Home and Away 3rd October 2024 part 2

  • 20 hours ago


00:00Closer each day, home in a way
00:08Eden is no pushover.
00:10If she left it's because she wanted to.
00:12You forgave her, right?
00:14I never thought about it.
00:16Because it's easier to hate on Remy and Kirby than your big sister?
00:19I don't think that there's anything more that you can do for me.
00:22Except get you to agree to drug and alcohol counselling.
00:24What aren't you getting about this?
00:26We want you to stay strong and stay clean.
00:28You're gonna need some help with that.
00:32Running off to a motel is childish.
00:34Oh, well, so maybe I should stay then.
00:36Maybe you should.
00:38These arguments are stupid.
00:40I feel the same way.
00:42Do you want to sort it out?
00:44It's okay, yeah? Both of you. Hey, little one.
00:46I guess he's like the father that Perry never had.
00:49He's all over his case, taking him to see the lawyer tomorrow.
00:52He's so amazing, patient and always knows what to say.
00:56Does he know that you're in love with him?
01:16Wait, did I jump the gun?
01:18No, no.
01:20It's all mine.
01:22Now get up here so I can kiss you.
01:33Come on.
01:35I've known you forever.
01:38Maybe it would be good to talk.
01:40Get your perspective.
01:47Where do I start?
01:49I don't know.
01:51Okay, start at the one-night stand.
01:53Well, that's when it hit me.
01:55That I really care about him.
01:56Not long after that, I hoped we could be more.
02:02Tane said that wasn't on the cards for him.
02:05And I'm certain that anything he feels for me now is more to do with the baby.
02:10That must be hard.
02:12It is.
02:14Some days it's really hard.
02:17He doesn't know that I'm actually in love with him.
02:23And it's really important to me that it stays that way.
02:26In other words, I'm dealing with it.
02:29Okay, how's that working out for you?
02:33Focusing on the positives.
02:36Tane would do anything for me and for the baby.
02:43So now we just get on with our lives.
02:48So everything's under control.
02:50It is.
02:52Cash signed the document, so it's all actually happening.
02:56I am so proud of you. You've earned this.
03:01And thank you for my flowers.
03:03Oh, well I did think about going with the salt theme.
03:06Pink salt, rock salt, even a salt lamp.
03:12Oh, it's the hospital.
03:19Oh, okay.
03:25No, of course I'll be there.
03:30What is it?
03:32The tribunal's set for tomorrow.
03:34That's huge.
03:36Yeah, it is.
03:38But I've also organised Abby's first session with her new counsellor.
03:41Oh, well that's okay. I can drive her. I'll just get someone to cover me here.
03:45Actually, you might not have to. Let me make a call.
03:54It is such a relief to go out and eat without my big brother and his girlfriend keeping an eye on me.
03:58Especially when your boss is shouting.
04:01Fine. I'm twisting my arm.
04:04Oh, that was easy.
04:06Well, it's been so full on lately, I couldn't do it without you guys.
04:10Well, how do you feel about getting even busier?
04:13I've been thinking of ways we can grow the business.
04:15And what does that look like?
04:18Oh, I have some ideas. How about we sit down tomorrow and talk it through?
04:21Sure, great.
04:27Hi. How's Mr Stewart?
04:29Oh, he's doing well. Actually, he's gone to Marimbula to see Martha.
04:32Oh, that's great.
04:34No, not great.
04:36No, no, it's wonderful. Just, it sort of nearly wasn't, you know.
04:39Excuse me, darling.
04:46Yeah, Gabi's alright, I guess.
04:49And what about the whole thing with Eden? Have you had a conversation with her about that?
04:54No, look, right now all I can think about is seeing my counsellor tomorrow.
04:58Well, at least now it's one-on-one. You don't have to worry about the whole group dynamic.
05:03Yeah, it's just having to talk about myself makes me want to throw up.
05:08I'm just glad that Levi's going to be there in case I need him.
05:10I'm just glad that Levi's going to be there in case I need him.
05:22Hey. Thanks for not picking up my calls.
05:25Can't a girl wash her hair?
05:27Is Remy and Bree here?
05:29Ah, I'm on my own. Why?
05:32They haven't told you?
05:34No, what's going on?
