La Promesa Ep 437 Completo - La Promesa Cap 437 Completo - La Promesa RTVE Serie

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La Promesa Ep 437 Completo - La Promesa Cap 437 Completo - La Promesa RTVE Serie

La Promesa Ep 437 Completo:
La Promesa Cap 437 Completo
La Promesa Cap 437
La Promesa Ep 437
La Promesa Ep Completo
La Promesa 437 Completo
La Promesa Completo
La Promesa RTVE


00:00You'll be a matter of luck
00:05So after Gregorio's death, it didn't make sense for me to stay hidden
00:10But that's been a long time
00:12Yes, but I found out later, and as soon as I found out, I ran in search of my son
00:17to Badajoz
00:19And how did you fake death?
00:21The lady at the exhibition gave him a bribe
00:23and I passed for dead
00:26And you tell me that the Marquis agreed to such madness?
00:29Well, the madness would have been for him to be left with his arms outstretched
00:32She had been shown that Gregorio could leave and enter the palace at will
00:37He was willing to take my life, and he said he was going to do it
00:42And why move from the cave here to the house?
00:45Pia fell ill, being exposed to humidity and the cold of the cave
00:50She was going crazy not being able to see the sunlight
00:54It was a very difficult decision, but in the end it was the right one
00:59So Gregorio's murder has come as a ring on the finger
01:03Because otherwise, what was the plan?
01:07Stay here indefinitely?
01:09Yes, yes, the truth is that we hoped that man would give up and stop looking
01:16And... well, that's all
01:24I love you
01:30It will be better if I leave
01:32Ricardo, the pedestal...
01:35Leave it, I need time to assimilate everything
01:50Are you better?
01:52Curro, I need to go to the barracks
01:56Yes, I'm a nanny and you're only thinking about me when Manuel is suffering the worst part
02:01Let's see, Hanna, I'm sure he's going to thank you, but...
02:04Curro, I just want him to know that I'm still supporting him and that I love him
02:08I don't know if it's a good idea, Hanna
02:10And why not?
02:12Because what would happen if you coincided with the Marquises there?
02:14What would be my aunt Cruz's reaction?
02:16I don't care about that, Manuel is much more important than any rabble of the Marquise
02:20That's why I'm telling you, because of Manuel
02:24Don't you see?
02:26If you go, a scandal can be created
02:29And that your visit, instead of being beneficial, could be harmful
02:33Besides, Manuel needs his parents right now
02:36His influences could get him out of there, from the barracks
02:39No, Curro, Manuel is going to get out of there because Manuel is innocent
02:43Yes, I know, but meanwhile, that investigation could last weeks or months
02:51Look, if the Marquises intervene, it won't prevent Sargento from continuing his research
02:57No, but hopefully Manuel could sleep here, in La Promesa, and get out of the dungeon
03:05Hanna, we've already talked about this
03:08In this family, things are done like this
03:10In this family?
03:12Don't move
03:15You told me you already knew where you were getting into
03:17I don't know, Curro, but I can't sit idly by
03:21Yes, I know, I know what I'm asking for isn't easy
03:24But this is the best way to help Manuel
03:31Wait a moment
03:33You said that the only problem is that the Marquises could find me there, right?
03:38Yes, yes, because we don't know exactly when the Marquises are going to visit the barracks
03:44It would be too obvious
03:46Unless I had an ally
03:51She gets along very well with your father and she can help me
03:55No, no, no, I don't know
03:57Look, Curro, I'm going to talk to Miss Catalina
04:00And I promise you that if she doesn't see it relevant, I won't insist anymore
04:03And what if she hears that a young lady has gone to visit Manuel at the barracks?
04:07My aunt Cruz wouldn't take even two seconds to tie up the ropes
04:10Curro, I wouldn't go empty-handed, I would go with some clothes, some books, something that would justify my presence there
04:17Okay, but only if Catalina agrees
04:22Since when do I need your permission to do whatever I want?
04:43What are you doing awake at this time, daughter?
04:46The accounts help me to distract myself
04:49I'm here for a book
04:51I don't understand how you are capable of concentrating
04:54I don't have the head for a simple sum
04:57Do you know anything about Manuel?
04:59I've been on the phone all day, moving the necessary threads so that he comes out as soon as possible
05:04I hope he comes back soon
05:06I'll leave you
05:08Don't be late
05:12Wait, wait, father
05:15You remember Adriano, don't you?
05:19How can I forget him?
05:21The coat you invited to dinner to make Cruz angry
05:26Is something wrong with him?
05:28No, it's just that I went for a walk around the farm and I was surprised not to find him
05:33So I asked and they told me that he is no longer plowing his land and that he is not expected here
05:40Do you know anything?
05:42I don't think he'll come back either
05:44But has something happened to him?
05:46No, no, if you mean an accident, no
05:50He came to talk to me a few weeks ago when you were in the Palace of Pelayo
05:54And he told me that he was going to sublet the land
05:58And did he give you any reason?
