Home and Away 8369 3rd October 2024

  • yesterday
00:00There is something that is seriously wrong with her.
00:17Can you just stop that for a sec?
00:19I'm nearly done.
00:20Don't touch it!
00:21I'm really worried about you.
00:22Yeah, so you keep telling me.
00:24Do you want me to make an appointment with the counselor?
00:27This is something that I need to deal with.
00:30Dr. Cameron?
00:31Please help him!
00:34I need to check his bloods.
00:36Be free!
00:37Where are you going?
00:38Your hesitation could have cost Alfie's life.
00:41And because we can't agree on what happened, I'm going to have to report you.
00:44You'll be happy to know I've been suspended and caught in front of the hospital tribunal.
00:48I really didn't need to get into it with Baz again.
00:51You're right.
00:52Because I should have had it out with Levi.
00:54And that is exactly what I'm going to go and do.
00:56You threw me under the bus.
00:57You could have solved whatever issue you have with me directly, instead of running to the
01:00board and destroying my career.
01:02You're not happy?
01:03Is it because of the counselling, or have I done something?
01:08You were doing my head in!
01:09Shut up!
01:11If you're ready to head inside, we can get started.
01:13I'm not doing it.
01:15Levi pulled strings to make this happen, and you're not going to get another chance like
01:30What were you doing in there?
01:31I had to leave some paperwork on your desk.
01:33Oh, and how's Al?
01:34Yeah, he's really good.
01:35He's really enjoying spending time with Martha.
01:38Okay, so what's he want me to do?
01:41It's going to be okay.
01:42You are prepared.
01:43They should have given me more time.
01:45What do you mean more time?
01:46You've been going over your statement for days.
01:47They're trying to set me up.
01:48Can't you see it?
01:52Come on.
01:53You need to get ready.
01:57So what was that all about?
02:00Bree nearly killed Mr. Stewart.
02:02And now she has to face the consequences.
02:06Abby, come on.
02:09It was my choice to be here, and it was my choice to leave.
02:14Please, Eden, just take me home.
02:18Are we really doing this?
02:20Well, I mean, I've got nowhere else to be, so...
02:23And we've come all this way, and the counsellor is waiting.
02:27So we're not going anywhere.
02:29Could you just this once stop trying to control me?
02:43We can stay here as long as you like.
02:45We're not going in there.
02:53Come on.
03:04All right!
03:06I'd rather talk to a stranger than be anywhere near you.
03:17There is so much more work we could be doing.
03:19We just need to get more traction and actually engage our followers.
03:22My followers are engaged.
03:24Well, the only photos you've posted in the last month
03:27are of the beach or your boards.
03:30It's boring.
03:33Tell me what you really think.
03:34Well, how much time are you actually putting into your posts?
03:36And be honest.
03:38Not a lot.
03:39But I'm busy with day-to-day stuff, like actual work.
03:43Then say the word, and I can take over.
03:46Look, I've already got a ton of ideas,
03:48and I can get a proposal to you by tonight.
03:53Well, I guess it's official.
03:55You're in charge of marketing.
03:57Do your worst.
03:58Oh, I intend to.
04:05Everything OK?
04:06Yes. Lovely to see you.
04:07See ya.
04:10Um, can I ask you a question?
04:12Do you know anything about hospital tribunals?
04:15Why do you ask?
04:16Well, I just was wondering how they work.
04:18Are you curious about Rhi's hearing, for instance?
04:21Oh, you know about that?
04:22Yeah, everybody at the hospital knows about that.
04:25What would you like to know?
04:26Well, are they fair?
04:28I mean, do they care about the truth?
04:31What do you mean?
04:32Well, a hospital's hardly gonna criticise one of their own doctors, are they?
04:36It doesn't make the hospital look very good.
04:38I promise you, it is a very rigorous process.
04:40They are very strict.
04:42I think we should be able to trust our medical professionals, don't you?
04:48We'll stop being personal against Rhi.
04:51I just don't want anyone to ever have to go through this again.
04:56Don't worry.
04:57The truth will come out.
05:02Everyone wants to see me fail.
05:04Why should the tribunal be any different?
05:06And by everyone, do you mean Marilyn?
