The Wilderness Road

  • 2 days ago
Gina Ben and Allison


00:00If you thought TV was exciting before,
00:05that'll give you an idea of what our musical horn sounds like.
00:09Now you should check out Bill Nye the Science Guy.
00:12It's new and improved TV, fortified with chewy bits of fun science.
00:18It's Bill Nye the Science Guy.
00:21Ask for it by name.
00:23More science.
00:25Fewer horns.
00:27Weekdays at 4.30 on Kazoo.
00:35You're watching Alabama Public TV. the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and viewers like you.
00:50Drat! Every time I attempt a despicable crime,
00:55those Acme time pilots foil my plans.
00:58There must be something I can do about it.
01:03I know. I'll attempt a despicable crime.
01:07That ought to work.
01:11I summon Sir Vile.
01:17I serve for honor, for evil, forever!
01:25I'm sending you through the time port to Kentucky in 1775.
01:29There's something very special I want you to steal.
01:33Bring it back to me in this loot orb when you have it.
01:36Now off with you.
01:41Time pilots, Sir Vile just stole something from the past.
01:45You've got 28 minutes to get it back, or history will change forever.
01:50Hood up the crown of forgiveness.
01:55Launch the time probes.
02:04Power up the engines.
02:08Now get going.
02:10We're on the case and we're chasing her through history.
02:14Chrono skimmer, engines hot.
02:18Vile villain, an evil plot.
02:21Our brave squadron leader will help us defeat her
02:25and bring back the loot to its rightful place in time.
02:28Tell me where in time is Carmen Sandiego?
02:32Stop her crime and solve this mystery.
02:36Tell me where in time is Carmen Sandiego?
02:40We're on the case and we're chasing her through history.
02:44And here's your time pilot squadron leader, Kevin Shinnick.
02:58Welcome aboard, everybody.
03:00I want you to hang on tight because we've got a very big mission,
03:03but very little time.
03:05So let's begin today's journey by meeting our time pilots,
03:07starting with Gina Gilroy.
03:10Gina, nice to see you.
03:12And Ben Silverman.
03:14Ben, thanks for coming aboard, buddy.
03:16And Allison Calafano.
03:18Allison, nice to see you.
03:20Well, welcome aboard, time pilots.
03:23By now you've heard the mission from the chief.
03:25We're going to start off by giving each of you 100 power points.
03:29Now pilots, our nanoprobes have revealed the time and place
03:33where Carmen has sent Sir Vile.
03:35So let's get things started.
03:37Bridge to engine room.
03:39Let's warp to the time of the crime.
03:47Chief, we've arrived sideways.
03:50Uh, safely.
03:52What's our mission profile?
03:54Squadron, you've time-traveled to 1775.
03:59Location, the place we now call Kentucky.
04:02Back then, Daniel Boone and some men
04:05were blazing a trail through Cumberland Gap.
04:08A company had hired them in hopes of establishing Kentucky
04:11as the 14th colony.
04:13Boone and his team improved and connected
04:15Indian hunting paths through the mountains,
04:17creating a trail that led deep into the Kentucky region.
04:21The plan for the colony failed,
04:23but the path became a key pioneer route.
04:26Within 25 years, around 200,000 settlers
04:30had used the trail to head west.
04:33Or so history told us till now,
04:36when Sir Vile went back in time and ripped off the route.
04:40Thanks a lot, Chief.
04:42All right, pilots, for ten power points,
04:45what did Sir Vile steal?
04:47Was it the Wilderness Road, the Freedom Trail,
04:51or the Path of Least Resistance?
04:54Remembering the clues we just heard.
04:561775, in what's now called Kentucky,
04:59Daniel Boone cuts trail through the Cumberland Gap
05:02and key route for pioneers heading west.
05:05Gina, what did you say?
05:08I said the Wilderness Road.
05:10Okay, Ben?
05:11I said the Wilderness Road.
05:12And Allison?
05:13I said the Freedom Trail.
05:14All right, the correct answer is the Wilderness Road.
05:17That's ten points for Gina and Ben.
05:19Allison, don't worry about it.
05:20It's early on in the mission.
05:21Good, I'm glad you feel that way.
05:22You know what, time pilots,
05:23if one of you can save history of trails
05:25and capture Carmen Sandiego,
05:27you'll win a complete multimedia computer system.
05:30It's not bad, right?
05:31The problem is, and the question is,
05:33where in time has Sir Vile taken the Wilderness Road?
05:36Wait a second, guys.