06:00His phrase was that he had other aspirations
06:03I, of course, did not want to meddle
06:06He promised to continue paying the agreed amount and he left
06:09I understand
06:12Has something happened to the new subletter?
06:16No, I just wanted to know if I could use his fruit for the jam
06:21On his day he told me that he was interested in entering the business
06:24Oh, I understand
06:26Well, daughter, I'm leaving
06:28It seems to me that tomorrow the day will be even harder
06:32Father, if you need anything with Manuel, you know that ...
06:35I can count on you, I know
06:38Don't go to bed late
06:45Good night
06:47Good night
07:10The Marquis is unbearable
07:12You don't know how lucky you are to stay here in the kitchen and not have to go up
07:16Well, it's normal for him to be nervous. He had his son in the block
07:20Well, the one who really makes me sad is poor Hanna
07:23She won't be able to visit Don Manuel at the dungeon
07:27Even so, I don't know if it's a good idea for her to do it
07:29Given the way things are, I don't ...
07:31Imagine that she crosses paths with Doña Cruz
07:34Yes, you're right
07:36It's better not to even think about it
07:38Well, what makes me happy about all this is that my mother is not bothering around here
07:43And do you think that's good news?
07:45Well, of course. Don't you?
07:47Well, I don't know. I'm worried
07:50I haven't told you
07:52But the last time my mother came to the palace, I ended up arguing with her
07:56And why? Because of the briefcase?
07:58Well, partly
08:00Actually, she was already angry when I found her
08:03She even thought of leaving without saying goodbye to me
08:05And did she tell you why she was angry?
08:10But she tried to humiliate me by treating me like some random maid
08:16I'm sorry
08:17No, no, don't be sorry, Lope
08:20This is a decision I made
08:22And no matter how much she tried to hurt me, I'm glad she said it out loud
08:26That's how the idea was born
08:29And did she tell you anything else about the briefcase?
08:32Well, actually, the usual
08:35I told her that she and her father were looking for the situation in which they were alone
08:39She reproached me for taking the money and I told her that I didn't regret it
08:43Because I don't regret it
08:45It's true that it's not a heroic act to be proud of
08:48But my father and her father were looking for the situation in which they were alone
08:53I guess that's why she was angry
08:55Don't think about it anymore
09:00The truth is that she's also angry with me
09:03With you?
09:04And why?
09:07Well, because she told me that
09:10If I loved you, I should have let you go
09:13That I'm not enough for you
09:16Lope, I'm sorry
09:17And you know that's not true
09:20I love you with all my soul
09:22I know, love
09:24And I told her that
09:26But I think that made her even more angry
09:30Well, don't worry because the next time I'm with her, I'll tell her that she can tell me whatever she wants
09:34What she has no right to take
09:35No, don't do that
09:38I'm not afraid of her
09:39I know
09:41But she's your mother
09:42And you love her, right?
09:46Lope, I'm not going to shut up
09:48Well, don't do it
09:50But whatever you have to say, don't say it out of anger
09:55Listen to me
09:57You know that I lost my parents
10:00Well, I've been thinking about it and
10:04Despite everything, I think that
10:06You have a chance to get back with your mother
10:12You don't know what you're asking me
10:17But you do know
10:32It's been a long time since we all got together for breakfast
10:35Shepherds' meeting, dead sheep, as they say
10:38Although I've been missing Conde Dañil
10:41Lately, he hasn't been around for family meetings
10:44But he knows his place, Mr. Conde
10:46He has preferred to leave us alone, given the circumstances
10:49But, Catalina, you know that Ignacio is almost a year old
10:52And he's not a child
10:54He's not a child
10:55He's not a child
10:57He's not a child
10:59He's not a child
11:10However, as of now, we can't do much for him
11:13Have you received any answer yet from your management, Alonso?
11:14It is a matter that must be treated with caution
11:17Why, with caution?
11:19Isn't it clear, Catalina?
11:21Do you know the consequences?
11:23Which fazes that Manuel is arrested because he's suspected of murder
11:27Manuel is innocent
11:28So what does it matter what others say?
11:30I don't know why he's trying.
11:32If he wanted to get Manuel out of the dungeon,
11:35instead of controlling the liars, maybe he'd be back by now.
11:38Well, Catalina, the family's position is very compromised.
11:41Besides, Manuel's accusation is not valid.
11:43And you think I don't know?
11:45But our priority is to get him out of the dungeon,
11:47where he's been locked up unfairly.
11:50Catalina, it's the first thing for us.
11:52That's why I'm calling everyone who can help us.
11:55Yes, but we're not getting anything.
11:57Patricia, the situation is critical.
11:59I'm not being impertinent with my father.
12:02But I'm not going to stay quiet when you're the ones who are wrong.
12:05Let's finish. How can you be so cruel, dear?
12:08If Manuel's arrest reaches the press,
12:10do you know what could happen to him?
12:12It would become a public trial.
12:14The liberal press would take sides, and not exactly in his favor.
12:17The press, the press.
12:19If those liars, whom you despise so much,
12:21go against Manuel,
12:23his situation would get worse.
