
  • 2 days ago
Abby Shelly And Emily


00:00Drat! People have been immigrating to the U.S. for centuries. And why should anyone
00:17go anywhere without first clearing it with me?
00:23I know. With just one theft, the history of immigration will be mine.
00:30Bug Zappa, get over here.
00:37Is that an evil glint in your eye, Carmen?
00:40Why, you just try and call it contacts again.
00:43Quiet. I'm sending you through the time port to New Mexico in 1598.
00:48There's something special I want you to steal.
00:52Bring it back to me in this loot orb when you have it. Now go.
01:00Time pilots, Bug Zappa just stole something from the past.
01:04You've got 28 minutes to get it back, or history will change forever.
01:09Boot up the chronicles unit.
01:14Launch the time probes.
01:19Power up the engines.
01:24Now get going.
01:26We're on the case, and we're chasing her through history.
01:30Chronoskimmer, engines hot.
01:34Biomillix, an evil plot.
01:37Our brave squadron leader will help us defeat her
01:41and bring back the loot to its rightful place in time.
01:45Tell me where in time is Carmen Sandiego?
01:49Stop her crime and solve this mystery.
01:53Tell me where in time is Carmen Sandiego?
01:57We're on the case, and we're chasing her through history.
02:01And here's your time pilot squadron leader, Kevin Shinnick.
02:10Okay, okay, okay.
02:12Hey, welcome aboard, everybody.
02:14I want you to hang on tight because we've got a very big mission,
02:17but very little time.
02:19So let's begin our journey by meeting today's time pilots,
02:21starting with Abby Gold.
02:24Nice to see you, Abby. Give me five.
02:26All right. And Shelly Chen.
02:28Shelly, thanks for coming aboard.
02:30And Emily Ullman.
02:32Emily, come on out here. All right.
02:35Welcome aboard, time pilots.
02:38How are you guys doing?
02:40Welcome aboard, time pilots.
02:42How you guys have heard the mission from the chief,
02:44we're going to start by equipping each of you with 100 power points.
02:49Now our nanoprobes have revealed the time and place
02:51where Carmen has sent Bug Zapper.
02:53So let's get things started.
02:55Bridge to engine crew, let's warp to the time of the crime.
03:11Chief, we've arrived upside down.
03:14Uh, safely.
03:16What's our mission profile?
03:18Squadron, you've time-traveled to...
03:23Location, the region we now call the southwestern U.S.
03:28Native Americans had already been here for thousands of years
03:31when King Philip II hired Don Juan de Oñate
03:35to colonize new territory for the crown.
03:38He led 400 settlers north from Mexico,
03:41their belongings packed on ox carts called caretas.
03:46The journey took months,
03:48but Oñate established the colony of New Mexico for his king
03:53and founded the first permanent European settlement in the future U.S.
03:58Or so history told us till now,
04:01when Bug Zapper went back in time and carted off the caretas.
04:07Thanks, chief.
04:09All right, time pilots, we know what Bug Zapper stole.
04:12For 10 power points, tell me on behalf of what nation
04:16did Juan de Oñate colonize New Mexico?
04:20Was it Mexico, France, or Spain?
04:25Remembering the clues we just heard.
04:271598, King Philip II,
04:31and Oñate leads settlers to New Mexico.
04:34Okay, we're all buzzed in. Abby, what did you say?
04:38Okay, Shelly?
04:40And Emily?
04:42All right, correct answer is Spain.
04:4310 points for Shelly and Emily.
04:45You know, time pilots, at that time,
04:47Mexico itself was a Spanish colony.
04:49It didn't become independent until 1821.
04:52And if one of you can save the history of Mexican-American migration
04:56and capture Carmen,
04:57you win a complete multimedia computer system.
05:00But the big question is, where in time has Bugs taken the ox carts?
05:03All right, squadron, for our next clue,
05:05let's check in with Elaine, John, and Jamie in the engine room.
05:08There's a war going on between the U.S. and Mexico.
05:15The U.S. wants to take the Texas territory, you know.
05:22Mexicans are defeated in Mexico City, so
05:29after the war, they sign the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.
05:36Half a million square miles the U.S. gains.
05:39The borders of the U.S. and Mexico have changed.
05:43Half a million square miles the U.S. gets, you know,
05:47because of the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.
