• last year
A woman was diagnosed with one of the rarest pregnancies in the world after discovering one of her 'twins' was actually a tissue which can develop into cancer.

Lara Eastwood, 36, found out she was pregnant with twins at just six weeks along.

She was given the devastating news she had lost one of them at her eight-week scan.


00:00So, in terms of being diagnosed with twins, or being told that I was having twins, should
00:06I say, and then being told that one of them could be a potential cancer was, it was hard.
00:14So I was told that I was having twins about six weeks. I went for an early scan, I'd got
00:20pain, I'd got bleeding, I'd got pain, I'd got bleeding, I'd got, and yeah, basically
00:26it just didn't feel right. And I was really, really, really, really tired. And then I went
00:34for a scan early because I was in the recurrent miscarriage clinic, otherwise known as the
00:37Rainbow Clinic, and they said I could have an early scan at like just over six weeks.
00:43So I found out I was having twins, so that was a real shock, because obviously they were
00:47spontaneous, it wasn't IVF or anything. And then basically, I was in and out of hospital
00:55with bleeding, bloating. It was just the most horrendous abdominal pain. But it wasn't
01:03like, I can't even explain it. I felt as uncomfortable as I did when I was about eight and a half
01:08months pregnant with my son. And I was thinking, oh my God, I was showing already at like eight
01:13weeks. And then I was back and forth, back and forth to the hospital. And then I found
01:18out about eight weeks and two days that twin two had died. And it was such a shame, because
01:25I'd seen the heartbeat on the scan, like four or five scans, and it had little arms, little
01:33legs. But yeah, so she just, obviously I now know she had too many chromosomes and she
01:37would never have survived. And she's what we call a partial molar. So a partial molar
01:44is very unlikely to go past 12 weeks gestation. They normally pass before 12 weeks. So what
01:53I'm struggling with the most now is as I get towards the end, obviously I've, I think it
02:00dawned on me yesterday when someone asked me, and I was thinking, God, it's been in
02:05my stomach for this cancerous tissue for nearly, well, 30, oh my, 34 weeks on Sunday.
02:16So 34 weeks. So yeah, that's a bit of a worry that obviously is going to, like it could
02:25go to your lungs, it could, you know, metastasize to your lungs and things like that. So I'm
02:29a little bit concerned, I suppose as I draw nearer. But yeah, it's such a weird one, because
02:38people that have experienced a partial molar or a molar pregnancy, obviously is a type
02:43of cancer. And some have had to have chemo and others haven't had to have chemo and things
02:48like that. I know a lot of people have said they can't get their head around it, because
02:51they're like, obviously, when you have a partial molar, normally you have it removed. Whereas
02:55for me, because it was it was complicated with a coexisting live twin, I decided that
03:00I wanted to pursue my pregnancy with what appears to be a live healthy twin, which we
03:06still won't know until they're here. But basically, I suppose I just, yeah, it's just, it's kind
03:16of drawn on me that I've actually chosen to carry on with this pregnancy, knowing that
03:22I've got potentially a cancerous tissue growing inside my uterus right now. So yeah, but I've
03:27got six weeks to go. And that's it if I make to due date. So yeah, it's just scary.