05:07Yeah, you saw the look on her face.
05:09Rhi, I know she's protective of Alf, but I don't think she's out to get you.
05:13No, she wants me to lose my job.
05:15Rhi, just think about everything you've been through.
05:19You are strong.
05:20You are resilient.
05:21You are a survivor.
05:22You can do this.
05:23I'm glad someone thinks so.
05:26I should get going.
05:28There's plenty of time.
05:29What are you doing?
05:30I want to get there early so that I can go through my statement.
05:32You've been over it a hundred times.
05:34Okay, Remy, you don't know what you're talking about.
05:36This is my future on the line here.
05:37Do you care about that?
05:38Does anybody actually care about that?
05:40Rhi, of course I care about it.
05:42Hey, I'm fine.
05:43Hi, want to hear something amazing?
05:45Not really.
05:51What's with her?
06:06I get it.
06:07You think you're one of those cool counsellors.
06:13Can you tell me, what was your very first experience with drugs?
06:18You don't beat around the bush.
06:20Well, that's why we're here, isn't it?
06:25Um, I was at a party once.
06:27Someone offered it to me and I thought, why not?
06:32And why do you think you took that step?
06:35My friends were doing it.
06:36We were having a fun time.
06:38Just sort of happened.
06:39It's really not that deep.
06:43How many times have you told that story?
06:46Way too many.
06:48Even I'm bored.
06:50So, why don't you just tell me the truth then?
06:53You know my only purpose here is to help you.
06:57But I need you to be completely honest with me.
07:01Why are you here?
07:04I never want to touch another drug again.
07:06Well, that's a good start.
07:09I know Bree hasn't been herself lately, but I had no idea things were so bad.
07:15I think we passed bad a while ago.
07:17So Alf really could have died.
07:20Well, she seems to think she had it under control.
07:23The way Levi and Marilyn are acting, I don't think it's true.
07:26No wonder Bree's been so stressed.
07:29She's been working way too hard.
07:31And she's been acting weird around here.
07:33Weird how?
07:34She's been, like, tidying and going over things a thousand times and cleaning.
07:40She likes things to be right, but this is a whole other level.
07:43What if...
07:45What if I told you this wasn't the first time I've seen that?
07:48What are you talking about?
07:49Well, she was pretty intense when you were in the hospital after your accident.
07:55Look, I remember her being kind of full on, but it was all a bit of a blur.
08:01Bree was really difficult.
08:03Bree was really difficult to deal with.
08:06She was totally paranoid about germs.
08:07She even asked me not to come in and visit Eden, too.
08:11At the time, I thought that she was just worried or being overly cautious.
08:16From what you've just said, it does feel like a bit of a pattern, Ram.
08:27Hey, what are you doing here?
08:29What do you think?
08:34Levi's been in there for ages.
08:36Yeah, well, watching the clock won't make you go faster. Just try to relax.
08:39You did not just say that.
08:41I know you're stressed. Anyone in your shoes would be.
08:50You took your time. Have fun spreading lies about me.
08:54I really wish this hadn't happened, Bree. I really do.
09:01Bree, what was that?
09:04I don't know.
09:07Hello, Bree. I'm Giselle Cullen, one of the tribunal members. We're ready for you. Come in.
09:12Hey. Hello.
09:31Hey, sorry I'm late. When I'm in the zone, I've got to write it down while the idea's fresh, you know?
09:35Oh, please, no. Not another song.
09:37Ah, a business proposal for the board shop. Did you read my email?
09:41No, sorry. I've been busy working.
09:43OK, well, take a look.
09:44I didn't have time to pretty it all up, but like I said earlier, there's a ton of things.
09:48Shouldn't you be running this past me first? After all, I do run the place.
09:51Don't worry, John. It's not going to affect the soap club.
09:54I thought you just wanted to update the shop's socials.
09:57That's part of what I'd like to do, yes.
09:59This is like a whole marketing campaign for the business.
10:02I know.
10:04There's photographers, models, advertising agencies.
10:09I've researched the options. All you need to do is choose which direction you want to take.
10:13That looks pricey.
10:14OK, don't you have somewhere else you need to be?
10:16Victoria? Yeah.
10:19I appreciate the effort. I really do. But, I don't know, isn't this a little bit over the top?