05:55All right, pilots, you heard the clues.
05:57Name the decade where Bugs Zapper is hiding.
06:00Is it the 1790s, the 1840s, or the 1890s?
06:07Remembering the clues we just heard.
06:09The Mexican-American War is fought.
06:12The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo changes U.S.-Mexico border.
06:16And U.S. gains half a million square miles of territory.
06:21All right, everybody's in.
06:22Abby, what did you say?
06:23The 1840s.
06:24All right, Shelly?
06:25The 1840s.
06:26And Emily?
06:27The 1840s.
06:28All right, correct answer is the 1840s.
06:31Very nice, guys.
06:32Squadron, some Mexicans faced a tough choice after the war.
06:35They either had to leave territory that had once been their country
06:39or stay and become citizens of the U.S.
06:41It's all part of the Mexican-American history we're here to save.
06:43So let's keep things moving.
06:45Bridge to engine crew, let's warp to the 1840s.
06:57All right, time pilots, we followed Bugs Zapper to the 1840s,
07:00but he's about to do some globe hopping in the mid-1800s.
07:04So it's time for Global Pursuit.
07:06Listen closely.
07:07Watch the globe on your screen and buzz in after I finish the question.
07:10If you're right, you get five power points.
07:12If you're wrong, you lose five.
07:14Remember, we're in the mid-1800s.
07:16Here we go.
07:19Bugs Zapper is smoking into the country where the Treaty of Nanking
07:22marks the end of the First Opium War.
07:25What do you guys say?
07:26Going to Shelly.
07:28No, I'm sorry.
07:29It's China.
07:30Next, he's signed into the city where Prussia and Austria
07:33make peace after the Austro-Prussian War.
07:36Going this time to Abby.
07:38It is Prague.
07:40Now he's cut to the Asian country that's signing the Treaty of Kanagawa,
07:44its first treaty with a western nation.
07:47Going to Abby.
07:49It is Japan.
07:50Then Bugs battled to the nation where a treaty signing
07:52ends the Russo-Turkish War.
07:55Going again to Abby.
07:57Correct, Germany it is.
07:59He negotiated his way to the city where the Treaty of Paris is signed,
08:03ending the Crimean War.
08:05Going this time to Emily.
08:07It is Paris.
08:08Very nice.
08:09Guys, let's see how well we did, okay?
08:11At this point, Abby has 125 PowerPoints.
08:15Shelly, 115.
08:17And Emily tied for first with 125.
08:20Very nice, guys.
08:21Great pursuit.
08:22But Bug Zapper is still out there somewhere with the ox carts.
08:25The big question is where...
08:27Wait a second.
08:28Hey, guys, it's a clue finder.
08:29It's locked onto someone from the future.
08:31Let's bring them on board and see if they can help us.
08:34Hey, will you look at that?
08:36A bunch of grapes.
08:38Hi, how are you?
08:40Oh, well, why the bad mood?
08:41No, I mean literally rotten.
08:43Just look at me.
08:44Yeah, I did kind of notice that.
08:46What happened?
08:47Well, haven't you heard?
08:48Oh, Cesar Chavez, the Mexican-American labor leader,
08:52is leading a strike by California grape pickers.
08:55They want better pay and working conditions.
08:58Wait, didn't Chavez start out as a farm worker himself?
09:00That's right.
09:01So he really understands the tough life faced by grape pickers.
09:05And like Chavez, many of them are Mexican-American too.
09:08Now he's organized the pickers to walk off the field
09:11leaving us to rot on the vine.
09:15So things are really starting to get ugly, huh?
09:17Hey, come on.
09:18That's personal.
09:19Oh, no, no, no, no.
09:20I didn't mean you.
09:21I meant, you know, events.
09:23Oh, yeah.
09:24You know, the grape growers have even hired thugs
09:28to beat up the strikers.
09:30Seems like there's a lot of unrest in the country this year.
09:33Like that big civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama.
09:38Yeah, you're right about that.
09:40So what are you going to do now?
09:42Oh, you know, I really could have done something with my life.
09:47Oh, become a jar of jelly or, you know,
09:51get served on a nice cheese platter.
09:54But now I'm just...
09:56I'm nothing.
09:58I guess your grapes are in a real jam, huh?