05:37Something's happening to the ship.
05:38I think they're breaking into our frequency.
05:40Ha! You lily-livered time twerps!
05:44Those shall never find me!
05:49I'm in the U.S. during Andrew Jackson's reign
05:52when sorrow fills the hearts of the Cherokee people.
05:56They had been living peacefully in Georgia,
05:58but now land-hungry white settlers
06:02walk the Cherokee territory for themselves.
06:06So the U.S. troops remove the natives,
06:09and the Cherokee are forced to march to Oklahoma,
06:13mostly on foot.
06:15Four thousand perish during this brutal journey,
06:19which shall come to be known as
06:22the Trail of Tears.
06:26Oh, this gravest injustice
06:30offends even this vile knight's sense of honor.
06:40All right, time pilots.
06:42Tell me, where in time is Sir Vile?
06:45Is it 1800, 1838, or 1890?
06:51Remembering the clues we just heard.
06:53Andrew Jackson is president.
06:55Cherokee in Georgia are evicted from their homes
06:59in the month of March, known as the Trail of Tears.
07:03All right, guys. Gina, what did you say?
07:05I said 1838.
07:06Okay, Ben?
07:07I said 1838.
07:08And Allison?
07:09I also said 1838.
07:10Well, you would also be correct,
07:11because the answer is 1838.
07:13Ten points for everybody.
07:14We like that, guys.
07:15You know, pilots, it's tough to look back
07:17on tragic events like the Trail of Tears,
07:19but remembering these events
07:20is our best hope for not repeating them.
07:23So, let's keep things moving.
07:25Bridge to engine crew.
07:35Okay, time pilots.
07:36We followed Sir Vile to the year 1838,
07:38but he's about to do some globe-hopping in the 1830s,
07:42so it's time for Global Pursuit.
07:44Grab your controls, watch the globe on your screen,
07:46and buzz in when you think you know the answer.
07:48If you're right, you're gonna get five PowerPoints.
07:50If you're wrong, you lose five.
07:52Remember, we're in the 1830s.
07:55Okay, here we go.
07:57Sir Vile galloped to the city
07:59where a machine to mass-produce horseshoes is invented.
08:03Going to Ben.
08:07He's banked towards the river
08:09from which a three-year expedition departs
08:11to explore the Rocky Mountains.
08:14Going this time to Gina.
08:16Yes, it is.
08:17Just wait till I call in, just in case.
08:18Yes, it is Missouri.
08:19Now Vile's in the state where Frederick Douglass settles
08:22after escaping from slavery.
08:24Going again to Gina.
08:26Yes, it is Massachusetts.
08:27Very nice.
08:28Then he clanked to the state
08:30where the first all-metal bridge in the U.S. is built.
08:33Going this time to Ben.
08:36No, I'm sorry, it's Pennsylvania.
08:37It's all right.
08:38Early on.
08:39Vile docked in the city where a ship completes
08:42the first transatlantic crossing using only steam power.
08:46Going again to Ben.
08:47New York.
08:49See, I told you you'd get another shot.
08:50You got it.
08:51Very nice, guys.
08:52It was a great pursuit squadron,
08:53but Vile has escaped New York just before we arrive.
08:56You know, so for our next clue, we're going to have...
08:58Hey, it's the clue finders, guys.
09:00Locked on to someone in the future.
09:02Let's bring them on board, see if they can help us.
09:09Say, you seem pretty excited, fella.
09:11Ah, why, yes I am.
09:13World War I is over.
09:15Charles Lindbergh just made the first nonstop solo flight
09:19from New York to Paris.
09:21And we're going to try out a brand-new highway
09:23that just opened called Route 66.
09:26Oh, what's so exciting about that?
09:28Well, highways used to be paid for
09:31and built by individuals or local groups,
09:34but now we have a national highway system.
09:38I can go from Chicago all the way to California
09:42on this new Route 66.
09:47So the government just built the whole highway?
09:50No, Route 66 connected many highways
09:53and roads that were already in existence,
09:56and only about 800 miles of it are actually paved.
10:00The other 1,600 or so miles are still dirt,
10:04bricks, and sometimes just wooden planks on the ground.
10:09Wow, it sounds like it's going to be a pretty bumpy ride.
10:11It sure will, and I can't wait to get started.
10:16Hey, wait, wait, wait, before you go,
10:17why not have one of these?
10:19Ah, why, thank you, sir.
10:21There you go.
10:22Don't hit it so hard, okay?
10:23Oh, I'm so sorry.
