• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Abbiamo deciso di partecipare anche come StartupItalia in qualità di media partner perché è un momento di confronto, uno spazio per comprendere dal vivo e anche ovviamente online quello che avviene in un mondo che si sta evolvendo, che sta cambiando a vista d'occhio, che ridefinisce anche i perimetri di una professione”. Così Giampaolo Colletti, direttore Startupitalia spiega perché ha scelto di partecipare alla prima edizione del Brand Journalism Festival che il 12 novembre riunisce editori, aziende, giornalisti, decision maker, esperti e appassionati della comunicazione in un confronto sull'evoluzione del mondo dell'editoria, del giornalismo e della corporate communication.


00:00We decided to participate, also as Startup Italy, as a media partner because it is a moment of comparison, a space to understand live and also obviously online what is happening in a world that is evolving, that is changing at a glance, that also redefines the perimeters of a profession.
00:28From the journalistic point of view, to the one of storytelling, of what happens inside and outside the companies, which has points of contact, but also different principles to respect.
00:40This moment is the opportunity to understand what is happening, listening to the voice of the protagonists.
00:46What is the role of journalism?
00:56Returning to the Facebook statistics, we could say that it is a complicated relationship, because on the one hand there is journalism, which is in some way third and in some way tells what is happening, but also denounces what is wrong.
01:12On the other hand, there is the business narrative, which tries to convey positive things, campaigns, initiatives and therefore finding corners of interest.
01:23The issue is that it is difficult to maintain a third party when telling a specific point of view.
01:32That is why I prefer the concept of brand journalism to that of brand storytelling, because in some way we tell stories related to companies and accompany companies to convey what is happening around, in the world and also within the same organization.
01:49The boundaries are very blurred, you have to be careful also with respect to the positions you take, but I think that many journalists are also committed to becoming storytellers and telling business stories.
02:03I think this is an advantage also for the evolution of a story, put the boundaries that exist between the two worlds.
02:09How do you see the future of journalism?
02:18Here it is a very difficult game, because the inescapable Generation Z, that of the Zoomers, that of the 20-year-olds, is very capable as a threshold of attention, let's say it all, even the most mature bands.
02:31However, it is more inclined to use, for example, as a search engine, no longer the classic Google, but for example to go on TikTok, to use stories to find out and therefore to go on a social network that grows at home among percentage figures like Instagram.
02:44So where should we go? Go where there are young people looking for a dialogue, a comparison with both publishers and companies.
02:53I believe that there is room for all the roles, to tell points of view with respect to the world of brand journalism.
03:00Because a story is an advantage, also for those who obviously use it.
03:05There is an expert, Joshua Benton, who is the head of the institute that in America deals precisely with analyzing the evolution of journalism, who says that today we live in a world below.
03:15On the one hand, for example, BuzzFeed rethinks itself as a technology company and General Electric, on the other hand, thinks of itself as a publisher.
03:23We must understand that for the new generations the boundaries are more labile, but these two also very different giants will tell each other better even by going on the platforms of young people, therefore on social networks.