12:25Besides, honestly,
12:27I don't know how you have the courage
12:29to judge what others do,
12:31when here, you're the only one who's hand in hand.
12:33Your calls won't help at all.
12:35Because you're the ones who stand in the way.
12:37That's enough, Catalina.
12:39That's enough.
12:41It's obvious that your brother's concern
12:43doesn't let you think clearly.
12:45We're all giving up because Manuel is free.
12:48Tell me, then ...
12:49Do it with a little prudence.
12:51It's not reproachable at all.
12:53On the contrary.
12:59It looks like the car is already at the crossroads.
13:04We'll tell your brother
13:06how much you care about him, Catalina.
13:26Could you help me?
13:28As you wish.
13:30You see, I have to clean the boots
13:32of Mr. Curro,
13:34but then I don't know if I should leave them
13:36in his room or where the utensils are to be assembled.
13:38Well, it depends.
13:40If he's going to ride in a while,
13:42put them up so he can warm them up.
13:44And if not, leave them in the stables.
13:46Okay. Thank you.
13:49Do you need anything else?
13:55I wanted us to be able to talk calmly.
13:58You see,
14:00I should never have told you about Feliciano.
14:03No, you shouldn't have.
14:05But you know I'm a talker first and think later.
14:08And I definitely messed up.
14:11You hurt me a lot.
14:13I know.
14:15You hurt me a lot.
14:17I know.
14:20And that's why I'd like you to accept my apologies.
14:23I don't like us to be angry.
14:26Apologies accepted.
14:29What's going on, Teresa?
14:31Did I do something else wrong?
14:34You should never have come to the promise.
14:37I know why you say that,
14:39but really, little by little I'm doing my homework.
14:41I'm not talking about work, Marcelo.
14:43I'm talking about the fact that we should never have lied and pretended that we were married.
14:48But you know perfectly well why we did it.
14:51But I don't know how long we're going to be able to keep this secret.
14:54There's no going back and you know it.
14:56I know.
14:58But everyone has swallowed and no one suspects anything.
15:01María Fernández knows.
15:04But how? You told her.
15:06Well, I didn't have any other choice.
15:08Of course you did, keep lying.
15:09Don't blame me for everything.
15:11I'm the one who raised suspicions by spying on all the servants in the palace.
15:13Well, not all of them, I'm not a snitch.
15:15The moment you stop respecting your wife, you become a snitch.
15:21I have to go.
15:22Where to?
15:24To pack my bags, I have to disappear.
15:26You're coming too, right?
15:27No, of course not.
15:28And you're not going anywhere.
15:30María promised she'd keep the secret.
15:33She's my friend, Marcelo, and I trust her.
15:35She's not going to say anything.
15:36How can you be so sure?
15:38Because I trust her more than I trust you.
15:40So if you don't want to raise suspicions,
15:42be very careful from now on.
15:46I know.
16:03You'll see, the guys will be back soon and they'll tell us everything about Manuel.
16:07They won't make it until after lunch.
16:09How do you know?
16:10Because they have to leave and come back from Luján.
16:12You never know how long they'll be waiting for them in that block.
16:16I don't know, I don't think it's that bad.
16:21Is something wrong, Uria?
16:26I was thinking about Manuel's difficult situation.
16:30I'm sorry, I've never stopped to think about how all this is affecting you.
16:34I'd miss you more, Martina. I'm just a guest here.
16:36Well, but you'll be making a horrible impression on the family.
16:40On the contrary.
16:41I admire your ability to stay together in such an adverse situation.
16:48You know, I think we should do something.
16:51Because of Manuel?
16:53No, because of us.
16:55The reality is that we can't do anything to change his circumstances.
16:59So why don't we look for something to distract us?
17:03Well, I think it's a wonderful idea.
17:06We could go play badminton, for example, to see if we cheer up a little.
17:13You do it.
17:14I don't have the courage to play at all.
17:16Curro, do a power, I'm sure it clears your mind.
17:19No, it's impossible, Martina.
17:21Manuel is in that dungeon because of a mistake.
17:25What if the sergeant and the judge make a mistake and end up in jail?
17:28Don't get into the worst, Curro.
17:30And how not to do it?
17:31Because we do know that Manuel wouldn't hurt a fly.
17:34Yes, that's true.
17:35Yeah, well, that sergeant is famous for being meticulous.
17:38So I'm sure he has something in his power to incriminate Manuel.
17:41If he's as meticulous as you say, he'll end up finding the real killer, right?
17:44Or not.
17:47Curro, look at me.
17:48It's natural for you to be afraid.
17:50You're very close to Manuel.
17:52The two of us are.
17:55We've played together since we were kids.
17:58Yes, but after what happened at the front, I'm more attached to him.
18:02Of course.
18:03Shared suffering is what unites two people the most.
18:06Yes, and that's our case.
18:10To me, Manuel is almost like a brother.
18:15I apologize for not taking care of your pain.
18:18I feel stupid having proposed that we do something to distract ourselves.
18:21No, don't worry.
18:23I just want you to understand that now I'm not able to do anything.
