14:52I'm an estate consultant.
14:54Of course.
14:56Ms. Songül.
14:58Ms. Songül.
15:01Hello, welcome.
15:03Hello, Ms. Songül.
15:04When you were available,
15:06I wanted to take pictures of the rooms.
15:08That's why I came.
15:10I don't understand.
15:12You're going to empty the house.
15:14It's good to announce it again.
15:16Are we going to empty the house?
15:18No, we...
15:20I mean, I'm going to keep sitting here.
15:22Where did you get such a thing?
15:24Don't you know?
15:26They've collected signatures for you to leave the site.
15:28I heard from your landlord, Mr. Ibrahim.
15:37They've collected signatures.
15:39Are they threatening us?
15:43No way.
15:45No way.
15:47I mean, when everyone's going to be expressed again,
15:49we can't get out of this house when we're successful.
15:51Will we get out of this house?
15:53That's what Mr. Ibrahim said.
15:55I'll tell you something.
15:57Why are you making it so big?
15:59What if we keep it somewhere else?
16:01There's no other house.
16:02We can't find out what these women are hiding
16:05anywhere else but here.
16:09This is definitely Meyra's doing.
16:11Sister, where are you going like a gun?
16:13To explode.
16:17She's gone.
16:19She's gone like a gun.
16:21What are we going to do?
16:23I'll call Medine.
16:25I'll tell her she's coming.
16:27Maybe she'll do something like a gun.
16:37Meyra Hanım.
16:57Suyu da ver.
17:02Can suyu önemli.
17:08Yoruldum ben biraz.
17:10Sen devam et. Hadi al şunları.
17:12Kapı çalıyor.
17:14Git bak hadi.
17:24Nerede o?
17:25Abla dur.
17:28Yukarıdan mı? Yatak odasında mı?
17:30Abla dur sakin ol.
17:31Bu kadın fazla oldu.
17:32Nerede diyorum ya?
17:34Ya Meyra Hanım'ı soruyorsan bahçede.
17:39Abla tamam bak.
17:42Biliyorum sen yaptın.
17:44Sen yaptın.
17:45Sen topladın o imzaları.
17:48Soğangül hoş geldin.
17:50Medineciğim misafir mi?
17:52Hemen bir kahve yapsana.
17:53İstemem ben kahve mahve.
17:54Bilmiyormuş gibi yapma.
17:56Beni bu siteden attırmak için sen topladın imzaları.
17:59Ay sen onu diyorsun.
18:01Şu imza meselesi.
18:03Yani inan hiçbir alakam yok.
18:05Yani seni vakfa sokan benim.
18:07Hiç yapar mıyım öyle bir şey?
18:09Bu arada şöyle oldu.
18:11Şimdi herkes imza verince ben de mecbur atmak zoruna kaldım.
18:15Yoksa bak inan hiç içimesin diyor.
18:18Ya sen benimle neden uğraşıyorsun?
18:21Yalnız ben şu an gerçekten anlamıyorum.
18:23Sen neden bana kızıyorsun ki?
18:25Bana bak Meyra Hanım.
18:26Meyra Hanım.
18:27Soğangül Hanım biraz oturmak ister misiniz?
18:30Belki sakinleşirsiniz.
18:31Size bir bardak su getireyim he?
18:36Yok istemem.
18:40Ben şimdi gidiyorum.
18:42Ama bu iş daha bitmedi.
18:44Yalnız o iş biraz bitmiş gibi gözüküyor bana.
18:48Bütün imzalar toplandı.
18:50Yani artık ne yapabilirsin ki?
19:27Efendim Yiğit.
19:29Ne haber?
19:31Konuşamadık mı abe giden beri?
19:35Sen nasılsın?
19:37Gayet iyiyim.
19:39Evde durumlar nasıl?
19:41Yani Meyra ile filan.
19:43İyi. Neden sordun?
19:45Hiç. Öylesine sordum işte.
19:49Ne oldu? Sen niye aramıştın?
19:51Ne yapıyorsun bugün?
19:53Görüşebiliriz dedim belki.
19:54Akşam bir bahane uydurup çıkabilirim ben.
19:56Ay yok ya yok. Hiç, hiç müsait değilim.
20:01İyi misin sen? Garip konuşuyorsun benimle.
20:04O akşam her şey gayet güzeldi hayatım.
20:06Bir sorun mu var?