10:26This is your brand, Marley. If you do this right, you could go viral and Manta Ray Boards could be the next big thing.
10:40I can help with that.
10:46How'd the tribunal go?
10:48It's not been a fun day.
10:51Not bad.
10:53They're asking a lot of questions. They're leaving no stone unturned.
10:57Any thoughts on the outcome?
11:00Just depends on what Brie has to say for herself.
11:03Well, I hope she realises that everyone's doing this for the right reasons.
11:07Eden? Hey. Is everything OK? Is Abby with you?
11:11She's in with the counsellor and I can't hear screaming, so that's a good thing.
11:16OK. Did she say anything about you taking her there instead of me?
11:21Tim might have mentioned it, but I think she was just super nervous about the session.
11:27But I think she's fine.
11:29I think she's fine.
11:30Tim might have mentioned it, but I think she was just super nervous about the session.
11:36But, I mean, you don't have to worry. I got her through it and this Tim guy seems decent, so we're all good here.
11:43OK. Let me know how it goes. And thank you again for covering for me. I owe you one.
11:50Yeah. All good.
11:54Everything OK?
11:55Yeah. Yeah, I think everything's going to be fine.
12:00Hey, Libra. Look, now is not the time nor place...
12:05Hey, I'm not here to have a go.
12:07How do I help, Brie? I'm worried about her and I don't know what to do.
12:12As medical professionals, we make life and death choices every day.
12:18And, yes, mistakes can be made.
12:23Mistakes can be made.
12:28And while I admit that my patient may have been put at risk because I delayed administering the appropriate medication...
12:45There was a very good reason for that.
12:48What do you mean?
12:50I was checking my patient's blood results to ensure that the correct medication was being given.
12:56Dr Fowler swoops in and starts taking over the case.
13:01He starts telling people that I'm negligent.
13:05He shouldn't have even been in the ED. His department sits on another floor.
13:11And he shouldn't have been anywhere near that patient.
13:14Especially when the blood tests hadn't even been checked.
13:20He's an egotist who muscles in on everything and everyone.
13:24Dr Cameron, can you back this up?
13:26Yes. Yes, it's not the first time that it's happened.
13:31He interfered with another patient of mine, Remy Carter.
13:35These are very serious allegations.
13:38Yes, they are. I'm aware of that.
13:40Just as serious as the ones he's been throwing at me.
13:48So things are going well at uni, you've got a good social life, but you still just felt that something was missing.
13:54Yeah, exactly.
13:57I was just so sick of being on my own and not being able to rely on anyone.
14:04I just wanted to forget.
14:05Forget what?
14:11How lonely I felt.
14:13And why do you think you felt that way?
14:19My parents split up. My dad left and then Levi went to go live with them.
14:24But you still had your mum and your sister?
14:26Yeah, but they had other things going on in their lives. Especially Eden.
14:30What do you mean by that?
14:31It was like we were super close one minute and then she forgot that it even existed.
14:39I don't want to talk about it.
14:41Why not?
14:42Because it's boring. Can we talk about something else?
14:45Yeah, of course.
15:01I'm sorry.
15:26Isn't this the part where you tell me how time's up?
15:28No, first we need to discuss your homework.
15:33Oh, you're serious?
15:36I want you to do a profile of everyone in your family.
15:43So that when I see you next, I have a clearer picture of how you feel about them.
15:48Well, what am I supposed to say?
15:50Say whatever you want. Do you love them? Do you hate them? Do you feel nothing?
15:54I dropped out of uni so that I wouldn't have to do essays.
15:58No, you dropped out of uni because you developed a drug habit.
16:02Remember, that's why we're here.
16:05Look, it can be very basic stuff. A description, a memory, even just a word.
16:12Like, dumb?
16:14Do the work, Abby.
16:17I just don't see how writing down my feelings is going to help anything.
16:20Well, your feelings are what got you here. Good, bad, ugly, it doesn't matter.
16:24I can't make you do this.
16:26But what I can tell you is that you'll only get out of it what you're willing to put in.
16:31You know that, right?
16:34You've been trying to warn me for weeks.
16:36If I'd done more, maybe we wouldn't have ended up here.