10:24Hey, stop, don't touch that.
10:25Okay, just like this.
10:26I'll see you on the open road.
10:29Hey, drive carefully.
10:32Hey, watch where you're going.
10:35My goodness.
10:37Hooray, hooray.
10:38Well, you know, a little advertising
10:39never hurt anyone, right?
10:40Even on PBS.
10:42My goodness, hope he's okay.
10:44All right, pilots, tell me the decade
10:46where we'll find Sir Vile.
10:48Is it the 1920s, the 1930s, or the 1940s?
10:54Remembering the clues we just heard.
10:56After World War I, opening of Route 66,
11:00an interstate highway system from Chicago, Illinois
11:03to Santa Monica, California.
11:05All right, Gina, what did you say?
11:07I said the 1920s.
11:09All right, Ben?
11:10I said the 1920s.
11:11And Allison?
11:12I said the 1940s.
11:13All right, the correct answer is the 1920s.
11:15That's 10 points for Gina and Ben.
11:17Don't worry, Allison, you know,
11:18early on in the mission, like I said.
11:20And you know, pilots, during the Great Depression,
11:22poor farmers often migrated from the Midwest to California
11:25on Route 66.
11:27But the route may be permanently rerouted
11:29if you don't get back to Wilderness Road.
11:31So let's keep things moving.
11:33Engine room, let's warp to the 1920s.
11:49Thy mechanical beast is no match for Sir Vile.
11:53Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
11:55Kevin, Sir Vile ruptured the time probe chamber.
11:58You better do a data boost.
12:03All right, pilots, let's help Jamie out.
12:05We made it to the 1920s, but we've got to do a data boost.
12:08So time pilots, I'll name an event.
12:10Your job, buzz in and tell me if it happened in the 1920s
12:14or the 1980s.
12:16Okay, remember, in the 20s or 80s.
12:18Here we go.
12:19U.S. black population is 26.5 million.
12:24Going to Gina.
12:25The 1920s.
12:26Believe it or not, it's 1981.
12:29Canada's population is 24 million.
12:32Going this time to Ben.
12:34The 1980s.
12:35Yes, again, 1981.
12:37Bomb explodes on Wall Street, killing 30.
12:41Going this time to Allison.
12:43No, I'm sorry, it's 1920.
12:45In fact, it was never proven who planted the bomb
12:47near the headquarters of J.P. Morgan & Company.
12:50U.S. Department of Education created.
12:53Going to Gina.
12:54The 1920s.
12:55No, I'm sorry, it's the 1980s.
12:571980 to be exact.
12:59Miniature golf introduced.
13:01Going to Ben.
13:02In the 1920s.
13:03Correct, 1926.
13:05That was a great data boost, pilots.
13:06And, you know, just a reminder that all our data
13:08has been verified by Encyclopedia Britannica.
13:12So, pilots, for the next part of this mission,
13:14we're going to have to figure out how we can find out if a...
13:16Oh, no!
13:17We're being pulled into a parallel universe!
13:23As I was saying,
13:24we must destroy that guardian of goodness,
13:27Carmen Sandiego.
13:31Oh, Commissar!
13:33You disgraced us with your presence!
13:36Stop kissing him!
13:37Oh, sorry, sorry.
13:38You forgot to feed the plant!
13:40Oh, forgive me, evil mistress!
13:42I shall do it now!
13:44Here, how about a little of this?
13:49Oh, good.
13:52Oh, very nice.
13:54Now, what news have you?
13:57We have dragged Carmen to the Minneapolis Public Schools,
14:01where three student teachers just devised
14:04the Oregon Trail Program.
14:07Isn't that a computer game?
14:09Yes, I hate games!
14:11And I despise Oregon!
14:16Enough frivolity!
14:17Sorry, sorry, sorry.
14:19Well, the game simulates a covered wagon trip
14:22along the Oregon Trail in the mid-1800s,
14:25players must survive the 2,000-mile journey
14:28from Independence, Missouri,
14:30to the Willamette Valley in Oregon.
14:33All this fun and education,
14:36there'll be nothing cheerful to report.
14:39Well, there is a major oil and gas crisis in the U.S.
14:43causing chaos and misery throughout the land.
14:47Oh, I'm feeling much better already.
14:51I thought you would.
14:54Now, back to work!
14:55Oh, aye, aye, commissar!
14:56To wickedness, evil, destruction, and treachery!
15:07Oh, everybody okay?
15:10Oh, good, all right.