10:01Oh, very funny, smart guy.
10:03Oh, no.
10:04I wasn't thinking.
10:05Oh, no.
10:07I'm starting to smell like raisins.
10:09Oh, it's not so bad.
10:15Well, I wouldn't worry about her.
10:17I'm sure she has a bright future
10:18and a really big box of raisin bran, you know?
10:21All right, time pilots, tell me.
10:23What year is Bug Zapper hiding in?
10:26Is it 1955, 1965, or 1985?
10:32Remembering the clues we just heard.
10:34Grape picker's strike begins in California,
10:37led by Mexican-American labor leader Cesar Chavez,
10:42and same year as famed civil rights march
10:45from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama.
10:47All right, is everybody buzzed in?
10:49Shelly, buzz in for me.
10:50There you go.
10:51All right, Abby, what did you say?
10:54Okay, Shelly?
10:56And Emily?
10:58You guys have been hanging out with each other, haven't you?
11:00Answer is 1965.
11:0110 points for everybody is what we like to see.
11:03You know, squadron, the strike would last five years.
11:06By 1970, Americans were supporting the strikers
11:09by boycotting table grapes,
11:11so the growers finally signed with Chavez's union.
11:14It was a tough victory
11:15for the Mexican-American migrant workers,
11:17and it might not happen if we fail today in our mission,
11:20so let's keep things moving.
11:21All right, engine crew, let's warp to 1965.
11:36Take that, you tiny time boyman.
11:41Kevin, Bugs has ruptured the time probe chamber.
11:44You better do a data boost.
11:49Okay, pilots, let's help him out.
11:50We made it to 1965, but it's time for a data boost.
11:53Time pilots, I'll give you a fact.
11:55Your job, buzz in and tell me whether that fact
11:58applies to the nation of Mexico
12:00or to the corporation Texaco.
12:03Remember, your choices are Mexico or Texaco.
12:07Okay, here goes.
12:09Founded 1902.
12:11Going to Emily.
12:14Yes, it is, Texaco.
12:16Run by Ernesto Zedillo.
12:19Going to Abby.
12:21Yes, it is, Mexico.
12:22He's the president of Mexico.
12:24Texaco's CEO is Peter Bajor.
12:27Next up.
12:28Conducts operations in every U.S. state
12:31and on every continent.
12:33Going this time to Emily.
12:36Yes, it's Texaco, very nice.
12:38Main administrative offices are located in Mexico City.
12:42Going to Emily.
12:46Okay, stick with that, you're right.
12:47Mexico's HQ is in White Plains, New York.
12:51Its name is derived from another name,
12:53meaning in the navel of the waters of the moon.
12:56Going to Emily.
12:59Yes, Emily, it is Mexico.
13:00Mexico is derived from the Aztec name Mexico.
13:03Texaco is an abbreviation of the Texas Company.
13:06That was very nice, guys.
13:08Let's see how well we did.
13:10Abby has 140 PowerPoints.
13:12Shelly has 125.
13:14And Emily leading the way now with 155.
13:18That's a great data boost, pilots.
13:19And just a reminder that all our data has been verified by
13:23Encyclopedia Britannica.
13:25Now let's keep up the chase after Bugs and the Oxcarts.
13:27For our next clue, we're going to...
13:29Hey, that alert means we're picking up a transmission
13:31from our spy cams at Vile headquarters.
13:33Bring it up on the view screen.
13:35Say, boss, I'm looking to unload these stolen carretas,
13:38but no one's buying.
13:40They're too busy arguing about the
13:42North American Free Trade Agreement, alias NAFTA.
13:45It's causing a big buzz.
13:47Did I just say buzz?
13:52The purrnt of NAFTA is to create a common market
13:55between the U.S., Mexico, and Canada,
13:58meaning each country would be able to
14:00on products coming from the other two countries.
14:03Did I say house fly?
14:08Here in the U.S., President Bush and others
14:10say NAFTA will mean big growth, more jobs, blah, blah, blah.
14:14But many fear that millions of jobs will fly south to Mexico,
14:18where companies can pay workers a lot less dough.
14:21Personally, I don't think NAFTA is a good idea.
14:24I don't think NAFTA is a good idea.
14:27They pay workers a lot less dough.
14:30Personally, flying jobs never bothered me.