18:28Of course I understand.
18:33I'm sorry.
18:41The reason for this meeting may be surprising to you.
18:45Have you already released Mr. Manuel?
18:47What's so surprising about that? Everyone knows he's innocent.
18:49It has nothing to do with Mr. Manuel.
18:51And with Hanna?
18:53It's true that Hanna is not here.
18:54Well, do you want to stop interrupting him?
18:56Thank you very much, María Fernández.
18:58The first thing you need to know is that if there is so much secret around this matter,
19:03it is to safeguard the safety of that person.
19:06But who are you talking about?
19:08And so I hope you understand.
19:11Only a few of us were aware of this secret and those few of us have decided to keep it a secret.
19:18But what secret is that, Mr. Baeza?
19:20Is that what you had announcing the resurrection of your cry?
19:24Well, something like that.
19:29Mrs. Adarre is alive.
19:34Wait a minute, please.
19:36Don Rómulo just said that Mrs. Pia is alive.
19:38Don Rómulo, if it's a joke, it's very bad taste.
19:41This man has hit his head.
19:43And a very hard one.
19:44It's not a joke and I haven't hit my head either, Mrs. García.
19:49The pretense of the death of Mrs. Adarre is a plan to get rid of Gregorio Castillo.
19:55But that's impossible. I saw her myself and she was cold and lifeless.
19:59Well, that's why it's a side effect of a drink that Miss Expósito gave you.
20:04And where has she been all these months?
20:06Hidden, near the promenade.
20:08Sure, and she fed on the air, didn't she?
20:12With a certain cadence, we took her to the hospital,
20:17With a certain cadence, we took her water and food.
20:20It's true that sometimes food disappeared from the pantry.
20:23I understand your doubts, but I wouldn't have to lie to you about this.
20:27Mr. Marqués was aware of it.
20:31So it's true?
20:33Mrs. Pia is alive.
20:35As alive as you and me, Mrs. García.
20:38She's alive.
20:40I can't believe it, she's alive.
20:42It seems so.
20:44We have to celebrate this.
20:46We can toast, can't we?
20:48Wouldn't it be better to wait for Mrs. Pia to arrive to toast with her?
20:51We will toast.
20:52But why toast?
20:53And why is it going to be?
20:55For the health of Mrs. de Arre, who has recovered suddenly.
20:57And because she has always been free of the bad habits of Gregorio.
21:00And when are we going to be able to see her, Mr. Baeza?
21:02Soon, very soon. Mrs. Pia has just returned from Extremadura.
21:05Oh, my God, Dieguito, she was already recovering her mother.
21:08With more reason to toast.
21:10And fill the toast.
21:15Go ahead, Mrs. García.
21:18I toast for my friend, Pia.
21:22Because she is the best woman in the world and deserves all the best.
21:28And I also toast for all those who have brought her back alive.
21:44What was the purpose of those meetings with the prison workers where Mr. Castillo was?
21:51I wanted to corroborate some information.
21:56I've already told you.
21:58My only wish was to get Gregorio Castillo to leave Mrs. de Arre alone.
22:03And I suspected that he had committed some crime in prison.
22:10What was that suspicion based on?
22:13On his own personality.
22:16If he had already created problems in La Promesa, how was he not going to create them locked up in a prison?
22:22It is not easy to commit a crime while in prison.
22:28He killed another prisoner.
22:31And he made sure that they were not related to that death.
22:36And could you prove that it was like that?
22:39That he took another man's life?
22:43I got the testimony of one of the former prison employees.
22:48And he gave me a series of details that made Gregorio not be able to leave them to me.
22:57And to give in to his blackmail?
23:03I had to offer him money separately, as I have already told you.
23:06But I think I convinced him to leave Lujan so as not to return.
23:12Thank you very much for answering my questions, Mr. Manuel.
23:21How long are you going to keep me here?
23:24From what I have told you, it is clear that I did not kill him.
23:27Until we contrast your testimony, you are still the main suspect.
23:35You are wasting your time with me.
23:38And in the meantime, the real killer is out there.
23:41I know how to do my job.
23:47By the way, you have a visitor.
24:16Forgive me for having you here, but I wanted to talk to you in a discreet place.
24:21No one will bother us here.
24:23What's going on? Curro told me it was important.
24:26It is.
24:28And what is it about?
24:30If it's in my hands, count on it.
24:32Do you want me to send something to Manuel, to the barracks?
24:35No, no, it's just that ...
24:37I want to go see it myself.
24:38I want to go see it myself.
24:41In fact, I would have already gone if it weren't for Mr. Curro, who told me to be prudent and talk to you first.
24:47Very cautious on your part.
24:50I know.
24:52I also know that Manuel is there alone.
24:54And I also know that I can't do much, but maybe a visit from me can cheer him up.
25:02Look, I love your brother.
25:05And I can't stay hand in hand watching him suffer because it fills me with impotence.
25:11All I want is to give him a hug, tell him that everything is fine, that ...
25:15that I will be here when we can be together.
25:18You're right, Hanna, and forgive me for not realizing it before.