15:11That guy with the chief looked familiar, didn't he?
15:13We gotta check that out later.
15:14Was he one of the village people?
15:15Maybe, I'm not sure.
15:17Oh, probably, all right.
15:18All right, pilots, name the decade
15:19where Servile has taken the Wilderness Road.
15:22Is it the 1970s, the 1980s, or the 1990s?
15:28Remembering the clues we just heard.
15:30Oregon Trail computer game is first developed,
15:33simulates covered wagon trips along the Oregon Trail in 1800s,
15:38and major oil and gas crisis in the U.S.
15:41All right, Gina, what did you say?
15:43I said the 1980s.
15:46Okay, Ben?
15:47I said the 1970s.
15:48And Allison?
15:49I said the 1970s.
15:50All right, correct answer is the 1970s.
15:53Ten points for Ben and Allison.
15:54Ben, don't look so surprised.
15:55You guys are doing real well.
15:57You know, pilots, more than 12,000 people
16:00took the Oregon Trail to the Northwest during the 1800s,
16:03and thanks to computers,
16:04kids today can travel it in their own homes.
16:07But the history of trails is almost at a dead end.
16:09We've got to catch Servile.
16:11Okay, squadron, we've got to make one final leap forward in time,
16:14and that means an ultimate data boost.
16:18Guys, in an ultimate data boost,
16:20each correct answer gets you ten PowerPoints.
16:22If you're wrong, you lose ten.
16:24All right?
16:25I'll give you a name.
16:26Your job, buzz in and answer trail
16:29if it's the name of a famous trail,
16:31or trial if it's a commonly used name for a famous court case.
16:35Again, your choices are trail or trial.
16:38Try and say them clearly so I can hear you, okay?
16:40Here we go.
16:44Going to Allison.
16:46Yes, it is a trail.
16:48You know, the Appalachian Trail,
16:49or as it's sometimes called Appalachian,
16:52extends from Maine to Georgia.
16:54Very good.
16:55Ho Chi Minh.
16:57Going to Allison again.
16:59No, I'm sorry, it's a trail
17:01used by the North Vietnam as a troop and supply route
17:04during the Vietnam War.
17:08Going to Ben.
17:10No, I'm sorry, trial.
17:12In the Nuremberg Trials after World War II,
17:1424 Nazi leaders were tried for war crimes.
17:21Going this time to Gina.
17:22The trail.
17:24Yes, it is.
17:25It is a trail.
17:26Alaska's Iditarod Trail was a dog sled mail route.
17:28There is now an annual dog sled race by that name.
17:34Going to Ben.
17:36No, I'm sorry, it's a trail.
17:37These are tough.
17:38In the 1800s, cattle were driven along the Chisholm Trail,
17:41which ran from Texas to Kansas.
17:44Sacco and Vanzetti.
17:46Going to Ben.
17:48It is a trial.
17:49Very nice.
17:50Sacco and Vanzetti were Italian immigrants
17:52executed for murder in 1927.
17:55Many felt they didn't receive a fair trial.
18:00Going again to Ben.
18:02No, this one was a trial.
18:04School teacher John Scopes was tried in 1925
18:07for teaching the theory of evolution.
18:10All right, guys.
18:11That was a very tough one.
18:12Let's see how well we did.
18:13Now, Gina has 140 power points.
18:16Ben has 135, and Allison has 115.
18:20What that means is that Gina and Ben are moving on
18:22to the next phase of this mission.
18:24But, Allison, you did so well today.
18:25You really did.
18:26Give me five.
18:27And right now, the Chief is here to express her appreciation.
18:30Sometimes, no matter how bright you are,
18:32you just can't stop the night.
18:34But now you can shed light on any subject
18:37with the Time Net Mission Pack.
18:39Great stuff like Carmen CD-Roms,
18:41the new Vile T-shirt, and Britannica's fascinating facts.
18:45From Acme Time Net Command, we salute you.
18:49Pilots, let's wave goodbye to Allison
18:51as she heads back to Time Net Command.
18:55You guys ready for your next order from the Chief?
18:59Ben, too?
19:00All right, Chief, we're ready.
19:01Time Pilots, the history of migration trails is at stake.
19:05Get to the USA in the 1970s and follow that road.
19:08Kevin, you're in command.
19:10Aye, aye, Chief.
19:11Time Pilots, full speed ahead to the 1970s.
19:19Look, Sir Vile's got the trail in a cybersphere.
19:22Activate the loot tractor beam.
19:27Now I'm really fired up, Time Pilots.