20:09Ya Yiğit ben bir hata yaptım.
20:14Sonradan da çok pişman oldum ama.
20:17Ne gibi?
20:20Ben o gece bir kolye koydum senin ceketin cebine.
20:27Ne? Ne koydun? Kolye mi?
20:32Ne diyorsun jüri de ne kolyesi?
20:34Yani öyle uyduruk bir kolye almıştım.
20:36Ceketinin cebine koydum onu işte.
20:43Ya bak ama sakin olacaksın tamam mı?
20:45Ben gerçekten yaptığım hatayı fark ettim de
20:48yani düşününce çok pişman oldum zaten.
20:50Meyra ile konuşuyorduk.
20:52Hakan ile bahsediyorduk.
20:54Böyle üstten üstten konuştu benimle.
20:56Senin sevenle iki kişilik,
20:58senin sevdiğine üç kişilik bir hayat yaşarsın.
21:01Ben beni aldatmayacak bir adam seçtim.
21:03O yüzden böyle bir şey benim başıma gelmez.
21:05Efendim benim başıma böyle bir şey asla gelmez.
21:07Ben asla aldatılmam falan diye
21:10ben de hislerimi anlasın diye
21:12aldım o kolyeyi ceketin cebine attım.
21:14Meyra bozsun diye.
21:16Jüri de sen ne diyorsun?
21:18Ağzından çıkanı kulağın duyuyor mu kızım senin?
21:20Şu anda o kolye evde benim ceketimin cebinde mi yani?
21:24Yani ceketin iç cebinde.
21:26Meyra bulmadıysa tabi.
21:28Ya sen hakikaten beni mahvettin Jüri dedi.
21:31Ya sen ne diyorsun ya?
21:33Allah'ım yarabbim ya.
21:38Ya Yiğit.
21:40Kapat ya.
21:48Adam haklı.
21:50Yedisi haklı.
21:52Yarabbim ya.
21:56Abla bir sakin ya.
21:58Allah'ı seversen.
22:00Bak mesela ben dedim ki
22:02ablam dedim kesin dedim bu kadının saçını başını yolacak dedim.
22:04Ama yolmamışsın.
22:06Yani bu da bir şeydir.
22:08Artı değerdir.
22:10Abla, abla iyi misin?
22:12Ya aslında arayacaktım seni.
22:14Yani Meyra kahvaltıda anlatırken duydum da
22:16bir türlü yalnız kalamadım.
22:18Fırsat olmadı.
22:19Yani tam da yol kat etmişken her şey iyiye gidiyordu.
22:22Ne yapacağız şimdi?
22:24Ya ben anlamıyorum ya.
22:26Hayır insanı evden atmak o kadar kolay mı?
22:28Yiyorsa açsın tahliye davası anne.
22:30En az iki üç ay sürer zaten.
22:32Oğlum açsın tahliye davası diyorsun.
22:34Sonra ortaya çıkacak son gün hekimzade diye biri yok.
22:36Kardeşini çıkarmaya çalışırken ben gireceğim yanına.
22:41Uyuyuyu Allah korusun.
22:43Acaba şey mi yapsak ya?
22:45Hanımlarla mı konuşsak tek tek yani istedekilerle?
22:47Belki birisi vazgeçer.
22:51Bir kere kimse Meyra'yı karşısına almak istemez.
22:53Abla ev sahibiyle görüşsen.
22:55Hani evi taşırken görüşmüştünüz.
22:57İyi anlaşmıştınız sanki.
22:59Aradım onu yolda gelirken.
23:01Telefonunu bile açmadım.
23:03Bir de Meyra'ya akşam kestim ben görürsünüz siz.
23:05Göreceksin sen falan diye.
23:07Ne yapacağız şimdi?
23:09Ay bilmiyorum ne olacak.
23:11Hadi hepiniz işinizin başına dönün hadi.
23:13Hadi bakacağız artık ne olacağız ne yapacağız bilmiyorum.
23:20Ah Jülide ah.
23:22Bittim ben bittim mahvoldum ben bittim mahvoldum.
23:39Biri mi geldi?
23:41Kapı açıldı sanki.
23:43Medine markete gidecekti.
23:45Ne yapacaklar?
23:47Medine markete gidecekti.
23:49O mu döndü acaba?
23:57Allah'ım ne olur burada olsun mahvolurum.
23:59Biterim ben biterim.
24:03Nerede bu ya?
