The Ark S02E12

  • 2 days ago
00:30I ran an algorithm to trace the signal and it's coming from Trappist 1d, but I can't pinpoint where so whoever did
00:38This is waiting for us at our new home
00:44Felix mr. Trust welcome home. It's good to be back
00:47Captain Vega agreed to keep you have to at the edge of the solar system until you call him
00:51So we're back to the original plan
00:52We go to Trappist try and ease them into the idea of peace with the year
00:55There's no reason not to I can think of one big reason they have my daughter
01:00Two reasons well fine Catherine, but there's no evidence. The Trappist leadership was behind her kidnapping or the attempt on your life. Mr
01:06Trust well, there's no evidence that they're not it's not rocky science. Is it I mean, who do we know on Trappist?
01:11I hate trust Evelyn
01:13Maybe but she already had a chance to kill trust. He wouldn't she left us miss Maddox said we'd be welcome on Trappist true
01:20But Maddox is mercurial. Yeah, which is a polite way to say that she's psychotic whoever is behind this right now
01:26We have the upper hand because mr. Strickland's blackmailer thinks he succeeded exactly as far as anyone on Trappist is concerned. We're
01:33Warning the accidental death of mr. Trust and our security chief
01:37Okay, so we go to Trappist we play business as usual and we do a little snooping
01:43Well, if we're supposed to be dead, it means we can't go down to the surface. Yes, that's safer for you both fine by me
01:50I'm not going down there with a target on my back. I have to go down Catherine is in danger
01:53If they think you're dead, they have no reason to hurt her
01:56Leave Catherine to us
02:01Do we have any leads on the blackmailer not yet?
02:03But we have a plan all JSA communication devices have a unique frequency transponder
02:08We can modify our WDs to do a passive search for the device that contacted mr. Strickland if anyone gets within 100 feet of it
02:15They'll get an alert. It's a good plan. Let's do it. We are about to enter opera of Trappist one day
02:24I don't know if I should be excited or nervous. How about both?
02:30It's beautiful
02:33How the arcs are here those are the four sections of arcs 11 12 13 and 15 15 a
02:41Some addicts made it
02:43Where is our 10 and 14 our 10 should have been the first to arrive?
02:46I had Brent scheduled to be on both of them. So did I I hope they're okay. Well, we had detours
02:51Maybe they did to scanning the landing coordinates the colony sent
02:55The aft sections appear to have landed safely all within a square mile of each other
03:00I gotta admit using an arcs aft section for a colony's first habitable structure
03:05It's an elegant design. Mr. Trust worked
03:09There's obviously water and the atmosphere is similar to earth
03:12There's a bit more oxygen a little less co2 and nitrogen and gravity is
03:1897.2% of earth. It's remarkably like home. Look. I know it's very exciting
03:22But let's not forget somebody down there hacked our systems tried to kill two of our people till we know who's who we can't trust
03:57See even more beautiful up close
03:59It's a damn sight nicer than where you found me. I wonder how similar that vegetation is to earth
04:05I mean, is it edible engaging VTOL thrusters?
04:12You're not gonna sit you guys bad brace for landing
04:23I'll just brace it
04:31Should have braced
04:37Everyone be cautious. We don't know what we're walking into
05:37This is amazing
05:39This is the first time I think I really believed another planet could actually be home smell of fresh air
05:46You know, I think I've got used to that
05:48Recycled or two, but my
05:50There's sunlight. Oh, I miss that. All right, anyone look like a blackmailing kidnapper to you guys
05:57To be honest, they all just look really happy. I would be to their progress is impressive
06:03They can't have been here long a year to 22 months in a week
06:07That's me a leech governor from base one, please call me the West and welcome I'm captain Sharon Garnett
06:15lieutenant James Brace
06:16Dr. Sanjeev Nika bear lieutenant Kimi Mella Joma in
06:21Just Ian no last name
06:24No, it's your clone
06:27Is that gonna be a problem? Ian is one of our engineers. He's here to survey the landing sites of our aft sections
06:34We have a few other clones as part of our crew as well
06:38In fact, I'm a clone
06:40Don't worry yourself captain. We have none of that animosity from earth here
06:45I'm also fortunate to have made it to home base one. Everyone is welcome here
06:49good to hear I
06:52Thought the GSA didn't allow children on arcs arc-8 was commanded by civilians who didn't agree with their policy
06:59They brought their families and a number of orphans. We should run their names against our crew manifest
07:04Maybe they won't be orphans for long. Why didn't that be lovely? I'm sure you have a lot of questions captain
07:09Why don't you join me for lunch and the rest of you can explore at your leisure into a new home?