19:33Oh, that evil one.
19:34But we've gotten back the Wilderness Road
19:36and have it safely on board.
19:37Congratulations, guys.
19:38Plus, you're now one step closer
19:40to winning that amazing multimedia computer system.
19:43But before we continue chasing Sir Vile,
19:45we've got to return the loot to 1775.
19:48So let's check in with the Chief to get our flight plan.
19:51Time Pilots, you must navigate the Chrono Skimmer
19:54through eight events from the history of trails and migration,
19:56starting at the most recent event
19:58and finishing at the least recent event.
20:00Here are the events on your flight plan.
20:02Daniel Boone blazes the Wilderness Road.
20:05The Alaska Highway is built during World War II.
20:09The Cherokee are forced to march on the Trail of Tears.
20:13The first Time Pilot runs the Trail of Time
20:16on Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?
20:19The first known U.S. road maps are published.
20:23The first automobile speed limits are passed in New York.
20:27Jack Kerouac's novel On the Road is first published.
20:31Harriet Tubman escapes slavery via the Underground Railroad.
20:36That's your briefing, Time Pilots.
20:38Good luck on your journey.
20:40Thanks, Chief.
20:41All right, Gina, you have the higher score.
20:43You have a choice of going first or second.
20:45I'll go second.
20:46All right, well, Ben, you know what that means.
20:48It's up to you to navigate this Chrono Skimmer
20:50back through time from the most recent event
20:52to the least recent event,
20:54starting by picking the most recent event on the board.
20:57You may begin.
20:58The first Time Pilot runs Trail of Time.
21:01You're all confused from before.
21:02Yes, 1996, keep going.
21:05First U.S. road maps published.
21:08All right, going back to Gina.
21:10The first Time Pilot runs Trail of Time.
21:12Yes, you've navigated us to 1996.
21:15Alaska Highway built during World War II.
21:19All right, back to Ben.
21:21First Time Pilot runs Trail of Time.
21:25First auto speed limits pass in New York.
21:28All right, going back to Gina.
21:30The first Time Pilot runs Trail of Time.
21:32Yes, 1996.
21:34Kerouac's on the Road published.
21:36Yes, Kerouac's on the Road published, 1957.
21:39Keep going.
21:40First auto speed limits pass in New York.
21:43Oh, that's a tough one.
21:44Go ahead, Ben.
21:45First Time Pilot runs Trail of Time.
21:48Kerouac's on the Road published.
21:52Tubman escapes via Underground Railroad.
21:54Okay, going back to Gina.
21:56First Time Pilot runs Trail of Time.
21:58Yes, 1996.
21:59Kerouac's on the Road published.
22:02Alaska Highway built during World War II.
22:05You've gotten us to 1942.
22:07It was built to provide a military supply route to Alaska.
22:10Keep going.
22:11First U.S. road maps published.
22:13All right, going back to Ben.
22:14First Time Pilot runs Trail of Time.
22:18Kerouac's on the Road published.
22:20Alaska Highway built during World War II.
22:23First auto speed limits pass New York.
22:26Tubman escapes via Underground Railroad.
22:28Yes, 1849.
22:30Cherokee march on Trail of Tears.
22:32Correct, you've gotten us to 1838.
22:34First U.S. road maps published.
22:35Correct, 1789.
22:37Moonblazes Wilderness Road.
22:38Yes, 1775.
22:40Ben, you've saved history.
22:43Way to go, buddy.
22:44Now, I want you to activate the transporter
22:47and restore the loot to its proper place in history.
22:49Go ahead.
22:54All right.
22:57Guys, that was tough.
22:58We were inching along there, weren't we?
23:00But we finally got there.
23:01We should all be proud of ourselves.
23:03And right now, you and I are going to move on in just a moment.
23:05But, Gina, you did so well today.
23:07And right now, the Chief has a word about your next mission.
23:09You've really helped our mission today.
23:11So we're giving you a Time Net mission pack
23:14and this portable CD player,
23:16which comes complete with headphones.
23:20I sincerely apologize for that joke.
23:22Time pilot, I salute you.
23:24Right now, Gina is piloting the Chronoskimmer back to the present.
23:27But, Ben, it's time for us to chase her violent Carmen
23:30through the trail of time.
23:31You with me?
23:33Let's go.
23:36Look out, Carmen.
23:37We're on our way.