25:23He's going to help me.
25:26Yes, but Curro is right.
25:28You have to be careful.
25:30If my father and Cruz find out, I know.
25:34And that's why I'm talking to you.
25:37Because you are the one who knows your father's whereabouts and I think you are the most suitable person to help me.
25:43I'm sorry if I proposed.
25:46No, no, no. I'm just surprised by your frankness.
25:50In fact, I also want to use the same frankness.
25:55Of course, yes.
25:58I don't need your words to know that ...
26:00that my brother and you love each other and ...
26:03and that is the most beautiful thing that can happen to you in life.
26:07But you don't have it easy.
26:10We both know that.
26:13And do you want to move on despite everything?
26:17Look, when I found out that I had fallen in love with his brother,
26:21being who he was and being who I am,
26:24I wanted to avoid him at all costs.
26:27But ...
26:28I just couldn't.
26:30And the same thing happened to Manuel.
26:34Yours will be a story that deserves to be told.
26:40I am satisfied that I can simply live it.
26:45You are a very brave woman, Hanna.
26:50And people like you will help change the world.
26:52And people like you will help change the world.
27:07How are you, son?
27:10What a joy to see you.
27:11I'm fine.
27:14My God, really. But how can they have you in this filthy hole?
27:18Actually, it's not as bad as it seems.
27:21The food arrives hot.
27:23Of course, the one who doesn't want to is not consoled.
27:26Are you okay, Manuel?
27:29Well, a little bored.
27:31Except when Sergeant Bourdin comes to question me.
27:34Well, but they will have a reason to keep you locked up here, right?
27:38To know what pilgrim idea they have come up with
27:41to relate you to that heartless Mr. Castillo.
27:47What did this have to do with that man?
27:51Look, I sent him several letters citing the ruins of the old slaughterhouse.
27:56Letters? For what?
27:58He was a criminal.
28:03I wanted to make sure he wouldn't get close to...
28:07To whom?
28:12To Pia Adarre.
28:16But what are you saying?
28:17But what are you saying?
28:18Mrs. Adarre is alive, mother.
28:25Did you know?
28:28We had to pretend her death
28:31and hide her from Mr. Castillo.
28:33That man had sworn to kill her.
28:34But how did we do it? Who is it?
28:37His colleagues at the service and myself.
28:40What are you saying, Alonso?
28:42I knew it until the last moment and I'm finding out now?
28:45One minute!
28:46Mother, mother, listen to me.
28:47I'm sure this all came as a surprise, but...
28:51We don't have much time.
28:54I'm sure father can tell you everything on the way to the palace.
28:56Well, I hope so.
29:00I've made many phone calls to friends of the family with influence.
29:04To the Ministry of Justice, to the governor, everywhere.
29:09We'll get you out of here.
29:11Father, that doesn't worry me.
29:13I'm innocent, so they can't find anything
29:15and sooner or later they'll get me out.
29:17Son, don't be proud.
29:19And accept the help you are given.
29:20Those people have power and they can help you.
29:22And I thank you, mother.
29:28What else can we do for you?
29:33I need you to talk to Hanna.
29:36No, I have nothing to talk to her about.
29:38And neither do you.
29:39Mother, I'm completely serious.
29:44Tell her not to come visit me.
29:52What else can we do?
29:53We'll do it.
29:55It's best if she doesn't come.
29:56I don't want her to see me like this, father.
29:59I don't want her to see me in prison.
30:01This would be too hard for her.
30:07And I want to ask you one more thing.
30:12Please, take care of her.
30:13Don't ask us to make peace with Molino.
30:23Please leave her alone until I regain my freedom.
30:31Alright, son.
30:35You can count on it.
30:53I'm sorry, I didn't know you needed the desk.
30:55Have a seat.
31:02You haven't been at the meeting with the rest of your colleagues.
31:05I already knew the purpose of that ruckus.
31:07Well, there's a good reason for you not to be absent.
31:10You should have been there with the rest of the service.
31:13Now I'm going to have to apologize for finding out beforehand that Pia was alive?
31:18I understand that you're upset.
31:21You've hidden from me for months that that woman hadn't died as we thought.
31:25Everyone else.
31:26And knowing what it meant to me.
31:28Don't blame me, Ricardo.
31:31If you think about it coldly, you know I'm right.
31:34The more people were aware of the truth about Mrs. Adarre, the more dangerous her life was.
31:40I see.
31:42This is the trust you deserve after so many years of friendship.
31:45I'm just one more.
31:46No, no, no. Absolutely, and you know it.
31:47No, I don't know.
31:48I don't know.
31:49All I know is that I've had to put up with your lies for many weeks.
31:53One after the other.
31:55You'll be the first to know.
31:58You see this?
32:00Don't worry, don't worry.
32:01I'll tell you the truth soon.
32:02That was my intention.
32:05You think it wouldn't have been a relief to be able to share this burden?
32:08It's been months of anguish.
32:10With danger at the helm.
32:13Seeing how the health of Mrs. Adarre was deteriorating in her confinement.