14:33It's flying bugs I can't stand.
14:39All right, pilots, where in time is Bug Zapper?
14:42Name the president of Mexico at the time.
14:45Was it Carlos Salinas de Gortari,
14:49Diego Rivera, or Fidel Castro?
14:52Remembering the clues we just heard.
14:55Leaders of Mexico, USA, and Canada sign NAFTA agreement,
14:59and George Bush is U.S. president.
15:02All right, Abby, what did you say?
15:04I said Carlos Salinas de Gortari.
15:07Gortari, yes, you said it better than I did.
15:09And Shelly?
15:10Diego Rivera.
15:12Diego Rivera, and Emily?
15:14Carlos Salinas de Gortari.
15:15All right, correct answer is Carlos Salinas de Gortari.
15:18Ten points for Abby and Emily.
15:20Squadron, NAFTA took effect on January 1st, 1994.
15:24And so far, neither the biggest hopes
15:26nor the worst fears about it seem to have come true.
15:29Only time will tell its effect
15:30on trade and Mexican-American relations.
15:32But right now, history doesn't have much time left.
15:35So let's make one final leap forward in time,
15:37and that means an ultimate data boost.
15:42Guys, in an ultimate data boost,
15:43each correct answer gets you ten PowerPoints.
15:45But if you're wrong, you lose ten.
15:47Okay, we've got a very close score so far.
15:49Abby has 150 PowerPoints.
15:52Shelly has 125.
15:54And Emily has 165.
15:56This next round will determine
15:58who goes on to complete this mission.
16:00All right.
16:01Tell you what, time pilots, early on in this mission,
16:04we heard about the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.
16:07So I'll name a state.
16:08Your job, buzz in and answer yes
16:10if most or all of the state's land
16:12was gained from Mexico through the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
16:16or no, all right, if it was not.
16:18Answer should be yes or no.
16:20Here we go.
16:24Going to Emily.
16:26Yes, it was. Very nice.
16:29Going again to Emily.
16:31No is the answer.
16:35Going to Shelly.
16:37Yes, it is.
16:40Going to Emily.
16:45Back to Shelly.
16:47No is the answer.
16:51Going to Emily.
16:53Yes, correct.
16:54Finally, New Mexico.
16:55Going to Abby.
16:58Very nice, guys.
16:59Let's see what happened.
17:01Abby has 160 PowerPoints.
17:03Shelly has 145.
17:05And Emily, 205 PowerPoints.
17:08That means that Abby and Emily
17:10are moving on to the next phase of this mission.
17:12But Shelly, you did so well today.
17:14Give me five.
17:15The chief is here to express our appreciation.
17:18Bugs Zapper can be hard to swat,
17:20but you've done a great job today.
17:23So I'm putting a Time Net mission pack right in your hands.
17:26It's filled with great gear like the new Vile T-shirt,
17:29We're in Time watch,
17:31and Britannica's fascinating facts.
17:34You've made me mighty proud, Pilot.
17:36I salute you.
17:38Pilots, let's wave goodbye to Shelly
17:40as she heads back to Time Net command.
17:43You guys ready for your next order from the chief?
17:47All right, Chief, we're ready.
17:49Time Pilots, the history of Mexican migration is at stake.
17:53Get to North America in 1992 and crate those caretas.
17:57Kevin, you're in command.
17:59Aye-aye, Chief.
18:00Time Pilots, full speed ahead to 1992.
18:06Look, Bugs Zapper's got the oxcarts in a cybersphere.
18:09Activate the loot tractor beam.
18:12Oh, my goodness, am I perturbed.
18:16Well, we're pretty happy.
18:17We've gotten back the oxcarts and have them safely on board.
18:20Congratulations, guys.
18:21Plus, you're now one step closer
18:22to winning that great multimedia computer system.
18:25But before we continue chasing Bugs Zapper,
18:27we've got to return the loot to 1598.
18:30So let's check in with the chief to get our flight plan.
18:33Time Pilots, you must navigate the Chrono Skimmer
18:35through eight events from Mexican-American history,
18:37starting at the most recent event
18:38and finishing at the least recent event.
18:40Here are the events on your flight plan.
18:42Mexican troops capture the Alamo from Texan defenders.
18:46Juan de Oñate leads settlers from Mexico into New Mexico.