23:40We're on the case
23:42And we're chasing her through history
23:47Engines hot
23:51Evil plot
23:52Our brave squadron leader
23:54Will help us defeat her
23:56And bring back the loot
23:57To its rightful place in time
23:59Tell me where in time
24:01Is Carmen Sandiego
24:03Stop her crime
24:05And solve this mystery
24:07Tell me where in time
24:09Is Carmen Sandiego
24:11We're on the case
24:13And we're chasing her through history
24:16Hey, Ben, we've made it to the trail of time.
24:19You've got to track Carmen through six time portals
24:21moving from the past to the 20th century.
24:24And at each portal, Carmen's going to try and stump you
24:26with a history question.
24:27If you get it right, the gate will open
24:29and you move on to the next portal.
24:30If you get it wrong, you've got a working device
24:32to open the gate.
24:33Along the way, you're going to capture Sir Vile.
24:35Do all of that in 90 seconds,
24:37and you'll capture Carmen Sandiego
24:39and win that computer.
24:40You ready?
24:42All right, ready, set, go, Ben, go.
24:45Follow the engine crew to the first portal.
24:48It's 1542.
24:50What highway is begun by the Spanish in California?
24:53La Baja or El Camino Real?
24:55El Camino Real.
24:57All right, Ben.
24:59Follow the engine crew to the second portal.
25:02It's 1838.
25:04What discovery on Cherokee land
25:06leads to the forced march on the Trail of Tears?
25:08Oil or gold?
25:10Way to go, Ben.
25:12You've captured Sir Vile.
25:16It's the 1870s.
25:17To where are cowboys leading cattle on trail drives?
25:20Train stations or seaports?
25:22Uh, train stations.
25:24All right, keep up the good work.
25:27It's 1921.
25:28What does forester Benton Mackay propose for hikers?
25:31Appalachian Trail or Trail Rescue Code?
25:34Appalachian Trail.
25:36All right, Ben.
25:37You've got two more to go with 35 seconds left.
25:42It's 1968.
25:43What does the U.S. Congress establish?
25:45National Trail System or National Park Service?
25:48National Park Service.
25:50All right, turn the wheel.
25:51Turn the wheel to lift that pendulum
25:52and the gate's gonna open.
25:53Keep going, keep going.
25:54Almost there.
25:55All right, you've got one more to go.
25:58It's 1973.
25:59How long does it take to win
26:01the first complete Iditarod sled dog race?
26:0310 days or 20 days?
26:0520 days.
26:06Yes, Ben, you did it!
26:09You've energized the capture crystal.
26:11Now take it and place it in the Cardinalock Chamber
26:14to capture Carmen Sandiego.
26:16That's it.
26:23Wow, that was great, Ben.
26:25You captured Sir Bile, you captured Carmen.
26:27Look at that big smile.
26:28All through the race, like...
26:29Not a big smile. Great.
26:30And here's the team to show you what you've won.
26:32Time pilot, you get an A1 mission rating.
26:35Now take control of this monster multimedia computer system.
26:39Plus a year of Britannica Online
26:41and the CD-ROM encyclopedia.
26:43I've commended you, I've rewarded you.
26:46Now I salute you.
26:48Ben, you just won the computer. How do you feel?
26:50Very good.
26:51Good. You should feel very good.
26:53We're very proud of you.
26:54So right now it's time for us to head back to the present.
26:57And remember, at Acme Time Net, history is our job,
27:00the future is yours.
27:03We're on the case
27:05And we're chasing her through history
27:08Throttle open
27:10Thrusters on
27:12Chrono skimmer
27:14Gets us gone
27:15Pack extra socks
27:17And we'll all beat the clock
27:19From the stone age
27:20To middle age
27:21To space age
27:22And tell me where in time
27:25Is Carmen Sandiego
27:28Tell me where in time
27:30Is Carmen Sandiego
27:32Stop her crime
27:34And solve this mystery
27:36Tell me where in time
27:38Is Carmen Sandiego
27:40We're on the case
27:42And we're chasing her through history
27:44Nero's fiddle
27:46Lincoln's beard
27:48Newton's apple
27:52The finest tea from the Ming dynasty
27:56All historical information has been verified by Encyclopedia Britannica.
28:00This program was produced by WGBH Boston and WQED Pittsburgh.
28:08Carmen's journey through time is propelled by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
28:13and viewers like you.
28:15Mission accomplished, pilots.
28:17This is Lynn Thickpen signing off.
28:20To receive a free copy of the 16-page Carmen Sandiego Teacher's Guide
28:24with classroom history activities,
28:26write to the address you see on the screen.