24:05Delireceğim ya.
24:12Allah'ım nerede bu?
24:16Nerede bu ya mahvoldum ben.
24:20Allah'ım ne olur buralarda bir yerde olsun.
24:22Ben uzun zamandır senden bir şey istemedim.
24:24Yalvarırım benim yüzümden.
24:26Allah'ım yarabbim.
24:46A a.
24:48Yiğit ne yapıyorsun?
24:51Şey şeyi mi arıyordum?
24:55Yani çelik saatimi.
24:57Yerlerde sürünerek mi?
25:01Ortalıkta göremeyince düştü diye be.
25:06Burada işte saatin.
25:11Hemen de buldu canım karım benim ya.
25:13E takma üstüne kurban olayım.
25:14E takma üstüne kutusuna kaldırmıştım.
25:16Ya bu biraz şıkırtı yapıyor da gevşemiş.
25:18O yüzden bugün bunu takayım dedim ben.
25:21Sen bunun için mi döndün eve?
25:23Evet niye ki?
25:26Yiğit sen iyi misin?
25:28Ben çok iyiyim hayatım ben gayet iyiyim.
25:30Asıl önemli olan sen iyi misin?
25:32Ben bomba gibiyim de seni anlamakta güçlük çekiyorum.
25:35Çünkü bir acayip davranıyorsun.
25:37Çok iyi. Çok iyi sevgilim bomba gibi ol.
25:39Sen çok iyi ol.
25:41Çünkü sen iyi olursan hepimiz iyi oluruz.
25:42If you don't mind, we'll all be fine.
25:44I'm going out. See you later.
25:54Where is my necklace?
26:00Where is it?
26:06Mr. Yiğit, are you looking for something?
26:10Are you looking for something?
26:12No, I'm just looking.
26:14What do you care?
26:16Mind your own business.
26:40Yes, Yiğit.
26:44Yes, Yiğit.
26:46Hello, Cüneyt.
26:48I'm coming to you, we'll talk.
26:52God damn it!
26:56Where's my bag?
26:58Bring my bag.
27:00I think it was here.
27:04Here you go.
27:10Are you going out?
27:12Yes, I'm going to see Jülide.
27:14I'm going out, too.
27:16You're not going anywhere.
27:18I'm getting in the rental car because of you.
27:20I'm sitting where El Halem is sitting.
27:22And you're sitting where you're sitting.
27:24What did you say again, Meyra?
27:26I'm not going to hang out.
27:28I'm going to take Medina and go to Loft.
27:30It's a mess there.
27:32It'll be fine.
27:34Look at me.
27:36You're not doing anything, are you?
27:38What can I do with Medina?
27:46Okay, don't be late tonight.
27:48Okay, let's go.
27:50Come on.
27:52Come on.
27:58I'm going to ask you for something.
28:00Can you change those sunglasses?
28:02Come on.
28:04I'm waiting.
28:06Come on.
28:22Is your lover calling?
28:26I'm asking if it's your lover.
28:28Is she calling?
28:32I'll call her back later.
28:36Your lover.
28:42What's it to you?
28:44Why is it so interesting?
28:48I'm thinking about you.
28:50Now you're going to choose the wrong man.
28:52You'll be sorry.
28:54I've been working on that.
28:56I can't find anything wrong with you.
28:58What did you do to Jubilee?
29:00There's nothing wrong with you.
29:02I even have news for you.
29:04You can be more comfortable about one thing.
29:06We won't see each other anymore.
29:08We're leaving.
29:12Why are you leaving?
29:16The people on the site have collected signatures.
29:20The landlord will throw my sister out of the house.
29:22We can't object.
29:24If we object, our identity will be revealed.
29:26We'll be exposed.
29:28The plan was going very well.
29:30It was very bad.
29:38We made your day beautiful with our news.
29:40There's nothing for me, Hayriye.
29:42What about you?
29:46There's nothing for you.
29:56Why are you standing?
29:58Where am I standing?
30:00Of course.
30:02I'm going.
30:04Good morning, partner.
30:06Good morning, Arif.
30:08Where are you going?
30:10Let's go together.
30:12Don't worry too much about you.
30:14Come on.
30:16He says there's nothing for me.
30:18I said there's something for you.
30:20Good morning.
30:22Good morning.
30:28Good morning.
30:42Hayriye, what's the rush?
30:44Isn't there a good morning?