05:36No, it's probably better you don't know. It's messy enough as it is.
05:40That's not cryptic at all, is it?
05:42Besides, that's not why I'm here.
05:44You want a tea?
05:45No. Something's come up at work tomorrow and I can't take Abby to her new counsellor.
05:49I'll take her. I just have to get Mac to change a shift for me.
05:52I don't think that'll be a problem.
05:55Do you think that Abby will stick with it this time?
05:57Oh, I'm sorry. This guy was really, really hard to get a hold of.
06:02I had to pull some strings to get the appointment.
06:04His name's Tim Russell. I will send you through his details.
06:07I am so glad that she's doing this.
06:09Yeah, me too. It's a good step in the right direction.
06:13Has she ever told you why she started taking drugs in the first place?
06:18She said there wasn't any big reason. That it was a spur of the moment kind of thing.
06:22Surely it's got something to do with Mum and Dad splitting up.
06:25I mean, look at what it did to you and me.
06:28Look, I just want us to remember that it's still early days.
06:32It's not uncommon to relapse.
06:34Gee, bro, worry to be optimistic.
06:36I'm just being realistic.
06:39Okay, okay. I will be there, supporting her. Every step of the way.
06:45I just don't feel like you're hearing me.
06:48Leah, believe me, I am hearing every word.
06:54Who's that?
06:57It's Theo. He's spending a few days at his Mum's and he hopes that she'll be back soon.
07:04He knows that we are working through things.
07:07Are we?
07:09Justin, we've been talking about this for hours and we just keep landing back here. I hate this.
07:16Yeah, me too.
07:18Okay, so maybe, why don't we just let things go, you know, just get on with things.
07:22Justin, please, please, hear me out.
07:24Okay, I don't know how many more times to say this.
07:27I do trust you and I am so sorry. I'm so sorry I made that stupid comment about the motel.
07:32That's the point. That's the point, isn't it? There's trust issues both ways.
07:41Then what do we do? Yeah, because this is really scaring me.
07:56Thanks for dinner.
07:58You're going back to the motel?
08:00No, we're not going to work this out tonight.
08:28How are you? What's been going on?
08:30Not much. You?
08:32Not much.
08:36Have you started at work yet?
08:39How is it?
08:41Oh, it's just Mango River. Every day is just more of the same.
08:45Oh, you did say you wanted to get on with things.
08:48Yeah, yeah. I might keep moving.
08:54I told you, Abby, I don't have a choice. I have to go to work today.
08:57No, I get it. You're busy. I mean, it's not like this is important, right?
09:01It is important. That's why I set it up.
09:04I don't mind. I want to be here for you.
09:07Sure you do.
09:12As soon as I said you were attacking her, she was on the attack.
09:15She's probably just nervous about the counselling session. I would be too.
09:19Thank you again for doing this.
09:21Hey, I'm going to take good care of her.
09:30Hey. What's the occasion?
09:33Oh, it's nothing.
09:35Is it your birthday?
09:37No, it was just Levi being nice.
09:40Oh, it's congratulations. Of course it is.
09:44I'm happy for you two.
09:48Hey. G'day.
09:51How's he doing?
09:53I think he's fine.
09:54Okay, you need to sit down and go over your notes for the hearing again.
09:59Bree's obviously going to argue.
10:01You just need to be clear about every single detail.
10:04When I told Abby about the changes today, her whole mood shifted.
10:08I know. That was pretty hard to miss.
10:11I thought she'd be happy about having Aiden there.
10:13Aiden seems to think that she's just nervous about today.
10:16Yeah, Abby's taking it out on you. That makes sense.
10:20Maybe the first time.
10:22Hey, listen.
10:24That is what the counselling's for, okay?
10:27So Abby can work through whatever's going on in a safe space.
10:32You know you could just give me the keys to the van so I can drive myself?
10:35As if I would let you do this alone.
10:37I don't need you.
10:39Okay, well, suck it up. Because I'm coming with you, okay?
10:44You must be missing uni.
10:46Seeing all your friends.
10:47You must be missing uni.
10:49Seeing all your friends.
10:53So seeing a counsellor might, you know, give you some strategies.
10:57And you can go back to your old life.
10:59And you can go back to yours, right?
11:01Got it.