07:14Uh, perhaps Evelyn Maddox could join us. We have a lot to discuss
07:18Unfortunately, miss Maddox died in a tragic accident shortly before our 15 had arrived
07:33Died in a tragic accident shortly before arrival ring any bells
07:39Sounds like what was supposed to happen to Felix and trust
08:23Slow down kids you got time to make it school
08:34Have three Catherine's in my class at school. What is this? I recognize your voice
08:39Why did you want me to kill William trust what?
08:43Why would I want to kill the guy who designed all this? Why you really don't know who I am
08:50Unlock it
08:52Unlock it
08:59There are no records of any off-planet transmissions, who would I talk to in space?
09:06I'm sorry. I've mistaken you for someone else again. Who are you? Unfortunately, I can't let my presence here be known
09:41Who are you
09:45Catherine I know it's been so long, but it's me. It's that get away. I don't know you
09:52That's the guy who attacked me
10:11Am I due for a checkup
10:16something's happens and
10:19Wanted to be the one to tell you
10:22What's wrong
10:26Your mother has passed
10:31We don't have all the details yet. All we know is she never made it to Trappist
10:44Kelly, okay
10:52I don't know how to feel
11:00How do I
11:06Got a gel long as I've had a strawberry
11:10curried quinoa tofu chili
11:12Not bad. I'll be down there. Perfect. If there wasn't a murderer running about you think Maddox was murdered, too
11:17Oh, come on
11:23Lieutenant Bryce, dr. Kabir. This is Gabby here. We serve together on our 15th. Oh, hey, welcome to Trappist
11:29Took you long enough to get here. Yeah. Well, we had to stop off the parts, you know with our 15 abandoning us
11:34No, okay easy. Gabby is a civilian horticulturalist and a friend
11:40You know at first I was mad. He didn't take me with you dark one. Yeah, everything happens so fast. It's fine
11:47It means I got to Trappist sooner and we're so fortunate to be here
11:52So look I have to know just between us what happened to Maddox
11:59Miss Maddox died in a tragic accident. What kind of accident miss Maddox died in a tragic
12:08Okay, lady. I'm just asking a simple question here, right?
12:12What James?
12:25This is your fully self-sustaining with only 1,200 people 1256 well
12:301257 in a couple of weeks unless Jennifer May has twins
12:34And you lead by GSA rank. No, I'm a civilian. We have an election every solar cycle. Are there any signs of life?
12:42well, obviously there's vegetation beyond that all we found was some insect like creatures a few forms of a
12:49Microscopic life and we saw a small flying bird like creature
12:53But we weren't able to catch one to have a closer. Look amazing
12:57Is the vegetation edible for now? We stick to crops where we grow ourselves
13:02While our scientists examined the indigenous plants, we're very cautious around here
13:07We still wear a hazmat suits beyond a sanitized zone
13:11Have you heard from other ships
13:15But we're happy to share this world with anyone who comes in peace
13:19We're so fortunate to be here
13:23So you're not looking for ships that are lost or stranded
13:27Well, we've been preparing this planet for when they eventually do arrive
13:32Besides I can't ask anyone to leave this wonderful place and go back out there to search for
13:39Needles in a haystack
13:44There's trouble with your crew what happened they asked him any questions
13:58Oh, yeah, fantastic place
14:04We are so fortunate
14:08You're okay lady
14:16We are so fortunate to be here, okay
14:29So fortunate
15:21Thank God you're all here you're not gonna believe why just
15:24Felix, where'd you come from? I stowed away
15:28Well, you're not sorry about that, of course not
15:34Expand his daughter. Isn't that wonderful? Oh
15:39Where is she she's waiting down here. She's so fortunate to be here. We're all so fortunate to be here
15:51Is that what you think to oh, yeah, I'm straight yeah, just so fortunate to be here right sooner we take off sooner we can get back
16:31I have to tell you something. I'm not gonna believe it down there. It's absolutely fantastic
16:39No, I just wanted to go over the engineering duty roster bacon wait, yes, there's a lot to catch up on follow me, okay
17:08Know you've been here weeks. I haven't taken the time to get to know you but you know, otherwise Spencer
17:14It's all very awkward, right? This isn't a social call
17:17We have a problem
17:25They were fully inclusive society they didn't even care that Ian was calm that's fantastic. What's our timeline for settlement?