30:46How are you, Ms. Suheyla?
30:48Good morning, Ms. Suheyla.
30:50How are you?
30:52I'm in a hurry.
30:54Ms. Songül is leaving.
30:56Let me finish my work.
30:58I don't know when we're going to leave.
31:00Songül learned.
31:02She learned.
31:04Do you know what she was most surprised about?
31:06She was very sad.
31:08You signed it, too.
31:10Was there any other way for me?
31:12After all, this is my environment.
31:14It's not easy to deal with them.
31:16I had to adapt.
31:18That's right.
31:20That's right.
31:22But in this case,
31:24She showed me the way.
31:26She showed me the way.
31:28You're going to go, too.
31:30Of course.
31:32I'm going to go.
31:34Should I talk to the landlord?
31:36You're like a kid, Ms. Suheyla.
31:38You're like a kid, Ms. Suheyla.
31:40You're like a kid, Ms. Suheyla.
31:42But Ms. Songül thought like you.
31:44I guess your thoughts are the same.
31:46She called, too.
31:48Unfortunately, I couldn't reach her.
31:50Her landlord, Mr. Ibrahim,
31:52He usually hangs out at the tennis court.
31:54Even if he doesn't play, he goes there.
31:56Even if he doesn't play, he hangs out.
31:58I wonder if he's going there.
32:00I wonder if he's going there.
32:02For example, he's been there at this time.
32:04For example, he's been there at this time.
32:06If he can communicate face to face,
32:08If he can communicate face to face,
32:10For example.
32:12For example.
32:26Well done.
32:28What are you doing, Yigit?
32:30How many times do I have to tell you?
32:32You can't get into this house as you want.
32:34What if Defne and Kaan were at home?
32:36Besides, what did you do to the car?
32:38I hope you didn't park in front of the house.
32:40If someone sees us, we'll be in trouble.
32:42Look at Yigit.
32:44How can you be such a thoughtful person?
32:46Don't worry, I hid the car. I'm not you.
32:48Are you aware of what you're trying to do?
32:50Please don't shout.
32:52Did you find the necklace?
32:54You tell me that.
32:56No, it's not anywhere.
32:58It's not in the jacket's pocket.
33:00Could Meyra have found it?
33:04Because she was having a lot of fun.
33:06Well, I'm sure I put it in the jacket's inner pocket.
33:08Well, I'm sure I put it in the jacket's inner pocket.
33:10If it's not there, where is it?
33:12I don't know. Maybe it fell.
33:14Maybe it fell.
33:16Okay, let's think about it this way.
33:18If it's gone, it's gone.
33:20If there's no necklace, there's no problem.
33:22No problem?
33:24What are you saying?
33:26Are you aware of what you're doing?
33:28Are you trying to ruin us?
33:30If Meyra finds out about us, what will happen?
33:32Do you know?
33:34I know.
33:36That's why I put something cheap in the jacket's pocket.
33:38Meyra doesn't think that necklace is mine.
33:42How thoughtful you are.
33:44You burned me.
33:46You set me on fire.
33:48Isn't that right, Jülide?
33:50What can I do, Yiğit?
33:52Hakan and I were talking about each other.
33:54No, I'm not being cheated.
33:56That's why I chose a man.
33:58I wanted him to understand how it feels to be cheated.
34:00And he used me for this.
34:02Isn't that right, Jülide?
34:04I missed you, come on.
34:06It's all a lie, isn't it?
34:08Who's using who?
34:10If it weren't for me, your marriage would have ended a long time ago.
34:12I saved your marriage.
34:14I saved your marriage.
34:16I'm a victim of your marriage.
34:18If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have tolerated Meyra.
34:20Since we're talking about the truth,
34:22let's talk about these too.
34:24Let's reveal everything.
34:26Who is this?
34:28How should I know?
34:30Were you waiting for someone, girl?
34:42What are you going to do?
34:48What happened?
34:52Welcome, sweetie.
34:54Tell me, who came to me?
35:02You can't believe your face.
35:04How tense.
35:12I'm so nervous.
35:18Oh, my God.
35:20Look at her.
35:24He came and said, did you do it?
35:26He said, it's not a work of art.
35:28He said, poof.
35:34Are you okay?
35:36I brought you a lot of gossip, you don't react at all.
35:38Something's going on with everyone today.
35:40No, I'm just a little surprised.
35:42Look at Songül.