11:03That is not what I meant, Abs.
11:05Yep. Okay.
11:14Maybe you'll enjoy, you know, getting to talk about yourself.
11:19Just as long as you don't say anything bad about your sister.
11:23I don't want to talk to you anymore.
11:36I know you've been encouraging us to talk, but every time we do, we're just more broken.
11:41I'm sorry things have got so hard.
11:43They are. We've been through our rough patches, but we've always been able to work them out.
11:48Well, why is it different this time?
11:50I don't know. It just feels stuck.
11:54Well, this is really the first big challenge you've had since you got married.
11:58Maybe you're being too hard on yourself.
12:00Well, it doesn't help that Justin keeps disappearing.
12:06What's going on?
12:08Um, nothing. Why don't you take a seat and I'll bring you out a coffee.
12:11You tell her, Marilyn, what's going on between us.
12:13Justin, you walked out again last night, so maybe I needed a friend to talk to.
12:17That's, that's great, Mia.
12:20Why don't I leave you two to sort out our problems?
12:26I've been thinking about you and Tana.
12:28That's why you wanted to see me?
12:30Well, you wanted my perspective, yeah?
12:34I'm worried about the stress that you're putting on yourself.
12:36Look, and I told you I'm fine.
12:38And I know that it wouldn't be easy, but maybe you should be honest with him.
12:41Maybe you should tell him how you feel.
12:43That way you don't have to keep covering it up.
12:45It might actually help you move on.
12:49I'm pretty sure that's the worst advice I've ever received.
12:54Why would I make myself more vulnerable than I already am?
12:57Well, because you guys are about to have a kid together.
12:59Because you guys are going to be in each other's lives 24-7.
13:01Yeah, like I need the reminder.
13:03Well, what happens if you see him out there with somebody else?
13:04Well, I don't know.
13:06Cash, what's it like living across the street from your ex-girlfriend?
13:11No, no, no. It's okay.
13:13I'm probably the last person to be handing out advice.
13:15We never had a chance to talk about it.
13:18Why did you and Eden break up?
13:26Marley, you were out early this morning.
13:28Yeah, I had to deliver a board.
13:30Marley says congratulations are in order.
13:32That's got to feel good.
13:34It does, actually.
13:36Yes, okay, well, what's the plan?
13:38Have you got any changes in mind?
13:40I mean, I love salt, don't get me wrong,
13:42but it is an opportunity to reset,
13:44maybe take things in a new direction.
13:48So, Kobi, I'm guessing we're having that meeting today?
13:50How's lunchtime sound?
13:54Yes, there you go.
13:56Thank you very much.
13:58No worries.
14:00I'll catch up.
14:04I thought you were taking Abigail to the counsellor.
14:06Oh, well, something's come up.
14:08But Eden's going to drive her instead.
14:10Are you sure that's a good idea?
14:12What do you mean?
14:16Don't worry about it.
14:18No, no, no.
14:20If I need to know about something, tell me.
14:22Ask Abigail.
14:24It's not my place to say.
14:35I love you.
14:48What's going on?
14:53You're not happy?
14:55You haven't said a word the whole way here.
14:57Is it because of the counselling?
15:00Or have I done something?
15:02Because it's always about you.
15:05That's not what I'm saying, Abby.
15:08Hi, I'm Tim.
15:10I'm guessing one of you is Abigail?
15:13You're the counsellor.
15:15She prefers Abby.
15:17I'm Eden, her sister.
15:19Right, hi.
15:22I thought your brother might be with you.
15:23He's busy.
15:25He's always busy.
15:27Well, he said you were keen to talk.
15:29She's a bit nervous.
15:31I can speak for myself.
15:37Look, this is a bit boring, but I just need you to fill these out
15:40before we can get started.
15:42Anything you don't want to answer in there, that's fine.
15:44Just leave it.
15:46Just up here.
15:57Hey, how's it going?
15:59Oh, I can't focus.
16:03Molly said something about
16:05some kind of tension between Eden and Abby.
16:08Oh, okay, do you know about that?
16:10No, neither of them has said anything.
16:13I've texted Eden, she hasn't responded.
16:15Okay, listen to me.
16:17One problem at a time.
16:20You just need to get through these hearing things.