17:32Oh ASAP, the crew just need a medical intake exam. So we don't bring down any viruses or pathogens
17:40Subdural implant guns. Why do we need those for intake?
17:47What are you doing Alex taught me this hold
17:49What the hell is going on
18:13Thank you
18:22Let's get to work
18:27It's like they were hypnotized or something and you saw Maddox use some sort of implant gun in the colonists
18:32Yeah, like she injected something by the girls here about here. Mm-hmm
18:37Lamboid suture
18:38It's like a seam in the skull that the new medtech uses for brain access
18:41They use subdural injection guns to insert meds probes stuff like that into brains. So you believe me?
18:47She's mucking with people's brains, it wouldn't be the first time Maddox did it to dr. Marsh, of course
18:53my control chip I
18:55Thought they didn't work
18:57Sounds like she finally perfected it
19:01You've been waiting for you. I had to get my medical intake exam. I assume you wanted to talk Judy Russell. No
19:08the old hands
19:10Once everyone's had their exam. We're separating the four section. No, you can't
19:14Maddox is on Trappist. Yeah
19:18This Maddox died in a tragic accident
19:21Get your intake exam then come help us prep the separation
19:29She's been bloody chipped
19:31That must be how Maddox does it?
19:34When a new arc arrives, they invite people down and chip them and then send them back to their ships to do it to everyone
19:39else hey
19:40Dr. B brought back a crate my medical supplies
19:47Hands report to med bay for your medical intake exam. This exam is necessary to settle on Trappist
19:54We need to assure we don't bring any infectious diseases to the colonists already on the planet
20:01And we will inject each of you with a generalized vaccine to protect us from any potential infections they've already found at home base one
20:10We're all so fortunate to be here
20:21Looking for your boyfriend
20:23I'm teaching him how to play chess
20:25Have either of you had your intake exam yet? No, I'm playing dead. Remember kids keeping me company then we need to talk
20:35And now they're implanting chips and the rest of the crew during the intake exam
20:39Leave it to Evelyn to perfect my most immoral technology
20:42So if you created these chips, you know how to stop them, right?
20:45Yes, of course after Evelyn stole Trust Corp. I coded in kill switches into the more dangerous programs. I
20:51Knew she wasn't as ethical as me. You're ethical. So it was Maddox who wanted you dead
20:56She was worried you could stop her
20:59But the chips are networked I could input the kill switch command into the server that broadcasts the orders
21:05No dice servers are probably down trappist if they're networked
21:09Can we modify one of the chips to send the signals to the others?
21:11Yes, but the signal won't be strong enough to reach the planet just our crew
21:14Well any poor in a storm mate
21:16But the bigger problem is that the chip would already have to be active in someone's brain and the chip is the size of a
21:21Grain of rice and circuitry is microscopic. So we don't have the tools to modify it
21:28Kelly is microscopic machines in her blood. Could we use them?
21:33That could work
21:42They said mother was dead look I know what one of Earth's richest women looks like it was Maddox
21:47Maybe they chipped her too. Can you think of anyone else with the audacity to enslave everyone on the planet?
21:53Take it all
21:55Don't worry. I only need a few nanites. Just leave these kids to come back with a syringe
21:59Well, then what I mean, who do we try this on well in order to use the nanites
22:02We need to access the WD controller, which is in Captain Garnett's cabin two birds one stone
22:09Sorry, it took so long Griff was there so I had distracted while Angus got the syringe
22:13All right, give it to me Griff wants us to bring you to med bay
22:16You don't understand how fortunate we are to be here
22:27We're just gonna leave them locked in there
22:29Well, at least the lovebirds get to be together
22:33They're gonna ruin everything
22:43Not if I can help it
22:53What a pleasant surprise
22:54Have you got a minute always for you? Yeah, so it's kind of personal maybe inside. This is about the coma
23:01You're right
23:03We need to talk about it was so romantic
23:05Yeah, the coma
23:07Look romantic isn't exactly how you've talked about it. Yeah, I was kind of burying my emotions, but I've decided to let me something happy
23:15Why don't you stop my implants aren't on
23:45Let me go you don't understand the third guy this will bring you back
23:52No, no, I'm happy don't take that away from me you'll thank me I promised you can be happy too
23:57You can all be so happy. Do you want to grow old together?