35:46Then he came to me and said, did you do it?
35:48I said, of course not.
35:50I denied it right away.
35:52Now, after you and Suheyla get their signatures,
35:54I'm going to the landlord in the evening
35:56and I'm going to solve this from the ground up.
35:58I'll take the signatures.
36:00Those who deal with Meyra pay the price, sweetie.
36:30Oh, my God.
36:32It's not a work of art.
36:40They're a team.
36:42Let's not divide the teams.
36:48I won't.
36:52You made a face.
36:56You won't come again.
36:58I'll tell Meyra.
37:00She won't let you work today.
37:02No, it's not that.
37:04I have a bad mood about something else.
37:06Even if I don't do anything,
37:08I'm the one who eats the cake, right?
37:12What happened?
37:14Is there anything I can do?
37:16No, it's a private matter.
37:18But thank you for asking.
37:24Is it about your boyfriend?
37:28When I don't usually see a ring,
37:30I thought there was no one in your life.
37:34No, there isn't.
37:38No, there isn't.
37:42I mean, there was someone, but it's over.
37:46He missed you.
37:52Am I serious?
37:58let's get rid of the noise between us.
38:02I want you next to Meyra.
38:04But you can say it when you're alone.
38:24You love Sude very much, don't you?
38:28Of course I do.
38:30Look at her.
38:32She's her uncle's daughter.
38:36I'll ask you something.
38:38Sude is like that.
38:40I mean, her morale is bad.
38:42I always see her thoughtful.
38:44Is it usually like this?
38:48I mean, it's not usually like this.
38:50I haven't had much fun lately.
38:54You know,
38:58You know, the prisoner.
39:00Servant girl.
39:02Sude and Ikgül are good friends.
39:04I think her morale is bad.
39:10Sude and Ikgül were friends?
39:14Despite all the objections of Meyra.
39:18Did you know Ikgül?
39:20Not much.
39:28Do you think she did it?
39:32I mean,
39:34did she commit the murder?
39:36I don't know.
39:40Tell me.
39:42Why was she angry?
39:46when you're caught with that tool in your hand,
39:48you can't say
39:50she didn't do it.
39:52But there was always something going on in that house.
39:54The girl before Ikgül was also divorced.
39:56Think about it.
39:58What happened?
40:00I don't know.
40:04You're so curious.
40:06Come on.
40:08We have a lot to do.
40:26The car is very good.
40:28He even massages the seat.
40:34You know the car rental, right?
40:36We'll give it back.
40:38We understand, mom.
40:40Let's go.
40:44Where are you going?
40:46I'll go and find the owner of the house.
40:48I'll be right back.
40:50Wait here.
40:52Don't talk to anyone.
40:54I'll talk to them tomorrow.
40:56Okay, go.
41:20It's a draw.
41:22Who do you think will win?
41:28Are you available?
41:30Of course.
41:32What a beautiful place.
41:34I love coming here.
41:36It relaxes me.
41:38Are you here to play?
41:42I'm here to talk to you.
41:44I called you.
41:46You didn't answer my calls.
41:50Actually, I don't know what to say.
41:52I didn't answer because I didn't know.
41:54But since you're here, let's talk.
41:58Look, Mr. Ibrahim.
42:00I'm a woman who gets along well with her neighbors.
42:02I'm a woman who lives in her own way.
42:06That's why I'm asking you.
42:08If you reconsider your decision.
42:14Look, Ms. Songül.
42:16You've met the wrong person.
42:18Meyra's father is my close friend.
42:22I mean,
42:24I can't do anything else.
42:28Yes, but...
42:32The winner of the game is obvious, Ms. Songül.
42:34Let's not tire each other out.
42:36Empty the house as soon as possible.
42:38Or I'll start the legal process.
42:40No, no.
42:42Don't start the legal process.
42:44We'll empty the house.
42:48Have a nice day.
42:50Have a nice day.
43:30Mr. Ibrahim.
43:36We need to talk to you.
43:44What did you do?
43:46Did you talk to him?
43:48I did.
43:50What did he say?
43:52If you don't empty the house, I'll start the legal process.
43:56It's over.
43:58There's nothing else to do.
44:02Let's go.
44:06Mom, wait.
44:08Don't push yourself.
44:10Maybe something will come out.
44:14Let's go.
44:18I'll leave you at home.
44:20I'm going to see Gül.