32:17Look, I don't know if you're going to believe me.
32:20She was the first one who wanted you to find out before anyone else.
32:24And is this true?
32:28Finally, I thought it would be better if you found out when she came back.
32:34Look, that's good.
32:35So I can save myself weeks of suffering.
32:37No, if I didn't find out on my own, Romulo, I would still not know.
32:41No, I would have told you.
32:42Along with everyone else.
32:45Look, Romulo.
32:47I understand what you're telling me.
32:49But that doesn't mean that this lack of trust hurts me.
32:53And that it's very difficult for me to forgive you.
33:16You don't know how grateful I am.
33:18All help is little.
33:21Of course.
33:22Keep me informed of any news.
33:26No, thanks to you.
33:27Good afternoon.
33:30It was the Marquis of San Juan.
33:32And what did he want?
33:34Because he has no contacts in Madrid or Seville, right?
33:36Apparently, yes.
33:38It seems that he has a son-in-law who holds a high position in the Civil Guard.
33:41And I was wondering if I could inform him of Manuel's situation so that he could intervene.
33:46But of course, what kind of question is that?
33:49What did you want, Cruz?
33:52I still don't believe this false death of Pia.
33:55Well, I've explained the reasons to you.
33:57Well, I still don't understand them.
33:59That the servants are dedicated to those things, well, I don't agree.
34:03But it doesn't surprise me.
34:04But you, Alonso, you are a Marquis, for God's sake.
34:07If you're trying to make me feel bad, you're not going to get it.
34:10Faking someone's death must be a crime.
34:13Can you imagine how juicy that headline is in any newspaper?
34:16And what was the alternative, Cruz?
34:18Let that man kill Pia?
34:20Because he had already attempted once against his life.
34:22There could be another way.
34:23Well, we can't find it.
34:26The worst part is that you've done it all behind my back.
34:28The less people knew, the better the secret would be kept.
34:31Well, I just hope that now you are very proud of what you have achieved.
34:34Well, yes, I am.
34:35Because that woman is safe.
34:36At the expense of your son, Alonso.
34:38At the expense of your son.
34:40Of course, you hadn't thought about it, right?
34:42If you hadn't gotten so involved in getting involved in the disputes between Pia and her husband,
34:47your son would not be in the dungeon now.
34:51No one could predict such a outcome.
34:54Of course, that's what always happens to you.
34:55That you never see beyond your nose.
34:57If you're done, I'll continue with my calls.
34:59No, I'm not done.
35:02Precisely because of that lack of eyes, you ...
35:04Cruz, please, leave him.
35:05Precisely because of that lack of eyes,
35:07you probably didn't realize that now we have an advantageous situation.
35:13Let it be known that I am going to mention it to you
35:15because of the pact we made the other day that we were going to maintain.
35:18That we were going to make a common front for a greater good.
35:21What do you mean?
35:23Manuel is not there to defend Hanna.
35:27It is the ideal time.
35:29I don't know if we should focus on that right now.
35:32We won't find a better time, Alonso.
35:35We have to take advantage of this to get something good.
35:37And I assure you that Manuel will thank us.
35:39He says he's in love.
35:41That's what he says.
35:42You know how men are when they don't pay you a little attention, right?
35:48I don't know.
35:50Yes, maybe we have to take advantage of the situation.
35:53But what can we do?
35:54Well, I don't know, Alonso, I don't know.
35:56But we do have to be very, very careful.
35:59And not only do we have to get Hanna to break her promise,
36:02but to do it forever.
36:11Pame, it's not over yet, huh?
36:13Enough, Candela.
36:15You're right.
36:16I hadn't seen the resurrection of the dead in this house yet, huh?
36:20Well, she wasn't dead.
36:22Well, because you didn't see her, Lope.
36:24I even had nightmares about her.
36:26She was so pale, so rigid and so cold that ...
36:29They took a lot of risks, really.
36:31And all of that could have ended like the Rosary of Aurora.
36:35But the mayor was right there, huh?
36:38Because if they hadn't done something like that,
36:40Gregorio's criminal would have killed him.
36:43I still get chills when I remember that man
36:46breaking the promise like Pedro for his house.
36:49I, no matter how much they tell me, I can't understand how
36:52he could enter the palace without anyone seeing him.
36:55And he did it several times.
36:56To threaten Mrs. Pia.
36:58He was obsessed with her.
37:00And with the dog.
37:01So much so that even the Marquis himself asked them to guard Mrs. Pia.
37:05The Marquis took it very seriously, huh?
37:08To protect Mrs. Darre.
37:10Because, look, accepting that plan, so rock and roll,
37:13to save her life ...
37:15It is true that now that we know the whole truth,
37:17everything makes a lot of sense.
37:18It will be for you.
37:19Well, aren't you surprised how they told us to shut up
37:21when they pretended to be dead?
37:23A little, yes.
37:24But there, the gentlemen and their whims.
37:26Well, and that they said that Mrs. Pia had died in her town.
37:29Of course.
37:30They did it to divert Gregorio's attention from the promise.
37:32Yes, the plan would be great.