16:38Look, you were doing your best in an impossible situation.
16:41I agree, you can't blame yourself.
16:43She hasn't even acknowledged she's made a mistake.
16:46But maybe today will turn her around.
16:48And if it doesn't?
16:50You can't force help on her.
16:51This is a good step in the right direction.
16:54All you can do is be there for her.
16:57Hello, you three.
16:59Hey, how'd it go?
17:01It was full on. But it was good to get it all out in the open. I think it went well.
17:06Hey, for what it's worth, I hope there's no hard feelings.
17:22How'd you go?
17:24Sorry, we went a bit over time.
17:26That's not a problem. What's that?
17:35Well, this is going to be a fun ride home.
17:39Hey, what's Lyric?
17:42It's ancient history.
17:45I filled out as much of these as I could.
17:49How is she? Is Abby okay?
17:53Well, I can't break confidentiality.
17:55Of course, yeah.
17:57What I can tell you is that she's signed on for another appointment next week.
18:00Which I assume will be an ongoing thing.
18:02But don't be surprised if she throws that journal out the window halfway home.
18:08That sounds more like my sister.
18:10No, we made a good start.
18:13But, you know, she needs to commit to the process.
18:26Good work today.
18:28You know, I kind of missed having Abby around.
18:31So, any thoughts on my marketing plan?
18:35Wow, you almost went a full hour without bugging me about it.
18:39Why wait? You know which option I'd choose.
18:41Do we really need a big city ad agency?
18:43I know that it's a bit pricey.
18:45A bit.
18:47But they have an awesome reputation and you get what you pay for.
18:49You've already made your point, John.
18:51I was going to agree with you.
18:54You know, I have always valued your importance.
18:57I'd say.
18:59Let's hear it.
19:01Well, I think she's right. Sometimes you've got to spend money to make money.
19:03JP, you are the last person to throw money around.
19:06Yeah, but this is different.
19:08It ain't coming out of my pocket.
19:10So what's it going to be? You need to make a decision.
19:13Let's go with the big fancy ad agency.
19:15Yes! Good decision. You're not going to regret this.
19:17What's happening here?
19:19Job satisfaction.
19:21Hey, how did Abby go with the counselling session?
19:24Ah, I haven't heard the details yet, but I'm about to meet them upstairs.
19:27Fingers crossed, eh?
19:29Yeah, I mean, the fact that she turned up at all is a step in the right direction.
19:32It's the hospital.
19:34Oh, you doctors will do anything to get out of buying a drink.
19:37Dr Fowler speaking.
19:40Sorry, what?
19:43Can you repeat that?
19:48I'm not used to you being this quiet.
19:52You know, if you want to talk about your session, I am right here.
19:55I'm trying to process it, OK?
19:58OK, well, if Tim's got you thinking, that's a good thing, right?
20:01Tell me about your journal.
20:03I don't want to talk about it. Babe, I am just trying to...
20:06Just back off!
20:08What is your problem?
20:10You are!
20:18I am in the mood to celebrate. What should we do?
20:22Should we stay in or go out?
20:26After all that stress and worry, we can finally put it behind us.
20:29Brie, you haven't actually told me what went down in there.
20:32We can talk details later.
20:34Why don't we stay in? Order some food.
20:37Sure, but shouldn't we wait to hear back from the child unit before we get too excited?
20:42Stop worrying.
20:44I've got a really good feeling about this.
20:48Hey, mate, come in. We're just having some wine. You should join us.
20:52Brie, I just got a very interesting call from the tribunal.
20:58Do you want to explain to me what you told them?
21:00Because I have to face them tomorrow morning.
21:02So what am I walking into?
21:09You had a choice.
21:11You're supposed to act like a doctor and own your mistakes.
21:14That's rich coming from you.
21:15Forget what I said in the hospital earlier.
21:18She's not even close to taking responsibility.
21:20She has a long road to go.
21:22I'm not taking back anything I said to the tribunal when it was the truth.
21:25Okay, just tell me something.
21:27What would have happened to Alf if Levi hadn't been there?
21:29I kind of expected support from someone who says they love me.
21:32Brie, I have always had your back.
21:34But not on this.
21:36No, what you did today was wrong.