44:22I'll come with you.
44:24No, mom.
44:26We'll see each other later.
44:54Should I watch the event before the court?
45:00No contact.
45:02I always forget this rule.
45:06I'm not used to being hugged either.
45:08I'm not used to being hugged either.
45:10I'm not used to being hugged either.
45:12I'm sorry, I made you and my mother disappointed.
45:22Come on, you were scared. You couldn't tell my mother that you were in debt to Olavo.
45:27You came to Istanbul and started working in that house, okay.
45:30Gül, why didn't you call me?
45:32If you had said hello, brother, help, I would have found a way.
45:37We would have taken care of it without coming here.
45:40I don't know, I couldn't.
45:43And you were in the army, how were you going to help?
45:46Now you run away, you burn the soldiers because of me, I said.
45:51Really, how did you get here?
45:55Wow, buddy, does everyone think I ran away?
45:58What kind of perception did I create?
46:00I mean, you're a little crazy.
46:03It's not clear right or left.
46:05No, it's over.
46:07But I would run away for you.
46:09You know your brother.
46:12Brother, I didn't kill him.
46:16I swear I didn't do anything.
46:18I know, I know you didn't.
46:20Because I know my brother.
46:25When I was a kid, you were such a thief.
46:28Do you remember?
46:29You would be the police for a while, and I would be a thief.
46:33If they told me, I would go to jail, and you would visit him.
46:37You would never believe me.
46:40It's like we're sitting on the wrong side of the table.
46:43We need to change places.
46:45Because you don't deserve this place at all.
46:51Look at me.
46:52Are you crying, girl?
46:54Don't do it now.
46:55You're going to make me cry too.
46:58We're men, girl.
47:05Don't worry, girl.
47:06We're going to save you.
47:07You're going to get out of here.
47:08You have a good brother behind you.
47:10That's how we are.
47:15I'm glad you're here.
47:16You too.
47:20Yes, the meeting is over.
47:40You might have dreamt of planning in your outbursts.
47:43What is that, girl?
47:45We bought it just so we could give it out when we have guests.
47:48I will say we're off now, and then I will eat us too.
47:52You did right.
47:53When we were watching a movie,
47:55Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what's going to come out of it.
47:58We got out of the house through it.
48:01But how did I tie it up?
48:03Sister, have one.
48:04It's a setulenin vaccine.
48:07Yes, serotonin.
48:08Take it. It's for happiness.
48:09I don't want it.
48:14I'll burn. I'll burn.
48:16We're going to that pool before we even get in there once. I'll burn for that.
48:19We couldn't even put our feet in there.
48:22I swear.
48:23If I ever get sick, tell me.
48:25You'll have a house, a garden, and a pool, but you won't be able to get in.
48:29I said, girl, come. Come as a comedian and start tomorrow.
48:37Where's İlkan, by the way?
48:39Sister, where is Keten Reis?
48:40He said he'd go to his first wife after he met his landlord.
48:45Then he said he'd stay with my grandmother.
48:47Oh, my dear.
48:54So, what did you do? Did you play with the dogs? Did you sleep?
48:56Yeah, I slept.
48:57I put them to sleep.
49:06Wow, isn't that İlkan?
49:08What's up?
49:14What's up, brother?
49:16You're still where I left you.
49:18But you don't seem to be where we left you.
49:22You've changed.
49:24Your clothes and all.
49:25Is that a brand?
49:27No, man.
49:28I had to dress like that, so I did.
49:31It doesn't matter to me.
49:32When did you come back from the army?
49:34Did you run away?
49:35No, man.
49:37I had two days left.
49:38I got the report and came.
49:39So, I was discharged.
49:41The car is nice, too.
49:43It's not ours, it's a rental.
49:46Don't make fun of us.
49:48We saw.
49:49İlkgül and İyiyer set up a trap.
49:53What are you saying?
49:54I'm not saying anything.
49:56The speaker says so.
49:57We saw it on the news.
49:59He's a big shot.
50:01İlkgül and İyiyer are very loyal.
50:03When they are so loyal, the brand shirts come, too.
50:06The latest cars come, too.
50:07What are you doing?
50:11What are you doing?
50:13What are you doing?
50:15What are you doing?
50:17You're done.
50:19You're done.
50:30Hi, welcome.
50:34Meyra, we were very curious.
50:36Did you talk to Mr. İbrahim?
50:38I did.