37:34But they have deceived us like little children, huh?
37:37Well, precisely, Don Rómulo has told us that
37:39they did it so that no one would go away.
37:42I know, little ones, I ...
37:44I only wish with admiration.
37:46In what head is it that they were going to pretend to be dead?
37:49Well, in none.
37:53I just really want to see her again
37:56and give her a hug of those ...
37:58of those who remove the hiccups.
37:59Well, I ...
38:00I cried her death almost more than my own mother's.
38:03And it was not little.
38:05I also had a very bad time when I found out
38:07by letter about her death.
38:08And more being far from you.
38:11I really want to see her again.
38:13Don Rómulo said we could do it soon.
38:16You go and see what is soon.
38:18For our old age.
38:19Well, we can always go and visit her ourselves, right?
38:22Where are we going, López?
38:24Because it is good that Don Rómulo has shut up.
38:29What is it that has shut me up, Mrs. García?
38:33Well, nothing.
38:34We were talking about Mrs. Darre.
38:36And since it is natural,
38:38wouldn't you like to visit her?
38:40Yes, it is natural, yes.
38:41But I'm afraid it won't be possible.
38:44And why not?
38:45Has she gone on a trip again?
38:47As you will understand, these months of confinement have been very difficult for Mrs. Darre
38:51and she needs her time.
38:53When she is ready, she will return.
39:02Well, thank goodness.
39:07That I promise.
39:15Knock, knock.
39:21What do you want, Petra?
39:23Well, it is a matter of extreme seriousness.
39:26If not, I would not have dared to bother you, ma'am.
39:28To the point, Petra.
39:31And to give her this alive.
39:37Did you already know, ma'am?
39:40Not long ago, but yes.
39:42Manuel told me.
39:44When we went to see him this morning at the dungeon.
39:46But he told you everything, ma'am.
39:50If you mean that my husband was in connivence with the servants, I also know.
39:53Wow, I do know.
39:55Of course, they have crossed a line that they should not have crossed, ma'am.
39:59And you say it.
40:01They have done everything in front of your nose and you without noticing, Petra.
40:09Although it is true that ...
40:11I can't blame you either.
40:13My own husband has hidden it from me for months.
40:16One more offense.
40:18Added to the endless list.
40:20Well, ma'am, don't feel guilty either.
40:22That they did everything with alibis.
40:24And with the sole purpose of harming you.
40:27Well, they have succeeded.
40:28Because all this has made my son locked up.
40:30Accused of a terrible crime.
40:32It is that they have not been able to measure the scope of your deception.
40:35If they had informed you and consulted you ...
40:38Of course, this would not be happening.
40:41Come on, man.
40:42Make such a fuss?
40:43For someone from the service?
40:47It is not a competition, Mr. Márquez.
40:49Well, don't tell him.
40:51With his big heart.
40:52He is even proud.
40:54It is my fault that Mrs. Darre married a criminal.
40:57No, ma'am.
40:59Besides, I remind you that he only did it because he was on tape.
41:02No, don't remind me.
41:05But I suppose you will already have some punishment in mind
41:08for all those who participated in the deception, right, ma'am?
41:11It is not only that he has not told me the truth.
41:13My husband deliberately lied to me.
41:15When I asked him about Pía's death,
41:17he told all that lie about the burial in his town.
41:20That he would shake his wrist, come on.
41:22Yes, ma'am, but ...
41:23And I believed him.
41:24I believed him as if he were a quinceañera.
41:28And you see.
41:29You see the result of that deception.
41:31Yes, ma'am, I see it.
41:33I see it.
41:35If you don't need anything else ...
41:38No, show yourself.
42:18Sir, I have taken the liberty of serving you a brandy.
42:24You have found a good refuge.
42:27I didn't want to keep listening to the gossips about Manuel's future over and over again.
42:31I understand.
42:33Don't think I'm heartless.
42:35Of course I'm worried about what could happen to him.
42:37Never, I would never think such a thing of the Lord.
42:40But I think hiding here answers more than one reason.
42:44In part, yes.
42:46Although it seems that things with Catalina are better.
42:49If you allow me the courage,
42:52I think I know that reason.
42:55I give you the opportunity to test your luck.
42:58I know you have visited the farm asking about the shelter in particular.
43:04What I can't understand is how you benefit from this situation.
43:09First of all, nothing.
43:14With a decision like the one I have to face,
43:17there is no choice but to think in the long term.
43:19You mean you fear that man may get involved in the future
43:22if he finds out that he is the father of that child?
43:25It is a possibility, without a doubt.
43:27Although beyond that matter, there is another intangible,
43:30although very important.
43:33Sincerity, Mr. Ricardo.
43:35That was the commitment that Catalina and I adopted
43:37when we decided to resume our relationship.
43:40It is an indispensable virtue in any relationship.
43:43I hurt her a lot in the past.
43:46I guess as much as she is hurting me now.
43:50But Catalina knew how to forgive me and give me another chance.
43:53And I want to do the same for her.
43:55That honors her, sir.