18:51Tejano singer Selena is born.
18:54The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo is signed.
18:57Revolutionary Pancho Villa leads raids into the U.S.
19:01Over 300,000 Mexican-American troops serve in World War II.
19:06Henry Cisneros is named to President Clinton's cabinet.
19:11Ritchie Valens' hit song, La Bamba, is released.
19:15That's your beating, Time Pilots.
19:17Good luck on your journey.
19:18Thanks, Chief.
19:19All right, Emily, you had the higher score.
19:21You have a choice of going first or second.
19:23I'll go second.
19:25Abby, in that case, I want you to navigate
19:27this Chrono Skimmer back through time
19:29from the most recent event to the least recent event,
19:32starting by picking the most recent event on the board.
19:35You may begin.
19:36Clinton appoint Cisneros.
19:40Correct, Cisneros.
19:41That's 1993.
19:42Keep going.
19:43Tejano singer Selena is born.
19:46Yes, you've gotten us to 1971.
19:47Tejano is an up-tempo style of Mexican-American border music.
19:51Keep going.
19:52Valens' hit, La Bamba, is released.
19:54Yes, you've plotted a course to 1958.
19:59Mexican-Americans serve in World War II.
20:02You have gotten the Chrono Skimmer to the 1940s.
20:05Keep going.
20:11Pancho Villa leads raids into the U.S.
20:13Yes, 1916.
20:14Pancho Villa was a famous Mexican bandit and revolutionary.
20:18Keep going.
20:21Oñado leads settlers into New Mexico.
20:24All right, going back to Emily.
20:25Most recent event on the board.
20:27Clinton appoints Cisneros.
20:29Yes, 1993.
20:31Tejano singer Selena is born.
20:33Correct, 1971.
20:35Valens' hit, La Bamba, is released.
20:38Yes, 1958.
20:40Mexican-Americans serve in World War II.
20:42Correct, 1940s.
20:44Pancho Villa leads raids into the U.S.
20:47Correct, 1916.
20:49Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo signed.
20:51Yes, 1848.
20:53Mexican troops capture the Alamo.
20:55Yes, 1836.
20:56Onate leads settlers into New Mexico.
20:59Emily, you've saved history.
21:03Very nice job.
21:04Now, I want you to activate the transporter
21:06and restore the loot to its proper place in history.
21:09Go ahead.
21:17Oh, guys, you should both be very proud of yourselves.
21:19That was a difficult one.
21:20You guys did very, very nice.
21:22Okay, right now, you and I are moving on,
21:24but you have another mission from the Chief,
21:26and she's here to tell you all about it.
21:28Pilot, I'm awarding you a Time Net mission pack
21:31and this portable CD player.
21:34You can listen to all your favorite tunes
21:36with these great headphones.
21:39Head not included.
21:41Good work, Time Pilot.
21:43Right now, Abby is piloting the Crown Skimmer
21:45back to the present, but Emily,
21:47Bug Zapper, and Carmen are still out there.
21:49We've got to chase them through the trail of time.
21:50You with me?
21:52Let's go.
21:54Look out, Carmen, we're on our way!
21:59We're on the case
22:00And we're chasing her through history
22:03Crown Skimmer
22:05Engine's hot
22:07Vile villains
22:09Evil plot
22:10Our brave squadron leader
22:12Will help us defeat her
22:14And bring back the loot to its rightful place in time
22:18Tell me where in time
22:20Is Carmen Sandiego
22:22Stop her crime
22:24And solve this mystery
22:26Tell me where in time
22:28Is Carmen Sandiego
22:30We're on the case
22:32And we're chasing her through history
22:34Hey, Emily, we've made it to the trail of time.
22:38You've got to chase Carmen through six time portals
22:40moving from the past to the 20th century.
22:42At each portal, Carmen's going to try and stump you
22:44with a history question.
22:45If you get it right, the gate will open
22:47and you move on to the next portal.
22:48If you get it wrong, you've got to operate a device
22:51to open the gate.
22:52And along the way, you're going to capture Bug Zapper.
22:54Do all of that within 90 seconds
22:56and you'll capture Carmen Sandiego
22:58and win the computer.
23:00You think you can do it?
23:02All right!
23:03Emily, get ready, set, go, Emily, go!