24:04Come on no, no
24:19It's done the nanites are programmed to modify Garnett's chip
24:22Why is she still struggling because the nanites have to travel through Garnett's blood reprogram the chip and then translate the kill switch
24:30It takes a moment
24:34Get out of my way
24:50You are so fortunate
24:54Please don't do this
24:56We are gonna be so happy together
25:28It worked
25:31Hey you back you remember the last three hours I remember all of it
25:43Bryce prep the shuttle go much the scene of the crime. We need to free the colony and find out what Maddox
26:01According to trust
26:02All the chips should be on the same frequency if we get close enough the kill switch should spread to everyone like it did with
26:07all of us
26:08That's a lot of shoots
26:10This goes wrong. We're outnumbered. We have to try
26:26No the victims
26:55Well, that's a relief
26:58All right, everyone go shoo spread it hug people Pam on the back they'll thank you later
27:05Spread out and look for Maddox. She won't take this. Well Ian check the lab rice with me
27:19Kevin content. I'm so sorry. How did this happen?
27:23Yes, Maddox's crew overwhelmed us when she arrived all of arc-15 will ready under her control Maddox did this to her own crew
27:32Where is she now? I don't know
27:36Anyway, hey, that's a price everything. Okay down there our shuttle just took off
27:43Who the hell's on my shuttle
27:46Sharon Garnett
27:47Every time we meet you cause me trouble land the shuttle Evelyn now one shuttle is a small price to pay for everything
27:54You cost me
27:55Don't follow me
27:58Or little Catherine will suffer
28:10This is Maddox
28:12Trappist didn't work out meet me at the rendezvous point to plan our next move. Why are you taking me?
28:18Don't you worry child? I have wonderful plans for you. Just like you did with me
28:27Figured you run when things didn't go your way
28:29Kelly, I'm so glad you're here. I've missed you so much
28:39All those people
28:42You stole their freedom when I arrived they were fighting for control. They were destroying themselves
28:48So you turn them into your servants? I made them happy
28:52Would have freed them if the colony was more stable. We just weren't there yet
28:57Turn the shuttle around or what? You don't want to hurt me. I don't I
29:04I will if I have to you're in control of your implants now go to the back Catherine
29:19You won't kill me you're right
29:23I'm not like you anymore
29:26I'll let captain Garnett decide your punishment
29:29Sweetheart come with me. It'll be a new beginning for us. I hope they throw you in a cell and I never have to see you again
29:37I'm so disappointed in you
29:46You wanted to build a killing machine congratulations
30:12This is Kelly Fowler, can someone tell me how to land this thing?
31:05Evelyn Maddox took away our sense of selves our free will
31:09But thanks to the crew of arc one
31:12We now have both back and with that in mind
31:15I would like to welcome the captain of arc one who has some good ideas how to assure our future success
31:24Captain Garnett
31:34Thank you, thank you, thank you this on arc one
31:38We established a council made up of personnel from all factions of our population. I suggest the same thing now
31:44We form an interim governing council to prepare for an election
31:48Best can speak for the colonists who were here before Maddox and when the Eastern Federation ship arrives captain Vega can represent them
31:54Thank You captain and I nominate you to represent your crew yeah
32:04I'm honored, but I have to decline may ask why well
32:15I'm not staying
32:18What a
32:20Lot of ships made it off earth
32:24We don't know where they are
32:26We don't know if anyone made it to Ross 128 or if they were even able to start a colony there
32:32I'm sure many of you have friends and family on some of those ships. I know I do
32:39And I believe the people who may still be out there deserve to make it to their new home, too
32:45So before we break apart arc one I'd be remiss
32:49Not to take a crew back out there find those ships
32:53Bring our friends and family home
32:56Sharon you've done enough
32:58Let someone else do it. I want to do this
33:02And I'm the best one for the job. My body was literally designed to serve in space. Yeah, that's true
33:07But come on, I need a crew
33:10Anyone who wants to join is welcome GSA. Yes
33:14Come in me too. I'll go I'll go
33:19Thank you, we'll organize a formal sign up as
33:22for an arc one representative to stay here I
33:26nominate Felix Strickland
33:34I'm not a politician exactly why you'd be perfect and I think you have a special incentive to make this place work