43:57At the same time, I think our love will never be sincere
44:00if she does not clarify her feelings for that man.
44:03It seems logical.
44:05But I'm afraid I'm a carrier of bad news.
44:11I don't think you can tell me anything that makes my situation worse.
44:14Regarding your levels of concern, of course not.
44:17But I think this is not going to do you any good.
44:21That shelter no longer works on the promise.
44:24It disappeared a week ago and no one knows where it went.
44:27And it won't even come back one day.
44:54I love you.
45:06Come in.
45:16What can I do for you, sir?
45:19Nothing, Hanna.
45:21I just want to tell you about the visit that the Marquise and I have made to the barracks.
45:26If it's a good time.
45:28Of course it is. How is Manuel?
45:30Fine, fine.
45:32He has told us many times.
45:34They have located him in a comfortable cell, as far as possible.
45:37And he is in a good mood?
45:40With the tranquility of knowing that he is innocent.
45:44Has he told you how the investigation is going?
45:48If they are going to get him out soon.
45:50Hanna, no one can answer those questions right now.
45:53Not even Sergeant Burdina.
45:55But I hope they release him soon.
45:59Thank you very much for informing me, sir.
46:02Not so fast, Hanna.
46:08I have told you all this in line with my son's wishes.
46:11Manuel wanted you to talk to me.
46:14That's right.
46:15And he also told me to ask you not to visit him.
46:20But why?
46:21For your peace of mind.
46:23It's not that he doesn't want to see you, quite the opposite.
46:26I'm afraid that if you see him in that cell, you will collapse.
46:30But if I only want to go see him so that he knows that he is not alone and that I will be by his side ...
46:35Could you tell him?
46:38Of course.
46:40But I don't know if that's what you really want.
46:43I don't know if I understand you.
46:45It's simple.
46:47In the same way that he worries about you, you are worrying about him.
46:51And the reason is clear.
46:54Because you love each other.
46:56I'm sorry if I was very direct.
46:58No, you don't have to apologize.
47:00You see, Hanna.
47:02I want to tell you something that I have tried to make Manuel understand many times without success.
47:07But I have the intuition that you will not understand the first time.
47:12You can't get married.
47:15I assume that you have made the decision to get married.
47:19It is because you both want to fight for your love, no matter who opposes.
47:23But what Manuel wants to ignore is that the first to oppose is him.
47:27I don't agree.
47:29Manuel has grown up in the bosom of a wealthy family, of a noble family.
47:34Since the death of Tomás, his destiny is to be Marquis of Lujan.
47:37That is Manuel.
47:39And unfortunately, that reality does not marry you.
47:44If you really love him, you should leave.
47:47Leave now that he is not here.
47:49It will be much less painful for both of us.
47:51I'm not leaving.
47:56I know it's not an easy decision.
47:59And that you will need your time to think about it.
48:02But I also want you to know that you are not going to start from scratch in your new life.
48:08Are you offering me money?
48:10Don't take it as an insult, it's an opportunity.
48:13And as proof of goodwill, put a figure.
48:19Hanna, open your eyes.
48:23You are doing the best for Manuel.
48:35A few days ago you told me that you were the one who delivered the envelope to Mr. Castillo
48:40in the Lujan tavern and it was not like that.
48:42I'm sorry.
48:44But I couldn't allow an innocent man to be accused.
48:47Your innocence is to be determined and you are not the one to decide it.
48:52Lately I notice you very changed.
48:56As if you had moved away a lot from me.
48:59As if I didn't know you at all.
49:01You know that talking to Julia has made me remember everything I lived in the war.
49:05I need distance.
49:08I hope Sergeant Borena stops looking for where there is no free thread.
49:12That man is not going to get tired.
49:16Because that man is so stubborn that he will not stop until he finds something to incriminate me with.
49:21You can go visit the barracks.
49:24I'm not going.
49:27Because Manuel doesn't want me to go.
49:28And who told you that?
49:30The Marquis.
49:32Well, let's see if it's going to be the Marquis who doesn't want you to go.
49:35My uncles won't even be able to see Hanna.
49:37Have you treated her a lot?
49:39Well, what can be treated to a maid.
49:41But she is a good girl.
49:43And she gets along with Curro.
49:45I think Curro gets along better than well.
49:47Because, well, he was injured in an accident during a hunt.
49:51And she donated her blood to save him.
49:54Wow. I asked you not to take it too far.
49:57Because if not, I will have no choice but to get it done myself.
50:00You would be a bitch, a stinker.
50:02I already know that. But I prefer that to having to marry a man I barely know.
50:05Catalina, that's insensitivity.
50:07What would be insensitivity would be to give my life to a man I don't love.
50:10Belayo, now it's your turn to make the decision.
50:13And it will be better if you take it soon.
50:15It will be very hard for you to be separated from her.
50:21And more knowing that at this point we should be married.
50:24I've heard something like that.
50:26But I'm sure it will come out soon and they can get married right away, you'll see.
50:29I assure you that it is the first thing I will do as soon as I get out of here.
50:32Say whatever my parents say.