23:06Follow the engine crew to the first portal!
23:10It's 1853.
23:11Who negotiates a big U.S. purchase of land from Mexico?
23:15William Seward or James Gadsden?
23:17James Gadsden.
23:19All right, Emily!
23:20Follow the engine crew to the second portal!
23:25It's 1927.
23:26Where is future labor leader Cesar Chavez born?
23:30The United States or Mexico?
23:33All right, pull the rope!
23:34Other side, other side, there you go!
23:36Pull the rope and lift that wheel!
23:37Keep going, keep going, Emily!
23:39You're almost there!
23:40Keep pulling, yes!
23:42Hey, you've captured Bug Zapper!
23:44Way to go!
23:48It's 1933.
23:49Where does Diego Rivera paint a controversial mural
23:52that's later destroyed?
23:53The U.S. Capitol or Rockefeller Center?
23:56Rockefeller Center.
23:57All right, you're doing a great job, Emily!
24:01It's 1985.
24:02What novel by Sandra Cisneros wins the American Book Award?
24:06The House on Mango Street or Gone with the Wind?
24:08The House on Mango Street.
24:10Okay, you've got two more to go with 23 seconds left.
24:14Go for it!
24:17It's 1994.
24:19What agreement goes into effect in North America?
24:22NAFTA or the Rio Grande Treaty?
24:26One more!
24:29It's 1997.
24:30What Mexican-American is appointed U.S. Ambassador
24:33to the United Nations?
24:35Henry Cisneros?
24:39Oh, that was so close!
24:41I know, I know what you're saying.
24:43But, you know, you did capture Bug Zapper.
24:45That was tough to do, and you did it.
24:46So we're very proud of you.
24:47Right now, the Chief is here to say a few words to you.
24:50Carmen slipped through our fingers today,
24:53but I'm arming you with a Time Net mission pack.
24:56Plus, I'll cross your palms
24:58with this great CD radio cassette recorder.
25:01Thumbs up, Time Pilot.
25:03Chief out.
25:04Thanks, Chief.
25:05Emily, you did a great job today.
25:07We're very, very proud of you.
25:08Right now, we've got to head back to the present.
25:10And remember, at Acme Time Net, history is our job.
25:13The future is yours!
25:23We're on the case
25:24And we're chasing her through history
25:27Throttle open
25:29Thrusters on
25:31Chrono skimmer
25:33Gets us gone
25:34Pack extra socks
25:36And we'll all beat the clock
25:38From the Stone Age
25:39To Middle Age
25:40To Space Age
25:42Tell me where in time
25:44Is Carmen Sandiego
25:46Stop her crime
25:48And solve this mystery
25:50Tell me where in time
25:52Is Carmen Sandiego
25:54We're on the case
25:55And we're chasing her through history
25:58Nero's fiddle
26:00Lincoln's beard
26:02Newton's apple
26:05The finest tea
26:07From the Ming Dynasty
26:09Tell me where in time
26:11Is Carmen Sandiego
26:13Stop her crime
26:15And solve this mystery
26:17Tell me where in time
26:19Is Carmen Sandiego
26:21We're on the case
26:23And we're chasing her through history
26:26Nero's fiddle
26:28Lincoln's beard
26:30Newton's apple
26:33The finest tea
26:35From the Ming Dynasty
26:37The finest tea
26:38From the Ming Dynasty
26:40And the Nina, the Pinta, the Santa Maria
26:42We've got to get them back
26:44Tell me where in time
26:46Is Carmen Sandiego
26:48Stop her crime
26:50And solve this mystery
26:52Tell me where in time
26:54Is Carmen Sandiego
26:56We're on the case
26:58And we're chasing her through history
27:00Nero's fiddle
27:02Lincoln's beard
27:04Newton's apple
27:07The finest tea
27:09From the Ming Dynasty
27:11And the Nina, the Pinta, the Santa Maria
27:13We've got to get them back
27:15Tell me where in time
27:17Is Carmen Sandiego
27:19Stop her crime
27:21And solve this mystery
27:23Tell me where in time
27:25Is Carmen Sandiego
27:27Stop her crime
27:29And solve this mystery
27:31Tell me where in time
27:33Is Carmen Sandiego
27:35This is Len Thickpin saying, well done!