16:21I get that.
16:23But Abby does not need anything else.
16:25I'm selling her right now.
16:27Or Eden.
16:29One at a time.
16:31That's it.
16:40And there really isn't any way you can fix things with Eden.
16:43I get why this doesn't make sense to you.
16:45You still love her, right?
16:47Well, that's not the point.
16:49It's everything.
16:51I'm watching you two share.
16:53You need to talk to her.
16:55Okay, how about this?
16:58If you talk to Tana, I'll talk to Eden.
17:01That's low.
17:03Well, it looks like we're both stuck in the same spot.
17:05You have nothing to worry about, Mrs Stewart.
17:07I will take care of it, okay?
17:09Alright, love to Martha.
17:13How's Alf?
17:15He says he's fine, but he seems a bit flat.
17:17Well, he has been through a lot.
17:19Yes, he has.
17:21He wants me to sort out some surf club stuff, that's all.
17:24I'm thinking you haven't heard from Justin?
17:29That can't be a good thing.
17:33So I'm curious.
17:35What are you thinking for the shop?
17:37What do you think about launching a social media campaign?
17:40I post on our socials all the time.
17:42Think bigger.
17:44Think about the audience that we want to reach
17:46and how exactly we want to sell the brand.
17:48Wow, this is sounding pretty big.
17:51Well, we can do whatever works for you.
17:53It just comes down to two things.
17:55And what are they?
17:57How quickly do you want to grow the business
17:59and how much money are you willing to spend to make that happen?
18:05I'm so sorry about before.
18:08It doesn't matter.
18:12I love you.
18:15And I know you love me.
18:17I know you love me.
18:19We'll save your stuff and my stuff.
18:23There's nothing we can't get past.
18:26You know?
18:29We're going to be okay.
18:36You know what we should do?
18:40We should get out of town, just the two of us.
18:42I would love that.
18:44We never had our honeymoon.
18:45We can remind ourselves how good we can be.
18:50Where do you want to go?
18:52Let's go home. We'll work it out there.
18:59Abi, come on. Talk to me.
19:04Look, I know that you don't like talking about yourself,
19:08but this is your session. You're in control.
19:10You were doing my head in!
19:12Shut up!
19:13Okay. If you're ready to head inside, we can get started.
19:16I'm not doing it.
19:20I'll talk to her. She'll change her mind.
19:22Maybe just give her a minute to cool off first.
19:24Well, if she leaves now, it's going to be impossible to get her back.
19:26Can you wait? Is that okay? I won't be long, I promise.
19:28Of course. Take as long as you need. I'll be here.
19:39Can you please call me back? I need to know how Abi's doing.
19:43Dr Levi, I'm really glad I ran into you.
19:45I want to talk to you about Brie's appearance at the tribunal.
19:48That's actually where I'm heading.
19:50Good timing, because I am really counting on you to speak up.
19:53I can't discuss what I'm going to say.
19:55I don't need the details.
19:57I just need to know that Brie is going to be held accountable for what she did.
20:00That will be up to the hospital.
20:02Well, they'll listen to you.
20:04They respect you.
20:06But what happened to Mrs Stewart can't ever happen again.
20:17Levi said you were on board. That you wanted to do this.
20:20What? I changed my mind.
20:22Abi, just give it a try. What have you got to lose?
20:27Are you going to drive me home or not?
20:31That's fine. I'm just going to grab my own ride.
20:36Yes, seriously.
20:38When you got away from Dom, you said that you wanted to change.
20:41That you didn't want to live like that anymore.
20:46So, I want you to think really carefully about your next step.
20:49I mean it, Abs.
20:52Levi pulled strings to make this happen and you're not going to get another chance like this.
21:05They should have given me more time.
21:07You've been going over your statement for days.
21:09They're trying to set me up. Can't you see it?
21:11She hasn't even acknowledged she's made a mistake.
21:13But maybe today will turn her around.
21:15I was checking my patient's blood results to ensure that the correct medication was being given.
21:19Dr Fowler swoops in.
21:21He's an egotist who muscles in on everything and everyone.
21:24These are very serious allegations.
21:26Yes, it's not the first time that it's happened.
21:28Hey, how'd it go?
21:30It was good to get it all out in the open. I think it went well.