33:41That's I do
33:43unless there
33:45any objections
33:48Between technology developed by mr. Trust the GSA and EF we can really do it. We can
33:54Build a new civilization. It's going to be so amazing. I
34:00Can't believe I get to help build it all
34:06Really as a world filled with opportunities
34:08I'm so proud of you. Thank you. I'm so proud of you
34:13Yeah, really as a world filled with opportunities for an engineer
34:25I'll put not for a pilot or navigator
34:33It's not it's not gonna be forever now we're gonna be bringing in ships all the time
34:40You know what that means
34:47Damn straight
34:55I'm gonna miss you
35:01The thing
35:03Insane Alicia. These are the home base horticulturists. You can't believe what they showed me
35:09There are plants here with rudimentary sensory organs like they turn toward you when you approach it's so cool
35:18That's exciting
35:24Captain Garnett offered me chief science officer and arc one. Oh
35:33Okay, well arc one still needs someone's from the bio shelter, so
35:37Yeah, these guys seem to read good system figure it out
35:41We'll give you guys some privacy
35:44Nice meeting you
35:55Those guys don't need me. Yes, they do
36:02Yeah, they do
36:05They are designated acres for farmland without checking soil acidity
36:10I'm sure
36:16I'm gonna wait for you
36:30I can't believe the colony's doctor wants to join our one. I mean, how could anyone leave that science lab?
36:36Yeah, it is rather impressive
36:40Home base one is everything we hoped for
36:43We're so fortunate to be here
36:58After he put me in whatever that hold
37:02Strickland taught you was called you're obviously feeling a little bit more in control. Yes
37:10And it's nice to feel that way again, hmm
37:26I had to do that once before you left. I'm staying
37:39Staying to what?
37:42Well, you said it yourself the colony doctor. He's going on the arc. So I'm staying here
37:48Did you just decide that?
37:53Yes, yes I did right after that kiss
38:07Shuttle is docked with the last of the volunteer crew. We have a full contingent. It's a good mix civilians GSAF just like we hoped
38:19Permission to board captain
38:21You want to join?
38:26You know why?
38:28We need a head of life support serving under Alicia. Oh
38:37This one is hailing us captain
38:45Calling to see us off Felix that and ever has a parting gift for you
38:51I'm sending you a data packet. I pulled from our 15th database
38:54It contains a log of most of their chips and their projected courses. Excellent. Thank you
39:00Also, I updated the car. I just wanted to apologize. I know you desperately wanted me to come along
39:05Well, I can't be everywhere. I think we'll be okay without you. Mr. Trust is Nevin's
39:10I just want to say that I personally retrofitted arc one with the technology from the other ships. It is now state-of-the-art
39:16Thank you. Don't worry. Alicia's got this. I have no doubt. I've taught her everything. I know
39:22Hey, Alicia. Uh, hey, please don't take chances be safe
39:28That goes double for you Bryce
39:30Hey people, it's not for that long. We'll be back home soon. The first survivors we find before you know it
39:36We'll leave it a light on for you
39:46Or to captain Ross, let's see if they've established their colony Alicia
39:52FTL is already charged
39:55Initializing FTL in three two one
40:07This is amazing Alicia is actually amazing or is it one of those scary science things?
40:12It's like amazing, but it's probably gonna kill us all the first one
40:16I ran diagnostics on the upgraded tech we installed and arc 15s long-range communications array uses our FTL to boost its signals
40:24How far far enough to contact Ross 128 we could hail them right now do it
40:34This is captain Sharon Garnett of arc one attempting to reach the colonists of Ross 128 be please respond
40:42This is arc one hailing Ross 128
40:47Comms might be damaged. Yeah, or they might all be dead
40:53Is this how it is on the bridge always just jump into the worst? It could just be a simple signal interference true
41:00Depending on Ross's orbit it could
41:04This is arc one on route to you we're excited to hear your voice
41:07I'm sorry. I don't think I caught that. Please repeat
41:21Okay, now we can assume the worst
41:44See yeah, yeah the pH that wasn't more promising here. I just want a few more samples
41:53Better up. Uh, let's hope not
42:02Hey pass me the shovel
42:24What is that
42:30You said you haven't found any higher life here No, then who wrote this
42:37I wonder what it says. Please not no trespassing