50:40I told him that everyone deserves a second chance.
50:45Mr. İbrahim, how are you?
50:47Are you at the club?
50:48I'm coming to you soon.
50:50Yes, I'm at the club.
50:52I was going to talk to you.
50:54The conditions have changed.
50:58I talked to the management.
51:00No one was seriously injured.
51:02So I gave up on selling clothes.
51:06I'm not going to fire Ms. Songül.
51:08I called you to let you know.
51:10Have a nice day.
51:12We've been through a lot.
51:15For example, you Demet.
51:17You were drunk at the last party.
51:19We laughed at it.
51:22Your husband ran away with his secretary.
51:25Three months later, he came back.
51:27We all acted like nothing had happened.
51:31So it could be.
51:33My conscience didn't let me do this.
51:37I gave up.
51:39I'm so glad, Meyra.
51:41It suits you, too.
51:43Yes, it's good.
51:46I was right when I thought about it.
51:51What happened, Meyra?
51:53Demet changed his mind.
51:57I don't know.
52:01Can I have a green tea?
52:04Of course.
52:07Can't we take this pool with us?
52:11Yes, we can.
52:13We'll put the pool in the back garden.
52:15We'll invite Asiye.
52:17Then we'll have a cocktail party in the pool.
52:25I'm laughing at you.
52:29Oh, my God.
52:31I'm so sorry.
52:33I'm so sorry.
52:35We're laughing.
52:37We're about to cry.
52:41Mr. Ibrahim is calling.
52:43He's the landlord.
52:45Pick up the phone.
52:53Hello, Mr. Ibrahim.
52:59Is that so?
53:08Thank you so much.
53:12Good evening.
53:14Look at me.
53:16Was there something in the chocolate?
53:18He's throwing us out of the house.
53:20You did a thank you show.
53:22He said no.
53:24He said you don't have to leave the house.
53:28He said I changed my mind.
53:30He said, I'm sorry.
53:32He said, I'm sorry.
53:36What happened to him?
53:38Is there a stone in his head?
53:40There's a world of difference between the man I just talked to and the man I'm talking to now.
53:44I didn't understand anything.
53:46I think I got it.
53:48Where are you going?
53:50I'm coming.
53:52Let's tell your sister.
53:54Let's tell your sister.
54:00Let's tell your sister.
54:13What are you doing?
54:15I feel like I'm going to cry.
54:17I feel like I'm going to cry.
54:21What's up?
54:23Why did you come?
54:25You did it, didn't you?
54:27Why did I do it?
54:30You called your landlord.
54:32You threatened him.
54:34You blackmailed him.
54:36He gave up.
54:38He said, let's stay.
54:42Why would I do that?
54:44Why would I call a man I don't know?
54:50To help us.
54:54I didn't do anything like that.
54:57I didn't do anything like that.
55:01I mean, after you're a witness to the events,
55:03I mean, after you're a witness to the events,
55:05changing the idea of ​​the legend, taking a step back, apologizing,
55:07changing the idea of ​​the legend, taking a step back, apologizing,
55:09all of these are coincidences, huh?
55:11What do I say, Aylin, it's a coincidence.
55:13What do I say, Aylin, it's a coincidence.
55:15What are you looking at?
55:17What are you laughing at?
55:19Look, Aylin.
55:21I don't want to disappoint you.
55:23But I have nothing to do with this issue.
55:25Apparently, something else happened.
55:29I don't believe you.
55:34What's going on?
55:38Nothing, honey.
55:40A servant who works with Arif came.
55:42A servant who works with Arif came.
55:44He was asking something.
55:46Is that so? What happened? What's the matter?
55:48What's the matter?
55:51The subject...
55:53The subject...
55:55It was a mistake.
55:57I mean, it was a mistake.
55:59I did it for a mistake.
56:01I'm sorry, I'll go.
56:03Come on in, I'm coming.
56:05I put the food, but...
56:07I'll be right back, honey.
56:09Good evening.
56:11Good evening.
56:13I was telling you something.
56:17I misunderstood everything.
56:19I mean, that's how it is.
56:21When you do something...
56:23When you do something...
56:25I won't keep you any longer.
56:29Yes, Mikan.
56:31I'm at the police station.
56:33What? How?
56:35I didn't call my mother to panic.
56:37That's why I called you.
56:39What did you do?
56:41Where are you?
56:43I'm in Beykoz.
